examples.html (ae5b48de) examples.html (d861de33)
5# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
6# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
7# distributed with this work for additional information
8# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file

--- 143 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

152 <td class="content3"><img
153 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
154 <td><a href="#Charts"
155 title="link to the Charts examples">Charts</a></td>
156 <td class="content10"></td>
157 <td class="content3"><img
158 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
159 <td><a href="#BasicandDialogs"
5# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
6# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
7# distributed with this work for additional information
8# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file

--- 143 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

152 <td class="content3"><img
153 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
154 <td><a href="#Charts"
155 title="link to the Charts examples">Charts</a></td>
156 <td class="content10"></td>
157 <td class="content3"><img
158 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
159 <td><a href="#BasicandDialogs"
160 title="link to the Basic And Dialogs examples">OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% Basic and
160 title="link to the Basic And Dialogs examples">OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% Basic and
162 </tr>
163 <tr valign="top">
164 <td class="content3"><img
165 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
166 <td><a href="#Database"
167 title="link to the Database examples">Database Access</a></td>
168 <td class="content4"></td>

--- 56 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

225 <td>
226 <table class="table2">
227 <tbody>
228 <tr>
229 <td>
230 <table class="table3">
231 <tbody>
232 <tr>
162 </tr>
163 <tr valign="top">
164 <td class="content3"><img
165 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
166 <td><a href="#Database"
167 title="link to the Database examples">Database Access</a></td>
168 <td class="content4"></td>

--- 56 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

225 <td>
226 <table class="table2">
227 <tbody>
228 <tr>
229 <td>
230 <table class="table3">
231 <tbody>
232 <tr>
233 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a name="FirstSteps">FirstSteps
233 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a name="FirstSteps">First Steps
235 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
236 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
237 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
238 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
239 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
240 </tr>
241 </tbody>

--- 9 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

251 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
252 </tr>
253 <tr>
254 <td class="cell20"><img
255 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
256 href="./FirstSteps/FirstUnoContact.java"
257 title="link to FirstSteps/FirstUnoContact.java">FirstUnoContact</a></td>
258 <td class="cell80">Shows how to initialize UNO and
235 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
236 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
237 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
238 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
239 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
240 </tr>
241 </tbody>

--- 9 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

251 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
252 </tr>
253 <tr>
254 <td class="cell20"><img
255 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
256 href="./FirstSteps/FirstUnoContact.java"
257 title="link to FirstSteps/FirstUnoContact.java">FirstUnoContact</a></td>
258 <td class="cell80">Shows how to initialize UNO and
259get a remote office service manager from a running OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% in a
259get a remote office service manager from a running Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% in a
260different process space.</td>
261 </tr>
262 <tr>
263 <td class="cell20"><img
264 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
265 href="./FirstSteps/FirstLoadComponent.java"
266 title="link to FirstSteps/FirstLoadComponent.java">FirstLoadComponent</a></td>
267 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates how to load a
260different process space.</td>
261 </tr>
262 <tr>
263 <td class="cell20"><img
264 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
265 href="./FirstSteps/FirstLoadComponent.java"
266 title="link to FirstSteps/FirstLoadComponent.java">FirstLoadComponent</a></td>
267 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates how to load a
268component into OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% by a Java application.</td>
268component into Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% by a Java application.</td>
269 </tr>
270 <tr>
271 <td class="cell20"><img
272 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
273 href="./FirstSteps/HelloTextTableShape.java"
274 title="link to FirstSteps/HelloTextTableShape.java">HelloTextTableShape</a></td>
275 <td class="cell80">Performs some generic text and
276shape operations on a text document, a spreadsheet document and a

--- 74 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

351 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
352 </tr>
353 <tr>
354 <td class="cell20"><img
355 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
356 href="./ProfUNO/InterprocessConn/ConnectionAwareClient.java"
357 title="link to ProfUNO/InterprocessConn/ConnectionAwareClient/.java">ConnectionAwareClient</a></td>
358 <td class="cell80">Implements a client which is aware
269 </tr>
270 <tr>
271 <td class="cell20"><img
272 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
273 href="./FirstSteps/HelloTextTableShape.java"
274 title="link to FirstSteps/HelloTextTableShape.java">HelloTextTableShape</a></td>
275 <td class="cell80">Performs some generic text and
276shape operations on a text document, a spreadsheet document and a

