DataPilotReadme.txt (760cb77f) DataPilotReadme.txt (fb0b81f5)
1# *************************************************************
3# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
5# distributed with this work for additional information
6# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
7# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

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301. build and deploay the component
312. open a new spreadsheet document
323. select for example cell B:2
334. start the DataPilot dialog
34 Data->DataPilot->Start...
355. select "External source/interface -> Ok
366. select the example DataPilot
1# *************************************************************
3# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
5# distributed with this work for additional information
6# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
7# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

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301. build and deploay the component
312. open a new spreadsheet document
323. select for example cell B:2
334. start the DataPilot dialog
34 Data->DataPilot->Start...
355. select "External source/interface -> Ok
366. select the example DataPilot
37 Use the the drop down list and select the service
37 Use the drop down list and select the service
38 "ExampleDataPilotSource" -> Ok
397. Place some number fields in the field areas
40 For example:
41 - select the "ones" field and drop it in the "Row Fields" area
42 - repeat this step with the "tens" and "hundreds" field
43 - select the "thousands" field and drop it in the "Column Fields"
44 area.
45 -> press Ok
468. you see a matrix with rows and colums for the selected fields
47 and a value area with a sum up of all fields valid for this
48 coordinate. For example cell F:21=1221 (ones=B:21=1, tens=c:21=2
49 hundreds=D:21=2 and thousands=F:3=1)
38 "ExampleDataPilotSource" -> Ok
397. Place some number fields in the field areas
40 For example:
41 - select the "ones" field and drop it in the "Row Fields" area
42 - repeat this step with the "tens" and "hundreds" field
43 - select the "thousands" field and drop it in the "Column Fields"
44 area.
45 -> press Ok
468. you see a matrix with rows and colums for the selected fields
47 and a value area with a sum up of all fields valid for this
48 coordinate. For example cell F:21=1221 (ones=B:21=1, tens=c:21=2
49 hundreds=D:21=2 and thousands=F:3=1)