Lines Matching refs:a

18 #  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
33 …SbERR_REDO_FROM_START & ERRCODE_RES_MASK 0 ast Entrada incorreuta, vuelva a tentalo. 20200411…
38 …RT SbERR_OUT_OF_RANGE & ERRCODE_RES_MASK 0 ast Índiz fuera del área definía. 20200411 15:09:53
90 …C_START SbERR_DDE_LINK_INV_TOPIC & ERRCODE_RES_MASK 0 ast Nun se ye quien a definir el mou d'enl…
98 … RID_BASIC_START SbERR_INVALID_OBJECT & ERRCODE_RES_MASK 0 ast Referencia a oxetu inválida. 2…
120 …BASIC_START SbERR_SETPROP_FAILED & ERRCODE_RES_MASK 0 ast Nun se ye quien a definir la propiedá.…
121 …BASIC_START SbERR_GETPROP_FAILED & ERRCODE_RES_MASK 0 ast Nun se ye quien a determinar la propie…
148 …ONSTANT_REDECLARED & ERRCODE_RES_MASK 0 ast La constante $(ARG1) volvióse a definir. 20200411…
163 …0 string ERRCODE_BASMGR_MGROPEN & ERRCODE_RES_MASK 0 ast No se fue quien a aniciar el BASIC del…
166 …rc 0 string ERRCODE_BASMGR_UNLOADLIB & ERRCODE_RES_MASK 0 ast Nun se foi a desaniciar la biblio…
196 …nts.States.private:resource/toolbar/sectionshrinkbar UIName 0 ast Encoyer a la seición. 20200…
348 editeng source\items\svxitems.src 0 string RID_SVXITEMS_ADJUST_LEFT 0 ast Alliñar a la esquierda…
349 editeng source\items\svxitems.src 0 string RID_SVXITEMS_ADJUST_RIGHT 0 ast Alliñar a la derecha …
408 editeng source\items\svxitems.src 0 string RID_SVXITEMS_LRSPACE_LEFT 0 ast Sangría esquierda …
410 editeng source\items\svxitems.src 0 string RID_SVXITEMS_LRSPACE_RIGHT 0 ast Sangría drecha 20…
456 …ems.src 0 string RID_SVXITEMS_PARAVERTALIGN_BASELINE 0 ast Testu alliñáu a la llinia de base …
460 … RID_SVXITEMS_FRMDIR_HORI_LEFT_TOP 0 ast Direición del testu d'esquierda a drecha (horizontal) …
461 …g RID_SVXITEMS_FRMDIR_HORI_RIGHT_TOP 0 ast Direición del testu de drecha a esquierda (horizonta…
462 …g RID_SVXITEMS_FRMDIR_VERT_TOP_RIGHT 0 ast Direición del testu de drecha a esquierda (vertical)…
463 … RID_SVXITEMS_FRMDIR_VERT_TOP_LEFT 0 ast Direición del testu d'esquierda a drecha (vertical) …
465 …ms.src 0 string RID_SVXITEMS_PARASNAPTOGRID_ON 0 ast El párrafu axúntase a la rexella de testu …
466 …c 0 string RID_SVXITEMS_PARASNAPTOGRID_OFF 0 ast El párrafu nun s'axunta a la rexella de testu …
470 editeng source\outliner\outliner.src 0 string RID_OUTLUNDO_DEPTH 0 ast Sangría 20200411 15:09…
481 editeng source\editeng\editeng.src 0 string RID_EDITUNDO_INDENT 0 ast Sangría 20200411 15:09:…
484 …uitem RID_MENU_SPELL MN_SPELLING HID_EDITENG_SPELLER_START 0 ast Ortogra~fía... 20200411 15:09…
514 …WNAUTH RB_DONTACCEPT_2 182 ast Non aceptar esti certificáu y non coneutar a esti sitiu Web 20…
527 …protexíes por una contraseña maestra. Pedirásete que la ingreses una vegada por sesión, si %PRODUC…
528 …xt DLG_UUI_MASTERPASSWORD_CRT FT_MASTERPASSWORD_CRT 0 ast ~Pon la contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
529 …I_MASTERPASSWORD_CRT FT_MASTERPASSWORD_REPEAT 0 ast ~Remembrar la contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
530 …ONTEXT 0 ast Avisu: Si escaeces la contraseña maestra, nun podrás acceder a denguna información …
531 …G_UUI_MASTERPASSWORD_CRT HID_DLG_MASTERPASSWORD_CRT 0 ast Pon la Contraseña Maestra 20200411 …
532 …ng DLG_UUI_PASSWORD STR_ENTER_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN 50 ast Escribi la contraseña p'abrir el ficheru: …
533 … DLG_UUI_PASSWORD STR_ENTER_PASSWORD_TO_MODIFY 50 ast Enxerta la contraseña p'abrir el ficheru: …
534 …ng DLG_UUI_PASSWORD STR_ENTER_SIMPLE_PASSWORD 50 ast Introduz la contraseña: 20200411 15:09:…
535 … DLG_UUI_PASSWORD STR_CONFIRM_SIMPLE_PASSWORD 50 ast Confirma la contraseña: 20200411 15:09:…
536 …ring DLG_UUI_PASSWORD STR_TITLE_CREATE_PASSWORD 50 ast Afitar una contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
537 …ring DLG_UUI_PASSWORD STR_TITLE_ENTER_PASSWORD 50 ast Introduz la contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
538 … 50 ast La contraseña de confirmación nun ye igual que la orixinal. P'afitar la contraseña tienes…
540 …IN FT_INFO_LOGIN_REQUEST 165 ast Introduz el nome d'usuario y la contraseña pa: \n%1 20200411…
541 …_UUI_LOGIN STR_LOGIN_REALM 165 ast Escribi'l nome d'usuario y la contraseña pa: \n"%2" en %1 …
544 uui source\logindlg.src 0 fixedtext DLG_UUI_LOGIN FT_LOGIN_PASSWORD 165 ast Contra~seña 202004…
546 …SAVEPASSWORD HID_LOGIN_DLG_REMEMBER_PASSWORD 165 ast ~Remembrar la contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
557 uui source\ids.src 0 string RID_KEEP_PASSWORD 1 ast ~Remembrar la contraseña fasta'l final de la…
558 uui source\ids.src 0 string RID_SAVE_PASSWORD 1 ast ~Remembrar la contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
565a piques de grabar/esportar una biblioteca básica protexía con contraseña que contién los módulos …
575 …RAL & ERRCODE_RES_MASK) 0 ast Fallu xeneeral de entrada/salida al acceder a $(ARG1). 20200411…
576 …DE_UUI_IO_INVALIDACCESS & ERRCODE_RES_MASK) 0 ast Intentu fallíu d'accesu a $(ARG1). 20200411…
582 …UUI_IO_LOCKVIOLATION & ERRCODE_RES_MASK) 0 ast Fallu nel accesu compartíu a $(ARG1). 20200411…
593 …PENDING & ERRCODE_RES_MASK) 0 ast La operación entamada en $(ARG1) nun ye a siguir por falta de …
595 …WN & ERRCODE_RES_MASK) 0 ast Fallu desconocíu d'entrada/salida al acceder a $(ARG1). 20200411…
611 …HDL (ERRCODE_UUI_IO_CANTCREATE_NONAME & ERRCODE_RES_MASK) 0 ast Nun se ye a crear l'oxetu nel di…
613 …RODUCTNAME pue intentar recuperar el documentu.\n\nLa corrupción pue debese a la manipulación del …
625 …ar los datos na tresmisión, pero el so certificáu gandió'l $(ARG2).\n\nMira a ver si la hora del t…
626a $(ARG1). Asina y too, el certificáu presentáu pertenez a $(ARG2). Ye posible, pero poco probable…
640a ciertes clases d'URLs. Si %PRODUCTNAME pidi más sero un documentu con una URL que correspuende a
643 …de se graben cuando s'accede a dellos documentos. Si %PRODUCTNAME carga un documentu que, d'acuerd…
646 …fixedtext DLG_UUI_MASTERPASSWORD FT_MASTERPASSWORD 169 ast Pon la contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
647 …DLG_UUI_MASTERPASSWORD HID_DLG_MASTERPASSWORD_UUI 175 ast Pon la Contraseña Maestra 20200411 …
648 uui source\passworderrs.src 0 string STR_ERROR_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN_WRONG 0 ast La contraseña nun ye…
649 uui source\passworderrs.src 0 string STR_ERROR_PASSWORD_TO_MODIFY_WRONG 0 ast La contraseña nun …
650 uui source\passworderrs.src 0 string STR_ERROR_MASTERPASSWORD_WRONG 0 ast La contraseña maestra …
651 uui source\passworderrs.src 0 string STR_ERROR_SIMPLE_PASSWORD_WRONG 0 ast La contraseña ye inco…
652 …g STR_ERROR_PASSWORDS_NOT_IDENTICAL 0 ast La confirmación de la contraseña ye distinta. 2020…
690 … del sistema [3].}} Asegúrate de que'l ficheru existe y que se puede llegar a elli. 20200411 15…
691 …ith this name already exists. Cancel the installation and try installing to a different location. …
695 … lleer el ficheru [2]. Comprueba que'l ficheru existe y se pue tener accesu a elli. 20200411 15…
712 …ages\Error.ulf 0 LngText OOO_ERROR_47 0 ast Una parte del camín d'accesu a la carpeta '[2]' nun…
713 …xt OOO_ERROR_48 0 ast El camín d'accesu a la carpeta [2] tien pallabres que nun valen pa camino…
728 …e\windows\msi_languages\Error.ulf 0 LngText OOO_ERROR_63 0 ast Nun se ye a aumentar l'espaciu l…
730 … 0 ast Hebo un fallu al acceder a los datos protexíos. Mira ver si l'instalador de Windows ta conf…
738 …msi_languages\Error.ulf 0 LngText OOO_ERROR_73 0 ast Nun se pudo acceder a la ubicación de rede…
750 …_languages\Error.ulf 0 LngText OOO_ERROR_85 0 ast Puedes volver a poner l'equipu a como taba en…
755 …f 0 LngText OOO_ERROR_90 0 ast The path [2] is not valid. Please specify a valid path. 20200…
759 …0 LngText OOO_ERROR_94 0 ast The folder [2] does not exist. Please enter a path to an existing …
769 …_ERROR_104 0 ast Nun se puede desaniciar del rexistru la fonte [2]. Mira a ver si tienes los pe…
770 … Nun se puede crear l'accesu direutu [2]. Mira a ver si la carpeta de destín existe y que puedes a…
771 …uede desaniciar l'accesu direutu [2]. Mira a ver que'l ficheru d'accesu direutu existe y que puede…
778 … ast Fallu al desaniciar el controlador ODBC [4], fallu ODBC [2]: [3]. Mira a ver si tienes privil…
779 …l controlador ODBC [4], fallu ODBC [2]: [3]. Mira a ver si'l ficheru [4] existe y que puedes acced…
780 …'orixe de datos ODBC [4], fallu ODBC [2]: [3]. Mira a ver si'l ficheru [4] existe y puedes acceder…
794 …on Server 4.0 o una versión posterior pa configurar IIS Virtual Roots. Mira a ver si tienes instal…
799 …RODUCT] [DEFINEDVERSION] Quickstarter before you continue. If you are using a multi-user system, a…
808 …si_languages\Property.ulf 0 LngText OOO_STR_MS_WORD_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft Word …
810 …i_languages\Property.ulf 0 LngText OOO_STR_MS_EXCEL_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft Excel …
812 …guages\Property.ulf 0 LngText OOO_STR_MS_POWERPOINT_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft PowerPo…
999 …i_languages\Nsis.ulf 0 LngText MUI_TEXT_INSTALLING_SUBTITLE 0 ast Espera a que los ficheros d'i…
1118 …ulf 0 LngText OOO_CONTROL_150 0 ast L'Asistente d'Instalación va ayudate a camudar, iguar o des…
1141 …niciar [ProductName] del equipu. Darréu de desanicialu nun vas poder volver a usar el programa. …
1148 … 0 ast Modificóse'l sistema. Pa completar la instalación otra vez, vuelve a executala. 202004…
1165 …uages\Control.ulf 0 LngText OOO_CONTROL_203 0 ast Puedes usar la conexón a Internet pa asegurat…
1182 … 0 ast El so sistema modificóse. Pa instalar esti programa otra vez, vuelvi a executar el programa…
1209 … 0 ast Van instalase los componentes principales. Encamiéntense pa la mayoría d'usuarios. 20200…
1211 …ngText OOO_CONTROL_257 0 ast Escueyi la triba d'instalación que s'axuste a les tos necesidaes. …
1236 …dows\msi_languages\Control.ulf 0 LngText OOO_CONTROL_306 0 ast To select a different version, c…
1237 …dows\msi_languages\Control.ulf 0 LngText OOO_CONTROL_307 0 ast To select a different folder, cl…
1264 … DLG_SVT_EXPLORERFILE CB_EXPLORERFILE_PASSWORD 100 ast Grabar con contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
1283 …vu d'almacenamientu estraible.\nAsegúrate de que tas coneutáu bien y vuelvi a intentalo. 202004…
1286 …icker.src 0 string STR_SVT_FILEPICKER_PASSWORD 0 ast Grabar con c~ontraseña 20200411 15:09:53
1381 …ort.src 0 string RID_ERR_NO_COMMAND 0 ast L'informe pue nun ser executáu a menos que se deba al…
1382 …ring RID_ERR_NO_OBJECTS 0 ast L'informe nun pue executase, sacantes que, a lo menos, s'inxerte …
1450 …spection\inspection.src 0 string RID_STR_TYPE_CONST 4 0 ast Función definía pol usuariu 20200…
1519 reportdesign source\ui\dlg\GroupsSorting.src 0 string STR_RPT_DAY 0 ast Día 20200411 15:09:53
1529 …st Seleiciona l'orde ascendente o descendente. Ascendente significa de la A a la Z o del 0 al 9 …
1534 reportdesign source\ui\dlg\CondFormat.src 0 stringlist WIN_CONDITION.LB_OP 3 0 ast igual a 202…
1535 reportdesign source\ui\dlg\CondFormat.src 0 stringlist WIN_CONDITION.LB_OP 4 0 ast nun ye igual a
1554 …text ADDFIELD_HELP_FIELD 0 ast Resaltar los campos a inxertar na seición esbillada de la plantí
1601 …ARGUMENT 0 ast Tentasti d'afitar un argumentu ilegal. Echa-y una güeyada a '#1' pa ver los argu…
1610 …me" (n'inglés), visita <a href="">https://www.openof…
1611 …te sobre esti programa. Llei esta información con procuru enantes de ponete a trabayar. 2020041…
1612a community member. As a new user, you can check out the ${PRODUCTNAME} community site with helpfu…
1613 …dme.xrm 0 readmeitem A9 A9 0 ast Llee tamién les faces siguientes tocante a cómo formar parte de…
1615 …gether with ${PRODUCTNAME} or <a href="">https://www.openof…
1617 …rnaron, documentaron, sofitaron, espublizaron, y ayudaron de munches formes a facer lo que güei ye…
1618a href="">…
1620 …A pa funcionar completamente; JAVA pue descargase de <a href=""></
1636a, you need to make sure that the file msvcr100.dll is installed on the system. This file is requi…
1643 …il 1.8.6 y at-spi 1.7, requeríos pal sofitu de les ferramientes de teunoloxía d'asistencia (ferram…
1649 …il 1.8.6 y at-spi 1.7, requeríos pal sofitu de les ferramientes de teunoloxía d'asistencia (AT too…
1658 …il 1.8.6 y at-spi 1.7, requeríos pal sofitu de les ferramientes de teunoloxía d'asistencia (AT too…
1670 …e la instalación mínima del sistema operativu Solaris. Si necesites acceder a l'axenda de Mozilla,…
1672 …nations) not used by the operating system can be used in ${PRODUCTNAME}. If a key combination in $…
1675 …t>soffice</tt> y camuda la llinia "<tt>export SAL_ENABLE_FILE_LOCKING</tt>" a "<tt># export SAL_EN…
1678a traviés de 'Ficheru - Unviar - Documentu como corréu electrónicu' o 'Documentu axuntu en formatu…
1680 …te a les carauterístiques d'accesibilidá en ${PRODUCTNAME}, visita <a href="https://www.openoffice…
1682a href=""></a> offers various possib…
1683 …the FAQ section at <a href="">https://wiki.openo…
1685 …portbugs1 0 ast The ${PRODUCTNAME} Web site hosts <a href="">BugZilla<…
1687 …ettinginvolved2 gettinginvolved2 0 ast La Comunidá de ${PRODUCTNAME} podría beneficiase asgaya d…
1688a user, you are already a valuable part of the suite's development process and we would like to en…
1690 …m howtostart1 howtostart1 0 ast La meyor manera de comenzar a collaborar ye suscribise a una o m…
1692a few of the ${PRODUCTNAME} mailing lists to which you can subscribe at <a href="https://openoffic…
1697 … readmeitem joining joining 0 ast Puedes faceer contribuciones pergrandes a esti proyeutu de cód…
1698a href="">…
1699 …dme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem joining3 joining3 0 ast Pue ayudar xuniéndose a la llista de corréu …
1730 …lf 0 LngText STRING_CHOOSEDIRECTORY1_MAINTAIN 0 ast Amesta-y componentes a la Versión Instalada…
1746 …NG_CHOOSEINSTALLATIONTYPE2 0 ast Escueyi'l tipu d'Instalación más averao a lo que necesites: …
1748 … 0 ast Van instalase los componentes principales. Encamentao pa la mayoría d'usuarios. 20200…
1761 …ntegración col sistema nun ye posible).\nCalca 'Encaboxar' y cambéa los tos permisos a root si qui…
1774 …NINSTALLATIONTYPE2 0 ast Seleiciona el Tipu de Desinstalación más averao a lo que necesites: …
1805 javainstaller2 src\Localization\setupstrings.ulf 0 LngText STRING_PROLOGUE_1 0 ast Bienveníu a l…
1806 …ization\setupstrings.ulf 0 LngText STRING_PROLOGUE_2 0 ast 'Atrás' torna a la páxina anterior. …
1807 …n\setupstrings.ulf 0 LngText STRING_PROLOGUE_3 0 ast 'Siguiente' llévate a la siguiente páxina.…
1809 …PROLOGUE_5 0 ast 'Ayuda' amuesa l'ayuda que tien más información tocante a la páxina que se ta …
1811 …tupstrings.ulf 0 LngText STRING_UNINSTALLATIONPROLOGUE_1 0 ast Bienveníu a l'Asistente de Desin…
1812 …trings.ulf 0 LngText STRING_UNINSTALLATIONPROLOGUE_2 0 ast 'Atrás' torna a la páxina anterior. …
1813 ….ulf 0 LngText STRING_UNINSTALLATIONPROLOGUE_3 0 ast 'Siguiente' llévate a la siguiente páxina.…
1821 …yer un allugamientu diferente, calca 'Restolar...' o conseña'l camín completu del direutoriu a usa…
1828 …S_1 0 ast Los componentes marcaos con una X van desaniciase. Calca xunto a un componente pa mar…
1852 … Permite que'l Esplorador de Microsoft Windows amuese información rellativa a documentos de %PRODU…
1856 …ryitem_writer.ulf 0 LngText STR_REG_VAL_SO60_WRITER_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de documentu de test…
1863 …ryitem_writer.ulf 0 LngText STR_REG_VAL_MS_WORD_TEMPLATE_OLD 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft Word 97…
1864 scp2 source\writer\registryitem_writer.ulf 0 LngText STR_REG_VAL_MS_WORD_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía
1872 …writer.ulf 0 LngText STR_NAME_MODULE_PRG_WRT_WRITER2LATEX 0 ast Esportar a LaTeX 20200411 15…
1879 scp2 source\calc\registryitem_calc.ulf 0 LngText STR_REG_VAL_SO60_CALC_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de…
1881 scp2 source\calc\registryitem_calc.ulf 0 LngText STR_REG_VAL_OO_CALC_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de f…
1884 scp2 source\calc\registryitem_calc.ulf 0 LngText STR_REG_VAL_MS_EXCEL_TEMPLATE_OLD 0 ast Plantía
1885 scp2 source\calc\registryitem_calc.ulf 0 LngText STR_REG_VAL_MS_EXCEL_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de …
1895 … LngText STR_DESC_MODULE_OPTIONAL_ADDINS 0 ast Los add-ins son programes añadíos pa tener funci…
1958 scp2 source\draw\registryitem_draw.ulf 0 LngText STR_REG_VAL_SO60_DRAW_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de…
1960 scp2 source\draw\registryitem_draw.ulf 0 LngText STR_REG_VAL_OO_DRAW_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de d…
1996 …press.ulf 0 LngText STR_DESC_MODULE_PRG_IMPRESS_HELP 0 ast Ayuda tocante a %PRODUCTNAME Impress…
2000 …item_impress.ulf 0 LngText STR_REG_VAL_SO60_IMPRESS_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de Presentación de %…
2002 …ryitem_impress.ulf 0 LngText STR_REG_VAL_OO_PRESENT_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de presentación de O…
2006 …impress.ulf 0 LngText STR_REG_VAL_MS_POWERPOINT_TEMPLATE_OLD 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft PowerPo…
2007 …tem_impress.ulf 0 LngText STR_REG_VAL_MS_POWERPOINT_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft PowerPo…
2270 scp2 source\ooo\folderitem_ooo.ulf 0 LngText STR_FI_NAME_FROMTEMPLATE 0 ast D'una plantía 202…
2278 scp2 source\ooo\registryitem_ooo.ulf 0 LngText STR_REG_VAL_SO50_TEMPLATE_OOO 0 ast Plantía de St…
2307 … 0 #define ITEM_FORMAT_ATTR_CHAR_FONT !defined _GLOBLMN_HRC 0 ast Tipografía 20200411 15:09:53
2362 …TEM_FILE_MAIL_SENDDOCASPDF !defined _GLOBLMN_HRC 0 ast Documentu como PDF a~xuntu 20200411 15…
2393 svx inc\globlmn_tmpl.hrc 0 #define ITEM_INSERT_GALLERY !defined _GLOBLMN_HRC 0 ast Gale~ría 20…
2430 svx inc\globlmn_tmpl.hrc 0 #define ITEM_HELP_ABOUT 0 ast ~Tocante a %PRODUCTNAME... 20200411 …
2549 …tworkgallery.src 0 modaldialog RID_SVX_MDLG_FONTWORK_GALLERY 0 ast Galería de Fontwork 20200…
2550 …rc 0 string RID_SVXFLOAT_FONTWORK_ALIGNMENT STR_ALIGN_LEFT 0 ast ~Alliñar a la esquierda 2020…
2552 …c 0 string RID_SVXFLOAT_FONTWORK_ALIGNMENT STR_ALIGN_RIGHT 0 ast ~Alliñar a la derecha 202004…
2603 … informe del fallu p'ayudar a identificar el motivu pol que %PRODUCTNAME lu xeneró. Calca en 'Sigu…
2613a Apache OpenOffice p'ayudar a l'esporpolle de versiones futures.\n\nYe afayadizo - namái unvia l'…
2622 …R_REP_SEND CB_ERRSEND_CONTACT 0 ast Autor~izo a Apache OpenOffice pa comunicase conmigo no que c…
2629 …VX_MDLG_ERR_REP_OPTIONS BTN_ERROPT_DIRECT 0 ast Usar una conexón ~direuta a Internet 20200411…
2633 …ast La Ferramienta d'Informe d'Error de %PRODUCTNAME necesita tar coneutada a Internet pa poder un…
2644 …L.ARR_TEXTS 8 0 ast Llinia de berbesu diagonal dende enriba a la isquierda hasta embaxo a la dre…
2645 …ROL.ARR_TEXTS 9 0 ast Llinia de borde diagonal dende embaxo a la esquierda hasta enriba a la dre…
2653 …_DESCRIPTIONS 8 0 ast Llinia de borde diagonal dende enriba a la esquierda hasta embaxo a la dre…
2654 …_DESCRIPTIONS 9 0 ast Llinia de borde diagonal dende embaxo a la esquierda hasta enriba a la dre…
2698 svx source\dialog\optgrid.src 0 checkbox RID_SVXPAGE_GRID CBX_USE_GRIDSNAP 204 ast ~Axuntar a la …
2722 svx source\dialog\passwd.src 0 fixedtext RID_SVXDLG_PASSWORD FT_OLD_PASSWD 57 ast ~Contraseña
2723 svx source\dialog\passwd.src 0 fixedline RID_SVXDLG_PASSWORD FL_OLD_PASSWD 142 ast Contraseña vie…
2724 svx source\dialog\passwd.src 0 fixedtext RID_SVXDLG_PASSWORD FT_NEW_PASSWD 57 ast Co~ntraseña
2726 svx source\dialog\passwd.src 0 fixedline RID_SVXDLG_PASSWORD FL_NEW_PASSWD 142 ast Contraseña nue…
2727 svx source\dialog\passwd.src 0 string RID_SVXDLG_PASSWORD STR_ERR_OLD_PASSWD 50 ast Contraseña in…
2729 …0 modaldialog RID_SVXDLG_PASSWORD HID_PASSWORD 210 ast Camudar la Contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
2733 svx source\dialog\hdft.src 0 checkbox RID_SVXPAGE_HEADER CB_SHARED 152 ast ~Conteníu a la izquier…
2742 svx source\dialog\hdft.src 0 checkbox RID_SVXPAGE_FOOTER CB_SHARED 152 ast ~Conteníu a la esquier…
2815 … string RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_4 0 ast Viñetes en forma de flecha a la drecha 2020041…
2816 … string RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_5 0 ast Viñetes en forma de flecha a la drecha 2020041…
2824 …t.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_5 0 ast Lletra minúscula a) b) c) 20200411 1…
2825 ….src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_6 0 ast Lletra minúscula (a) (b) (c) 20200411…
2834 …ta hacia la drecha, viñeta en forma de flecha a la drecha, viñeta sólida en forma de rombu, viñeta…
2837 svx source\dialog\ctredlin.src 0 stringlist SID_REDLIN_FILTER_PAGE.LB_DATE 1 0 ast anterior a
2839 svx source\dialog\ctredlin.src 0 stringlist SID_REDLIN_FILTER_PAGE.LB_DATE 3 0 ast igual a 20…
2840 svx source\dialog\ctredlin.src 0 stringlist SID_REDLIN_FILTER_PAGE.LB_DATE 4 0 ast nun ye igual a
3020 …g RID_SUBSETMAP RID_SUBSETSTR_LETTERLIKE_SYMBOLS 0 ast Símbolos asemeyaos a lletres 20200411 …
3102 …ORK.TBX_ADJUST TBI_ADJUST_LEFT HID_FONTWORK_TBI_ADJUST_LEFT 0 ast Alliniar a la esquierda 2020…
3104 …K.TBX_ADJUST TBI_ADJUST_RIGHT HID_FONTWORK_TBI_ADJUST_RIGHT 0 ast Alliniar a la drecha 2020041…
3107 …work.src 0 metricfield RID_SVXDLG_FONTWORK MTR_FLD_TEXTSTART 48 ast - Sangría 20200411 15:09:53
3202 svx source\dialog\sdstring.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_HATCH0 0 ast Prietu anchu a 45 graos 20200…
3203 svx source\dialog\sdstring.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_HATCH1 0 ast Prietu a 45 graos 20200411 15…
3204 svx source\dialog\sdstring.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_HATCH2 0 ast Prietu a -45 graos 20200411 1…
3205 svx source\dialog\sdstring.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_HATCH3 0 ast Prietu a 90 graos 20200411 15…
3206 svx source\dialog\sdstring.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_HATCH4 0 ast Bermeyu cruzao a 45 graos 202…
3207 svx source\dialog\sdstring.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_HATCH5 0 ast Bermeyu cruzao a 0 graos 2020…
3208 svx source\dialog\sdstring.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_HATCH6 0 ast Azul cruzao a 45 graos 202004…
3209 svx source\dialog\sdstring.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_HATCH7 0 ast Azul cruzao a 0 graos 2020041…
3210 svx source\dialog\sdstring.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_HATCH8 0 ast Azul triple a 90 graos 202004…
3211 svx source\dialog\sdstring.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_HATCH9 0 ast Prietu a 0 graos 20200411 15:…
3249 svx source\dialog\sdstring.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_LEND2 0 ast Flecha pequeña 20200411 15:09:…
3278 …ring.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_GALLERYPROPS_GALTHEME 0 ast Tema de la galería 20200411 15:09:53
3333 svx source\dialog\rubydialog.src 0 modelessdialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY HID_RUBY_DIALOG 227 ast Guía Fo…
3338 …string RID_ERRCTX ERRCTX_SFX_LOADTEMPLATE 0 ast $(ERR) al cargar la plantía $(ARG1) 20200411 …
3342 …X_DOCTEMPLATE 0 ast $(ERR) al escribir el documentu $(ARG1) como una plantía 20200411 15:09:53
3387 svx source\src\errtxt.src 0 string RID_ERRHDL ERRCODE_IO_CANTSEEK 0 ast Nun se pue llevar a cau l…
3388 svx source\src\errtxt.src 0 string RID_ERRHDL ERRCODE_IO_CANTTELL 0 ast Nun se pue llevar a cau l…
3399 …tring RID_ERRHDL ERRCODE_SFX_NOSTDTEMPLATE 0 ast Nun pudo abrise la plantía predeterminada. 2…
3400 …g RID_ERRHDL ERRCODE_SFX_TEMPLATENOTFOUND 0 ast Nun pudo atopase la plantía indicada. 2020041…
3401 …ERRHDL ERRCODE_SFX_NOTATEMPLATE 0 ast El ficheru nun pue usase como plantía. 20200411 15:09:53
3404 … string RID_ERRHDL ERRCODE_SFX_WRONGPASSWORD 0 ast Ingresóse una contraseña incorreuta. 20200…
3429 svx source\src\errtxt.src 0 string RID_ERRHDL ERRCODE_SFX_INVALIDTRASHPATH 0 ast El camín a la pa…
3432 … 0 string RID_ERRHDL ERRCODE_SFX_CONSULTUSER 0 ast Los detalles pa llevar a cau la función nun t…
3448 svx source\src\errtxt.src 0 string RID_ERRHDL ERRCODE_IO_CURRENTDIR 0 ast Nun se pue llevar a cau…
3449 svx source\src\errtxt.src 0 string RID_ERRHDL ERRCODE_IO_NOTSAMEDEVICE 0 ast Nun se pue llevar a
3452 svx source\src\errtxt.src 0 string RID_ERRHDL ERRCODE_IO_WRITEPROTECTED 0 ast Nun pue llevase a c…
3453 …FX_SHARED_NOPASSWORDCHANGE 0 ast Nun se pudo afitar o camudar la contraseña d'una fueya de cálcu…
3454 svx source\gallery2\gallery.src 0 dockingwindow RID_SVXDLG_GALLERYBROWSER 211 ast Galería 202…
3553 …RID_SVXERRCODE ERRCODE_SVX_WRONGPASS & ERRCODE_RES_MASK 0 ast La contraseña ye incorreuta. Nun p…
3554 …áu d'esti documentu nun ye compatible. Namái s'almite'l cifráu por contraseña compatible con Micro…
3555 …ite la carga de presentaciones de Microsoft PowerPoint cifraes por contraseña. 20200411 15:09:53
3556 …ón por contraseña si los documentos se guarden en formatu Microsoft Office.\n¿Deseya guardar el do…
3638 svx source\items\svxitems.src 0 string RID_SVXITEMS_HORJUST_LEFT 0 ast Alliñar a la esquierda …
3640 svx source\items\svxitems.src 0 string RID_SVXITEMS_HORJUST_RIGHT 0 ast Alliñar a la derecha …
3680 svx source\engine3d\float3d.src 0 imagebutton RID_SVXFLOAT_3D BTN_GEO 0 ast - Xeometría 2020041…
3690 svx source\engine3d\float3d.src 0 fixedline RID_SVXFLOAT_3D FL_GEOMETRIE 83 ast Xeometría 2020…
3955 svx source\svdraw\svdstr.src 0 string STR_EditSetAttributes 0 ast Aplicar atributos a %1 2020…
3956 svx source\svdraw\svdstr.src 0 string STR_EditSetStylesheet 0 ast Aplica-y estilos a %1 20200…
3958 svx source\svdraw\svdstr.src 0 string STR_EditConvToPoly 0 ast Convertir %1 a polígonu 202004…
3959 svx source\svdraw\svdstr.src 0 string STR_EditConvToPolys 0 ast Convertir %1 a polígonos 2020…
3960 svx source\svdraw\svdstr.src 0 string STR_EditConvToCurve 0 ast Convertir %1 a curva 20200411…
3961 svx source\svdraw\svdstr.src 0 string STR_EditConvToCurves 0 ast Convertir %1 a curves 202004…
3968 svx source\svdraw\svdstr.src 0 string STR_EditAlignHLeft 0 ast Alliniar %1 a la esquierda 202…
3969 svx source\svdraw\svdstr.src 0 string STR_EditAlignHRight 0 ast Alliniar %1 a la drecha 20200…
3987 svx source\svdraw\svdstr.src 0 string STR_DragInsertPoint 0 ast Inxerta-y puntu a %1 20200411…
4041 svx source\svdraw\svdstr.src 0 string STR_UndoObjName 0 ast Camudar nome d'oxetu de %1 a 2020…
4288 svx source\svdraw\svdstr.src 0 string SIP_SA_MEASUREUNIT 0 ast Unidá de midía 20200411 15:09:…
4290 svx source\svdraw\svdstr.src 0 string SIP_SA_MEASURESHOWUNIT 0 ast Vista unidáes de midía 202…
4344 svx source\svdraw\svdstr.src 0 string SIP_EE_PARA_OUTLLRSPACE 0 ast Sangría en enumberación 2…
4417 …D_QRY_REMOVE_MODEL 300 ast Al desaniciar el modelu '$MODELNAME' afectará a tolos campos de cont…
4418 …OVE_INSTANCE 300 ast Al desaniciar la instancia '$INSTANCENAME' afectará a tolos campos de cont…
4419 …_REMOVE_ELEMENT 300 ast Al desaniciar l'elementu '$ELEMENTNAME' afectará a tolos campos de cont…
4421 …RY_REMOVE_SUBMISSION 300 ast Desaniciar '$SUBMISSIONNAME' d'unvíu afeuta a tolos controles que …
4422 …_QRY_REMOVE_BINDING 300 ast Desaniciar el '$BINDINGNAME' d'enllaz afeuta a tolos controles que …
4423 …nceyada col formulariu.\n\nLos cambeos que faes nella perderánse si vuelves a cargar el formulariu…
4609 …NODATACONTROLS 0 ast ¡Nel formulariu actual nun existen controles xuníos a un campu de tabla vá…
4667 …m RID_SVXDLG_TEXTCONTROL_PARAATTR.1 RID_SVXPAGE_PARA_ASIAN 0 ast Tipografía asiática 20200411…
4685 …y\accessibility.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_LT 0 ast Arriba a la esquierda 2020…
4687 …y\accessibility.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_RT 0 ast Arriba a la drecha 2020041…
4688 …\accessibility.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_LM 0 ast Centráu a la esquierda 2020…
4690 …\accessibility.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_RM 0 ast Centráu a la drecha 2020041…
4691 svx source\accessibility\accessibility.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_LB 0 ast Abaxo a
4693 svx source\accessibility\accessibility.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_RB 0 ast Abaxo a
4739 …PropertyPanel.src 0 fixedtext RID_SIDEBAR_LINE_PANEL FT_ARROW 0 ast Flech~a: 20200411 15:09:53
4762 …g RID_SIDEBAR_AREA_PANEL STR_HELP_TYPE 0 ast Seleicione'l tipu de rellenu a aplicar. 20200411…
4763 …c 0 string RID_SIDEBAR_AREA_PANEL STR_HELP_ATTR 0 ast Seleicione l'efectu a aplicar. 20200411…
4783 …TR_TRGR_START_VALUE HID_PPROPERTYPANEL_AREA_MTR_TRGR_SVALUE 0 ast - Enter a transparency value f…
4785 … MTR_TRGR_END_VALUE HID_PPROPERTYPANEL_AREA_MTR_TRGR_EVALUE 0 ast - Enter a transparency value f…
4868 …opertyPanel.src 0 fixedtext RID_SIDEBAR_PARA_PANEL FT_INDENT 0 ast Sangr~ía: 20200411 15:09:53
4869 …TBX_INDENT_DEC HID_PPROPERTYPANEL_PARA_TBI_INDENT_DEC 0 ast Amenorgar sangría 20200411 15:09:53
4870 …_TBX_INDENT_INC HID_PPROPERTYPANEL_PARA_TBI_INDENT_INC 0 ast Aumentar sangría 20200411 15:09:53
4871 …_HANGING_INDENT HID_PPROPERTYPANEL_PARA_TBI_INDENT_HANG 0 ast Conmutar a sangría colgante 2020…
4872 …INDENT_PROMOTE HID_PPROPERTYPANEL_PARA_TBI_INDENTP_INC 0 ast Aumentar sangría 20200411 15:09:53
4873 …INDENT_DEMOTE HID_PPROPERTYPANEL_PARA_TBI_INDENTP_DEC 0 ast Amenorgar sangría 20200411 15:09:53
4874 …HANGING_INDENT HID_PPROPERTYPANEL_PARA_TBI_INDENTP_HANG 0 ast Conmutar a sangría colgante 2020…
4875 …RE_INDENT HID_POPUP_INDENT_ED_INDENT_LEFTINDENT 0 ast - Antes de la sangría de testu 20200411 1…
4876 …INDENT HID_POPUP_INDENT_ED_INDENT_RIGHTINDENT 0 ast - Dempués de la sangría de testu 20200411 1…
4877 …PARA_PANEL MF_FL_INDENT HID_POPUP_INDENT_ED_INDENT_FLINDENT 0 ast - Sangría de primera llinia 2…
4939 …_XPOS, D_YPOS, D_FULLWIDTH ) RB_TO_SIMPLIFIED 0 ast ~De chinu tradicional a chinu simplificáu …
4940 …XPOS, D_YPOS, D_FULLWIDTH ) RB_TO_TRADITIONAL 0 ast De c~hinu simplificáu a chinu tradicional …
4999 …_XPOS, D_YPOS, D_FULLWIDTH ) RB_TO_SIMPLIFIED 0 ast ~De chinu tradicional a chinu simplificáu …
5000 …XPOS, D_YPOS, D_FULLWIDTH ) RB_TO_TRADITIONAL 0 ast ~De chinu simplificáu a chinu tradicional …
5033 …TP_GENERAL FI_CORRPRIVKEY 0 ast Tienes una clave privada que correspuende a esti certificáu. …
5145 sw source\ui\ribbar\tbxanchr.src 0 menuitem MN_ANCHOR_POPUP FN_TOOL_ANKER_PAGE 0 ast Dir a la páx…
5157 …putwin.src 0 menuitem MN_CALC_POPUP MN_CALC_POW HID_MN_CALC_POW 0 ast Enerxía 20200411 15:09:53
5161 …em MN_CALC_POPUP.MN_POP_OPS MN_CALC_LEQ HID_MN_CALC_LEQ 0 ast Menor o igual a 20200411 15:09:53
5162 …em MN_CALC_POPUP.MN_POP_OPS MN_CALC_GEQ HID_MN_CALC_GEQ 0 ast Mayor o igual a 20200411 15:09:53
5191 sw source\ui\misc\glosbib.src 0 fixedtext DLG_BIB_BASE FT_BIB 100 ast Categoría 20200411 15:09…
5228 …c 0 fixedline DLG_GLOSSARY FL_RELATIVE 221 ast Guardar enllaces rellativos a 20200411 15:09:53
5251 sw source\ui\misc\glossary.src 0 string STR_QUERY_DELETE_GROUP1 375 ast Desaniciar la categoría
5254 sw source\ui\misc\glossary.src 0 string STR_ACCESS_SW_CATEGORY 375 ast Categoría 20200411 15:…
5342 sw source\ui\misc\pgfnote.src 0 fixedtext TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE FT_LINEDIST 132 ast ~Espaciáu a los co…
5346 sw source\ui\misc\numberingtypelistbox.src 0 itemlist STRRES_NUMTYPES.1 3 0 ast a, b, c, ... 2…
5350 sw source\ui\misc\numberingtypelistbox.src 0 itemlist STRRES_NUMTYPES.1 7 0 ast a, .., aa, .., aa…
5420 …0 fixedtext TP_NUM_POSITION FT_LABEL_FOLLOWED_BY 105 ast Numberación siguía por 20200411 15:0…
5424 sw source\ui\misc\num.src 0 fixedtext TP_NUM_POSITION FT_LISTTAB 143 ast a 20200411 15:09:53
5425 sw source\ui\misc\num.src 0 fixedtext TP_NUM_POSITION FT_ALIGNED_AT 105 ast Alliñáu a 20200411…
5426 sw source\ui\misc\num.src 0 fixedtext TP_NUM_POSITION FT_INDENT_AT 105 ast Sangría a 20200411 …
5458 sw source\ui\app\error.src 0 string STR_COMCORE_CANT_SHOW 1 ast Nun se ye a presentar la imaxe. …
5466 …RRCODE_CLASS_READ , ERR_SW6_PASSWD ) 0 ast Nun se ye a abrir documentos protexíos por contraseña
5468 …idu'. Desactiva la opción 'Permitir grabar rápidamente' de WinWord y vuelvi a grabar el ficheru. …
5484 …idu'. Desactiva la opción 'Permitir grabar rápidamente' de WinWord y vuelvi a grabar el ficheru. …
5535 sw source\ui\app\app.src 0 infobox MSG_ERROR_PASSWD 0 ast Contraseña incorrecha 20200411 15:0…
5542 sw source\ui\app\app.src 0 string STR_STATSTR_REFORMAT 0 ast Volviendo a paxinar... 20200411 …
5564 …_CLPBRD_CLEAR 0 ast Tienes abondos datos nel portapapeles.\n¿Quies tener a mano el conteníu del…
5581 …cesítase una fonte de datos pa suministrar datos (Nomes, direiciones, etc.) a los campos. 20200…
5583 sw source\ui\app\app.src 0 string STR_DONT_ASK_AGAIN 202 ast ~Nun volver a amosar esti avisu …
5598 …DIT_AUTH_ENTRY_DLG CMD_FN_EDIT_AUTH_ENTRY_DLG 0 ast Entrada de ~bibliografía... 20200411 15:09…
5765 sw source\ui\table\tabledlg.src 0 stringlist TP_FORMAT_TABLE.LB_TEXTDIRECTION 1 0 ast Manzorga-a-…
5766 sw source\ui\table\tabledlg.src 0 stringlist TP_FORMAT_TABLE.LB_TEXTDIRECTION 2 0 ast Mandrecha-a
5785 …edlg.src 0 stringlist TP_TABLE_TEXTFLOW.LB_TEXTDIRECTION 1 0 ast Manzorga-a-mandrecha 2020041…
5786 …dlg.src 0 stringlist TP_TABLE_TEXTFLOW.LB_TEXTDIRECTION 2 0 ast Mandrecha-a-manzorga (vertical) …
5806 …string DLG_CONV_TEXT_TABLE STR_CONVERT_TEXT_TABLE 135 ast Convertir Testu a Tabla 20200411 15…
5809 …log DLG_CONV_TEXT_TABLE CMD_FN_CONVERT_TEXT_TABLE 203 ast Convertir Tabla a Testu 20200411 15…
5871 sw source\ui\frmdlg\column.src 0 stringlist TP_COLUMN.LB_TEXTDIRECTION 1 0 ast Manzorga-a-mandrec…
5872 sw source\ui\frmdlg\column.src 0 stringlist TP_COLUMN.LB_TEXTDIRECTION 2 0 ast Mandrecha-a-manzor…
5875 sw source\ui\frmdlg\column.src 0 fixedtext DLG_COLUMN FT_APPLY_TO 50 ast ~Aplicar a 20200411 1…
5934 sw source\ui\frmdlg\frmpage.src 0 fixedtext TP_FRM_STD FT_HORI_RELATION 21 ast ~a 20200411 15:…
5938 sw source\ui\frmdlg\frmpage.src 0 fixedtext TP_FRM_STD FT_VERT_RELATION 21 ast ~a 20200411 15:…
5956 sw source\ui\frmdlg\frmpage.src 0 fixedline TP_FRM_URL FL_HYPERLINK 248 ast Enllaz a 20200411 …
5975 sw source\ui\frmdlg\frmpage.src 0 stringlist TP_FRM_ADD.LB_TEXTFLOW 1 0 ast Manzorga-a-mandrecha …
5976 sw source\ui\frmdlg\frmpage.src 0 stringlist TP_FRM_ADD.LB_TEXTFLOW 2 0 ast Mandrecha-a-manzorga …
5977 sw source\ui\frmdlg\frmpage.src 0 stringlist TP_FRM_ADD.LB_TEXTFLOW 3 0 ast Mandrecha-a-manzorga …
6004 sw source\ui\frmdlg\cption.src 0 fixedtext DLG_CAPTION TXT_CATEGORY 67 ast Categoría 20200411 …
6020 sw source\ui\frmdlg\cption.src 0 fixedline DLG_SEQUENCE_OPTION FL_CATANDFRAME 132 ast Categoría y…
6026 …tion.src 0 stringlist DLG_SEQUENCE_OPTION.LB_ORDER 1 0 ast Primero categoría 20200411 15:09:53
6029 sw source\ui\dialog\dialog.src 0 checkbox CB_USE_PASSWD 0 ast ~Contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
6080 sw source\ui\dialog\regionsw.src 0 #define CB_PASSWD_TEXT 0 ast Con ~contraseña 20200411 15:0…
6089 sw source\ui\dialog\regionsw.src 0 infobox REG_WRONG_PASSWORD 316 ast La contraseña escrita nun …
6090 …sw.src 0 infobox REG_WRONG_PASSWD_REPEAT 316 ast Nun se definió contraseña. 20200411 15:09:53
6103 … DLG_SECTION_PROPERTIES.1 TP_SECTION_FTNENDNOTES 0 ast Notes al pie/Notes a lo cabero 2020041…
6106 …sw.src 0 checkbox TP_SECTION_FTNENDNOTES CB_FTN_AT_TXTEND 90 ast Reco~yer a lo cabero'l testu …
6112 sw source\ui\dialog\regionsw.src 0 fixedline TP_SECTION_FTNENDNOTES FL_END 248 ast Notes a lo cab…
6113 …w.src 0 checkbox TP_SECTION_FTNENDNOTES CB_END_AT_TXTEND 100 ast Re~coyer a lo cabero la seición…
6171 …rge.src 0 radiobutton DLG_MERGE_CREATE RB_TEMPLATE 70 ast Dende una plan~tía 20200411 15:09:53
6175 … una base de datos. Los campos de la carta del formulariu han tar coneutaos a la fonte de datos. …
6176 …DLG_MERGE_FIELD_CONNECTIONS HID_MAIL_MERGE_INSERT_FIELDS 205 ast Conexión a la fonte de datos …
6232 sw source\ui\envelp\label.src 0 fixedtext TP_BUSINESS_DATA FT_COMP 90 ast Compañía 20200411 15…
6341 sw source\ui\fldui\fldref.src 0 fixedtext TP_FLD_REF FT_REFFORMAT 76 ast Inxertar R~eferencia a
6389 sw source\ui\fldui\fldui.src 0 string STR_AUTHORITY 0 ast Entrada bibliografía 20200411 15:09…
6405 sw source\ui\fldui\fldui.src 0 string FLD_EU_FIRMA 0 ast Compañía 20200411 15:09:53
6427 sw source\ui\fldui\fldui.src 0 string FMT_FF_UI_RANGE 0 ast Categoría 20200411 15:09:53
6455 sw source\ui\fldui\fldui.src 0 string FMT_REF_ONLYNUMBER 0 ast Categoría y Númberos 20200411 …
6503 …ESC 210 ast Usa esti diálogu pa trocar la base de datos a la qu'accedes nel to documentu vía cam…
6526 sw source\ui\docvw\annotation.src 0 string STR_REPLY 0 ast Rempuesta a $1 20200411 15:09:53
6537 sw source\ui\docvw\access.src 0 string STR_ACCESS_ENDNOTE_DESC 0 ast Nota a lo cabero $(ARG1) …
6544 … 0 ast Activa esti botón p'abrir una llista d'aiciones que pueden llevase a cau sobre ésti u otr…
6586 sw source\ui\docvw\docvw.src 0 string STR_ENDNOTE 0 ast Nota a lo cabero: 20200411 15:09:53
6598 sw source\ui\shells\shells.src 0 infobox MSG_NO_RULER 0 ast Nun hai imáxenes nel tema de Galería
6599 sw source\ui\shells\shells.src 0 string STR_GRFILTER_OPENERROR 0 ast Nun se ye a abrir el ficher…
6600 sw source\ui\shells\shells.src 0 string STR_GRFILTER_IOERROR 0 ast Nun se ye a lleer el ficheru …
6616 …áu acabó.\nAgora puedes aceutar o refugar tolos cambeos,\ntoos xuntos o unu a unu. 20200411 15:…
6713 …src 0 checkbox IDX_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG CB_APPLY_TO_ALL 140 ast ~Aplicar a tolos testos similar…
6758 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_SELECT.LB_TYPE 7 0 ast Bibliografía 20200411…
6771 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_SELECT FT_CAPTIONSEQUENCE 40 ast Categoría 20…
6774 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_SELECT.LB_DISPLAYTYPE 2 0 ast Categoría y Númbe…
6780 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_CASESENSITIVE 115 ast Sensible a les ma…
6781 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_INITIALCAPS 115 ast Autoconvertir a may…
6854 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_ENTRY CB_AUTORIGHT 100 ast Aliniar a la mandrecha…
6899 sw source\ui\wrtsh\wrtsh.src 0 string STR_DDEERROR_LINK1 0 ast L'enllaz a [ 20200411 15:09:53
6977 sw source\ui\chrdlg\paradlg.src 0 pageitem DLG_PARA.1 TP_PARA_ASIAN 0 ast Tipografía Asiática …
6987 sw source\ui\chrdlg\paradlg.src 0 pageitem DLG_DRAWPARA.1 TP_PARA_ASIAN 0 ast Tipografía Asiática…
7054 …gpage.src 0 checkbox TP_MAILCONFIG CB_REPLYTO 242 ast Unviar contestación a ~diferentes direicio…
7079 sw source\ui\config\mailconfigpage.src 0 fixedtext FT_OUTPASSWORD 53 ast ~Contraseña 20200411…
7088 sw source\ui\config\mailconfigpage.src 0 fixedtext FT_INPASSWORD 53 ast Contra~seña 20200411 …
7103 …tload.src 0 stringlist TP_OPTCAPTION_PAGE.LB_ORDER 1 0 ast Primero categoría 20200411 15:09:53
7110 sw source\ui\config\optload.src 0 fixedtext TP_OPTCAPTION_PAGE TXT_CATEGORY 59 ast Categoría 2…
7119 sw source\ui\config\optload.src 0 fixedline TP_OPTCAPTION_PAGE FL_CATEGORY 136 ast Categoría y fo…
7144 …les opciones de compatibilidá de la pantilla predeterminada?\nEsto afeutará a tolos documentos nue…
7151 …IBILITY_PAGE STR_ADD_TABLESPACING 60 ast Amestar págrafu y espaciáu tabla a lo cabero de les cax…
7166 sw source\ui\config\optdlg.src 0 checkbox TP_CONTENT_OPT CB_VRULER_RIGHT 100 ast Alinealu a mandr…
7184 sw source\ui\config\optdlg.src 0 checkbox TP_OPTPRINT_PAGE CB_LEFTP 70 ast Páxines a man~zorga …
7185 sw source\ui\config\optdlg.src 0 checkbox TP_OPTPRINT_PAGE CB_RIGHTP 70 ast Páxines a man~drecha …
7187 sw source\ui\config\optdlg.src 0 checkbox TP_OPTPRINT_PAGE CB_PROSPECT_RTL 70 ast Mandrecha a Man…
7231 sw source\ui\config\optdlg.src 0 fixedtext TP_OPTTABLE_PAGE FT_FIXPROP 155 ast Cambeos afeuten a
7279 sw source\ui\config\optdlg.src 0 itemlist STR_PRINTOPTUI 25 0 ast Escritura d'esquierda a drecha …
7280 sw source\ui\config\optdlg.src 0 itemlist STR_PRINTOPTUI 26 0 ast Escritura de drecha a esquierda…
7300 sw source\ui\utlui\poolfmt.src 0 string STR_POOLCHR_ENDNOTE_ANCHOR 0 ast Ancla de nota a lo cabe…
7320 sw source\ui\utlui\poolfmt.src 0 string STR_POOLCOLL_TEXT_NEGIDENT 0 ast Sangría negativa de la …
7430 …c 0 string STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_AUTHORITIESH 0 ast Encabezáu de la bibliografía 20200411 15:09:53
7431 sw source\ui\utlui\poolfmt.src 0 string STR_POOLCOLL_TOX_AUTHORITIES1 0 ast Bibliografía 1 20…
7471 sw source\ui\utlui\unotools.src 0 itemlist RES_FRMEX_MENU.1 3 0 ast Haza a~baxo 20200411 15:09…
7496 sw source\ui\utlui\initui.src 0 string RID_SW_SHELLRES STR_TOX_AUTH 0 ast Bibliografía 2020041…
7582 …MTSTRS STR_AUTOFMTREDL_SET_TMPL_NEG_INDENT +1 0 ast Aplicar estilu "Sangría negativa de primera …
7661 sw source\ui\utlui\attrdesc.src 0 string STR_FLY_AT_PARA 0 ast a párrafu 20200411 15:09:53
7662 sw source\ui\utlui\attrdesc.src 0 string STR_FLY_AS_CHAR 0 ast a caráuter 20200411 15:09:53
7663 sw source\ui\utlui\attrdesc.src 0 string STR_FLY_AT_PAGE 0 ast a páxina 20200411 15:09:53
7674 sw source\ui\utlui\attrdesc.src 0 string STR_HORI_RIGHT 0 ast a la mandrecha 20200411 15:09:53
7676 sw source\ui\utlui\attrdesc.src 0 string STR_HORI_LEFT 0 ast a la manzorga 20200411 15:09:53
7687 sw source\ui\utlui\attrdesc.src 0 string STR_CONNECT1 0 ast enllazáu a 20200411 15:09:53
7777 …ELL_POPUP MN_SPELLING_DLG HID_LINGU_SPELLING_DLG 0 ast ~Comprobar ortografía... 20200411 15:09…
7784 sw source\ui\lingu\olmenu.src 0 string STR_LANGSTATUS_NONE 0 ast Dengún (Nun igua la ortografía)…
7785 sw source\ui\lingu\olmenu.src 0 string STR_RESET_TO_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE 0 ast Restablecer a la llin…
7792 …rybox MSG_UPDATE_NEW_GLOS_FMT 0 ast El formatu de la seición nun ta al día.\nHai que lu convert…
7808 sw source\ui\fmtui\tmpdlg.src 0 pageitem DLG_TEMPLATE_2.1 TP_PARA_ASIAN 0 ast Tipografía Asiática…
7906 sw source\ui\dbui\dbui.src 0 fixedtext DLG_PRINTMONITOR FT_SENDING 100 ast ta unviándose a 202…
7907 sw source\ui\dbui\dbui.src 0 fixedtext DLG_PRINTMONITOR FT_SAVING 100 ast ta unviándose a 2020…
8008 …imagebutton DLG_MM_CUSTOMIZEADDRESSBLOCK IB_INSERTFIELD 14 ast - Amestar a direición 20200411 …
8009 …ring DLG_MM_CUSTOMIZEADDRESSBLOCK ST_INSERTSALUTATIONFIELD 14 ast Amestar a saludu 20200411 1…
8015 …ge.src 0 imagebutton DLG_MM_CUSTOMIZEADDRESSBLOCK IB_LEFT 14 ast - Mover a manzorga 20200411 1…
8016 …e.src 0 imagebutton DLG_MM_CUSTOMIZEADDRESSBLOCK IB_RIGHT 14 ast - Mover a mandrecha 20200411 …
8043 …e.src 0 string DLG_MM_OUTPUTTYPE_PAGE ST_LETTERHINT 242 ast Unviar cartes a un grupu de destinat…
8044 …ng DLG_MM_OUTPUTTYPE_PAGE ST_MAILHINT 242 ast Unviar mensaxes de corréu-e a un grupu de destinat…
8061 sw source\ui\dbui\mmoutputpage.src 0 fixedtext DLG_MM_OUTPUT_PAGE FT_MAILTO 30 ast Hast~a 2020…
8062 sw source\ui\dbui\mmoutputpage.src 0 pushbutton DLG_MM_OUTPUT_PAGE PB_COPYTO 50 ast ~Copia a... …
8083 …age.src 0 fixedtext DLG_MM_COPYTO FI_DESCRIPTION 238 ast Unvía una copia d'esti corréu a: 202…
8087 sw source\ui\dbui\mmoutputpage.src 0 modaldialog DLG_MM_COPYTO HID_MM_COPYTO 250 ast Copiar a
8118 sw source\ui\dbui\mailmergechildwindow.src 0 string ST_SENDINGTO 250 ast Unviando a: %1 20200…
8134 …dialog.src 0 string DLG_MM_ADDRESSLISTDIALOG ST_CONNECTING 50 ast Conexón a la fonte de datos...…
8160 …do en 'Tornar al Asistente pa combinar correspondencia' de la ventana pequeña. 20200411 15:09:53
8177 …i y edita'l documentu agora si entá nun lo ficiste. Los cambios van afeutar a tolos documentos com…
8192 …ton DLG_MM_DOCSELECT_PAGE RB_LOADTEMPLATE 190 ast Entamar dende una pla~ntía 20200411 15:09:53
8232 sw source\core\undo\undo.src 0 string STR_CHANGESECTPASSWD 0 ast Camudar contraseña 20200411 …
8243 sw source\core\undo\undo.src 0 string STR_INC_LEFTMARGIN 0 ast Aumentar sangría 20200411 15:0…
8280 sw source\core\undo\undo.src 0 string STR_UNDO_FTNINFO 0 ast Camudar los parámetros de notes a p…
8413 svl source\misc\mediatyp.src 0 string STR_SVT_MIMETYPE_CNT_CDF 0 ast Soscripción a la canal 2…
8414 svl source\misc\mediatyp.src 0 string STR_SVT_MIMETYPE_CNT_CDFSUB 0 ast Soscripción a la canal …
8415 svl source\misc\mediatyp.src 0 string STR_SVT_MIMETYPE_CNT_CDFITEM 0 ast Soscripción a la canal …
8427 svl source\misc\mediatyp.src 0 string STR_SVT_MIMETYPE_APP_GAL 0 ast Galería 20200411 15:09:53
8428 svl source\misc\mediatyp.src 0 string STR_SVT_MIMETYPE_APP_GAL_THEME 0 ast Tema de Galería 20…
8442 svl source\misc\mediatyp.src 0 string STR_SVT_MIMETYPE_APP_TEMPLATE 0 ast %PRODUCTNAME - Plantía
8445 svl source\misc\mediatyp.src 0 string STR_SVT_MIMETYPE_APP_MSEXCEL_TEMPL 0 ast Plantía de MS Exc…
8555 sc source\ui\src\scfuncs.src 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_GET_DATE 2 0 ast añ…
8559 …cs.src 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_GET_DATE 6 0 ast día 20200411 15:09:53
8560 …IONS1.SC_OPCODE_GET_DATE 7 0 ast Un enteru ente 1 y 31 que representa'l día del mes. 20200411…
8564 …ring RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_GET_DAY 1 0 ast Devuelve'l día del mes (1-31) que c…
8567 …TE_360 1 0 ast Calcula'l númberu de díes entre dos dates sofitándose n'un añu de 360 díes. 20…
8577 …ESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_GET_MIN 1 0 ast Devuelve'l minutu que correspuende a númb_de_serie en for…
8580 …DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_GET_MONTH 1 0 ast Devuelve'l mes que correspuenda a númb_de_serie en for…
8598 …_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_GET_DAY_OF_WEEK 1 0 ast Devuelve'l día de la selmana (1 - 7…
8603 …tring RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_GET_YEAR 1 0 ast Devuelve l'añu que correspuende a…
8611 …ION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_WEEK 1 0 ast Calcula la selmana del añu correspondiente a la data es…
8615 …string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_WEEK 5 0 ast ye'l primer día de la selmana (1 = d…
8616 …SC_OPCODE_EASTERSUNDAY 1 0 ast Calcula la data del Domingu de Pascua d'un añu. 20200411 15:09…
8617 …src 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_EASTERSUNDAY 2 0 ast añu 20200411 15:09:…
8623 …PTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_BW 5 0 ast ye'l númberu total de periodos de pagu n'una añalidá. 20200411 1…
8634 …1.SC_OPCODE_ZW 5 0 ast Periodu de pagu. Ye'l númberu total de pagos d'una añalidá. 20200411 1…
8636 …es. Ye'l pagu que se fai cada periodu y que nun puede camudar na vida de la añalidá. 20200411 1…
8645 …es. Ye'l pagu que se fai cada periodu y que nun puede camudar na vida de la añalidá. 20200411 1…
8656 ….SC_OPCODE_RMZ 5 0 ast Periodu de pagu. Ye'l númberu total de pagos d'una añalidá. 20200411 1…
8663 …RIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_ZINS 1 0 ast Devuelve la tasa d'interés por periodu d'añalidá. 20200411 1…
8665 …SC_OPCODE_ZINS 3 0 ast Periodu de pagu. Ye'l númberu total de pagos d'una añalidá. 20200411 1…
8667 …es. Ye'l pagu que se fai cada periodu y que nun puede camudar na vida de la añalidá. 20200411 1…
8682 …_OPCODE_ZINS_Z 7 0 ast Periodu de pagu. Ye'l númberu total de pagos d'una añalidá. 20200411 1…
8695 …IONS1.SC_OPCODE_KAPZ 7 0 ast Ye'l númberu total de periodos de pagu d'una añalidá. 20200411 1…
8706 …CODE_KUM_KAP_Z 5 0 ast Periodu de pagu. Ye'l númberu total de pagos d'una añalidá. 20200411 1…
8719 …ODE_KUM_ZINS_Z 5 0 ast Periodu de pagu. Ye'l númberu total de pagos d'una añalidá. 20200411 1…
8765 …IPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_GDA_2 11 0 ast Meses: Ye'l númberu de meses del primer añu de depreciación. …
8778 …ION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_VBD 13 0 ast Fautor. Factor de reducción de l a depreciación. F = 2,…
8780 …SCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_VBD 15 0 ast Nun alteriar. Triba = 1 indica cambear a depreciación llinial…
8781 …CRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_EFFEKTIV 1 0 ast Devuelve la tasa efeutiva d'interés añal conociendo la tas…
8785 …S1.SC_OPCODE_EFFEKTIV 5 0 ast Periodos. El númberu de pagos d'interés per añu. 20200411 15:09…
8786 …SCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_NOMINAL 1 0 ast Devuelve la tasa de interés nominal añal pa una tasa efeut…
8790 …ONS1.SC_OPCODE_NOMINAL 5 0 ast Periodos. El númberu de pagu d'interés per añu. 20200411 15:09…
8795 …UNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_NBW 5 0 ast Valor 1; Valor 2;... son de 1 a 30 argumentos que re…
8798 … 0 ast Ye una matriz o referencia de caxelles que'l conteníu correspuende a los pagos. 20200…
8803 …_OPCODE_MIRR 3 0 ast Matriz o referencia de caxella a caxelles nes que'l conteníu correspuende a
8866 …src 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_N 3 0 ast Ye'l valor a interpretar como un …
8868 …SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_TYPE 1 0 ast Returns the data type of a value (1 = number, 2…
8877 ….src 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_FALSE 1 0 ast Conseña el valor loxicu como…
8882 …string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_IF 1 0 ast Conseña una preba lóxica a facer. 2…
8891 …SC_OPCODE_OR 3 0 ast Valor lóxicu 1, valor lóxicu 2,... son de 1 a 30 condiciones a probar que d…
8894 …C_OPCODE_AND 3 0 ast Valor lóxicu 1, valor lóxicu 2;... son de 1 a 30 condiciones a prebar devol…
8897 …C_OPCODE_XOR 3 0 ast Valor lóxicu 1, valor lóxicu 2,... son de 1 a 30 condiciones a probar que d…
8901 …g RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_POWER 1 0 ast Devuelve a^b, base elevada a la potencia…
8903 …ring RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_POWER 3 0 ast La base a la potencia a^b. 2020041…
8905 …ID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_POWER 5 0 ast L'esponente b a la potencia a^b. 2020041…
8912 …ON_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_SUM 3 0 ast Númberu 1, númberu 2, ... son de 1 a 30 argumentos pa los…
8915 …_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_SUM_SQ 3 0 ast Númberu 1, númberu 2,... son de 1 a 30 argumentos pa los…
8918 …DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_PRODUCT 3 0 ast Númberu 1, númberu 2,... son de 1 a 30 argumentos que va…
8937 …SCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_SUM_IFS 5 0 ast Rangu 1, rangu 2,... son los rangos a evaluar colos criter…
8944 …PTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_AVERAGE_IFS 5 0 ast Rangu 1, rangu 2,... son los rangos a evaluar colos criter…
8949 …RIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_COUNT_IFS 3 0 ast Rangu 1, rangu 2,... son los rangos a evaluar colos criter…
8985 …NCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_ARC_COS_HYP 3 0 ast Un valor mayor o igual a 1 pal que va devolve…
9021 …ID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_COT_HYP 3 0 ast Un valor non igual a 0 pal que va devolve…
9042 …ng RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_DEG 1 0 ast Convierte radianes a graos 20200411 15…
9045 …tring RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_RAD 1 0 ast Convierte graos a radianes 20200411…
9050 …g RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_EXP 3 0 ast L'esponente aplicáu a base e. 20200411 …
9067 …c 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_MOD 3 0 ast El númberu a dividir. 20200411…
9080 …ring RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_INT 3 0 ast El númberu a redondear a la baxa. 20…
9083 …0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_TRUNC 3 0 ast El númberu a tronzar. 20200411…
9090 …ID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_ROUND 5 0 ast El númberu de cifres a les que va redondeas…
9091 …N_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_ROUND_UP 1 0 ast Redondéu superior d'un númberu a la precisión predefi…
9095 …SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_ROUND_UP 5 0 ast El númberu de cifres a les que va redondeas…
