(7e90fac2) (7a7e0d26)
2 eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
3 if 0;
6# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
7# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
8# distributed with this work for additional information

--- 8 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

17# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
19# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
20# specific language governing permissions and limitations
21# under the License.
2 eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
3 if 0;
6# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
7# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
8# distributed with this work for additional information

--- 8 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

17# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
19# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
20# specific language governing permissions and limitations
21# under the License.
27# build - build entire project
29 use strict;
30 use Config;
31 use POSIX;
32 use Cwd qw (cwd);
33 use File::Path;

--- 2797 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2831 print HTML ' href=\"javascript:void(0)\"; title=\"Remove module\">' . $_ . '</a>");' . "\n";
2832 };
2835 print HTML 'document.write(" </td>");' . "\n";
2836 print HTML 'document.write(" <td>");' . "\n";
2837 print HTML 'document.write(" <table width=100% valign=top cellpadding=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>");' . "\n";
2838 print HTML 'document.write(" <tr>");' . "\n";
26# build - build entire project
28 use strict;
29 use Config;
30 use POSIX;
31 use Cwd qw (cwd);
32 use File::Path;

--- 2797 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2830 print HTML ' href=\"javascript:void(0)\"; title=\"Remove module\">' . $_ . '</a>");' . "\n";
2831 };
2834 print HTML 'document.write(" </td>");' . "\n";
2835 print HTML 'document.write(" <td>");' . "\n";
2836 print HTML 'document.write(" <table width=100% valign=top cellpadding=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>");' . "\n";
2837 print HTML 'document.write(" <tr>");' . "\n";
2839 print HTML 'document.write(" <td height=15 width=';
2838 print HTML 'document.write(" <td height=15* width=';
2841 print HTML $successes_percent + $errors_percent;
2842 if ($errors_number) {
2843 print HTML '% bgcolor=red valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
2844 } else {
2845 print HTML '% bgcolor=#25A528 valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
2846 };
2847 print HTML 'document.write(" <td width=';

--- 61 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2909 print HTML ' = \'block\';' . "\n";
2910 print HTML ' _replaceContext = false;' . "\n";
2911 print HTML ' return false;' . "\n";
2912 print HTML ' }' . "\n";
2913 print HTML '}' . "\n";
2914 };
2916 print HTML 'function refreshInfoFrames() { ' . "\n";
2840 print HTML $successes_percent + $errors_percent;
2841 if ($errors_number) {
2842 print HTML '% bgcolor=red valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
2843 } else {
2844 print HTML '% bgcolor=#25A528 valign=top></td>");' . "\n";
2845 };
2846 print HTML 'document.write(" <td width=';

