| 1/**************************************************************
2 *
| 2 *
3 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one 4 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file 5 * distributed with this work for additional information 6 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file 7 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 8 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance 9 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
| 3 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one 4 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file 5 * distributed with this work for additional information 6 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file 7 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 8 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance 9 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 *
| 10 *
11 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
| 11 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 *
| 12 *
13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, 14 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an 15 * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY 16 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the 17 * specific language governing permissions and limitations 18 * under the License.
| 13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, 14 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an 15 * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY 16 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the 17 * specific language governing permissions and limitations 18 * under the License.
19 *
| 19 *
20 *************************************************************/ 21
| 20 *************************************************************/ 21
| 22 23
22#include "precompiled_sw.hxx" 23 24#include "PageMarginControl.hxx" 25#include "PagePropertyPanel.hxx" 26#include "PagePropertyPanel.hrc" 27 28#include <swtypes.hxx> 29 30#include <svx/sidebar/ValueSetWithTextControl.hxx> 31
| 24#include "precompiled_sw.hxx" 25 26#include "PageMarginControl.hxx" 27#include "PagePropertyPanel.hxx" 28#include "PagePropertyPanel.hrc" 29 30#include <swtypes.hxx> 31 32#include <svx/sidebar/ValueSetWithTextControl.hxx> 33
37 38 39namespace sw { namespace sidebar { 40 41PageMarginControl::PageMarginControl(
| 39 40 41namespace sw { namespace sidebar { 42 43PageMarginControl::PageMarginControl(
42 Window* pParent, 43 PagePropertyPanel& rPanel, 44 const SvxLongLRSpaceItem& aPageLRMargin, 45 const SvxLongULSpaceItem& aPageULMargin, 46 const bool bMirrored, 47 const Size aPageSize, 48 const sal_Bool bLandscape, 49 const FieldUnit eFUnit, 50 const SfxMapUnit eUnit ) 51 : ::svx::sidebar::PopupControl( pParent, SW_RES(RID_POPUP_SWPAGE_MARGIN) ) 52 , mpMarginValueSet( new ::svx::sidebar::ValueSetWithTextControl( ::svx::sidebar::ValueSetWithTextControl::IMAGE_TEXT, this, SW_RES(VS_MARGIN) ) ) 53 , maCustom(this, SW_RES(FT_CUSTOM)) 54 , maLeft(this, SW_RES(FT_LEFT)) 55 , maInner(this, SW_RES(FT_INNER)) 56 , maLeftMarginEdit(this, SW_RES(MF_SWLEFT_MARGIN)) 57 , maRight(this, SW_RES(FT_RIGHT)) 58 , maOuter(this, SW_RES(FT_OUTER)) 59 , maRightMarginEdit(this, SW_RES(MF_SWRIGHT_MARGIN)) 60 , maTop(this, SW_RES(FT_TOP)) 61 , maTopMarginEdit(this, SW_RES(MF_SWTOP_MARGIN)) 62 , maBottom(this, SW_RES(FT_BOTTOM)) 63 , maBottomMarginEdit(this, SW_RES(MF_SWBOTTOM_MARGIN)) 64 , maWidthHeightField( this, SW_RES(FLD_WIDTH_HEIGHT) ) 65 , mnPageLeftMargin( aPageLRMargin.GetLeft() ) 66 , mnPageRightMargin( aPageLRMargin.GetRight() ) 67 , mnPageTopMargin( aPageULMargin.GetUpper() ) 68 , mnPageBottomMargin( aPageULMargin.GetLower() ) 69 , mbMirrored( bMirrored ) 70 , meUnit( eUnit ) 71 , mbUserCustomValuesAvailable(false) 72 , mnUserCustomPageLeftMargin(0) 73 , mnUserCustomPageRightMargin(0) 74 , mnUserCustomPageTopMargin(0) 75 , mnUserCustomPageBottomMargin(0) 76 , mbUserCustomMirrored(false) 77 , mbCustomValuesUsed( false ) 78 , mrPagePropPanel(rPanel)
| 44 Window* pParent, 45 PagePropertyPanel& rPanel, 46 const SvxLongLRSpaceItem& aPageLRMargin, 47 const SvxLongULSpaceItem& aPageULMargin, 48 const bool bMirrored, 49 const Size aPageSize, 50 const sal_Bool bLandscape, 51 const FieldUnit eFUnit, 52 const SfxMapUnit eUnit ) 53 : ::svx::sidebar::PopupControl( pParent, SW_RES(RID_POPUP_SWPAGE_MARGIN) ) 54 , mpMarginValueSet( new ::svx::sidebar::ValueSetWithTextControl( ::svx::sidebar::ValueSetWithTextControl::IMAGE_TEXT, this, SW_RES(VS_MARGIN) ) ) 55 , maCustom(this, SW_RES(FT_CUSTOM)) 56 , maLeft(this, SW_RES(FT_LEFT)) 57 , maInner(this, SW_RES(FT_INNER)) 58 , maLeftMarginEdit(this, SW_RES(MF_SWLEFT_MARGIN)) 59 , maRight(this, SW_RES(FT_RIGHT)) 60 , maOuter(this, SW_RES(FT_OUTER)) 61 , maRightMarginEdit(this, SW_RES(MF_SWRIGHT_MARGIN)) 62 , maTop(this, SW_RES(FT_TOP)) 63 , maTopMarginEdit(this, SW_RES(MF_SWTOP_MARGIN)) 64 , maBottom(this, SW_RES(FT_BOTTOM)) 65 , maBottomMarginEdit(this, SW_RES(MF_SWBOTTOM_MARGIN)) 66 , maWidthHeightField( this, SW_RES(FLD_WIDTH_HEIGHT) ) 67 , mnPageLeftMargin( aPageLRMargin.GetLeft() ) 68 , mnPageRightMargin( aPageLRMargin.GetRight() ) 69 , mnPageTopMargin( aPageULMargin.GetUpper() ) 70 , mnPageBottomMargin( aPageULMargin.GetLower() ) 71 , mbMirrored( bMirrored ) 72 , meUnit( eUnit ) 73 , mbUserCustomValuesAvailable(false) 74 , mnUserCustomPageLeftMargin(0) 75 , mnUserCustomPageRightMargin(0) 76 , mnUserCustomPageTopMargin(0) 77 , mnUserCustomPageBottomMargin(0) 78 , mbUserCustomMirrored(false) 79 , mbCustomValuesUsed( false ) 80 , mrPagePropPanel(rPanel)
