Lines Matching refs:b
1209 <b>PROCEDURE_CAT</b> string => procedure catalog (may be <NULL/>)
1212 <b>PROCEDURE_SCHEM</b> string => procedure schema (may be <NULL/>)
1215 <b>PROCEDURE_NAME</b> string => procedure name
1224 <b>REMARKS</b> string => explanatory comment on the procedure
1227 <b>PROCEDURE_TYPE</b> short => kind of procedure:
1269 <b>PROCEDURE_CAT</b> string => procedure catalog (may be <NULL/>)
1272 <b>PROCEDURE_SCHEM</b> string => procedure schema (may be <NULL/>)
1275 <b>PROCEDURE_NAME</b> string => procedure name
1278 <b>COLUMN_NAME</b> string => column/parameter name
1281 <b>COLUMN_TYPE</b> Short => kind of column/parameter:
1298 <b>DATA_TYPE</b> short => SQL type from java.sql.Types
1301 <b>TYPE_NAME</b> string => SQL type name, for a UDT type the
1305 <b>PRECISION</b> long => precision
1308 <b>LENGTH</b> long => length in bytes of data
1311 <b>SCALE</b> short => scale
1314 <b>RADIX</b> short => radix
1317 <b>NULLABLE</b> short => can it contain NULL?
1328 <b>REMARKS</b> string => comment describing parameter/column
1332 <b>Note:</b> Some databases may not return the column
1366 <b>TABLE_CAT</b> string => table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
1369 <b>TABLE_SCHEM</b> string => table schema (may be <NULL/>)
1372 <b>TABLE_NAME</b> string => table name
1375 <b>TABLE_TYPE</b> string => table type. Typical types are "TABLE",
1380 <b>REMARKS</b> string => explanatory comment on the table
1384 <b>Note:</b> Some databases may not return information for
1413 <b>TABLE_SCHEM</b> string => schema name
1432 <b>TABLE_CAT</b> string => catalog name
1451 <b>TABLE_TYPE</b> string => table type. Typical types are "TABLE",
1476 <b>TABLE_CAT</b> string => table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
1479 <b>TABLE_SCHEM</b> string => table schema (may be <NULL/>)
1482 <b>TABLE_NAME</b> string => table name
1485 <b>COLUMN_NAME</b> string => column name
1488 <b>DATA_TYPE</b> short => SQL type from java.sql.Types
1491 <b>TYPE_NAME</b> string => Data source dependent type name,
1495 <b>COLUMN_SIZE</b> long => column size. For char or date
1500 <b>BUFFER_LENGTH</b> is not used.
1503 <b>DECIMAL_DIGITS</b> long => the number of fractional digits
1506 <b>NUM_PREC_RADIX</b> long => Radix (typically either 10 or 2)
1509 <b>NULLABLE</b> long => is NULL allowed?