9096 …DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_ROUND_DOWN 1 0 ast Redondéu inferior d'un númberu a la precisión predefi…
9098 …D_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_ROUND_DOWN 3 0 ast El númberu a redondear a la baxa. 20…
9100 …_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_ROUND_DOWN 5 0 ast El númberu de cifres a les que va redondeas…
9101 …ONS1.SC_OPCODE_EVEN 1 0 ast Redondear un númberu positivu a l'alta y un númberu negativu a la ba…
9104 ….SC_OPCODE_ODD 1 0 ast Redondear un númberu positivu a l'alta y un númberu negativu a la baxa a
9113 …_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_CEIL 7 0 ast Si esiste y nun ye cero, redondéase a esta cantidá si'l nú…
9116 …ng RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_FLOOR 3 0 ast El númberu a redondear a la baxa. 20…
9118 …OPCODE_FLOOR 5 0 ast El númberu al múltiplo del que va redondiase'l valor a la baxa. 20200411…
9120 …D_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_FLOOR 7 0 ast Si'l mou nun ye igual a cero, un númberu neg…
9205 …r 1; valor 2; ...son entre 1 y 30 argumentos que pueden contener o referise a estremaes tribes de …
9208 …ION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_COUNT_2 3 0 ast Valor 1; valor 2;... son de 1 a 30 argumentos que re…
9217 …N_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_MIN 3 0 ast Númberu 1; númberu 2;...son entre 1 a 30 númberos de los q…
9220 …ION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_MIN_A 3 0 ast Valor 1; valor 2;...son entre 1 a 30 argumentos de los…
9223 …TION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_VAR 3 0 ast Númberu 1; númberu 2;...son de 1 a 30 argumentos numbér…
9229 …ON_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_VAR_P 3 0 ast Númberu 1; númberu 2;...son de 1 a 30 argumentos numbér…
9230 …_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_VAR_P_A 1 0 ast Calcula la variancia a partir de la poblaci…
9235 …N_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_ST_DEV 3 0 ast Númberu 1; númberu 2;...son de 1 a 30 argumentos numbér…
9241 …DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_ST_DEV_P 3 0 ast Númberu 1; númberu 2;...son de 1 a 30 argumentos numbér…
9242 …PTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_ST_DEV_P_A 1 0 ast Calcula la desviación predeterminada a partir de la poblaci…
9247 …DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_AVERAGE 3 0 ast Númberu 1; Númberu 2; ...son de 1 a 30 argumentos numbér…
9253 …N_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_DEV_SQ 3 0 ast Númberu 1; númberu 2;...son de 1 a 30 argumentos numbér…
9256 …_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_AVE_DEV 3 0 ast Númberu 1; númberu 2;...son de 1 a 30 argumentos numbér…
9257 …ID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_SCHIEFE 1 0 ast Devuelve l'asimetría d'una distribución. …
9259 …CHIEFE 3 0 ast Númberu 1; númberu 2;...son de 1 a 30 argumentos de los que quies calcular l'asim…
9262 …ION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_KURT 3 0 ast Númberu 1; númberu 2;...son de 1 a 30 argumentos de los…
9265 …DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_GEO_MEAN 3 0 ast Númberu 1; númberu 2;...son de 1 a 30 argumentos numbér…
9268 …DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_HAR_MEAN 3 0 ast Númberu 1; númberu 2;...son de 1 a 30 argumentos numbér…
9271 …CRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_MODAL_VALUE 3 0 ast Númberu 1; númberu 2;...son de 1 a 30 argumentos numbér…
9274 …N_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_MEDIAN 3 0 ast Númberu 1; númberu 2;...son de 1 a 30 argumentos numbér…
9338 … 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_FISHER 3 0 ast El valor a tresformar (-1 < VAL…
9364 …FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_KRIT_BINOM 7 0 ast La probabilidá llende a la que se llega o se…
9398 … ast El significáu del valor de distribución normal del rexistru. Ye afitáu a 0 si ye omitíu. 2…
9400 …st La desviación standard de la distribución normal del rexistru. Ye afitáu a 1 si ye omitíu. 2…
9451 …ón de densidá, cualisquier otru valor o TRUE o nada pa la función distribuyía acumulada. 202004…
9529 …DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_STANDARD 1 0 ast Convierte una variable aleatoria a un valor normalizáu.…
9531 … string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_STANDARD 3 0 ast El valor a estandarizar. 202…
9555 …PCODE_Z_TEST 3 0 ast El exemplu dau, dibuxa dende una población distribuyía normalmente. 2020…
9576 …C_OPCODE_T_TEST 7 0 ast Mou especifica'l númberu de coles de distribución a devolver. 1= una col…
9614 …ID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_FORECAST 1 0 ast Devuelve un valor a lo llargo d'una regr…
9632 …DE_AREAS 1 0 ast Devuelve'l númberu de rangos individuales que pertenecen a otru rangu (múltiple…
9634 …tring RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_AREAS 3 0 ast La referencia a un rangu (múltiple).…
9642 …ring RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_COLUMN 3 0 ast La referencia a una caxella o un ran…
9645 … string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_ROW 3 0 ast La referencia a una caxella o un ran…
9648 …tring RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_TABLE 3 0 ast La referencia a una caxella o un ran…
9657 …ring RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_TABLES 3 0 ast La referencia a una caxella o un ran…
9658 …ON_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_H_LOOKUP 1 0 ast Gueta horizontal y referencia a les caxelles allugae…
9660 … string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_H_LOOKUP 3 0 ast El valor a guetar na primer fil…
9671 …ID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_V_LOOKUP 5 0 ast La matriz o rangu a referenciar. 2020…
9676 …SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_INDEX 1 0 ast Devuelve una referencia a una caxella dende un…
9678 …tring RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_INDEX 3 0 ast La referencia a un rangu (múltiple).…
9684 …ON_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_INDEX 9 0 ast L'indiz del subrangu al referise a un rangu multiple. …
9692 … 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_LOOKUP 3 0 ast El valor a usar pa la comparanz…
9699 …c 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_MATCH 3 0 ast El valor a usar pa la comparanz…
9708 …_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_OFFSET 5 0 ast El númberu de fileres a mover arriba o abaxo…
9710 …_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_OFFSET 7 0 ast El númberu de columnes a mover a manzorga o a mandrecha.…
9715 …PTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_ERROR_TYPE 1 0 ast Devuelve un númberu que correspuende a una triba d'error. …
9718 …ng RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_STYLE 1 0 ast Aplica un Estilu a la caxella de fórmul…
9743 …SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_GET_PIVOT_DATA 5 0 ast Una referencia a una caxella o rangu …
9746 …SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_BAHTTEXT 1 0 ast Convierte un númberu a testu (Baht). 202…
9748 …tring RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_BAHTTEXT 3 0 ast El númberu a convertir. 202004…
9749 …_OPCODE_JIS 1 0 ast Convierte caráuteres de mediu anchor ASCII y katakana a anchor completu. …
9751 …src 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_JIS 3 0 ast El testu a convertir. 202004…
9752 …PCODE_ASC 1 0 ast Convierte caráuteres d'anchor completu ASCII y katakana a mediu anchor. 202…
9754 …src 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_ASC 3 0 ast El testu a convertir. 202004…
9758 …SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_CURRENCY 1 0 ast Convierte un númberu a testu en formatu mon…
9760 …CRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_CURRENCY 3 0 ast Valor ye un númberu, una referencia a una caxella que cont…
9762 …SC_OPCODE_CURRENCY 5 0 ast Llugares decimales. Indica'l númberu de cifres a mandrecha de la coma…
9774 …ing RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_EXACT 3 0 ast El primer testu a usar na comparanza d…
9777 …SC_OPCODE_FIND 1 0 ast Gueta una cadena de testu dientro d'otra (sensible a mayúscules) 20200…
9779 …rc 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_FIND 3 0 ast El testu a alcontrar. 202004…
9784 …PCODE_SEARCH 1 0 ast Gueta un valor de testu dientro d'otru (non sensible a mayúscules). 2020…
9786 … 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_SEARCH 3 0 ast El testu a alcontrar. 202004…
9797 …g RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_UPPER 1 0 ast Convierte'l testu a mayúscules. 20200…
9799 …CODE_UPPER 3 0 ast El testu nel que les lletres minúscules van convertise a mayúscules. 20200…
9800 …ing RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_LOWER 1 0 ast Convierte testu a minúscules. 20200…
9802 …CODE_LOWER 3 0 ast El testu nel que les lletres mayúscules van convertise a minúscules. 20200…
9805 …c 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_VALUE 3 0 ast El testu a convertir en númberu…
9808 …g RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_TEXT 3 0 ast El valor numbéricu a convertir. 202004…
9820 …FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_REPLACE 7 0 ast El númberu de caráuteres a camudar. 20200411…
9825 …0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_FIXED 3 0 ast El númberu a formatear. 202004…
9852 …rc 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_REPT 3 0 ast El testu a repetir. 20200411…
9864 …IONS2.SC_OPCODE_BASE 1 0 ast Convierte un enteru positivu a testu d'un sistema numbéricu a la ba…
9866 … 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_BASE 3 0 ast El númberu a convertir. 202004…
9870 …7 0 ast Si el testu ye más curtiu qu'el llargor conseñáu, améstense ceros a manzorga de la caden…
9873 …0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_DECIMAL 3 0 ast El testu a convertir. 202004…
9878 …0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_CONVERT 3 0 ast El valor a convertir. 202004…
9880 …FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_CONVERT 5 0 ast Unidá a la que se convierte daqué, sensible a m…
9882 …FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_CONVERT 7 0 ast Unidá a la que se convierte daqué, sensible a m…
9885 …0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_ROMAN 3 0 ast El númberu a convertir en númberu…
9891 …UNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_INFO 1 0 ast Devuelve información tocante a l'entornu. 202004…
9900 …SCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_EUROCONVERT 1 0 ast Convierte un valor d'una moneda a Euro. 20200411 15…
9902 …ring RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_EUROCONVERT 3 0 ast El valor a convertir. 202004…
9904 …5 0 ast Códigu ISO 4217 de la moneda dende la que va convertise, sensible a mayúscules. 20200…
9906 …_OPCODE_EUROCONVERT 7 0 ast Códigu ISO 4217 de la moneda a la que va convertise, sensible a mayú…
9908 …E_EUROCONVERT 9 0 ast Si s'omite o ye 0 o FALSE, el resultáu ye redondeáu a los decimales de a_m…
9910 …-y da y >=3, el resultáu intermedíu d'una conversión triangular se redondea a la precisión. Si s'o…
9913 …ring RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_NUMBERVALUE 3 0 ast El testu a convertir en númberu…
9999 …rc 0 checkbox RID_SCPAGE_SORT_OPTIONS BTN_CASESENSITIVE 242 ast ~Sensible a mayúscules 202004…
10009 …0 radiobutton RID_SCPAGE_SORT_OPTIONS BTN_LEFT_RIGHT 242 ast D'~izquierda a drecha (ordenar colu…
10014 … 0 fixedtext RID_SCDLG_SORT_WARNING FT_TEXT 170 ast Les caxelles prósimes a la seleición actual …
10016 …src 0 pushbutton RID_SCDLG_SORT_WARNING BTN_EXTSORT 60 ast Seleición estedía 20200411 15:09:53
10134 sc source\ui\src\globstr.src 0 string RID_GLOBSTR STR_UNDO_SPELLING 0 ast Iguar ortografía 202…
10138 sc source\ui\src\globstr.src 0 string RID_GLOBSTR STR_MOVE_TO_END 0 ast - desplazar a la cabera p…
10168 …0 string RID_GLOBSTR STR_ERR_INVALID_TABREF 0 ast <referencia desconocida a tabla> 20200411 1…
10170 sc source\ui\src\globstr.src 0 string RID_GLOBSTR STR_INVALID_TABREF 0 ast Referencia a fueya inv…
10240 …MERGE_NOTEMPTY 0 ast ¿Quies desplazar el conteníu de les fileres tapecíes a la primer filera? …
10266 sc source\ui\src\globstr.src 0 string RID_GLOBSTR STR_EXPORT_ASCII 0 ast Esportar a un ficheru de…
10302 …LOBSTR STR_ABSREFLOST 0 ast ¡La tabla nueva contién referencies absolutes a otres tables que pue…
10321 sc source\ui\src\globstr.src 0 string RID_GLOBSTR STR_SCATTR_PAGE_LEFTRIGHT 0 ast Manzorga-a-mand…
10350 … string RID_GLOBSTR STR_RELOAD_TABLES 0 ast Esti ficheru contién enllaces a otros ficheros.\n¿Qu…
10351 … contién consultes. Los resultaos d'eses consultes nun se guardaron.\n¿Habría que repetir eses con…
10376 sc source\ui\src\globstr.src 0 string RID_GLOBSTR STR_PIVOT_STYLE_CATEGORY 0 ast Categoría de la …
10390 … string RID_GLOBSTR STR_CHANGED_CELL 0 ast La caxella #1 camudose de '#2' a '#3' 20200411 15:…
10393 sc source\ui\src\globstr.src 0 string RID_GLOBSTR STR_CHANGED_MOVE 0 ast El rangu moviose de #1 a
10399 …string RID_GLOBSTR STR_MACRO_WARNING 0 ast Esti documentu contién llamáes a una función macro.\n…
10404 sc source\ui\src\globstr.src 0 string RID_GLOBSTR STR_NAME_INPUT_ROW 0 ast Dir a filera 202004…
10405 sc source\ui\src\globstr.src 0 string RID_GLOBSTR STR_NAME_INPUT_SHEET 0 ast Dir a fueya 20200…
10409 …VISU: Por cuenta d'esta aición puen dase cambeos inesperaos nes referencies a caxelles de les fórm…
10410 …st AVISU: Por cuenta d'esta aición pue que nun se restauren les referencies a l'area desaniciada. …
10418 sc source\ui\src\globstr.src 0 string RID_GLOBSTR STR_UNDO_CHINESE_TRANSLATION 0 ast Conversión a
10422 …g RID_GLOBSTR STR_ERR_LONG_NESTED_ARRAY 0 ast Nun se sofiten les matrices añeráes 20200411 15…
10423 sc source\ui\src\globstr.src 0 string RID_GLOBSTR STR_UNDO_TEXTTOCOLUMNS 0 ast Testu a Columnes …
10426 …ED 0 ast Los conflictos de fusión resueltos van perdese y los sos cambeos a la fueya de cálculo …
10427 …SHARED 0 ast Desautivar el mou compartíu d'una fueya de cálculo que torga a los demás usuarios f…
10428 …u.\n\nGuardar la fueya de cálculo nun ficheru aparte y fusionar los cambeos a la fueya de cálculo …
10429 …La fueya de cálculu ta en mou compartíu. Esto permite l'accesu y la edición a múltiples usuarios a…
10430 …TER 0 ast El ficheru de la fueya de cálculo compartida ta bloqueáu debido a la fusión en curso p…
10477 …rc 0 pageitem RID_SCDLG_PARAGRAPH.1 RID_SVXPAGE_PARA_ASIAN 0 ast Tipografía asiática 20200411…
10504 sc source\ui\src\namedlg.src 0 fixedline RID_SCDLG_NAMES FL_ASSIGN 154 ast Asignáu a 20200411 …
10578 sc source\ui\src\scstring.src 0 string SCSTR_HOR_JUSTIFY_LEFT 0 ast Alliñar a la izquierda 20…
10580 sc source\ui\src\scstring.src 0 string SCSTR_HOR_JUSTIFY_RIGHT 0 ast Alliñar a la derecha 202…
10597 sc source\ui\src\scstring.src 0 string SCSTR_PASSWORD 0 ast Contraseña: 20200411 15:09:53
10598 sc source\ui\src\scstring.src 0 string SCSTR_PASSWORDOPT 0 ast Contraseña (opcional): 2020041…
10599 sc source\ui\src\scstring.src 0 string SCSTR_WRONGPASSWORD 0 ast Contraseña incorreuta 202004…
10609 sc source\ui\src\scstring.src 0 string SCSTR_CFG_SPELLCHECK 0 ast Opciónes d'ortografía 20200…
10683 sc source\ui\src\condfrmt.src 0 stringlist RID_SCDLG_CONDFORMAT.LB_COND1_2 1 0 ast igual a 202…
10688 sc source\ui\src\condfrmt.src 0 stringlist RID_SCDLG_CONDFORMAT.LB_COND1_2 6 0 ast nun ye igual a
10699 sc source\ui\src\condfrmt.src 0 stringlist RID_SCDLG_CONDFORMAT.LB_COND2_2 1 0 ast igual a 202…
10704 sc source\ui\src\condfrmt.src 0 stringlist RID_SCDLG_CONDFORMAT.LB_COND2_2 6 0 ast nun ye igual a
10715 sc source\ui\src\condfrmt.src 0 stringlist RID_SCDLG_CONDFORMAT.LB_COND3_2 1 0 ast igual a 202…
10720 sc source\ui\src\condfrmt.src 0 stringlist RID_SCDLG_CONDFORMAT.LB_COND3_2 6 0 ast nun ye igual a
10734 …src 0 fixedtext RID_SCDLG_OPTSOLVER FT_DIRECTION 86 ast Optimizar resultáu a 20200411 15:09:53
10798 sc source\ui\src\attrdlg.src 0 pageitem RID_SCDLG_ATTR.1 TP_ASIAN 0 ast Tipografía asiática 20…
10832 …ng RID_SCDLG_TABOP STR_WRONGROWCOL 50 ast Nome ensin definir o referencia a caxella incorreuta …
10866 …ntu contién información que nun reconoz esta versión del programa.\n¡Volver a guardar el documentu…
10879 ….src 0 radiobutton RID_SCDLG_DELCELL BTN_CELLSLEFT 114 ast Mover caxelles a man~zorga 2020041…
10885 …src 0 radiobutton RID_SCDLG_INSCELL BTN_CELLSRIGHT 114 ast Mover caxelles a man~drecha 202004…
10886 …src 0 radiobutton RID_SCDLG_INSCELL BTN_CELLSDOWN 114 ast Mover caxelles a a~baxo 20200411 15…
10943 sc source\ui\src\miscdlgs.src 0 radiobutton RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES BTN_DAY 66 ast D~ía 20200411 …
10944 sc source\ui\src\miscdlgs.src 0 radiobutton RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES BTN_DAY_OF_WEEK 66 ast Día de la…
11002 … menuitem RID_POPUP_TAB FID_TAB_RTL CMD_FID_TAB_RTL 0 ast Fue~ya Mandrecha-a-Manzorga 20200411…
11065 sc source\ui\src\optdlg.src 0 checkbox RID_SCPAGE_CALC BTN_CASE 130 ast Se~nsible a mayúscules …
11067 …ID_SCPAGE_CALC BTN_MATCH 239 ast Los criterios de gueta = y <> aplíquense a caxelles en~teres …
11243 sc source\ui\src\filter.src 0 checkbox RID_SCDLG_FILTER BTN_CASE 128 ast ~Sensible a mayúscules …
11247 …src 0 checkbox RID_SCDLG_FILTER BTN_COPY_RESULT 128 ast Copiar ~resultaos a... 20200411 15:09…
11259 …0 checkbox RID_SCDLG_SPEC_FILTER BTN_COPY_RESULT 128 ast Co~piar resultaos a 20200411 15:09:53
11300 sc source\ui\src\filter.src 0 string STR_COPY_AREA_TO 298 ast Copiar resultaos a 20200411 15:…
11324 sc source\ui\dbgui\asciiopt.src 0 string RID_SCDLG_ASCII STR_TEXTTOCOLUMNS 243 ast Textu a Column…
11346 sc source\ui\dbgui\pivot.src 0 checkbox RID_SCDLG_PIVOT_LAYOUT BTN_DRILLDOWN 128 ast Activar l'a~…
11359 sc source\ui\dbgui\dapitype.src 0 radiobutton RID_SCDLG_DAPITYPE BTN_SELECTION 164 ast Esbilla a~…
11368 sc source\ui\dbgui\dapitype.src 0 fixedtext RID_SCDLG_DAPISERVICE FT_PASSWD 40 ast ~Contraseña
11380 …e RID_SCDLG_TEXT_IMPORT_OPTIONS FL_CHOOSE_LANG 165 ast Esbilla la llingua a usar na importación …
11402 sc source\ui\dbgui\consdlg.src 0 fixedtext RID_SCDLG_CONSOLIDATE FT_DEST_AREA 212 ast Re~sultáu a
11435 …0 stringlist RID_SCDLG_DPDATAFIELD.LB_TYPE 2 0 ast Diferencia con respeutu a 20200411 15:09:53
11437 …inglist RID_SCDLG_DPDATAFIELD.LB_TYPE 4 0 ast % de diferencia con respeutu a 20200411 15:09:53
11474 …ndlg.src 0 fixedtext RID_SCDLG_DPSUBTOTAL_OPT FT_HIERARCHY 76 ast Xerarquí~a 20200411 15:09:53
11591 …L_ALIGNMENT ID_SUBSTLEFT HID_PROPERTY_PANEL_ALIGN_TBI_HOR_L 0 ast Alliniar a la izquierda 2020…
11593 …_ALIGNMENT ID_SUBSTRIGHT HID_PROPERTY_PANEL_ALIGN_TBI_HOR_R 0 ast Alliniar a la drecha 2020041…
11600 …src 0 fixedtext RID_PROPERTYPANEL_SC_ALIGNMENT FT_LEFT_INDENT 0 ast Sangría ~izquierda: 20200…
11601 …LIGNMENT MF_LEFT_INDENT HID_PROPERTY_PANEL_ALIGN_MBX_INDENT 0 ast - Sangría dende'l borde izquie…
11609 … 0 fixedtext RID_PROPERTYPANEL_SC_NUMBERFORMAT FT_CATEGORY 0 ast ~Categoría: 20200411 15:09:53
11610 …ORY HID_PROPERTY_PANEL_NUMFMT_LB_CATEGORY 0 ast - Seleccionar una categoría de conteníu. 202004…
11628 …c 0 fixedtext RID_PROPERTYPANEL_SC_NUMBERFORMAT FT_LEADZEROES 0 ast Ceros a la i~zquierda: 20…
11630 …st ~Númberos negativos en bermeyu Camuda'l color de tipografía de los númberos negativos a bermey…
11758 …pagedlg.src 0 radiobutton RID_SCPAGE_TABLE BTN_TOPDOWN 142 ast D'a~rriba a abaxo, a mandrecha …
11759 …dlg.src 0 radiobutton RID_SCPAGE_TABLE BTN_LEFTRIGHT 142 ast D'~esquierda a drecha, abaxo 202…
11816 … RID_SCDLG_SHAREDOCUMENT FT_USERS 192 ast Usuarios accediendo actualmente a esta fueya de cálcul…
11847 …SCDLG_RETYPEPASS STR_NOT_PASS_PROTECTED 8 ast Ensin proteicion de contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
11851 …sdlg.src 0 modaldialog RID_SCDLG_RETYPEPASS 260 ast Reescribi la contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
11852 …D_SCDLG_RETYPEPASS_INPUT BTN_RETYPE_PASSWORD 150 ast Reescribi la contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
11853 …g.src 0 fixedtext RID_SCDLG_RETYPEPASS_INPUT FT_PASSWORD1 42 ast ~Contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
11855 …_INPUT BTN_MATCH_OLD_PASSWORD 150 ast La nueva contraseña tien de ser igual que la contraseña or…
11856 …_SCDLG_RETYPEPASS_INPUT BTN_REMOVE_PASSWORD 150 ast Desanicia la contraseña del elementu protexí…
11857 …rc 0 modaldialog RID_SCDLG_RETYPEPASS_INPUT 230 ast Reescribi la contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
11886 sc source\ui\miscdlgs\acredlin.src 0 string RID_SCDLG_CHANGES STR_CHILD_CONTENT 13 ast Cambiada a
11912 …ndlg.src 0 fixedtext RID_SCDLG_TABPROTECTION FT_PASSWORD1 42 ast ~Contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
11915 …xedtext RID_SCDLG_TABPROTECTION FT_OPTIONS 140 ast Permite a tolos usuarios d'esta fueya a: 2…
11941 …ts.xhp 0 help par_id508133 0 ast Aplicar un estilu de testera de párrafu a los títulos nun docu…
11943 …n d'usase pa crear enllaces qu'apunten a otros sitios, fuera del web del Wiki. Pa crear enllaces W…
11948 …, allliniamientos de testu sofítense p'alliniamientu de testu a la esquierda, centrada y a la drec…
11965 …0 ast El conxuntu de carauteres del resultáu de la conversión ta configuráu a UTF-8. Dependiendo d…
11966 swext mediawiki\help\wikisend.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Unviar a MediaWiki 20200411 15:09:53
11967 swext mediawiki\help\wikisend.xhp 0 help hd_id108340 0 ast Unviar a MediaWiki 20200411 15:09:…
11968 swext mediawiki\help\wikisend.xhp 0 help par_id1743827 0 ast Nel diálogu d'Unviar a MediaWiki, e…
11969 …ies espublizar el to documentu. Calca n'Amestar p'amestar un nuevu sirvidor a la llista.\</ahelp\>…
11977 …NSIONPRODUCTNAME@ puedes xubir el to documentu de testu corriente de Writer a un sirvidor de Media…
11978 …t \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Escueyi \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Documentu - Unviar - a Mediawiki\</item\> p…
11997a pa los respeutivos diálogos dientro de %PRODUCTNAME. La contraseña almacenaráse d'una manera seg…
11998 …3751640 0 ast Nota: Si te conectes a la páxina web usando un sirvidor proxy, ingresa la informa…
12002 …ar_id5328836 0 ast Na caxa de testu de la URL, pon la direición del Wiki a la que quieras coneu…
12005 …ra de cuentes anonimes, puedes dexar les caxes de nome d'usuariu y contraseña baleres. 20200411…
12006 …\wiki.xhp 0 help par_id8869594 0 ast Na caxella de la Contraseña, pon la contraseña pa la to cu…
12007a" pa guardar la contraseña ente sesiones. S'usa una contraseña maestra pa caltener l'accesu a tol…
12011 …r_id4566484 0 ast Escueyi \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Documentu - Unviar - a MediaWiki\</item\>. …
12012 …0 ast Nel diálogu de \<link href=\"@WIKIEXTENSIONID@/wikisend.xhp\"\>Unviar a MediaWiki\</link\>, …
12023 …bility=\"hidden\"\>Abre'l dialogu del MediaWiki p'amestar una nueva entrada a la llista.\</ahelp\>…
12032 …113010 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Pon la to contraseña nel sirvidor de Medi…
12033 …".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Habilitar pa guardar la contraseña ente sesiones. La contraseña maestr…
12035 …es de testu de la cuenta. Si non, pon el to nome d'usuariu y la to contraseña. 20200411 15:09:53
12036a maestra, nel diálogu de la ficha de Seguridá en Ferramientes > Opciones > %PRODUCTNAME, entós, e…
12039 … value .WikiExtension.Strings GeneralSendError 0 ast la operación 'Unviar a MediaWiki' nun pudo …
12042 …0 value .WikiExtension.Strings WrongLogin 0 ast Nome d'usuariu o contraseña incorreutos. Por fav…
12048 …value .WikiExtension.Strings Dlg_EditSetting_PasswordLabel 0 ast ~Contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
12049 …kiExtension.xcu 0 value .WikiExtension.Strings Dlg_SendTitle 0 ast Unviar a MediaWiki 2020041…
12068 …lue .WikiExtension.Strings Dlg_EditSetting_SaveBox 0 ast ~Guardar contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
12114 …p_SeriesToAxis.src 0 fixedline TP_OPTIONS 1 248 ast Alliñar serie de datos a 20200411 15:09:53
12157 …ATA.TBX_DATA TBI_DATA_SWAP_COL HID_SCH_TBI_DATA_SWAP_COL 0 ast Mover serie a la drecha 2020041…
12170 …rc 0 pageitem DLG_SHAPE_PARAGRAPH.1 RID_SVXPAGE_STD_PARAGRAPH 0 ast Sangría y espaciáu 202004…
12172 …rc 0 pageitem DLG_SHAPE_PARAGRAPH.1 RID_SVXPAGE_PARA_ASIAN 0 ast Tipografía Asiática 20200411…
12202 chart2 source\controller\dialogs\Strings.src 0 string STR_PAGE_ASIAN 0 ast Tipografía Asiática …
12269 …ialogs\Strings.src 0 string STR_ACTION_NOTPOSSIBLE 0 ast Nun se ye quien a completar esta funci…
12296 chart2 source\controller\dialogs\Strings.src 0 string STR_TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR 0 ast Esquierda-a-d…
12297 chart2 source\controller\dialogs\Strings.src 0 string STR_TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL 0 ast Drecha-a-esqu…
12304 …rc 0 stringlist TP_AXIS_POSITIONS.LB_CROSSES_OTHER_AXIS_AT 4 0 ast Categoría 20200411 15:09:53
12406 …pearance.src 0 checkbox TP_3D_SCENEAPPEARANCE CB_ROUNDEDEDGE 0 ast Bordes a~rrondiaos 2020041…
12450 …TALABEL_TEXT !defined _CHART2_RESOURCE_DATALABEL_HXX 254 ast Amosar ~categoría 20200411 15:09:53
12451 …_DATALABEL_SYMBOL !defined _CHART2_RESOURCE_DATALABEL_HXX 254 ast Amosar guía de ~lleenda 20200…
12469 … yoffset) FL_ERROR !defined _CHART2_RESOURCE_ERRORBARS_HXX 116 ast Categoría de fallu 20200411…
12515 … 0 value ..PresenterScreen.PresenterScreenSettings.ToolBars.ToolBar.Entries.a.Normal Text 0 ast …
12520 …lue ..PresenterScreen.PresenterScreenSettings.ToolBars.NotesToolBar.Entries.a.Normal Text 0 ast …
12524 ….xcu 0 value ..PresenterScreen.PresenterScreenSettings.HelpView.HelpStrings.a Left 0 ast Clic iz…
12525 ….xcu 0 value ..PresenterScreen.PresenterScreenSettings.HelpView.HelpStrings.a Right 0 ast Siguie…
12553 …nterScreen.PresenterScreenSettings.HelpView.HelpStrings.o Right 0 ast Dir a esa diapositiva 2…
12557 …HelpView.HelpStrings.q Right 0 ast Crecer/amenorgar el tamañu de tipografía de notes 20200411…
12593 … Name 0 ast ID_Categoría 20200411 15:09:53
12595 … Name 0 ast NomeCategoría 20200411 15:09:53
12604 … Name 0 ast ID_Categoría 20200411 15:09:53
12759 … ShortName 0 ast NomCía 20200411 15:09:53
13252 …bleWizard.private.Tables.categories.Fields.categoryID Name 0 ast IDCategoría 20200411 15:09:53
13254 …izard.private.Tables.categories.Fields.categoryname Name 0 ast NomeCategoría 20200411 15:09:53
13308 …d.private.Tables.householdinventory.Fields.categoryID Name 0 ast IDCategoría 20200411 15:09:53
13816 … BirthDay 0 ast Día de Nacencia 20200…
13829 … Label 0 ast Axustar a la ventana 202004…
13955 … 0 value Label 0 ast Cuña 20200411 15:09:53
14035 ….xcu 0 value Label 0 ast Cuña 20200411 15:09:53
14093 … Label 0 ast Rebote a la izquierda 2020…
14094 … Label 0 ast Rebote a la drecha 2020041…
14106 … Label 0 ast Diagonal a la drecha 2020041…
14107 … Label 0 ast Diagonal a la drecha y p'arriba…
14113 … Label 0 ast Xirar p'abaxo y a la drecha 2020041…
14115 … Label 0 ast Xirar p'arriba y a la drecha 2020041…
14154 …Effects.UserInterface.Properties.from-bottom-left Label 0 ast Dende abaxo a la izquierda 2020…
14155 …ffects.UserInterface.Properties.from-bottom-right Label 0 ast Dende abaxo a la drecha 2020041…
14156 …..Effects.UserInterface.Properties.from-top-left Label 0 ast Dende arriba a la izquierda 2020…
14157 ….Effects.UserInterface.Properties.from-top-right Label 0 ast Dende arriba a la drecha 2020041…
14167 … 0 value ..Effects.UserInterface.Properties.left-down Label 0 ast P'abaxo a la izquierda 2020…
14168 …u 0 value ..Effects.UserInterface.Properties.left-up Label 0 ast P'arriba a la izquierda 2020…
14169 … 0 value ..Effects.UserInterface.Properties.right-up Label 0 ast P'arriba a la drecha 2020041…
14170 …0 value ..Effects.UserInterface.Properties.right-down Label 0 ast P'abaxo a la drecha 2020041…
14175 …lue Label 0 ast P'abaxo a la izquierda 2020…
14176 …ue Label 0 ast P'abaxo a la drecha 2020041…
14177 …value Label 0 ast P'arriba a la izquierda 2020…
14178 …alue Label 0 ast P'arriba a la drecha 2020041…
14182 …Interface.Properties.from-bottom-right-horizontal Label 0 ast Dende abaxo a la drecha horizontal…
14183 …erInterface.Properties.from-bottom-right-vertical Label 0 ast Dende abaxo a la drecha vertical …
14186 …UserInterface.Properties.from-top-left-clockwise Label 0 ast Dende arriba a la drecha nel sen ho…
14187 …serInterface.Properties.from-top-left-horizontal Label 0 ast Dende arriba a la izquierda horizon…
14188 ….UserInterface.Properties.from-top-left-vertical Label 0 ast Dende arriba a la izquierda vertica…
14189 …face.Properties.from-top-right-counter-clockwise Label 0 ast Dende arriba a la drecha nel sen an…
14206 …cts.UserInterface.Transitions.cover-left-down Label 0 ast Anubrir p'abaxo a la izquierda 2020…
14207 …ects.UserInterface.Transitions.cover-left-up Label 0 ast Anubrir p'arriba a la izquierda 2020…
14208 …ts.UserInterface.Transitions.cover-right-down Label 0 ast Anubrir p'abaxo a la drecha 2020041…
14209 …cts.UserInterface.Transitions.cover-right-up Label 0 ast Anubrir p'arriba a la izquierda 2020…
14229 …nsitions.diagonal-squares-left-down Label 0 ast Cuadraos diagonales abaxo a la manzorga 20200…
14230 …ansitions.diagonal-squares-left-up Label 0 ast Cuadraos diagonales enriba a la manzorga 20200…
14231 …sitions.diagonal-squares-right-down Label 0 ast Cuadraos diagonales abaxo a la mandrecha 2020…
14232 …nsitions.diagonal-squares-right-up Label 0 ast Cuadraos diagonales enriba a la mandrecha 2020…
14237 ….UserInterface.Transitions.uncover-left-down Label 0 ast Destapar p'abaxo a la izquierda 2020…
14238 …s.UserInterface.Transitions.uncover-left-up Label 0 ast Destapar p'arriba a la izquierda 2020…
14239 …serInterface.Transitions.uncover-right-down Label 0 ast Destapar p'arriba a la drecha 2020041…
14240 ….UserInterface.Transitions.uncover-right-up Label 0 ast Destapar p'arriba a la drecha 2020041…
14241 …fects.xcu 0 value ..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.wedge Label 0 ast Cuña 20200411 15:09:53
14383 … Label 0 ast Páxina a la drecha 2020041…
14387 … Label 0 ast Dir a caxella actual 20…
14415 … Label 0 ast Dir a la fueya siguiente …
14417 … Label 0 ast Dir a la siguiente caxella…
14418 … Label 0 ast Dir a la fueya anterior …
14420 … Label 0 ast Dir a l'anterior caxella n…
14445 … Label 0 ast Camudar nome a la fueya... 20200…
14466 … Label 0 ast Alternar a Mou d'Edición 202…
14475 … Label 0 ast Fueya de drecha a izquierda 2020041…
14476 … ContextLabel 0 ast De ~drecha a izquierda 2020041…
14497 … Label 0 ast Gráfic~a... 20200411 15:09…
14509 … Label 0 ast Te~stu a columnes... 20200…
14537 … Label 0 ast Dar formatu a los bordes de caxell…
14752 …debar.xcu 0 value ..Sidebar.Content.DeckList.GalleryDeck Title 0 ast Galería 20200411 15:09:53
14765 …bar.xcu 0 value ..Sidebar.Content.PanelList.GalleryPanel Title 0 ast Galería 20200411 15:09:53
14826 …e Label 0 ast Tocante a %PRODUCTNAME 2020…
14856 … Label 0 ast Flecha cortada a la drecha 2020041…
14865 … Label 0 ast Flecha dividida a la drecha 2020041…
15128 … Label 0 ast Galería de Fontwork 20200…
15146 … Label 0 ast Dilir a la izquierda 2020…
15147 … Label 0 ast Dilir a la drecha 2020041…
15149 …no:FontworkShapeType.fontwork-fade-up-and-left Label 0 ast Dilir arriba y a la izquierda 2020…
15150 …o:FontworkShapeType.fontwork-fade-up-and-right Label 0 ast Dilir arriba y a la drecha 2020041…
15183 …ue Label 0 ast Galería 20200411 15:09:53
15230 … Label 0 ast Axustar a cuadrícula 202004…
15277 … Label 0 ast Marca d'izquierda a drecha 20200411 1…
15292 … Label 0 ast Marca de drecha a izquierda 2020041…
15317 … Label 0 ast Alliñar a la izquierda 2020…
15402 … Label 0 ast De izquierda a drecha 20200411 1…
15433 … Label 0 ast Volver a comprobar documentu.…
15445 … Label 0 ast Volver a dibuxar 20200411 …
15451 … Label 0 ast Alliñar a la derecha 202004…
15452 …e Label 0 ast Guía fonética asiática...…
15483 … Label 0 ast ~Anclar a la páxina 2020041…
15512 … Label 0 ast ~Ortografía... 20200411 15:09…
15514 … Label 0 ast Ortografía y gramática... 20…
15515 … Label 0 ast ~Ortografía... 20200411 15:09…
15589 ….uno:TextdirectionLeftToRight Label 0 ast Direición del testu d'izquierda a drecha 20200411 1…
15635 … Label 0 ast Ampliar a la páxina 2020041…
15641 … Label 0 ast Pasar el focu a la barra de gueta …
15668 … Label 0 ast Ortografía 20200411 15:09:53
15669 … Label 0 ast P~lantía 20200411 15:09:53
15700 … Label 0 ast Escoyer caráuter a la izquierda 2020…
15701 … Label 0 ast Escoyer caráuter a la drecha 2020041…
15706 … Label 0 ast Tabla a testu... 20200411…
15707 … Label 0 ast Testu a tabla... 20200411…
15710 … Label 0 ast Amenorgar sangría en 20200411 15:09…
15758 … Label 0 ast Dir a la frase siguiente …
15759 … Label 0 ast Dir a la drecha de la pall…
15761 … Label 0 ast Dir a la frase anterior …
15762 … Label 0 ast Dir a la pallabra a la izquierda …
15776 … Label 0 ast Dir a la marca d'índiz sig…
15781 … Label 0 ast Dir a la siguiente fórmula…
15782 … Label 0 ast Dir a la siguiente fórmula…
15784 … Label 0 ast Dir a la marca d'índiz ant…
15789 … Label 0 ast Dir a la anterior fórmula …
15790 … Label 0 ast Dir a la anterior fórmula …
15796 … Label 0 ast Aumentar sangría en 20200411 15:09…
15816 …:InsertFrameInteractNoColumns Label 0 ast Inxerimientu manual d'un cuadru a una columna 20200…
15821 … Label 0 ast Inxertar un reenvíu a la llinia manual …
15840 … Label 0 ast Dir a la nota al pie/Ancla…
15841 … Label 0 ast Dir a la testera 202004…
15843 … Label 0 ast Dir a la nota al pie sigui…
15846 … Label 0 ast Dir a la tabla siguiente …
15847 … Label 0 ast Dir a la marca anterior …
15848 … Label 0 ast Dir a la nota al pie anter…
15850 … Label 0 ast Dir a la tabla anterior …
15851 … Label 0 ast Dir a la referencia 202…
15910 … Label 0 ast Esquema a presentación 2020…
15963 … Label 0 ast Escoyer pallaba a la izquierda 2020…
15970 … Label 0 ast Axustar a la izquierda 2020…
15973 … Label 0 ast Axustar a la drecha 2020041…
16087 … Label 0 ast Puntu d'apegáu horizontal a la izquierda 2020…
16088 … Label 0 ast Puntu d'apegáu horizontal a la drecha 2020041…
16102 … Label 0 ast Axustar a les guíes 2020041…
16187 … Label 0 ast Camudar nome a diapositiva 20200…
16497 …wi.src 0 string sWelcometextLabel3 0 ast Escueyi les tribes de documentu a convertir: 202004…
16576 wizards source\formwizard\dbwizres.src 0 string RID_COMMON_START + 9 0 ast Sí a too 20200411 …
16601 wizards source\formwizard\dbwizres.src 0 string RID_DB_COMMON_START + 34 0 ast Conexón a la font…
16639 wizards source\formwizard\dbwizres.src 0 string RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 33 0 ast Alliñar a la…
16640 wizards source\formwizard\dbwizres.src 0 string RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 34 0 ast Alliñar a la…
16642 …src 0 string RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 36 0 ast En columnes - Etiquetes a la izquierda 2020…
16644 ….src 0 string RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 38 0 ast En bloques - Etiquetes a la izquierda 2020…
16701 wizards source\formwizard\dbwizres.src 0 string RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 26 0 ast ye igual a
16703 …rd\dbwizres.src 0 string RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 28 0 ast ye inferior a 20200411 15:09:53
16705 …es.src 0 string RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 30 0 ast ye igual o inferior a 20200411 15:09:53
16706 …res.src 0 string RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 31 0 ast ye igual o superior a 20200411 15:09:53
16779 …zres.src 0 string RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 32 0 ast Escueyi l'aición a executar 20200411…
16822 …src 0 string RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 84 0 ast En bloques, etiquetes a manzorga 20200411…
16830 … 0 string RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 92 0 ast Nun s'alcontró una plantía de reporte validu …
16840 …ART + 14 0 ast Esti asistente ayudaráte a crear una tabla pa la base datos. Darréu d'escoyer un…
16860 …s.src 0 string RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 34 0 ast ¿Qué nome quies da-y a la tabla? 2020041…
16861 …BLE_WIZARD_START + 35 0 ast Norabona. Apurriste tola información que facía falta pa crear la ta…
16862 …izres.src 0 string RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 36 0 ast ¿Qué quies facer a continuación? 202…
16868 … nome de tabla '%FIELDNAME' contién un caráuter especial('%SPECIALCHAR') qu'a lo meyor, nun ye com…
16902 wizards source\formwizard\dbwizres.src 0 string RID_LETTERWIZARDDIALOG_START + 25 0 ast Plantía
16903 …ring RID_LETTERWIZARDDIALOG_START + 26 0 ast Crear una ~carta a partir d'esta plantía 202004…
16904 …WIZARDDIALOG_START + 27 0 ast Facer ~modificaciones manuales nesta plantía pa carta 20200411…
16908 …LOG_START + 31 0 ast Esti asistente va ayudate a crear una plantía pa carta. Puedes usar la pla…
16925 …D_LETTERWIZARDDIALOG_START + 48 0 ast Esti asistente va ayudate a crear una plantía pa cartes, …
16926 …OG_START + 49 0 ast Pa crear otra carta dende la plantía, vete al allugamientu de la plantía y …
16927 …es.src 0 string RID_LETTERWIZARDDIALOG_START + 50 0 ast Nome de la plantía: 20200411 15:09:53
16937 …s.src 0 string RID_LETTERWIZARDSALUTATION_START + 2 0 ast Estimáu/ada Sr/a. 20200411 15:09:53
16959 …\dbwizres.src 0 string RID_FAXWIZARDDIALOG_START + 12 0 ast La mio plantía pa fax 20200411 1…
16960 …c 0 string RID_FAXWIZARDDIALOG_START + 13 0 ast Crear un ~fax a partir d'esta plantía 202004…
16961 …WIZARDDIALOG_START + 14 0 ast Facer ~modificaciones manuales nesta plantía pa fax 20200411 1…
16964 …ZARDDIALOG_START + 17 0 ast Esti asistente va ayudate a crear una plantía pa fax. La plantía pu…
16970 …ing RID_FAXWIZARDDIALOG_START + 23 0 ast Esti asistente ayúdate a crear una platía pa fax, que …
16971 …TART + 24 0 ast Pa crear un fax dende la plantía, vete a l'allugamientu nel que grabeste la pla…
16972 …izres.src 0 string RID_FAXWIZARDDIALOG_START + 25 0 ast Nome de la plantía: 20200411 15:09:53
16976 …WIZARDDIALOG_START + 29 0 ast Escoyer los elementos pa incluyir na plantía de fax. 20200411 …
16979 …ng RID_FAXWIZARDDIALOG_START + 32 0 ast Escoyer un nome y grabar la plantía 20200411 15:09:53
17005a asoleyar documentos n'Internet.\n\nConvierte documentos pa que se puedan ver n'un restolador Web…
17013 wizards source\formwizard\dbwizres.src 0 string RID_WEBWIZARDDIALOG_START +12 0 ast ~Esportar a
17026 …res.src 0 string RID_WEBWIZARDDIALOG_START +29 0 ast Nun sirvidor ~web vía FTP 20200411 15:0…
17135 wizards source\formwizard\dbwizres.src 0 string RID_WEBWIZARDDIALOG_FTP +2 0 ast ~Contraseña: …
17144 …string RID_WEBWIZARDDIALOG_FTP +11 0 ast El nome d'usuariu o la contraseña nun valen 2020041…
17153 …DAWIZARDDIALOG_START +2 0 ast Facer ~modificaciones manuales nesta plantía p'axenda 20200411…
17154 …zres.src 0 string RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START +3 0 ast Nome de la plantía: 20200411 15:09:53
17158 …RDDIALOG_START +7 0 ast Escueyi les testeres que quies incluyir na plantía p'axendes 2020041…
17161 …IZARDDIALOG_START +10 0 ast Escueyi los nome que quies incluyir na plantía de l'axenda 20200…
17162 … RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START +11 0 ast Escoyer un nome y grabar la plantía 20200411 15:09:53
17164 …ARDDIALOG_START +13 0 ast Esti asistente va ayudate a crear una plantía pa l'axenda. La plantía
17170 …RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START +19 0 ast Crear una ~axenda dende esta plantía 20200411 15:09:53
17171 …+20 0 ast Pa crear una axenda dende esta plantía, vete al allugamientu nel que guardeste la pla…
17182 …t La plantía p'axendes va contener marcadores de posición pa los nomes de les persones que s'escue…
17187 …rd\dbwizres.src 0 string RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START +36 0 ast La plantía de l'axenda va inclu…
17189 …g RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START +39 0 ast Esti asistente ayúdate a crear una plantía p'axenda, q…
17192 …rd\dbwizres.src 0 string RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START +42 0 ast La plantía de la mio axenda …
17193 …AWIZARDDIALOG_START +43 0 ast Hebo un fallu inesperáu al grabar la plantía de l'axenda. 2020…
17205 …RDDIALOG_START +56 0 ast Hebo un fallu inesperáu na apertura de la plantía de l'axenda. 2020…
17228 wizards source\schedule\schedule.src 0 string dlgCalOptionYear 0 ast ~Resume del añu 20200411…
17230 wizards source\schedule\schedule.src 0 string dlgSchdlDescription 0 ast Amestar festivos a 20…
17242 wizards source\schedule\schedule.src 0 string dlgCalEventDay 0 ast Día 20200411 15:09:53
17287 wizards source\template\template.src 0 string CorrespondenceFields+1 0 ast Compañía 20200411 …
17367 wizards source\euro\euro.src 0 string MESSAGES + 7 0 ast Contraseña pa desprotexer la fueya %1Ta…
17368 wizards source\euro\euro.src 0 string MESSAGES + 8 0 ast ¡Contraseña Falsa! 20200411 15:09:53
17373 wizards source\euro\euro.src 0 string MESSAGES + 13 0 ast L'AutoPilotu nun ye a remanar esti doc…
17401 … CURRENCIES + 16 0 ast ¡La moneda establecida pal documentu nun pertenez a la zona Euro! 202…
17402 …NCIES + 17 0 ast ¡L'idioma definíu pal to sistema operativu nun pertenez a la Unión Monetaria E…
17419 …op.src 0 string STR_BOOTSTRAP_ERR_LANGUAGE_MISSING 0 ast Nun se ye quien a pescanciar la llingu…
17424 …CONFIG_ERR_SETTINGS_INCOMPLETE 0 ast La configuración d'aniciu p'acceder a la configuración cen…
17426 desktop source\app\desktop.src 0 string STR_CONFIG_ERR_RIGHTS_MISSING 0 ast Nun puedes acceder a
17427 …TR_CONFIG_ERR_ACCESS_GENERAL 0 ast Hebo un fallu xeneral mentes s'accedía a la configuración ce…
17429 …G_DATAACCESS 0 ast Nun pue aniciase %PRODUCTNAME por un fallu al acceder a los datos de la conf…
17431 …ox QBX_USERDATALOCKED 0 ast Otra instancia de %PRODUCTNAME ta accediendo a la to configuración …
17434 …X_EXPIRED 275 ast Esta Versión d'evaluación caducó. Pa saber más tocante a %PRODUCTNAME,\nvisit…
17449 …mientu de la comunidá de códigu abiertu (open source) nel mundu.\n\nAidenos a prebar que %PRODUCTN…
17452 desktop source\migration\wizard.src 0 fixedtext TP_WELCOME FT_WELCOME_HEADER 0 ast Bienveníu a %P…
17463 …RODUCT valen tamién en %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION.\n\nSi nun quies volver a usar dengún valor de…
17475 … El rexistru ye voluntariu.\n\nAl rexistrate, recibirás información tocante a les novedaes d'esti …
17482 …MENT_DEPENDENCIES_MAX 0 ast La estensión nun sofita versiones superiores a Apache OpenOffice %V…
17486 …dp_manager.src 0 string RID_STR_PACKAGE_ALREADY_ADDED 0 ast La estensión añadiose ya : 2020…
17515 …ialog.src 0 string RID_STR_NO_ADMIN_PRIVILEGE 0 ast %PRODUCTNAME s'anovó a una nueva versión. D…
17517 …RID_STR_ERROR_MISSING_LICENSE 0 ast Esta estensión ta desactivada porque aínda nun aceutaste la…
17531 …_gui_dialog.src 0 warningbox RID_WARNINGBOX_REMOVE_EXTENSION 300 ast Vas a desaniciar la estens…
17544 …edtext RID_DLG_UPDATE_REQUIRED RID_EM_FT_MSG 280 ast %PRODUCTNAME s'anovó a una nueva versión. D…
17589 …_gui_versionboxes.src 0 warningbox RID_WARNINGBOX_VERSION_LESS 0 ast Tas a piques d'instalar la…
17590 …s.src 0 string RID_STR_WARNINGBOX_VERSION_LESS_DIFFERENT_NAMES 0 ast Tas a piques d'instalar la…
17591 …gui_versionboxes.src 0 warningbox RID_WARNINGBOX_VERSION_EQUAL 0 ast Tas a piques d'instalar la…
17592 ….src 0 string RID_STR_WARNINGBOX_VERSION_EQUAL_DIFFERENT_NAMES 0 ast Tas a piques d'instalar la…
17593 …i_versionboxes.src 0 warningbox RID_WARNINGBOX_VERSION_GREATER 0 ast Tas a piques d'instalar la…
17594 …rc 0 string RID_STR_WARNINGBOX_VERSION_GREATER_DIFFERENT_NAMES 0 ast Tas a piques d'instalar la…
17628 …etup.ulf 0 LngText %USAGE% 0 ast Usu:\n /? : Amuesa esti diálogu.\n /a : Fai una instalació…
17636 desktop win32\source\setup\setup.ulf 0 LngText %LANGUAGE_DE_DE% 0 ast Alemán (Alemaña) 202004…
17639 desktop win32\source\setup\setup.ulf 0 LngText %LANGUAGE_ES% 0 ast Español (España) 20200411 …
17672 …aránse.\nNel últimu pasu del asistente pue escoyer ente aplicar los cambeos a la presentación actu…
17690 sdext source\minimizer\minimizer.src 0 string STR_ALL_OLE_OBJECTS 0 ast P~a tolos oxetos OLE …
17692 …st L'enllazáu ya incrustáu d'oxetos (OLE) ye una teunoloxía que permite incrustar y enllazar a doc…
17693 …st L'enllazáu ya incrustáu d'oxetos (OLE) ye una teunoloxía que permite incrustar y enllazar a doc…
17702 sdext source\minimizer\minimizer.src 0 string STR_SUMMARY_TITLE 0 ast Escoyer aú aplicar los sig…
17705 sdext source\minimizer\minimizer.src 0 string STR_APPLY_TO_CURRENT 0 ast ~Aplicar los cambios a
17710 …0 string STR_OPTIMIZE_IMAGES 0 ast Ameyorar %IMAGES gráficos a calidá JPEG %QUALITY% a una reso…
17720 …e la presentación '%TITLE'. El tamañu del ficheru camudó de %OLDFILESIZE MB a %NEWFILESIZE MB. …
17721 …e la presentación '%TITLE'. El tamañu del ficheru camudó de %OLDFILESIZE MB a unos %NEWFILESIZE MB…
17722 … anovó correutamente la presentación '%TITLE'. El tamañu del ficheru camudó a %NEWFILESIZE MB. …
17723 … anovó correutamente la presentación '%TITLE'. El tamañu del ficheru camudó a unos %NEWFILESIZE MB…
17733 framework source\classes\resource.src 0 string STR_CLOSEDOC_ANDRETURN 0 ast ~Pesllar y tornar a
17762 …urce.src 0 string STR_LANGSTATUS_NONE 0 ast Dengún (Nun igua la ortografía) 20200411 15:09:53
17763 framework source\classes\resource.src 0 string STR_RESET_TO_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE 0 ast Restablecer a
17768 …fwk_services.src 0 string DLG_BACKING STR_BACKING_WELCOME 0 ast Bienllegáu a 20200411 15:09:53
17773 …ng DLG_BACKING STR_BACKING_EXTHELP 0 ast Amestar una nueva carauterística a %PRODUCTNAME 2020…
17775 …ng DLG_BACKING STR_BACKING_INFOHELP 0 ast Obtenga más información tocante a %PRODUCTNAME 2020…
17887 starmath source\smres.src 0 menubutton RID_DISTANCEDIALOG 1 50 ast ~Categoría 20200411 15:09:53
17888 starmath source\smres.src 0 fixedline RID_DISTANCEDIALOG 1 171 ast Categoría 20200411 15:09:53
17936 starmath source\smres.src 0 radiobutton RID_PRINTOPTIONPAGE RB_FIT_TO_PAGE 90 ast Axustar a la ~p…
17960 …t ¿Quies grabar los cambeos como predeterminaos?\n\nEstos cambeos afeutarán a toles fórmules nueve…
18021 starmath source\smres.src 0 itemlist RID_PRINTUIOPTIONS 8 0 ast Axustar a la ~páxina 20200411 …
18058 …BOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B RID_XPARALLELY HID_SMA_XPARALLELY 0 ast Ye paralela a 20200411 15:09:53
18059 …_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B RID_XORTHOY HID_SMA_XORTHOY 0 ast Ye ortogonal a 20200411 15:09:53
18062 …em RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B RID_XSIMY HID_SMA_XSIMY 0 ast Ye similar a 20200411 15:09:53
18064 …OOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B RID_XLEY HID_SMA_XLEY 0 ast Ye menor que o igual a 20200411 15:09:53
18065 …OOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B RID_XGEY HID_SMA_XGEY 0 ast Ye mayor que o igual a 20200411 15:09:53
18066 …TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B RID_XPROPY HID_SMA_XPROPY 0 ast Ye proporcional a 20200411 15:09:53
18071 …oxitem RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C RID_XINY HID_SMA_XINY 0 ast Pertenez a 20200411 15:09:53
18072 …_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C RID_XNOTINY HID_SMA_XNOTINY 0 ast Nun pertenez a 20200411 15:09:53
18081 …INDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C RID_XSUBSETEQY HID_SMA_XSUBSETEQY 0 ast Incluíu o igual a 20200411 15:09:53
18083 …DOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C RID_XSUPSETEQY HID_SMA_XSUPSETEQY 0 ast Inclúi o ye igual a 20200411 15:09:53
18085 …TOOLBOX_CAT_C RID_XNSUBSETEQY HID_SMA_XNSUBSETEQY 0 ast Non incluíu o igual a 20200411 15:09:53
18086 …OOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C RID_XNSUPSETY HID_SMA_XNSUPSETY 0 ast Nun inclúi a 20200411 15:09:53
18087 …OLBOX_CAT_C RID_XNSUPSETEQY HID_SMA_XNSUPSETEQY 0 ast Nun inclúi o ye igual a 20200411 15:09:53
18173 …m RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H RID_LSUPX HID_SMA_LSUPX 0 ast Superíndiz a la esquierda 2020…
18175 …m RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H RID_RSUPX HID_SMA_RSUPX 0 ast Superíndiz a la derecha 202004…
18178 …tem RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H RID_LSUBX HID_SMA_LSUBX 0 ast Subíndiz a la esquierda 2020…
18180 …tem RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H RID_RSUBX HID_SMA_RSUBX 0 ast Subíndiz a la derecha 202004…
18183 …RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H RID_ALIGNLX HID_SMA_ALIGNLX 0 ast Alliniar a la esquierda 2020…
18185 …RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H RID_ALIGNRX HID_SMA_ALIGNRX 0 ast Alliniar a la derecha 202004…
18227 …trings.src 0 string RID_STR_INVALID_VALIDATOR 0 ast El control conéutase a un venceyamientu de …
18241 …_STR_XFORMS_VALUE_MAX_INCL 0 ast El valor tien que ser menor que o igual a $2. 20200411 15:0…
18243 …_STR_XFORMS_VALUE_MIN_INCL 0 ast El valor tien que ser mayor que o igual a $2. 20200411 15:0…
18260 forms source\resource\xforms.src 0 string RID_STR_DATATYPE_YEARMONTH 0 ast Mes y añu 20200411…
18262 forms source\resource\xforms.src 0 string RID_STR_DATATYPE_MONTHDAY 0 ast Mes y día 20200411 …
18264 forms source\resource\xforms.src 0 string RID_STR_DATATYPE_DAY 0 ast día 20200411 15:09:53
18275 basctl source\basicide\basidesh.src 0 string RID_STR_WRONGPASSWORD 0 ast Contraseña incorreuta …
18278 …pilase nin guardase.\nDesanicia dalgún comentariu o tresfier dellos métodos a otru módulu. 2020…
18289 basctl source\basicide\basidesh.src 0 string RID_STR_ENTERPASSWORD 0 ast Escribi la contraseña p…
18311 …rc 0 string RID_STR_QUERYDELLIBREF 0 ast ¿Quies desaniciar la referencia a la biblioteca XX? …
18321 …h.src 0 string RID_STR_REFNOTPOSSIBLE 0 ast Nun ye posible la referencia a 'XX'. 20200411 15…
18375 …CH_TEXT 80 ast El diálogu a importar sofita llingües distintes de les de la biblioteca destín.\…
18426 basctl source\basicide\moduldlg.src 0 pushbutton RID_TP_LIBS RID_PB_PASSWORD 60 ast ~Contraseña..…
18451 …nse toles cadenes de la llingua predeterminada nos recursos de les llingües añadíes recién. 202…
18457 basctl source\dlged\managelang.src 0 querybox RID_QRYBOX_LANGUAGE 0 ast Tas a piques de desanici…
18459 …terminada de la interfaz d'usuariu. Toles cadenes actuales van ser asignaes a los recursos creaos …
18462 …quies añader. Los recursos pa estes llingües van ser creaos na biblioteca. Les cadenes de la lling…
18531 sd source\core\glob.src 0 string STR_BAD_PASSWORD_OR_FILE_CORRUPTED 0 ast La contraseña nun ye c…
18549 sd source\core\glob.src 0 string STR_EMPTY_STYLESHEET_NAME 0 ast Plantía en blanco 20200411 1…
18676 sd source\ui\app\strings.src 0 string STR_REMOVE_LINK 175 ast This graphic is linked to a docume…
18677 sd source\ui\app\strings.src 0 string STR_IMPORT_GRFILTER_OPENERROR 175 ast Nun se ye a abrir el…
18678 sd source\ui\app\strings.src 0 string STR_IMPORT_GRFILTER_IOERROR 175 ast Nun se ye a lleer el f…
18706 sd source\ui\app\strings.src 0 string STR_CLICK_ACTION_PREVPAGE 175 ast Dir a la páxina anterior…
18707 sd source\ui\app\strings.src 0 string STR_CLICK_ACTION_NEXTPAGE 175 ast Dir a la páxina siguient…
18708 sd source\ui\app\strings.src 0 string STR_CLICK_ACTION_FIRSTPAGE 175 ast Dir a la primera páxina…
18709 sd source\ui\app\strings.src 0 string STR_CLICK_ACTION_LASTPAGE 175 ast Dir a la cabera páxina …
18710 sd source\ui\app\strings.src 0 string STR_CLICK_ACTION_BOOKMARK 175 ast Dir a páxina o oxetu …
18739 sd source\ui\app\strings.src 0 string STR_GLUE_ESCDIR_LO 175 ast ¿No cimero a la izquierda? 2…
