Lines Matching refs:globals

35 use installer::globals;
57 my $localdirectory = $directory . $installer::globals::separator . "packages";
62 my $onefile = $localdirectory . $installer::globals::separator . ${$alltargzfiles}[$i];
96 my $localshipinstalldir = $shipinstalldir . $installer::globals::separator . $dirname;
103 if (( ! $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) && ( $installer::globals::addjavainstaller ))
111 …if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild ) { unpack_all_targzfiles_in_directory($localshipinstalld…
144 my $localshipinstalldir = $shipinstalldir . $installer::globals::separator . $dirname;
180 …::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$installer::globals::checksumfile, $i…
227 my $numberedchecksumfilename = $installer::globals::checksumfilename;
229 …installer::files::save_file($installchecksumdir . $installer::globals::separator . $numberedchecks…
271 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$installer::globals::nopatchfilecollector}; $i++ )
273 my $onefile = ${$installer::globals::nopatchfilecollector}[$i];
294 …:save_file($installpatchlistdir . $installer::globals::separator . $patchlistfilename, \@installer…
297 …if (( $installer::globals::patch ) && ( ! $installer::globals::creating_windows_installer_patch ))…
301 …installer::files::save_file($installpatchlistdir . $installer::globals::separator . $patchlistfile…
332 …if ( $installer::globals::localinstalldirset ) { installer::systemactions::create_directory_struct…
390 if ( $installer::globals::updatepack )
408 $installer::globals::saveinstalldir = $installdir; # saving directory globally, in case of exiting
424 …$installer::logger::Info->print( "... checking log file " . $loggingdir . $installer::globals::log…
433 if ($installer::globals::updatepack)
438 for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#installer::globals::errorlogfileinfo; $j++ )
440 my $line = $installer::globals::errorlogfileinfo[$j];
452 if ( $installer::globals::updatepack )
474 my $numberedlogfilename = $installer::globals::logfilename;
475 if ( $installer::globals::updatepack )
481 $installlogdir . $installer::globals::separator . $numberedlogfilename)
491 …if (( $installer::globals::patch ) || ( $installer::globals::creating_windows_installer_patch )) {…
493 …if ( $installer::globals::creating_windows_installer_patch ) { $installer::globals::creating_windo…
513 my $numberedlogfilename = $installer::globals::logfilename;
514 …if ( $installer::globals::updatepack ) { $numberedlogfilename =~ s /log_/log_$current_install_numb…
516 installer::files::save_file($loggingdir . $numberedlogfilename, \@installer::globals::logfileinfo);
517 …iles::save_file($installlogdir . $installer::globals::separator . $numberedlogfilename, \@installe…
529 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#installer::globals::removedirs; $i++ )
531 if ( -d $installer::globals::removedirs[$i] )
534 installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory($installer::globals::removedirs[$i], 1);
540 if ( $installer::globals::shiptestdirectory )
542 if ( -d $installer::globals::shiptestdirectory )
561 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#installer::globals::jdsremovedirs; $i++ )
563 if ( -d $installer::globals::jdsremovedirs[$i] )
566 … installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory($installer::globals::jdsremovedirs[$i], 1);
691 …for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$newfiles}; $i++ ) { push(@{$installer::globals::nopatchfilecollector}, …
740 if ( $flag eq "BINARYTABLE_ONLY" ) { push(@installer::globals::binarytableonlyfiles, $oneitem); }
765 my $destdir = $installer::globals::destdir;
837 my $fname = $installer::globals::destdir . "/$packagename";
838 if ($installer::globals::languagepack) { $fname .= ".$languagestring"; }
956 …if (( $firstlanguage ) && ( ! $installer::globals::shellnewfilesadded )) { add_shellnewfile_into_f…
963 $installer::globals::shellnewfilesadded = 1;
1024 if ( $inffilemodule =~ /Module_Root/i ) { $inffilemodule = $installer::globals::rootmodulegid; }
1146 my $sourcepath = $infdir . $installer::globals::separator . $language_inf_file_name;
1279 if ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild )
1282 $onefile->{'modules'} = $installer::globals::rootmodulegid;
1325 @installer::globals::linuxlinks = (); # empty this array, because it could be already used
1326 @installer::globals::linuxpatchfiles = (); # empty this array, because it could be already used
1327 …@installer::globals::allfilessav = (); # empty this array, because it could be already used. Requi…
1348 push( @installer::globals::allfilessav, $copyfile);
1361 else { push( @installer::globals::linuxpatchfiles, $onefile); }
1369 push( @installer::globals::linuxlinks, $linkfile );
1424 …$linkfile->{'destination'} = $localdestination . $installer::globals::separator . $onelink->{'Name…
1431 push( @installer::globals::linuxlinks, $linkfile );
1438 my $searchedlinkfile = find_file_by_id(\@installer::globals::allfilessav, $fileid);
1455 …$linkfile->{'destination'} = $localdestination . $installer::globals::separator . $onelink->{'Name…
1462 push( @installer::globals::linuxlinks, $linkfile );
1637 my $windowspatchlevel = $installer::globals::buildid;
1678 push(@installer::globals::patchfilecollector, $patchfileline);
1696 $patchfilename = $winpatchdir . $installer::globals::separator . $patchfilename;
1871 if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild )
1876 if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild )
1931 if ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild ) # on Solaris $onepackage contains the complete path
1941 if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild )
1943 my $sourcepackage = $sourcedir . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename;
1944 my $destfile = $destdir . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename;
1949 if ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild )
1951 my $destinationdir = $destdir . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename;
2030 my $destfile = $destdir . $installer::globals::separator . $onepackage;
2077 $installer::globals::saveinstalldir = $jdsdir;
2080 my $filelistname = $installer::globals::jdsexcludefilename;
2101 …if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild ) { $sourcedir = $installer::globals::saved_packages_path…
2186 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#installer::globals::allscpactions; $i++ )
2188 my $onescpaction = $installer::globals::allscpactions[$i];
2197 if ( $subdir ) { $destdir = $destdir . $installer::globals::separator . $subdir; }
2200 my $destfile = $destdir . $installer::globals::separator . $onescpaction->{'DestinationName'};
2239 push(@installer::globals::allscpactions, ${$allscpactions}[$i]);
2251 if (( $installer::globals::islinuxintelrpmbuild ) || ( $installer::globals::islinuxinteldebbuild ))
2255 elsif (( $installer::globals::islinuxppcrpmbuild ) || ( $installer::globals::islinuxppcdebbuild ))
2259 …elsif (( $installer::globals::islinuxx86_64rpmbuild ) || ( $installer::globals::islinuxx86_64debbu…
2263 elsif ( $installer::globals::issolarissparcbuild )
2267 elsif ( $installer::globals::issolarisx86build )
2271 elsif ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild )
2275 elsif(( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /^unxmac.i/ ))
2279 elsif ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /^unxmaccx/ )
2283 elsif ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /^unxmacxp/ )
2290 $platformname = $installer::globals::compiler;
2344 if ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild )
2368 @installer::globals::allincludepathes =();
2409 push(@installer::globals::allincludepathes, \%allfileshash);
2413 $installer::globals::include_pathes_read = 1;
2647 my $sourcefile = $olddir . $installer::globals::separator . ${$copyfiles}[$i];
2648 my $destfile = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . ${$copyfiles}[$i];
2726 my $temppath = $installer::globals::temppath;
2728 $tmpfilename = $temppath . $installer::globals::separator . $tmpfilename;
2840 my $sourcedir = $olddir . $installer::globals::separator . ${$allsubdirs}[$i];
2841 my $destdir = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . ${$allsubdirs}[$i];
2850 my $sourcefile = $olddir . $installer::globals::separator . $allcopyfiles[$i];
2851 my $destfile = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . $allcopyfiles[$i];
2857 $pkginfofilename = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . $pkginfofilename;
2865 $pkgmapfilename = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . $pkgmapfilename;
2902 my $oldinstalldir = $olddir . $installer::globals::separator . "install";
2903 my $newinstalldir = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . "install";
2915 my $sourcefile = $olddir . $installer::globals::separator . $allcopyfiles[$i];
2916 my $destfile = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . $allcopyfiles[$i];
2922 $pkginfofilename = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . $pkginfofilename;
2931 $pkgmapfilename = $newdir . $installer::globals::separator . $pkgmapfilename;
2983 …my $hiddendir = $hiddendirbase . $installer::globals::separator . $onelanguage . $installer::globa…
3002 … else { $onefile->{'destination'} = $destination . $installer::globals::separator . $newfilename; }
3098 if ( $installer::globals::languagepack )
3129 …foreach my $onelang ( keys %{$langlisthash} ) { $installer::globals::spellcheckerlanguagehash{$one…
3132 $installer::globals::analyze_spellcheckerlanguage = 1;
3137 …foreach my $lang (sort keys %installer::globals::spellcheckerlanguagehash) { $langstring = $langst…
3162 my $setupfilename = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . "setup";
3189 $installer::globals::getuidpath = $$getuidlibraryref;
3190 $installer::globals::getuidpathset = 1;
3231 my $fulltarfile = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $tarfilename;
3318 …my $additional_license_name = $installer::globals::englishsolarislicensename; # always the English…
3321 $installer::globals::englishlicenseset = 1;
3322 $installer::globals::englishlicense = installer::files::read_file($$licensefileref);
3323 …installer::scpzipfiles::replace_all_ziplistvariables_in_file($installer::globals::englishlicense, …
3399 …opyrightfilename = ${$packages}[$i] . $installer::globals::separator . "install" . $installer::glo…
3410 …r ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$installer::globals::englishlicense}; $i++ ) { push(@{$copyrightfile}, ${$…
3418 my $pkgmapfilename = ${$packages}[$i] . $installer::globals::separator . "pkgmap";
3438 my $pkgmapsubdir = $pkgmapdir . $installer::globals::separator . $subdirname;
3444 my $searchdir = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $installer::globals::epmoutpath;
3450 …my $pkgmapfile = $searchdir . $installer::globals::separator . ${$allpackages}[$i] . $installer::g…
3451 …my $destfilename = $pkgmapsubdir . $installer::globals::separator . ${$allpackages}[$i] . "_pkgmap…