--- 61 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2908 print HTML ' = \'block\';' . "\n";
2909 print HTML ' _replaceContext = false;' . "\n";
2910 print HTML ' return false;' . "\n";
2911 print HTML ' }' . "\n";
2912 print HTML '}' . "\n";
2913 };
2915 print HTML 'function refreshInfoFrames() { ' . "\n";
2917 print HTML ' var ModuleHref = top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.getElementById("ErroneousModules").getAttribute(\'href\');' . "\n";
2918 print HTML ' eval(ModuleHref);' . "\n";
2919 print HTML ' if (top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs") != null) {' . "\n";
2920 print HTML ' var ModuleName = top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs").getAttribute(\'name\');' . "\n";
2921 print HTML ' ModuleHref = top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.getElementById(ModuleName).getAttribute(\'href\');' . "\n";
2922 print HTML ' var HrefString = ModuleHref.toString();' . "\n";
2923 print HTML ' var RefEntries = HrefString.split(",");' . "\n";
2924 print HTML ' var RefreshParams = new Array();' . "\n";
2925 print HTML ' for (i = 0; i < RefEntries.length; i++) {' . "\n";
2926 print HTML ' RefreshParams[i] = RefEntries[i].substring(RefEntries[i].indexOf("\'") + 1, RefEntries[i].lastIndexOf("\'"));' . "\n";
2927 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
2928 print HTML ' FillFrame_1(RefreshParams[0], RefreshParams[1], RefreshParams[2]);' . "\n";
2929 print HTML ' }' . "\n";
2916 print HTML ' var ModuleNameObj = top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.getElementById("ModuleErrors");' . "\n";
2917 print HTML ' if (ModuleNameObj != null) {' . "\n";
2918 print HTML ' var ModuleName = ModuleNameObj.getAttribute(\'name\');' . "\n";
2919 print HTML ' var ModuleHref = top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.getElementById(ModuleName).getAttribute(\'href\');' . "\n";
2920 print HTML ' eval(ModuleHref);' . "\n";
2921 print HTML ' } else if (top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.getElementById("ErroneousModules") != null) {' . "\n";
2922 print HTML ' var ModuleHref = top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.getElementById("ErroneousModules").getAttribute(\'href\');' . "\n";
2923 print HTML ' eval(ModuleHref);' . "\n";
2924 print HTML ' if (top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs") != null) {' . "\n";
2925 print HTML ' var ModuleName = top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs").getAttribute(\'name\');' . "\n";
2926 print HTML ' ModuleHref = top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.getElementById(ModuleName).getAttribute(\'href\');' . "\n";
2927 print HTML ' var HrefString = ModuleHref.toString();' . "\n";
2928 print HTML ' var RefEntries = HrefString.split(",");' . "\n";
2929 print HTML ' var RefreshParams = new Array();' . "\n";
2930 print HTML ' for (i = 0; i < RefEntries.length; i++) {' . "\n";
2931 print HTML ' RefreshParams[i] = RefEntries[i].substring(RefEntries[i].indexOf("\'") + 1, RefEntries[i].lastIndexOf("\'"));' . "\n";
2932 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
2933 print HTML ' FillFrame_1(RefreshParams[0], RefreshParams[1], RefreshParams[2]);' . "\n";
2934 print HTML ' }' . "\n";
2935 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
2930 print HTML '}' . "\n";
2931 print HTML 'function loadFrame_1() {' . "\n";
2932 print HTML ' document.write("<h3 align=center>Jobs</h3>");' . "\n";
2933 print HTML ' document.write("Click on the project of interest");' . "\n";
2934 print HTML ' document.close();' . "\n";
2935 print HTML '}' . "\n";
2936 print HTML 'function loadFrame_2() {' . "\n";
2937 print HTML ' document.write("<tr bgcolor=lightgrey<td><h3>Errors</h3></pre></td></tr>");' . "\n";

--- 8 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2946 print HTML ' StatusInnerHtml = "<em style=color:red>";' . "\n";
2947 print HTML ' } else {' . "\n";
2948 print HTML ' StatusInnerHtml = "<em style=color:gray>";' . "\n";
2949 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
2950 print HTML ' StatusInnerHtml += Status + "</em>";' . "\n";
2951 print HTML ' return StatusInnerHtml;' . "\n";
2952 print HTML '} ' . "\n";
2953 print HTML 'function ShowLog(LogFilePath, ModuleJob) {' . "\n";
2936 print HTML '}' . "\n";
2937 print HTML 'function loadFrame_1() {' . "\n";
2938 print HTML ' document.write("<h3 align=center>Jobs</h3>");' . "\n";
2939 print HTML ' document.write("Click on the project of interest");' . "\n";
2940 print HTML ' document.close();' . "\n";
2941 print HTML '}' . "\n";
2942 print HTML 'function loadFrame_2() {' . "\n";
2943 print HTML ' document.write("<tr bgcolor=lightgrey<td><h3>Errors</h3></pre></td></tr>");' . "\n";

