Lines Matching refs:recipient

21266 …70000.xhp	0	help	par_id1777092				0	ta	Delete the frames for sender and recipient. Click the borde…
21286 …\01\04070200.xhp 0 help par_id3154563 4 0 ta Sets the position of the recipient's address on the…
23687 …ation, you can specify different salutations based on the gender of the recipient. 20130618 17:…
23693 … 0 ta \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select the personalized greeting for a female recipient.\</ahelp\> 20…
23695 …"text/swriter/01/mm_cusgrelin.xhp\"\>Custom Salutation\</link\> (Female recipient) dialog.\</ahelp…
23697 … 0 ta \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select the personalized greeting for a male recipient.\</ahelp\> 20…
23699 …=\"text/swriter/01/mm_cusgrelin.xhp\"\>Custom Salutation\</link\> (Male recipient) dialog.\</ahelp…
23703 …help hid=\".\"\>Select the field value that indicates the gender of the recipient.\</ahelp\> 20…
23734 …=\".\"\>Enter the address record number of a recipient to preview the mail merge document for the
23736 …ext\swriter\01\mailmerge06.xhp 0 help par_idN1055D 0 ta Exclude this recipient 20130618 17:2…
23737 …xhp 0 help par_idN10561 0 ta \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Excludes the current recipient from this mail m…
23743 …\01\mailmerge07.xhp 0 help par_idN10553 0 ta Edit documents for each recipient. 20130618 17:…
23744 …e Wizard creates a single merged document with page breaks between each recipient. When you reach …
23746 …es the wizard so that you can edit the mail merge document for a single recipient.\</ahelp\> After…
23748 …u want to search for in the merged document, for example, the name of a recipient.\</ahelp\> 20…
23771 …<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Saves the merged document as a separate file for each recipient. The file names …
23793 …".\"\>Select the database field that contains the e-mail address of the recipient.\</ahelp\> 20…
23868 … 0 ta \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select the personalized greeting for a female recipient.\</ahelp\> 20…
23870 …r/01/mm_cusgrelin.xhp\"\>Custom Salutation\</link\> dialog for a female recipient.\</ahelp\> 20…
23872 … 0 ta \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select the personalized greeting for a male recipient.\</ahelp\> 20…
23874 …ter/01/mm_cusgrelin.xhp\"\>Custom Salutation\</link\> dialog for a male recipient.\</ahelp\> 20…
23878 …help hid=\".\"\>Select the field value that indicates the gender of the recipient.\</ahelp\> 20…
23885 …r\01\mm_finent.xhp 0 help par_idN1053D 0 ta Searches for a record or recipient in the \<link hr…
23919 …\<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter or edit the field contents for each mail merge recipient.\</ahelp\> 20…
45591 …ur own address is already imprinted in small size above the area of the recipient's address. %PROD…
45621 …233 2 0 ta \<ahelp hid=\"HID_LETTER_PAGE4\"\>Specifies the sender and recipient information.\</a…
45635 …xt\shared\autopi\01010400.xhp 0 help par_idN10677 0 ta Specifies the recipient's address inform…
45636 …ed\autopi\01010400.xhp 0 help par_idN10682 0 ta Use placeholders for recipient's address 201…
47590 …ail.xhp 0 help par_id3150986 5 0 ta In your e-mail program, enter the recipient, subject and any…
47591 …p 0 help par_id3595385 0 ta In case you want to send the e-mail to a recipient who only has sof…
47622 …ph\> opens the dialog for your fax driver, where you can select the fax recipient. 20130618 17:…
48869 … documents are exchanged, the selected printer remains unchanged if the recipient has it under the…
48880 …placed by a temporary file and "(PHONE)" by the telephone number of the recipient fax machine. If …
48886 …ber to create one separate print job for each fax, otherwise, the first recipient will receive all…
56687 …nt the list entries to be written to the database or transmitted to the recipient of the Web form,…
57104 …ol2=Content2&..."; the character string is analyzed by a program on the recipient's server. 201…
64761 …REETINGS_BODY FI_FEMALE 225 ta Address list field indicating a female recipient 20130618 17:2…
64847 …ddress block and a salutation. The letters can be personalized for each recipient. 20130618 17:…
64848 … contain a salutation. The e-mail messages can be personalized for each recipient. 20130618 17:…
66849 … string RID_LETTERWIZARDDIALOG_START + 21 0 ta Use placeholders for ~recipient's address 201…
66884 …string RID_LETTERWIZARDDIALOG_START + 56 0 ta Specify the sender and recipient information 2…
66928 ….src 0 string RID_FAXWIZARDDIALOG_START + 30 0 ta Specify sender and recipient information 2…
66936 …c 0 string RID_FAXWIZARDDIALOG_START + 38 0 ta Use placeholders for ~recipient's address 201…