1520 <b>REMARKS</b> string => comment describing column (may be <NULL/>)
1523 <b>COLUMN_DEF</b> string => default value (may be <NULL/>)
1526 <b>SQL_DATA_TYPE</b> long => unused
1529 <b>SQL_DATETIME_SUB</b> long => unused
1532 <b>CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH</b> long => for char types the
1536 <b>ORDINAL_POSITION</b> int => index of column in table
1540 <b>IS_NULLABLE</b> string => "NO" means column definitely
1574 <b>TABLE_CAT</b> string => table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
1577 <b>TABLE_SCHEM</b> string => table schema (may be <NULL/>)
1580 <b>TABLE_NAME</b> string => table name
1583 <b>COLUMN_NAME</b> string => column name
1586 <b>GRANTOR</b> => grantor of access (may be <NULL/>)
1589 <b>GRANTEE</b> string => grantee of access
1592 <b>PRIVILEGE</b> string => name of access (SELECT,
1596 <b>IS_GRANTABLE</b> string => "YES" if grantee is permitted
1632 <b>TABLE_CAT</b> string => table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
1635 <b>TABLE_SCHEM</b> string => table schema (may be <NULL/>)
1638 <b>TABLE_NAME</b> string => table name
1641 <b>GRANTOR</b> => grantor of access (may be <NULL/>)
1644 <b>GRANTEE</b> string => grantee of access
1647 <b>PRIVILEGE</b> string => name of access (SELECT,
1651 <b>IS_GRANTABLE</b> string => "YES" if grantee is permitted
1678 <b>SCOPE</b> short => actual scope of result
1689 <b>COLUMN_NAME</b> string => column name
1692 <b>DATA_TYPE</b> short => SQL data type from java.sql.Types
1695 <b>TYPE_NAME</b> string => Data source dependent type name,
1699 <b>COLUMN_SIZE</b> long => precision
1702 <b>BUFFER_LENGTH</b> long => not used
1705 <b>DECIMAL_DIGITS</b> short => scale
1708 <b>PSEUDO_COLUMN</b> short => is this a pseudo column
1749 <b>SCOPE</b> short => is not used
1752 <b>COLUMN_NAME</b> string => column name
1755 <b>DATA_TYPE</b> short => SQL data type from java.sql.Types
1758 <b>TYPE_NAME</b> string => Data source dependent type name
1761 <b>COLUMN_SIZE</b> long => precision
1764 <b>BUFFER_LENGTH</b> long => length of column value in bytes
1767 <b>DECIMAL_DIGITS</b> short => scale
1770 <b>PSEUDO_COLUMN</b> short => is this a pseudo column
1805 <b>TABLE_CAT</b> string => table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
1808 <b>TABLE_SCHEM</b> string => table schema (may be <NULL/>)
1811 <b>TABLE_NAME</b> string => table name
1814 <b>COLUMN_NAME</b> string => column name
1817 <b>KEY_SEQ</b> short => sequence number within primary key
1820 <b>PK_NAME</b> string => primary key name (may be <NULL/>)
1848 <b>PKTABLE_CAT</b> string => primary key table catalog
1852 <b>PKTABLE_SCHEM</b> string => primary key table schema
1856 <b>PKTABLE_NAME</b> string => primary key table name
1860 <b>PKCOLUMN_NAME</b> string => primary key column name
1864 <b>FKTABLE_CAT</b> string => foreign key table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
1867 <b>FKTABLE_SCHEM</b> string => foreign key table schema (may be <NULL/>)
1870 <b>FKTABLE_NAME</b> string => foreign key table name
1873 <b>FKCOLUMN_NAME</b> string => foreign key column name
1876 <b>KEY_SEQ</b> short => sequence number within foreign key
1879 <b>UPDATE_RULE</b> short => What happens to
1900 <b>DELETE_RULE</b> short => What happens to
1920 <b>FK_NAME</b> string => foreign key name (may be <NULL/>)
1923 <b>PK_NAME</b> string => primary key name (may be <NULL/>)
1926 <b>DEFERRABILITY</b> short => can the evaluation of foreign key
1963 <b>PKTABLE_CAT</b> string => primary key table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
1966 <b>PKTABLE_SCHEM</b> string => primary key table schema (may be <NULL/>)
1969 <b>PKTABLE_NAME</b> string => primary key table name
1972 <b>PKCOLUMN_NAME</b> string => primary key column name
1975 <b>FKTABLE_CAT</b> string => foreign key table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