--- 8 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2952 print HTML ' StatusInnerHtml = "<em style=color:red>";' . "\n";
2953 print HTML ' } else {' . "\n";
2954 print HTML ' StatusInnerHtml = "<em style=color:gray>";' . "\n";
2955 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
2956 print HTML ' StatusInnerHtml += Status + "</em>";' . "\n";
2957 print HTML ' return StatusInnerHtml;' . "\n";
2958 print HTML '} ' . "\n";
2959 print HTML 'function ShowLog(LogFilePath, ModuleJob) {' . "\n";
2954 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].location = LogFilePath;' . "\n";
2960 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("<h3 id=ModuleErrors name=\"" + null + "\">Log for " + ModuleJob + "</h3>");' . "\n";
2961 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("<iframe id=LogFile name=Log src="';
2962 if (defined $html_path) {
2963 print HTML 'file://';
2964 }
2965 print HTML '+ LogFilePath + " width=100%></iframe>");' . "\n";
2966 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.close();' . "\n";
2955 print HTML '};' . "\n";
2956 print HTML 'function FillFrame_1(Module, Message1, Message2) {' . "\n";
2957 print HTML ' var FullUpdate = 1;' . "\n";
2958 print HTML ' if (top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs") != null) {' . "\n";
2959 print HTML ' var ModuleName = top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs").getAttribute(\'name\');' . "\n";
2960 print HTML ' if (Module == ModuleName) FullUpdate = 0;' . "\n";
2961 print HTML ' }' . "\n";
2962 print HTML ' if (FullUpdate) {' . "\n";

--- 40 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

3003 print HTML ' DirectoryInfos[3].innerHTML = dir_info_array[3];' . "\n";
3004 print HTML ' DirectoryInfos[4].innerHTML = dir_info_array[5];' . "\n" if ($server_mode);
3005 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3006 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3007 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3008 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.close();' . "\n";
3009 print HTML '};' . "\n";
3010 print HTML 'function Error(Module, Message1, Message2) {' . "\n";
2967 print HTML '};' . "\n";
2968 print HTML 'function FillFrame_1(Module, Message1, Message2) {' . "\n";
2969 print HTML ' var FullUpdate = 1;' . "\n";
2970 print HTML ' if (top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs") != null) {' . "\n";
2971 print HTML ' var ModuleName = top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.getElementById("ModuleJobs").getAttribute(\'name\');' . "\n";
2972 print HTML ' if (Module == ModuleName) FullUpdate = 0;' . "\n";
2973 print HTML ' }' . "\n";
2974 print HTML ' if (FullUpdate) {' . "\n";

