Lines Matching refs:placeholder

25064 …սնորդականի կետը (\<emph\>.\</emph\>) միշտ օգտագործվում է որպես \<emph\>placeholder\</emph\> ձեր տե…
38553 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\optionen\01040400.xhp 0 help hd_id2623981 0 hy Text placeholder
45770 …elp par_id3156731 275 0 hy select * from 'addresses' where 'name' = :placeholder 20200411 15:…
47149 …limits.xhp 0 help par_id3304239 0 hy In the input window, the first placeholder or marker is se…
47230 …chinline\> - Load/Save - Microsoft Office), you see the formula with a placeholder instead of the …
47471 … $[officename] Math formula. Unary refers to operators that affect one placeholder. Binary refers …
47476 …<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_PLUSX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>plus\</emph\> with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47479 …help hid=\"HID_SMA_MINUSX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>minus\</emph\> with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47482 …\"HID_SMA_PLUSMINUSX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>plus/minus\</emph\> with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47485 …\"HID_SMA_MINUSPLUSX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>minus/plus\</emph\> with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47512 … hid=\"HID_SMA_NEGX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>Boolean NOT\</emph\> with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47570 …elp hid=\"HID_SMA_LNX\"\>Inserts a natural (base e) logarithm with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47573 …\<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_EXPX\"\>Inserts an exponential function with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47576 …lp hid=\"HID_SMA_LOGX\"\>Inserts a common (base 10) logarithm with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47582 … 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SINX\"\>Inserts a sine function with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47585 … 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_COSX\"\>Inserts a cosine function with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47588 …0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_TANX\"\>Inserts a tangent function with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47591 … 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_COTX\"\>Inserts a cotangent symbol with a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47594 …0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SINHX\"\>Inserts a hyperbolic sine with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47597 …y \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SQRTX\"\>Inserts a square root symbol with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47600 …elp hid=\"HID_SMA_COSHX\"\>Inserts a hyperbolic cosine symbol with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47603 …lp hid=\"HID_SMA_TANHX\"\>Inserts a hyperbolic tangent symbol with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47606 … hid=\"HID_SMA_COTHX\"\>Inserts a hyperbolic cotangent symbol with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47612 …\<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_ARCSINX\"\>Inserts an arc sine function with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47615 …\<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_ARCCOSX\"\>Inserts an arc cosine symbol with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47618 …help hid=\"HID_SMA_ARCTANX\"\>Inserts an arc tangent function with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47621 …lp hid=\"HID_SMA_ARCCOTX\"\>Inserts an arc cotangent function with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47624 … \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_ABSX\"\>Inserts an absolute value sign with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47627 …\"HID_SMA_ARSINHX\"\>Inserts an area hyperbolic sine function with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47630 …HID_SMA_ARCOSHX\"\>Inserts an area hyperbolic cosine function with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47633 …ID_SMA_ARTANHX\"\>Inserts an area hyperbolic tangent function with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47636 …_SMA_ARCOTHX\"\>Inserts an area hyperbolic cotangent function with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47639 … hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_FACTX\"\>Inserts the factorial sign with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47747 …\text\smath\01\03091600.xhp 0 help par_id3158042 18 0 hy To insert a placeholder into your formu…
47900 …lp par_id3151102 8 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LRPARENTX\"\>Inserts a placeholder within normal r…
47903 … par_id3150356 32 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LRBRACKETX\"\>Inserts a placeholder within square b…
47906 …par_id3155175 51 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LRDBRACKETX\"\>Inserts a placeholder within double s…
47909 …lp par_id3147101 36 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LRBRACEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder within braces (…
47912 …elp par_id3155146 38 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LRLINEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder within vertical…
47915 …lp par_id3149175 39 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LRDLINEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder within double v…
47918 …lp par_id3155913 34 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LRANGLEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder within angle br…
47921 … par_id3147425 47 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LMRANGLEXY\"\>Inserts a placeholder within operator…
47927 …PARENTX\"\>Inserts \<emph\>scalable rounded brackets\</emph\> with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47936 …0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SLRBRACEX\"\>Inserts scalable braces with a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47939 …hid=\"HID_SMA_SLRLINEX\"\>Inserts scalable single vertical bars with a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47942 …id=\"HID_SMA_SLRDLINEX\"\>Inserts scalable double vertical bars with a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
47945 …help hid=\"HID_SMA_SLRANGLEX\"\>Inserts scalable angle brackets with a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48239 …hid=\"HID_SMA_LIMX\"\>Inserts the \<emph\>limit sign\</emph\> with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48242 …d=\"HID_SMA_SUMX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>summation sign\</emph\> with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48245 …id=\"HID_SMA_PRODX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>product sign\</emph\> with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48248 …ID_SMA_COPRODX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>coproduct symbol\</emph\> with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48251 …ph\>upper and lower limit\</emph\> for integral and summation with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48254 …d=\"HID_SMA_INTX\"\>Inserts an \<emph\>integral\</emph\> sign with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48257 …MA_IINTX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>double integral\</emph\> symbol with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48260 …SMA_IIINTX\"\>Inserts \<emph\>a triple integral\</emph\> sign with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48266 …SMA_LINTX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>curve integral\</emph\> symbol with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48269 …TX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>double curve integral\</emph\> symbol with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48272 …INTX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>triple curve integral\</emph\> sign with one placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48277 …\>liminf\</emph\> inserts the \<emph\>limit inferior\</emph\> with one placeholder. 20200411 15…
