svdview.cxx (c0739476) svdview.cxx (26734c99)
2 *
3 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
5 * distributed with this work for additional information
6 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
7 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

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493 pOutliner = &pTextObj->GetModel()->GetHitTestOutliner();
495 pTextObj->TakeTextRect( *pOutliner, aTextRect, sal_False, &aAnchor, sal_False );
497 // #i73628# Use a text-relative position for hit test in hit test outliner
498 Point aTemporaryTextRelativePosition(aLocalLogicPosition - aTextRect.TopLeft());
500 // FitToSize berueksichtigen
2 *
3 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
5 * distributed with this work for additional information
6 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
7 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

--- 484 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

493 pOutliner = &pTextObj->GetModel()->GetHitTestOutliner();
495 pTextObj->TakeTextRect( *pOutliner, aTextRect, sal_False, &aAnchor, sal_False );
497 // #i73628# Use a text-relative position for hit test in hit test outliner
498 Point aTemporaryTextRelativePosition(aLocalLogicPosition - aTextRect.TopLeft());
500 // FitToSize berueksichtigen
501 if (pTextObj->GetFitToSize())
502 {
501 SdrFitToSizeType eFit=pTextObj->GetFitToSize();
503 if (bFitToSize) {
503 Fraction aX(aTextRect.GetWidth()-1,aAnchor.GetWidth()-1);
504 Fraction aY(aTextRect.GetHeight()-1,aAnchor.GetHeight()-1);
505 ResizePoint(aTemporaryTextRelativePosition,Point(),aX,aY);
506 }
507 // Drehung berueksichtigen
508 const GeoStat& rGeo=pTextObj->GetGeoStat();
509 if (rGeo.nDrehWink!=0) RotatePoint(aTemporaryTextRelativePosition,Point(),-rGeo.nSin,rGeo.nCos); // -sin fuer Unrotate
510 // Laufschrift berueksichtigen fehlt noch ...

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504 Fraction aX(aTextRect.GetWidth()-1,aAnchor.GetWidth()-1);
505 Fraction aY(aTextRect.GetHeight()-1,aAnchor.GetHeight()-1);
506 ResizePoint(aTemporaryTextRelativePosition,Point(),aX,aY);
507 }
508 // Drehung berueksichtigen
509 const GeoStat& rGeo=pTextObj->GetGeoStat();
510 if (rGeo.nDrehWink!=0) RotatePoint(aTemporaryTextRelativePosition,Point(),-rGeo.nSin,rGeo.nCos); // -sin fuer Unrotate
511 // Laufschrift berueksichtigen fehlt noch ...

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