--- 40 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

3015 print HTML ' DirectoryInfos[3].innerHTML = dir_info_array[3];' . "\n";
3016 print HTML ' DirectoryInfos[4].innerHTML = dir_info_array[5];' . "\n" if ($server_mode);
3017 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3018 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3019 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3020 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[1].document.close();' . "\n";
3021 print HTML '};' . "\n";
3022 print HTML 'function Error(Module, Message1, Message2) {' . "\n";
3011 print HTML ' if (top.innerFrame.frames[2].location) {' . "\n";
3012 print HTML ' var urlquery = location.href.split("?");' . "\n";
3013 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].location = urlquery[0] + "?initFrame2";' . "\n";
3014 print HTML ' }' . "\n";
3015 print HTML ' if (Module == \'\') {' . "\n";
3016 print HTML ' if (Message1 != \'\') {' . "\n";
3017 print HTML ' var erroneous_modules = Message1.split("<br>");' . "\n";
3018 print HTML ' var ErrorNumber = erroneous_modules.length;' . "\n";
3020 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("<h3 id=ErroneousModules errors=" + erroneous_modules.length + ">Modules with errors:</h3>");' . "\n";
3021 print HTML ' for (i = 0; i < ErrorNumber; i++) {' . "\n";
3022 print HTML ' var ModuleObj = top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.getElementById(erroneous_modules[i]);' . "\n";
3023 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("<a href=\"");' . "\n";
3024 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write(ModuleObj.getAttribute(\'href\'));' . "\n";
3025 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("\"); title=\"");' . "\n";
3026 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("\">" + erroneous_modules[i] + "</a>&nbsp ");' . "\n";
3027 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3028 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.close();' . "\n";
3029 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3023 print HTML ' if (Module == \'\') {' . "\n";
3024 print HTML ' if (Message1 != \'\') {' . "\n";
3025 print HTML ' var erroneous_modules = Message1.split("<br>");' . "\n";
3026 print HTML ' var ErrorNumber = erroneous_modules.length;' . "\n";
3028 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("<h3 id=ErroneousModules errors=" + erroneous_modules.length + ">Modules with errors:</h3>");' . "\n";
3029 print HTML ' for (i = 0; i < ErrorNumber; i++) {' . "\n";
3030 print HTML ' var ModuleObj = top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.getElementById(erroneous_modules[i]);' . "\n";
3031 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("<a href=\"");' . "\n";
3032 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write(ModuleObj.getAttribute(\'href\'));' . "\n";
3033 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("\"); title=\"");' . "\n";
3034 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("\">" + erroneous_modules[i] + "</a>&nbsp ");' . "\n";
3035 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3036 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.close();' . "\n";
3037 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3038 print HTML ' } else {' . "\n";
3039 print HTML ' var ModuleNameObj = top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.getElementById("ModuleErrors");' . "\n";
3040 print HTML ' var OldErrors = null;' . "\n";
3041 print HTML ' var ErrorNumber = Message1.split("<br>").length;' . "\n";
3042 print HTML ' if ((ModuleNameObj != null) && (Module == ModuleNameObj.getAttribute(\'name\')) ) {' . "\n";
3043 print HTML ' OldErrors = ModuleNameObj.getAttribute(\'errors\');' . "\n";
3044 print HTML ' }' . "\n";
3045 print HTML ' if ((OldErrors == null) || (OldErrors != ErrorNumber)) {' . "\n";
3046 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write("<h3 id=ModuleErrors errors=" + ErrorNumber + " name=\"" + Module + "\">Errors in module " + Module + ":</h3>");' . "\n";
3047 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.write(Message1);' . "\n";
3048 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[2].document.close();' . "\n";