| 81{
80 maWidthHeightField.Hide(); 81 SetFieldUnit( maWidthHeightField, eFUnit );
| 82 maWidthHeightField.Hide(); 83 SetFieldUnit( maWidthHeightField, eFUnit );
| 84
83 mbUserCustomValuesAvailable = GetUserCustomValues();
| 85 mbUserCustomValuesAvailable = GetUserCustomValues();
| 86
85 mpMarginValueSet->SetStyle( mpMarginValueSet->GetStyle() | WB_3DLOOK | WB_NO_DIRECTSELECT ); 86 mpMarginValueSet->SetColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetMenuColor() );
| 87 mpMarginValueSet->SetStyle( mpMarginValueSet->GetStyle() | WB_3DLOOK | WB_NO_DIRECTSELECT ); 88 mpMarginValueSet->SetColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetMenuColor() );
| 89
88 FillValueSet( bLandscape, mbUserCustomValuesAvailable );
| 90 FillValueSet( bLandscape, mbUserCustomValuesAvailable );
| 91
90 mpMarginValueSet->SetNoSelection(); 91 mpMarginValueSet->SetSelectHdl( LINK(this, PageMarginControl,ImplMarginHdl ) ); 92 mpMarginValueSet->Show();
| 92 mpMarginValueSet->SetNoSelection(); 93 mpMarginValueSet->SetSelectHdl( LINK(this, PageMarginControl,ImplMarginHdl ) ); 94 mpMarginValueSet->Show();
| 95
94 SelectValueSetItem();
| 96 SelectValueSetItem();
| 97
96 SetFieldUnit( maLeftMarginEdit, eFUnit ); 97 Link aLinkLR = LINK( this, PageMarginControl, ModifyLRMarginHdl ); 98 maLeftMarginEdit.SetModifyHdl( aLinkLR ); 99 SetMetricValue( maLeftMarginEdit, mnPageLeftMargin, meUnit );
| 98 SetFieldUnit( maLeftMarginEdit, eFUnit ); 99 Link aLinkLR = LINK( this, PageMarginControl, ModifyLRMarginHdl ); 100 maLeftMarginEdit.SetModifyHdl( aLinkLR ); 101 SetMetricValue( maLeftMarginEdit, mnPageLeftMargin, meUnit );
| 102
101 SetFieldUnit( maRightMarginEdit, eFUnit ); 102 maRightMarginEdit.SetModifyHdl( aLinkLR ); 103 SetMetricValue( maRightMarginEdit, mnPageRightMargin, meUnit );
| 103 SetFieldUnit( maRightMarginEdit, eFUnit ); 104 maRightMarginEdit.SetModifyHdl( aLinkLR ); 105 SetMetricValue( maRightMarginEdit, mnPageRightMargin, meUnit );
| 106
105 Link aLinkUL = LINK( this, PageMarginControl, ModifyULMarginHdl ); 106 SetFieldUnit( maTopMarginEdit, eFUnit ); 107 maTopMarginEdit.SetModifyHdl( aLinkUL ); 108 SetMetricValue( maTopMarginEdit, mnPageTopMargin, meUnit );
| 107 Link aLinkUL = LINK( this, PageMarginControl, ModifyULMarginHdl ); 108 SetFieldUnit( maTopMarginEdit, eFUnit ); 109 maTopMarginEdit.SetModifyHdl( aLinkUL ); 110 SetMetricValue( maTopMarginEdit, mnPageTopMargin, meUnit );
| 111
110 SetFieldUnit( maBottomMarginEdit, eFUnit ); 111 maBottomMarginEdit.SetModifyHdl( aLinkUL ); 112 SetMetricValue( maBottomMarginEdit, mnPageBottomMargin, meUnit );
| 112 SetFieldUnit( maBottomMarginEdit, eFUnit ); 113 maBottomMarginEdit.SetModifyHdl( aLinkUL ); 114 SetMetricValue( maBottomMarginEdit, mnPageBottomMargin, meUnit );
| 115
114 SetMetricFieldMaxValues( aPageSize );
| 116 SetMetricFieldMaxValues( aPageSize );
| 117
116 if ( mbMirrored ) 117 { 118 maLeft.Hide(); 119 maRight.Hide(); 120 maInner.Show(); 121 maOuter.Show(); 122 } 123 else 124 { 125 maLeft.Show(); 126 maRight.Show(); 127 maInner.Hide(); 128 maOuter.Hide(); 129 }
| 118 if ( mbMirrored ) 119 { 120 maLeft.Hide(); 121 maRight.Hide(); 122 maInner.Show(); 123 maOuter.Show(); 124 } 125 else 126 { 127 maLeft.Show(); 128 maRight.Show(); 129 maInner.Hide(); 130 maOuter.Hide(); 131 }
| 132
131 FreeResource();
| 133 FreeResource();
132} 133 134 135PageMarginControl::~PageMarginControl(void) 136{
| 134} 135 136 137PageMarginControl::~PageMarginControl(void) 138{
137 delete mpMarginValueSet;
| 139 delete mpMarginValueSet;
| 140
139 StoreUserCustomValues();
| 141 StoreUserCustomValues();
140} 141 142 143void PageMarginControl::SetMetricFieldMaxValues( const Size aPageSize ) 144{
| 142} 143 144 145void PageMarginControl::SetMetricFieldMaxValues( const Size aPageSize ) 146{
145 const long nML = maLeftMarginEdit.Denormalize( maLeftMarginEdit.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP) ); 146 const long nMR = maRightMarginEdit.Denormalize( maRightMarginEdit.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP) ); 147 const long nMT = maTopMarginEdit.Denormalize(maTopMarginEdit.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP) ); 148 const long nMB = maBottomMarginEdit.Denormalize( maBottomMarginEdit.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP) );
