Lines Matching refs:targets
370 multiple additional targets, e.g. one for every other member in the group.
429 /** @brief Returns the number of targets for this relation.
452 /** @brief Returns multiple accessible relation targets
455 @param [out] targets
461 actual number of targets in the returned array (not more than maxTargets)
465 [propget] HRESULT targets
469 IUnknown **targets,
1402 and IAccessibleRelation::targets the client must allocate and free the arrays.
1990 /** @brief Returns relation targets for a specified target type.
1994 The number of targets requested. 0 indicates that all targets should be returned.
1995 @param [out] targets
1998 The number of targets returned; the size of the returned array.
2000 @retval S_FALSE if there are no targets, [out] values are NULL and 0 respectively.
2007 [out, size_is(,*nTargets)] IUnknown ***targets,
5364 case anchor targets are those which have been defined with the <a> tag.
5368 @retval S_FALSE if there are no existing valid anchor targets, [out] value is NULL.