--- 74 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

351 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
352 </tr>
353 <tr>
354 <td class="cell20"><img
355 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
356 href="./ProfUNO/InterprocessConn/ConnectionAwareClient.java"
357 title="link to ProfUNO/InterprocessConn/ConnectionAwareClient/.java">ConnectionAwareClient</a></td>
358 <td class="cell80">Implements a client which is aware
359of losing connection to OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE%.</td>
359of losing connection to Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE%.</td>
360 </tr>
361 <tr>
362 <td class="cell20"><img
363 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
364 href="./ProfUNO/InterprocessConn/UrlResolver.java"
365 title="link to ProfUNO/InterProcessConn/UrlResolver.java">UrlResolver</a></td>
360 </tr>
361 <tr>
362 <td class="cell20"><img
363 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
364 href="./ProfUNO/InterprocessConn/UrlResolver.java"
365 title="link to ProfUNO/InterProcessConn/UrlResolver.java">UrlResolver</a></td>
366 <td class="cell80">Builds a connection to
367OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% using the URL given on the command line. This example
366 <td class="cell80">Builds a connection to Apache
367OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% using the URL given on the command line. This example
368shows the usage of <a
369 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/bridge/XUnoUrlResolver.html"
370 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.bridge.XUnoResolver"><code>XUnoUrlResolver</code></a>.</td>
371 </tr>
372 </tbody>
373 </table>
374 </td>
375 </tr>

--- 5 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

381 <td class="cell20">C++ Binding Examples</td>
382 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
383 </tr>
384 <tr>
385 <td class="cell20"><img
386 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
387 href="./ProfUNO/CppBinding/office_connect.cxx"
388 title="link to ProfUNO/CppBinding/office_connect.java">office_connect.cxx</a></td>
368shows the usage of <a
369 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/bridge/XUnoUrlResolver.html"
370 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.bridge.XUnoResolver"><code>XUnoUrlResolver</code></a>.</td>
371 </tr>
372 </tbody>
373 </table>
374 </td>
375 </tr>

--- 5 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

381 <td class="cell20">C++ Binding Examples</td>
382 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
383 </tr>
384 <tr>
385 <td class="cell20"><img
386 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
387 href="./ProfUNO/CppBinding/office_connect.cxx"
388 title="link to ProfUNO/CppBinding/office_connect.java">office_connect.cxx</a></td>
389 <td class="cell80">Builds a connection to
390OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% using C++.</td>
389 <td class="cell80">Builds a connection to Apache
390OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% using C++.</td>
391 </tr>
392 <tr>
393 <td class="cell20"><img
394 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
395 href="./ProfUNO/CppBinding/string_samples.cxx"
396 title="link to ProfUNO/Cppbinding/string_samples.java">string_samples.cxx</a></td>
397 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates usage of RTL string
398classes <a href="../../docs/cpp/ref/names/rtl/c-OString.html"

--- 344 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

743 <td class="cell20">Dialog Component Example</td>
744 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
745 </tr>
746 <tr>
747 <td class="cell20"><img src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
748 href="./Components/DialogComponent/DialogComponent.java"
749 title="link to Components/DialogComponent/DialogComponent.java">DialogComponent.java</a></td>
750 <td class="cell80">Implements a component accessing a dialog created
391 </tr>
392 <tr>
393 <td class="cell20"><img
394 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
395 href="./ProfUNO/CppBinding/string_samples.cxx"
396 title="link to ProfUNO/Cppbinding/string_samples.java">string_samples.cxx</a></td>
397 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates usage of RTL string
398classes <a href="../../docs/cpp/ref/names/rtl/c-OString.html"