3049 print HTML ' }' . "\n";
3050 print HTML ' FillFrame_1(Module, Message1, Message2);' . "\n";
3030 print HTML ' }' . "\n";
3031 print HTML '}' . "\n";
3032 print HTML 'function updateInnerFrame() {' . "\n";
3033 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.location.reload();' . "\n";
3034 print HTML ' refreshInfoFrames();' . "\n";
3035 print HTML '};' . "\n\n";
3037 print HTML 'function setRefreshRate() {' . "\n";
3038 print HTML ' RefreshRate = document.Formular.rate.value;' . "\n";
3039 print HTML ' if (!isNaN(RefreshRate * 1)) {' . "\n";
3040 print HTML ' top.frames[0].clearInterval(IntervalID);' . "\n";
3041 print HTML ' IntervalID = top.frames[0].setInterval("updateInnerFrame()", RefreshRate * 1000);' . "\n";
3042 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3043 print HTML '};' . "\n";
3045 print HTML 'function initFrames() {' . "\n";
3046 print HTML ' var urlquery = location.href.split("?");' . "\n";
3047 print HTML ' if (urlquery.length == 1) {' . "\n";
3048 print HTML ' document.write("<html><head><TITLE id=MainTitle>' . $ENV{INPATH} .'</TITLE>");' . "\n";
3051 print HTML ' }' . "\n";
3052 print HTML '}' . "\n";
3053 print HTML 'function updateInnerFrame() {' . "\n";
3054 print HTML ' top.innerFrame.frames[0].document.location.reload();' . "\n";
3055 print HTML ' refreshInfoFrames();' . "\n";
3056 print HTML '};' . "\n\n";
3058 print HTML 'function setRefreshRate() {' . "\n";
3059 print HTML ' RefreshRate = document.Formular.rate.value;' . "\n";
3060 print HTML ' if (!isNaN(RefreshRate * 1)) {' . "\n";
3061 print HTML ' top.frames[0].clearInterval(IntervalID);' . "\n";
3062 print HTML ' IntervalID = top.frames[0].setInterval("updateInnerFrame()", RefreshRate * 1000);' . "\n";
3063 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3064 print HTML '};' . "\n";
3066 print HTML 'function initFrames() {' . "\n";
3067 print HTML ' var urlquery = location.href.split("?");' . "\n";
3068 print HTML ' if (urlquery.length == 1) {' . "\n";
3069 print HTML ' document.write("<html><head><TITLE id=MainTitle>' . $ENV{INPATH} .'</TITLE>");' . "\n";
3049 print HTML ' document.write(" <frameset rows=\"36,*\">");' . "\n";
3070 print HTML ' document.write(" <frameset rows=\"12%,88%\">");' . "\n";
3050 print HTML ' document.write(" <frame name=\"topFrame\" src=\"" + urlquery + "?initTop\"/>");' . "\n";
3051 print HTML ' document.write(" <frame name=\"innerFrame\" src=\"" + urlquery + "?initInnerPage\"/>");' . "\n";
3052 print HTML ' document.write(" </frameset>");' . "\n";
3053 print HTML ' document.write("</head></html>");' . "\n";
3054 print HTML ' } else if (urlquery[1].substring(0,7) == "initTop") {' . "\n";
3055 print HTML ' var urlquerycontent = urlquery[1].split("=");' . "\n";
3056 print HTML ' var UpdateRate = 10' . "\n";
3057 print HTML ' if (urlquerycontent.length > 2) {' . "\n";
3058 print HTML ' if (isNaN(urlquerycontent[2] * 1)) {' . "\n";
3059 print HTML ' alert(urlquerycontent[2] + " is not a number. Ignored.");' . "\n";
3060 print HTML ' } else {' . "\n";
3061 print HTML ' UpdateRate = urlquerycontent[2];' . "\n";
3062 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3063 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3064 print HTML ' document.write("<html><body>");' . "\n";
3071 print HTML ' document.write(" <frame name=\"topFrame\" src=\"" + urlquery + "?initTop\"/>");' . "\n";
3072 print HTML ' document.write(" <frame name=\"innerFrame\" src=\"" + urlquery + "?initInnerPage\"/>");' . "\n";
3073 print HTML ' document.write(" </frameset>");' . "\n";
3074 print HTML ' document.write("</head></html>");' . "\n";
3075 print HTML ' } else if (urlquery[1].substring(0,7) == "initTop") {' . "\n";
3076 print HTML ' var urlquerycontent = urlquery[1].split("=");' . "\n";
3077 print HTML ' var UpdateRate = 10' . "\n";
3078 print HTML ' if (urlquerycontent.length > 2) {' . "\n";
3079 print HTML ' if (isNaN(urlquerycontent[2] * 1)) {' . "\n";
3080 print HTML ' alert(urlquerycontent[2] + " is not a number. Ignored.");' . "\n";
3081 print HTML ' } else {' . "\n";
3082 print HTML ' UpdateRate = urlquerycontent[2];' . "\n";
3083 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3084 print HTML ' };' . "\n";