1979 <b>FKTABLE_SCHEM</b> string => foreign key table schema (may be <NULL/>)
1983 <b>FKTABLE_NAME</b> string => foreign key table name
1987 <b>FKCOLUMN_NAME</b> string => foreign key column name
1991 <b>KEY_SEQ</b> short => sequence number within foreign key
1994 <b>UPDATE_RULE</b> short => What happens to
2015 <b>DELETE_RULE</b> short => What happens to
2035 <b>FK_NAME</b> string => foreign key name (may be <NULL/>)
2038 <b>PK_NAME</b> string => primary key name (may be <NULL/>)
2041 <b>DEFERRABILITY</b> short => can the evaluation of foreign key
2081 <b>PKTABLE_CAT</b> string => primary key table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
2084 <b>PKTABLE_SCHEM</b> string => primary key table schema (may be <NULL/>)
2087 <b>PKTABLE_NAME</b> string => primary key table name
2090 <b>PKCOLUMN_NAME</b> string => primary key column name
2093 <b>FKTABLE_CAT</b> string => foreign key table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
2097 <b>FKTABLE_SCHEM</b> string => foreign key table schema (may be <NULL/>)
2101 <b>FKTABLE_NAME</b> string => foreign key table name
2105 <b>FKCOLUMN_NAME</b> string => foreign key column name
2109 <b>KEY_SEQ</b> short => sequence number within foreign key
2112 <b>UPDATE_RULE</b> short => What happens to
2133 <b>DELETE_RULE</b> short => What happens to
2153 <b>FK_NAME</b> string => foreign key name (may be <NULL/>)
2156 <b>PK_NAME</b> string => primary key name (may be <NULL/>)
2159 <b>DEFERRABILITY</b> short => can the evaluation of foreign key
2205 <b>TYPE_NAME</b> string => Type name
2208 <b>DATA_TYPE</b> short => SQL data type from java.sql.Types
2211 <b>PRECISION</b> long => maximum precision
2214 <b>LITERAL_PREFIX</b> string => prefix used to quote a literal
2218 <b>LITERAL_SUFFIX</b> string => suffix used to quote a literal
2222 <b>CREATE_PARAMS</b> string => parameters used in creating
2226 <b>NULLABLE</b> short => can you use NULL for this type?
2237 <b>CASE_SENSITIVE</b> boolean=> is it case sensitive?
2240 <b>SEARCHABLE</b> short => can you use "WHERE" based on this type:
2253 <b>UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE</b> boolean => is it unsigned?
2256 <b>FIXED_PREC_SCALE</b> boolean => can it be a money value?
2259 <b>AUTO_INCREMENT</b> boolean => can it be used for an
2263 <b>LOCAL_TYPE_NAME</b> string => localized version of type name
2267 <b>MINIMUM_SCALE</b> short => minimum scale supported
2270 <b>MAXIMUM_SCALE</b> short => maximum scale supported
2273 <b>SQL_DATA_TYPE</b> long => unused
2276 <b>SQL_DATETIME_SUB</b> long => unused
2279 <b>NUM_PREC_RADIX</b> long => usually 2 or 10
2298 <b>TABLE_CAT</b> string => table catalog (may be <NULL/>)
2301 <b>TABLE_SCHEM</b> string => table schema (may be <NULL/>)
2304 <b>TABLE_NAME</b> string => table name
2307 <b>NON_UNIQUE</b> boolean => Can index values be non-unique?
2311 <b>INDEX_QUALIFIER</b> string => index catalog (may be <NULL/>);
2315 <b>INDEX_NAME</b> string => index name; <NULL/> when TYPE is
2319 <b>TYPE</b> short => index type:
2333 <b>ORDINAL_POSITION</b> short => column sequence number
2337 <b>COLUMN_NAME</b> string => column name; <NULL/> when TYPE is
2341 <b>ASC_OR_DESC</b> string => column sort sequence, "A" => ascending,
2346 <b>CARDINALITY</b> long => When TYPE is tableIndexStatistic, then
2351 <b>PAGES</b> long => When TYPE is tableIndexStatisic then
2356 <b>FILTER_CONDITION</b> string => Filter condition, if any.
2550 <b>TYPE_CAT</b> string => the type's catalog (may be <NULL/>)
2553 <b>TYPE_SCHEM</b> string => type's schema (may be <NULL/>)
2556 <b>TYPE_NAME</b> string => type name
2559 <b>CLASS_NAME</b> string => Java class name or service name
2562 <b>DATA_TYPE</b> string => type value.
2566 <b>REMARKS</b> string => explanatory comment on the type
2570 <b>Note:</b> If the driver does not support UDTs, an empty