18740 sd source\ui\app\strings.src 0 string STR_GLUE_ESCDIR_LU 175 ast ¿No baxero a la izquierda? 2…
18741 sd source\ui\app\strings.src 0 string STR_GLUE_ESCDIR_RO 175 ast ¿No cimero a la drecha? 2020…
18742 sd source\ui\app\strings.src 0 string STR_GLUE_ESCDIR_RU 175 ast ¿No baxero a la drecha? 2020…
18809 …TR_HTMLEXP_ERROR_COPY_FILE 175 ast Nun se pudo copiar el ficheru $(URL1) a $(URL2). 20200411…
18812 sd source\ui\app\strings.src 0 string STR_TITLE_RENAMESLIDE 175 ast Camudar nome a diapositiva …
18851 sd source\ui\app\strings.src 0 string STR_ACC_DIALOG_DESC 175 ast Seleicionar la plantía dende l…
19008 sd source\ui\app\popup.src 0 menuitem MN_GRID_USE SID_GRID_USE CMD_SID_GRID_USE 0 ast Axustar a la…
19092 …P SID_TP_APPLY_TO_ALL_SLIDES CMD_SID_TP_APPLY_TO_ALL_SLIDES 0 ast ~Aplicar a toles diapositives …
19093 …APPLY_TO_SELECTED_SLIDES CMD_SID_TP_APPLY_TO_SELECTED_SLIDES 0 ast Aplicar a les ~diapositives es…
19095 …MALL_PREVIEW CMD_SID_TP_SHOW_SMALL_PREVIEW 0 ast Amosar vista previa p~equeña 20200411 15:09:53
19096 …P SID_TP_APPLY_TO_ALL_SLIDES CMD_SID_TP_APPLY_TO_ALL_SLIDES 0 ast ~Aplicar a toles diapositives …
19097 …APPLY_TO_SELECTED_SLIDES CMD_SID_TP_APPLY_TO_SELECTED_SLIDES 0 ast Aplicar a les ~diapositives es…
19100 …MALL_PREVIEW CMD_SID_TP_SHOW_SMALL_PREVIEW 0 ast Amosar vista previa p~equeña 20200411 15:09:53
19101 …APPLY_TO_SELECTED_SLIDES CMD_SID_TP_APPLY_TO_SELECTED_SLIDES 0 ast Aplicar a les ~diapositives es…
19140 sd source\ui\annotations\annotations.src 0 string STR_ANNOTATION_REPLY 0 ast Retrucar a %1 20…
19158 …_PRINT_UI_OPTIONS._STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_ORDER_CHOICES 1 0 ast D'esquierda a drecha y llueu abaxo…
19159 …._STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_ORDER_CHOICES 2 0 ast D'arriba haza abaxo, dempués a la drecha 2020041…
19162 …RESS_PRINT_UI_OPTIONS _STR_DRAW_PRINT_UI_IS_PRINT_NAME 0 ast Nome de Páxin~a 20200411 15:09:53
19172 …INT_UI_OPTIONS._STR_IMPRESS_PRINT_UI_PAGE_OPTIONS_CHOICES 2 0 ast Axustar a la zona d'imprentaci…
19198 sd source\ui\slideshow\slideshow.src 0 menuitem RID_SLIDESHOW_CONTEXTMENU CM_GOTO 0 ast ~Dir a di…
19325 sd source\ui\dlg\tpoption.src 0 fixedtext TP_OPTIONS_MISC FT_EQUIVALENT 45 ast Equivalente a 2…
19343 …pageitem TAB_PRES_LAYOUT_TEMPLATE.1 RID_SVXPAGE_PARA_ASIAN 0 ast Tipografía asiática 20200411…
19375 sd source\ui\dlg\prntopts.src 0 radiobutton TP_PRINT_OPTIONS RBT_PAGESIZE 110 ast ~Axustar a la p…
19396 ….src 0 pushbutton RID_SD_TABPAGE_HEADERFOOTER BT_APPLYTOALL 0 ast Aplicar a toes 20200411 15:…
19468 sd source\ui\dlg\tabtempl.src 0 pageitem TAB_TEMPLATE.1 RID_SVXPAGE_PARA_ASIAN 0 ast Tipografía a…
19478 sd source\ui\dlg\dlgass.src 0 checkbox DLG_ASS CB_STARTWITH 122 ast Nun ~volver a amosar esti asi…
19481 sd source\ui\dlg\dlgass.src 0 radiobutton DLG_ASS RB_PAGE1_TEMPLATE 130 ast ~Dende la plantía
19500 … DLG_ASS FT_PAGE4_ASKNAME 248 ast ¿Cúalu ye'l to nome o'l de la to compañía? 20200411 15:09:53
19513 sd source\ui\dlg\paragr.src 0 pageitem TAB_PARAGRAPH.1 RID_SVXPAGE_PARA_ASIAN 0 ast Tipografía as…
19607 …n.src 0 menuitem RID_CUSTOMANIMATION_FONTSIZE_POPUP CM_SIZE_25 0 ast Pequeña 20200411 15:09:53
19611 …tion.src 0 menuitem RID_CUSTOMANIMATION_SCALE_POPUP CM_SIZE_25 0 ast Pequeña 20200411 15:09:53
19681 …c 0 fixedline DLG_SLIDE_TRANSITION_PANE FL_APPLY_TRANSITION 1 ast Aplicar a les diapositives esc…
19696 …E PB_APPLY_TO_ALL HID_SD_SLIDETRANSITIONPANE_PB_APPLY_TO_ALL 1 ast Aplicar a toles diapositives …
19739 …ringlist RID_TP_CUSTOMANIMATION_TEXT.LB_GROUP_TEXT 2 0 ast Tolos párrafos a la vez 20200411 1…
19807 sd source\filter\html\pubdlg.src 0 checkbox DLG_PUBLISHING PAGE4_DOWNLOAD 252 ast Enllacia a una …
19828 crashrep source\all\crashrep.ulf 0 LngText %WELCOME_HEADER% 0 ast Bienveníu a l'informe d'errore…
19829 …e información de cómo ta funcionando %PRODUCTNAME% y unviala a Apache OpenOffice p'ayudar a ameyor…
19830 crashrep source\all\crashrep.ulf 0 LngText %WELCOME_BODY2% 0 ast Ye fácil - namái unvía l'inform…
19831 …LCOME_BODY3% 0 ast Proteición de datos\nLa información atropada lléndase a los datos que cinque…
19838 …s de %PRODUCTNAME% %PRODUCTVERSION% recoyó fallos que puen ayudar a Apache OpenOffice a ameyorar %…
19840 … ast Autor~izo qu'Apache OpenOffice pongase'n contautu conmigo no que cinca a esti informe. 202…
19851 …L'informe de fallos nun se pudo unviar porque 'sendmail' nun arrancó.\nMira a ver la configuración…
19852 …ext %ERROR_MSG_PROXY% 0 ast L'informe de fallos nun se pudo unviar. Mira a ver la configuración…
19853 …orme de fallos nun se pudo unviar porque nun hai conexón con Internet. Mira a ver la configuración…
19858 …ep.ulf 0 LngText %PROXY_SETTINGS_DIRECT% 0 ast Usar una conexón ~direuta a Internet 20200411…
19862 … ast El programa d'informe de fallos de %PRODUCTNAME% tien que tar coneutáu a Internet pa poder ma…
19866 …ción 'Autorizo qu'Apache OpenOffice pongase'n contautu conmigo no que cinca a esti informe.'\nEscr…
19922 …trlr\formres.src 0 string RID_STR_ECHO_CHAR 0 ast Caráuter de la contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
20216 extensions source\propctrlr\formres.src 0 string RID_RSC_ENUM_WRITING_MODE 1 0 ast De manzorga a
20217 extensions source\propctrlr\formres.src 0 string RID_RSC_ENUM_WRITING_MODE 2 0 ast De mandrecha a
20243 …riba de datos '#type#' del modelu?\nCuenta qu'esto afeuta a tolos campos de control venceyaos a es…
20271 extensions source\scanner\sanedlg.src 0 fixedline RID_SANE_DIALOG RID_SCANAREA_BOX 0 ast Área a e…
20372 …dtext RID_PAGE_SELECTABTYPE FT_TYPE_HINTS 0 ast %PRODUCTNAME dexa acceder a datos de direiciones…
20394 …c 0 checkbox RID_PAGE_FINAL CB_REGISTER_DS 0 ast Facer qu'esta axenda tea a mano pa tolos módulo…
20416 …t RID_PAGE_GROUPRADIOSELECTION FT_RADIOLABELS 0 ast ¿Qué ~nomes quies dar a los campos d'opción?…
20424 …ext RID_PAGE_OPTIONVALUES FT_OPTIONVALUES 0 ast ¿Qué ~valor quies asignar a cada opción? 2020…
20445 …formulariu al que pertenez el control nun ta (o non completamente) venceyáu a una fonte de datos.\…
20462 … string RID_UPDATE_STR_CHECKING_ERR 0 ast Comprobando una anovación fallía. 20200411 15:09:53
20464 …úrate de tener permisos abondo pa instalala.\nDe vezu, necesitarás la conseña del alministrador o …
20469 …tehdl.src 0 string RID_UPDATE_STR_DOWNLOAD_DESCR 0 ast %FILE_NAME baxóse a %DOWNLOAD_PATH. 2…
20480 …AME' en '%DOWNLOAD_PATH'! ¿Quies siguir cola descarga o desaniciar y volver a descargar el ficheru…
20509 …WRITE_TEMPLATE 0 ast El nome yá ta n'usu.\n¿Quies sobreescribir la plantía del documentu? 20…
20512 sfx2 source\doc\doc.src 0 querybox MSG_REGION_NOTEMPTY 0 ast La categoría nun ta erma.\n¿Quies d…
20521 sfx2 source\doc\doc.src 0 infobox MSG_CANT_OPEN_TEMPLATE 0 ast Nun se pudo abrir la plantía. …
20525 …ng STR_ERROR_COPY_TEMPLATE 0 ast Fallu al copiar la plantía "$1". \nYá esiste una plantía con e…
20526 sfx2 source\doc\doc.src 0 string STR_ERROR_DELETE_TEMPLATE 0 ast La plantía "$1" nun se pue desa…
20527 sfx2 source\doc\doc.src 0 string STR_ERROR_MOVE_TEMPLATE 0 ast Fallu al mover la plantía "$1". …
20529 sfx2 source\doc\doc.src 0 string STR_ERROR_SAVE_TEMPLATE 0 ast Fallu al guardar la plantía 2…
20530 sfx2 source\doc\doc.src 0 errorbox MSG_ERROR_RENAME_TEMPLATE 0 ast Fallu al renomar la plantía. …
20531 …SG_ERROR_RENAME_TEMPLATE_REGION 0 ast Fallu al renomar la categoría de la plantía. 20200411 …
20534 …string STR_QUERY_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE 0 ast ¿Quies que la plantía "$(TEXT)" seya la plantía predete…
20535 …uerybox MSG_QUERY_RESET_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE 0 ast ¿Quies reaniciar la plantía predeterminada? 2…
20545 sfx2 source\doc\doc.src 0 string STR_CLOSEDOC_ANDRETURN 0 ast ~Zarrar y tornar a 20200411 15…
20561 … ast La plantía "$(TEMPLATE)" nun s'atopó nel allugamientu orixinal. Hai una plantía col mesmu nom…
20562 sfx2 source\doc\doc.src 0 string STR_TEMPL_RESET 0 ast Nun s'atopó la plantía "$(TEMPLATE)". ¿Qu…
20583 sfx2 source\doc\doc.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_SECURITY_ADDPATH 0 ast Amestar esti direutoriu a la …
20596 … 0 string STR_ERROR_DELETE_TEMPLATE_DIR 0 ast Dalgunos ficheros de plantía tán protexíos y nun …
20601 … 0 ast La plantía '$(ARG1)' na que se sofita esti documentu, camudó. Quies anovar l'estilu de fo…
20625 …ORGANIZE.BTN_EDIT ID_COPY_FROM HID_ORGANIZE_COPY_FROM 0 ast Importar plantía... 20200411 15:09…
20626 …DLG_ORGANIZE.BTN_EDIT ID_COPY_TO HID_ORGANIZE_COPY_TO 0 ast Esportar plantía... 20200411 15:09…
20630 …T ID_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE HID_ORGANIZE_STDTEMPLATE_ADD 0 ast Afitar como plantía predeterminada 20…
20631 …SET_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE HID_ORGANIZE_STDTEMPLATE_DEL 0 ast Restaurar la plantía predeterminada 20…
20651 sfx2 source\doc\doctdlg.src 0 fixedline DLG_DOC_TEMPLATE FL_EDIT 212 ast Plantía nueva 2020041…
20684 … 0 infobox MSG_TABPAGE_INVALIDNAME 0 ast Esti nome yá s'usa pa una plantía. 20200411 15:09:53
20696 …rrorbox MSG_ERROR_WRONG_CONFIRM 0 ast Confirmación errónea de la contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
20701 sfx2 source\dialog\passwd.src 0 fixedtext DLG_PASSWD FT_PASSWD_PASSWORD 42 ast ~Contraseña 202…
20703 sfx2 source\dialog\passwd.src 0 fixedline DLG_PASSWD GB_PASSWD_PASSWORD 132 ast Contraseña 202…
20704 sfx2 source\dialog\passwd.src 0 fixedtext DLG_PASSWD FT_PASSWD_PASSWORD2 42 ast Contr~aseña 20…
20706 sfx2 source\dialog\passwd.src 0 string DLG_PASSWD TEXT_PASSWD 50 ast Contraseña 20200411 15:09…
20707 sfx2 source\dialog\passwd.src 0 modaldialog DLG_PASSWD HID_PASSWD 200 ast Introduz Contraseña
20712 sfx2 source\dialog\mgetempl.src 0 fixedtext TP_MANAGE_STYLES FT_REGION 61 ast ~Categoría 20200…
20733 sfx2 source\dialog\dinfdlg.src 0 fixedtext TP_DOCINFODOC FT_TEMPL 45 ast Plantía: 20200411 15:…
20744 sfx2 source\dialog\dinfdlg.src 0 fixedtext TP_DOCINFORELOAD FT_URL 0 ast a URL 20200411 15:09:…
20763 sfx2 source\dialog\dinfdlg.src 0 stringlist SFX_CB_PROPERTY_NAME 11 0 ast Reunviar a 20200411 …
20824 sfx2 source\dialog\filedlghelper.src 0 string STR_CB_PASSWORD 0 ast Guardar con c~ontraseña 2…
20863 …ckbox RID_WARN_PRINTTRANSPARENCY CBX_NOPRINTTRANSWARN 183 ast ~Nun volver a amosar esti avisu …
20868 …e.src 0 fixedline TP_DOCINFOSECURITY PASSWORD_TO_OPEN_FL 248 ast Contraseña d'encriptación del f…
20869 …edtext TP_DOCINFOSECURITY PASSWORD_TO_OPEN_FT 82 ast ~Ingresa la contraseña p'abrir 20200411 …
20870 …TP_DOCINFOSECURITY CONFIRM_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN_FT 82 ast ~Repiti la contraseña d'apertura 202004…
20871 …src 0 fixedline TP_DOCINFOSECURITY PASSWORD_TO_MODIFY_FL 248 ast Contraseña pa compartir el fich…
20872 …text TP_DOCINFOSECURITY PASSWORD_TO_MODIFY_FT 82 ast Introduz la contraseña de modificación 2…
20873 …P_DOCINFOSECURITY CONFIRM_PASSWORD_TO_MODIFY_FT 82 ast Repiti la contraseña de modificación 2…
20882 sfx2 source\dialog\securitypage.src 0 string RID_SFX_INCORRECT_PASSWORD 260 ast Contraseña incor…
20929 sfx2 source\appl\newhelp.src 0 string STR_HELP_BUTTON_ADDBOOKMARK 120 ast Amestar a marcadores..…
20937 sfx2 source\appl\newhelp.src 0 modaldialog DLG_HELP_ADDBOOKMARK 208 ast Amestar a marcadores …
20946 sfx2 source\appl\dde.src 0 fixedtext MD_DDE_LINKEDIT FT_DDE_ITEM 40 ast ~Categoría: 20200411 1…
20959 … 0 ast %PRODUCTNAME could not find a web browser on your system. Please check your desktop prefer…
20986 …QUIT 0 ast L'aplicación nun pue zarrase nesti momentu.\nPor favor espera a qu'acaben toles\nimp…
20998 sfx2 source\appl\app.src 0 string STR_QUICKSTART_FROMTEMPLATE 0 ast Dende una plantía... 2020…
21006 sfx2 source\appl\app.src 0 string STR_DDE_ERROR 0 ast El vínculu DDE a % pa l'área % % nun ta di…
21019 sfx2 source\appl\app.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_EDITGRFLINK 0 ast Enllaz a gráfica 20200411 15:0…
21020 … pudo atopar un métodu de\ncomponente %1 apropiáu.\n\nComprueba la ortografía del nome del métodu.…
21028 …'atopó denguna imprentadora predefinida.\nEscueyi una imprentadora y vuelvi a intentalo. 202004…
21037 sfx2 source\view\view.src 0 string STR_ERROR_SAVE_TEMPLATE 0 ast Fallu al guardar la plantía
21044 sfx2 source\view\view.src 0 infobox MSG_CANT_CLOSE 0 ast The document cannot be closed because a
21051 …112 ast %PRODUCTNAME could not find a web browser on your system. Please check your desktop prefer…
21084 svtools source\misc\imagemgr.src 0 string STR_DESCRIPTION_SOFFICE_TEMPLATE_DOC 0 ast Plantía de …
21086 …gr.src 0 string STR_DESCRIPTION_EXCEL_TEMPLATE_DOC 0 ast MS Excel - Plantía 20200411 15:09:53
21098 svtools source\misc\imagemgr.src 0 string STR_DESCRIPTION_CALC_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de fueya d…
21099 svtools source\misc\imagemgr.src 0 string STR_DESCRIPTION_DRAW_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de dibuxu …
21100 svtools source\misc\imagemgr.src 0 string STR_DESCRIPTION_IMPRESS_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de pres…
21101 svtools source\misc\imagemgr.src 0 string STR_DESCRIPTION_WRITER_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de docum…
21107 svtools source\misc\imagemgr.src 0 string STR_DESCRIPTION_POWERPOINT_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía MS P…
21124 svtools source\misc\imagemgr.src 0 string STR_DESCRIPTION_OO_CALC_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de fuey…
21125 svtools source\misc\imagemgr.src 0 string STR_DESCRIPTION_OO_DRAW_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de dibu…
21126 svtools source\misc\imagemgr.src 0 string STR_DESCRIPTION_OO_IMPRESS_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía de p…
21127 svtools source\misc\imagemgr.src 0 string STR_DESCRIPTION_OO_WRITER_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía pa te…
21207 …pairedlist STR_ARR_SVT_LANGUAGE_TABLE LANGUAGE_GERMAN 0 ast Alemán (Alemaña) 20200411 15:09:53
21258 …edlist STR_ARR_SVT_LANGUAGE_TABLE LANGUAGE_SPANISH 0 ast Castellanu (España) 20200411 15:09:53
21314 …TR_ARR_SVT_LANGUAGE_TABLE LANGUAGE_USER_KURDISH_TURKEY 0 ast Kurdu (Turquía) 20200411 15:09:53
21350 …R_ARR_SVT_LANGUAGE_TABLE LANGUAGE_TIGRIGNA_ETHIOPIA 0 ast Tigrinya (Etiopía) 20200411 15:09:53
21426 … 0 ast %PRODUCTNAME requier un entornu d'execución de Java (JRE) pa llevar a cau esta xera. Insta…
21428 … 0 ast %PRODUCTNAME requier un entornu d'execución de Java (JRE) pa llevar a cau esta xera. Sicas…
21566 svtools source\dialogs\filedlg2.src 0 string STR_FILEDLG_CANTCHDIR 0 ast Nun se puede cambiar a
21654 …HANDLER ERRCODE_SO_MK_CONNECT_MANUALLY&S_MAX 0 ast Nun pudo coneutase OLE a un preséu de rede (s…
21662 …ROR_HANDLER ERRCODE_SO_MK_HIM&S_MAX 0 ast El nome de la conexón ta contenía n'otra 20200411 1…
21664 …RROR_HANDLER ERRCODE_SO_MK_ME&S_MAX 0 ast El nome de la conexón ta contenía n'otra 20200411 1…
21684 …ast Inxerta un oxetu Plug-in nel so documentu. Nel oxetu hai una referencia a los datos d'un Plug-…
21695 svtools source\dialogs\so3res.src 0 string STR_ERROR_DDE 0 ast Enllaz DDE a % pa % estaya % non …
21762 …esttool.src 0 toolboxitem DisplayHidToolBox TT_SEND_DATA 0 ast Transferir a TestTool 20200411…
21792 …ONTMAP_PRINTERONLY 0 ast Fonte d'imprentadora. La imaxe en pantalla podría ser distinta. 202…
21793 …ONTMAP_SCREENONLY 0 ast Fonte de pantalla. La imaxe na imprentadora podría ser distinta. 202…
21799 svtools source\control\filectrl.src 0 string STR_TABBAR_PUSHBUTTON_MOVELEFT 0 ast Mover a la esq…
21800 svtools source\control\filectrl.src 0 string STR_TABBAR_PUSHBUTTON_MOVERIGHT 0 ast Mover a la de…
21825 svtools source\control\calendar.src 0 string STR_SVT_CALENDAR_DAY 0 ast Día 20200411 15:09:53
21836 filter source\pdf\impdialog.src 0 string STR_PDF_EXPORT_UDPWD 0 ast Afitar contraseña abierta …
21837 filter source\pdf\impdialog.src 0 string STR_PDF_EXPORT_ODPWD 0 ast Afitar contraseña de permisu…
21849 filter source\pdf\impdialog.src 0 checkbox CB_PDFA_1B_SELECT 158 ast P~DF/A-1a 20200411 15:09…
21860 …áu. El ficheru PDF esportáu nun va tar protexíu por denguna contraseña. Esportar a PDF/A 2020041…
21868 filter source\pdf\impdialog.src 0 radiobutton RID_PDF_TAB_OPNFTR RB_MAGNF_WIND 158 ast ~Axustar a
21869 …alog.src 0 radiobutton RID_PDF_TAB_OPNFTR RB_MAGNF_WIDTH 158 ast Axustar a a~nchor 20200411 1…
21876 …alog.src 0 radiobutton RID_PDF_TAB_OPNFTR RB_PGLY_CONTFAC 158 ast Páxines a~biertes 20200411 …
21877 …rc 0 checkbox RID_PDF_TAB_OPNFTR CB_PGLY_FIRSTLEFT 148 ast Primera páxina a la ~esquierda 202…
21880 … RID_PDF_TAB_VPREFER CB_WNDOPT_RESINIT 158 ast ~Camudar tamañu de ventana a páxina d'entamu 2…
21897 filter source\pdf\impdialog.src 0 string RID_PDF_TAB_SECURITY STR_USER_PWD_SET 160 ast Contraseña
21899 …c 0 string RID_PDF_TAB_SECURITY STR_USER_PWD_UNSET 160 ast Ensin contraseña abierta configurada …
21901 …PWD_PDFA 160 ast El documentu PDF nun va cifrase darréu de la esportación a PDF/A. 20200411 1…
21902 …tring RID_PDF_TAB_SECURITY STR_OWNER_PWD_SET 160 ast Permisos de contraseña configuraos 20200…
21904 …ing RID_PDF_TAB_SECURITY STR_OWNER_PWD_UNSET 160 ast Permisos de contraseña non configuraos 2…
21906 …60 ast El documentu PDF nun va tener restricciones darréu de la esportación a PDF/A. 20200411 1…
21921 …F_TAB_LINKS CB_CNV_OOO_DOCTOPDF 164 ast Convertir referencia de documentu a destinos PDF 2020…
21934 …0 fixedtext RID_PDF_ERROR_DLG FT_PROCESS 210 ast Mientres se facía la esportación a PDF asocedie…
21938 …t La tresparencia nun ta sofitada téunicamente por versiones PDF anteriores a la 1.4. Un oxetu tre…
21941 …RROR_DLG STR_WARN_TRANSP_CONVERTED 210 ast Dalgunos oxetos convirtiéronse a una imaxe pa mover l…
21943 filter source\pdf\impdialog.src 0 modaldialog RID_PDF_ERROR_DLG 200 ast Problemes al esportar a
21962 …src 0 fixedtext DLG_XML_FILTER_TEST_DIALOG FT_IMPORT_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía pa importación 20…
21977 … user interface '%s1' is already used by the XML filter '%s2'. Please enter a different name. 2…
21981 …gstrings.src 0 string STR_ERROR_IMPORT_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND 0 ast La plantía d'importación especi…
22009 … fixedtext RID_XML_FILTER_TABPAGE_XSLT FT_XML_IMPORT_TEMPLATE 0 ast Plantía pa importación 20…
22087 …ate_ui.xcu 0 value StarWriter/Web 5.0 Vorlage/Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de StarWriter/Web 5.…
22089 …lters\writer8_template_ui.xcu 0 value writer8_template UIName 0 ast Plantía de documentu de test…
22091 …_XML_Template_ui.xcu 0 value MS Word 2007 XML Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft Excel 2…
22092 …e_ui.xcu 0 value writer_StarOffice_XML_Writer_Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de documentu de test…
22094 …e_Template_ui.xcu 0 value MS Excel 97 Vorlage/Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft Excel 9…
22096 …_Template_ui.xcu 0 value MS Excel 4.0 Vorlage/Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft Excel 4…
22099 …s\MS_Word_97_Vorlage_ui.xcu 0 value MS Word 97 Vorlage UIName 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft Word 97…
22100 …ate_ui.xcu 0 value StarWriter/Web 4.0 Vorlage/Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de StarWriter/Web 4.…
22101 …e_Template_ui.xcu 0 value MS Excel 95 Vorlage/Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft Excel 9…
22103 …emplate_ui.xcu 0 value StarWriter 5.0 Vorlage/Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de StarWriter 5.0 …
22107 …ers\impress8_template_ui.xcu 0 value impress8_template UIName 0 ast Plantía de presentación ODF …
22108 …emplate_ui.xcu 0 value StarWriter 4.0 Vorlage/Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de StarWriter 4.0 …
22109 …s\MS_Word_95_Vorlage_ui.xcu 0 value MS Word 95 Vorlage UIName 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft Word 95…
22111 …_Template_ui.xcu 0 value StarCalc 3.0 Vorlage/Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de StarCalc 3.0 2…
22114 …plate_ui.xcu 0 value draw_StarOffice_XML_Draw_Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de dibuxu %oooxmlfor…
22120 …ess_4_0_Vorlage_ui.xcu 0 value StarImpress 4.0 Vorlage UIName 0 ast Plantía de StarImpress 4.0 …
22121 …ess_5_0_Vorlage_ui.xcu 0 value StarImpress 5.0 Vorlage UIName 0 ast Plantía de StarImpress 5.0 …
22122 …int_97_Vorlage_ui.xcu 0 value MS PowerPoint 97 Vorlage UIName 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft PowerPo…
22123 …s\filters\calc8_template_ui.xcu 0 value calc8_template UIName 0 ast Plantía de fueya de cálculu …
22126 …arDraw_3_0_Vorlage_ui.xcu 0 value StarDraw 3.0 Vorlage UIName 0 ast Plantía StarDraw 3.0 2020…
22130 …ter_template_ui.xcu 0 value writerweb8_writer_template UIName 0 ast Plantía de documentu HTML …
22132 …s\filters\draw8_template_ui.xcu 0 value draw8_template UIName 0 ast Plantía de dibuxu ODF 202…
22134 …emplate_ui.xcu 0 value Calc MS Excel 2007 XML Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft Excel 2…
22139 …ui.xcu 0 value impress_StarOffice_XML_Impress_Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de presentación %ooo…
22145 …plate_ui.xcu 0 value calc_StarOffice_XML_Calc_Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de fueya de cálculu …
22146 …emplate_ui.xcu 0 value StarWriter 3.0 Vorlage/Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de StarWriter 3.0 …
22148 …arDraw_5_0_Vorlage_ui.xcu 0 value StarDraw 5.0 Vorlage UIName 0 ast Plantía de StarDraw 5.0 2…
22150 …_Template_ui.xcu 0 value StarCalc 4.0 Vorlage/Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de StarCalc 4.0 2…
22154 …_Template_ui.xcu 0 value StarCalc 5.0 Vorlage/Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de StarCalc 5.0 2…
22157 …mplate_ui.xcu 0 value MS Excel 5.0/95 Vorlage/Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft Excel 5…
22160 … 0 value writer_web_StarOffice_XML_Writer_Web_Template UIName 0 ast Plantía HTML %oooxmlformatna…
22164 …ess__ui.xcu 0 value StarDraw 5.0 Vorlage (StarImpress) UIName 0 ast Plantía de StarDraw 5.0 (%pr…
22166 …ui.xcu 0 value Impress MS PowerPoint 2007 XML Template UIName 0 ast Plantía de Microsoft PowerPo…
22168 …ess__ui.xcu 0 value StarDraw 3.0 Vorlage (StarImpress) UIName 0 ast Plantía de StarDraw 3.0 (%pr…
22194 sccomp source\solver\solver.src 0 string RID_PROPERTY_LIMITBBDEPTH 0 ast Llímite a fondu de rama…
22228 …rce\conn_shared_res.src 0 string STR_INVALID_ROW_UPDATE 0 ast La llamada a anovar nun se pue ex…
22233 …ed_res.src 0 string STR_NO_CONNECTION_GIVEN 0 ast Nun esiste una conexón a la base de datos. …
22282 ….src 0 string STR_INVALID_PRECISION_SCALE 0 ast La precisión ye inferior a la escala de la colu…
22309 …c 0 string STR_NO_ROWCOUNT 0 ast La execución del anovamientu nun afeuta a denguna filera. 2…
22314 …D 0 ast Requierse la versión $major$.$minor$ de KDE o superior p'acceder a la llibreta de señes…
22322 …La base de datos actual precisa ser convertida. Por favor, conseña usuariu y contraseña de control…
22331 …rc 0 string 256 + 2*200 + 0 0 ast La orde contién una referencia cíclica a una o más consultes.…
22333 ….src 0 string 256 + 2*301 + 0 0 ast $1$ nun ye un identificador conforme a SQL. 20200411 15:…
22336 …ce\conn_error_message.src 0 string 256 + 2*304 + 0 0 ast Nun hai conexón a la base de datos. …
22436 …DLG_PRINT.SV_PRINT_TAB_NUP.SV_PRINT_PRT_NUP_ORDER_BOX 1 0 ast d'esquierda a drecha, dempués haza…
22437 …INT.SV_PRINT_TAB_NUP.SV_PRINT_PRT_NUP_ORDER_BOX 2 0 ast d'arriba a abaxo, dempués a la drecha …
22438 …INT.SV_PRINT_TAB_NUP.SV_PRINT_PRT_NUP_ORDER_BOX 3 0 ast d'arriba a abaxo, dempués a la esquierda…
22439 …V_DLG_PRINT.SV_PRINT_TAB_NUP.SV_PRINT_PRT_NUP_ORDER_BOX 4 0 ast de drecha a esquierda, dempués h…
22551 vcl source\src\helptext.src 0 string SV_SHORTCUT_NEXTSUBWINDOW 0 ast Dir a la barra ferramientes…
22552 vcl source\src\helptext.src 0 string SV_SHORTCUT_PREVSUBWINDOW 0 ast Dir a la barra ferramientes…
22554 vcl source\src\helptext.src 0 string SV_SHORTCUT_MENUBAR 0 ast Dir a la barra de menu 2020041…
22569 vcl source\src\stdtext.src 0 string SV_ACCESSERROR_TURNAROUND_MSG 0 ast ¡Nun se ye a arrancar Ja…
22571 vcl source\src\stdtext.src 0 string SV_STDTEXT_ABOUT 0 ast Tocante a %PRODUCTNAME 20200411 15…
22580 …st \<link href=\"text/shared/01/05340300.xhp\" name=\"Align Left\"\>Alliñáu a la esquierda\</link\…
22582 … \<link href=\"text/shared/01/05340300.xhp\" name=\"Align Right\"\>Alliniar a la derecha\</link\> …
22588 …hp 0 help par_idN10847 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Aplica'l formatu de data a les caxelles esbilla…
22590 … help par_idN10862 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Aplica'l formato esponencial a les caxelles esbilla…
22593 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\main0202.xhp 0 help par_idN1088E 0 ast D'esquierda a drecha 20…
22594 …2inch\" height=\"0.222inch\"\>\<alt id=\"alt_id8354747\"\>iconu d'esquierda a drecha\</alt\>\</ima…
22595 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaLeftToRight\"\>El testu escríbese d'esquierda a drecha.\</ahelp\> …
22596 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\main0202.xhp 0 help par_idN108D1 0 ast De drecha a esquierda 2…
22597 …222inch\" height=\"0.222inch\"\>\<alt id=\"alt_id2405774\"\>iconu de drecha a esquierda\</alt\>\</…
22598 …El testu de llingües con diseñu complexu de testu (CTL) escríbese de drecha a esquierda.\</ahelp\>…
22599 …t \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Allinia'l conteníu de la caxella a la esquierda.\</ahel…
22600 …t \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Allinia'l conteníu de la caxella a la drecha.\</ahelp\>…
22610 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\main0000.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Bienllegáu a l'ayuda de $[officenam…
22611 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\main0000.xhp 0 help hd_id3147338 1 0 ast Bienllegáu a l'ayuda de $…
22613 …p\" name=\"List of Functions by Category\"\>Llista de funciones por categoría\</link\> 20200411…
22615 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\main0000.xhp 0 help hd_id3150883 4 0 ast Ayuda tocante a l'Ayuda …
22623 …st \<link href=\"text/shared/01/05030700.xhp\" name=\"Align Left\"\>Alliñar a la esquierda\</link\…
22625 …t \<link href=\"text/shared/01/05030700.xhp\" name=\"Align Right\"\>Alliñar a la drecha\</link\> …
22640 …hd_id1387066 0 ast \<link href=\"text/scalc/01/text2columns.xhp\"\>Testu a Columnes\</link\> …
22672 …matMenu\"\>El menú \<emph\>Formatu\</emph\> contién comandos pa dar formatu a les caxelles esbilla…
22689 …enú \<emph\>Ferramientes\</emph\> contién comandos pa comprobar la ortografía, alcontrar referenci…
22709 …9669 2 0 ast La \<emph\>Barra d'estáu\</emph\> amuesa información tocante a la fueya actual. …
22714 …t \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SC_TOOLBOX_TOOLS\"\>Usa la barra Ferramientes p'acceder a los comandos que s'u…
22728 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\main0503.xhp 0 help hd_id3152596 13 0 ast Cálculos qué-pasaría-si …
22729 …ver cómo'l cambéu del períodu nel cálculu d'un préstamu afeuta al interés o a les cantidaes de l'a…
22762 …o display the \<emph\>Text Formatting\</emph\> Bar, place the cursor inside a text object. 2020…
22778 …5252 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Contains commands and options for running a presentation.\</ahel…
22807 …impress\main0104.xhp 0 help par_idN10624 0 ast Adds the date and time as a field. 20200411 1…
22814 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\main0104.xhp 0 help par_id0302200904013251 0 ast Inserts a cha…
22834 …uble lines. To precisely resize the object, drag one of the double lines to a new location on the …
22835a text object on a slide, indents and tabs are displayed on the horizontal ruler. To change the in…
22836a \<link href=\"text/simpress/01/04030000.xhp\" name=\"snap line\"\>snap line\</link\> from a rule…
22838 …8609 9 0 ast To specify the measurement units for a ruler, right-click the ruler, and then choos…
22852 … 0 help par_id3155064 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Contains spelling tools, a gallery of object ar…
22872 …rrently selected object. You can double-click some status bar items to open a related dialog windo…
22878 … slide shows that can include charts, drawing objects, text, multimedia and a variety of other ite…
22879 … For on-screen slide shows, animation, slide transitions and multimedia are a few of the technique…
22884 …t\simpress\main0503.xhp 0 help par_id3148610 14 0 ast You can also assign a number of dynamic e…
22886 …r_id3153917 16 0 ast Several views or pages are available when you design a slide show. For exam…
22891 …_id3145114 19 0 ast $[officename] Impress gives you the choice of running a slide show automatic…
22910 …ains frequently used editing tools. Click the arrow next to an icon to open a toolbar that contain…
22911 …0.xhp 0 help par_id31502029 0 ast You can view the Drawing bar also from a text document or spr…
22916 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\main0210.xhp 0 help par_id3154651 7 0 ast To add text to a sele…
22917 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\main0210.xhp 0 help par_id3153812 12 0 ast To remove a selectio…
22919a filled rectangle where you drag in the current document. Click where you want to place a corner …
22921 …ast Draws a filled oval where you drag in the current document. Click where you want to draw the o…
22923 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\main0210.xhp 0 help par_idN106FA 0 ast Draws a text box where …
22938 …ently used editing tools.\</ahelp\> Click the arrow next to an icon to open a toolbar that contain…
22942 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>These commands apply to the current document, open a new document, or clo…
22980 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\main0100.xhp 0 help par_id3154684 2 0 ast The following is a descr…
22992 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\main0104.xhp 0 help par_id0302200904020595 0 ast Inserts a chart.…
23025 …cename] Draw lets you create simple and complex drawings and export them in a number of common ima…
23031 …t Grids and guides provide a visual cue to help you align objects in your drawing. You can also ch…
23056a filled rectangle where you drag in the current document. Click where you want to place a corner …
23058 …ast Draws a filled oval where you drag in the current document. Click where you want to draw the o…
23060 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\main0210.xhp 0 help par_idN1061B 0 ast Draws a text box where you…
23086 …3157898 2 0 ast This section provides a general glossary of technical terms used in $[officename…
23216 …you need when working with tables. It appears when you move the cursor into a table.\</ahelp\> …
23222 …ar_id16200812240344 0 ast Opens the Table Design. Double-click a preview to insert a new table.…
23230 …IER_TOOLBOX\"\>The \<emph\>Edit Points \</emph\>Bar appears when you select a polygon object and c…
23231 …ast The functions provided allow you to edit the points of a curve or an object converted to a cur…
23237 …erMove\"\>Activates a mode in which you can move points.\</ahelp\> The mouse pointer displays a sm…
23238 …lp par_id3149481 47 0 ast Point at the curve between two points or within a closed curve and dra…
23242 …ween two points and move the mouse a little while holding down the mouse button you insert a new p…
23243 …t If you wish to create a corner point you must first insert either a smooth or a symmetrical poin…
23252 …lp hid=\".uno:BezierCutLine\"\>The\<emph\> Split Curve \</emph\>icon splits a curve. Select the po…
23256a curve into a straight line or converts a straight line into a curve.\</ahelp\> If you select a s…
23257a certain section of the curve is straight, the end points of the line have a maximum of one contr…
23261 … other. A curved line, therefore, does not go straight through a corner point, but forms a corner.…
23265 …29 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:BezierSmooth\"\>Converts a corner point or symmetrical point into a
23269 …\<ahelp hid=\".uno:BezierSymmetric\"\>This icon converts a corner point or a smooth point into a s…
23273 …help par_id3156032 35 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:BezierClose\"\>Closes a line or a curve.\</ahelp\…
23277a straight line. If you convert a curve or a polygon with the \<emph\>Convert to Curve \</emph\>ic…
23283 …to edit a database table or to control the data view. The bar is displayed at the bottom of a docu…
23284 …hin records as well as to insert and to delete records. If data is saved in a form, the changes ar…
23285 …text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\"\>More Controls \</link\> bar to add a Navigation bar to a form. 2…
23286 … connected to a database. In the \<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/04030000.xhp\" name=\…
23288 …ast The current sort order or filter is saved with the current document. If a filter is set, the \…
23289 …13.xhp 0 help par_id3149810 24 0 ast If an SQL statement is the basis for a form (see \<emph\>Fo…
23291 … hid=\".uno:AbsoluteRecord\"\>Shows the number of the current record. Enter a number to go to the …
23306 …213.xhp 0 help par_id3146808 15 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:RecSave\"\>Saves a new data entry. The …
23309 …p par_id3151276 17 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:RecUndo\"\>Allows you to undo a data entry.\</ahelp\…
23312 …xhp 0 help par_id3148460 19 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:NewRecord\"\>Creates a new record.\</ahelp\…
23315 … 0 help par_id3148817 21 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:DeleteRecord\"\>Deletes a record. A query need…
23327 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\main0201.xhp 0 help par_id4964445 0 ast Creates a chart in the c…
23331 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\main0201.xhp 0 help par_idN108EA 0 ast Creates a chart in the cu…
23333 …shared\main0201.xhp 0 help par_idN10901 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Inserts a spreadsheet as an OL…
23336 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\main0201.xhp 0 help par_idN10976 0 ast Creates a chart in the cu…
23346 … is active until you change or cancel the sorting or filtering criteria. If a filter is active, th…
23374 …settings_toolbar.xhp 0 help par_idN10667 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a direction.\</ahelp\>…
23375 …settings_toolbar.xhp 0 help par_idN10698 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a perspective or paral…
23378 …settings_toolbar.xhp 0 help par_idN106C6 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a lighting direction.\…
23379 …settings_toolbar.xhp 0 help par_idN106E1 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a lighting intensity.\…
23382 …olbar.xhp 0 help par_idN10717 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a surface material or a wireframe…
23387 …364 2 0 ast The Form Design toolbar becomes visible as soon as you select a form object when wor…
23403 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\main0650.xhp 0 help par_id9116183 0 ast Before you can use a JDB…
23404a virtual machine for the Java platform) already has been started. After modifications to the Clas…
23426a Proxy, check the %PRODUCTNAME Proxy settings in \<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline sele…
23432 …xhp 0 help par_idN1056A 0 ast The Fontwork toolbar opens when you select a Fontwork object. …
23436 …dN1058C 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens the Fontwork Shape toolbar. Click a shape to apply the s…
23446 … hid=\".\"\>Opens the Fontwork Character Spacing dialog where you can enter a new character spacin…
23456 … queda seleicionáu na vista previa de la gráfica. Faiga clic en Dar formatu a seleición p'abrir el…
23457 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\main0202.xhp 0 help hd_id0810200902300555 0 ast Dar formatu a se…
23470 …00902300834 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Mueve tolos elementos de la gráfica a la posición predeter…
23477 …art\main0000.xhp 0 help par_id7787102 0 ast Valores de fueyes de cálculu a partir d'intervalos …
23491 …iga doble clic nun puntu de datos pa seleicionar y editar la serie de datos a la que pertenez el p…
23496 …lp par_id4923856 0 ast Pa imprentar una gráfica n'alta calidá, espórtela a PDF ya imprente esi …
23503 …10200903544927 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Da formatu a la lleenda de la grá…
23504 …10200903544949 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Da formatu a les exes escoyíes.\<…
23506 …10200903545096 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Da formatu a la cuadrícula mayor.…
23507 …10200903545057 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Da formatu a la cuadrícula menor.…
23508 …10200903545095 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Da formatu a les series de datos.…
23509 …10200903545094 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Da formatu a los indicadores de p…
23510 …10200903545113 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Da formatu a los indicadores de g…
23511 …10200903545149 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Da formatu a les etiquetes de dat…
23512 …0200903545159 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Dar formatu a les barres d'error Y…
23513 …1020090354524 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Dar formatu a la llinia de valor m…
23514 …0200903545274 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Dar formatu a la llinia d'enclín.\…
23515 …0200904063285 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Dar formatu a la ecuación de la ll…
23516 …0200904063252 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Dar formatu a les etiquetes de dat…
23542 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\main0503.xhp 0 help par_id3146974 6 0 ast Pue criar un diagrama a
23562 …7625 15 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ParaRightToLeft\"\>The text formatted in a complex text layout …
23565 … barra d'\<emph\>Imaxe\</emph\> contién funciones pa dar formatu y posición a los gráficos de mapa…
23569 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\main0000.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Bienveníu a la ayuda de $[officen…
23576 …text that is contained in a draw object.\</ahelp\> The \<emph\>Text Object\</emph\> bar appears wh…
23585 …e enabled when a drawing object is selected. You see some different icons by default, whether the …
23612 …writer/01/02130000.xhp\" name=\"Bibliography Entry\"\>Entrada de bibliografía\</link\> 20200411…
23651 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Shows commands to insert, edit, and delete a table inside a text document…
23654 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\main0110.xhp 0 help par_idN105B8 0 ast Inserts a new table. …
23680 …B8 0 ast Opens the Column Width dialog where you can change the width of a column. 20200411 …
23684 …6EC 0 ast Opens the Row Height dialog where you can change the height of a row. 20200411 15:…
23688 …ter\main0110.xhp 0 help par_idN10720 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"21753\"\>Allows a page break within th…
23693a dialog where you can convert the selected text to a table.\</ahelp\>Opens \<link href=\"text/swr…
23695 …hidden\"\>Opens a dialog where you can convert the current table to text.\</ahelp\>Opens \<link hr…
23698 …k href=\"text/swriter/main0214.xhp\"\>Formula bar\</link\> to enter or edit a formula. 20200411…
23700 …_idN107AC 0 ast Opens \<link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01040500.xhp\"\>a dialog\</link\> wher…
23706 …mph\>Formula\</emph\> Bar allows you to create and insert calculations into a text document.\</ahe…
23721 … 0 help par_id3147258 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Contains spelling tools, a gallery of object ar…
23742a menu where you can choose another language for the selected text or for the current paragraph. \…
23748 …ider to the left to show more pages, drag to the right to zoom into a page and show a smaller area…
23751 …can include graphics, tables, or charts. You can then save the documents in a variety of formats, …
23754a \<link href=\"text/shared/01/06010000.xhp\" name=\"spellchecker\"\>spellchecker\</link\>, a \<li…
23756 …t\swriter\main0503.xhp 0 help par_id3147239 10 0 ast $[officename] offers a wide variety of opti…
23761 …te sophisticated calculations or logical links. You can easily create a table in a text document i…
23765a text document, including graphics with a JPG or GIF format. In addition, the \<link href=\"text/…
23771 …text/shared/05/00000110.xhp\" name=\"Help system\"\>Help system\</link\> as a complete reference f…
23781 …lp hid=\".\"\>Estos comandos apliquense al documentu actual, a abrir un documentu nuevu, o a zarra…
23790 ….xhp 0 help par_id3154272 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FRAME_TOOLBOX\"\>When a frame is selected, t…
23806 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\main0000.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Bienllegáu a l'ayuda de $[officenam…
23807 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\main0000.xhp 0 help hd_id3148868 1 0 ast Bienllegáu a l'ayuda de $…
23811 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\main0000.xhp 0 help par_id3143269 0 ast Echa un güeyu a \<link hr…
23812 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\main0000.xhp 0 help hd_id3156396 7 0 ast Ayuda tocante a l'ayuda …
23831 … menu to open and edit the symbol catalog, or import an external formula as a data file or via cli…
23837 …igura la escala de vista y define qué elementos quies que se vean. La mayoría los comandos que pue…
23847 …'un documentu. Al enxertar una fórmula nun documentu dase aniciu automáticu a $[officename] Math. …
23849 … del documentu. Por exemplu, escribir esta fórmula nun documentu de testu: "a sup 2 + b sup 2 = c …
23871 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03104300.xhp 0 help par_id3153527 2 0 ast Returns a Varian…
23875 …is created (like Dim A() that is the same as a sequence of length 0 in Uno). If parameters are spe…
23879 ….xhp 0 help par_id3154939 10 0 ast DimArray( 2, 2, 4 ) is the same as DIM a( 2, 2, 4 ) 202004…
23883 …\shared\03090407.xhp 0 help par_id3153525 2 0 ast Specifies that a program line is a comment. …
23887 …help par_id3150869 6 0 ast \<emph\>Text:\</emph\> Any text that serves as a comment. 20200411…
23888 …dicate that the text on a line is comments. This symbol can be inserted directly to the right of t…
23889 …lp par_id6187017 0 ast You can use a space followed by the underline character _ as the last tw…
23913 …hared\03020104.xhp 0 help par_id3148455 47 0 ast Print #iNumber, "This is a new line of text" …
23932 …pecified, the DefCur statement sets the default variable type, according to a letter range. 202…
23936 …:\</emph\> Letters that specify the range of variables that you want to set a default data type fo…
23960 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03090409.xhp 0 help par_id3153311 2 0 ast Defines a subrou…
23976 … 0 help par_id3154347 2 0 ast Returns a bit pattern that identifies the file type or the name of…
23983 … 0 help par_id3161831 9 0 ast This function determines the attributes for a specified file and r…
23990 …\shared\03020409.xhp 0 help par_id3156444 18 0 ast If you want to know if a bit of the attribute…
24031 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03102101.xhp 0 help par_id3154685 2 0 ast Declares a varia…
24034 …6 0 ast Optionally, you can add the \<emph\>Preserve\</emph\> keyword as a parameter to preserv…
24039 … 9 0 ast \<emph\>VarType:\</emph\> Keyword that declares the data type of a variable. 2020041…
24047 …x10E38 - 1.401298x10E-45). If no key word is specified, a variable is defined as Single, unless a
24048 …ar_id3148458 18 0 ast \<emph\>String:\</emph\> String variable containing a maximum of 64,000 AS…
24050a variable with the Dim statement, using commas to separate multiple declarations. To declare a va…
24051 …name] Basic supports single or multi-dimensional arrays that are defined by a specified variable t…
24057 …ou can only set the range of an array once and you cannot modify it. Within a procedure, you can d…
24073 …ed\03080501.xhp 0 help par_id3149346 2 0 ast Returns the integer value of a numeric expression b…
24089 …red\03120315.xhp 0 help par_id3149670 2 0 ast Returns a string from a number of substrings in a
24096 …lting string. The default delimiter is the space character. If delimiter is a string of length zer…
24101 …_id3153394 2 0 ast Transfers the control of the program to a subroutine, a function, or a DLL pr…
24107 … when you call a procedure. If a function is executed as an expression, the parameters must be enc…
24120 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03090404.xhp 0 help par_id3153126 2 0 ast Ends a procedure…
24126 …d3151043 8 0 ast End: Is not required, but can be entered anywhere within a procedure to end the…
24127 …basic\shared\03090404.xhp 0 help par_id3145171 9 0 ast End Function: Ends a \<emph\>Function\</e…
24128 …hared\03090404.xhp 0 help par_id3153192 10 0 ast End If: Marks the end of a \<emph\>If...Then...…
24129 …d\03090404.xhp 0 help par_id3148451 11 0 ast End Select: Marks the end of a \<emph\>Select Case\…
24130 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03090404.xhp 0 help par_id3155131 12 0 ast End Sub: Ends a
24149 …ic\shared\03120103.xhp 0 help par_id3155100 2 0 ast Converts a numeric expression into a string.…
24156 …ts a numeric variable, or the result of a calculation into a string. Negative numbers are preceded…
24172 … \<emph\>Result:\</emph\> Any numeric expression that records the result of a multiplication. 2…
24188 …3149233 2 0 ast Converts any numerical expression or string expression to a double type. 2020…
24194 …mph\> Any string or numeric expression that you want to convert. To convert a string expression, t…
24204 …379 2 0 ast Continues program execution within a Sub or Function at the procedure line indicated…
24218 …ocedure. The position must be indicated by a label. To set a label, assign a name, and then and en…
24219 …p par_id3155416 17 0 ast You cannot use the GoTo statement to jump out of a Sub or Function. …
24229 …d\03100080.xhp 0 help par_idN1055B 0 ast Converts a string expression or numeric expression to
24239 …shared\03030101.xhp 0 help par_id3143267 2 0 ast Returns a \<emph\>Date\</emph\> value for a spe…
24245 …d3147229 8 0 ast \<emph\>Year:\</emph\> Integer expression that indicates a year. All values bet…
24247 …ccepted range is from 1-31. No error is returned when you enter a non-existing day for a month sho…
24249 …ata type Variant with VarType 7 (Date). Internally, this value is stored as a Double value, so tha…
24250 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03030101.xhp 0 help par_id3152576 13 0 ast If a date is de…
24251 …81 14 0 ast Whereas you define the \<emph\>DateValue function\</emph\> as a string that contains…
24264 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03102400.xhp 0 help par_id3163045 2 0 ast Tests if a Varia…
24280 …d\03100050.xhp 0 help par_idN10545 0 ast Converts a string expression or numeric expression to
24290 …06.xhp 0 help par_id3159158 2 0 ast Defines a subroutine that can be used as an expression to de…
24318 …0406.xhp 0 help par_id3154943 32 0 ast REM Linsearch searches a TextArray:sList() for a TextEntr…
24331 …ext\sbasic\shared\03100700.xhp 0 help par_id3154143 2 0 ast Defines a string as a constant. 2…
24336a variable that helps to improve the readability of a program. Constants are not defined as a spec…
24338 …pression is irrelevant. If a program is started, $[officename] Basic converts the program code int…
24349 …3120309.xhp 0 help par_id3153127 2 0 ast Deletes the spaces at the end of a string expression. …
24376 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03132000.xhp 0 help par_id3149346 52 0 ast Creates a Liste…
24377 … par_id3153681 51 0 ast Many Uno interfaces let you register listeners on a special listener int…
24381 …32000.xhp 0 help par_id3154046 47 0 ast The following example is based on a Basic library object…
24384 … 0 ast The CreateUnoListener method requires two parameters. The first is a prefix and is explai…
24385 …oadcaster Object. This is done by calling the appropriate method for adding a Listener. These meth…
24390 …have the name "PrefixListenerMethode" and calls them when found. Otherwise, a run-time error occur…
24405 …ists for every Listener type. When a Listener method is called, an instance of this event is passe…
24430 …xt\sbasic\shared\03120105.xhp 0 help par_id3143267 2 0 ast Converts a string or a numeric expres…
24436 …xhp 0 help par_id3145068 8 0 ast \<emph\>Expression:\</emph\> A string or a numeric expression. …
24440 …id3153394 2 0 ast Returns the number of twips that represent the width of a pixel. 20200411 1…
24452 …pecified, the DefStr statement sets the default variable type, according to a letter range. 202…
24456 …:\</emph\> Letters that specify the range of variables that you want to set a default data type fo…
24476 …0 help par_id3148686 2 0 ast Converts any string or numeric expression to a long integer. 202…
24482 …nd 2.147.483.647, $[officename] Basic returns an overflow error. To convert a string expression, t…
24483 … par_id3150358 9 0 ast This function always rounds the fractional part of a number to the neares…
24493 …basic\shared\03020415.xhp 0 help par_id3153361 2 0 ast Determines if a file or a directory is av…
24544 …k_start\</emph\> - An optional parameter that specifies the starting day of a week. 20200411 1…
24563 …_start\</emph\> - An optional parameter that specifies the starting week of a year. 20200411 1…
24581 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03060600.xhp 0 help par_id3159414 2 0 ast Performs a logic…
24588 …p 0 help par_id3153770 9 0 ast A bitwise Exclusive-Or conjunction returns a bit if the correspon…
24603 …icename] Basic offers several methods to prevent the termination of a program when a run-time erro…
24607 …6 2 0 ast Converts a string comparison or numeric comparison to a Boolean expression, or convert…
24619 …03100100.xhp 0 help par_id3155132 14 0 ast sText = InputBox("Please enter a short sentence:") …
24631 …par_id3143267 2 0 ast Repeats the statements between the For...Next block a specified number of …
24642 …to decrease Counter, End must be less than Start, and Step must be assigned a negative value. 2…
24645 …sible to nest \<emph\>For...Next\</emph\> statements. If you do not specify a variable following t…
24648 …> statement to exit the loop unconditionally. This statement must be within a \<emph\>For...Next\<…
24654 …6 25 0 ast Note: In nested \<emph\>For...Next\</emph\> loops, if you exit a loop unconditionally…
24656 …ar_id3151074 27 0 ast The following example uses two nested loops to sort a string array with 10…
24688 … 0 ast Returns the base of the natural logarithm (e = 2.718282) raised to a power. 20200411 1…
24706 …0 help par_id3149762 2 0 ast Sets the default variable type, according to a letter range, if no …
24710 …:\</emph\> Letters that specify the range of variables that you want to set a default data type fo…
24730 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030400.xhp 0 help hd_id3125864 5 0 ast Creating a New Li…
24733 …icename] application and will be available for all documents. If you select a document the library…
24734 …elp par_id3153365 10 0 ast Click \<emph\>New\</emph\> and insert a name to create a new library.…