48278 …\>limsup\</emph\> inserts the \<emph\>limit superior\</emph\> with one placeholder. 20200411 15…
48458 …090700.xhp 0 help par_id3153536 17 0 hy The letter "a" refers to the placeholder in your formula…
48462 … \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LSUPX\"\>Inserts a superscript to the left of a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48465 … \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_CSUPX\"\>Inserts a superscript directly above a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48468 …\<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_RSUPX\"\>Inserts a superscript to the right of a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48477 …hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LSUBX\"\>Inserts a subscript to the left of a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48480 …hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_CSUBX\"\>Inserts a subscript directly under a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48483 …y \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_RSUBX\"\>Inserts a subscript to the right of a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48489 …4 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SBLANK\"\>Inserts a small gap between a placeholder and the next el…
48492 …D_SMA_ALIGNLX\"\>This icon assigns left-alignment to "a" and inserts a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48495 …A_ALIGNCX\"\>Assigns horizontal central alignment to "a" and inserts a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48498 …hid=\"HID_SMA_ALIGNRX\"\>Inserts the command for right alignment and a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48669 …ollowing attribute functions, the letter "a" in the icon refers to the placeholder that you would …
48673 … help par_id3150533 7 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_ACUTEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with an acute a…
48676 …help par_id3150018 23 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_GRAVEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a \<emph\>…
48679 …help par_id3147167 13 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_CHECKX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a reverse …
48682 …help par_id3153619 11 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_BREVEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with an accent …
48685 …elp par_id3153573 15 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_CIRCLEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a circle o…
48688 …0 help par_id3153539 29 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_VECX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a vector a…
48691 …help par_id3154570 27 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_TILDEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a tilde.\<…
48694 …0 help par_id3159198 25 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_HATX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a circumfl…
48697 … 9 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_BARX\"\>Inserts a line ("bar") above a placeholder .\</ahelp\> You…
48700 …0 help par_id3154900 17 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_DOTX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a dot over…
48703 …y \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_WIDEVECX\"\>Inserts a wide vector arrow with a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48706 … 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_WIDETILDEX\"\>Inserts a wide tilde with a placeholder. \</ahelp\> You…
48709 …elp hid=\"HID_SMA_WIDEHATX\"\>Inserts a wide circumflex ("hat") with a placeholder. \</ahelp\> You…
48712 … help par_id3149541 19 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_DDOTX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with two dots o…
48715 …492 33 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_OVERLINEX\"\>Inserts a line over a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48718 …9 59 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_UNDERLINEX\"\>Inserts a line below a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48721 …par_id3153304 35 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_OVERSTRIKEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a line (or…
48724 …18 21 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_DDDOTX\"\>Inserts three dots over a placeholder.\</ahelp\> You …
48727 …lp par_id3155074 41 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_PHANTOMX\"\>Inserts a placeholder for a transpare…
48730 … help par_id3150101 39 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_BOLDX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with bold forma…
48733 … help par_id3147355 37 0 hy \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_ITALX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with italic for…
48736 …a command for modifying the font size with two placeholders. The first placeholder refers to the f…
48739placeholder with the name of one of the \<link href=\"text/smath/01/05010000.xhp\" name=\"custom f…
48744 …\> *n\</emph\> and\<emph\> /n \</emph\>, where \<emph\>n\</emph\> is a placeholder. This method is…
50785 …xt\simpress\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3145119 133 0 hy Activate a placeholder object in a new…
51260 …t, and objects. To select a placeholder, press \<item type=\"keycode\"\>Ctrl+Enter\</item\>. To mo…
51261 … \<item type=\"keycode\"\>Ctrl+Enter\</item\> after you reach the last placeholder in a slide, a n…
52187 … hid=\"sd:CheckBox:RID_SD_DLG_MASTER_LAYOUT:CB_HEADER\"\>Adds a header placeholder to the slide ma…
52189 …hid=\"sd:CheckBox:RID_SD_DLG_MASTER_LAYOUT:CB_DATE\"\>Adds a date/time placeholder to the slide ma…
52191 … hid=\"sd:CheckBox:RID_SD_DLG_MASTER_LAYOUT:CB_FOOTER\"\>Adds a footer placeholder to the slide ma…
52193 …heckBox:RID_SD_DLG_MASTER_LAYOUT:CB_PAGE_NUMBER\"\>Adds a slide number placeholder to the slide ma…
64526 …id3147812 186 0 hy Opens a dialog to insert the object for which the placeholder was set. 202…
64598 …e example is to define the condition that must be met, and to insert a placeholder for displaying …
66232 …help par_id3145779 16 0 hy Inserts the name of a database field as a placeholder, so that you ca…
67003 …ent, or a condition that, when met, hides a field. You can also define placeholder fields that ins…
67016 …_id3153527 12 0 hy Inserts a placeholder field in the document, for example, for graphics. When …
67024 …d is only used for fields of the type placeholder. Here, the format determines the object for whic…
67033 …the text that you want to display in the field. If you are inserting a placeholder field, type the…
67039 …p par_id3156282 33 0 hy Type the text that you want to appear in the placeholder field. 20200…
67948 …xt\swriter\01\02140000.xhp 0 help par_id3150027 33 0 hy Displays the placeholder text of the sel…