| 147 const long nML = maLeftMarginEdit.Denormalize( maLeftMarginEdit.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP) ); 148 const long nMR = maRightMarginEdit.Denormalize( maRightMarginEdit.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP) ); 149 const long nMT = maTopMarginEdit.Denormalize(maTopMarginEdit.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP) ); 150 const long nMB = maBottomMarginEdit.Denormalize( maBottomMarginEdit.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP) );
| 151
150 const long nPH = LogicToLogic( aPageSize.Height(), (MapUnit)meUnit, MAP_TWIP ); 151 const long nPW = LogicToLogic( aPageSize.Width(), (MapUnit)meUnit, MAP_TWIP );
| 152 const long nPH = LogicToLogic( aPageSize.Height(), (MapUnit)meUnit, MAP_TWIP ); 153 const long nPW = LogicToLogic( aPageSize.Width(), (MapUnit)meUnit, MAP_TWIP );
| 154
153 // Left 154 long nMax = nPW - nMR - MINBODY; 155 maLeftMarginEdit.SetMax(maLeftMarginEdit.Normalize(nMax), FUNIT_TWIP);
| 155 // Left 156 long nMax = nPW - nMR - MINBODY; 157 maLeftMarginEdit.SetMax(maLeftMarginEdit.Normalize(nMax), FUNIT_TWIP);
| 158
157 // Right 158 nMax = nPW - nML - MINBODY; 159 maRightMarginEdit.SetMax(maRightMarginEdit.Normalize(nMax), FUNIT_TWIP);
| 159 // Right 160 nMax = nPW - nML - MINBODY; 161 maRightMarginEdit.SetMax(maRightMarginEdit.Normalize(nMax), FUNIT_TWIP);
| 162
161 //Top 162 nMax = nPH - nMB - MINBODY; 163 maTopMarginEdit.SetMax(maTopMarginEdit.Normalize(nMax), FUNIT_TWIP);
| 163 // Top 164 nMax = nPH - nMB - MINBODY; 165 maTopMarginEdit.SetMax(maTopMarginEdit.Normalize(nMax), FUNIT_TWIP);
| 166
165 //Bottom 166 nMax = nPH - nMT - MINBODY; 167 maBottomMarginEdit.SetMax(maTopMarginEdit.Normalize(nMax), FUNIT_TWIP);
| 167 // Bottom 168 nMax = nPH - nMT - MINBODY; 169 maBottomMarginEdit.SetMax(maTopMarginEdit.Normalize(nMax), FUNIT_TWIP);
168} 169 170
| 170} 171 172
171void PageMarginControl::FillValueSet( 172 const bool bLandscape, 173 const bool bUserCustomValuesAvailable )
| 173void PageMarginControl::FillValueSet( 174 const bool bLandscape, 175 const bool bUserCustomValuesAvailable )
| 176{
175 const XubString aLeft = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_LEFT); 176 const XubString aRight = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_RIGHT); 177 const XubString aTop = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_TOP); 178 const XubString aBottom = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_BOT);
| 177 const XubString aLeft = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_LEFT); 178 const XubString aRight = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_RIGHT); 179 const XubString aTop = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_TOP); 180 const XubString aBottom = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_BOT);
| 181
180 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE, meUnit ); 181 const XubString aNarrowValText = maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 182 XubString aHelpText = aLeft; 183 aHelpText += aNarrowValText; 184 aHelpText += aRight; 185 aHelpText += aNarrowValText; 186 aHelpText += aTop; 187 aHelpText += aNarrowValText; 188 aHelpText += aBottom; 189 aHelpText += aNarrowValText; 190 mpMarginValueSet->AddItem( 191 (bLandscape ? SW_RES(IMG_NARROW_L) : SW_RES(IMG_NARROW) ), 0, 192 SW_RES(STR_NARROW), &aHelpText );
| 182 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE, meUnit ); 183 const XubString aNarrowValText = maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 184 XubString aHelpText = aLeft; 185 aHelpText += aNarrowValText; 186 aHelpText += aRight; 187 aHelpText += aNarrowValText; 188 aHelpText += aTop; 189 aHelpText += aNarrowValText; 190 aHelpText += aBottom; 191 aHelpText += aNarrowValText; 192 mpMarginValueSet->AddItem( 193 (bLandscape ? SW_RES(IMG_NARROW_L) : SW_RES(IMG_NARROW) ), 0, 194 SW_RES(STR_NARROW), &aHelpText );
| 195
194 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE, meUnit ); 195 const XubString aNormalValText = maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 196 aHelpText = aLeft; 197 aHelpText += aNormalValText; 198 aHelpText += aRight; 199 aHelpText += aNormalValText; 200 aHelpText += aTop; 201 aHelpText += aNormalValText; 202 aHelpText += aBottom; 203 aHelpText += aNormalValText; 204 mpMarginValueSet->AddItem( 205 (bLandscape ? SW_RES(IMG_NORMAL_L) : SW_RES(IMG_NORMAL) ), 0, 206 SW_RES(STR_NORMAL), &aHelpText );
| 196 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE, meUnit ); 197 const XubString aNormalValText = maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 198 aHelpText = aLeft; 199 aHelpText += aNormalValText; 200 aHelpText += aRight; 201 aHelpText += aNormalValText; 202 aHelpText += aTop; 203 aHelpText += aNormalValText; 204 aHelpText += aBottom; 205 aHelpText += aNormalValText; 206 mpMarginValueSet->AddItem( 207 (bLandscape ? SW_RES(IMG_NORMAL_L) : SW_RES(IMG_NORMAL) ), 0, 208 SW_RES(STR_NORMAL), &aHelpText );
| 209