24735 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030400.xhp 0 help hd_id3147394 48 0 ast Appending a Libr…
24738 …icename] application and will be available for all documents. If you select a document the library…
24741 …00.xhp 0 help par_id3163807 54 0 ast If you want to insert the library as a reference only check…
24744 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030400.xhp 0 help hd_id3159100 17 0 ast Deleting a Libra…
24749 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030400.xhp 0 help par_id3152986 19 0 ast Deleting a libr…
24751 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030400.xhp 0 help par_id3146869 60 0 ast If you delete a
24753 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030400.xhp 0 help hd_id3155265 61 0 ast Creating a New M…
24757 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030400.xhp 0 help par_id3152389 65 0 ast Enter a name fo…
24758 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030400.xhp 0 help hd_id3152872 25 0 ast Renaming a Modul…
24760 … 0 help par_id3150046 67 0 ast Click the module to be renamed twice, with a pause between the cl…
24763 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030400.xhp 0 help hd_id3146963 29 0 ast Deleting a Modul…
24768 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030400.xhp 0 help par_id3151339 31 0 ast Deleting a modu…
24773 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030400.xhp 0 help par_id3145637 39 0 ast To move a modul…
24777 …3120310.xhp 0 help par_id3155420 2 0 ast Converts lowercase characters in a string to uppercase.…
24795 …0 ast This chapter provides a short overview of all of the arithmetical operators that you may nee…
24799 …03010102.xhp 0 help par_id3145171 2 0 ast Displays a dialog box containing a message and returns…
24805 …r_id3153727 8 0 ast \<emph\>Text\</emph\>: String expression displayed as a message in the dialo…
24807 …er and type of buttons or icons displayed. \<emph\>Type\</emph\> represents a combination of bit p…
24840 …lp par_id3151262 2 0 ast Displays a prompt in a dialog at which the user can input text. The inp…
24841a convenient method of entering text through a dialog. Confirm the input by clicking OK or pressin…
24856 …3010201.xhp 0 help par_id3154367 18 0 ast sText = InputBox ("Please enter a phrase:","Dear User"…
24862 …d\03104200.xhp 0 help par_id3155555 2 0 ast Returns the type Variant with a data field. 20200…
24875 …d\03080601.xhp 0 help par_id3153394 2 0 ast Returns the absolute value of a numeric expression. …
24903 …95 2 0 ast Returns the number corresponding to the weekday represented by a serial date number t…
24910 …le determines the day of the week using the WeekDay function when you enter a date. 20200411 15…
24936 …419 2 0 ast Aligns a string to the left of a string variable, or copies a variable of a user-def…
24944 …ble are copied. With the \<emph\>LSet\</emph\> statement, you can also copy a user-defined type va…
24979 …the "var" parameter. If you assign non-numeric values to a numeric variable, "var" is assigned a v…
24980 …56442 10 0 ast Records that are separated by commas cannot be assigned to a string variable. Quo…
24981 …lp par_id3147349 11 0 ast If the end of the file is reached while reading a data element, an err…
24991 …hared\03020202.xhp 0 help par_id3150321 21 0 ast Print #iNumber, "This is a line of text" 202…
25014 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03104400.xhp 0 help par_id3151262 2 0 ast Tests if a Basic…
25028 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03020406.xhp 0 help par_id3149497 2 0 ast Copies a file. …
25032 …can contain optional path and drive information. If you want, you can enter a path in \<link href=…
25043 …_id3145136 3 0 ast This function is required when you want to instantiate a service using Create…
25054 … various "units" which enable you to group individual SUBS and FUNCTIONS in a Basic project. 20…
25056 …st Libraries serve as a tool for organizing modules, and can either be attached to a document or a
25059 …in a module is limited to 64 KB. If more space is required you can divide a $[officename] Basic pr…
25061 …ties of each dialog element and the events assigned. Since a dialog module can only contain a sing…
25183 …0 help par_id3146137 98 0 ast \<variable id=\"err451\"\>451 Object is not a list\</variable\> …
25209 …p par_id31455973 0 ast \<variable id=\"err973\"\>973 not allowed within a procedure\</variable…
25210 … par_id31455974 0 ast \<variable id=\"err974\"\>974 not allowed outside a procedure\</variable…
25220 …elp par_id31455984 0 ast \<variable id=\"err1004\"\>1004 Error executing a method\</variable\> …
25226 …p 0 help par_id3149177 2 0 ast Dimensions a variable or an array at the global level (that is, n…
25238 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03130100.xhp 0 help par_id3159201 2 0 ast Plays a tone thr…
25268 …lp par_id3150984 2 0 ast This function returns the current system time as a string in the format…
25283 …0 help par_id3150986 2 0 ast Converts any string or numeric expression to a date value. 20200…
25290 …\sbasic\shared\03100300.xhp 0 help par_id3125864 9 0 ast When you convert a string expression, t…
25308 …mph\> Any string or numeric expression that you want to convert. To convert a string expression, t…
25319 …ext\sbasic\shared\03020410.xhp 0 help par_id3151211 2 0 ast Deletes a file from a disk. 20200…
25331 …ared\03080802.xhp 0 help par_id3154924 2 0 ast Returns the octal value of a number. 20200411 …
25346 … length of the opposite side of an angle to the length of the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangl…
25359 …3149482 16 0 ast REM In this example, the following entry is possible for a right-angled triangl…
25362 …c\shared\03080103.xhp 0 help par_id3150011 19 0 ast REM Pi = 3.1415926 is a predefined variable …
25372 …2 0 ast Returns the number of characters in a string, or the number of bytes that are required t…
25378 …elp par_id3147265 8 0 ast \<emph\>Text:\</emph\> Any string expression or a variable of another …
25394 …70 8 0 ast \<emph\>Color\</emph\>: Long integer expression that specifies a \<link href=\"text/s…
25414 …h\>Ubound\</emph\>) or the lower (\<emph\>LBound\</emph\>) boundary for. If a value is not specifi…
25431 …r_id3149346 2 0 ast Trigonometric function that returns the arctangent of a numeric expression. …
25432 …ite of the angle to the length of the side that is adjacent to the angle in a right-angled triangl…
25439 …</emph\> Any numerical expression that represents the ratio of two sides of a right triangle. The …
25445 …hp 0 help par_id3146985 16 0 ast REM The following example calculates for a right-angled triangl…
25448 …ed\03080101.xhp 0 help par_id3151112 19 0 ast REM rounded Pi = 3.14159 is a predefined constant …
25477 …ar_id3154366 2 0 ast Returns the access mode or the file access number of a file that was opened…
25478 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03020405.xhp 0 help par_id3153364 3 0 ast If you use a 32-…
25489 …d\03020405.xhp 0 help par_id3154018 14 0 ast If you specify a parameter attribute with a value o…
25503 …hared\03020405.xhp 0 help par_id3155607 29 0 ast Print #iNumber, "This is a line of text" 202…
25512 …window at the left, and displays the contents of variables or arrays during a single step process.…
25513 … right provides information about the call stack of SUBS and FUNCTIONS when a program runs. 202…
25528 …p 0 help par_id3145316 2 0 ast Removes all leading spaces at the start of a string expression. …
25535 …_id3125863 9 0 ast Use this function to remove spaces at the beginning of a string expression. …
25552 …t\sbasic\shared\03120313.xhp 0 help par_id3147226 2 0 ast Converts a file URL to a system file n…
25558 …hp 0 help par_id3156023 8 0 ast \<emph\>Filename:\</emph\> A file name as a string. 20200411 …
25574 …-32768 and 32767, $[officename] Basic reports an overflow error. To convert a string expression, t…
25575 … par_id3150358 9 0 ast This function always rounds the fractional part of a number to the neares…
25591 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03102600.xhp 0 help par_id3146957 2 0 ast Tests if a Varia…
25598 …0 help par_idN1062A 0 ast \<emph\>Null\</emph\> - This value is used for a variant data sub typ…
25656 …hp 0 help par_id3153771 8 0 ast The Erl function only returns a line number, and not a line labe…
25681 …site of the \<emph\>TimeSerial \</emph\>function. It returns the seconds of a serial time value th…
25691 …elp par_id3145090 2 0 ast Returns the value of an environment variable as a string. Environment …
25708 …3080801.xhp 0 help par_id3145136 2 0 ast Returns a string that represents the hexadecimal value …
25714 …\<emph\>Number:\</emph\> Any numeric expression that you want to convert to a hexadecimal number. …
25726 …c\shared\03080801.xhp 0 help par_id3149262 20 0 ast REM Returns a Long-Integer from a hexadecima…
25730 …t\sbasic\shared\03080801.xhp 0 help par_id3147215 25 0 ast REM Calculates a hexadecimal value in…
25736 …sic\shared\03102200.xhp 0 help par_id3159413 2 0 ast Determines if a variable is a data field in…
25751 …he DefBool statement sets the default data type for variables, according to a letter range. 202…
25773 …his section describes the basic syntax elements of $[officename] Basic. For a detailed description…
25777 …hared\03131800.xhp 0 help par_id3154186 2 0 ast Creates a Basic Uno object that represents a Uno…
25778 …3750 3 0 ast Dialogs are defined in the dialog libraries. To display a dialog, a "live" dialog m…
25792 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03132100.xhp 0 help par_id3152459 2 0 ast Returns a numeri…
25809 …e that is adjacent to the angle, divided by the length of the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangl…
25822 …02.xhp 0 help par_id3155855 16 0 ast REM The following example allows for a right-angled triangl…
25834 …help par_id3154285 2 0 ast Enables objects to be addressed at run-time as a string parameter usi…
25846 …d\03103900.xhp 0 help par_id3154686 14 0 ast "TextEdit1" to TextEdit5" in a loop to create five …
25859 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03060300.xhp 0 help par_id3148947 2 0 ast Performs a logic…
25866 …elp par_id3163710 9 0 ast If you use the Imp operator in bit expressions, a bit is deleted from …
25881 …lp par_id3155341 2 0 ast Enables an object to be addressed at run-time as a string parameter thr…
25893 …d\03103800.xhp 0 help par_id3153104 14 0 ast "TextEdit1" to TextEdit5" in a loop to create five …
25901 …p par_id3143268 2 0 ast The following statements control the execution of a program. 20200411…
25902 …at a section of the program within a sub-procedure or function. You can use loops to repeat parts …
25910 ….xhp 0 help par_id3149581 9 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:NewModule\"\>Inserts a new module into the …
25912 …xhp 0 help par_id3144335 11 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:NewDialog\"\>Inserts a new dialog into the …
25925 …ed\03090403.xhp 0 help par_id3145316 2 0 ast Declares and defines a subroutine in a DLL file tha…
25934 … the data type of the value that is returned by a function procedure. You can exclude this paramet…
25935 …0403.xhp 0 help par_id3146922 13 0 ast To pass a parameter to a subroutine as a value instead of…
25947 …text\sbasic\shared\03070500.xhp 0 help par_id3149670 2 0 ast Raises a number to a power. 2020…
25951 …> Any numerical expression that contains the result of the number raised to a power. 20200411 1…
25952 … ast \<emph\>Expression:\</emph\> Numerical value that you want to raise to a power. 20200411 1…
25957 …id3146984 12 0 ast Print Exp ( 23 * Log( 12.345 ) ) REM Raises by forming a logarithm 2020041…
25962 …pecified, the DefErr statement sets the default variable type, according to a letter range. 202…
25966 …:\</emph\> Letters that specify the range of variables that you want to set a default data type fo…
25989 …t Calculates a serial time value from the specified hour, minute, and second - parameters passed a…
25996 …par_id3152578 9 0 ast Use the TimeValue function to convert any time into a single value, so tha…
25997 …the type Variant with VarType 7 (Date), and stores this value internally as a double-precision num…
25998 …the DateValue function, where serial date values result in days relative to a fixed date, you can …
25999 …umeric expressions. For the TimeValue function, however, you can pass a string as a parameter cont…
26018 …30103.xhp 0 help par_id3147560 2 0 ast Returns a value that represents the day of the month base…
26024 …56423 8 0 ast \<emph\>Number:\</emph\> A numeric expression that contains a serial date number f…
26025 …he opposite of the DateSerial function, returning the day of the month from a serial date number g…
26035 …pecified, the DefSng statement sets the default variable type, according to a letter range. 202…
26039 …:\</emph\> Letters that specify the range of variables that you want to set a default data type fo…
26106 … par_id3153307 64 0 ast Graphics not successfully loaded, for example, if a graphic was not foun…
26121 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\05060700.xhp 0 help par_id3147515 79 0 ast Before a text b…
26124 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\05060700.xhp 0 help par_id3147502 82 0 ast After a text bl…
26128 …0700.xhp 0 help par_id3147296 84 0 ast Frames allow you to link events to a function, so that th…
26148 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01170100.xhp 0 help par_id3149581 5 0 ast Opens a combo bo…
26150 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01170100.xhp 0 help par_id3148455 7 0 ast Closes a combo b…
26152 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01170100.xhp 0 help par_id3146971 9 0 ast Inserts a line b…
26158 …ed\01170100.xhp 0 help par_id3149566 15 0 ast Applies the changes made to a field and places the…
26162 …st Returns the specified portion of a string expression (\<emph\>Mid function\</emph\>), or replac…
26178 …3120306.xhp 0 help par_id3153189 18 0 ast sInput = InputBox("Please input a date in the internat…
26189 …hp 0 help par_id3149177 2 0 ast Tests if an expression is a number. If the expression is a \<lin…
26208a single floating-decimal number. Dates are converted to integers, and times to decimal values. \<…
26212 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03020103.xhp 0 help par_id3150769 2 0 ast Opens a data cha…
26216 …o read a file that does not exist (Access = Read), an error message appears. If you try to write t…
26219 …ast \<emph\>Protected:\</emph\> Keyword that defines the security status of a file after opening. …
26220 …er:\</emph\> Any integer expression from 0 to 511 to indicate the number of a free data channel. Y…
26222 …0 ast You can only modify the contents of a file that was opened with the Open statement. If you t…
26232 …hared\03020103.xhp 0 help par_id3154705 22 0 ast Print #iNumber, "This is a line of text" 202…
26249 …ic\shared\03030106.xhp 0 help par_id3149655 2 0 ast Returns the year from a serial date number t…
26256 …posite of the \<emph\>DateSerial \</emph\>function, and returns the year of a serial date. For exa…
26266 …090405.xhp 0 help par_id3147559 2 0 ast Releases DLLs that were loaded by a Declare statement. A…
26283 …r_id3147182 2 0 ast Determines if the file pointer has reached the end of a file. 20200411 15…
26290 … of a file. When you use the Input or Get statement to read from a file, the file pointer is advan…
26390 …0 help par_id3149177 2 0 ast Removes all leading and trailing spaces from a string expression. …
26413 …ext\sbasic\shared\03103100.xhp 0 help par_id3149233 2 0 ast Assigns a value to a variable. 20…
26417 …147560 6 0 ast \<emph\>VarName:\</emph\> Variable that you want to assign a value to. Value and …
26436 … 0 help par_id3150542 2 0 ast Returns a date value from a date string. The date string is a comp…
26443 …st You can use this function to convert a date that occurs between December 1, 1582 and December 3…
26452 ….xhp 0 help par_id3150984 2 0 ast Returns the rightmost "n" characters of a string expression. …
26460 …he number of characters that you want to return. If \<emph\>n\</emph\> = 0, a zero-length string i…
26461 …03120307.xhp 0 help par_id3158410 11 0 ast The following example converts a date in YYYY-MM-DD f…
26466 …3120307.xhp 0 help par_id3159252 16 0 ast sInput = InputBox("Please input a date in the internat…
26477 …xt\sbasic\shared\03120104.xhp 0 help par_id3153345 2 0 ast Converts a string to a numeric expres…
26483 … help par_id3154348 8 0 ast \<emph\>Text:\</emph\> String that represents a number. 20200411 …
26484 ….xhp 0 help par_id3149670 9 0 ast Using the Val function, you can convert a string that represen…
26493 …d\03080401.xhp 0 help par_id3147226 2 0 ast Calculates the square root of a numeric expression. …
26510 …asic\shared\03120312.xhp 0 help par_id3148538 2 0 ast Converts a system file name to a file URL.…
26530 …ies is also always a long integer value. When defining properties, colors can be specified using t…
26532a \<emph\>method parameter\</emph\> or a \<emph\>property\</emph\> expecting unit information can …
26535a screen-independent unit which is used to define the uniform position and size of screen elements…
26537 …n of a resource like a file in a file system, typically inside a network environment. A URL consis…
26539 …h\>. The \<emph\>file\</emph\> protocol specifier is used when referring to a file on the local fi…
26540 …racters or encoded. A slash (\<emph\>/\</emph\>) is used as a path separator. For example, a file …
26563 …4500.xhp 0 help par_id3146957 2 0 ast Returns True if the given object is a Uno struct. 20200…
26573 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03104500.xhp 0 help par_idN10638 0 ast ' Instantiate a se…
26578 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03104500.xhp 0 help par_idN10649 0 ast ' Instantiate a Pr…
26581 …par_idN10653 0 ast MsgBox bIsStruct ' Displays True because aProperty is a struct 20200411 1…
26604 …18 0 ast The \<emph\>Do...Loop\</emph\> statement executes a loop as long as, or until, a certai…
26622 …ent to unconditionally end the loop. You can add this statement anywhere in a \<emph\>Do\</emph\>.…
26644 …p 0 help par_id3150669 2 0 ast Dimensions a variable or an array at the module level (that is, n…
26667 …shared\keys.xhp 0 help par_id3156275 15 0 ast Single step as with F8, but a function call is con…
26669 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\keys.xhp 0 help par_id3150323 17 0 ast Set or remove a \<l…
26673 …de of the Basic IDE. If you are inside the Basic IDE and the macro halts at a breakpoint, Shift+\<…
26677 … 0 help par_id3149670 2 0 ast Returns the current system date and time as a \<emph\>Date\</emph\…
26693 … 0 ast This statement must be added before the executable program code in a module. 20200411 …
26699 …00.xhp 0 help par_id3145787 12 0 ast For i% = 1 to 10 REM This results in a run-time error 20…
26712 …h\>Expression:\</emph\> Numeric variables that represent a valid 8 bit ASCII value (0-255) or a 16…
26713 …nd special control sequences to a printer or to another output source. You can also use it to inse…
26716 …909 12 0 ast REM This example inserts quotation marks (ASCII value 34) in a string. 20200411 …
26724 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03104000.xhp 0 help par_id3153825 2 0 ast Tests if a funct…
26735 …020204.xhp 0 help par_id3154909 2 0 ast Writes a record to a relative file or a sequence of byte…
26749 …020204.xhp 0 help par_id3154729 16 0 ast Dim sText As Variant REM Must be a variant type 2020…
26776a new module, $[officename] Basic automatically inserts a SUB called "Main". This default name has…
26778 …res (SUBS) and functions (FUNCTIONS) help you maintaining a structured overview by separating a pr…
26779 …st One benefit of procedures and functions is that, once you have developed a program code contain…
26787 …hared\01020300.xhp 0 help par_id3147124 33 0 ast The parameters passed to a SUB must fit to thos…
26788 …applies to FUNCTIONS. In addition, functions always return a function result. The result of a func…
26795 …elp par_idN107B3 0 ast You can also use the fully qualified name to call a procedure or functio…
26797a SUB or a FUNCTION either by reference or by value. Unless otherwise specified, a parameter is a…
26798 …53 0 ast If you want to pass a parameter by value insert the key word "ByVal" in front of the pa…
26802a SUB or FUNCTION, only remains valid until the procedure is exited. This is known as a "local" va…
26803 …red\01020300.xhp 0 help hd_id3154186 59 0 ast Declaring Variables Outside a SUB or FUNCTION 2…
26829 …00.xhp 0 help hd_id3154368 66 0 ast Saving Variable Content after Exiting a SUB or FUNCTION 2…
26831 …time the FUNCTION or SUB is entered. The declaration must exist inside a SUB or a FUNCTION. 202…
26832 …0300.xhp 0 help hd_id3155809 41 0 ast Specifying the Return Value Type of a FUNCTION 20200411…
26833 …red\01020300.xhp 0 help par_id3149404 42 0 ast As with variables, include a type-declaration cha…
26838 …3080202.xhp 0 help par_id3145066 2 0 ast Returns the natural logarithm of a number. 20200411 …
26845 …9 9 0 ast The natural logarithm is the logarithm to the base e. Base e is a constant with an app…
26850 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03080202.xhp 0 help par_id3145750 14 0 ast Dim a as Double…
26853 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03080202.xhp 0 help par_id3148616 17 0 ast a=Exp( Log(b1)+…
26854 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03080202.xhp 0 help par_id3149262 18 0 ast MsgBox "" & a &…
26859 …0107.xhp 0 help par_id3151097 2 0 ast Returns the date in ISO format from a serial date number t…
26873 …ast Comparison operators compare two expressions. The result is returned as a Boolean expression t…
26906 … 0 ast This statement must be added before the executable program code in a module. 20200411 …
26916 …148522 2 0 ast Evaluates a list of arguments, consisting of an expression followed by a value. T…
26920 …ed to the function expression. If expression and value are not given as a pair, a runtime error oc…
26936 …e of several specified lines in the program code, depending on the value of a numeric expression. …
26941 …If NumExpression is greater than 0, the program jumps to the label that has a position number that…
26967 …ecified, the DefDate statement sets the default variable type, according to a letter range. 202…
26971 …:\</emph\> Letters that specify the range of variables that you want to set a default data type fo…
26990 …0314.xhp 0 help par_id3155805 2 0 ast Returns an array of substrings from a string expression. …
27000 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3151212 11 0 ast Dim a(3) 202…
27002 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3156214 14 0 ast a(0) = "ABCDE"…
27003 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3154217 15 0 ast a(1) = 42 2…
27004 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3145173 16 0 ast a(2) = "MN" …
27005 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3153104 17 0 ast a(3) = "X Y Z"…
27014 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3145748 26 0 ast Join1 = Join(a
27017 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3146119 28 0 ast Join2 = Join(a
27020 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3149377 31 0 ast Join3 = Join(a
27037 …tion such as file size, current path settings, or the creation date of a file or a directory. 2…
27044 …\shared\03120401.xhp 0 help par_id3153990 2 0 ast Returns the position of a string within anothe…
27051 …ast \<emph\>Start: \</emph\>A numeric expression that marks the position in a string where the sea…
27054 … or 1. The default value of 1 specifies a text comparison that is not case-sensitive. The value of…
27055 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120401.xhp 0 help par_id3153361 13 0 ast To avoid a run-…
27068 …n call other Subs and Functions. If you take care to write generic code for a Sub or Function, you…
27070 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01010210.xhp 0 help hd_id3150398 3 0 ast What is a Sub? …
27071 …, that is used to handle a certain task within a program. Subs are used to split a task into indiv…
27073 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01010210.xhp 0 help hd_id3156282 5 0 ast What is a Functio…
27074 …emph\>function\</emph\> is essentially a sub, which returns a value. You may use a function at the…
27077 …riables are valid for all subs and functions inside a module. They are declared at the beginning o…
27078 …10210.xhp 0 help par_id3154012 10 0 ast Variables that you declare within a sub or function are …
27080 …les. You can define modules to be global or part of a document. Multiple modules can be combined t…
27086 … side opposite the angle to the length of the side adjacent to the angle in a right-angled triangl…
27099 …3148646 16 0 ast REM In this example, the following entry is possible for a right-angled triangl…
27102 …c\shared\03080104.xhp 0 help par_id3153158 19 0 ast REM Pi = 3.1415926 is a pre-defined variable…
27112 …id3156280 2 0 ast Returns the position for the next writing or reading in a file that was opened…
27133 …20302.xhp 0 help par_id3151115 10 0 ast For a sequential file, the Loc function returns the posi…
27136 …window allows you to observe the value of variables during the execution of a program. Define the …
27143 …sic\shared\01050100.xhp 0 help hd_id3154491 10 0 ast Editing the Value of a Watched Variable …
27144 …ATCHWINDOW_LIST\"\>Displays the list of watched variables. Click twice with a short pause in betwe…
27148 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03030303.xhp 0 help par_id3156023 2 0 ast Returns a value …
27149 …3 0 ast You must first declare a variable to call the Timer function and assign it the "Long " d…
27168 …elp par_id3159157 2 0 ast Returns a string (TypeName) or a numeric value (VarType) that contains…
27229 …ic\shared\03030201.xhp 0 help par_id3149346 2 0 ast Returns the hour from a time value that is g…
27236 …/emph\> function. It returns an integer value that represents the hour from a time value that is g…
27246 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03102450.xhp 0 help par_idN1055E 0 ast Tests if a variabl…
27256 …lable file number for opening a file. Use this function to open a file using a file number that is…
27290 …basic\shared\03090402.xhp 0 help par_id3149234 2 0 ast Returns a selected value from a list of a…
27296 …0 help par_id3151043 8 0 ast The \<emph\>Choose\</emph\> function returns a value from the list …
27297 …an 1 or greater than the number of expressions listed, the function returns a Null value. 20200…
27298 …ple uses the \<emph\>Choose\</emph\> function to select a string from several strings that form a
27310 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03130000.xhp 0 help par_id3153312 2 0 ast This is a list o…
27328 …OX_RID_BASICIDE_BREAKPOINTDLG_RID_CB_BRKPOINTS\"\>Enter the line number for a new breakpoint, then…
27334 …lp hid=\"BASCTL_PUSHBUTTON_RID_BASICIDE_BREAKPOINTDLG_RID_PB_NEW\"\>Creates a breakpoint on the li…
27340 …help par_id3153345 2 0 ast Basic source code and dialogs are organized in a library system. 2…
27347 …automatically. If you want to call the global LibraryContainers from within a document, you must u…
27359 … par_id3143267 2 0 ast Allows you to define parameters that are passed to a function as optional…
27373 …d\03100060.xhp 0 help par_idN10558 0 ast Converts a string expression or numeric expression to
27386 …ared\03030104.xhp 0 help par_id3148550 2 0 ast Returns the month of a year from a serial date th…
27403 …ic\shared\03020408.xhp 0 help par_id3145068 2 0 ast Returns the length of a file in bytes. 20…
27410 …8.xhp 0 help par_id3150439 9 0 ast This function determines the length of a file. If the FileLen…
27432 …02300.xhp 0 help par_id3153311 2 0 ast Tests if a numeric or string expression can be converted …
27438 …ing expression that you want to test. If the expression can be converted to a date, the function r…
27449 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03010305.xhp 0 help par_id3150447 2 0 ast Returns a \<link…
27470 … 0 help par_id3153311 2 0 ast Declares a variable or an array at the procedure level within a su…
27471 …ot be used to define variable arrays. Arrays must be specified according to a fixed size. 20200…
27496 … help par_id3148663 2 0 ast Returns the error message that corresponds to a given error code. …
27507 …153381 2 0 ast Returns the name of a file, a directory, or all of the files and the directories …
27517 …6 0 ast Use this attribute to check if a file or directory exists, or to determine all files and…
27518 … check if a file exists, enter the complete path and name of the file. If the file or directory na…
27519 …ed\03020404.xhp 0 help par_id3154012 18 0 ast To generate a list of all existing files in a spec…
27520 …arameter. The same applies if you want to determine the name of a volume (for example, a hard driv…
27543 …sbasic\shared\03020411.xhp 0 help par_id3147000 2 0 ast Creates a new directory on a data medium…
27578 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03020411.xhp 0 help par_id3150092 40 0 ast ' Converts a sy…
27595 … Standard Code for Information Interchange) value of the first character in a string expression. …
27602 …lace keys with values. If the Asc function encounters a blank string, $[officename] Basic reports
27613 …0 help par_id3153126 2 0 ast Sets the default variable type, according to a letter range, if no …
27639 …1 2 0 ast Outputs the specified strings or numeric expressions to a dialog or to a file. 2020…
27644 …sion to be printed. Multiple expressions can be separated by a semicolon. If separated by a comma,…
27647a semicolon or comma appears after the last expression to be printed, $[officename] Basic stores t…
27648 …umeric expressions are printed with a leading space. Negative expressions are printed with a leadi…
27649 …xhp 0 help par_id3154011 11 0 ast If the expression to be printed exceeds a certain length, the …
27650 …n arguments to indent the output to a specific position, or you can use the \<emph\>Spc\</emph\> f…
27663 …hp 0 help par_id3150713 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates an instance of a Uno structure type.\…
27693 …20414.xhp 0 help par_id3147264 2 0 ast Sets the attribute information for a specified file. 2…
27697 …ncluding the path, that you want to test attributes of. If you do not enter a path, \<emph\>SetAtt…
27703 …ast You can set multiple attributes by combining the respective values with a logic OR statement. …
27765 …0308.xhp 0 help par_id3150503 2 0 ast Right-aligns a string within a string variable, or copies
27775 … \<emph\>LSet\</emph\> statements to modify the left and right alignment of a string. 20200411 …
27782 …hared\03120308.xhp 0 help par_id3155856 20 0 ast REM Right-align "SBX" in a 40-character string …
27792 …shared\03120308.xhp 0 help par_id3145801 32 0 ast REM Left-align "SBX" in a 40-character string …
27803 …0 ast Defines one or more statement blocks that you only want to execute if a given condition is T…
27811 …0 0 ast The following example enables you to enter the expiration date of a product, and determi…
27839 …03060100.xhp 0 help par_id3153768 10 0 ast The AND operator also performs a bitwise comparison o…
27851 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030300.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Debugging a Basic Program …
27853 …153344 1 0 ast \<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/01030300.xhp\"\>Debugging a Basic Program\</link…
27855 …icates the current line. You can also set a breakpoint if you want to force the program to be inte…
27856 …at the left of the Editor window to toggle a breakpoint at the corresponding line. When the progra…
27858 …p\</emph\> icon causes the program to skip over procedures and functions as a single step. 2020…
27859 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030300.xhp 0 help hd_id3153825 9 0 ast Properties of a B…
27860 …basic\shared\01030300.xhp 0 help par_id3147574 26 0 ast The properties of a breakpoint are avail…
27861 …ph\> and \<emph\>deactivate\</emph\> a breakpoint by selecting \<emph\>Active\</emph\> from its co…
27862 …9413 27 0 ast Select \<emph\>Properties\</emph\> from the context menu of a breakpoint or select…
27863 …orresponding line number in the source code. You can activate or deactivate a selected breakpoint …
27864 … you enter 0 (default setting) the program is always interrupted as soon as a breakpoint is encoun…
27867 …15 0 ast You can monitor the values of a variable by adding it to the \<emph\>Watch\</emph\> win…
27868 …ned at the current source code location display ("Out of Scope") instead of a value. 20200411 1…
27870 …t If you rest the mouse over a predefined variable in the Editor at run-time, the content of the v…
27877 …20413.xhp 0 help par_id3149457 2 0 ast Deletes an existing directory from a data medium. 2020…
27901 …>Specify the number of units to scroll when a user clicks in the area between the slider and the a…
27905 …ared\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3155064 24 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a button type. Button …
27913 … par_id3155334 83 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the desired format for a date control. A date…
27915 …lp par_id3148485 122 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the upper limit for a date control.\</ahel…
27917 …lp par_id3154120 132 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the lower limit for a date control.\</ahel…
27919 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the number of decimal places displayed for a numerical or currenc…
27923a scrollbar arrow or click the background area in a scrollbar. Repeated trigger events occur if yo…
27925 …s. A dropdown control field has an arrow button which you can click to open a list of the existing…
27929 …55509 92 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the edit mask for a pattern control. This is a charact…
27930 …ic\shared\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3154485 184 0 ast You need to specify a masking character fo…
27935 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3156016 97 0 ast a 20200411 1…
27936 …7983 98 0 ast The characters a-z can be entered here. If a capital letter is entered, it is auto…
27938 … The characters A-Z can be entered here. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically con…
27940 …102 0 ast The characters a-z and 0-9 can be entered here. If a capital letter is entered, it is …
27942 …04 0 ast The characters a-z and 0-9 can be entered here. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is…
27948 … All printable characters can be entered. If a lowercase letter is used, it is automatically conve…
27953 …hid=\".\"\>Specify the source of the graphics for a button or an image control. Click "..." to sel…
27957 … 0 help par_id3147502 209 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter a help text that is displayed as a tip …
27959 …Specify the help URL that is called when you press F1 while the focus is on a particular control. …
27964 … happens when editing is interrupted by selecting another node in the tree, a change in the tree's…
27971 …75 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter the number of lines to be displayed for a list control. For co…
27973 …p 0 help par_id7706228 0 ast Adds the scrollbar type that you specify to a text box. 2020041…
27975 … \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the number of units to scroll when a user clicks an arrow on a scrollb…
27977 …".\"\>Specify the entries for a list control. One line takes one list entry. Press \<emph\>Shift+E…
27979 …e initial values to be displayed in a pattern control. This helps the user to identify which value…
27985 … to allow the input of multiple lines in the control. Press Enter to insert a manual line break in…
27989 …ared\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3154548 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Insert a name for the current…
27991 … the focus when the Tab key is pressed in the dialog.\</ahelp\> On entering a dialog, the control …
27992 … avoid duplicate numbers. Controls that cannot be focused are also assigned a value but these cont…
27994 …lp par_id3153780 246 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the orientation for a scrollbar control.\<…
27996 …is assigned or the page number of the dialog you want to edit.\</ahelp\> If a dialog has only one …
27997 …p par_id3148580 236 0 ast Select \<emph\>Page (Step)\</emph\> = 0 to make a control visible on e…
27998 … 235 0 ast To switch between dialog pages at run time, you need to create a macro that changes t…
28000 …ared\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3152787 157 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter a character to be disp…
28006 …elect "Yes" to display the currency symbol prefix in currency controls when a number was entered.\…
28008 …0 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select "Yes" to include the current control in a document's printout.…
28010 ….xhp 0 help par_id3146849 260 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify a progress value for a progress b…
28012 …p par_id3145167 253 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the maximum value of a progress bar control…
28014 …p par_id3154506 248 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the minimum value of a progress bar control…
28018 …\>Repeats trigger events when you keep the mouse button pressed on a control such as a spin button…
28021 …779 0 ast If Root displayed is set to FALSE, the root node of a model is no longer a valid node…
28024 …r_id6471755 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies the height of each row of a tree control, in pix…
28030 …968 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Adds the scrollbar type that you specify to a text box.\</ahelp\> …
28032 …p par_id3159622 240 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the initial value of a scrollbar control. T…
28034 …p par_id3148877 251 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the maximum value of a scrollbar control.\<…
28036 … help par_idN111E8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the minimum value of a scrollbar control.\<…
28051 …id3145298 88 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select "Yes" to add spin buttons to a numerical, currency,…
28055 …elp hid=\".\"\>Select "Yes" to only allow valid characters to be entered in a numerical, currency,…
28069 …id3155401 128 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the maximum time value for a time control.\</ahel…
28071 …id3156262 136 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the minimum time value for a time control.\</ahel…
28074 …par_id3153716 55 0 ast \<emph\>Titles\</emph\> are only used for labeling a dialog and can only …
28076 …p 0 help par_id3149825 174 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select "Yes" to allow a check box to have th…
28084 …d3149445 233 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the length of the slider of a scrollbar control.\<…
28090 …0 help par_id3147573 2 0 ast Sets the default variable type, according to a letter range, if no …
28115 ….xhp 0 help par_id3154123 7 0 ast REM updates the "Table of Contents" in a text doc 20200411…
28119 …ar_id3156422 11 0 ast REM use the default name for Table of Contents and a 1 20200411 15:09:…
28125 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03080302.xhp 0 help par_id3149669 2 0 ast Returns a random…
28133 …ion only returns values ranging from 0 to 1. To generate random integers in a given range, use the…
28158 …u only want to change the current drive, enter the drive letter followed by a colon. 20200411 1…
28172 …132300.xhp 0 help par_id3147291 2 0 ast Returns an object that represents a strictly typed value…
28176 …54760 6 0 ast oUnoValue = CreateUnoValue( "[]byte", MyBasicValue ) to get a byte sequence. 20…
28179 … selected, an error occurs. You use the CreateUnoValue() function to create a value for the unknow…
28184 …\03080502.xhp 0 help par_id3155420 2 0 ast Returns the integer portion of a number. 20200411 …
28204 …155114 79 0 ast The dialog shows a list of all existing objects in a hierarchical representation…
28205 …hp 0 help par_id3150786 83 0 ast To display a certain module in the Editor or to position the cu…
28210 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03060500.xhp 0 help par_id3148552 2 0 ast Performs a logic…
28217 …ared\03060500.xhp 0 help par_id3153768 9 0 ast A bit-wise comparison sets a bit in the result if…
28232 …30301.xhp 0 help par_id3147291 2 0 ast Returns the current system date as a string, or resets th…
28255 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03030205.xhp 0 help par_id3156344 2 0 ast Calculates a ser…
28269 …985 17 0 ast You can use the TimeSerial function to convert any time into a single value that yo…
28270a double-precision number between 0 and 0.9999999999. As opposed to the DateSerial or DateValue fu…
28271 …help par_id3149482 19 0 ast In the TimeValue function, you can pass a string as a parameter cont…
28277 …hared\03030205.xhp 0 help par_id3155600 25 0 ast MsgBox dDate,64,"Time as a number" 20200411 …
28283 …p par_id3148550 2 0 ast Returns the internal date number from a string that contains a date in I…
28289 …elp par_id3154685 8 0 ast \<emph\>String:\</emph\> A string that contains a date in ISO format. …
28305 …sic\shared\03010101.xhp 0 help par_id3148947 2 0 ast Displays a dialog box containing a message.…
28309 …r_id3148798 6 0 ast \<emph\>Text\</emph\>: String expression displayed as a message in the dialo…
28311 …ay, and the icon type. \<emph\>Type\</emph\> represents a combination of bit patterns, that is, a
28335 …ar_id3153381 2 0 ast Sets the position for the next writing or reading in a file that was opened…
28343a number between 1 and 2,147,483,647. According to the file type, the position indicates the numbe…
28352a capital letter. Under Windows, the letter that you assign the drive is restricted by the setting…
28355 …020402.xhp 0 help par_id3152576 10 0 ast ChDrive "D" REM Only possible if a drive 'D' exists. …
28360 …30.xhp 0 help par_idN10546 0 ast The DatePart function returns a specified part of a date. 2…
28364 …basic\shared\03030130.xhp 0 help par_idN105EF 0 ast A Variant containing a date. 20200411 15…
28382 …elp par_id3154319 9 0 ast In a bit-wise comparison, the Eqv operator only sets the corresponding…
28397 …xt\sbasic\shared\03120301.xhp 0 help par_id3156042 2 0 ast Converts a number to a string, and th…
28403 …ast \<emph\>Number:\</emph\> Numeric expression that you want to convert to a formatted string. …
28406 … ast The following list describes the codes that you can use for formatting a number: 20200411 …
28407 … If \<emph\>Number\</emph\> has a digit at the position of the 0 in the format code, the digit is …
28410 …d3154123 15 0 ast \<emph\>#:\</emph\> If \<emph\>Number\</emph\> contains a digit at the positio…
28413 … numbers less than 1 begin with a decimal separator. To always display a leading zero with fractio…
28416 …e exponent is negative, a minus sign is displayed directly before an exponent with E-, E+, e-, e+.…
28418a period as a thousands and decimal separator is dependent on the regional setting. When you enter…
28419 …($), space, or brackets entered directly in the format code is displayed as a literal character. …
28420 … display characters other than the ones listed here, you must precede it by a backslash (\\), or e…
28422a special meaning can only be displayed as literal characters if they are preceded by a backslash.…
28423 … be preceded by a backslash in the format code in order to be displayed as literal characters are …
28424 …r "General Number", all of the predefined format codes return the number as a decimal number with …
28428 …0301.xhp 0 help par_id3153158 34 0 ast \<emph\>Currency:\</emph\> Inserts a dollar sign in front…
28430 …p par_id3153415 36 0 ast \<emph\>Standard:\</emph\> Displays numbers with a thousands separator.…
28431 … 0 ast \<emph\>Percent:\</emph\> Multiplies the number by 100 and appends a percent sign to the …
28437 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120301.xhp 0 help par_idN107A2 0 ast REM always use a p…
28443 …0 help par_id3147242 2 0 ast Creates a string according to the specified character, or the first…
28463 …basic\shared\03030110.xhp 0 help par_idN10558 0 ast Adds a date interval to a given date a numb…
28467 …basic\shared\03030110.xhp 0 help par_idN10622 0 ast A Variant containing a date. 20200411 15…
28493 …elp par_idN106C4 0 ast Date - A given date or the name of a Variant variable containing a date.…
28505 …and \<emph\>End With\</emph\> if you have several properties or methods for a single object. 20…
28512 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03020101.xhp 0 help par_id3147573 2 0 ast Closes a specifi…
28544 …sic\shared\03120201.xhp 0 help par_id3154927 2 0 ast Returns a string that consists of a specifi…
28565 …d3154186 2 0 ast Returns the number of twips that represent the height of a pixel. 20200411 1…
28577 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03020205.xhp 0 help par_id3154685 2 0 ast Writes data to a
28582 …Expressionlist:\</emph\> Variables or expressions that you want to enter in a file, separated by c…
28584 …ed\03020205.xhp 0 help par_id3163713 9 0 ast To add an expression list to a new or an existing f…
28586 …0 help par_id1002838 0 ast Each \<emph\>Write\</emph\> statement outputs a line end symbol as l…
28605 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03131600.xhp 0 help par_id3152924 2 0 ast Instantiates a U…
28608 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03131600.xhp 0 help par_idN1060F 0 ast For a list of avai…
28612 …\03131600.xhp 0 help par_idN10625 0 ast The following code uses a service to open a file open d…
28614 …600.xhp 0 help par_idN1062B 0 ast fName = FileOpenDialog ("Please select a file") 20200411 1…
28635 … 0 ast The On Error GoTo statement is used to react to errors that occur in a macro. 20200411 1…
28646 …hared\03050500.xhp 0 help par_id3153876 52 0 ast Print #iNumber, "This is a line of text" 202…
28665 …shared\03132400.xhp 0 help par_idN10590 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates a UNO object. On Windo…
28709 …01000.xhp 0 help par_id3147574 2 0 ast Converts any numeric expression to a string expression. …
28727 …sic\shared\03101000.xhp 0 help par_id3155738 20 0 ast Zeros at the end of a floating-point numbe…
28742 …000.xhp 0 help par_id3149263 4 0 ast You can automatically execute a macro when a specified soft…
28746 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01040000.xhp 0 help par_id3150715 8 0 ast ... after a $[of…
28748 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01040000.xhp 0 help par_id3153765 10 0 ast ...before a $[o…
28750 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01040000.xhp 0 help par_id3163808 12 0 ast ...after a new …
28752 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01040000.xhp 0 help par_id3154572 14 0 ast ...after a docu…
28754a document is saved under a specified name (with \<emph\>File - Save As\</emph\>, or with \<emph\>…
28756a document was saved under a specified name (with \<emph\>File - Save As\</emph\>, or with \<emph\…
28758 …29 18 0 ast ...before a document is saved with \<emph\>File - Save\</emph\> or the \<emph\>Save\…
28760 …332 46 0 ast ...after a document is saved with \<emph\>File - Save\</emph\> or the \<emph\>Save\…
28762 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01040000.xhp 0 help par_id3146868 20 0 ast ...before a doc…
28764 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01040000.xhp 0 help par_id3148606 48 0 ast ...after a docu…
28766 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01040000.xhp 0 help par_id3149442 22 0 ast ...after a docu…
28772 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01040000.xhp 0 help par_id3145362 50 0 ast ...when a JavaS…
28778 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01040000.xhp 0 help par_id3150952 54 0 ast ...if a message…
28779 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01040000.xhp 0 help hd_id3153299 30 0 ast Assigning a Macr…
28786 …ared\01040000.xhp 0 help hd_id3154581 36 0 ast Removing the Assignment of a Macro to an Event …
28788 …40000.xhp 0 help par_id3155909 58 0 ast Select whether you want to remove a global assignment or…
28797 …t of a maximum of 255 characters. The first character of a variable name \<emph\>must\</emph\> be
28812 …xhp 0 help par_id3154254 130 0 ast Not valid, variable may not begin with a number 20200411 1…
28816 …eclare more than one variable at a time by separating the names with a comma. To define the variab…
28818 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3150090 19 0 ast DIM a$ 20200…
28819 …red\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3150982 132 0 ast Declares the variable "a" as a String 2020041…
28820 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3149531 20 0 ast DIM a As String…
28821 …red\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3150343 133 0 ast Declares the variable "a" as a String 2020041…
28822 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3149036 21 0 ast DIM a$, b As In…
28823 …hared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3155507 22 0 ast Declares one variable as a String and one as an…
28825 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_idN10859 0 ast Declares c as a Bo…
28826 …tion character each time, even if it was used in the declaration instead of a keyword. Thus the fo…
28827 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3152985 24 0 ast DIM a$ 20200…
28828 …xt\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3154527 134 0 ast Declares "a" as a String 2020041…
28829 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3148599 25 0 ast a="TestString" …
28830 …ed\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3153064 135 0 ast Type-declaration missing: "a$=" 20200411 15:09…
28831 … 0 ast Once you have declared a variable as a certain type, you cannot declare the variable under …
28841 …iables can store objects of various types, like tables and documents within a document. 2020041…
28843 …6966 41 0 ast Integer variables range from -32768 to 32767. If you assign a floating-point value…
28847 … variables range from -2147483648 to 2147483647. If you assign a floating-point value to a long in…
28853 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id1593676 0 ast If a decimal numb…
28863a fixed-decimal number with 15 non-decimal and 4 decimal places. The values range from -9223372036…
28867 …hin programs and for temporary storage of any non-printable character up to a maximum length of 64…
28874 …d\"\>\<emph\>Second\</emph\>\</link\> function. The internal format enables a comparison of date/t…
28882 …by a specified variable type. Arrays are suitable for editing lists and tables in programs. Indivi…
28887 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3154397 137 0 ast 30 elements (a
28894 …t\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3156357 92 0 ast Constants have a fixed value. They ar…
28899 …0 help par_id3149514 2 0 ast Sets the default variable type, according to a letter range, if no …
28928 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03060400.xhp 0 help par_id3150868 8 0 ast When a Boolean e…