--- 344 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

743 <td class="cell20">Dialog Component Example</td>
744 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
745 </tr>
746 <tr>
747 <td class="cell20"><img src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
748 href="./Components/DialogComponent/DialogComponent.java"
749 title="link to Components/DialogComponent/DialogComponent.java">DialogComponent.java</a></td>
750 <td class="cell80">Implements a component accessing a dialog created
751 with the OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% Basic IDE. The component provides methods that
752 can be bound to dialog respectively control events .</td>
751 with the Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% Basic IDE. The component provides methods that
752 can be bound to dialog respectively control events.</td>
753 </tr>
754 <tr>
755 <td class="cell20"><a
756 href="./Components/DialogComponent/XTestDialogHandler.idl"
757 title="link to Components/DialogComponent/XTestDialogHandler.idl">XTestDialogHandler.idl</a></td>
758 <td class="cell80">Interface implementing a createDialog method showing the
759 dialog and some methods to be used as event handler for the dialog.
760 </td>

--- 199 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

960 <tr>
961 <td class="cell20"><img
962 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
963 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/Desk.java"
964 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/Desk.java">Desk</a></td>
965 <td class="cell80">This is the main part of a demo
966application based on the framework APIs. It mainly shows the mechanisms
967to load, store and convert documents, as well as dispatch and dispatch
753 </tr>
754 <tr>
755 <td class="cell20"><a
756 href="./Components/DialogComponent/XTestDialogHandler.idl"
757 title="link to Components/DialogComponent/XTestDialogHandler.idl">XTestDialogHandler.idl</a></td>
758 <td class="cell80">Interface implementing a createDialog method showing the
759 dialog and some methods to be used as event handler for the dialog.
760 </td>

--- 199 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

960 <tr>
961 <td class="cell20"><img
962 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
963 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/Desk.java"
964 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/Desk.java">Desk</a></td>
965 <td class="cell80">This is the main part of a demo
966application based on the framework APIs. It mainly shows the mechanisms
967to load, store and convert documents, as well as dispatch and dispatch
968interception. It integrates windows from OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% via system
968interception. It integrates windows from Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% via system
969window handle. This is the same mechanism as used by the OOoBean, but
970the OOoBean itself is not used here, just the JNI window handle access.</td>
971 </tr>
972 <tr>
973 <td class="cell20"><a
974 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/DocumentView.java"
975 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/DocumentView.java">DocumentView</a></td>
976 <td class="cell80">Deals with the application window
977and it's actions.</td>
978 </tr>
979 <tr>
980 <td class="cell20"><a
981 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/FunctionHelper.java"
982 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/FunctionHelper.java">FunctionHelper</a></td>
969window handle. This is the same mechanism as used by the OOoBean, but
970the OOoBean itself is not used here, just the JNI window handle access.</td>
971 </tr>
972 <tr>
973 <td class="cell20"><a
974 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/DocumentView.java"
975 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/DocumentView.java">DocumentView</a></td>
976 <td class="cell80">Deals with the application window
977and it's actions.</td>
978 </tr>
979 <tr>
980 <td class="cell20"><a
981 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/FunctionHelper.java"
982 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/FunctionHelper.java">FunctionHelper</a></td>
983 <td class="cell80">This helper comprises all
984OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% API calls. Thus it is possible to learn about these
983 <td class="cell80">This helper comprises all Apache
984OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% API calls. Thus it is possible to learn about these
985aspects separately from the rest of the application example.</td>
986 </tr>
987 <tr>
988 <td class="cell20"><a
989 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/IOnewayLink.java"
990 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/IOnewayLink.java">IOnewayLink</a></td>
991 <td class="cell80">This is an interface to receive
992asynchronous events from UNO oneway calls.</td>
993 </tr>
994 <tr>
995 <td class="cell20"><a
996 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/IShutdownListener.java"
997 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/IShutdownListener.java">IShutdownListener</a></td>
998 <td class="cell80">This is a listener interface to
985aspects separately from the rest of the application example.</td>
986 </tr>
987 <tr>
988 <td class="cell20"><a
989 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/IOnewayLink.java"
990 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/IOnewayLink.java">IOnewayLink</a></td>
991 <td class="cell80">This is an interface to receive
992asynchronous events from UNO oneway calls.</td>
993 </tr>
994 <tr>
995 <td class="cell20"><a
996 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/IShutdownListener.java"
997 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/IShutdownListener.java">IShutdownListener</a></td>
998 <td class="cell80">This is a listener interface to
999clean up on shutdown of OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE%.</td>
999clean up on shutdown of Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE%.</td>
1000 </tr>
1001 <tr>
1002 <td class="cell20"><a
1003 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/Interceptor.java"
1004 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/Interceptor.java">Interceptor</a></td>
1005 <td class="cell80">This implements a dispatch
1006interceptor for a specific URL.</td>
1007 </tr>

