Lines Matching refs:pCounter
349 …SfxPoolItem** pCounter = _rppDefaults; // want to modify this without affecting the out param _rpp… in createItemSet() local
350 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_NAME, String()); in createItemSet()
351 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_ORIGINALNAME, String()); in createItemSet()
352 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_CONNECTURL, String()); in createItemSet()
353 *pCounter++ = new OStringListItem(DSID_TABLEFILTER, Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >(&sFilterAll, 1)); in createItemSet()
354 *pCounter++ = new DbuTypeCollectionItem(DSID_TYPECOLLECTION, _pTypeCollection); in createItemSet()
355 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_INVALID_SELECTION, sal_False); in createItemSet()
356 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_READONLY, sal_False); in createItemSet()
357 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_USER, String()); in createItemSet()
358 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_PASSWORD, String()); in createItemSet()
359 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_ADDITIONALOPTIONS, String()); in createItemSet()
360 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_CHARSET, String()); in createItemSet()
361 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_PASSWORDREQUIRED, sal_False); in createItemSet()
362 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_SHOWDELETEDROWS, sal_False); in createItemSet()
363 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_ALLOWLONGTABLENAMES, sal_False); in createItemSet()
364 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_JDBCDRIVERCLASS, String()); in createItemSet()
365 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_FIELDDELIMITER, ','); in createItemSet()
366 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_TEXTDELIMITER, '"'); in createItemSet()
367 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_DECIMALDELIMITER, '.'); in createItemSet()
368 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_THOUSANDSDELIMITER, String()); in createItemSet()
369 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_TEXTFILEEXTENSION, String::CreateFromAscii("txt")); in createItemSet()
370 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_TEXTFILEHEADER, sal_True); in createItemSet()
371 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_PARAMETERNAMESUBST, sal_False); in createItemSet()
372 *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_CONN_PORTNUMBER, 8100); in createItemSet()
373 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_SUPPRESSVERSIONCL, sal_False); in createItemSet()
374 *pCounter++ = new OPropertySetItem(DSID_DATASOURCE_UNO); in createItemSet()
375 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_CONN_SHUTSERVICE, sal_False); in createItemSet()
376 *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_CONN_DATAINC, 20); in createItemSet()
377 *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_CONN_CACHESIZE, 20); in createItemSet()
378 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_CONN_CTRLUSER, String()); in createItemSet()
379 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_CONN_CTRLPWD, String()); in createItemSet()
380 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_USECATALOG, sal_False); in createItemSet()
381 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_CONN_HOSTNAME, String()); in createItemSet()
382 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_CONN_LDAP_BASEDN, String()); in createItemSet()
383 *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_CONN_LDAP_PORTNUMBER, 389); in createItemSet()
384 *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_CONN_LDAP_ROWCOUNT, 100); in createItemSet()
385 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_SQL92CHECK, sal_False); in createItemSet()
386 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_AUTOINCREMENTVALUE, String()); in createItemSet()
387 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_AUTORETRIEVEVALUE, String()); in createItemSet()
388 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_AUTORETRIEVEENABLED, sal_False); in createItemSet()
389 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_APPEND_TABLE_ALIAS, sal_False); in createItemSet()
390 *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_MYSQL_PORTNUMBER, 3306); in createItemSet()
391 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_IGNOREDRIVER_PRIV, sal_True); in createItemSet()
392 *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_BOOLEANCOMPARISON, 0); in createItemSet()
393 *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_ORACLE_PORTNUMBER, 1521); in createItemSet()
394 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_ENABLEOUTERJOIN, sal_True); in createItemSet()
395 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_CATALOG, sal_True); in createItemSet()
396 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_SCHEMA, sal_True); in createItemSet()
397 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_INDEXAPPENDIX, sal_True); in createItemSet()
398 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_CONN_LDAP_USESSL, sal_False); in createItemSet()
399 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_DOCUMENT_URL, String()); in createItemSet()
400 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_DOSLINEENDS, sal_False); in createItemSet()
401 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_DATABASENAME, String()); in createItemSet()
402 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_AS_BEFORE_CORRNAME, sal_True); in createItemSet()
403 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_CHECK_REQUIRED_FIELDS, sal_True); in createItemSet()
404 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_IGNORECURRENCY, sal_False); in createItemSet()
405 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_CONN_SOCKET, String()); in createItemSet()
406 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem(DSID_ESCAPE_DATETIME, sal_True); in createItemSet()
407 *pCounter++ = new SfxStringItem(DSID_NAMED_PIPE, String()); in createItemSet()
408 *pCounter++ = new OptionalBoolItem( DSID_PRIMARY_KEY_SUPPORT ); in createItemSet()
409 *pCounter++ = new SfxInt32Item(DSID_MAX_ROW_SCAN, 100); in createItemSet()
410 *pCounter++ = new SfxBoolItem( DSID_RESPECTRESULTSETTYPE,sal_False ); in createItemSet()