28929 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03060400.xhp 0 help par_id3145785 9 0 ast In a bitwise neg…
28943 …03700.xhp 0 help par_id3159149 2 0 ast Sets an object reference on a variable or a Property. …
28947 …03700.xhp 0 help par_id3156281 6 0 ast \<emph\>ObjectVar:\</emph\> a variable or a property that…
28949 …Nothing\</emph\> - Assign the \<emph\>Nothing\</emph\> object to a variable to remove a previous a…
28959 …120302.xhp 0 help par_id3145609 2 0 ast Converts all uppercase letters in a string to lowercase.…
28977 …242 2 0 ast Returns the number of leftmost characters that you specify of a string expression. …
28984 …he number of characters that you want to return. If \<emph\>n\</emph\> = 0, a zero-length string i…
28985 …03120303.xhp 0 help par_id3150791 10 0 ast The following example converts a date in YYYY.MM.DD f…
28990 …3120303.xhp 0 help par_id3150448 15 0 ast sInput = InputBox("Please input a date in the internat…
29007 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03102100.xhp 0 help par_id3143271 2 0 ast Declares a varia…
29008 … sPar1, sPar2, sPar3 AS STRING), only Variant variables can be defined. Use a separate definition …
29019 …4 0 ast \<emph\>VarType:\</emph\> Key word that declares the data type of a variable. 2020041…
29029 …id3151251 24 0 ast \<emph\>String:\</emph\> String variable consisting of a maximum of 64,000 AS…
29030 …, specified by definition). If a key word is not specified, variables are automatically defined as…
29031a variable with the Dim statement, using commas to separate multiple declarations. To declare a va…
29032 …name] Basic supports single or multi-dimensional arrays that are defined by a specified variable t…
29040a ReDim statement defines the number of dimensions in the subroutine or the function that contains…
29065 …01.xhp 0 help par_id3145316 2 0 ast Calls a subroutine that is indicated by a label from a subro…
29079 …> statement calls a local subroutine indicated by a label from within a subroutine or a function. …
29080a Return statement not preceded by \<emph\>GoSub\</emph\>, $[officename] Basic returns an error me…
29081 …the use of \<emph\>GoSub\</emph\> and \<emph\>Return\</emph\>. By executing a program section twic…
29103 …3020407.xhp 0 help par_id3156423 2 0 ast Returns a string that contains the date and the time th…
29108 …This function determines the exact time of creation or last modification of a file, returned in th…
29116 …p 0 help par_id3153394 2 0 ast Exits a \<emph\>Do...Loop\</emph\>, \<emph\>For...Next\</emph\>,
29121 …sbasic\shared\03090412.xhp 0 help par_id3147559 7 0 ast Only valid within a \<emph\>Do...Loop\</…
29123 …sbasic\shared\03090412.xhp 0 help par_id3148797 9 0 ast Only valid within a \<emph\>For...Next\<…
29128 …help par_id3153143 14 0 ast The Exit statement does not define the end of a structure, and must …
29143 …0412.xhp 0 help par_id3153764 31 0 ast REM LinSearch searches a TextArray:sList() for a TextEntr…
29156 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03020403.xhp 0 help par_id3156343 2 0 ast Returns a varian…
29163 … 0 help par_id3155133 9 0 ast If no drive is specified or if the drive is a zero-length string (…
29178 …e default context of the process service factory, if existent, else returns a null reference. …
29183 … help par_id3145069 2 0 ast Reads a record from a relative file, or a sequence of bytes from a b…
29196 …020201.xhp 0 help par_id3155307 15 0 ast Dim sText As Variant REM Must be a variant 20200411 …
29212 …\shared\03020201.xhp 0 help par_id3155938 33 0 ast Put #iNumber,,"This is a new text" 2020041…
29223 …0 17 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSGAINED\"\>This event takes place if a control receives the…
29225 …305 19 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_FOCUSLOST\"\>This event takes place if a control loses the fo…
29229 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_KEYUP\"\>This event occurs when the user releases a key while the contro…
29233 … hid=\"HID_EVT_TEXTCHANGED\"\>This event takes place if you enter or modify a text in an input fie…
29239 …_EVT_MOUSEDRAGGED\"\>This event takes place when the mouse is dragged while a key is pressed.\</ah…
29249 …46 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_EVT_MOUSEEXITED\"\>This event takes place when a scrollbar is being d…
29253 …d\03100070.xhp 0 help par_idN1055B 0 ast Converts a string expression or numeric expression to
29270 …\shared\03020303.xhp 0 help par_id3147349 9 0 ast To obtain the length of a file that is not ope…
29274 …020303.xhp 0 help par_id3154730 13 0 ast Dim sText As Variant REM must be a Variant 20200411 …
29290 …\shared\03020303.xhp 0 help par_id3150299 31 0 ast Put #iNumber,,"This is a new line of text" …
29305 …03010305.xhp\" name=\"RGB\"\>RGB\</link\> color code of the color passed as a color value through …
29329 …sed BASIC applications that use the above color codes. The function returns a long integer value i…
29340 …ed in a separate section. Functions differ from operators in that functions pass arguments and ret…
29364 …3070600.xhp 0 help par_id3148686 2 0 ast Returns the integer remainder of a division. 2020041…
29386 …0 help par_id3153825 2 0 ast Sets the default variable type, according to a letter range, if no …
29433 … 0 help par_id3148668 2 0 ast This function returns the algebraic sign of a numeric expression. …
29457 …ovides the standard editing functions you are familiar with when working in a text document. It su…
29458 … be split into several parts by inserting a space and an underline character _ as the last two cha…
29461 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030200.xhp 0 help hd_id3125863 4 0 ast Navigating in a P…
29463 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030200.xhp 0 help par_id3146120 7 0 ast Select a library…
29466 …red\01030200.xhp 0 help par_id3154320 16 0 ast You can save Basic code in a text file for saving…
29467 …030200.xhp 0 help par_id3149959 25 0 ast You cannot save Basic dialogs to a text file. 202004…
29468 …ic\shared\01030200.xhp 0 help hd_id3149403 17 0 ast Saving Source Code to a Text File 2020041…
29471 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01030200.xhp 0 help par_id3154754 20 0 ast Select a file n…
29472 …shared\01030200.xhp 0 help hd_id3159264 21 0 ast Loading Source Code From a Text File 2020041…
29481 …\03020203.xhp 0 help par_id3156280 2 0 ast Reads strings from a sequential file into a variable.…
29487 …Line Input#\</emph\> statement, you can read strings from an open file into a variable. String var…
29497 …hared\03020203.xhp 0 help par_id3147124 18 0 ast Print #iNumber, "This is a line of text" 202…
29514 …t\sbasic\shared\03090203.xhp 0 help par_id3151211 2 0 ast When a program encounters a While stat…
29515a \<emph\>While...Wend\</emph\> loop with \<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03090412.xhp\" name=\"E…
29516 …090203.xhp 0 help par_id3145172 4 0 ast A Do...Loop is more flexible than a While...Wend. 202…
29523 …\sbasic\shared\03090203.xhp 0 help par_id3155306 11 0 ast sText ="This is a short text" 20200…
29533 …on of a program.\</ahelp\>The \<emph\>Call Stack\</emph\> allows you to monitor the sequence of pr…
29536 …alog\"\>\<link href=\"text/sbasic/guide/create_dialog.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Basic Dialog\"\>Crea…
29543 …mplu)\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>cuadros de llista;amestar entraes a (exemplu)\</bookmark…
29546 …l mesmu patrón de mayúscules y minúscules cuando axunte un campu de control a una variable d'oxetu…
29594 …ic\guide\sample_code.xhp 0 help hd_id3145387 55 0 ast Amestar una entrada a un cuadru de llista …
29621 …=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Abre un diálogu au puedes amestar una llingua a la llista.\</ahelp\>…
29639 …ation.xhp 0 help par_id2334665 0 ast Una vegada qu'amiestes los recursos a les cadenes alcontra…
29650 …_dialog\"\>\<link href=\"text/sbasic/guide/show_dialog.xhp\" name=\"Opening a Dialog With Program …
29675 …0 ast Pueden afitase les propiedaes de los campos de control que s'amiesten a un diálogu. Por exem…
29691 …help par_id3155364 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleBreakPoint\"\>Inserts a breakpoint in the pr…
29692 … 0 ast The breakpoint is inserted at the cursor position. Use a breakpoint to interrupt a program…
29697 …par_id3152363 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Calls an "Open" dialog to import a BASIC dialog file.\<…
29698a name that already exists in the library, you see a message box where you can decide to rename th…
29699 …3505360 0 ast Dialogs can contain localization data. When importing a dialog, a mismatch of the…
29701 …red to the library, or if the library is not localized at all, then you see a message box with Add…
29713 …red\02\11170000.xhp 0 help par_id3152363 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Calls a dialog to manage bre…
29733 …d\02\20000000.xhp 0 help par_id3157958 5 0 ast In edit mode, double-click a control to open the …
29734 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3148538 6 0 ast In edit mode, you can also right-click a control and choose t…
29737 …ertPushbutton\"\>Adds a command button.\</ahelp\> You can use a command button to execute a comman…
29738 …0000000.xhp 0 help par_id3154923 9 0 ast If you want, you can add text or a graphic to the butto…
29741 …151042 11 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertImageControl\"\>Adds a control that displays a graphic.…
29744 …id3147317 13 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Checkbox\"\>Adds a check box that you can use to turn a fu…
29747a button that allows a user to select from a number of options.\</ahelp\> Grouped option buttons m…
29750 … 0 help par_id3156181 17 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertFixedText\"\>Adds a field for displaying…
29756 …5176 21 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertListbox\"\>Adds a box where you can click an entry on a l…
29759 …9 23 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Combobox\"\>Adds a combo box. A combo box is a one line list box t…
29762 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3153232 25 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:HScrollbar\"\>Adds a horizontal scrollbar…
29765 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3155376 27 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:VScrollbar\"\>Adds a vertical scrollbar t…
29768 …000.xhp 0 help par_id3159622 29 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Groupbox\"\>Adds a frame that you can u…
29772 ….xhp 0 help par_id3157979 32 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ProgressBar\"\>Adds a progress bar to the …
29775 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3151000 34 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:HFixedLine\"\>Adds a horizontal line to t…
29778 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3159203 36 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:VFixedLine\"\>Adds a vertical line to the…
29781 …xhp 0 help par_id3154214 38 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:AddDateField\"\>Adds a date field.\</ahelp\…
29782 … you assign the "dropdown" property to the date field, a user can drop down a calendar to select a
29785 … 0 help par_id3151191 41 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SID_INSERT_TIMEFIELD\"\>Adds a time field.\</ahelp\…
29788 …help par_id3147244 43 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertNumericField\"\>Adds a numeric field.\</ahe…
29791 …elp par_id3154064 45 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertCurrencyField\"\>Adds a currency field.\</ah…
29794 …lp par_id3146320 47 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertFormattedField\"\>Adds a text box where you c…
29797 …p hid=\".uno:InsertPatternField\"\>Adds a masked field.\</ahelp\> A masked field consists of an in…
29800 …id3145632 51 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertFileControl\"\>Adds a button that opens a file selec…
29803 …eactivates the Selection mode. In this mode, you can select the controls in a dialog so that you c…
29806 …0 help par_id3151105 55 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ShowPropBrowser\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
29812 …hp 0 help par_id1261940 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ManageLanguage\"\>Opens a \<link href=\"text/s…
29815 …00.xhp 0 help par_id9961851 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Adds a tree control that can show a hierar…
29818 …bility=\"visible\"\>Compiles the Basic macro.\</ahelp\> You need to compile a macro after you make…
29828 …tch\"\>Click this icon to view the variables in a macro. The contents of the variable are displaye…
29829 …sic\shared\02\11080000.xhp 0 help par_id3147399 6 0 ast Click the name of a variable to select i…
29835 …52363 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>In the dialog editor, this command calls a "Save as" dialog to …
29846 …ick the name of a function or sub to load the module that contains that function or sub, and to po…
29850 …help hid=\"HID_BASICIDE_OBJCAT_SHOW\"\>Display the source text or dialog of a selected object.\</a…
29854 …p par_id3149655 14 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_BASICIDE_OBJECTCAT\"\>Displays a hierarchical view of…
29890 …SIGN\"\>Abre'l diálogu de personalizar, nel que la macro esbillada asígnase a un comandu de menú, …
29916 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01\06130000.xhp 0 help hd_id3150371 50 0 ast Contraseña
29917 …01/06130100.xhp\" name=\"contraseña\"\>contraseña\</link\> for the selected library. "Standard" li…
29923 …PB_APPEND\"\>Busque la biblioteca de $[officename] Basic que deseye amestar a la llista y faiga cl…
29924 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01\06130100.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Camudar contraseña 20…
29925 …sbasic\shared\01\06130100.xhp 0 help hd_id3159399 1 0 ast Camudar contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
29926 …"\>Protexe la biblioteca esbillada con una contraseña.\</ahelp\> Puedes escribir una nueva contras…
29928 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01\06130100.xhp 0 help hd_id3153665 4 0 ast Contraseña
29929 …elp hid=\"SVX:EDIT:RID_SVXDLG_PASSWORD:ED_OLD_PASSWD\"\>Escribi la contraseña actual pa la bibliot…
29930 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01\06130100.xhp 0 help hd_id3153126 6 0 ast Contraseña nue…
29931 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01\06130100.xhp 0 help hd_id3153628 7 0 ast Contraseña
29932 …=\"SVX:EDIT:RID_SVXDLG_PASSWORD:ED_NEW_PASSWD\"\>Escribi una nueva contraseña pa la biblioteca esb…
29934 …T:RID_SVXDLG_PASSWORD:ED_REPEAT_PASSWD\"\>Vuelva escribir la nueva contraseña pa la biblioteca esb…
29938 …\<item type=\"productname\"\>%PRODUCTNAME\</item\> Basic que deseye amestar a la llista y faiga cl…
29940 …BASICIDE_LIBSDLG_TREE\"\>Enter a name or the path to the library that you want to append.\</ahelp\…
29943 …d=\"BASCTL_CHECKBOX_RID_DLG_LIBS_RID_CB_REF\"\>Adds the selected library as a read-only file. The …
29949 …d/01/06040000.xhp\" name=\"AutoCorrect\"\>AutoCorrect\</link\> has replaced a word. 20200411 15…
29964 …utokorr\02000000.xhp 0 help hd_id3150502 2 0 ast Start each sentence with a capital letter 20…
29965 …ord began with a capital letter. AutoCorrect changes words at the beginning of a paragraph, and wo…
29972 …0 help hd_id3146946 2 0 ast Two capital letters at the beginning of a word and a sentence have b…
29973 …rect\</link\> has modified your text so that a word beginning with two capital letters at the begi…
29980 …orr\08000000.xhp 0 help hd_id3152823 2 0 ast An URL has been detected and a hyperlink attribute …
29981 …odified your text. A string has been detected as an URL and is now shown as a hyperlink. 202004…
29992 …d3156418 2 0 ast AutoCorrect has performed a replacement. The beginning of the sentence now star…
29993 …rect\"\>AutoCorrect\</link\> has performed a replacement, and the beginning of the sentence now st…
29998 …line select=\"appl\"\>\<caseinline select=\"WRITER\"\>If you select text or a graphic and click th…
29999 …\02\01110000.xhp 0 help par_id9547105 0 ast If the current document uses a printer that is not …
30000 …d\02\01110000.xhp 0 help par_idN10679 0 ast If the current document uses a printer that is not …
30006 …t\shared\02\12030000.xhp 0 help par_id3155355 4 0 ast Place the cursor in a field name whose con…
30007 …59234 5 0 ast For example, to view all the customers from New York, click a field name with the …
30012 …ared\02\01170800.xhp 0 help par_id3155354 2 0 ast If you insert a table control in a document, t…
30016 …undfarbetext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click to open a toolbar where you can click a background color …
30027 …help hid=\".uno:OptimizeTable\"\>Opens a toolbar that contains functions for optimizing the rows a…
30037 … 0 ast Some shapes have a special handle which you can drag to change the properties of the shape.…
30041a text document or spreadsheet with different form controls. If you create a form for a Web page, …
30043 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170201.xhp 0 help par_id3150789 24 0 ast Specifies a name fo…
30050 …ntrol1=Content1&Control2=Content2&..."; the character string is analyzed by a program on the recip…
30051 …ed\02\01170201.xhp 0 help par_id3150443 30 0 ast Using the "Post" method, a document is created …
30055 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170201.xhp 0 help par_id3153717 37 0 ast When sending a form…
30058 …officename] offers other controls. It should be noted that, for fields with a specific numerical f…
30062 … 0 help par_id3149734 41 0 ast A decimal separator is always displayed as a period. 20200411 …
30064 …\02\01170201.xhp 0 help par_id3146794 43 0 ast The date format is sent in a fixed format (MM-DD-…
30066 …\02\01170201.xhp 0 help par_id3153779 45 0 ast The time format is sent in a fixed format (HH:MM:…
30073 …\<variable id=\"text\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:AddField\"\>Opens a window where you can select a datab…
30075 … 4 0 ast You can insert a field into the current document by dragging and dropping. A field is t…
30076a form and you switch off the \<link href=\"text/shared/02/01170500.xhp\" name=\"Design Mode\"\>De…
30080 …70900.xhp 0 help par_id3152363 2 0 ast If you insert a combo box or a list box in a document, a
30084 …6410 24 0 ast In the case of a list box, the user selects one entry from a list of entries. Thes…
30085a general rule, the database table that contains the visible list entries in the form is not the t…
30086 …in linked columns, the first column of the other table will be used without a query being shown fi…
30087 …3154860 26 0 ast If an article table contains, for example, the number of a supplier, the list b…
30089a list from which users can select, may originate from any database table. The entries that users …
30090 …red. Combo boxes do not work with references. If the user enters or selects a value and saves it, …
30091 …30 0 ast In the case of a list box, you select entries from the list, and these are saved in the…
30095 …he tables you need for your current task. \</variable\> When creating a query or a new table prese…
30096 …5 0 ast The inserted tables appear in a separate window in the query design or relational window…
30101 …</ahelp\> To insert a table, select one from the list and click \<emph\>Add\</emph\>. You can also…
30112 …hared\02\09050000.xhp 0 help par_id3147576 5 0 ast When you have selected a search engine, $[off…
30116 …mph\>Move Up \</emph\>icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered…
30126 …p 0 help par_id3151100 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:SetHyperlink\"\>Inserts a hyperlink from the c…
30127 …000002.xhp#hyperlink\" name=\"hyperlink\"\>hyperlink\</link\> as text or as a button. Click the ar…
30133 … to the connected database system without a previous evaluation by $[officename]. For example, if …
30152 …ail merge fields will be inserted according to the number of records. Also, a field command such a…
30188 …hoose \<emph\>View - Preview\</emph\> to run the query from the menu bar of a query design window.…
30199 …\<emph\> Change Anchor \</emph\>icon is only visible when an object such as a graphic or control f…
30210 …94 3 0 ast If you split the page into columns, or the cursor is placed in a multiple-column text…
30211 …02\13020000.xhp 0 help par_id3154398 4 0 ast When an object, an image, or a draw object is selec…
30212 …d\02\13020000.xhp 0 help par_id3146130 5 0 ast If the cursor is placed in a table cell, you can …
30225 … 0 ast In order to change the left indent starting with the second line of a paragraph, hold down…
30226 …id3148453 17 0 ast Tabs that have been set are not changed when indenting a paragraph. If the se…
30234a control, an object registers itself internally as a "Listener" for a specific control event. To …
30235 … names so that it can import and export events as desired. You can register a focus event through …
30241 …ENT you can, for example, use "text/x-StarBasic" for $[officename] Basic or a "text/JavaScript" fo…
30255 …elp par_id3150476 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_OFA_HYPERLINK_NAME\"\>Assigns a name to an Internet …
30262 …to the specified search engine in the Internet. In most cases, a search engine combines a string o…
30267 …his border can be the border of a frame, graphic or table. The \<emph\>Line Style\</emph\> icon wi…
30280 …zards\"\>Specifies whether to start the wizard automatically when inserting a new control.\</ahelp…
30281 …0 help par_id3159201 4 0 ast There are wizards for inserting a list box or combo box, a table el…
30284 …st \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Refresh\"\>Refreshes the displayed data.\</ahelp\> In a multi-user environme…
30287 …4 0 ast Click the arrow next to the \<emph\>Refresh \</emph\>icon to open a submenu with the fol…
30293 …ast The \<emph\>Arrow Style\</emph\> icon is only displayed when you create a drawing with the dra…
30298 …hp\" name=\"Hyperlink dialog\"\>Hyperlink dialog\</link\> to set up a hyperlink to a new document …
30306 …ared\02\09070400.xhp 0 help par_id8894009 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter a URL for the file tha…
30308 …EATE\"\>Opens the \<emph\>Select Path\</emph\> dialog, where you can select a path.\</ahelp\> 2…
30315 …tyle for the current page. In the context menu of this field, you can apply a Page Style. \</casei…
30317 …log in which you can select the style for the current slide. You can select a different paper form…
30318 …> dialog in which you select the style for the current page. You can select a different paper form…
30321 …".uno:BackColor\"\>Applies the current highlight color to the background of a text selection. If n…
30328 …hared\02\02160000.xhp 0 help par_idN10743 0 ast To apply highlighting to a single word, double-…
30335 …e\>\</ahelp\> The icon is only visible if the current document is a text document or a spreadsheet…
30338a table column. You can also select multiple records and transfer them into the document by clicki…
30339 …base Columns \</emph\>dialog. Select whether the data should be inserted as a \<link href=\"text/s…
30340 …e process is independent of the database and can record the preferences for a maximum of 5 databas…
30341a table, the table properties are not saved along with the data in the document. If you select the…
30352 …209 9 0 ast Click in text where you want to position the cursor; click in a cell to make it the …
30358 …15 0 ast A new selection is added to an existing selection. The result is a multiple selection. …
30362 …down the \<item type=\"keycode\"\>Alt\</item\> key while dragging to select a block of text. You d…
30369a table.\</ahelp\>In the \<emph\>Insert Database Columns\</emph\> dialog, select the \<emph\>Table…
30389a format from the list, if the format information of certain data fields is not accepted.\</ahelp\…
30392 …nto the document in the form of a table, the correct \<emph\>Table\</emph\> option must be active.…
30394 …HECKBOX:DLG_AP_INSERT_DB_SEL:CB_TABLE_HEADON\"\>Specifies whether to insert a heading line for the…
30408 …e hyperlink.\</ahelp\> Clicking the new hyperlink in the document will open a new message document…
30410 …IL_RB_LINKTYP_NEWS\"\>Assigns a news address to the hyperlink.\</ahelp\> Clicking the hyperlink in…
30427 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\12100100.xhp 0 help par_id3145136 13 0 ast You can remove a so…
30440a year using two digits, the corresponding four digit value is determined by a setting in \<emph\>…
30459 …59233 53 0 ast \<emph\>Establishing a connection\</emph\> - As soon as you select an individual …
30463 …43479 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Opens a dialog to add/edit/remove a databa…
30471 …\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:CharFontName\"\>Allows you to select a font name from the list or enter a fon…
30477a printer is installed as the default printer in your system. \<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<cas…
30479 …\>$[officename] Setup\</emph\> in the \<emph\>Repair\</emph\> mode if it is a $[officename] font. …
30482 …hid=\".uno:DecrementLevel\"\>Moves the selected paragraph down one level in a numbering or bullets…
30483 … and Numbering\</emph\> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets…
30510a selection frame around the objects. To add an object to a selection, press Shift, and then click…
30511 …>\<defaultinline\>You can edit individual elements of a group. You can also delete elements from a
30512 …"MATH\"\>\</caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>You can select single objects from a group by double-clic…
30516 …n define a table control to display the records as you like. In other words you can define data fi…
30517 …04.xhp 0 help par_id3152372 62 0 ast The following fields are possible in a table control: text,…
30521 … par_id3153750 54 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_INSERTCOL\"\>Calls a submenu to select a data field…
30524 … par_id3153345 56 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_CHANGECOL\"\>Opens a submenu to select a data field…
30532 ….xhp 0 help par_id3159400 82 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_SHOWCOLS\"\>Calls a submenu where you ca…
30553 … 4 0 ast You can define a filter by indicating the type of line, the name of the field, a logica…
30561 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"DBACCESS_EDIT_DLG_FILTERCRIT_ET_WHEREVALUE3\"\>Specifies a value to filter the …
30581 …ntroll\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:ControlProperties\"\>Opens a dialog for editing the properties of a s…
30582 …ly call the\<emph\> Properties\</emph\> dialog when in the Design mode with a control selected. \<…
30591 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170100.xhp 0 help par_id3152811 9 0 ast Inserts a new line. …
30598a mouse click at the arrow on the right end of the field. However, the input here can be entered e…
30599 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170002.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Special properties of a formatt…
30601 …hared\02\01170002.xhp 0 help hd_id3150774 131 0 ast Special properties of a formatted field 2…
30603a database, the entries in this field will be treated as text. If the formatted field is connected…
30604a formatted field. The min and max values determine the output of existing data (Example: Min. val…
30619 …r_id3149355 3 0 ast When searching a table, the data fields of the current table are searched. W…
30620 …me\"\>%PRODUCTNAME\</item\>. If you want to use the SQL server to search in a database, then you s…
30621 …is also available for table controls. When calling the search function from a table control, you c…
30625 …ied into the \<emph\>Text\</emph\> combo box. Note that while running a search in a form, tabs and…
30626 …han one search and you would like to repeat the search term, you can select a previously used sear…
30635 …ly visible if the current document is a form document with more than one logical form. It does not…
30636 …gical forms. These are individual form components, which are each linked to a table. 20200411 1…
30639a search in a table, all fields in the table will be searched. If you are running a search in a fo…
30642 …=\"SVX_RADIOBUTTON_RID_SVXDLG_SEARCHFORM_RB_SINGLEFIELD\"\>Searches through a specified data field…
30663a date field, which is saved in "DD.MM.YY" format in the database (for example, 17.02.65). The for…
30674 …d\02\12100200.xhp 0 help par_id3153836 94 0 ast "5" returns "14:00:00" as a time 20200411 15:…
30675 …databases and must be simulated. To internally display the time "14:00:00", a 5 is necessary. 2…
30676 …00200.xhp 0 help par_id3157965 96 0 ast "00:00:00" returns all records of a standard date field …
30677 …0200.xhp 0 help par_id3146081 97 0 ast The database stores a date value internally using a combi…
30679 …tored internally. For example, if value 45.789 is stored in the database as a field of type Number…
30682 …ph\>Apply field format\</emph\> is on, then you will receive a "1" for marked check boxes, a "0" f…
30691 …st \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SEARCH_WILDCARD\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Allows a search with a * or ? wildca…
30703 …t If you want to search for the actual characters ? or *, preface them with a backslash: "\\?" or …
30714 …returned by the search. If the search reaches the end (or the beginning) of a table, the search is…
30717 …search by clicking the \<emph\>Search\</emph\> button again. You can cancel a search process by cl…
30725 …ed\02\01170500.xhp 0 help par_id3147088 3 0 ast If your form is linked to a database and you tur…
30729 …lick the icon, but you see eight cropping handles. Open the context menu of a selected picture and…
30736 …\> Bar, you can search more quickly by using the form-based filter. Usually a quick database serve…
30743 …filter functions, you will also find all the necessary properties to create a \<link href=\"text/s…
30745 … name=\"Open\"\>\<emph\>Open\</emph\>\</link\> dialog, where you can choose a data source. 2020…
30747 …e an existing table or a query (previously created in the database), or it can be defined by an SQ…
30751 …t you specify under \<emph\>Content\</emph\>. If you want to create a new query or a \<link href=\…
30753 … the \<emph\>Content\</emph\> list box. This will open a window where you can graphically create a
30758 …ample, if you want all records of a database to be sorted in one field in an ascending order and i…
30765 …or a subform, you can navigate using the records of the main form if the cursor is placed in the s…
30771 …ally defines a cycle which follows an existing database link: If the form contains a database link…
30773 … through all records. If you use the Tab key to exit from the last field of a form, the current re…
30775 …n the current record. If you use the Tab key to exit from the last field of a form, the current re…
30777 …01170203.xhp 0 help par_id3150330 96 0 ast On exit from the last field of a form, the cursor ski…
30785 …r_id3147339 14 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_MASTERFIELDS\"\>If you create a \<link href=\"text/s…
30786a \<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"Parameter Query\"\>Parameter Q…
30788a customer database ("Customer"), where every customer has been given a unique number in a data fi…
30796a subform, enter the variable where possible values from the parent form field can be stored.\</ah…
30797 …31 0 ast If, for example, you specified the Customer_ID database field as a parent field under \…
30798 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170203.xhp 0 help hd_id3152778 32 0 ast What is a subform? …
30799 …155579 33 0 ast Forms are created based on a database table or database query. They display the …
30800a form that can refer to the data in a table or query and can additionally display data from anoth…
30801 … Subforms are needed as soon as you want to access more than one table from a form. Each additiona…
30802a form, it can be changed into a subform. To do this, enter Design Mode, and open the Form Navigat…
30803 … 36 0 ast The user of your document will not see that a form has subforms. The user only sees a
30804 …elds in the master form. In the subform, the Link slave field can be set as a field which will be …
30805 … are subforms defined, the contents of the subforms will be displayed after a short delay of appro…
30818 …ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter a URL for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink…
30820 …lp hid=\"SVX:IMAGEBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_HYPERLINK_INTERNET:BTN_BROWSE\"\>Opens a web browser, into wh…
30822 …ment\</emph\> dialog.\</ahelp\> There you can select the destination within a document and add it …
30834 …r the name of the frame that you want the linked file to open in, or select a predefined frame fro…
30836 …CUMENT:LB_FORM\"\>Specifies whether the hyperlink is inserted as text or as a button.\</ahelp\> …
30842 …ar_id2801599 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter a name for the hyperlink.\</ahelp\> $[officename] i…
30873 …4 0 ast Some shapes have a handle which you can drag to change the properties of the shape. The…
30883 … 0 ast Some shapes have a special handle which you can drag to change properties of the shape. T…
30892 …<emph\> Events \</emph\>tab page, allows you to assign a macro to certain events which occur in a
30893 …1170202.xhp 0 help par_id3159233 3 0 ast To link an event with a macro, first write a macro that…
30896 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170202.xhp 0 help par_id3152996 31 0 ast Confirming a delete…
30898 …\02\01170202.xhp 0 help par_id3155261 33 0 ast Checking input when saving a data record. 2020…
30899 … 0 ast For example, you can issue a "confirm deletion" request such as "Really delete customer xy…
30901 …86 4 0 ast The following lists and describes all events in a form that can be linked to a macro:…
30907 …_APPROVERESETTED\"\>The\<emph\> Prior to reset \</emph\>event occurs before a form is reset.\</ahe…
30909 …r_id3149164 53 0 ast The user presses an (HTML) button that is defined as a reset button. 202…
30910 … par_id3153666 54 0 ast A new and empty record is created in a form that is linked to a data sou…
30912 …HID_EVT_RESETTED\"\>The\<emph\> After resetting \</emph\>event occurs after a form has been reset.…
30926 …e form.\</ahelp\> For example, the linked macro can request confirmation in a dialog. 20200411 …
30928 …hanged.\</ahelp\> For example, the linked macro can request confirmation in a dialog. 20200411 …
30938a parameter that must be filled out when loading. The parameter is automatically filled out from t…
30943 …ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:StyleApply\"\>Assigns a style to the current paragraph, selected paragraphs…
30952 …p 0 help par_id3159194 4 0 ast Open the context menu on this field to see a selection of availab…
30973 … 0 ast Some shapes have a special handle which you can drag to change the properties of the shape.…
30977 …hose data is to be shown in the list field. Both tables must be linked over a mutual data field. T…
30979 …STFIELD\"\>Specifies the current form data field which should be related to a field in the linked …
30983 …>, the specified field will appear in the \<emph\>Data\</emph\> tab page of a SQL statement under …
31002 …en the \<emph\>Borders\</emph\> toolbar, where you can modify the border of a sheet area or an obj…
31003 …inline\>This object can be the border of a text frame, a graphic or a table. The icon will only be…
31004a particular type of border to a single cell, position the cursor in the cell, open the \<emph\>Bo…
31007 …<link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"format a text table\"\>format a text tabl…
31012 …d\02\07070200.xhp 0 help par_id3152372 3 0 ast Changes to the contents of a record are automatic…
31022 …Object Properties\</emph\> toolbar.\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> Drag a corner handle of the…
31028 …d=\"SID_MODIFYSTATUS\"\>If changes to the document have not yet been saved, a "*" is displayed in …
31031 …par_id3155364 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Loads a document specified by an entered URL. You can t…
31040 …48 5 0 ast If there are several logical forms in a document, the table is only able to show one …
31043 …llows you to choose between different font sizes from the list, or to enter a size manually.\</ahe…
31050 …t \<variable id=\"hyperdiatext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:EditHyperlink\"\>Opens a dialog that enables …
31083 …<emph\>General \</emph\>tab enables you to define the general properties of a form control. These …
31086a control field has the property "Enabled" (Yes), the form user will be able to use the control fi…
31090 …\"\>The Action property determines the action that occurs when you activate a button.\</ahelp\>You…
31091 …25 0 ast The following table describes the actions that you can assign to a button. 20200411 …
31098 …ter the URL into the form's data property "URL" text box when you export to a PDF file. 2020041…
31123 …help par_id3159198 182 0 ast Combo boxes that were inserted as columns in a table control are al…
31125 …den\"\>Specifies the alignment option for text or graphics that are used on a control.\</ahelp\>Th…
31128 ….xhp 0 help par_idN109E5 0 ast Content of table fields in the columns of a table control 202…
31132 …Specifies the vertical alignment for text or graphics content which used on a control.\</ahelp\> …
31134 …ity=\"hidden\"\>Assigns the AutoFill function to a combo box.\</ahelp\>The AutoFill function displ…
31136 …tead of the name of a database field. For example, in the \<emph\>Filter Navigator\</emph\>, \<emp…
31137 …aracter of the label as a mnemonic, so that the user can access this control by pressing the chara…
31138 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3154502 218 0 ast Only the text of a
31139 …eld, you will see the \<emph\>Label Field Selection\</emph\> dialog. Select a label from the list.…
31140 …\"\>Check the \<emph\>No assignment \</emph\>box to remove the link between a control and the assi…
31142 …ed in the %PRODUCTNAME module options. If you want, you can enter a value followed by a valid meas…
31144 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_REPEAT\"\>Specifies if the action of a control such as a spin button…
31146a scrollbar, or one of the record navigation buttons of a Navigation Bar, and you keep the mouse b…
31153 …" visibility=\"hidden\"\>The "Yes" option transforms the control field into a spin button, where c…
31155 …\<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_TRISTATE\"\>Specifies whether a check box can also represent ZERO values of…
31158 …PROP_PRINTABLE\"\>Specifies whether you want the control field to appear in a document's printout.…
31170 …PROP_EDITMASK\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Defines the edit mask. By specifying a character code you c…
31176 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3151346 97 0 ast a 20200411 15:09…
31177 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3150829 98 0 ast The characters a-z …
31179 …0 ast The characters A-Z can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically con…
31181 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3148873 102 0 ast The characters a-z…
31183 …e characters A-Z and 0-9 can be entered. If a lowercase letter is entered, it is automatically con…
31189 … All printable characters can be entered. If a lowercase letter is used, it is automatically conve…
31190 …NLLLLL" edit mask so that the user can only enter four digits when entering a date. 20200411 15…
31192a format check with control fields that accept formatted contents (date, time, and so on). \<ahelp…
31194 …>You can also specify the target frame to display a \<emph\>URL\</emph\> that you open when you cl…
31199 …1170101.xhp 0 help par_id3146770 64 0 ast The next document is created in a new empty frame. …
31201 …1170101.xhp 0 help par_id3159143 66 0 ast The next document is created in a parent frame. If no …
31205 …xt document is created in a top-level window, that is, in the highest frame of the hierarchy; if t…
31208 …shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3154344 115 0 ast An image button has a \<emph\>Graphics \</…
31210 …d=\"HID_PROP_HELPTEXT\"\>Provides the option of entering a help text that will be displayed as a t…
31213 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_HELPURL\"\>Specifies a batch label in URL spelling which refers to…
31215a list will open which enables you to select among various colors. The "Standard" option adopts th…
31217 …dds the scrollbar type that you specify to a text box.\</ahelp\>Adds the scrollbar type that you s…
31223 …ble in the document. Open this list and type your text. Use Shift+Enter for a new line. With list …
31226 …not visible in the form, you can assign the list entries to other values in a value list. The valu…
31227 …shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3150511 189 0 ast For HTML documents, a list entry entered o…
31229 …ility=\"hidden\"\>Determines a date which can not be exceeded by another value introduced by the u…
31232 …2\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3153813 190 0 ast If the control is linked to a database and the tex…
31234 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_EFFECTIVEMAX\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Defines a value for the contro…
31236 …ility=\"hidden\"\>Determines a time which can not be exceeded by another value introduced by the u…
31238 …>Allows you to select more than one item in a list box.\</ahelp\>Allows you to select more than on…
31241 …ws you to use line breaks and formatting in a control field, such as a text box or label. To manua…
31242 …the text type "Multi-line with formatting", you cannot bind this control to a database field. 2…
31243 …ar_idN11391 0 ast This control is named "Multiline input" for a text column inside a table cont…
31245 …\> Allows you to use line breaks in a text box, so that you can enter more than one line of text. …
31247 …p 0 help par_idN1154E 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies if a Push Button behaves as a Toggle B…
31251 …lp hid=\"37965\"\>Specifies whether a text selection on a control remains selected when a the focu…
31253 …ecifies whether Check boxes and Option buttons are displayed in a 3D look (default) or a flat look…
31257 ….\"\>Specifies the color for symbols on controls, for example the arrows on a scrollbar.\</ahelp\>…
31259 …"hidden\"\>Determines the earliest date that a user can enter.\</ahelp\>Determines the earliest da…
31261a value for the control field to prevent the user from entering a smaller value.\</ahelp\>For nume…
31263 …=\"hidden\"\>Determines the minimum time that a user can enter.\</ahelp\>Determines the minimum ti…
31267a \<emph\>Name \</emph\>property through which it can be identified. The name will appear in the \…
31270 …e group: controls with identical names form a group. Grouped controls can be represented visually …
31274 …ou assign the read-only property to an image field which uses graphics from a database, the user w…
31276 …r should be displayed "Without frame", with a "3-D look" or "Flat".\</ahelp\>With control fields t…
31278 …e controls are focused in the form when you press the Tab key.\</ahelp\> In a form that contains m…
31280a form, an index is automatically assigned to the control fields that are added to this form; ever…
31283 …ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Sets whether the value changes when the user scrolls a mouse wheel. Never: …
31285 …st \<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_DEFAULT_CHECKED\"\>Specifies whether an option or a check box is selecte…
31286 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3149242 201 0 ast For a reset type b…
31290 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3150028 203 0 ast For a Reset type b…
31291 …e\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id919217 0 ast For a List box that contains a value li…
31294 …ontrol field.\</ahelp\> For example, the default value will be entered when a form is opened. 2…
31295 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3150740 199 0 ast For a Reset type b…
31299 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_SCROLLVALUE_MAX\"\>Specify the maximum value of a scrollbar control.\<…
31301 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_SCROLLVALUE_MIN\"\>Specify the minimum value of a scrollbar control.\<…
31308 …shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3150482 200 0 ast If you do not enter a value, the current t…
31311 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id2360911 0 ast If you do not enter a
31313 … par_id4563127 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Sets the default text for a text box or a combo box.\</…
31316 …p 0 help par_id3149750 175 0 ast This property should be assigned only to a single button within…
31317 …s this property in search masks. These are edit masks that contain a text field and a Submit type …
31321 …d=\"HID_PROP_TABSTOP\"\>The \<emph\>Tabstop \</emph\>property determines if a control field can be…
31327 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_SHOWTHOUSANDSEP\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Inserts a thousands separator.…
31330 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3154568 54 0 ast When you create a n…
31332 … par_id3163820 223 0 ast To create a multi-line title, open the combo box using the arrow button…
31333 …is only used for labeling a form element in the interface visible to the user. If you work with ma…
31335 …ck an "Open document / web page" button.\</ahelp\>Enter the URL address for a Open document or web…
31338 …YMBOL\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>You can enter a character or a string for the currency symbol.\</ah…
31340 …You can enter the data that is inherited by the hidden control.\</ahelp\>In a \<link href=\"text/s…
31342a password input, enter the ASCII-code of the display character. This character is displayed inste…
31345a form.\</ahelp\>With masked fields you can specify a literal mask. A literal mask contains the in…
31350 …s the row height of a table control field.\</ahelp\>In table controls, enter a value for the row h…
31352 …For text fields, select the line end code to be used when writing text into a database column.\</a…
31356 …al information or a descriptive text for the control field.\</ahelp\>In each control field you can…
31361 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_idN1209F 0 ast Acting on a record …
31362 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"37930\"\>Specifies to show or hide the action items in a selected Navigation …
31364 …t \<ahelp hid=\"37928\"\>Specifies to show or hide the positioning items in a selected Navigation …
31366 …st \<ahelp hid=\"37929\"\>Specifies to show or hide the navigation items in a selected Navigation …
31368 …hid=\"37931\"\>Specifies to show or hide the filtering and sorting items in a selected Navigation …
31370 …par_idN12179 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"37927\"\>Specifies whether the icons in a selected Navigation …
31373 … constraints are applied when calculating a control's effective visibility. For instance, a contro…
31377 …lue of ("Scroll value max." minus "Scroll value min." ) / 2 would result in a thumb which occupies…
31380 …ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies the horizontal or vertical orientation for a scrollbar or spin bu…
31384 …70300.xhp 0 help par_id3109850 3 0 ast If form elements are inserted into a document, \<item typ…
31385 …170300.xhp 0 help par_id3155934 12 0 ast You can also define the index of a control through its …
31386 …io button inside a group can only be accessed by the Tab key when one of the radio buttons is set …
31388 …ed with the tab key in the given order from top to bottom.\</ahelp\> Select a control from the \<e…
31403 …become monochrome in grayscale. You can also use the color sliders to apply a uniform color to the…
31407 …ghtness and reduced in contrast so that it can be used in the background as a watermark. 20200…
31416 …id3155306 2 0 ast The\<emph\> Data \</emph\>tab page allows you to assign a data source to the s…
31418 …7 65 0 ast The possible settings of the \<emph\>Data\</emph\> tab page of a control depend on th…
31422a reference value for the web form, which will be remitted to a server when sending the form. With…
31424 …e values are useful if you design a web form and the information on the status of the control is t…
31425 …d assign a reference value of 1 to the field "feminine" and the value 2 to the "masculine" field, …
31427 …haracterize the status of an option or a check box by a reference value, storing it in the databas…
31433 …102.xhp 0 help par_id3146898 76 0 ast Second case: The control belongs to a subform that is crea…
31438 …es not contain the data to be displayed, but rather a table linked to the data source table throug…
31439a list box to display data from a table that is linked to the current data source table, under \<e…
31442 …help par_id3147341 59 0 ast If you want a list box to display data from a database table that is…
31443 …List content\</emph\>. As an example, a table "Orders" is linked to the current form control, and …
31445 …", and "CustomerNo" is the field of the table "Customers" that is linked to a field of the form ta…
31447 … this way, the control in the form does not directly display the content of a database field, but …
31448a value list, the contents of the data field that you specified under \<emph\>Data Field\</emph\> …
31452 …3154588 72 0 ast This property for list boxes defines which data field of a linked table is disp…
31453 …02\01170102.xhp 0 help par_id3151213 38 0 ast If a list box in the form is to display contents o…
31454 …ver, if you want the list box to display data from a table that is linked to the current table ove…
31462 …/emph\>, the table structure defines the index to be specified. Example: If a database table is se…
31474 … 0 help par_id3153067 14 0 ast If the content of the control is read from a database, you can de…
31476 …ent of the form-element. This field can be used to define a value list for documents without a dat…
31477 … entries of the list or combo box. Depending on the selected type, you have a choice between diffe…
31484 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170102.xhp 0 help par_id3154344 87 0 ast Here "field" is a d…
31486 …\01170102.xhp 0 help par_id3156034 16 0 ast For HTML forms, you can enter a value list under \<e…
31487a selected entry from a list box or a combo box, both the list of the values displayed in the form…
31489 …using an example list box named "ListBox1". In this case, "Item" designates a list entry visible i…
31507 …e handled. If set to Yes, an input string of length zero will be treated as a value NULL. If set t…
31508 …0 ast An empty string is a string of length zero (""). Normally, a value NULL is not the same as a…