--- 13 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1021 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/NativeView.java">NativeView</a></td>
1022 <td class="cell80">Implements native JNI methods to
1023get the window handle of the Java window.</td>
1024 </tr>
1025 <tr>
1026 <td class="cell20"><a
1027 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/OfficeConnect.java"
1028 title=" link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/OfficeConnect.java">OfficeConnect</a></td>
1000 </tr>
1001 <tr>
1002 <td class="cell20"><a
1003 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/Interceptor.java"
1004 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/Interceptor.java">Interceptor</a></td>
1005 <td class="cell80">This implements a dispatch
1006interceptor for a specific URL.</td>
1007 </tr>

--- 13 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1021 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/NativeView.java">NativeView</a></td>
1022 <td class="cell80">Implements native JNI methods to
1023get the window handle of the Java window.</td>
1024 </tr>
1025 <tr>
1026 <td class="cell20"><a
1027 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/OfficeConnect.java"
1028 title=" link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/OfficeConnect.java">OfficeConnect</a></td>
1029 <td class="cell80">Builds the remote bridge to
1030OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% and exports its UNO service manager for the Java side of
1029 <td class="cell80">Builds the remote bridge to Apache
1030OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% and exports its UNO service manager for the Java side of
1031the application.</td>
1032 </tr>
1033 <tr>
1034 <td class="cell20"><a
1035 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/OnewayExecutor.java"
1036 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/OnewayExecutor.java">OnewayExecutor</a></td>
1037 <td class="cell80">Implements <code>IOnewayLink</code>
1038to decouple asynchronous oneway calls in the Java process.</td>

--- 14 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1053 <td class="cell80">Shows the current status for which
1054the application is registered as an event listener.</td>
1055 </tr>
1056 <tr>
1057 <td class="cell20"><a
1058 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/ViewContainer.java"
1059 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/ViewContainer.java">ViewContainer</a></td>
1060 <td class="cell80">Performs a clean up on the Java
1031the application.</td>
1032 </tr>
1033 <tr>
1034 <td class="cell20"><a
1035 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/OnewayExecutor.java"
1036 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/OnewayExecutor.java">OnewayExecutor</a></td>
1037 <td class="cell80">Implements <code>IOnewayLink</code>
1038to decouple asynchronous oneway calls in the Java process.</td>

--- 14 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1053 <td class="cell80">Shows the current status for which
1054the application is registered as an event listener.</td>
1055 </tr>
1056 <tr>
1057 <td class="cell20"><a
1058 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/ViewContainer.java"
1059 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/ViewContainer.java">ViewContainer</a></td>
1060 <td class="cell80">Performs a clean up on the Java
1061side on OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% shutdown.</td>
1061side on Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% shutdown.</td>
1062 </tr>
1063 </tbody>
1064 </table>
1065 </td>
1066 </tr>
1067 <tr>
1068 <td>
1069 <table class="table4">
1070 <tbody>
1071 <tr class="thead">
1072 <td class="cell20">Office Development Examples</td>
1073 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1074 </tr>
1075 <tr>
1076 <td class="cell20"><a
1077 href="./OfficeDev/OfficeConnect.java"
1078 title="link to OfficeDev/OfficeConnect.java">OfficeConnect</a></td>
1062 </tr>
1063 </tbody>
1064 </table>
1065 </td>
1066 </tr>
1067 <tr>
1068 <td>
1069 <table class="table4">
1070 <tbody>
1071 <tr class="thead">
1072 <td class="cell20">Office Development Examples</td>
1073 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1074 </tr>
1075 <tr>
1076 <td class="cell20"><a
1077 href="./OfficeDev/OfficeConnect.java"
1078 title="link to OfficeDev/OfficeConnect.java">OfficeConnect</a></td>
1079 <td class="cell80">Builds the remote bridge to
1080OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% and exports its UNO service manager to the Java side.</td>
1079 <td class="cell80">Builds the remote bridge to Apache
1080OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% and exports its UNO service manager to the Java side.</td>
1081 </tr>
1082 <tr>
1083 <td class="cell20"><img
1084 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
1085 href="./OfficeDev/ContextMenuInterceptor.java"
1086 title="link to OfficeDev/ContextMenuInterceptor.java">ContextMenuInterceptor</a></td>
1087 <td class="cell80">This example shows a context menu
1088interceptor that creates a new menu entry that has a sub menu. This sub