208 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1, meUnit ); 209 const XubString aWide1ValText = maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 210 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE2, meUnit ); 211 const XubString aWide2ValText = maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 212 aHelpText = aLeft; 213 aHelpText += aWide2ValText; 214 aHelpText += aRight; 215 aHelpText += aWide2ValText; 216 aHelpText += aTop; 217 aHelpText += aWide1ValText; 218 aHelpText += aBottom; 219 aHelpText += aWide1ValText; 220 mpMarginValueSet->AddItem( 221 (bLandscape ? SW_RES(IMG_WIDE_L) : SW_RES(IMG_WIDE) ), 0, 222 SW_RES(STR_WIDE), &aHelpText );
| 210 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1, meUnit ); 211 const XubString aWide1ValText = maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 212 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE2, meUnit ); 213 const XubString aWide2ValText = maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 214 aHelpText = aLeft; 215 aHelpText += aWide2ValText; 216 aHelpText += aRight; 217 aHelpText += aWide2ValText; 218 aHelpText += aTop; 219 aHelpText += aWide1ValText; 220 aHelpText += aBottom; 221 aHelpText += aWide1ValText; 222 mpMarginValueSet->AddItem( 223 (bLandscape ? SW_RES(IMG_WIDE_L) : SW_RES(IMG_WIDE) ), 0, 224 SW_RES(STR_WIDE), &aHelpText );
| 225
224 const XubString aInner = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_INNER); 225 const XubString aOuter = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_OUTER);
| 226 const XubString aInner = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_INNER); 227 const XubString aOuter = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_OUTER);
| 228
227 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE3, meUnit ); 228 const XubString aWide3ValText = maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 229 aHelpText = aInner; 230 aHelpText += aWide3ValText; 231 aHelpText += aOuter; 232 aHelpText += aWide3ValText; 233 aHelpText += aTop; 234 aHelpText += aWide1ValText; 235 aHelpText += aBottom; 236 aHelpText += aWide1ValText; 237 mpMarginValueSet->AddItem( 238 (bLandscape ? SW_RES(IMG_MIRRORED_L) : SW_RES(IMG_MIRRORED) ), 0, 239 SW_RES(STR_MIRRORED), &aHelpText );
| 229 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE3, meUnit ); 230 const XubString aWide3ValText = maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 231 aHelpText = aInner; 232 aHelpText += aWide3ValText; 233 aHelpText += aOuter; 234 aHelpText += aWide3ValText; 235 aHelpText += aTop; 236 aHelpText += aWide1ValText; 237 aHelpText += aBottom; 238 aHelpText += aWide1ValText; 239 mpMarginValueSet->AddItem( 240 (bLandscape ? SW_RES(IMG_MIRRORED_L) : SW_RES(IMG_MIRRORED) ), 0, 241 SW_RES(STR_MIRRORED), &aHelpText );
| 242
241 if ( bUserCustomValuesAvailable ) 242 { 243 aHelpText = mbUserCustomMirrored ? aInner : aLeft; 244 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, mnUserCustomPageLeftMargin, meUnit ); 245 aHelpText += maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 246 aHelpText += mbUserCustomMirrored ? aOuter : aRight; 247 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, mnUserCustomPageRightMargin, meUnit ); 248 aHelpText += maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 249 aHelpText += aTop; 250 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, mnUserCustomPageTopMargin, meUnit ); 251 aHelpText += maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 252 aHelpText += aBottom; 253 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, mnUserCustomPageBottomMargin, meUnit ); 254 aHelpText += maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 255 } 256 else 257 { 258 aHelpText = XubString(); 259 } 260 mpMarginValueSet->AddItem( 261 (bUserCustomValuesAvailable ? SW_RES(IMG_CUSTOM) : SW_RES(IMG_CUSTOM_DIS) ), 0, 262 SW_RES(STR_LCVALUE), &aHelpText );
| 243 if ( bUserCustomValuesAvailable ) 244 { 245 aHelpText = mbUserCustomMirrored ? aInner : aLeft; 246 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, mnUserCustomPageLeftMargin, meUnit ); 247 aHelpText += maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 248 aHelpText += mbUserCustomMirrored ? aOuter : aRight; 249 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, mnUserCustomPageRightMargin, meUnit ); 250 aHelpText += maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 251 aHelpText += aTop; 252 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, mnUserCustomPageTopMargin, meUnit ); 253 aHelpText += maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 254 aHelpText += aBottom; 255 SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, mnUserCustomPageBottomMargin, meUnit ); 256 aHelpText += maWidthHeightField.GetText(); 257 } 258 else 259 { 260 aHelpText = XubString(); 261 } 262 mpMarginValueSet->AddItem( 263 (bUserCustomValuesAvailable ? SW_RES(IMG_CUSTOM) : SW_RES(IMG_CUSTOM_DIS) ), 0, 264 SW_RES(STR_LCVALUE), &aHelpText );
263} 264 265 266void PageMarginControl::SelectValueSetItem() 267{
| 265} 266 267 268void PageMarginControl::SelectValueSetItem() 269{
268 const long cTolerance = 5;
| 270 const long cTolerance = 5;
| 271