31509 …par_id0820200812403455 0 ast Database systems vary and they might handle a value NULL different…
31511 …using the AutoComplete function. Note, however, that this function requires a greater amount of me…
31513 …st \<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BOUND_CELL\"\>Specifies the reference to a linked cell on a spreadsheet.…
31523 …shared\02\01170102.xhp 0 help par_idN10F38 0 ast Enter a number or a formula that returns a num…
31525 …0 help par_idN10F47 0 ast Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns…
31526 …elp par_idN10F4D 0 ast Check box is set to "undetermined" state if it is a tri-state check box,…
31542 …shared\02\01170102.xhp 0 help par_idN10F8C 0 ast Enter a number or a formula that returns a num…
31544 …0 help par_idN10F9B 0 ast Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns…
31561 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170102.xhp 0 help par_idN10FE0 0 ast Enter text or a number…
31563 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170102.xhp 0 help par_idN10FED 0 ast Enter a formula into t…
31570 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170102.xhp 0 help par_idN11025 0 ast Enter a number into th…
31574 …shared\02\01170102.xhp 0 help par_idN1103F 0 ast Enter a number or a formula that returns a num…
31576 …0 help par_idN1104C 0 ast Clear the linked cell, or enter text, or enter a formula that returns…
31584 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170102.xhp 0 help par_idN11084 0 ast Select a single list i…
31592 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170102.xhp 0 help par_idN110B1 0 ast Enter text or a number…
31595 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170102.xhp 0 help par_idN110C1 0 ast Enter a formula into t…
31596 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170102.xhp 0 help par_idN110C7 0 ast Find and select a list…
31608 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170102.xhp 0 help par_idN11120 0 ast Enter text or a number…
31610 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170102.xhp 0 help par_idN1112D 0 ast Enter a formula into t…
31617 …"HID_PROP_CELL_EXCHANGE_TYPE\"\>Select the mode of linking a list box with a linked cell on a spre…
31621 …T_CELL_RANGE\"\>Enter a cell range that contains the entries for a list box or combo box on a spre…
31628 …no:GraphicFilterInvert\"\>Inverts the color values of a color image, or the brightness values of a
31632 …lp hid=\".uno:GraphicFilterSmooth\"\>Softens or blurs the image by applying a low pass filter.\</a…
31636 …t \<ahelp hid=\".uno:GraphicFilterSharpen\"\>Sharpens the image by applying a high pass filter.\</…
31640 …st \<ahelp hid=\".uno:GraphicFilterRemoveNoise\"\>Removes noise by applying a median filter.\</ahe…
31644 … par_id3159150 74 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:GraphicFilterSolarize\"\>Opens a dialog for defining …
31660 …lp par_id3147396 87 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:GraphicFilterPoster\"\>Opens a dialog to determine …
31666 …2 92 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:GraphicFilterPopart\"\>Converts an image to a pop-art format.\</ah…
31670 …1 96 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:GraphicFilterSobel\"\>Displays the image as a charcoal sketch. The…
31674 …ar_id3153714 120 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:GraphicFilterRelief\"\>Displays a dialog for creating …
31694 …ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:EditDoc\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enables you to edit a read-only document o…
31697 … enable a selection cursor in a read-only text document or in the Help. Choose \<emph\>Edit - Sele…
31701 … and Numbering\</emph\> bar, which appears when the cursor is positioned on a numbering or bullets…
31707 …h\>Move Down \</emph\>icon is only visible when the cursor is positioned in a bulleted or numbered…
31718 …help hid=\"HID_OFA_HYPERLINK_URL\"\>Allows you to either type a URL, or insert a URL from a docume…
31722 … is only active if the cursor is in the input line of the formula bar or in a cell. \</caseinline\…
31723 …the \<emph\>Insert\</emph\> mode is active). If the cursor is positioned in a text document, you m…
31727 … and the following text is shifted to the right. The cursor is displayed as a vertical line. 20…
31729 …mode, any existing text is replaced by new text. The cursor is displayed as a thick vertical line.…
31737 …ombination fields, you can either save the value of a field in a database or display this value in…
31738a database, they will be saved only in the form. This is especially helpful in HTML forms, where t…
31739 …01170904.xhp 0 help hd_id3149760 3 0 ast Do you want to save the value in a database field? 2…
31742 …r the user's entered or selected combination field value should be saved in a database field.\</ah…
31751 …ys the source text of the current HTML document. To view the HTML source of a new document, you mu…
31752 …d/00/00000002.xhp#html\" name=\"HTML\"\>HTML\</link\>. Save the document as a plain text document.…
31753 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170001.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Context Menu of a Control Field…
31754 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170001.xhp 0 help hd_id3149294 123 0 ast Context Menu of a C…
31755 …\shared\02\01170001.xhp 0 help par_id3147304 88 0 ast The context menu of a control field has th…
31757 …id=\".uno:ChangeControlType\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Calls a submenu where you can select a contr…
31759 …rtToEdit\" visibility=\"visible\"\>The selected control is transformed into a text box.\</ahelp\> …
31761 …ToButton\" visibility=\"visible\"\>The selected control is transformed into a button.\</ahelp\> …
31763 …tToFixed\" visibility=\"visible\"\>The selected control is transformed into a label.\</ahelp\> …
31765 …rtToList\" visibility=\"visible\"\>The selected control is transformed into a list box.\</ahelp\> …
31767 …CheckBox\" visibility=\"visible\"\>The selected control is transformed into a check box.\</ahelp\>…
31771 …tToCombo\" visibility=\"visible\"\>The selected control is transformed into a combo box.\</ahelp\>…
31775 …eControl\" visibility=\"visible\"\>The selected control is transformed into a file selection.\</ah…
31777 …rtToDate\" visibility=\"visible\"\>The selected control is transformed into a date field.\</ahelp\…
31779 …rtToTime\" visibility=\"visible\"\>The selected control is transformed into a time field.\</ahelp\…
31781 …oNumeric\" visibility=\"visible\"\>The selected control is transformed into a numerical field.\</a…
31783 …Currency\" visibility=\"visible\"\>The selected control is transformed into a currency field.\</ah…
31785 …oPattern\" visibility=\"visible\"\>The selected control is transformed into a pattern field.\</ahe…
31789 …ormatted\" visibility=\"visible\"\>The selected control is transformed into a formatted field.\</a…
31834 … form field corresponds. If you insert the form field in a document that is already linked to a da…
31841 …\>Data to Fields \</emph\>icon is only available if the current document is a text document. 20…
31870 …tor\</emph\> contains a list of all created (logical) forms with the corresponding control fields.…
31871 …</switchinline\>+X or the context menu command \<emph\>Cut\</emph\> to move a control to the clipb…
31872 …he name in the \<emph\>Form Navigator\</emph\>, click on the name and enter a new name, or use the…
31873 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170600.xhp 0 help par_id3156347 5 0 ast If you select a cont…
31874 …01170600.xhp 0 help par_id3153662 6 0 ast If you call the context menu of a selected entry, the …
31876 …ements to the form. The\<emph\> Add \</emph\>function can only be called if a form is selected in …
31878 …0 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_NEW_FORM\"\>Creates a new form in the document. \</ahelp\> To creat…
31880 … 0 help par_id3158430 12 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_NEW_HIDDEN\"\>Creates a hidden control in th…
31882a visible control directly in the document, rest the mouse for a moment so that a copy of the cont…
31886 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170600.xhp 0 help par_id3156282 16 0 ast When a form is sele…
31890 …lp\> If a form is selected, the \<link href=\"text/shared/02/01170200.xhp\" name=\"Form Properties…
31908 … paragraphs are moved with the \<emph\>Increase Indent\</emph\> function to a standard tab distanc…
31923 …ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter a URL for the file that you want to open when you click the hyperlink…
31925 …TN_FILEOPEN\"\>Opens the \<emph\>Open dialog,\</emph\> where you can select a file.\</ahelp\> 2…
31928 …lp hid=\"SVX:EDIT:RID_SVXPAGE_HYPERLINK_DOCUMENT:ED_TARGET_DOC\"\>Specifies a target for the hyper…
31936 …emph\> Events \</emph\>tab page you can link macros to events that occur in a form's control field…
31937 …0 0 ast When the event occurs, the linked macro will be called. To assign a macro to an event, p…
31940 …ered by clicking the control.\</ahelp\> For example, clicking a "Submit" button initiates a send a…
31942 … event occurs when an action is started.\</ahelp\> For example, if you have a "Submit" button in y…
31946 …The\<emph\> Text modified \</emph\>event takes place if you enter or modify a text in an input fie…
31950 …CUSGAINED\"\>The\<emph\> When receiving focus \</emph\>event takes place if a control field receiv…
31952 …VT_FOCUSLOST\"\>The\<emph\> When losing focus \</emph\>event takes place if a control field looses…
31954 … key while the control has the focus.\</ahelp\> This event may be linked to a macro for checking e…
31960 …hile key pressed \</emph\>event takes place when the mouse is dragged while a key is pressed.\</ah…
31965 …108BD 0 ast Note that this event is also used for notifying requests for a popup context menu o…
31980 …he arrow. To select more than one object, drag a selection frame around the objects. To add an obj…
31983 …140000.xhp 0 help par_id3155922 64 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Line\"\>Draws a straight line where …
31984 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01140000.xhp 0 help par_id3153360 71 0 ast To enter text on a
31987 …\"\>Draws a rectangle where you drag in the current document. To draw a square, hold down Shift wh…
31990 …ick where you want to draw the oval, and drag to the size you want. To draw a circle, hold down Sh…
31993a line composed of a series of straight line segments. Drag to draw a line segment, click to defin…
31994 …140000.xhp 0 help par_id3154638 47 0 ast Hold the Shift key while drawing a polygon to position …
31998a smooth Bezier curve. Click where you want the curve to start, drag, release, and then move the p…
32001 …ine_Unfilled\"\>Draws a freeform line where you drag in the current document. To end the line, rel…
32004 …lick. You do not need to click on the oval. To draw an arc that is based on a circle, hold down Sh…
32007a filled shape that is defined by the arc of an oval and two radius lines in the current document.…
32010 …t\"\>Draws a filled shape that is defined by the arc of a circle and a diameter line in the curren…
32013 …lp hid=\".uno:DrawText\"\>Draws a text box with horizontal text direction where you drag in the cu…
32016 …nimated text with horizontal text direction into the current document. Drag a text box, and then t…
32019a line that ends in a rectangular callout with horizontal text direction from where you drag in th…
32027a line that ends in a rectangular callout with vertical text direction from where you drag in the …
32030a text box with vertical text direction where you click or drag in the current document. Click any…
32034 … 5 0 ast Specifies a table from the available database tables that contains the data field whose…
32035 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170901.xhp 0 help par_id3153114 8 0 ast For list boxes, a ta…
32036 …\01170901.xhp 0 help par_id3155555 9 0 ast For combo boxes, there must be a relationship between…
32052 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\07070100.xhp 0 help par_id3147576 5 0 ast To make changes in a
32063 … 0 ast Some shapes have a special handle which you can drag to change properties of the shape. T…
32073 …e toolbar to add controls to a form in a text, spreadsheet, presentation, or HTML document, for ex…
32079a form, open a document and use the Form Controls toolbar to add and define the form controls. If …
32080 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170000.xhp 0 help par_id3150791 46 0 ast When you create a f…
32082 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170000.xhp 0 help par_idN10C39 0 ast To add a control to a
32085 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170000.xhp 0 help par_idN10C50 0 ast To create a square con…
32086a field from the field list of a table or query to a form, drag a cell into the form. In a text do…
32087 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170000.xhp 0 help par_idN10C87 0 ast Modifying a Control …
32089 …01170000.xhp 0 help par_id3153363 163 0 ast To specify a accelerator key for a control, add a ti…
32090a control from another document, $[officename] analyzes the data source, content type, and content…
32096 …p hid=\".uno:CheckBox\"\>Creates a check box.\</ahelp\> Check boxes allow you to activate or deact…
32099 …\<ahelp hid=\".uno:Edit\"\>Creates a text box.\</ahelp\> Text boxes are fields in which the user c…
32102 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:FormattedField\"\>Creates a formatted field.\</ahelp\> A formatted field …
32106 …no:Pushbutton\"\>Creates a push button.\</ahelp\> This function can be used to execute a command f…
32110 …>Name\</emph\>\</link\>\<emph\>property\</emph\>). Normally, they are given a \<link href=\"text/s…
32113 …=\".uno:ListBox\"\>Creates a list box.\</ahelp\> A list box lets users select an entry from a list…
32116a combo box.\</ahelp\> A combo box is a single-line list box with a drop-down list from which user…
32119 …000.xhp 0 help par_id3148534 13 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Label\"\>Creates a field for displaying…
32131 …0.xhp 0 help par_idN11A75 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:SpinButton\"\>Creates a spin button.\</ahelp…
32132a spin button to a Calc spreadsheet, you can use the Data tab page to create a two-way link betwee…
32135 …00.xhp 0 help par_idN11ADB 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ScrollBar\"\>Creates a scrollbar.\</ahelp\>…
32136 …p 0 help par_idN11CA3 0 ast You can specify the following properties for a scrollbar: 202004…
32140 … par_idN11CED 0 ast Specifies the minimum height or the minimum width of a scrollbar. 202004…
32142 … par_idN11CFA 0 ast Specifies the maximum height or the maximum width of a scrollbar. 202004…
32144 …02\01170000.xhp 0 help par_idN11D07 0 ast Specifies the default value of a scrollbar, used when…
32146 …d\02\01170000.xhp 0 help par_idN11D14 0 ast Specifies the orientation of a scrollbar, that is, …
32148 … par_idN11D21 0 ast Specifies the minimum amount by which you can scroll a scrollbar, for examp…
32150 …st Specifies the amount that a large step scrolls a scrollbar, for example, when you click between…
32156 …r thumb in "value units". For example, a value of ("Scroll value max." minus "Scroll value min.") …
32158 … par_idN11D63 0 ast In a Calc spreadsheet, you can use the Data tab page to create a two-way li…
32161 …on\"\>Creates a button displayed as an image.\</ahelp\> Aside from the graphic representation, an …
32164a database.\</ahelp\> In the form document, double-click one of these controls to open the \<emph\…
32165a database can be displayed in a form, and new images can be inserted in the database as long as t…
32168 …30 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:DateField\"\>Creates a date field.\</ahelp\> If the form is linked t…
32169 …date field, the user can open a calendar to select a date under the date field. This also applies …
32174 …32 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:TimeField\"\>Creates a time field.\</ahelp\> If the form is linked t…
32178 …p 0 help par_id3149438 28 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:FileControl\"\>Creates a button that enables …
32181 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:NumericField\"\>Creates a numerical field.\</ahelp\> If the form is linke…
32184 … ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:CurrencyField\"\>Creates a currency field.\</ahelp\> If the form is linked…
32187 …ahelp hid=\".uno:PatternField\"\>Creates a pattern field.\</ahelp\> Pattern fields consist of an e…
32191 …uno:GroupBox\"\>Creates a frame to visually group several controls.\</ahelp\> Group boxes allow yo…
32192 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170000.xhp 0 help par_id3148394 72 0 ast If you insert a gro…
32193 … ast \<emph\>Note:\</emph\> When you drag a group box over already existing controls and then want…
32194 …\01170000.xhp 0 help par_id3145615 66 0 ast Group boxes are used only for a visual effect. A fun…
32197 …79 40 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates a table control to display a database table.\</ahelp\> If…
32201 … 0 help par_idN11B3D 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SID_FM_NAVIGATIONBAR\"\>Creates a navigation bar.\</ah…
32202 … 0 ast The navigation bar allows you to move through the records of a database or a database form…
32209 … Initially the default tabs are shown on the horizontal ruler. Once you set a tab, only the defaul…
32242 … id=\"tastatur\"\>Choose \<emph\>Tools - Customize - Keyboard\</emph\> tab (a document must be ope…
32256 …xhp 0 help par_id3153953 126 0 ast Click \<emph\>Edit\</emph\> button for a few entries under \<…
32296 … help par_id3149280 94 0 ast \<variable id=\"optionentextdokument\"\>Open a text document, choos…
32297 …0406.xhp 0 help par_idN10E4F 0 ast \<variable id=\"compatibility\"\>Open a text document, choos…
32298 …00000406.xhp 0 help par_id3148929 105 0 ast \<variable id=\"laden\"\>Open a text document, choos…
32299 …406.xhp 0 help par_idN10F2F 0 ast \<variable id=\"mailmergeemail\"\>Open a text document, choos…
32300 …elp par_id3149825 144 0 ast \<variable id=\"einfuegenbeschriftung\"\>Open a text document, choos…
32301 …00000406.xhp 0 help par_id3155333 96 0 ast \<variable id=\"layout\"\>Open a text document, choos…
32302 …lp par_id3146316 100 0 ast \<variable id=\"registerschattencursor\"\>Open a text document, choos…
32304 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\00000406.xhp 0 help par_id3155961 97 0 ast Open a text documen…
32305 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\00000406.xhp 0 help par_id3159313 151 0 ast Open a text docume…
32309 … help par_id3147005 101 0 ast \<variable id=\"registeraenderungen\"\>Open a text document, choos…
32312 …hp 0 help par_id3149336 78 0 ast \<variable id=\"tabellendokument\"\>Open a spreadsheet document…
32313 ….xhp 0 help par_id3152966 81 0 ast \<variable id=\"tabelleeingabe\"\>Open a spreadsheet document…
32314 ….xhp 0 help par_id3149814 79 0 ast \<variable id=\"tabelleinhalte\"\>Open a spreadsheet document…
32315 …00000406.xhp 0 help par_id3154656 84 0 ast \<variable id=\"exopbe\"\>Open a spreadsheet document…
32316 …00000406.xhp 0 help par_id3152494 82 0 ast \<variable id=\"exopso\"\>Open a spreadsheet document…
32317 …6.xhp 0 help par_id3149527 83 0 ast \<variable id=\"listekopieren\"\>Open a spreadsheet document…
32318 …0000406.xhp 0 help par_id3154903 85 0 ast \<variable id=\"exopaen\"\>Open a spreadsheet document…
32319 …000406.xhp 0 help par_id3152582 140 0 ast \<variable id=\"etotall\"\>Open a presentation documen…
32320 …6.xhp 0 help par_id3148418 91 0 ast \<variable id=\"etopsonstiges\"\>Open a presentation documen…
32321 …00000406.xhp 0 help par_id3150380 87 0 ast \<variable id=\"etopas\"\>Open a presentation documen…
32322 …00000406.xhp 0 help par_id3166423 89 0 ast \<variable id=\"etopfe\"\>Open a presentation documen…
32323 …00000406.xhp 0 help par_id3148873 90 0 ast \<variable id=\"etopdk\"\>Open a presentation documen…
32324 …000406.xhp 0 help par_id3145220 92 0 ast \<variable id=\"etotallz\"\>Open a drawing document, ch…
32325 …00000406.xhp 0 help par_id3149573 77 0 ast \<variable id=\"etsodr\"\>Open a Math document, choos…
32326 …0406.xhp 0 help par_id3145613 112 0 ast \<variable id=\"formeinst\"\>Open a Math document, choos…
32341 …0\00040500.xhp 0 help par_id3155338 16 0 ast Open context menu of a row header in a database tab…
32441 …\shared\00\00040503.xhp 0 help par_id3149551 3 0 ast Open context menu of a row header in an ope…
32443 …\00040503.xhp 0 help par_id3150756 5 0 ast Open context menu of a column header in a database ta…
32446 …hared\00\00040503.xhp 0 help par_id3161459 14 0 ast Open context menu for a column header in an …
32450 …t=\"CHART\"\>\</caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>Open context menu of a column header in a database ta…
32451 …id3150400 8 0 ast \<variable id=\"tabform\"\>Open context menu of a row header in a database tab…
32452 …9650 33 0 ast \<variable id=\"spaltform\"\>Open context menu of a column header in a database ta…
32453 …par_id3153799 34 0 ast \<variable id=\"zeilenloeschen\"\>Context menu for a row header in an ope…
32463 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\00040503.xhp 0 help par_id3152578 37 0 ast Right-click a selec…
32469 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\01000000.xhp 0 help par_id3150502 3 0 ast To show or hide a do…
32471 …d\00\01000000.xhp 0 help par_id3155504 14 0 ast You can click the edge of a hidden docked window…
32473 …01000000.xhp 0 help par_id3154046 16 0 ast Multiple docked windows act as a single window in Aut…
32475 ….xhp 0 help par_id3149578 19 0 ast If you drag an object over the edge of a hidden docked window…
32489 …shared\00\00040501.xhp 0 help par_id3149292 74 0 ast Open context menu of a selected form elemen…
32492 …shared\00\00040501.xhp 0 help par_id3150447 97 0 ast Open context menu of a selected form elemen…
32494 …hared\00\00040501.xhp 0 help par_id3145786 100 0 ast Open context menu of a selected form elemen…
32496 …t\shared\00\00040501.xhp 0 help par_id1979125 0 ast Open context menu of a selected control on …
32498 …hared\00\00040501.xhp 0 help par_id3145364 103 0 ast Open context menu of a selected form elemen…
32500 …shared\00\00040501.xhp 0 help par_id3147234 78 0 ast Open context menu of a selected form elemen…
32503 …hared\00\00040501.xhp 0 help par_id3153943 106 0 ast Open context menu of a selected form elemen…
32505 …hared\00\00040501.xhp 0 help par_id3153203 109 0 ast Open context menu of a selected form elemen…
32507 …hared\00\00040501.xhp 0 help par_id3153334 112 0 ast Open context menu of a selected form elemen…
32616a submenu in the Gallery where you can choose between \<emph\>Copy\</emph\> and \<emph\>Link\</emp…
32617 …_id3146130 78 0 ast If you have selected an object in your document, then a new insertion will r…
32619 …ERY_MN_BACKGROUND\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Inserts the selected picture as a background graphic.\…
32623 …tion. If multiple objects are selected, all will be deleted. In most cases, a \<link href=\"text/s…
32627 …ECT\"\>Use the\<emph\> Open \</emph\>command to open the selected object in a new task.\</ahelp\> …
32629 …=\"visible\"\>Enables a selected object to be renamed.\</ahelp\> After selecting \<emph\>Rename\</…
32639 …155913 5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Clicking \<emph\>Cancel\</emph\> closes a dialog without savin…
32643a toolbar. To move a toolbar, drag the title bar. As soon as you release the mouse button, the too…
32645a spin button is a property of a numerical field, currency field, date field, or time field. If th…
32646 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\00000001.xhp 0 help par_id7493209 0 ast In the Basic IDE, a s…
32647 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\00000001.xhp 0 help par_id3155599 78 0 ast You can type a nume…
32648 …field next to the spin button defines numerical values, you can also define a \<link href=\"text/s…
32658a space of exactly 1cm, then type "1cm". Additional units are available according to the context, …
32667a sheet with the mouse. As soon as you release the mouse button, the dialog is restored and the re…
32673 …00\00000001.xhp 0 help par_id3154046 35 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Displays a preview of the curre…
32691 …aracters. If you want to search for a text that is also a regular expression, you must precede eve…
32692 …56 0 ast \<variable id=\"wahr\"\>If an error occurs, the function returns a logical or numerical…
32694 …e id=\"wiederholen\"\>By double-clicking a tool, you can use it for multiple tasks. If you call th…
32695 …r_id9345377 0 ast \<variable id=\"ShiftF1\"\>Press Shift+F1 and point to a control to learn mor…
32704 …alogs, you can enter measurement values into input boxes. If you just enter a numerical value, the…
32705 …RODUCTNAME Writer - General\</emph\>. For Calc, Draw, and Impress, you open a document of that typ…
32723 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\00000003.xhp 0 help par_idN10715 0 ast For example, in a text…
32864 …r_idN1067C 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ActiveHelp\"\>Enables the display of a brief description of…
32881 …TML import), Calc will use the globally set language. If Language is set to a specific language, t…
32882 …ffective only when the Automatic language option is selected. If you select a specific language in…
32904 …:COMBOBOX:RID_SCDLG_ASCII:CB_TEXTSEP\"\>Select a character to delimit text data. You can can also …
32912 …ext. A decimal number string can have digits 0-9, thousands separators, and a decimal separator. T…
32913 …57 24 0 en-US \<ahelp hid=\"SC:LISTBOX:RID_SCDLG_ASCII:LB_TYPE1\"\>Choose a column in the previe…
32924 …08.xhp 0 help par_id3156434 32 0 ast Applies a date format (Day, Month, Year) to the imported da…
32926 …08.xhp 0 help par_id3149688 34 0 ast Applies a date format (Month, Day, Year) to the imported da…
32928 …08.xhp 0 help par_id3153207 36 0 ast Applies a date format (Year, Month, Day) to the imported da…
32941 …t the first part of the sequence has one character less. This will suppress a leading zero for mon…
32944 …columns. To apply a format to a column when it is imported, click a column and select a \<emph\>Co…
32945 …t\shared\00\00000208.xhp 0 help par_id3150105 64 0 ast If you want to use a fixed width to separ…
32968 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\00000403.xhp 0 help par_id3147559 8 0 ast If a text document o…
33002 …_CHECKBOX_RID_SCDLG_IMPORTOPT_CB_FIXEDWIDTH\"\>Exports all data fields with a fixed width.\</ahelp…
33003 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\00000207.xhp 0 help par_id3149283 14 0 ast The width of a data…
33005 …7.xhp 0 help par_id3156414 16 0 ast If a value is longer than the fixed column width, it will be…
33006 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\00000207.xhp 0 help par_id3150178 17 0 ast If a text string is…
33010 …par_id3145348 18 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_MN_READONLY_SAVEGRAPHIC\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
33012 …ar_id3155934 37 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_MN_READONLY_COPYGRAPHIC\"\>Copies a selected graphic to …
33016 …id=\"HID_MN_READONLY_SAVEBACKGROUND\"\>Allows you to save the background of a Web page.\</ahelp\> …
33021 …the name of the theme.\</ahelp\> If no name has been assigned, you can type a new name in the text…
33029 …ast When you export graphical elements to a file, you can select the file type. For most supported…
33043 …from a low quality with minimal file size, up to a high quality and big file size. A high compress…
33047 …en\"\>Exports the file in binary format. The resulting file is smaller than a text file.\</ahelp\>…
33048 …"\>Exports the file in ASCII text format. The resulting file is larger than a binary file.\</ahelp…
33054 …elect=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline select=\"WIN\"\>You must print an EPS file with a PostScript printer. …
33055 …3155271 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Specifies whether a preview image is exp…
33056 …44740 30 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Specifies whether a monochrome preview g…
33061 …sibility=\"hidden\"\>LZW compression is the compression of a file into a smaller file using a tabl…
33124 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\00000402.xhp 0 help par_id3148927 543 0 ast Select a frame, th…
33128 …ble id=\"imapeigbea\"\>Choose \<emph\>Edit - ImageMap\</emph\>, then select a section of the Image…
33195 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\00000002.xhp 0 help par_id3155577 2 0 ast If you are a newcome…
33197 … place objects such as graphics, movie files and sound. The context menu of a frame shows the opti…
33199 …andard transfer protocol for files in the Internet. An FTP server is a program on a computer conne…
33202 …002.xhp 0 help par_id3161459 57 0 ast HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a document code langua…
33206 …0002.xhp 0 help par_id3153379 60 0 ast The Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a record of transmissi…
33209 …With the aid of hyperlinks, readers can jump to specific information within a document as well as …
33213 …ast An ImageMap is a reference-sensitive graphic or text frame. You can click on defined areas of …
33214a Server Side ImageMap is evaluated on the server computer which provides the \<link href=\"text/s…
33220 …elp par_id3153057 71 0 ast Server Side ImageMaps appear for the reader as a picture or frame on …
33226a layer below the picture and contains information about the referenced regions. The only disadvan…
33227 …emph\>SIP - StarView ImageMap\</emph\>. This saves the ImageMap directly in a format which can be …
33230a platform independent programming language that is especially suited for use in the Internet. Web…
33234 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\00000002.xhp 0 help par_id3147484 108 0 ast A Plug-In is a ter…
33236a formula into your text document, you see icons for editing the formula, in fact the same icons y…
33238 …mport and export filters for various file formats are stored as plug-ins in a plug-in directory. …
33242a computer in the network acting as a kind of clipboard for data transfer. Whenever you access the…
33245 …erence to how such elements should be displayed. The actual display of such a document may vary, d…
33246 …\" name=\"HTML\"\>HTML\</link\> is a specialized application of SGML. This means that most Web bro…
33249 …id3157965 139 0 ast A search engine is a service in the Internet based on a software program use…
33252 …title. Some tags only appear on their own such as <br> for a line break or <img ...> to link a gra…
33255a document or a server in the Internet. The general structure of a URL varies according to type an…
33258 …t \<ahelp hid=\"HID_GALLERY_MN_ADDMENU\"\>Defines how a selected graphic object is inserted into a
33259 … 0 help par_id3156053 5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_GALLERY_MN_ADD\"\>Inserts a copy of the selected…
33260 …st \<ahelp hid=\"HID_GALLERY_MN_ADD_LINK\"\>Inserts the selected graphic as a link.\</ahelp\> 2…
33262 … \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:EDIT:RID_SVXDLG_GALLERY_TITLE:EDT_TITLE\"\>Assigns a title to a selected Galler…
33275 …\00\00000450.xhp 0 help par_id3152876 7 0 ast \<variable id=\"DBTab\"\>In a database file window…
33277 …ed\00\00000450.xhp 0 help par_id3147294 4 0 ast \<variable id=\"Typ\"\>In a database file window…
33278 …000450.xhp 0 help par_id3159411 5 0 ast \<variable id=\"Datenquelle\"\>In a database file window…
33280 …d\00\00000450.xhp 0 help par_id3154497 8 0 ast \<variable id=\"ODBC\"\>In a database file window…
33281 …\00\00000450.xhp 0 help par_id3149355 61 0 ast \<variable id=\"ldap\"\>In a database file window…
33282 …d\00\00000450.xhp 0 help par_id3157896 9 0 ast \<variable id=\"JDBC\"\>In a database file window…
33283 …00\00000450.xhp 0 help par_id3148548 81 0 ast \<variable id=\"mysql\"\>In a database file window…
33284 …00\00000450.xhp 0 help par_id3149346 10 0 ast \<variable id=\"dBase\"\>In a database file window…
33285 …\00000450.xhp 0 help par_id3147043 11 0 ast \<variable id=\"dBasein\"\>In a database file window…
33286 …\00\00000450.xhp 0 help par_id3154317 12 0 ast \<variable id=\"Text\"\>In a database file window…
33287 …d\00\00000450.xhp 0 help par_id3150774 20 0 ast \<variable id=\"ADO\"\>In a database file window…
33288 …0450.xhp 0 help par_id3151110 21 0 ast \<variable id=\"SQLStatement\"\>In a database file window…
33289 …00000450.xhp 0 help par_id3147209 22 0 ast \<variable id=\"Abfragen\"\>In a database file window…
33290 …00000450.xhp 0 help par_id3153880 62 0 ast \<variable id=\"Tabellen\"\>In a database file window…
33291 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3153760 64 0 ast \<variable id=\"tabellenentwurf\"\>In a database file window…
33292 …0450.xhp 0 help par_id3156329 65 0 ast \<variable id=\"indexentwurf\"\>In a database file window…
33293 …000450.xhp 0 help par_id3154047 23 0 ast \<variable id=\"AbfrageNeu\"\>In a database file window…
33294 …0\00000450.xhp 0 help par_id3149579 24 0 ast \<variable id=\"entwab\"\>In a database file window…
33295 ….xhp 0 help par_id3149902 25 0 ast \<variable id=\"FehlendesElement\"\>In a database file window…
33296 …esign and choose \<emph\>Insert - New Relation\</emph\>, or double-click on a connection line betw…
33307 …0000450.xhp 0 help par_id3145171 55 0 ast \<variable id=\"allgemein\"\>In a database file window…
33308 …par_id3159252 63 0 ast \<variable id=\"tabellecopy\"\>Drag and drop a table or a query into the …
33309 …00450.xhp 0 help par_id3148560 66 0 ast \<variable id=\"formularneu\"\>In a database file window…
33310 …0 help par_id3155430 67 0 ast \<variable id=\"benutzereinstellungen\"\>In a database file window…
33311 …000450.xhp 0 help par_id3147441 69 0 ast \<variable id=\"relationen\"\>In a database file window…
33314 …e defined print range.\</ahelp\> This is the case, for example, if you draw a rectangle that is la…
33369 … 0 help par_id3150396 47 0 ast \<variable id=\"filterauswahl\"\>Open a file of a type that is un…
33387 …asic font, language, character set, or break, are imported or exported with a text document. The d…
33393 …BOX:DLG_ASCII_FILTER:LB_FONT\"\>By setting a default font, you specify that the text should be dis…
33397 …xhp 0 help par_id3143281 12 0 ast Defines the type of paragraph break for a text line. 202004…
33399 …ahelp hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_ASCII_FILTER:RB_CRLF\"\>Produces a "Carriage Return" and a "Linefee…
33401 … 16 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_ASCII_FILTER:RB_CR\"\>Produces a "Carriage Return" as…
33403 … 18 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_ASCII_FILTER:RB_LF\"\>Produces a "Linefeed" as the pa…
33407 …or is located in a text, then all of those menu items are available that are needed to edit the te…
33415a character set for displaying fonts on personal computers. It consists of 128 characters includin…
33416 …pear. Other characters, such as German umlauts, are distinguished by way of a separate code. You c…
33418 …24 26 0 ast Developed by the French mathematician Pierre Bézier, a Bézier curve is a mathematica…
33429 …p par_id3145154 30 0 ast DDE stands for "Dynamic Data Exchange," which is a predecessor of OLE, …
33430a DDE link using the following procedure: Select cells from a Calc spreadsheet, copy them into the…
33432a document without Styles, it is referred to as "direct" formatting. This means modifying text or …
33437 …tchinline\> key, double-click a vacant area in the window. In the Styles and Formatting window, yo…
33439 … 115 0 ast On any window edge where another window is docked you will see a button which allows …
33441 …ide\</emph\> function. The AutoHide function allows you to temporarily show a hidden window by cli…
33444 …r_id3163821 33 0 ast Formatting refers to the visual layout of text using a word-processing or D…
33447 … the user to enter complex characters from non-western character sets using a standard keyboard. …
33450 … 0 ast You can use the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API to connect to a database from %PRODU…
33454 …h pairs of letters require more spacing. These tables are generally a component of a font. 2020…
33457 …ent. When you insert a picture, for example, you can either insert the picture directly into the d…
33458 …hp 0 help par_id3145730 57 0 ast When an object is inserted directly into a document, the docume…
33459 …0005.xhp 0 help par_id3144765 58 0 ast If you insert the object as a link, only a reference to t…
33465 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\00000005.xhp 0 help par_id3144748 42 0 ast An object is a scre…
33466 …ta can be assigned certain commands. For example, a graphic object has commands for image editing …
33469 …05.xhp 0 help par_id3153530 45 0 ast Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a protocol norm with w…
33473 …and Embedding (OLE) objects can be linked to a target document or may also be embedded. Embedding …
33476 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\00000005.xhp 0 help par_id3146879 99 0 ast OpenGL represents a
33478 …93 92 0 ast Portable Network Graphics (PNG) is a graphic file format. The files are compressed w…
33480a unique identifier of database fields. The unique identification of database fields is used in \<…
33481 …ine the primary key in the design view of a table, by choosing the relevant command from the conte…
33483 …help par_id3147585 101 0 ast A relational database is a collection of data items organized as a
33484 …s a program that lets you create, update, and administer a relational database. An RDBMS takes Str…
33485a relational database can be given with a database containing Customer, Purchase, and Invoice tabl…
33488 …0 ast Register-true is a typography term that is used in printing. This term refers to the congrue…
33489a paragraph, Paragraph Style, or a Page Style as register-true, the base lines of the affected cha…
33491 …d\00\00000005.xhp 0 help par_id3151186 71 0 ast Rich Text Format (RTF) is a file format develope…
33494 … may have a completely different directory structure, drive or volume names. It is also recommende…
33498 …0005.xhp 0 help par_id3152863 54 0 ast Structured Query Language (SQL) is a language used for da…
33500a database system which offers an \<link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#sql\"\>SQL\</link\> in…
33501 …h \<link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#odbc\"\>ODBC\</link\>, JDBC, or a native driver integr…
33503a short line at the end of a paragraph, which when printed, appears alone at the top of the next p…
33508 …0021.xhp 0 help par_idN10725 0 ast The OpenDocument file format (ODF) is a standardized file fo…
33568 …\shared\00\00000021.xhp 0 help par_id3150740 33 0 ast If you save a document with a password, \<…
33633 …=\"autopilotformular\"\>Click \<emph\>Use Wizard to Create Form\</emph\> in a database file window…
33634 …=\"autopilotreport\"\>Click \<emph\>Use Wizard to Create Report\</emph\> in a database file window…
33636 … \<emph\>Group Box\</emph\> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame.\</variable\> …
33637 … \<emph\>Group Box\</emph\> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page…
33638 … \<emph\>Group Box\</emph\> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page…
33639 … \<emph\>Group Box\</emph\> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page…
33640 …/emph\> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 4, there must be a
33641 … \<emph\>Group Box\</emph\> icon on the toolbar and use the mouse to create a frame - last page of…
33666 …ariable id=\"exportgraphic\"\>Choose \<emph\>File - Export\</emph\>, select a graphics file type, …
33710 …d3153581 5 0 ast On the \<emph\>Page View\</emph\>\<emph\>Bar\</emph\> of a text document, click…
33725a file.\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> There may be cases where you have to select the file ty…
33727a Word, Excel or PowerPoint file and then save the file again in Microsoft Office format without c…
33729 …h\>Open\</emph\> and \<emph\>Save\</emph\> dialogs. If you select such a filter, a message will ap…
33730 …up program and select the \<emph\>Modify\</emph\> option. Then you will see a dialog in which you …
33734 … most programs will be transferred without a problem. The clipboard uses RTF format when you inser…
33735 …u open and save text documents with another encoding font. The filter opens a dialog that enables …
33740 …Compatibility\</emph\> is used. Characters not present there are written in a substitute form, whi…
33744 …d\00\00000020.xhp 0 help par_id3150129 132 0 ast "Font: 10pt" switches to a 10pt font, with bold…
33746 …ttom or right/left margin is set differently, the distances are exported in a "STYLE" option for t…
33773 …e] imports and exports references to deleted sections such as, for example, a referenced column. T…
33775a filter with or without the element ($[officename] Impress) in the name to open a $[officename] g…
33776a preview of the graphic is displayed in the document. If a preview is not available, a placeholde…
33777 …at. The graphics are retrieved as a set of individual pictures in a single file, for example, the …
33780 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\00\00000020.xhp 0 help par_id3156444 229 0 ast To export a docume…
33781 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3163714 230 0 ast If you have not yet done so, install a PostScript printer d…
33789 …r_id3153808 16 0 ast Choose \<emph\>Help - Registration\</emph\> (this is a direct link to an ex…
33792 …07\09000000.xhp 0 help par_id3146946 2 0 ast To create a new web page for the Internet, open a n…
33794 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\07\09000000.xhp 0 help hd_id3147285 8 0 ast Creating a New Web Pa…
33795 …eb layout mode by choosing \<emph\>View - Web Layout\</emph\> or by opening a new HTML document. …
33800 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3152462 2 0 ast The following is a l…
33809 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3150593 12 0 ast Deletes a table fro…
33828 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3153948 25 0 ast Inserts a new line.…
33870a broken frame. This element, which can be either a button, an option field, an entry in a list bo…
33871 …ine\>If you place the focus on a button, not only will you see the dotted line framing the name of…
33875 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3145673 129 0 ast You can open a con…
33878 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3149514 132 0 ast Double-click a wor…
33879 …par_id3149785 133 0 ast A triple-click in a text input field selects the entire field. A triple-…
33883 …p par_id3148757 137 0 ast Drag-and-drop can be used within and outside of a text box. 2020041…
33884 …</switchinline\>+Z shortcut keys are used to undo modifications one step at a time; the text will …
33885a \</caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>~/a\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> into the URL field and th…
33888 …d\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3159150 164 0 ast If you want to terminate a macro that is curren…
33894 …1010000.xhp 0 help par_id3153727 17 0 ast Activates the focused button in a dialog 20200411 1…
33898 …010000.xhp 0 help par_id3147435 21 0 ast Toggles the focused check box in a dialog. 20200411 …
33900 …3151113 23 0 ast Changes the active control field in an option section of a dialog. 20200411 …
33902 …p par_id3146975 25 0 ast Advances focus to the next section or element in a dialog. 20200411 …
33904 …_id3149665 27 0 ast Moves the focus to the previous section or element in a dialog. 20200411 …
33906 …53224 154 0 ast Opens the list of the control field currently selected in a dialog. These shortc…
33912 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3149582 175 0 ast When a folder is s…
33916 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3149912 142 0 ast When positioned at the start of a header, a tab is inserted…
33919 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help hd_id3146990 290 0 ast Enter (if a drawing…
33922 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3149123 29 0 ast Opens a document. …
33926 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3155764 33 0 ast Creates a new docum…
33962 …> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is a…
33964 …> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is a…
33966 …> attribute is applied to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is a…
34005 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3153250 272 0 ast Opens a context me…
34013 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3145372 264 0 ast Inserts a new them…
34034 …1010000.xhp 0 help par_id3153614 245 0 ast Inserts the selected object as a linked object into t…
34036 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3153608 243 0 ast Inserts a copy of …
34047 …\01010000.xhp 0 help hd_id3149722 330 0 ast Selecting Rows and Columns in a Database Table (open…
34064 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3155994 228 0 ast Inserts a Drawing …
34066 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3154055 226 0 ast Selects a Drawing …
34083 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3153386 211 0 ast Re-sizes a Drawing…
34084 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3145306 210 0 ast Rotates a Drawing …
34085 …010000.xhp 0 help par_id3159244 209 0 ast Opens the properties dialog for a Drawing Object. 2…
34088 …e\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3153053 206 0 ast Select a point of a drawing object …
34103 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3155512 193 0 ast Edit a point of a
34105 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3152918 345 0 ast If a drawing objec…
34106 …nline\>Alt\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> key while creating or scaling a graphic object 20…
34108 …010000.xhp 0 help par_id526444 0 ast Shift key while creating or scaling a graphic object 20…
34136 …388 25 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGIMPORT_2_CMDDOCUMENTPATHSELECT\"\>Opens a dialog to select the…
34145 …p par_id3144740 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies a location for the address book file and a
34149 … help par_idN105C2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies the location using a file dialog.\</ahelp…
34158 …late. All pages with a checkmark in the check box next to their names will be included in the crea…
34160 …74 22 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:CHECKBOX:DLG_ASS:CB_PAGE5_SUMMARY\"\>Creates a summary of all prese…
34174 …at you want to upload to your web site. You can upload the files to a server or to a local directo…
34178 …i\webwizard02.xhp 0 help par_idN10565 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"34211\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
34184 …=\"34215\"\>Enter the title for the selected document. The title appears as a hyperlink to the sel…
34186 …i\webwizard02.xhp 0 help par_idN10589 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"34216\"\>Enter a description for the …
34200 …_idN1056F 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies that the field borders have a 3D look.\</ahelp\> …
34208 …se the Euro Converter in an open $[officename] Calc document. In this case, a separate dialog open…
34212 …elp par_id3155420 6 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGCONVERT_OBFILE\"\>Converts a single $[officename]…
34220 …par_id3147264 14 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGCONVERT_CBSOURCEOPEN\"\>Opens a dialog to select the…
34227 …n and thereafter re-enabled. If sheet protection is covered by a password, you will see a dialog f…
34231 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGCONVERT_CBTARGETOPEN\"\>Opens a dialog in which you can select a dire…
34238 …ared\autopi\01150000.xhp 0 help par_id3146975 51 0 ast During conversion, a page showing the pro…
34241 …6 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGCONVERT_CBBACK\"\>If the current document is a $[officename] Calc d…
34258 …elp\> All cells must have the same format so that they can be recognized as a selected range. 2…
34265 …par_id3153681 9 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGREPORT_4_DATALAYOUT\"\>Defines a set of styles for th…
34267 …EPORT_4_PAGELAYOUT\"\>Defines a page layout for the report. The page layouts are loaded from templ…
34271 …par_id3145382 13 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGREPORT_4_LANDSCAPE\"\>Selects a landscape page orien…
34273 … par_id3154285 14 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGREPORT_4_PORTRAIT\"\>Selects a portrait page orient…
34284 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>You can use this page to import user data from a previously installed…
34286 …N105A3 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Copies the user name and other data from a previous %PRODUCTNAM…
34288 …d when you record changes made to documents. This page is only displayed if a previous installatio…
34293 …ew target files are written with the new file name extension in the same or a new folder. 20200…
34296 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\autopi\01130000.xhp 0 help par_id3145313 8 0 ast Displays a summa…
34299 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\autopi\webwizard05.xhp 0 help par_idN10554 0 ast Select a style …
34303 …\webwizard05.xhp 0 help par_idN10562 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"34248\"\>Select a \<link href=\"text/s…
34333 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates and saves the agenda template, then opens a new agenda document …
34344 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\autopi\01020500.xhp 0 help par_idN105E5 0 ast Create a fax from …
34345 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates and saves the fax template, then opens a new fax document bas…
34379 … 0 help par_id3152594 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AGENDA_PAGE1\"\>Specifies a page design for the …
34383 …opi\01040100.xhp 0 help par_idN105E2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Prints out a page on which you ca…
34405 …e database fields in the selected table or query.\</ahelp\> Click to select a field or press the S…
34429 … 0 help par_idN105DE 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies whether to print a line where you can e…
34431 … 0 help par_idN105E5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies whether to print a line where you can e…
34433 … 0 help par_idN105EC 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies whether to print a line where you can e…
34435 … 0 help par_idN105F3 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies whether to print a line where you can e…
34437 … 0 help par_idN105FA 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies whether to print a line where you can e…
34439 … 0 help par_idN10601 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies whether to print a line where you can e…
