(9f91b7e3) (677600b0)
3# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
5# distributed with this work for additional information
6# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
7# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

--- 427 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

436 $starttime = "";
438 @solarispatchscripts = ("checkinstall", "copyright", "patch_checkinstall", "patch_postinstall", "postinstall", "preinstall", "i.none");
439 @solarispatchscriptsforextensions = ("checkinstall", "copyright", "patch_checkinstall", "patch_postinstall_extensions", "postinstall_extensions", "preinstall", "i.none");
440 @solarispatchfiles = (".diPatch", "patchinfo");
441 @environmentvariables = ( "SOLARVERSION", "GUI", "WORK_STAMP", "OUTPATH", "LOCAL_OUT", "LOCAL_COMMON_OUT" );
442 @packagelistitems = ("module", "solarispackagename", "packagename", "copyright", "vendor", "description" );
443 @languagepackfeature =();
3# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
5# distributed with this work for additional information
6# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
7# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

--- 427 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

436 $starttime = "";
438 @solarispatchscripts = ("checkinstall", "copyright", "patch_checkinstall", "patch_postinstall", "postinstall", "preinstall", "i.none");
439 @solarispatchscriptsforextensions = ("checkinstall", "copyright", "patch_checkinstall", "patch_postinstall_extensions", "postinstall_extensions", "preinstall", "i.none");
440 @solarispatchfiles = (".diPatch", "patchinfo");
441 @environmentvariables = ( "SOLARVERSION", "GUI", "WORK_STAMP", "OUTPATH", "LOCAL_OUT", "LOCAL_COMMON_OUT" );
442 @packagelistitems = ("module", "solarispackagename", "packagename", "copyright", "vendor", "description" );
443 @languagepackfeature =();
444 @featurecollector =();
444 %featurecollector =();
445 $msiassemblyfiles = "";
446 $nsisfilename = "Nsis";
447 $macinstallfilename = "macinstall.ulf";
448 $nsis204 = 0;
449 $nsis231 = 0;
450 $unicodensis = 0;
451 $linuxlinkrpms = "";
452 $extensioninstalldir = "gid_Dir_Share_Extension_Install";

--- 95 unchanged lines hidden ---
445 $msiassemblyfiles = "";
446 $nsisfilename = "Nsis";
447 $macinstallfilename = "macinstall.ulf";
448 $nsis204 = 0;
449 $nsis231 = 0;
450 $unicodensis = 0;
451 $linuxlinkrpms = "";
452 $extensioninstalldir = "gid_Dir_Share_Extension_Install";

--- 95 unchanged lines hidden ---