270 if( abs(mnPageLeftMargin - SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 271 abs(mnPageRightMargin - SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 272 abs(mnPageTopMargin - SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 273 abs(mnPageBottomMargin - SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 274 !mbMirrored ) 275 { 276 mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(1); 277 } 278 else if( abs(mnPageLeftMargin - SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 279 abs(mnPageRightMargin - SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 280 abs(mnPageTopMargin - SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 281 abs(mnPageBottomMargin - SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 282 !mbMirrored ) 283 { 284 mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(2); 285 } 286 else if( abs(mnPageLeftMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE2) <= cTolerance && 287 abs(mnPageRightMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE2) <= cTolerance && 288 abs(mnPageTopMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1) <= cTolerance && 289 abs(mnPageBottomMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1) <= cTolerance && 290 !mbMirrored ) 291 { 292 mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(3); 293 } 294 else if( abs(mnPageLeftMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE3) <= cTolerance && 295 abs(mnPageRightMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1) <= cTolerance && 296 abs(mnPageTopMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1) <= cTolerance && 297 abs(mnPageBottomMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1) <= cTolerance && 298 mbMirrored ) 299 { 300 mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(4); 301 } 302 else 303 { 304 mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(0); 305 }
| 272 if( abs(mnPageLeftMargin - SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 273 abs(mnPageRightMargin - SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 274 abs(mnPageTopMargin - SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 275 abs(mnPageBottomMargin - SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 276 !mbMirrored ) 277 { 278 mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(1); 279 } 280 else if( abs(mnPageLeftMargin - SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 281 abs(mnPageRightMargin - SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 282 abs(mnPageTopMargin - SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 283 abs(mnPageBottomMargin - SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE) <= cTolerance && 284 !mbMirrored ) 285 { 286 mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(2); 287 } 288 else if( abs(mnPageLeftMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE2) <= cTolerance && 289 abs(mnPageRightMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE2) <= cTolerance && 290 abs(mnPageTopMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1) <= cTolerance && 291 abs(mnPageBottomMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1) <= cTolerance && 292 !mbMirrored ) 293 { 294 mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(3); 295 } 296 else if( abs(mnPageLeftMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE3) <= cTolerance && 297 abs(mnPageRightMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1) <= cTolerance && 298 abs(mnPageTopMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1) <= cTolerance && 299 abs(mnPageBottomMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1) <= cTolerance && 300 mbMirrored ) 301 { 302 mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(4); 303 } 304 else 305 { 306 mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(0); 307 }
| 308
307 mpMarginValueSet->Format(); 308 mpMarginValueSet->StartSelection();
| 309 mpMarginValueSet->Format(); 310 mpMarginValueSet->StartSelection();
309}; 310 311 312IMPL_LINK(PageMarginControl, ImplMarginHdl, void *, pControl) 313{
| 311}; 312 313 314IMPL_LINK(PageMarginControl, ImplMarginHdl, void *, pControl) 315{
314 if ( pControl == mpMarginValueSet ) 315 { 316 const sal_uInt16 iPos = mpMarginValueSet->GetSelectItemId(); 317 bool bMirrored = false; 318 bool bApplyNewPageMargins = true; 319 switch ( iPos ) 320 { 321 case 1: 322 mnPageLeftMargin = SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE; 323 mnPageRightMargin = SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE; 324 mnPageTopMargin = SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE; 325 mnPageBottomMargin = SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE; 326 bMirrored = false; 327 break; 328 case 2: 329 mnPageLeftMargin = SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE; 330 mnPageRightMargin = SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE; 331 mnPageTopMargin = SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE; 332 mnPageBottomMargin = SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE; 333 bMirrored = false; 334 break; 335 case 3: 336 mnPageLeftMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE2; 337 mnPageRightMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE2; 338 mnPageTopMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1; 339 mnPageBottomMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1; 340 bMirrored = false; 341 break; 342 case 4: 343 mnPageLeftMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE3; 344 mnPageRightMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1; 345 mnPageTopMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1; 346 mnPageBottomMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1; 347 bMirrored = true; 348 break; 349 case 5: 350 if ( mbUserCustomValuesAvailable ) 351 { 352 mnPageLeftMargin = mnUserCustomPageLeftMargin; 353 mnPageRightMargin = mnUserCustomPageRightMargin; 354 mnPageTopMargin = mnUserCustomPageTopMargin; 355 mnPageBottomMargin = mnUserCustomPageBottomMargin; 356 bMirrored = mbUserCustomMirrored; 357 } 358 else 359 { 360 bApplyNewPageMargins = false; 361 } 362 break; 363 }
| 316 if ( pControl == mpMarginValueSet ) 317 { 318 const sal_uInt16 iPos = mpMarginValueSet->GetSelectItemId(); 319 bool bMirrored = false; 320 bool bApplyNewPageMargins = true; 321 switch ( iPos ) 322 { 323 case 1: 324 mnPageLeftMargin = SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE; 325 mnPageRightMargin = SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE; 326 mnPageTopMargin = SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE; 327 mnPageBottomMargin = SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE; 328 bMirrored = false; 329 break; 330 case 2: 331 mnPageLeftMargin = SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE; 332 mnPageRightMargin = SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE; 333 mnPageTopMargin = SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE; 334 mnPageBottomMargin = SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE; 335 bMirrored = false; 336 break; 337 case 3: 338 mnPageLeftMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE2; 339 mnPageRightMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE2; 340 mnPageTopMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1; 341 mnPageBottomMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1; 342 bMirrored = false; 343 break; 344 case 4: 345 mnPageLeftMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE3; 346 mnPageRightMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1; 347 mnPageTopMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1; 348 mnPageBottomMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1; 349 bMirrored = true; 350 break; 351 case 5: 352 if ( mbUserCustomValuesAvailable ) 353 { 354 mnPageLeftMargin = mnUserCustomPageLeftMargin; 355 mnPageRightMargin = mnUserCustomPageRightMargin; 356 mnPageTopMargin = mnUserCustomPageTopMargin; 357 mnPageBottomMargin = mnUserCustomPageBottomMargin; 358 bMirrored = mbUserCustomMirrored; 359 } 360 else 361 { 362 bApplyNewPageMargins = false; 363 } 364 break; 365 }
| 366
365 if ( bApplyNewPageMargins ) 366 { 367 mrPagePropPanel.StartUndo(); 368 mpMarginValueSet->SetNoSelection(); 369 mrPagePropPanel.ExecuteMarginLRChange( mnPageLeftMargin, mnPageRightMargin ); 370 mrPagePropPanel.ExecuteMarginULChange( mnPageTopMargin, mnPageBottomMargin ); 371 if ( mbMirrored != bMirrored ) 372 { 373 mbMirrored = bMirrored; 374 mrPagePropPanel.ExecutePageLayoutChange( mbMirrored ); 375 } 376 mrPagePropPanel.EndUndo();
| 367 if ( bApplyNewPageMargins ) 368 { 369 mrPagePropPanel.StartUndo(); 370 mpMarginValueSet->SetNoSelection(); 371 mrPagePropPanel.ExecuteMarginLRChange( mnPageLeftMargin, mnPageRightMargin ); 372 mrPagePropPanel.ExecuteMarginULChange( mnPageTopMargin, mnPageBottomMargin ); 373 if ( mbMirrored != bMirrored ) 374 { 375 mbMirrored = bMirrored; 376 mrPagePropPanel.ExecutePageLayoutChange( mbMirrored ); 377 } 378 mrPagePropPanel.EndUndo();
| 379
378 mbCustomValuesUsed = false; 379 mrPagePropPanel.ClosePageMarginPopup(); 380 } 381 else 382 { 383 // back to initial selection 384 SelectValueSetItem(); 385 } 386 }
| 380 mbCustomValuesUsed = false; 381 mrPagePropPanel.ClosePageMarginPopup(); 382 } 383 else 384 { 385 // back to initial selection 386 SelectValueSetItem(); 387 } 388 }
| 389
388 return 0;
| 390 return 0;
389} 390 391 392IMPL_LINK( PageMarginControl, ModifyLRMarginHdl, MetricField *, EMPTYARG ) 393{
| 391} 392 393 394IMPL_LINK( PageMarginControl, ModifyLRMarginHdl, MetricField *, EMPTYARG ) 395{
394 mpMarginValueSet->SetNoSelection(); 395 mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(0); 396 mpMarginValueSet->Format(); 397 mpMarginValueSet->StartSelection();
| 396 mpMarginValueSet->SetNoSelection(); 397 mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(0); 398 mpMarginValueSet->Format(); 399 mpMarginValueSet->StartSelection();
| 400
399 mnPageLeftMargin = GetCoreValue( maLeftMarginEdit, meUnit ); 400 mnPageRightMargin = GetCoreValue( maRightMarginEdit, meUnit ); 401 mrPagePropPanel.ExecuteMarginLRChange( mnPageLeftMargin, mnPageRightMargin ); 402 mbCustomValuesUsed = true; 403 return 0;