34441 … 0 help par_idN10608 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies whether to print a line where you can e…
34447 …ensions:PushButton:RID_PAGE_ADMININVOKATION:PB_INVOKE_ADMIN_DIALOG\"\>Calls a dialog in which you …
34451 …izard05bi.xhp 0 help par_idN1053E 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"34290\"\>Specifies a background image for…
34453 …hp 0 help par_idN10553 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"34291\"\>Opens a file open dialog to select a backgr…
34458 …829 2 0 ast On the first page you can select an existing design or create a new one. 20200411…
34459 …0 ast The settings you select for the export will be automatically saved as a design for other exp…
34461 ….xhp 0 help par_id3152801 13 0 ast In this area, you can choose to create a new design and selec…
34462 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\autopi\01110100.xhp 0 help par_id3147291 3 0 ast If you delete a
34464 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_PUBLISHING:PAGE1_NEW_DESIGN\"\>Creates a new design in the ne…
34466 …PAGE1_OLD_DESIGN\"\>Loads an existing design from the design list to use as a starting point for t…
34474 …emplates for fax documents. You can then print the fax documents to a printer or to a fax machine,…
34475 …s with a template for fax documents, which you can modify with the wizard to suit your own needs. …
34482 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>According to your selections, the wizard creates a document template an…
34485 …ng a time-limited evaluation version of %PRODUCTNAME, you can purchase a license online. You will …
34489 …lcome page of the wizard. If you want to buy a serial number online, click the button. If you alre…
34491 …p par_idN10594 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click to enter a web page, where you can purchase a ser…
34499 …ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select this box to copy your user name and other data from a previous installatio…
34505 …ot\"\>\<ahelp hid=\"SID_AUTOPILOT\"\>Use the wizard to interactively create a presentation. With t…
34506 …54289 11 0 ast The Presentation Wizard starts automatically when you open a new presentation. Yo…
34513 …r_id3153087 9 0 ast The wizard creates a new document based on the specified settings. You can l…
34533 …05E1 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Suppresses the footer on the first page of a multipage fax docume…
34535 …\autopi\01020400.xhp 0 help par_idN105E7 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Prints a page number in the f…
34545 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\autopi\01010300.xhp 0 help par_idN105DF 0 ast Use a typical lett…
34546 …05E3 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_LTRWIZ_LSTLETTERNORM\"\>Select a country in order to use a typical…
34548 … help par_idN105FE 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_LTRWIZ_CHKUSELOGO\"\>Includes a logo on the letter t…
34550 …dN10619 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_LTRWIZ_CHKUSEADDRESSRECEIVER\"\>Includes a small size return ad…
34552 …0634 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_LTRWIZ_CHKUSESIGNS\"\>Includes a line with references to a busines…
34554 …lp par_idN1064F 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_LTRWIZ_CHKUSESUBJECT\"\>Includes a subject line on the …
34556 …par_idN10672 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_LTRWIZ_CHKUSESALUTATION\"\>Includes a salutation on the le…
34560 …p par_idN106B0 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_LTRWIZ_CHKUSEGREETING\"\>Includes a complimentary close …
34562 …elp par_idN106CB 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_LTRWIZ_CHKUSEFOOTER\"\>Includes a footer on the letter…
34566 …Wizard helps you to maintain a web site on an Internet server.\</ahelp\>The Web Wizard converts fi…
34567 …ol (FTP) to upload files to a server. You cannot use the wizard to upload the files if you connect…
34576 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\autopi\01010600.xhp 0 help par_idN10639 0 ast Create a letter fr…
34577 …HID_LTRWIZ_OPTCREATELETTER\"\>Saves and closes the template, and then opens a new untitled documen…
34597 …\autopi\01170500.xhp 0 help par_id3143284 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"\"\>Opens a dialog that allows y…
34602 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\autopi\01120500.xhp 0 help par_id3154812 2 0 ast Specifies a labe…
34607 …\01090220.xhp 0 help par_idN10553 0 ast If you chose in step 2 to set up a subform based on man…
34627 … the report as a static or dynamic report. When you open a dynamic report, it will display with th…
34631 …id=\"HID_DLGREPORT_5_OPTSTATDOCUMENT\"\>Saves the report as a static report. When you open a stati…
34633 …lp hid=\"HID_DLGREPORT_5_OPTDYNTEMPLATE\"\>Saves the report as a template. When you open a dynamic…
34663 …e id=\"brief\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:AutoPilotLetter\"\>Starts the wizard for a letter template.\</a…
34664 … with the help of the wizard. The wizard leads you step-by-step in creating a document template an…
34666 …ting a business letter, you can select a variety of elements to include in your document, which us…
34672 … selections, the wizard creates a new document template and saves it on your hard disk.\</ahelp\> …
34686 …0 help par_idN10604 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Inserts database fields for a later mail merge wit…
34692 …autopi\01090400.xhp 0 help par_idN105B6 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates a form that is only us…
34694 …autopi\01090400.xhp 0 help par_idN105C1 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates a form that can be use…
34702 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\autopi\01090200.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Form Wizard - Set up a Subf…
34703 …0 ast \<link href=\"text/shared/autopi/01090200.xhp\"\>Form Wizard - Set up a Subform\</link\> …
34704 …_idN10553 0 ast Specify if you want to use a subform and enter the subform's properties. A subf…
34706 …\01090200.xhp 0 help par_idN105B4 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to add a subform.\</ahelp\> …
34708 …i\01090200.xhp 0 help par_idN105C5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click to add a subform based on an …
34712 ….xhp 0 help par_idN105DF 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click to add a subform based on a manual sele…
34726 …idN10577 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"34239\"\>Includes the date of the last time a file was modified on…
34737 …elp par_idN1059E 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"34244\"\>Optimizes the web site for a 640x480 pixel screen…
34739 …elp par_idN105A5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"34245\"\>Optimizes the web site for a 800x600 pixel screen…
34741 …elp par_idN105AC 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"34246\"\>Optimizes the web site for a 1024x768 pixel scree…
34745 …_id3154094 2 0 ast This page is only visible if the document is linked to a database. It specifi…
34746 …nk\>. A reference value can represent the current state of the group box in a database. 2020041…
34747 …11 0 ast This page is only displayed if the document is already linked to a database. 2020041…
34748 …01120400.xhp 0 help hd_id3152551 3 0 ast Do you want to save the value in a database field? 2…
34750 …STOREINFIELD_YES\"\>Specifies that you want to save the reference values in a database.\</ahelp\> …
34763 …orted as GIF files. GIF files are compressed without loss of data, and have a maximum of 256 color…
34767 …ession factor of the JPEG graphic. A 100% value offers the best quality for a large data range. Th…
34769 … on the selected resolution, the image will be displayed in a reduced size. You can specify a redu…
34773 …UTTON:DLG_PUBLISHING:PAGE3_RESOLUTION_2\"\>Select the medium resolution for a medium-sized present…
34775 …hid=\"SD:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_PUBLISHING:PAGE3_RESOLUTION_3\"\>Select a high resolution for a high qual…
34781 …AUTOPILOT_PAGE1\"\>Specifies the presentation type and allows you to select a template.\</ahelp\> …
34785 …8 24 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_ASS:RB_PAGE1_EMPTY\"\>Creates a new (empty) presenta…
34787 … 25 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_ASS:RB_PAGE1_TEMPLATE\"\>Opens a list box containing …
34789 …5 26 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_ASS:RB_PAGE1_OPEN\"\>Displays a list of previously c…
34790 …par_idN1067B 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click \<emph\>Open\</emph\> to see a file selection dialo…
34794 …hs\</emph\> in the Options dialog box. To edit the layout and formatting of a presentation with th…
34798 …Presentation\</emph\>.\</ahelp\> This field is only visible when you create a presentation by choo…
34814 …st \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGFORM_CMDTABLESTYLE\"\>Aligns the database fields in a tabular form.\</ahel…
34823 …help par_idN106E7 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Aligns the database fields in a tabular form.\</ahel…
34829 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\autopi\01120300.xhp 0 help par_id3151100 2 0 ast Assigns a refere…
34830 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\autopi\01120300.xhp 0 help par_id3153323 7 0 ast Select a field f…
34832 …AGE_OPTIONVALUES_ET_OPTIONVALUE\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Select a number or a text as a reference…
34837 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\autopi\01050300.xhp 0 help hd_id3159201 2 0 ast Select a slide tr…
34847 …_PAGE3_LIVE\"\>The \<emph\>Default\</emph\> option runs the presentation as a full screen presenta…
34849 …3_KIOSK\"\>Runs the presentation automatically, and restarts it again after a break.\</ahelp\> …
34859 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\autopi\01110500.xhp 0 help par_id3151100 2 0 ast Defines a button…
34866 …help par_id3153681 6 0 ast Displays the available button styles. Click on a button style to sele…
34873 …e database fields in the selected table or query.\</ahelp\> Click to select a field or hold down t…
34888 …t/shared/autopi/01090200.xhp\" name=\"Form Wizard - Set up a subform\"\>Form Wizard - Set up a sub…
34893 …00.xhp 0 help hd_id3157896 3 0 ast Should one option field be selected as a default? 20200411…
34896 …lity=\"visible\"\>Specifies that you want an option field to be selected as a default after openin…
34907 …N10562 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"34261\"\>Uploads your index page and files to a local directory. The…
34909 …d07.xhp 0 help par_idN10569 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"34263\"\>Opens a dialog to select a folder.\</a…
34911 …_idN10570 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"34265\"\>Adds your index page and files to a compressed archive f…
34914 …i\webwizard07.xhp 0 help par_idN1057A 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"34266\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
34917 … 0 ast You cannot use the FTP option if you connect to the internet through a proxy server. 202…
34927 … ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>You can use the Web Wizard to maintain web pages on a server.\</ahelp\> Yo…
34935 … automatically when you insert a \<link href=\"text/shared/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"Group Box\"\>G…
34949 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\autopi\webwizard07fc.xhp 0 help par_idN10586 0 ast Choose a remo…
34950 …p 0 help par_idN1058A 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"41045\"\>Enter the location of a directory on the FTP…
34952 …webwizard07fc.xhp 0 help par_idN10591 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"41046\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
34959 … 0 help par_idN105E5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies whether to print a Please read line.\</…
34961 … 0 help par_idN105EC 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies whether to print a Please bring line.\<…
34963 … 0 help par_idN105F3 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies whether to print a Notes line.\</ahelp\…
34987 …ar_id3149797 40 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGIMPORT_0_CHKLOGFILE\"\>Creates a log file in your wor…
34995 …i\webwizard06.xhp 0 help par_idN10562 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"34253\"\>Enter a description for the …
35009a report based on the values in one or more fields. \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select the fields by which …
35011 …m your selection on the previous page of the Wizard. To group the report by a field, select the fi…
35021 …pi\01170300.xhp 0 help par_id3156211 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies a table from the Seamo…
35025 …_id3152801 6 0 ast You can make changes to the templates and documents at a later time by choosi…
35032 …autopi\01040500.xhp 0 help par_idN105E0 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Inserts a new empty topic row …
35044 …utopi\01020200.xhp 0 help par_idN105DB 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Includes a company logo.\</ahel…
35046 …utopi\01020200.xhp 0 help par_idN105E2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Includes a date field.\</ahelp\…
35048 …utopi\01020200.xhp 0 help par_idN105E9 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Includes a communication type l…
35050 …utopi\01020200.xhp 0 help par_idN105F0 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Includes a subject line.\</ahel…
35052 …utopi\01020200.xhp 0 help par_idN105F7 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Includes a salutation. Select t…
35054 …utopi\01020200.xhp 0 help par_idN105FE 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Includes a greeting. Select the…
35056 …utopi\01020200.xhp 0 help par_idN10605 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Includes a footer.\</ahelp\> …
35062 …ames of the fields to be included in the report. At the right you can enter a label for each field…
35066 …ahelp hid=\"HID_LETTER_PAGE1\"\>Specifies whether you want to create a personal or a business lett…
35068 …r_id3145346 4 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify whether you want to create a business or personal…
35070 …elp hid=\"HID_LTRWIZ_OPTBUSINESSLETTER\"\>Specifies that you want to create a business letter temp…
35072 …hid=\"HID_LTRWIZ_OPTPRIVOFFICIALLETTER\"\>Specifies that you want to create a formal personal lett…
35074 …help hid=\"HID_LTRWIZ_OPTPRIVATELETTER\"\>Specifies that you want to create a personal letter.\</a…
35093 …st \<switchinline select=\"appl\"\>\<caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"\>Link to a copy of the original…
35094 …help hid=\"SD:CHECKBOX:DLG_PUBLISHING:PAGE4_DOWNLOAD\"\>Inserts a hyperlink to download a copy of …
35100 …KPAPERCOMPANYLOGO\"\>Specifies that a logo is already printed on your letterhead paper. %PRODUCTNA…
35114 …HKPAPERFOOTER\"\>Specifies that a footer area is already printed on your letterhead paper. %PRODUC…
35122 …_id3151330 73 0 ast You can specify if you want to include frames, create a title, or display pr…
35128 …ge will be placed in the main frame, and the frame to the left will display a table of contents in…
35130 …2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:CHECKBOX:DLG_PUBLISHING:PAGE2_CONTENT\"\>Creates a title page for your …
35134 …NG:PAGE2_KIOSK\"\>Creates a default HTML presentation as a kiosk export, in which the slides are a…
35136 …or each slide in the presentation. If you set a manual page transition, the HTML presentation intr…
35144a WebCast export, automatic scripts will be generated with Perl or ASP support.\</ahelp\> This ena…
35146 …t creates ASP pages. Note that the HTML presentation can only be offered by a web server supportin…
35160a $[officename] Impress document choose \<emph\>File - Export\</emph\>. You then see the \<emph\>E…
35163 …0200.xhp 0 help par_id3153157 44 0 ast Select \<emph\>WebCast\</emph\> as a publishing type on t…
35173a $[officename] Impress document choose \<emph\>File - Export\</emph\>. This opens the \<emph\>Exp…
35182 … for Perl scripts\</emph\> text box. This directory has to be configured in a way that the Perl sc…
35186 …topi\01110200.xhp 0 help par_id3147313 67 0 ast In this example, you have a Linux computer with …
35196 …lp par_idN105C5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Saves the form, and opens it as a form document to ent…
35204 …autopi\01040000.xhp 0 help par_id3156414 3 0 ast $[officename] comes with a sample template for …
35211 …p par_id3156346 10 0 ast According to your selections, the wizard creates a document template an…
35217 …20100.xhp 0 help par_idN105DB 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates a fax template for a business-st…
35221 …20100.xhp 0 help par_idN105E9 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates a fax template for a private fax…
35238 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>This wizard registers an existing address book as a data source in $[off…
35273 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\autopi\01050200.xhp 0 help hd_id3153749 20 0 ast Select a slide d…
35274 …TBOX:DLG_ASS:LB_PAGE2_LAYOUT\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Allows you to select a slide design for the…
35279 …\"SD:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_ASS:RB_PAGE2_MEDIUM3\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Creates a presentation to be u…
35281 …\"SD:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_ASS:RB_PAGE2_MEDIUM4\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Creates a presentation that ca…
35283 …\"SD:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_ASS:RB_PAGE2_MEDIUM1\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Creates a computer screen pres…
35285 …\"SD:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_ASS:RB_PAGE2_MEDIUM2\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Creates a presentation to be u…
35290 …de\linestyle_define.xhp 0 help par_id3153880 10 0 ast Select a line drawing object in a document…
35293 …ne.xhp 0 help par_id3150791 16 0 ast To specify the length of the line as a percentage of the li…
35295 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\linestyle_define.xhp 0 help par_id3145606 17 0 ast Enter a
35296 …estyle_define.xhp 0 help par_id3149202 13 0 ast To save the line style in a custom line style li…
35304 …p 0 help par_id7923825 0 ast Choose \<emph\>File - Open\</emph\> to open a database file. 20…
35315 …821710 0 ast In %PRODUCTNAME Writer, Impress, and Draw, only one user at a time can open any do…
35319 …ite access for many users. Every user who wants to collaborate should enter a name on the \<switch…
35320 …ble (grayed out) when change tracking or document sharing is activated. For a new spreadsheet you …
35321 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\collab.xhp 0 help hd_id3274941 0 ast Creating a new spread…
35322 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\collab.xhp 0 help par_id9804681 0 ast User A creates a new…
35327 … If you want to use a shared document in unshared mode, you would save the shared document using a…
35328 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\collab.xhp 0 help hd_id8842127 0 ast Opening a spreadsheet…
35329 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\collab.xhp 0 help par_id7276528 0 ast User A opens a sprea…
35333 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\collab.xhp 0 help par_id5824457 0 ast The user sees a mess…
35339 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\collab.xhp 0 help hd_id2934965 0 ast Saving a shared sprea…
35340 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\collab.xhp 0 help par_id1174657 0 ast User A saves a share…
35347 …t\shared\guide\collab.xhp 0 help par_id7101046 0 ast User A sees a message that a merge-in is i…
35348 …ext\shared\guide\collab.xhp 0 help par_id7186498 0 ast When a user successfully saves a shared …
35350 …s Writer, Impress, Draw, and for Calc when document sharing is not enabled, a file locking is poss…
35351 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\collab.xhp 0 help par_id7333597 0 ast User A opens a docum…
35357 …st User A sees a dialog that tells the user the document is locked. The dialog offers to open the …
35359 …r_id11746571 0 ast Some conditions must be met on operating systems with a user permission mana…
35360 …ollab.xhp 0 help par_id25775931 0 ast The shared file needs to reside in a location which is ac…
35362 …also enables other users to (accidentally or deliberately) delete or change a file. 20200411 15…
35371 …elp par_id3153126 6 0 ast Click the \<emph\>Link\</emph\> box if you want a link to the original…
35378 …he tools for editing the image. Only a local copy is edited in the document, even if you have inse…
35381 …nal picture file will not be changed by the filters. Filters are applied to a picture only inside …
35382 …\insert_bitmap.xhp 0 help par_id3145273 14 0 ast Some of the filters open a dialog, which you ca…
35383 … select these objects together with the bitmap, and export the selection as a new bitmap image. …
35385 …ck the picture and choose \<emph\>Picture\</emph\> from the submenu to open a properties dialog. …
35388 …de\insert_bitmap.xhp 0 help par_id3152576 17 0 ast If you want to save in a format such as GIF, …
35389 …ed\guide\insert_bitmap.xhp 0 help par_id0801200803544667 0 ast To export a bitmap in Draw or Im…
35390 …rted with the image by pressing the shift key while selecting or by opening a selection frame arou…
35392a file. The \<emph\>Save as Picture\</emph\> command in the context menu saves the picture withou…
35396 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\insert_bitmap.xhp 0 help par_id3149417 23 0 ast Enter a nam…
35397 …To export a bitmap in Writer: Right-click the bitmap, choose Save Graphics. You see the Graphics E…
35402 … to activate a \<link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#abreissleiste\" name=\"toolbar\"\>toolbar…
35407a short-click while no text is selected, then the mouse pointer changes its appearance and is disp…
35413 …\> icon, can open another toolbar. Click the arrow next to the icon to open a toolbar containing f…
35414 …ared\guide\floating_toolbar.xhp 0 help par_id3155450 8 0 ast You now have a choice: either click…
35416 …t. For example, when you click inside a table in a text document, the Table toolbar opens. When yo…
35417 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\floating_toolbar.xhp 0 help hd_id4224372 0 ast To Close a
35419 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\floating_toolbar.xhp 0 help hd_id1905575 0 ast To Close a
35421 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\floating_toolbar.xhp 0 help par_idN1077E 0 ast To Show a C…
35424 …shared\guide\floating_toolbar.xhp 0 help par_idN106E9 0 ast To Make a Toolbar a Floating Toolba…
35426 …\shared\guide\floating_toolbar.xhp 0 help par_idN106F2 0 ast To Reattach a Floating Toolbar …
35428 …shared\guide\floating_toolbar.xhp 0 help par_id6154362 0 ast To reattach a floating window, dra…
35430 … You must enable your system to show the full window contents when you move a window, instead of s…
35434a Writer text document that can show your data in an organized order and formatting. In %PRODUCTNA…
35441 …ed\guide\data_reports.xhp 0 help par_id8409985 0 ast Uses a Writer template to generate a repor…
35444 …611713 0 ast Generates a one-time snapshot of the data. To see an updated report, execute the s…
35445 … help par_id2866908 0 ast You can choose to generate a one-time snapshot with fixed data, or a
35446 …ed\guide\data_reports.xhp 0 help par_id4169743 0 ast Saves the report as a Writer text document…
35448 …t Choose Open in the context menu or double-click the report name to create a new report with the …
35449 …gain the static snapshot of the data from first creation time, or to create a new report with the …
35450 …eports.xhp 0 help par_id1757560 0 ast Choose Edit in the context menu of a report name to open …
35451 …eports.xhp 0 help par_id4649189 0 ast Choose Edit in the context menu of a report name to edit …
35452 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_reports.xhp 0 help hd_id8414258 0 ast Creating a New …
35457 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_reports.xhp 0 help par_idN105C4 0 ast Creating a New …
35465 …vides frequently used tools, grouped in decks. Click on a tab in the vertical tab bar to choose a
35472 … item \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Customization\</item\> to enable or disable a deck or to restore t…
35485 … used, recently used, and available master pages. Right-click a master page thumbnail for a sub-me…
35489 …ide Transition\</item\> deck provides tools to apply a special effect that plays when you display
35492 …t\shared\guide\sidebar_window.xhp 0 help par_id0003 0 ast The sidebar is a \<link href=\"text/s…
35493 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\sidebar_window.xhp 0 help par_id0004 0 ast In a docked sid…
35495 …pe=\"menuitem\"\>More Options\</item\> button at the top-right of a panel title opens a dialog whi…
35496 …eformat_max.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Selecting the Maximum Printable Area on a Page 20200411 15:…
35498 …p\" name=\"Selecting the Maximum Printable Area on a Page\"\>Selecting the Maximum Printable Area …
35499 …geformat_max.xhp 0 help par_id3156426 36 0 ast Not all printers can print a paper up to its edge…
35500 …ide\pageformat_max.xhp 0 help par_id3149182 37 0 ast $[officename] offers a semi-automatic featu…
35504 …tive control, then press the Page Up or Page Down key. The preview displays a dashed line around t…
35512 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\export_ms.xhp 0 help par_id3150985 4 0 ast Enter a name in …
35522 …u also e-mailed a copy of the report to a good friend and colleague who has done research on a sim…
35523 …s and the managers in your company work with $[officename], you can produce a final version of the…
35527 …te that there is a difference between whether the text is inserted into a text frame, a spreadshee…
35531 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\copytext2application.xhp 0 help par_id3156155 6 0 ast If a
35532 …to Presentation\</emph\> command. You must have formatted the headings with a corresponding Paragr…
35534 …tion.xhp 0 help par_id3147303 7 0 ast If you select text and drag it into a spreadsheet with dra…
35535 …655 8 0 ast If you drag text to the normal view of a presentation, an OLE object is inserted as
35536 …0 help par_id3150793 11 0 ast If you drag the text to the outline view of a presentation, it wil…
35540 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\import_ms.xhp 0 help par_id3145345 3 0 ast You can open a d…
35542 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\import_ms.xhp 0 help par_id3152780 5 0 ast Select a format …
35543 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\import_ms.xhp 0 help par_id3148491 6 0 ast Select a file na…
35545 …ide\import_ms.xhp 0 help hd_id3154898 9 0 ast Converting all documents of a folder 20200411 1…
35546 …icrosoft PowerPoint into OpenDocument file format documents. You can select a source and target di…
35559 …f command line parameters is not necessary. A few of the parameters require a deeper knowledge of …
35561 …r Windows, select \<emph\>Run\</emph\> from the Windows Start menu, or open a Shell under UNIX® ba…
35571 …e parameters \<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline select=\"WIN\"\>in a dialog box\</caseinl…
35599 …hp 0 help par_id3156374 21 0 ast Disables restart and file recovery after a system crash. 202…
35605 …he $[officename] software that upon the creation of "UNO Acceptor Threads", a "UNO Accept String" …
35609 … 0 ast Use soffice -env:UserInstallation=$(URL) where $(URL) is the URL of a folder that contains…
35617 …309 40 0 ast Opens \<emph\>{filename}\</emph\> for editing, even if it is a template. 2020041…
35619 …t\shared\guide\start_parameters.xhp 0 help par_id3145268 55 0 ast Creates a temporary copy of \<…
35621 …eters.xhp 0 help par_id3154259 42 0 ast Creates a new document using \<emph\>{filename}\</emph\>…
35647 …15 0 ast \<emph\>Grayscale\</emph\> converts all colors to a maximum of 256 grada…
35666 …selected area and press the mouse button. Keep the mouse button pressed for a moment, then drag th…
35676 …id3152811 2 0 ast When you open a new document with \<emph\>File - New\</emph\>, a blank documen…
35678 …irst, open either an existing $[officename] template and modify it, or open a new document and edi…
35679 …d\guide\standard_template.xhp 0 help par_id3159152 6 0 ast You can define a document template fo…
35683 …ast Choose \<emph\>Set As Default Template\</emph\>. The next time you open a new text document, t…
35691 …ed\guide\standard_template.xhp 0 help par_id3146918 16 0 ast You can save a new template with \<…
35692 …y need to update the view of the templates in the dialog before you can see a newly created templa…
35698 … the Java(TM) Access Bridge software, that uses the Java Accessibility API, a part of the Java run…
35706 …tive tools is provided by the Java Access Bridge software. The following is a list of some assisti…
35713 …n keyboards enable users to perform almost all data input and commands with a mouse. 20200411 1…
35719 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\change_title.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Changing the Title of a
35721 …red/guide/change_title.xhp\" name=\"Changing the Title of a Document\"\>Changing the Title of a Do…
35722 …hared\guide\change_title.xhp 0 help par_id3152801 3 0 ast You can specify a title for your docum…
35737 …s file statistics, including the number of words and the number of pages in a document, and automa…
35738 …document\<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline select=\"WIN\"\> or for a document in the Wind…
35741 …le_properties.xhp 0 help hd_id3150443 5 0 ast To view file properties for a document listed in t…
35743 …red\guide\viewing_file_properties.xhp 0 help par_id3154306 7 0 ast Select a file in the list. …
35748 …r_id3155535 2 0 ast This section contains information about how to create a new database table i…
35749 …se where you want a new table. Click the \<emph\>Tables\</emph\> icon. Choose \<emph\>Create Table…
35751 …ws from top to bottom. Click the \<emph\>Field Name\</emph\> cell and enter a field name for each …
35752a "primary key" data field. Base needs a primary key to be able to edit the table contents. A prim…
35753 …the \<emph\>Field Type\</emph\>. When you click in the cell, you can select a field type in the co…
35754 … the specified field type. For example, it is not possible to enter text in a number field. Memo f…
35755 …ription\</emph\> for each field. The text of the description will appear as a tip on the column he…
35760 …ine.xhp 0 help par_id3154908 7 0 ast For the \<emph\>Length\</emph\> box, a combo box may be sho…
35784 …For example, the changing of a tab stop from align left to align right is not recorded. However, a…
35790 …p 0 help par_id3149578 11 0 ast If you move to a marked change with the mouse pointer, you will …
35791 …g_enter.xhp 0 help par_id3156119 12 0 ast Changes in a spreadsheet document are highlighted by a
35792 …red\guide\redlining_enter.xhp 0 help par_id3148473 13 0 ast You can enter a comment on each reco…
35794 … 0 ast In a text document, you can highlight all lines that you have changed with an additional c…
35799 …e documents are handled differently in $[officename] or are unsupported. As a result, converted fi…
35801 …_limitations.xhp 0 help par_id3155934 3 0 ast The following lists provide a general overview of …
35829 …\guide\ms_import_export_limitations.xhp 0 help par_id3150439 30 0 ast For a detailed overview ab…
35830 …dN10A9F 0 ast Opening Microsoft Office Documents That Are Protected With a Password 20200411…
35831 …an open the following Microsoft Office document types that are protected by a password. 2020041…
35851 …ant to exchange data with a database that does not have an ODBC link and does not allow dBASE impo…
35853 …e\data_dbase2office.xhp 0 help par_id3147275 40 0 ast To exchange data in a text format use the …
35854 …ar_id3145382 42 0 ast Export the desired data from the source database in a text format. The CSV…
35858 …50986 45 0 ast Once the data is in a $[officename] Calc spreadsheet, you can edit it as needed. …
35859 …the current $[officename] Calc spreadsheet in dBASE format in the folder of a dBASE database. To d…
35861 …d3154140 59 0 ast You can export the current $[officename] spreadsheet in a text format which ca…
35863 …1 0 ast In \<emph\>File type\</emph\> select the filter "Text CSV". Enter a file name and click …
35868 …u use for your e-mail addresses is a table of the address book database. Each address is a data re…
35869 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_tables.xhp 0 help par_idN1061A 0 ast Creating a New T…
35870 …data_tables.xhp 0 help par_idN1061E 0 ast In %PRODUCTNAME you can create a new table using the …
35874 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_tables.xhp 0 help par_idN10645 0 ast Creating a New T…
35879 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_tables.xhp 0 help par_idN10778 0 ast Creating a New T…
35880 …iews. A table view is a query that is stored with the database. For most database operations, a vi…
35890 …</switchinline\>-click a hyperlink in a Writer document, your web browser opens with the requested…
35891 …\guide\hyperlink_edit.xhp 0 help hd_id3145071 26 0 ast Change the text of a hyperlink as follows…
35892 …p par_id3166410 12 0 ast In Writer documents, you can click anywhere into a hyperlink and edit t…
35894 …it.xhp 0 help par_id1983092 0 ast If you leave the hyperlink by entering a space character dire…
35895 …2 0 ast In all document types, you can open the Hyperlink dialog to edit a hyperlink. First set…
35896 …d\guide\hyperlink_edit.xhp 0 help hd_id3158432 30 0 ast Change the URL of a hyperlink as follows…
35904 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\hyperlink_edit.xhp 0 help hd_id3147530 34 0 ast Edit a hype…
35905 …uide\hyperlink_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3152361 13 0 ast If the hyperlink is a button, click on the…
35910 …3147653 16 0 ast Use the draw functions to create an object to be used as a line end. 2020041…
35913 …e.xhp 0 help par_id3149765 19 0 ast Click \<emph\>Add\</emph\> and assign a name to the new arro…
35918a rectangle or a callout box using the drawing functions and activate the \<emph\>Points\</emph\> …
35920 …rsor on the box it changes to a hand symbol. You can now drag the box to change the amount of roun…
35925 …xhp 0 help par_id0815200803314147 0 ast In Windows Explorer, right-click a file of the type tha…
35932 …shared\guide\edit_symbolbar.xhp 0 help hd_id3153561 85 0 ast To add a button to a toolbar: 20…
35933 …lbar.xhp 0 help par_id3159157 78 0 ast Click the arrow icon at the end of a toolbar and choose \…
35934 … help par_id2439039 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
35935 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\edit_symbolbar.xhp 0 help hd_id3151384 86 0 ast To add a bu…
35939 …you want, you can rearrange the \<emph\>Commands \</emph\>list by selecting a command name and cli…
35944 …10 2 0 ast Under Windows only, you can view any $[officename] document in a window of the Micros…
35954 … par_id3149669 10 0 ast In Internet Explorer, browse to a web page that contains a link to a $[o…
35958 …67 14 0 ast The $[officename] document inside the Internet Explorer shows a set of read-only too…
35959 …mph\>Edit file\</emph\> icon in the document's toolbar to open a copy of the document in a new $[o…
35969 …hinline select=\"appl\"\>\<caseinline select=\"WRITER\"\>The text cursor is a blinking vertical li…
35971 …hinline select=\"appl\"\>\<caseinline select=\"WRITER\"\>The text cursor is a blinking block. \</c…
35973 …guide\undo_formatting.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Undoing Direct Formatting for a Document 20200411…
35975 …ef=\"text/shared/guide/undo_formatting.xhp\"\>Undoing Direct Formatting for a Document\</link\>\</…
35976 …83 0 ast You can undo all formatting that has not been made by styles in a few steps. 202004…
35977 …rmatting.xhp 0 help par_idN10639 0 ast Removing all Direct Formatting in a $[officename] Writer…
35980 …rmatting.xhp 0 help par_idN1064A 0 ast Removing all Direct Formatting in a $[officename] Calc S…
35984 …rmatting.xhp 0 help par_idN1065F 0 ast Removing all Direct Formatting in a $[officename] Presen…
36000a line, hold down the \<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline select=\"MAC\"\>Command key \</c…
36003 … 0 ast An example of a non-breaking dash is a company name such as A-Z. Obviously you would not w…
36006 …\</emph\>\</link\>. Here you can, among other things, replace a shortcut automatically by a dash, …
36008 …id3154306 60 0 ast To support automatic hyphenation by entering a separator inside a word yourse…
36015 …ed\guide\redlining_accept.xhp 0 help par_id3147571 24 0 ast When you edit a document in which ot…
36018 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\redlining_accept.xhp 0 help par_id3156346 27 0 ast Select a
36019 …ther author's change, you will see the changes hierarchically arranged with a plus sign for openin…
36026 … Navigator displays all types of objects contained in a document. If a plus sign appears next to a
36027 … help par_id3146797 6 0 ast Open a category by clicking on the plus sign. If you only want to vi…
36028 …rder or turn it back into a free window (double click on the gray area). You can change the size o…
36035a new file for the first time, the \<link href=\"text/shared/01/01070000.xhp\" name=\"Save As\"\>S…
36036 …ve.xhp 0 help par_id3152472 3 0 ast You can set the automatic creation of a backup copy under \<…
36038 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\doc_save.xhp 0 help par_id9359111 0 ast When saving a file…
36065 …k the \<emph\>Line\</emph\> icon. The mouse pointer changes to a cross-hair symbol with a line bes…
36072 …wn the Shift key. This multiple selection enables you to assign all of them a common color, width …
36073 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\line_intext.xhp 0 help par_id3153049 38 0 ast Create a hori…
36074 …ext.xhp 0 help par_id3153748 64 0 ast You can draw a line above, beside or below a paragraph in
36076a new line in a Writer text document by typing three or more hyphen characters and press the Enter…
36077 …49452 0 ast To create a single line, type three or more hyphens (-), or underscores ( _ ), and …
36082 …1804 0 ast When you enter a line width, you can append a measurement unit. A zero line width re…
36089 … document. For example, if you placed all the graphics for your homepage in a subfolder called "C:…
36090 …o longer function on the provider server. Neither a server nor the computer of a reader needs to h…
36091 …hared\guide\hyperlink_rel_abs.xhp 0 help par_id3154046 50 0 ast A link to a web page, for exampl…
36092 …ists, and where it is located. $[officename] checks every new link and sets a target and protocol …
36095a hyperlink, a help tip displays the absolute reference, since $[officename] uses absolute path na…
36100 … is open in %PRODUCTNAME. \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click an icon to open a new document or a file dialog…
36101 …id0820200803104810 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>The document icons each open a new document of the …
36110 …75 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>The Open icon presents a file open dialog.\</…
36111 …help par_id082020080310500 0 ast The \<emph\>Open\</emph\> icon presents a \<link href=\"text/s…
36112 …shared\guide\data_register.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Registering and Deleting a Database 2020041…
36114 …link href=\"text/shared/guide/data_register.xhp\"\>Registering and Deleting a Database\</link\>\</…
36119 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_register.xhp 0 help par_idN10700 0 ast To remove a re…
36127 …ar_id3149095 5 0 ast You can insert hyperlinks in two ways: as text or as a button. In both case…
36130 ….xhp 0 help par_id3155421 31 0 ast If you want to insert the hyperlink as a button, click and ho…
36133 …sert.xhp 0 help par_id3154685 23 0 ast To jump to a specific line in a text document, first ente…
36134 …rlink_insert.xhp 0 help par_idN1076D 0 ast To jump to a cell in a spreadsheet, first enter a na…
36137 …ink_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3146975 34 0 ast If you wish to insert in a text a hyperlink that re…
36146 …\guide\copy_drawfunctions.xhp 0 help hd_id3147573 34 0 ast Inserting into a text document 202…
36147 …E-Object\</emph\> toolbar or the \<emph\>Frame\</emph\> toolbar. This opens a popup menu where you…
36148 …\guide\copy_drawfunctions.xhp 0 help hd_id3145609 36 0 ast Inserting into a spreadsheet 20200…
36159 …ons\</emph\>\</link\> to open the \<emph\>Options\</emph\> dialog to change a variety of settings …
36162 …/01010900.xhp\"\>\<emph\>Tools - Options - Print\</emph\>\</link\> contains a number of print cust…
36168 …to attach URLs to specific areas, called hotspots, on a picture in your document. An image map is
36169 …three types of hotspots: rectangles, ellipses, and polygons. When you click a hotspot, the URL is …
36170 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\imagemap.xhp 0 help par_idN10677 0 ast To add a clickable …
36172 …ast Choose \<emph\>Insert - Picture - From File\</emph\>, select and insert a bitmap picture. 2…
36174 …N106A0 0 ast Use the icons in the ImageMap Editor to draw a hotspot shape, for example a rectan…
36176 … 0 help par_idN106AB 0 ast Enter the "Address" URL that will be shown in a Web browser when the…
36177 …lp par_idN106AF 0 ast Optionally, enter the "Text" that will be shown as a tip when the user po…
36180 …p 0 help par_idN106BA 0 ast You may save the ImageMap as a file and upload that file to a Web s…
36184 …157958 2 0 ast \<emph\>Extended tips\</emph\> provide a brief description of the function of a p…
36190 …Mouse Pointer\</emph\> over all controls, icons and menu commands to obtain a description of the c…
36193 …e/formfields.xhp\" name=\"Inserting and Editing Buttons\"\>Adding a Command Button to a Document\<…
36194 …add checkboxes, buttons, tables showing data records, and other controls to a document. 2020041…
36195 …\text\shared\guide\formfields.xhp 0 help par_idN1077F 0 ast To Add a Button to a Document 2…
36198 …de\formfields.xhp 0 help par_idN107A4 0 ast The mouse pointer changes to a cross-hair. 20200…
36203 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\formfields.xhp 0 help par_id3147303 12 0 ast To attach a ma…
36212 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\border_table.xhp 0 help hd_id3147008 1 0 ast Setting a Pred…
36217 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\border_table.xhp 0 help hd_id3153666 7 0 ast Setting a Cust…
36220 …h\>User-defined\</emph\> area select the edge(s) that you want to appear in a common layout. Click…
36222 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\border_table.xhp 0 help par_id3153526 11 0 ast Select a lin…
36226 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\digitalsign_receive.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Opening a Documen…
36228 …ceive\"\>\<link href=\"text/shared/guide/digitalsign_receive.xhp\"\>Opening a Document Using WebDA…
36229 … 0 ast In %PRODUCTNAME, you can open and save documents that are stored on a WebDAV server, using…
36233 …ter \<item type=\"literal\"\>\</item\> to open a secure connection to…
36234 …ign_receive.xhp 0 help par_id1388592 0 ast The first time you connect to a WebDAV server, you s…
36239 …ast If there is a mismatch of the domain name given in the certificate and the domain name you ent…
36243 … par_id4381847 0 ast If you click \<emph\>Continue\</emph\>, you may see a dialog that asks you…
36254 …ed\guide\insert_graphic_drawit.xhp 0 help par_id3148491 3 0 ast To create a rectangle, click the…
36257 …d object. For example, instead of a rectangle you get a square, instead of an ellipse you get a ci…
36259 …hared\guide\insert_graphic_drawit.xhp 0 help par_id224616 0 ast To scale a draw object using th…
36261 …hared\guide\insert_graphic_drawit.xhp 0 help par_id7199316 0 ast To move a draw object using th…
36262 …raphic_drawit.xhp 0 help par_id7133399316 0 ast To enter text to be a part of a graphics object…
36263 …objects, click in an area of the document containing no objects. If you see a drawing cursor, firs…
36269 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\fontwork.xhp 0 help par_idN10691 0 ast To create a Fontwor…
36272 …lp par_id3149761 55 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a Fontwork style and c…
36273 …r_idN106A0 0 ast In the \<emph\>Fontwork Gallery\</emph\> dialog, select a Fontwork style and c…
36278 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\fontwork.xhp 0 help par_idN106AE 0 ast To edit a Fontwork …
36295 …e\doc_autosave.xhp 0 help hd_id3166410 3 0 ast To create a backup file every time you save a doc…
36300 …ment, but the extension is .BAK. If the backup folder already contains such a file, it will be ove…
36304 …ation necessary to restore the current document in case of a crash. Additionally, in case of a cra…
36310 …46 5 0 ast Choose \<emph\>Help - About $[officename]\</emph\>. This opens a dialog containing in…
36314 …shared\guide\navigator_setcursor.xhp 0 help par_id3145071 9 0 ast This is a common use of the Na…
36316 …ph\>Navigation\</emph\> toolbar to scroll to the previous or next object of a specific category. …
36317 …using the \<emph\>Navigation\</emph\> icon below the vertical scroll bar of a text document, or in…
36323 …\shared\guide\insert_specialchar.xhp 0 help par_id3155535 3 0 ast To view a selection of all cha…
36327 …lect=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline select=\"UNIX\"\>\<emph\>Solaris:\</emph\> Using a Sun keyboard. First …
36328 …on the screen. Now press a letter, such as "e". The e is given an accent, é or è. If not, then che…
36329a mode_switch, so, for example, xmodmap -e "keysym Alt_R = Mode_switch" must be set. First press (…
36335 …ly recognizes a word that may be a \<link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#url\" name=\"URL\"\>U…
36338 …9233 3 0 ast When you are typing and notice that a text has just been automatically converted in…
36341 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\autocorr_url.xhp 0 help par_id3149514 10 0 ast Load a docum…
36342 … 0 ast If you want to modify the URL recognition for text documents, open a text document. 20…
36351 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\measurement_units.xhp 0 help par_idN10674 0 ast Open a doc…
36373 …rmat\"\>OpenDocument format\</link\> can be saved with a password. Documents that are saved with a
36382 …Choose \<emph\>Edit - Changes - Protect Records\</emph\>. Enter and confirm a password of at least…
36403 …t_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3139133 0 ast Different methods exist to start a chart: 20200411 1…
36404 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\chart_insert.xhp 0 help par_id6772972 0 ast Insert a chart…
36406 …t\shared\guide\chart_insert.xhp 0 help par_id2356944 0 ast Insert a chart with a default data s…
36408 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\chart_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3146763 0 ast Copy a chart f…
36410 …rt_insert.xhp 0 help par_id4439832 0 ast In Calc, a chart is an object on a sheet, it cannot be…
36411 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\chart_insert.xhp 0 help hd_id719931 0 ast Chart in a Calc …
36414 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\chart_insert.xhp 0 help par_id7549363 0 ast You see a char…
36416 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\chart_insert.xhp 0 help hd_id3761406 0 ast Chart in a Writ…
36417 …ert.xhp 0 help par_id3155066 32 0 ast In a Writer document, you can insert a chart based on the …
36420 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\chart_insert.xhp 0 help par_id6171452 0 ast You see a char…
36423 … - Chart\</emph\> to insert a chart with default data. In Draw or Impress, choose \<emph\>Insert -…
36428 … 0 ast Using forms, you can define how to present the data. Open a text document or a spreadsheet…
36429 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_forms.xhp 0 help par_idN1061A 0 ast Creating a New Fo…
36430 …data_forms.xhp 0 help par_idN1061E 0 ast In %PRODUCTNAME, you can create a new form using the \…
36434 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_forms.xhp 0 help par_idN10645 0 ast Creating a New Fo…
36445a document digitally, you need a personal key, the certificate. A personal key is stored on your c…
36447 …ignatures.xhp 0 help par_idN10671 0 ast When you apply a digital signature to a document, a kin…
36448 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\digital_signatures.xhp 0 help par_idN10674 0 ast Open a si…
36449 …dN10678 0 ast When someone later opens the document on any computer with a recent version of %P…
36452 …ocuments and macro signatures can exist inside an ODF document. If there is a problem with one sig…
36453 … 0 ast You can see any of the following icons and messages when you open a signed document. …
36465 …p par_id0821200910191774 0 ast When you sign a document with 3.2 or StarOffice 9…
36466 …ar when the signature and certificate are valid, but they were created with a version of OpenOffic…
36468a signed document, and the software reports that the signature is valid, this does not mean that y…
36469 … who wants to camouflage his identity to be a sender from your bank. He can easily get a certifica…
36471 …al_signatures.xhp 0 help par_id8635517 0 ast The validation of a signature is not a legally bin…
36472 …4 0 ast On Windows operating systems, the Windows features of validating a signature are used. …
36473a signature that you see in %PRODUCTNAME are the messages that the validation files return. The %P…
36476 … 0 ast \<link href=\"text/shared/guide/digitalsign_receive.xhp\"\>Opening a document using WebDA…
36482 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\autohide.xhp 0 help par_id3166460 66 0 ast To dock a window…
36484 …Double-click inside a vacant area of the window while holding down the Ctrl key. In the Styles and…
36485 …hp 0 help par_id3147335 69 0 ast These methods can also be used to undock a currently docked win…
36488 …ide the docked window. The AutoHide function allows you to temporarily show a hidden window by cli…
36492 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\chart_legend.xhp 0 help par_id3147008 2 0 ast To edit a cha…
36502 …id3159876 0 ast %PRODUCTNAME uses the installed fonts of your system. In a text document you ca…
36508a server installation, the system administrator first logs on as with root privileges, and starts …
36510 …ename] Software\</emph\>. The $[officename] software automatically provides a printer with the def…
36511 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\spadmin.xhp 0 help hd_id3148564 286 0 ast Adding a Printer …