--- 39 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1128 <tr>
1129 <td class="cell20"><a
1130 href="./OfficeDev/TerminationTest/TerminateListener.java"
1131 title="link to OfficeDev/TerminationTest/TerminateListener.java">TerminateListener</a></td>
1132 <td class="cell80">An example implementation of <a
1133 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/frame/XTerminateListener.html"
1134 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.frame.XTerminationListener">
1135 <code>XTerminateListener</code></a>. It is called
1081 </tr>
1082 <tr>
1083 <td class="cell20"><img
1084 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
1085 href="./OfficeDev/ContextMenuInterceptor.java"
1086 title="link to OfficeDev/ContextMenuInterceptor.java">ContextMenuInterceptor</a></td>
1087 <td class="cell80">This example shows a context menu
1088interceptor that creates a new menu entry that has a sub menu. This sub

--- 39 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1128 <tr>
1129 <td class="cell20"><a
1130 href="./OfficeDev/TerminationTest/TerminateListener.java"
1131 title="link to OfficeDev/TerminationTest/TerminateListener.java">TerminateListener</a></td>
1132 <td class="cell80">An example implementation of <a
1133 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/frame/XTerminateListener.html"
1134 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.frame.XTerminationListener">
1135 <code>XTerminateListener</code></a>. It is called
1136when OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% terminates.</td>
1136when Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% terminates.</td>
1137 </tr>
1138 </tbody>
1139 </table>
1140 </td>
1141 </tr>
1142 <tr>
1143 <td>
1144 <table class="table4">

--- 49 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1194 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1195 </tr>
1196 <tr>
1197 <td class="cell20"><img
1198 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
1199 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/LinguisticExamples.java"
1200 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/LinguisticExamples.java">LinguisticExamples</a></td>
1201 <td class="cell80">A short example that uses most of
1137 </tr>
1138 </tbody>
1139 </table>
1140 </td>
1141 </tr>
1142 <tr>
1143 <td>
1144 <table class="table4">

--- 49 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1194 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1195 </tr>
1196 <tr>
1197 <td class="cell20"><img
1198 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
1199 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/LinguisticExamples.java"
1200 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/LinguisticExamples.java">LinguisticExamples</a></td>
1201 <td class="cell80">A short example that uses most of
1202the functionality from the OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% linguistic API.</td>
1202the functionality from the Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% linguistic API.</td>
1203 </tr>
1204 <tr>
1205 <td class="cell20"><a
1206 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/OneInstanceFactory.java"
1207 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/OneInstanceFactory.java">OneInstanceFactory</a></td>
1208 <td class="cell80">This class is used to provide a
1209service factory for the linguistic services. It enforces that the
1210actual implementations are only instantiated once.</td>

--- 464 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1675exports it to a GIF file. Run this program with source URL, target URL
1676and page index on the command line, where the URLs are fully qualified
1678 </tr>
1679 <tr>
1680 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Drawing/Helper.java"
1681 title="link to Drawing/Helper.java">Helper</a></td>
1682 <td class="cell80">Contains a helper class for the
1203 </tr>
1204 <tr>
1205 <td class="cell20"><a
1206 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/OneInstanceFactory.java"
1207 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/OneInstanceFactory.java">OneInstanceFactory</a></td>
1208 <td class="cell80">This class is used to provide a
1209service factory for the linguistic services. It enforces that the
1210actual implementations are only instantiated once.</td>

