Lines Matching refs:other

52      1.5. "Executable" means Covered Code in any form other than Source
114 (a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
133 combination of the Original Code with other software or devices.
139 (a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
143 unmodified basis, with other Modifications, as Covered Code
164 by that Contributor with other software (except as part of the
165 Contributor Version) or other devices; or 4) under Patent Claims
218 Contributor makes available thereafter and shall take other steps
280 You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Code with other code
315 other than Netscape has the right to modify the terms applicable to
375 (b) any software, hardware, or device, other than such Participant's
488 other provisions required by the [___] License. If you do not delete
541 Netscape may include Covered Code in products other than the
590 with the notice and other provisions required by the [___]
635 means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
638 means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in
694 (a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark)
721 (b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's
723 Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor
749 applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other
892 * and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party *
929 10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or
1003 be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other deal-
1036 be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other deal-
1063 1.5. ``Executable'' means Covered Code in any form other than Source Code.
1129 either on an unmodified basis, with other Modifications, as Covered
1184 all copies You make available thereafter and shall take other steps
1233 You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Code with other code not
1265 License published by Netscape. No one other than Netscape has the right to
1355 utilizing such rights, and other relevant factors. You agree to work with
1480 Licensed Patents. The patent license shall not apply to any other combinations
1485 Contributor that the Program does not infringe the patent or other intellectual
1486 property rights of any other entity. Each Contributor disclaims any liability to
1487 Recipient for claims brought by any other entity based on infringement of
1490 responsibility to secure any other intellectual property rights needed, if any.
1518 that Contributor alone and not by any other party; and
1543 which does not create potential liability for other Contributors. Therefore, if
1546 every other Contributor ("Indemnified Contributor") against any losses, damages
1547 and costs (collectively "Losses") arising from claims, lawsuits and other legal
1564 Commercial Contributor would have to defend claims against the other
1566 requires any other Contributor to pay any damages as a result, the Commercial
1605 itself (excluding combinations of the Program with other software or hardware)
1622 No one other than the Agreement Steward has the right to modify this Agreement.
1699 Licensed Patents. The patent license shall not apply to any other combinations
1704 Contributor that the Program does not infringe the patent or other intellectual
1705 property rights of any other entity. Each Contributor disclaims any liability to
1706 Recipient for claims brought by any other entity based on infringement of
1709 responsibility to secure any other intellectual property rights needed, if any.
1737 by that Contributor alone and not by any other party; and
1762 which does not create potential liability for other Contributors. Therefore, if
1765 every other Contributor ("Indemnified Contributor") against any losses, damages
1766 and costs (collectively "Losses") arising from claims, lawsuits and other legal
1783 Commercial Contributor would have to defend claims against the other
1785 requires any other Contributor to pay any damages as a result, the Commercial
1824 itself (excluding combinations of the Program with other software or hardware)
1841 No one other than the Agreement Steward has the right to modify this Agreement.
1889 however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The
1910 writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software.
1941 distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to