| 401 mnPageLeftMargin = GetCoreValue( maLeftMarginEdit, meUnit ); 402 mnPageRightMargin = GetCoreValue( maRightMarginEdit, meUnit ); 403 mrPagePropPanel.ExecuteMarginLRChange( mnPageLeftMargin, mnPageRightMargin ); 404 mbCustomValuesUsed = true; 405 return 0;
404} 405 406IMPL_LINK( PageMarginControl, ModifyULMarginHdl, MetricField *, EMPTYARG ) 407{
| 406} 407 408IMPL_LINK( PageMarginControl, ModifyULMarginHdl, MetricField *, EMPTYARG ) 409{
408 mpMarginValueSet->SetNoSelection(); 409 mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(0); 410 mpMarginValueSet->Format(); 411 mpMarginValueSet->StartSelection();
| 410 mpMarginValueSet->SetNoSelection(); 411 mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(0); 412 mpMarginValueSet->Format(); 413 mpMarginValueSet->StartSelection();
| 414
413 mnPageTopMargin = GetCoreValue( maTopMarginEdit, meUnit ); 414 mnPageBottomMargin = GetCoreValue( maBottomMarginEdit, meUnit ); 415 mrPagePropPanel.ExecuteMarginULChange( mnPageTopMargin, mnPageBottomMargin ); 416 mbCustomValuesUsed = true; 417 return 0;
| 415 mnPageTopMargin = GetCoreValue( maTopMarginEdit, meUnit ); 416 mnPageBottomMargin = GetCoreValue( maBottomMarginEdit, meUnit ); 417 mrPagePropPanel.ExecuteMarginULChange( mnPageTopMargin, mnPageBottomMargin ); 418 mbCustomValuesUsed = true; 419 return 0;
418} 419 420 421bool PageMarginControl::GetUserCustomValues() 422{
| 420} 421 422 423bool PageMarginControl::GetUserCustomValues() 424{
423 bool bUserCustomValuesAvailable = false;
| 425 bool bUserCustomValuesAvailable = false;
| 426
425 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_LEFT_GVALUE ); 426 if ( aWinOpt.Exists() ) 427 { 428 ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq = aWinOpt.GetUserData(); 429 ::rtl::OUString aTmp; 430 if ( aSeq.getLength()) 431 aSeq[0].Value >>= aTmp; 432 String aWinData( aTmp ); 433 mnUserCustomPageLeftMargin = aWinData.ToInt32(); 434 bUserCustomValuesAvailable = true; 435 }
| 427 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_LEFT_GVALUE ); 428 if ( aWinOpt.Exists() ) 429 { 430 ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq = aWinOpt.GetUserData(); 431 ::rtl::OUString aTmp; 432 if ( aSeq.getLength()) 433 aSeq[0].Value >>= aTmp; 434 String aWinData( aTmp ); 435 mnUserCustomPageLeftMargin = aWinData.ToInt32(); 436 bUserCustomValuesAvailable = true; 437 }
| 438
437 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt2( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_RIGHT_GVALUE ); 438 if ( aWinOpt2.Exists() ) 439 { 440 ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq = aWinOpt2.GetUserData(); 441 ::rtl::OUString aTmp; 442 if ( aSeq.getLength()) 443 aSeq[0].Value >>= aTmp; 444 String aWinData( aTmp ); 445 mnUserCustomPageRightMargin = aWinData.ToInt32(); 446 bUserCustomValuesAvailable = true; 447 }
| 439 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt2( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_RIGHT_GVALUE ); 440 if ( aWinOpt2.Exists() ) 441 { 442 ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq = aWinOpt2.GetUserData(); 443 ::rtl::OUString aTmp; 444 if ( aSeq.getLength()) 445 aSeq[0].Value >>= aTmp; 446 String aWinData( aTmp ); 447 mnUserCustomPageRightMargin = aWinData.ToInt32(); 448 bUserCustomValuesAvailable = true; 449 }
| 450
449 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt3( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_TOP_GVALUE ); 450 if ( aWinOpt3.Exists() ) 451 { 452 ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq = aWinOpt3.GetUserData(); 453 ::rtl::OUString aTmp; 454 if ( aSeq.getLength()) 455 aSeq[0].Value >>= aTmp; 456 String aWinData( aTmp ); 457 mnUserCustomPageTopMargin = aWinData.ToInt32(); 458 bUserCustomValuesAvailable = true; 459 }
| 451 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt3( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_TOP_GVALUE ); 452 if ( aWinOpt3.Exists() ) 453 { 454 ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq = aWinOpt3.GetUserData(); 455 ::rtl::OUString aTmp; 456 if ( aSeq.getLength()) 457 aSeq[0].Value >>= aTmp; 458 String aWinData( aTmp ); 459 mnUserCustomPageTopMargin = aWinData.ToInt32(); 460 bUserCustomValuesAvailable = true; 461 }
| 462
461 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt4( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_DOWN_GVALUE ); 462 if ( aWinOpt4.Exists() ) 463 { 464 ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq = aWinOpt4.GetUserData(); 465 ::rtl::OUString aTmp; 466 if ( aSeq.getLength()) 467 aSeq[0].Value >>= aTmp; 468 String aWinData( aTmp ); 469 mnUserCustomPageBottomMargin = aWinData.ToInt32(); 470 bUserCustomValuesAvailable = true; 471 }
| 463 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt4( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_DOWN_GVALUE ); 464 if ( aWinOpt4.Exists() ) 465 { 466 ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq = aWinOpt4.GetUserData(); 467 ::rtl::OUString aTmp; 468 if ( aSeq.getLength()) 469 aSeq[0].Value >>= aTmp; 470 String aWinData( aTmp ); 471 mnUserCustomPageBottomMargin = aWinData.ToInt32(); 472 bUserCustomValuesAvailable = true; 473 }
| 474