--- 464 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1675exports it to a GIF file. Run this program with source URL, target URL
1676and page index on the command line, where the URLs are fully qualified
1678 </tr>
1679 <tr>
1680 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Drawing/Helper.java"
1681 title="link to Drawing/Helper.java">Helper</a></td>
1682 <td class="cell80">Contains a helper class for the
1683other examples to connect to OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% and open or create a drawing
1683other examples to connect to Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% and open or create a drawing
1685 </tr>
1686 <tr>
1687 <td class="cell20"><img
1688 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
1689 href="./Drawing/LayerDemo.java" title="link to Drawing/LayerDemo.java">LayerDemo</a></td>
1690 <td class="cell80">Creates shapes in different layers
1691to show how to protect shapes from modifications.</td>

--- 133 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1825 <td class="cell80">Inserts an embedded chart object
1826with a random bar chart in a text document. This example does not
1827really work, because the API for embedding objects into text documents
1828is not implemented. To be more precise.</td>
1829 </tr>
1830 <tr>
1831 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Charts/Helper.java"
1832 title="link to Charts/Helper.java">Helper</a></td>
1685 </tr>
1686 <tr>
1687 <td class="cell20"><img
1688 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
1689 href="./Drawing/LayerDemo.java" title="link to Drawing/LayerDemo.java">LayerDemo</a></td>
1690 <td class="cell80">Creates shapes in different layers
1691to show how to protect shapes from modifications.</td>

--- 133 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1825 <td class="cell80">Inserts an embedded chart object
1826with a random bar chart in a text document. This example does not
1827really work, because the API for embedding objects into text documents
1828is not implemented. To be more precise.</td>
1829 </tr>
1830 <tr>
1831 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Charts/Helper.java"
1832 title="link to Charts/Helper.java">Helper</a></td>
1833 <td class="cell80">Shows how to connect to
1834OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% and create text, drawing or spreadsheet document. This
1833 <td class="cell80">Shows how to connect to Apache
1834OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% and create text, drawing or spreadsheet document. This
1835class is used as a helper class for the other examples.</td>
1836 </tr>
1837 <tr>
1838 <td class="cell20"><a
1839 href="./Charts/JavaSampleChartAddIn.java"
1840 title="link to Charts/JavaSampleChartAddIn.java">JavaSampleChartAddIn</a></td>
1841 <td class="cell80">Gives an example of how to
1842implement chart add-ins to create new or specialized diagram types. The

--- 38 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1881 <table class="table2">
1882 <tbody>
1883 <tr>
1884 <td>
1885 <table class="table3">
1886 <tbody>
1887 <tr>
1888 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a
1835class is used as a helper class for the other examples.</td>
1836 </tr>
1837 <tr>
1838 <td class="cell20"><a
1839 href="./Charts/JavaSampleChartAddIn.java"
1840 title="link to Charts/JavaSampleChartAddIn.java">JavaSampleChartAddIn</a></td>
1841 <td class="cell80">Gives an example of how to
1842implement chart add-ins to create new or specialized diagram types. The

--- 38 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1881 <table class="table2">
1882 <tbody>
1883 <tr>
1884 <td>
1885 <table class="table3">
1886 <tbody>
1887 <tr>
1888 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a
1889 name="BasicandDialogs">OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% Basic and Dialogs examples</a></td>
1889 name="BasicandDialogs">OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% Basic and Dialogs examples</a></td>
1890 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
1891 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
1892 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
1893 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
1894 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
1895 </tr>
1896 </tbody>
1897 </table>

--- 6 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1904 <tr class="thead">
1905 <td class="cell20">Example</td>
1906 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1907 </tr>
1908 <tr>
1909 <td class="cell20"><a
1910 href="./BasicAndDialogs/FirstStepsBasic.odt"
1911 title="link to BasicAndDialogs/FirstStepsBasic.odt">FirstStepsBasic.odt</a></td>
1890 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
1891 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
1892 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
1893 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
1894 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
1895 </tr>
1896 </tbody>
1897 </table>