3085 print HTML ' document.write("<html><body>");' . "\n";
3065 print HTML ' document.write("<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"> <tr>");' . "\n";
3066 print HTML ' document.write("<td align=\"left\"><h3>Build process progress status</h3></td>");' . "\n";
3067 print HTML ' document.write("<td align=\"right\">");' . "\n";
3086 print HTML ' document.write("<h3 align=center>Build process progress status</h3>");' . "\n";
3087 print HTML ' document.write("<div align=\"right\">");' . "\n";
3088 print HTML ' document.write(" <table border=\"0\"> <tr>");' . "\n";
3089 print HTML ' document.write("<td>Refresh rate(sec):</td>");' . "\n";
3090 print HTML ' document.write("<th>");' . "\n";
3068 print HTML ' document.write("<FORM name=\"Formular\" onsubmit=\"setRefreshRate()\">");' . "\n";
3069 print HTML ' document.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"initTop\" value=\"\"/>");' . "\n";
3070 print HTML ' document.write("<input type=\"text\" id=\"RateValue\" name=\"rate\" autocomplete=\"off\" value=\"" + UpdateRate + "\" size=\"1\"/>");' . "\n";
3091 print HTML ' document.write("<FORM name=\"Formular\" onsubmit=\"setRefreshRate()\">");' . "\n";
3092 print HTML ' document.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"initTop\" value=\"\"/>");' . "\n";
3093 print HTML ' document.write("<input type=\"text\" id=\"RateValue\" name=\"rate\" autocomplete=\"off\" value=\"" + UpdateRate + "\" size=\"1\"/>");' . "\n";
3071 print HTML ' document.write("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Update refresh rate (sec)\">");' . "\n";
3094 print HTML ' document.write("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"OK\">");' . "\n";
3072 print HTML ' document.write("</FORM>");' . "\n";
3095 print HTML ' document.write("</FORM>");' . "\n";
3073 print HTML ' document.write("</td></tr></table>");' . "\n";
3096 print HTML ' document.write("</th></tr></table>");' . "\n";
3097 print HTML ' document.write("</div>");' . "\n";
3074 print HTML ' document.write(" </frameset>");' . "\n";
3075 print HTML ' document.write("</body></html>");' . "\n";
3076 print HTML ' top.frames[0].clearInterval(IntervalID);' . "\n";
3077 print HTML ' IntervalID = top.frames[0].setInterval("updateInnerFrame()", UpdateRate * 1000);' . "\n";
3078 print HTML ' } else if (urlquery[1] == "initInnerPage") {' . "\n";
3079 print HTML ' document.write("<html><head>");' . "\n";
3098 print HTML ' document.write(" </frameset>");' . "\n";
3099 print HTML ' document.write("</body></html>");' . "\n";
3100 print HTML ' top.frames[0].clearInterval(IntervalID);' . "\n";
3101 print HTML ' IntervalID = top.frames[0].setInterval("updateInnerFrame()", UpdateRate * 1000);' . "\n";
3102 print HTML ' } else if (urlquery[1] == "initInnerPage") {' . "\n";
3103 print HTML ' document.write("<html><head>");' . "\n";
3080 print HTML ' document.write(\' <frameset rows="50%,50%\">\');' . "\n";
3081 print HTML ' document.write(\' <frameset cols="50%,50%">\');' . "\n";
3104 print HTML ' document.write(\' <frameset rows="80%,20%\">\');' . "\n";
3105 print HTML ' document.write(\' <frameset cols="70%,30%">\');' . "\n";
3082 print HTML ' document.write(\' <frame src="\');' . "\n";
3083 print HTML ' document.write(urlquery[0]);' . "\n";
3084 print HTML ' document.write(\'?initFrame0"/>\');' . "\n";
3085 print HTML ' document.write(\' <frame src="\');' . "\n";
3086 print HTML ' document.write(urlquery[0]);' . "\n";
3087 print HTML ' document.write(\'?initFrame1"/>\');' . "\n";
3088 print HTML ' document.write(\' </frameset>\');' . "\n";
3089 print HTML ' document.write(\' <frame src="\');' . "\n";

--- 449 unchanged lines hidden ---
3106 print HTML ' document.write(\' <frame src="\');' . "\n";
3107 print HTML ' document.write(urlquery[0]);' . "\n";
3108 print HTML ' document.write(\'?initFrame0"/>\');' . "\n";
3109 print HTML ' document.write(\' <frame src="\');' . "\n";
3110 print HTML ' document.write(urlquery[0]);' . "\n";
3111 print HTML ' document.write(\'?initFrame1"/>\');' . "\n";
3112 print HTML ' document.write(\' </frameset>\');' . "\n";
3113 print HTML ' document.write(\' <frame src="\');' . "\n";

--- 449 unchanged lines hidden ---