build.xml (b4d2d410) build.xml (fc8fec4e)
1<?xml version="1.0"?>
3 *
4 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
5 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
6 * distributed with this work for additional information
7 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
8 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

--- 218 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

227 <get src="${openoffice.pack.url}" dest="${openoffice.pack.dir}" verbose="false" usetimestamp="true" skipexisting="true" />
228 -->
229 <echo message="${openoffice.pack.url}" file="${}" />
230 <echo>#OpenOffice Package Dir: ${openoffice.pack.dir}</echo>
231 </target>
233 <target name="" unless="" description="Install the build to the local">
234 <property name="openoffice.install.dir" value="${testspace}/install/aoo" />
1<?xml version="1.0"?>
3 *
4 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
5 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
6 * distributed with this work for additional information
7 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
8 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

--- 218 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

227 <get src="${openoffice.pack.url}" dest="${openoffice.pack.dir}" verbose="false" usetimestamp="true" skipexisting="true" />
228 -->
229 <echo message="${openoffice.pack.url}" file="${}" />
230 <echo>#OpenOffice Package Dir: ${openoffice.pack.dir}</echo>
231 </target>
233 <target name="" unless="" description="Install the build to the local">
234 <property name="openoffice.install.dir" value="${testspace}/install/aoo" />
235 <property name="openoffice.install.temp" value="${testspace}/install/temp" />
236 <delete dir="${openoffice.install.temp}"/>
235 <property name="openoffice.install.temp" value="${testspace}/install/temp" />
236 <delete dir="${openoffice.install.temp}" failonerror="false"/>
237 <mkdir dir="${openoffice.install.temp}" />
238 <unzip dest="${openoffice.install.temp}">
239 <fileset dir="${openoffice.pack.dir}">
240 <include name="**/Apache_OpenOffice*.zip" />
241 </fileset>
242 </unzip>
243 <pathconvert property="gz.files" pathsep=" " setonempty="false">
244 <path>
245 <fileset dir="${openoffice.pack.dir}" includes="Apache_OpenOffice*.gz" />
246 </path>
247 </pathconvert>
248 <exec dir="${openoffice.install.temp}" executable="tar" failifexecutionfails="false">
249 <arg line="-zxpf ${gz.files}" />
250 </exec>
237 <mkdir dir="${openoffice.install.temp}" />
238 <unzip dest="${openoffice.install.temp}">
239 <fileset dir="${openoffice.pack.dir}">
240 <include name="**/Apache_OpenOffice*.zip" />
241 </fileset>
242 </unzip>
243 <pathconvert property="gz.files" pathsep=" " setonempty="false">
244 <path>
245 <fileset dir="${openoffice.pack.dir}" includes="Apache_OpenOffice*.gz" />
246 </path>
247 </pathconvert>
248 <exec dir="${openoffice.install.temp}" executable="tar" failifexecutionfails="false">
249 <arg line="-zxpf ${gz.files}" />
250 </exec>
251 <pathconvert property="openoffice.root.dir" pathsep=" " setonempty="false">
251 <pathconvert property="openoffice.root.dir" pathsep=" " setonempty="false">
252 <path>
253 <dirset dir="${openoffice.install.temp}">
254 <include name="*"/>
255 </dirset>
256 </path>
257 </pathconvert>
252 <path>
253 <dirset dir="${openoffice.install.temp}">
254 <include name="*"/>
255 </dirset>
256 </path>
257 </pathconvert>
258 <delete dir="${openoffice.install.dir}"/>
259 <move file="${openoffice.root.dir}" tofile="${openoffice.install.dir}"/>
260 <delete dir="${openoffice.install.temp}"/>
258 <delete dir="${openoffice.install.dir}" failonerror="false"/>
259 <move file="${openoffice.root.dir}" tofile="${openoffice.install.dir}" failonerror="false"/>
260 <delete dir="${openoffice.install.temp}" failonerror="false"/>
261 <pathconvert property="openoffice.bin" pathsep=" " setonempty="false">
262 <path>
263 <fileset dir="${openoffice.install.dir}" includes="**/*/soffice.bin" followsymlinks="false" />
264 </path>
265 </pathconvert>
266 <dirname property="openoffice.bin.parent" file="${openoffice.bin}" />
267 <property name="openoffice.home" location="${openoffice.bin.parent}/../" />
268 <fail unless="openoffice.home" />

--- 97 unchanged lines hidden ---
261 <pathconvert property="openoffice.bin" pathsep=" " setonempty="false">
262 <path>
263 <fileset dir="${openoffice.install.dir}" includes="**/*/soffice.bin" followsymlinks="false" />
264 </path>
265 </pathconvert>
266 <dirname property="openoffice.bin.parent" file="${openoffice.bin}" />
267 <property name="openoffice.home" location="${openoffice.bin.parent}/../" />
268 <fail unless="openoffice.home" />

--- 97 unchanged lines hidden ---