--- 6 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1904 <tr class="thead">
1905 <td class="cell20">Example</td>
1906 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1907 </tr>
1908 <tr>
1909 <td class="cell20"><a
1910 href="./BasicAndDialogs/FirstStepsBasic.odt"
1911 title="link to BasicAndDialogs/FirstStepsBasic.odt">FirstStepsBasic.odt</a></td>
1912 <td class="cell80">This StarBasic example shows how to
1912 <td class="cell80">This OpenOffice Basic example shows how to
1913create an own dialog which inserts a graphics object into a text
1915 </tr>
1916 <tr>
1917 <td class="cell20"><a
1918 href="./BasicAndDialogs/CreatingDialogs/SampleDialog.java"
1919 title="link to BasicAndDialogs/CreatingDialogs/SampleDialog.java">SampleDialog</a></td>
1920 <td class="cell80">This example builds a Java

--- 81 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2002 <td class="cell20">Database Examples</td>
2003 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
2004 </tr>
2005 <tr>
2006 <td class="cell20"><img
2007 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
2008 href="./Database/CodeSamples.java"
2009 title="link to Database/CodeSamples.java">CodeSamples</a></td>
1913create an own dialog which inserts a graphics object into a text
1915 </tr>
1916 <tr>
1917 <td class="cell20"><a
1918 href="./BasicAndDialogs/CreatingDialogs/SampleDialog.java"
1919 title="link to BasicAndDialogs/CreatingDialogs/SampleDialog.java">SampleDialog</a></td>
1920 <td class="cell80">This example builds a Java

--- 81 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2002 <td class="cell20">Database Examples</td>
2003 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
2004 </tr>
2005 <tr>
2006 <td class="cell20"><img
2007 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
2008 href="./Database/CodeSamples.java"
2009 title="link to Database/CodeSamples.java">CodeSamples</a></td>
2010 <td class="cell80">Creates the connection to
2011OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE% and executes the code SalesMan samples for database API.</td>
2010 <td class="cell80">Creates the connection to Apache
2011OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% and executes the code SalesMan samples for database API.</td>
2012 </tr>
2013 <tr>
2014 <td class="cell20"><img
2015 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
2016 href="./Database/OpenQuery.java"
2017 title="link to Database/OpenQuery.java">OpenQuery</a></td>
2018 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates the use of <a
2019 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/sdbc/XResultSetUpdate.html"

--- 662 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2682 <td class="cell20">Example</td>
2683 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
2684 </tr>
2685 <tr>
2686 <td class="cell20"><img
2687 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
2688 href="./Config/ConfigExamples.java"
2689 title="link to Config/ConfigExamples.java">ConfigExamples</a></td>
2012 </tr>
2013 <tr>
2014 <td class="cell20"><img
2015 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
2016 href="./Database/OpenQuery.java"
2017 title="link to Database/OpenQuery.java">OpenQuery</a></td>
2018 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates the use of <a
2019 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/sdbc/XResultSetUpdate.html"

--- 662 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

2682 <td class="cell20">Example</td>
2683 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
2684 </tr>
2685 <tr>
2686 <td class="cell20"><img
2687 src="../../docs/images/blueball.png"> <a
2688 href="./Config/ConfigExamples.java"
2689 title="link to Config/ConfigExamples.java">ConfigExamples</a></td>
2690 <td class="cell80">This example connects to a
2691OpenOffice.org %PRODUCT_RELEASE%, gets the configuration manager and accesses the
2690 <td class="cell80">This example connects to Apache
2691OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE%, gets the configuration manager and accesses the
2692configuration in various ways.</td>
2693 </tr>
2694 </tbody>
2695 </table>
2696 </td>
2697 </tr>
2698 </tbody>
2699 </table>

--- 352 unchanged lines hidden ---
2692configuration in various ways.</td>
2693 </tr>
2694 </tbody>
2695 </table>
2696 </td>
2697 </tr>
2698 </tbody>
2699 </table>

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