473 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt5( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_MIRROR_GVALUE ); 474 if ( aWinOpt5.Exists() ) 475 { 476 ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq = aWinOpt5.GetUserData(); 477 ::rtl::OUString aTmp; 478 if ( aSeq.getLength()) 479 aSeq[0].Value >>= aTmp; 480 String aWinData( aTmp ); 481 mbUserCustomMirrored = aWinData.ToInt32() == 0 ? false : true; 482 bUserCustomValuesAvailable = true; 483 }
| 475 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt5( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_MIRROR_GVALUE ); 476 if ( aWinOpt5.Exists() ) 477 { 478 ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq = aWinOpt5.GetUserData(); 479 ::rtl::OUString aTmp; 480 if ( aSeq.getLength()) 481 aSeq[0].Value >>= aTmp; 482 String aWinData( aTmp ); 483 mbUserCustomMirrored = aWinData.ToInt32() == 0 ? false : true; 484 bUserCustomValuesAvailable = true; 485 }
| 486
485 return bUserCustomValuesAvailable;
| 487 return bUserCustomValuesAvailable;
486} 487 488void PageMarginControl::StoreUserCustomValues() 489{
| 488} 489 490void PageMarginControl::StoreUserCustomValues() 491{
490 if ( !mbCustomValuesUsed ) 491 { 492 return; 493 }
| 492 if ( !mbCustomValuesUsed ) 493 { 494 return; 495 }
| 496
495 ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq(1); 496 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_LEFT_GVALUE );
| 497 ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq(1); 498 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_LEFT_GVALUE );
| 499
498 aSeq[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("mnPageLeftMargin") ); 499 aSeq[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( String::CreateFromInt64( mnPageLeftMargin )); 500 aWinOpt.SetUserData( aSeq );
| 500 aSeq[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("mnPageLeftMargin") ); 501 aSeq[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( String::CreateFromInt64( mnPageLeftMargin )); 502 aWinOpt.SetUserData( aSeq );
| 503
502 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt2( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_RIGHT_GVALUE ); 503 aSeq[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("mnPageRightMargin") ); 504 aSeq[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( String::CreateFromInt64( mnPageRightMargin )); 505 aWinOpt2.SetUserData( aSeq );
| 504 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt2( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_RIGHT_GVALUE ); 505 aSeq[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("mnPageRightMargin") ); 506 aSeq[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( String::CreateFromInt64( mnPageRightMargin )); 507 aWinOpt2.SetUserData( aSeq );
| 508
507 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt3( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_TOP_GVALUE ); 508 aSeq[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("mnPageTopMargin") ); 509 aSeq[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( String::CreateFromInt64( mnPageTopMargin )); 510 aWinOpt3.SetUserData( aSeq );
| 509 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt3( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_TOP_GVALUE ); 510 aSeq[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("mnPageTopMargin") ); 511 aSeq[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( String::CreateFromInt64( mnPageTopMargin )); 512 aWinOpt3.SetUserData( aSeq );
| 513
512 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt4( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_DOWN_GVALUE ); 513 aSeq[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("mnPageBottomMargin") ); 514 aSeq[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( String::CreateFromInt64( mnPageBottomMargin )); 515 aWinOpt4.SetUserData( aSeq );
| 514 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt4( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_DOWN_GVALUE ); 515 aSeq[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("mnPageBottomMargin") ); 516 aSeq[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( String::CreateFromInt64( mnPageBottomMargin )); 517 aWinOpt4.SetUserData( aSeq );
| 518
517 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt5( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_MIRROR_GVALUE ); 518 aSeq[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("mbMirrored") ); 519 aSeq[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( String::CreateFromInt64( (mbMirrored ? 1 : 0) )); 520 aWinOpt5.SetUserData( aSeq );
| 519 SvtViewOptions aWinOpt5( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_MIRROR_GVALUE ); 520 aSeq[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("mbMirrored") ); 521 aSeq[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( String::CreateFromInt64( (mbMirrored ? 1 : 0) )); 522 aWinOpt5.SetUserData( aSeq );
521} 522 523 524} } // end of namespace sw::sidebar 525
| 523} 524 525 526} } // end of namespace sw::sidebar 527
| 528/* vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4: */
| |