36516 … 0 ast Select the appropriate driver for your printer. If you are not using a PostScript printer o…
36517 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\spadmin.xhp 0 help par_id3125863 290 0 ast Choose a command…
36518 …\shared\guide\spadmin.xhp 0 help par_id3150767 291 0 ast Give the printer a name and determine w…
36519 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\spadmin.xhp 0 help par_id3155429 292 0 ast To print a test …
36521 …t\shared\guide\spadmin.xhp 0 help par_id3147428 124 0 ast When installing a non-PostScript print…
36523 …p par_id3159153 127 0 ast If you are using a printer using the PostScript technology, you should…
36525 …spadmin.xhp 0 help hd_id3147435 346 0 ast Importing Drivers When Creating a New Printer 20200…
36530 …\spadmin.xhp 0 help hd_id3152885 350 0 ast Deleting Drivers When Creating a New Printer 20200…
36540 … 0 ast The \<emph\>Font Replacement\</emph\> tab page allows you to select a printer font type av…
36541 …ric printer driver so that your printout is not cropped. You can also enter a description in the C…
36544 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\spadmin.xhp 0 help par_id3147338 134 0 ast Select a printer…
36546 …ph\>Remove\</emph\>. The default printer or a printer that has been created by the system administ…
36547 … ast \<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline select=\"UNIX\"\>Selecting a Default Printer \</c…
36550 …red\guide\spadmin.xhp 0 help par_id3148463 52 0 ast If you have installed a fax package such as …
36554 …d\guide\spadmin.xhp 0 help par_id3151070 299 0 ast Select \<emph\>Connect a fax device\</emph\>.…
36556a command line with which to communicate with the fax in the following dialog. In the command line…
36557 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\spadmin.xhp 0 help par_id3146135 302 0 ast Assign a name to…
36559 …83 0 ast Enter the fax number as text in the document. You can also enter a field that takes the…
36560 …mmand\</emph\> tab page. If no telephone number is entered in the document, a dialog prompting you…
36561 … 0 ast In $[officename] you can also activate an icon for sending faxes to a default fax. To do t…
36563 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\spadmin.xhp 0 help hd_id3146929 306 0 ast Connecting a Post…
36564 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\spadmin.xhp 0 help par_id3154989 307 0 ast If a PostScript …
36566 …d\guide\spadmin.xhp 0 help par_id3145268 309 0 ast Select \<emph\>Connect a PDF converter\</emph…
36567 …" prefers the type 42 fonts over type 3 fonts; this driver is a good choice for output to a softwa…
36568a command line for the PostScript->PDF Converter. Enter the directory where the PDF files should b…
36569 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\spadmin.xhp 0 help par_id3152889 312 0 ast Assign a name to…
36581 …ext\shared\guide\scripting.xhp 0 help par_idN10751 0 ast To assign a script to a new menu entry…
36586 … ast Open any scripting language entry to see the available scripts. Select a script. 20200411 …
36587 … script functions appears in the \<emph\>Commands\</emph\> list box. Select a function. 2020041…
36588 …pting.xhp 0 help par_idN10778 0 ast Click \<emph\>Add\</emph\> to create a new menu assignment.…
36589 …ext\shared\guide\scripting.xhp 0 help par_idN10783 0 ast To assign a script to a key combinatio…
36597 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\scripting.xhp 0 help par_idN10A78 0 ast Select a key combi…
36598 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\scripting.xhp 0 help par_idN1078A 0 ast To assign a script…
36608 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\scripting.xhp 0 help par_idN10791 0 ast To assign a script…
36609 …ng.xhp 0 help par_idN10795 0 ast Select the embedded object, for example a chart, in your docum…
36616 …ext\shared\guide\scripting.xhp 0 help par_idN10798 0 ast To assign a script to a hyperlink 2…
36621 …ext\shared\guide\scripting.xhp 0 help par_idN1079F 0 ast To assign a script to a graphic 202…
36625 …ext\shared\guide\scripting.xhp 0 help par_idN107A6 0 ast To assign a script to a form control …
36626 …0 ast Insert a form control, for example a button: Open the Form Controls toolbar, click the \<emp…
36629 … 0 ast Click one of the \<emph\>...\</emph\> buttons to open a dialog where you can assign a scrip…
36630 …ext\shared\guide\scripting.xhp 0 help par_idN107AD 0 ast To assign a script to a control in the…
36631 …07B1 0 ast Open the %PRODUCTNAME Basic dialog editor, then create a dialog with a control on it…
36634 … 0 ast Click one of the \<emph\>...\</emph\> buttons to open a dialog where you can assign a scrip…
36643 …ng_stop.xhp 0 help par_id3144511 31 0 ast If the cursor is located within a numbered or bulleted…
36644 …e select=\"appl\"\>\<caseinline select=\"WRITER\"\>To remove numbering from a paragraph using the …
36645 …ppl\"\>\<caseinline select=\"WRITER\"\>Place the cursor at the beginning of a numbered paragraph a…
36650 …ng_versions.xhp 0 help bm_id3154230 0 ast \<bookmark_value\>versions; of a document\</bookmark_…
36652a \<link href=\"text/shared/01/01190000.xhp\" name=\"Versions\"\>\<emph\>Versions\</emph\>\</link\…
36653 …help par_id3149399 44 0 ast You can choose to view individual versions of a document, or you can…
36654 …s.xhp 0 help par_id3149811 45 0 ast In the dialog to open a document, you can select from a comb…
36662 … help par_id3153662 19 0 ast Click the \<emph\>Find\</emph\> icon to open a submenu. 20200411…
36664 …ns your Web Browser, which calls the selected Internet search engine. After a short time you see t…
36672 …elect.xhp 0 help par_id3152578 4 0 ast Within the document, you can apply a separate language to…
36673 …52886 5 0 ast You can assign a language to selected pieces of text in a paragraph, either by dir…
36674 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\language_select.xhp 0 help hd_id3146121 6 0 ast Selecting a
36677 …d\guide\language_select.xhp 0 help hd_id3152938 9 0 ast Selecting a language for a Paragraph Sty…
36683 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\language_select.xhp 0 help hd_id3145801 15 0 ast Applying a
36684 … 0 help par_id3148455 16 0 ast Select the text to which you want to apply a language. 2020041…
36689 …\guide\language_select.xhp 0 help hd_id3154272 21 0 ast Selecting a language for a Character Sty…
36691 … 0 ast Click on the name of the character style to which you want to apply a different language. …
36698 …ct.xhp 0 help par_id5174108 0 ast Select a dictionary in the list of descriptions. Click the he…
36703 …314 0 ast A standard installation of %PRODUCTNAME software will give you a user interface (UI) …
36719 …ax.xhp 0 help par_id3156410 3 0 ast To send a fax directly from $[officename], you need a fax mo…
36720 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\fax.xhp 0 help hd_id3166410 6 0 ast Sending a Fax Through t…
36723 …hared\guide\fax.xhp 0 help hd_id3153825 9 0 ast Configuring $[officename] a Fax Icon 20200411…
36724 … You can configure $[officename] so that a single click on an icon automatically sends the current…
36733 …5 0 ast Your \<emph\>Standard\</emph\> bar now has a new icon to send the current document as a
36737 …\dragdrop_gallery.xhp 0 help par_id3143267 50 0 ast You can place a graphic from a document such…
36740 …par_id3156346 52 0 ast If the mouse pointer changes to a hand symbol, the graphic refers to a hy…
36741 …xhp 0 help par_id3149578 53 0 ast If the mouse pointer does not change to a hand symbol, you can…
36792 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_report.xhp 0 help hd_id3145609 13 0 ast Using a Report…
36797 …p par_idN1077D 0 ast These links are added automatically when you create a new report by the Re…
36798 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_report.xhp 0 help hd_id1695608 0 ast Editing a Report…
36799 …guide\data_report.xhp 0 help par_id7510910 0 ast Right-click the name of a report in the databa…
36803 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_report.xhp 0 help hd_id3153104 19 0 ast Editing a Repo…
36806 …t\shared\guide\data_report.xhp 0 help par_idN107D7 0 ast Unless you have a thorough understandi…
36807 …\shared\guide\dragdrop.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Dragging and Dropping Within a $[officename] Docume…
36809 …drop.xhp\" name=\"Dragging and Dropping Within a $[officename] Document\"\>Dragging and Dropping W…
36811 …2 12 0 ast Note that the mouse pointer displays a plus sign when copying and an arrow when creat…
36819 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\dragdrop.xhp 0 help par_id3154938 9 0 ast Creating a link …
36820 …g the mouse button, you can control whether the object is copied, moved, or a link is created. …
36822 …rag Mode\</emph\> icon whether to copy the object, insert it as a link or insert it as a hyperlink…
36823 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\dragdrop.xhp 0 help par_id3153144 4 0 ast You can cancel a
36827 …ormat.xhp 0 help par_id3156136 3 0 ast You can add texture to the bars in a graph or chart (inst…
36832 …97 7 0 ast Click on \<emph\>Bitmap\</emph\>. In the list box select a bitmap as a texture for th…
36839 …d013020090337089 0 ast Select a database field of which you want to print the contents. Click t…
36840 …ields if you want more fields on every label. You can press Enter to insert a new line, and you ca…
36841 … tab. If you enable this, once you leave the Labels dialog box a small window opens with a Synchro…
36843 …type=\"menuitem\"\>View - Field Names\</item\>. This displays the fields in a more visible manner,…
36845 …en you choose to print the document, you will be asked if you want to print a form letter. Answer …
36849 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\macro_recording.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Recording a Macro …
36851 … href=\"text/shared/guide/macro_recording.xhp\" name=\"Recording a Macro\"\>Recording a Macro\</li…
36852 …help par_id3154749 4 0 ast Open the document for which you want to record a macro. 20200411 1…
36859 … par_id3159158 10 0 ast If you want to abort the recording without saving a macro, click the \<e…
36861 …ro to be saved into a new library or module, click the \<emph\>New Library \</emph\>or \<emph\>New…
36862 …d3149456 13 0 ast Enter a name for the new macro in the \<emph\>Macro name\</emph\> text box. Do…
36875 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_search2.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Searching With a Form Fi…
36877 …"text/shared/guide/data_search2.xhp\" name=\"Searching With a Form Filter\"\>Searching With a Form…
36878 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_search2.xhp 0 help par_id3149182 17 0 ast Open a form …
36879 …/caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>Ctrl\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\>, drag a few column headers i…
36885 … on the \<emph\>Form Filter\</emph\> toolbar, the form is displayed without a filter.\</ahelp\> …
36892 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\redlining_docmerge.xhp 0 help par_id3153049 19 0 ast When a
36901 …defined differently for printing directly to the printer or for printing to a file. 20200411 15…
36904 …\>- \</emph\>to define options for reducing data while printing directly to a printer 20200411 …
36905 …h\>\<emph\>-\</emph\> to define options for reducing data while printing to a file 20200411 15:…
36909 …inters you will not see a reduction of printing quality. But the printing time is substantially sh…
36923 …d\guide\ctl.xhp 0 help par_id3154909 8 0 ast Use the Delete key to delete a whole composite char…
36924 …the next or previous whole composite character. To position the cursor into a composite character,…
36932 …tart.xhp 0 help par_id3147291 4 0 ast When you open one of the templates, a new document is crea…
36934 …- Wizards\</emph\> menu) to create your own templates, which you can use as a basis for further do…
36944 …_idN10AC0 0 ast You can distribute an XML filter to multiple users using a special package form…
36945 …filter_distribute.xhp 0 help par_idN10AC3 0 ast To Save an XML Filter as a Package 20200411 …
36946 …par_idN10ACD 0 ast The XML Filter Settings dialog is only available when a text document is ope…
36949 …r_distribute.xhp 0 help par_idN10AE0 0 ast To Install an XML Filter from a Package 20200411 …
36950 …par_idN10AEA 0 ast The XML Filter Settings dialog is only available when a text document is ope…
36964a recipient who only has software that cannot read the OpenDocument format, you can send the curre…
36968 …an control \<item type=\"productname\"\>%PRODUCTNAME\</item\> without using a mouse device, using …
36969 …m type=\"productname\"\>%PRODUCTNAME\</item\> Calc main help page) there is a link to access the k…
36970 … step-by-step instructions about how to control the selected module without a mouse device. 202…
36981 …keyboard.xhp 0 help par_id3153896 29 0 ast Escape closes an open submenu, a toolbar, or the curr…
36982 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help hd_id3161656 21 0 ast Calling a menu co…
36984 …\shared\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help par_id3153381 19 0 ast Arrow down opens a selected menu. Any a…
36987 …on on a horizontal toolbar. Similarly, use the up and down arrows to select an icon on a vertical …
36988 …selected icon. If the selected icon normally demands a consecutive mouse action, such as inserting…
36989 …line\>+Enter on an icon for creating a draw object. A draw object will be placed into the middle o…
36991 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help par_id3151041 26 0 ast If a toolbar is …
36993 …wn arrow or right arrow to open the selected toolbar. This is equivalent to a mouse click. In the …
36994 … Close the toolbar with Esc. It is not possible to move the toolbar without a mouse. 20200411 1…
36995 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help hd_id3151119 11 0 ast Selection from a
37006 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help par_id3145251 147 0 ast In a table cont…
37010 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help par_id3149400 4 0 ast Choose a command …
37022 …riter - Grid\</emph\> in the \<emph\>Resolution\</emph\> area. If you enter a number greater than …
37039 …ch view can show other parts of the document. Using the mouse, you can drag a dividing line from t…
37040 …/switchinline\>+F6: shows the dividing lines at default positions and focus a line. 20200411 15…
37041 … help par_id3158444 136 0 ast Arrow keys: moves the current dividing line a big step in the arro…
37042 …par_id3163668 137 0 ast Shift+Arrow keys: moves the current dividing line a small step in the ar…
37061 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help par_id3154529 126 0 ast Enter: when a c…
37062 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help par_id3159624 127 0 ast Enter: when a t…
37084 …_id3159203 85 0 ast Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow or Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow: move a split one position t…
37088 …de\keyboard.xhp 0 help par_id3145195 89 0 ast Space key: insert or remove a split 20200411 15…
37089 …hared\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help par_id3154647 90 0 ast Insert key: insert a split (leave existin…
37090 …hared\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help par_id3154765 91 0 ast Delete key: delete a split 20200411 15…
37104 …\shared\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help par_id3151192 107 0 ast Shift+F10: open a context menu 2020…
37108 …id3145116 111 0 ast Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End: scroll to the top or bottom of a table 20200411 15…
37111 …e\>\<defaultinline\>Alt\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\>+Down Arrow opens a combo box. Enter sel…
37121 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\tabs.xhp 0 help par_id3147008 27 0 ast You can set a tab st…
37122 …0 help par_id3155136 5 0 ast Click the ruler once to set a left-justified tab. Right-click a tab…
37138 …o move several tab stops on the ruler, press the Shift key before you click a tab. Drag one tab wh…
37139 …ine\>\<defaultinline\>Ctrl\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> when you drag a tab on the ruler to …
37143 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\tabs.xhp 0 help par_id3148879 17 0 ast To delete a tab, hol…
37154 …filter_create.xhp 0 help par_idN109C5 0 ast If you want, you can include a \<emph\>template\</e…
37158 …_idN109E8 0 ast Create a template that assigns %PRODUCTNAME styles to elements in the external …
37159 …lter_create.xhp 0 help par_idN109EC 0 ast In %PRODUCTNAME Writer, create a text document, and c…
37162 …0 help par_idN10A03 0 ast In the \<emph\>Filter Name\</emph\> box, enter a name for the XML fil…
37180 …lter_create.xhp 0 help par_idN10A5A 0 ast You can perform basic tests on a custom XML filter in…
37182 …red\guide\xsltfilter_create.xhp 0 help par_idN10A60 0 ast Create or open a text document. 20…
37188 …\>Browse\</emph\> in the \<emph\>Import\</emph\> area of the dialog, select a document, and click …
37196 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\ms_user.xhp 0 help hd_id3145345 2 0 ast Opening a Microsoft…
37197 … 0 help par_id3147008 3 0 ast Choose \<emph\>File - Open\</emph\>. Select a Microsoft Office fil…
37206 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\ms_user.xhp 0 help hd_id3147303 12 0 ast Saving as a Micros…
37208 …help par_id3153379 14 0 ast In the \<emph\>File type\</emph\> box, select a Microsoft Office fil…
37211 …he \<emph\>Default file format and ODF settings\</emph\> area, first select a document type, then …
37212 …\guide\ms_user.xhp 0 help par_id3149807 18 0 ast From now on, if you save a document, the \<emph…
37215 …nverter Wizard\</emph\> will copy and convert all Microsoft Office files in a folder into $[office…
37218 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\ms_user.xhp 0 help par_id3154921 24 0 ast With a few except…
37222a Microsoft Office document that contains VBA macro code. Change only the normal contents (text, c…
37229 …et appear in the \<emph\>Filter navigator\</emph\>. As soon as a filter is set, you see a blank fi…
37230 …he filter conditions in this area directly as text. If you wish to check if a field has content or…
37236 …red\guide\breaking_lines.xhp 0 help par_idN106E0 0 ast To insert a line break in a spreadsheet …
37238a newline character in the Find & Replace dialog by searching for \\n as a regular expression. You…
37244 …red\guide\breaking_lines.xhp 0 help par_idN10707 0 ast To insert a line break in a text documen…
37250 … 0 ast A fast way of copying from a data source into a text or spreadsheet document, or of creati…
37253 …\dragdrop_beamer.xhp 0 help par_id3149233 28 0 ast If you want to reverse a drag-and-drop, posit…
37254 …149656 46 0 ast It is also possible to copy by drag-and-drop from a document into a data source:…
37255 … 47 0 ast A text table or the selected range of a spreadsheet can be dragged using drag-and-drop…
37256 …8 0 ast Plain text can be copied using drag-and-drop from one document to a data field in the da…
37257 …ared\guide\dragdrop_beamer.xhp 0 help hd_id3145421 36 0 ast Using data in a text document 202…
37258 ….xhp 0 help par_id3154685 12 0 ast You can insert a database field in a text document by draggin…
37259a complete record, select the corresponding header and drag it into the document. When you release…
37260 …d\guide\dragdrop_beamer.xhp 0 help hd_id3147230 39 0 ast Applying data to a table document 20…
37261 …864 40 0 ast You can insert one or more records into the current sheet of a spreadsheet by selec…
37262 …de\dragdrop_beamer.xhp 0 help hd_id3149766 42 0 ast Inserting controls in a text form 2020041…
37263 …gdrop_beamer.xhp 0 help par_id3155132 43 0 ast When you create a text form linked to a database,…
37264a database column into the text document, you insert a field. If you hold down Shift+\<switchinlin…
37268 …ou for use in various fields and controls. Your system address book is such a data source. 2020…
37270 …information appears automatically the first time you activate, for example, a business letter temp…
37277 …Data Source Wizard\</emph\>, in which you can register your address book as a new data source in \…
37281a template from the \<emph\>Business Correspondence\</emph\> category, \<item type=\"productname\"…
37286 …g_protect.xhp 0 help par_id3154751 2 0 ast To protect the changes made in a document during edit…
37288 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\redlining_protect.xhp 0 help par_id3153345 4 0 ast Enter a
37292a single cell. You can also copy a formula from a cell into the clipboard (for example, from the i…
37293 …\copytable2application.xhp 0 help par_id3145345 11 0 ast To copy a cell range into a text docume…
37294 …iew of a presentation document, the cells will be inserted there as an OLE object. If you drag cel…
37295 …ide\copytable2application.xhp 0 help par_id3148538 13 0 ast When you copy a cell range from $[of…
37296 …ide\copytable2application.xhp 0 help par_id3153031 14 0 ast If you insert a cell range with an e…
37300 …r_id3145345 2 0 ast You can insert an object in a document either as a \<emph\>copy\</emph\> or …
37301 …ide\gallery_insert.xhp 0 help hd_id3145313 3 0 ast Inserting an object as a copy 20200411 15:…
37303 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\gallery_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3154306 5 0 ast Select a th…
37304 …de\gallery_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3154516 6 0 ast Select an object using a single click. 202…
37306 …ide\gallery_insert.xhp 0 help hd_id3153061 8 0 ast Inserting an object as a link 20200411 15:…
37308 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\gallery_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3148663 10 0 ast Select a t…
37309 …uide\gallery_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3150543 11 0 ast Select an object by a single click. 202…
37311 …de\gallery_insert.xhp 0 help hd_id3156282 13 0 ast Inserting an object as a background graphic …
37313 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\gallery_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3151041 15 0 ast Select a t…
37314 …uide\gallery_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3145607 16 0 ast Select an object by a single click. 202…
37316 …de\gallery_insert.xhp 0 help hd_id3145787 18 0 ast Inserting an object as a texture (pattern) fo…
37318 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\gallery_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3152596 20 0 ast Select a t…
37319 …uide\gallery_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3148617 21 0 ast Select an object by a single click. 202…
37324 …red\guide\chart_axis.xhp 0 help par_id3156426 2 0 ast To edit the axes of a chart that you have …
37342 …ast To restrict the display of files in the \<emph\>Open\</emph\> dialog to a certain type select …
37345 …4744 0 ast One exception appears when the author of a Writer text document saves and reopens a
37348 … icon on the Standard bar or choose \<emph\>File - New\</emph\>. This opens a document of the docu…
37349 …92 20 0 ast If you click the arrow next to the \<emph\>New\</emph\> icon, a submenu opens in whi…
37354 …guide\doc_open.xhp 0 help hd_id0820200803501453 0 ast Opening Files from a Web Server 202004…
37355 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\doc_open.xhp 0 help par_id3153126 9 0 ast You can enter a U…
37356 …%PRODUCTNAME dialog, you can use the https:// prefix for a secure connection, and you can save a d…
37357a file by a URL from the Windows file dialog, Windows will open a local copy of the file, located …
37363 …you can click the \<emph\>Find Record\</emph\> icon on the form bar to open a dialog to find any t…
37368 …4 0 ast An easy method to import and export database tables uses Calc as a "helper application"…
37370 …\guide\data_im_export.xhp 0 help par_id3163853 0 ast You copy a table from Base to a new Calc s…
37378a text or spreadsheet file, the file must have a first row of header information. The second row o…
37379 …as a text format, you must make sure that the first field of the first valid data row contains tex…
37380 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_im_export.xhp 0 help par_id2216559 0 ast Open a Base …
37381 …shared\guide\data_im_export.xhp 0 help par_id7869502 0 ast Either create a new Base file using …
37382 …n the Calc file that contains the data to be imported to Base. You can open a *.dbf dBASE file or …
37384 …shared\guide\data_im_export.xhp 0 help par_id6173894 0 ast You can enter a range reference like…
37385 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_im_export.xhp 0 help par_id533768 0 ast If you copy a
37389 …p par_id4815820 0 ast You see the Copy Table dialog. Most databases need a primary key, so you …
37396 …chart_title.xhp 0 help par_id3153527 2 0 ast To edit a chart title that you have inserted into a
37399 …appears around the text and you can now make changes. Press Enter to create a new line. 2020041…
37400 …le text exists, choose \<emph\>Insert - Title\</emph\> to enter the text in a dialog. 20200411 …
37411 …n\</alt\>\</image\> to select an arrow style for the right and left ends of a line. 20200411 15…
37412 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\linestyles.xhp 0 help par_id3150868 7 0 ast Select a style …
37414 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_new.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Creating a New Database 2…
37416 …e id=\"data_new\"\>\<link href=\"text/shared/guide/data_new.xhp\"\>Creating a New Database\</link\…
37418 …plorer/database/dabawiz00.xhp\"\>Database Wizard\</link\>, where you create a new database file. …
37420 …plorer/database/tablewizard00.xhp\"\>Table Wizard\</link\> helps you to add a table to the new dat…
37426 …use the default font are found. All text that has a directly coded font attribute, and all text wh…
37438 …red\guide\find_attributes.xhp 0 help par_idN106FB 0 ast All places where a font change was appl…
37447 …elp par_id3153345 1 0 ast The Error Report Tool starts automatically when a program crash occurs…
37452 …xample, if the error only appears after a change in your hardware or software environment, or if y…
37463 …fromgallery.xhp 0 help par_id3155535 41 0 ast If you drag a graphic from the Gallery into a text…
37464 …elp par_id3149762 45 0 ast If you release the graphic \<emph\>directly on a draw object\</emph\>…
37466 …\<defaultinline\>Ctrl\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> key, in which case a plus sign appears ne…
37467a hyperlink (drag while holding down Shift and \<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline select=…
37471 …want to access only a subset of your data that can be well defined by a filter condition, you can …
37472 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_queries.xhp 0 help par_idN1061A 0 ast Creating a New …
37473 …ata_queries.xhp 0 help par_idN1061E 0 ast In %PRODUCTNAME you can create a new query using the …
37477 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_queries.xhp 0 help par_idN10645 0 ast Creating a New …
37487 …\labels.xhp 0 help hd_id3153345 81 0 ast Designing Business Cards Through a Dialog 20200411 1…
37496 …er the selected data field into the inscription area. Press Enter to insert a line break. You can …
37498 …\<emph\>Synchronize contents\</emph\> box is selected. If this is selected, a label only has to be…
37499 … 0 ast As soon as you click on \<emph\>New Document\</emph\>, you will see a small window with th…
37500 …p par_id3149767 29 0 ast Click on \<emph\>New Document\</emph\> to create a new document with th…
37506 …ter.xhp 0 help par_idN1093A 0 ast To create an XML filter, you must have a good understanding o…
37509 …h\> transform OpenDocument XML files and \<emph\>save\</emph\> the files to a different XML format…
37510 …h\>Import/Export Filters\</emph\> load and save OpenDocument XML files into a different XML \<emph…
37519 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\border_paragraph.xhp 0 help hd_id3159233 1 0 ast Setting a
37520 …13 2 0 ast Place the cursor in the paragraph for which you want to define a border. 20200411 …
37523 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\border_paragraph.xhp 0 help par_id3154285 5 0 ast Select a
37524 …to contents\</emph\> area. You can only change distances to edges that have a border line defined.…
37526 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\border_paragraph.xhp 0 help hd_id3149237 8 0 ast Setting a
37528 …h\>User-defined\</emph\> area select the edge(s) that you want to appear in a common layout. Click…
37529 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\border_paragraph.xhp 0 help par_id3148948 11 0 ast Select a
37531 …to contents\</emph\> area. You can only change distances to edges that have a border line defined.…
37536 …red\guide\dragdrop_graphic.xhp 0 help par_id3155805 16 0 ast You can copy a graphic from one doc…
37540 ….xhp 0 help par_id3151110 20 0 ast Keep the mouse button pressed and wait a moment while the obj…
37542 …oon as the gray text cursor indicates the position where you want to insert a copy of the picture.…
37543 …raphic.xhp 0 help par_id3150276 56 0 ast If the graphic is connected with a hyperlink, the hyper…
37544 …ed\guide\redlining_doccompare.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Comparing Versions of a Document 20200411…
37546 …e/redlining_doccompare.xhp\" name=\"Comparing Versions of a Document\"\>Comparing Versions of a Do…
37550 …p 0 help par_id3155421 33 0 ast If one of the authors has made changes to a document without rec…
37555 …and deletions. At the end you may save the reviewer's document as a new original with a new name. …
37559 …rmats. In %PRODUCTNAME you can choose how to paste the contents using a dialog or a drop-down icon…
37566 …e\pasting.xhp 0 help par_idN10762 0 ast Pasting clipboard contents using a dialog 20200411 1…
37569 …p par_idN10774 0 ast If you are in a spreadsheet and the contents of the clipboard are spreadsh…
37571 … help par_idN10785 0 ast \<emph\>Link\</emph\>: pastes the cell range as a link. If the source …
37582a scale of 100%. You can also change the font size for dialogs in \<emph\>\<switchinline select=\"…
37583 …istive technology tools. This means that the first program startup may take a few seconds longer, …
37595 … 6 0 ast Installing the Pocket PC filters under Windows will also install a DLL file that suppor…
37605 …lters.xhp 0 help hd_id3154123 15 0 ast Saving $[officename] documents for a mobile device 202…
37608 …\shared\guide\mobiledevicefilters.xhp 0 help par_id3145419 18 0 ast Enter a name and click \<emp…
37626 …1 26 0 ast On the \<emph\>Background\</emph\> tab page, select a background color or a backgroun…
37636 …>View - Data Sources\</emph\> or press F4 to call the data source view from a text document or spr…
37637 …name=\"Data source explorer\"\>Data source explorer\</link\>. If you select a table or query there…
37641 … ast \<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menubar.xhp\"\>Menu bar of a database file\</link…
37657a new type of web form that was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium. The XForm model is def…
37659 …rms.xhp 0 help par_idN1074A 0 ast In %PRODUCTNAME, an XForms document is a special type of Writ…
37660 …nt, you can open the document, fill out the form, and submit the changes to a server. 20200411 …
37661 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\xforms.xhp 0 help par_idN10706 0 ast To Create a New XForm…
37665 …xhp 0 help par_idN1071E 0 ast Insert a control, select the default model in the property browse…
37667 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\xforms.xhp 0 help par_idN10726 0 ast Load a new instance f…
37669 …and select the XForms document. An XForm document has the same extension as a Writer text document…
37676 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\data_view.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Viewing a Database 20200…
37678 … id=\"data_view\"\>\<link href=\"text/shared/guide/data_view.xhp\"\>Viewing a Database\</link\>\</…
37679 …xhp 0 help par_idN105C4 0 ast There are two different methods of viewing a database in %PRODUCT…
37689 …655 0 ast You can use the Format Paintbrush tool to copy formatting from a text selection or fr…
37693 …red\guide\paintbrush.xhp 0 help par_idN10660 0 ast The cursor changes to a paint bucket. 202…
37700 …ush.xhp 0 help par_idN1069E 0 ast Nothing selected, but cursor is inside a text passage 2020…
37721 …e\workfolder.xhp 0 help par_id3150774 3 0 ast When you start a dialog to open or save a document…
37725 … to change the directory displayed by $[officename] when you want to insert a graphic. Choose \<em…
37730 …99 0 ast You can combine several graphic objects into a group so that you can use them like a s…
37731 … 0 ast You can move, transform, resize, distort, or convert all objects in a group together, and …
37732 …n change the properties (line size, fill color, and more) of all objects in a group together, and …
37738 ….xhp 0 help par_id6738792 0 ast To select the objects, you can also drag a selection frame arou…
37739 …ast For example, you can group all of the objects in a company logo to move and resize the logo as…
37741 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\groups.xhp 0 help hd_id7424237 0 ast To enter a group 2…
37744 …\guide\groups.xhp 0 help par_id8726767 0 ast Now you can select and edit a single object in the…
37745 ….xhp 0 help par_id691549 0 ast You can add or delete objects to and from a group in this mode. …
37747 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\groups.xhp 0 help hd_id9141819 0 ast To exit a group 20…
37750 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\groups.xhp 0 help par_id6042664 0 ast To exit a group in D…
37751 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\groups.xhp 0 help hd_id7889950 0 ast To ungroup a group …
37758 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\digitalsign_send.xhp 0 help par_idN1063C 0 ast Getting a C…
37759 …p par_idN10640 0 ast You can get a certificate from a certification authority, which may be a p…
37763 …p par_idN1071D 0 ast If you are using Solaris or Linux, you must install a recent version of Th…
37768 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\guide\digitalsign_send.xhp 0 help par_idN10681 0 ast Signing a d…
37771 …hp\"\>Digital Signatures\</link\> dialog. Click \<emph\>Add\</emph\> to add a public key to the do…
37775 …ocuments and macro signatures can exist inside an ODF document. If there is a problem with one sig…
37776 …digitalsign_send.xhp 0 help par_idN106E0 0 ast Signing the macros inside a document 20200411…
37777 …d.xhp 0 help par_idN106E4 0 ast Normally, macros are part of a document. If you sign a document…
37791 …0000130.xhp 0 help par_id3155934 1 0 ast You can search for a specific topic by typing a word in…
37792 …earch term, the display will jump directly to the next match. When you type a word in the \<emph\>…
37799 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\05\00000001.xhp 0 help par_id3154230 3 0 ast For a summary of the…
37813 …pose enhancements, write your own article in an FAQ, how-to, manual, create a video tutorial, etc.…
37818 …ABPAGE_CONTENTS\"\>Displays the main help themes, arranged in a similar way to folders in a file m…
37820 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\05\00000160.xhp 0 help par_id3150774 4 0 ast Double-click a close…
37824 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\05\00000160.xhp 0 help par_id3152909 6 0 ast Double-click a docum…
37831 …" icon points out extra information: for example, alternative ways to reach a certain goal. 202…
37832 …6 12 0 ast The "Tip" icon points out tips for working with the program in a more efficient manne…
37838 …tically when you are performing a task that might require some assistance. The Help Agent appears …
37839 …elp Agent automatically closes after a short delay. If you ignore or close the Help Agent three ti…
37841 …ps provide you with the names of toolbar buttons. To display a tip, rest the pointer over a toolba…
37842 …t Tips are also displayed for some elements in a document, such as chapter names when you scroll t…
37845 … Extended tips provide a brief description about buttons and commands. To display an extended tip,…
37849 … not be included in this particular distribution. Some features specific to a distribution may not…
37869 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\05\00000110.xhp 0 help par_idN1092C 0 ast On a Help page, select…
37879 …visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter the text that you want to search for or select a text entry in the li…
37891 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\05\00000110.xhp 0 help par_id3151351 11 0 ast Displays a list of …
37893 …red\05\00000110.xhp 0 help par_id3154188 13 0 ast Allows you to carry out a full-text search. Th…
37896 …3150699 0 ast The Help references the default settings of the program on a system that is set t…
37897a specific keyword in the \<link href=\"text/shared/05/00000130.xhp\" name=\"Index\"\>Index\</link…
37901 …ity=\"hidden\"\>Displays the name of the bookmarked page. You can also type a new name for the boo…
37903 …_id3145314 10 0 ast Use the \<emph\>Add to Bookmarks\</emph\> icon to set a bookmark for the cur…
37905 …OX_TP_HELP_BOOKMARKS_LB_BOOKMARKS\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Double-clicking a bookmark or pressing…
37906 …ed\05\00000150.xhp 0 help par_id3166410 5 0 ast Use the Del key to delete a selected bookmark. …
37907 …p par_id3145382 6 0 ast The following commands are on the context menu of a bookmark: 2020041…
37909 …> - \<ahelp hid=\"HID_HELP_BOOKMARKS_RENAME\" visibility=\"visible\"\>opens a dialog for entering …
37921 …PUSHBUTTON_TP_HELP_SEARCH_PB_SEARCH\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Click to start a full-text search for…
37922 …>Lists the headings of the pages found in your full-text search. To display a page, double-click i…
37927 …earch term\</emph\> text field stores the words you entered last. To repeat a previous search, cli…
37928 …search has been carried out, the document headings of the results appear in a list. Either double-…
37930 …this check box if the search term you enter should also be found as part of a longer word. 2020…
37943 …an be converted when loading into $[officename] (L) and/or when saving into a Microsoft format (S)…
37944 …lumn in front of the entry if a Microsoft OLE object is to be converted into the specified $[offic…
37945 …nt of the entry if a $[officename] OLE object is to be converted into the specified Microsoft OLE …
37955 …3 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SC_LISTBOX_RID_SCPAGE_CONTENT_LB_COLOR\"\>Specifies a color for the grid l…
37957 …E_CONTENT_CB_PAGEBREAKS\"\>Specifies whether to view the page breaks within a defined print area.\…
37961 …CB_HANDLES\"\>Specifies whether to display the handles (the eight points on a selection box) as si…
37963 …IGHANDLES\"\>Specifies that larger than normal handles (the eight points on a selection box) are d…
37971 …CPAGE_CONTENT_CB_ANNOT\"\>Specifies that a small rectangle in the top right corner of the cell ind…
37972 … help par_id3150487 24 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:NoteVisible\"\>To display a comment permanently,…
37973 …entry you can view all comments in the current document. By double clicking a comment in Navigator…
37978 …ifies whether the anchor icon is displayed when an inserted object, such as a graphic, is selected…
37980a cell contains text that is wider than the width of the cell, the text is displayed over empty ne…
37982 … is highlighted in color in the formula. The cell range is also enclosed by a colored border as so…
37999 …\>Specifies whether to display a horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the document window.\</ahel…
38001 …\"SC_CHECKBOX_RID_SCPAGE_CONTENT_CB_VSCROLL\"\>Specifies whether to display a vertical scrollbar a…
38003 …ultinline\>Navigator\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\>. Note that there is a slider between the h…
38017 … menu, which is available when an object is selected. Below the settings is a preview of the objec…
38044 …es that only contents from selected sheets are printed, even if you specify a wider range in the \…
38049 …2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:OptionsTreeDialog\"\>This command opens a dialog for a customized pro…
38051 …ies that are applicable to the current document. If the current document is a text document, you s…
38076 …ents of the cells in the \<emph\>Copy list from\</emph\> box. If you select a reference to related…
38078 … hid=\"SC:PUSHBUTTON:RID_SCPAGE_USERLISTS:BTN_NEW\"\>Enters the contents of a new list into the \<…
38080 …12 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SC:PUSHBUTTON:RID_SCPAGE_USERLISTS:BTN_ADD\"\>Adds a new list into the \<…
38101 …ge.xhp 0 help par_idN10637 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>When available, uses a secure connection to…
38109 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SD_PRINT_OPTIONS\"\>Specifies print settings within a drawing or presentat…
38139 …NT_OPTIONS:CBX_FRONT\"\>Select\<emph\> Front \</emph\>to print the front of a brochure.\</ahelp\> …
38141 …PRINT_OPTIONS:CBX_BACK\"\>Select \<emph\>Back\</emph\> to print the back of a brochure.\</ahelp\> …
38148 …:Edit:RID_SVXDLG_JAVA_PARAMETER:ED_PARAMETER\"\>Enter a start parameter for a JRE as you would on
38150 …par_idN105D8 0 ast For example, to point the system property "myprop" to a folder, enter the fo…
38152 …onen\javaparameters.xhp 0 help par_idN1057B 0 ast To enable debugging in a JRE, enter the follo…
38157 …PARAMETER:LB_ASSIGNED\"\>Lists the assigned JRE start parameters. To remove a start parameter, sel…
38179 ….xhp 0 help par_idN105B8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a folder selection dialog. Select a fol…
38184 … for spreadsheets, contents to be displayed, and the cursor direction after a cell entry. You can …
38186 …r a language\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>hyphenation; activating for a language\</bookmark…
38197 …r_id3148922 20 0 ast \<variable id=\"sprachenfeld\"\>A language entry has a check mark in front …
38214 …inline\> with the same name in the \<emph\>Options\</emph\> bar if a presentation or a drawing doc…
38216 …ays the control points of all Bézier points if you have previously selected a \<link href=\"text/s…
38218 …h\>option, \<item type=\"productname\"\>%PRODUCTNAME\</item\> only displays a square contour that …
38222 …d=\"HID_OFA_FONT_SUBSTITUTION\"\>Substitutes a font with a font of your choice. The substitution r…
38223 …t that your operating system uses when it encounters an unavailable font in a document. 2020041…
38259 …nd Basic source code.\</ahelp\> Select \<emph\>Automatic\</emph\> to detect a suitable font automa…
38263 …help hid=\"OFFMGR_LISTBOX_RID_SVX_FONT_SUBSTITUTION_LB_FONTHEIGHT\"\>Select a font size for the di…
38270 … 0 ast The second time you start your new %PRODUCTNAME software, you see a window that gives in…
38272 …8 0 ast If you accept, data recording starts immediately. When you start a new session of %PROD…
38274 …ovement Program\</item\>. Click the \<emph\>Info\</emph\> icon to browse to a web page with more i…
38286 …xhp 0 help par_id0526200903595242 0 ast Each recorded item also includes a time stamp and the m…
38296 …ity.xhp 0 help par_idN1056A 0 ast The Macro Security dialog appears when a document contains on…
38299 …t options for all new formula documents. These options apply when you print a formula directly fro…
38310a word by pressing \<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline select=\"MAC\"\>Command+Hyphen(-) \…
38312 …RSR_CB_SPACE\"\>Specifies whether to represent every space in the text with a dot.\</ahelp\> 20…
38314 …s are shown as gray boxes. Non-breaking spaces are not broken at the end of a line and are entered…
38318 … inserted with the Shift+Enter shortcut. These breaks create a new line, but do not start a new pa…
38328 …aultinline\>Direct Cursor On/Off\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> icon in a text document. 20…
38330 …tions for the direct cursor. If you click at any position in your document, a new paragraph can be…
38332 …ered or right aligned. The cursor before the mouse-click shows, by means of a triangle, which alig…
38338 …UTTON:TP_OPTSHDWCRSR:RB_SHDWCRSFILLSPACE\"\>When the Direct Cursor is used, a corresponding number…
38341 …TP_OPTSHDWCRSR:CB_ALLOW_IN_PROT\"\>Specifies that you can set the cursor in a protected area, but …
38348 …e, you activate all the available sub-modules simultaneously. If you remove a set mark, you deacti…
38351 …elp hid=\"SVX_PUSHBUTTON_RID_SFXPAGE_LINGU_PB_LINGU_MODULES_EDIT\"\>To edit a language module, sel…
38355 …\"\>Opens the \<emph\>New Dictionary\</emph\> dialog, in which you can name a new user-defined dic…
38357 …d3153360 66 0 ast In the \<emph\>Dictionary\</emph\> section you can name a new user-defined dic…
38361 …st \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SFXDLG_NEWDICT:LB_DICTLANG\"\>By selecting a certain language you…
38363 … can create a custom dictionary of all the words to be avoided. If this exception dictionary is ac…
38366 …added facility of defining an exception for a word. During the spellcheck this exception is then l…
38367 …ared\optionen\01010400.xhp 0 help par_id3145750 76 0 ast When a dictionary is edited, a check is…
38373 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SFXDLG_EDITDICT:LB_DICTLANG\"\>Assigns a new language to the …
38375a new word for inclusion in the dictionary. In the list below you will see the contents of the cur…
38381 …help hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Deletes the selected dictionary after a confirmation, provid…
38385 …f you want to change a value, select the entry and then click \<emph\>Edit\</emph\>.\</ahelp\> You…
38396 …ith a red underline. If you place the cursor over a word marked in this way, you can open the cont…
38403 …help par_id3149439 14 0 ast Specifies the minimum number of characters of a hyphenated word requ…
38405 …ll never be asked for a manual hyphenation. If the field is not marked, when a word is not recogni…
38415 …NDO\"\>You can specify the number of steps which can be undone by selecting a number from the list…
38417a document in your computer's main memory. This means that the attributes of a graphic stored in t…
38435 …oductname\"\>%PRODUCTNAME\</item\> will not allow a character next to another if this is forbidden…
38456 …04 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_OPTIONS_COLOR\"\>Allows you to select a color from a color table, e…
38459 …COLOR:EDT_NAME\"\>Specifies the name of a selected color. You can also type a name in this field w…
38461 …hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_COLOR:LB_COLOR\"\>Contains a list of available colors. To select a c…
38482 …1 28 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:PUSHBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_COLOR:BTN_ADD\"\>Adds a new color.\</ahelp\>…
38484 …FY\"\>Changes the current color. Note that the color is overwritten without a confirmation.\</ahel…
38486 …ns the Color Picker. First highlight a color in the Color table. Then click Edit to open the Color…
38488 …AD\"\>Accesses the \<emph\>Open\</emph\> dialog, which allows you to select a color palette\</ahel…
38490 …As\</emph\> dialog, which enables you to save the current color table under a specified name.\</ah…
38502 …RADIOBUTTON_TP_OPTLOAD_PAGE_RB_ALWAYS\"\>Always updates links while loading a document.\</ahelp\> …
38504 …N_TP_OPTLOAD_PAGE_RB_REQUEST\"\>Updates links only on request while loading a document.\</ahelp\> …
38506 …DIOBUTTON_TP_OPTLOAD_PAGE_RB_NEVER\"\>Links are never updated while loading a document.\</ahelp\> …
38510 …yed as new. Even with this box unchecked, some fields are updated each time a special condition ta…
38521 …shared\optionen\01040900.xhp 0 help par_idN107C9 0 ast Manually changing a variable 20200411…
38528 …UPDATE_CHARTS\"\>Specifies whether to automatically update charts. Whenever a Writer table cell va…
38535 …reating individual jobs\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>faxes;selecting a fax machine\</bookma…
38537 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_OPTPRINT_PAGE\"\>Specifies print settings within a text or HTML documen…
38563a document in portrait on a landscape page, two opposing sides in a brochure will be printed next …
38565 …id=\".\"\>Check to print the pages of the brochure in the correct order for a right-to-left script…
38570 …printed. This is best if you are printing double-sided. For example, in a book, a "chapter" paragr…
38572 …GLEJOBS\"\>Specifies that each new print job will begin on a new page even if you are using a dupl…
38587 …are continuously repeated until the problem is solved) are calculated after a specific number of r…
38590 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\optionen\01060500.xhp 0 help par_id3147530 61 0 ast Now type a se…
38592 …ast Switch on the iterations to correctly calculate the formulas, otherwise a 'Circular reference'…
38615 …/1/1904 as day zero. Use this setting for spreadsheets that are imported in a foreign format.\</ah…
38640 …CPAGE_CALC:BTN_LOOKUP\"\>Specifies that you can use the text in any cell as a label for the column…
38650 …formatting the display on the screen.\</ahelp\> If this box is not checked, a printer independent …
38656a page will also be effective at the beginning of a page or column if the paragraph is positioned …
38659 …rgin, how to handle decimal tab stops, and how to handle tab stops close to a line break.\</ahelp\…
38665 …ed\optionen\01041000.xhp 0 help par_idN10815 0 ast If the option is off, a new process for form…
38668 …ast Specifies that the bottom spacing is added to a paragraph, even when it is the last paragraph …
38671 …ast Specifies how to calculate the position of floating objects anchored to a character or paragra…
38673 …ption will be set to off for new documents. For Writer documents created by a version prior to %PR…
38680a character or paragraph should work. In Writer versions prior to StarOffice 8 or 2…
38697 … 0 ast Java classes that are accessed through the classpath do not undergo a security check. 2…
38701 …\<ahelp hid=\"svx:PushButton:RID_SVXDLG_JAVA_CLASSPATH:PB_ADDPATH\"\>Select a folder and add the f…
38703 …PushButton:RID_SVXDLG_JAVA_CLASSPATH:PB_REMOVE_PATH\"\>Select an archive or a folder in the list a…
38709 …\"\>Displays all the colors available for the data series.\</ahelp\> Select a data series to chang…
38711 …\optionen\01110100.xhp 0 help par_id3149398 6 0 ast This table is used as a means of replacing t…
38729 …CKBOX_TP_CONTENT_OPT_CB_HANDLE\"\>Displays the handles (the eight points on a delimiting rectangle…
38731 …TENT_OPT_CB_BIGHANDLE\"\>Displays larger sized handles (the eight points on a delimiting rectangle…
38752 …xhp\" name=\"Graphics\"\>\<emph\>Graphics On/Off\</emph\>\</link\> icon. If a text document is ope…
38753 …not selected, no graphics will be loaded from the Internet. Graphics within a table and without an…
38756 …Boundaries\</emph\>, or choose \<emph\>Table - Table Boundaries\</emph\> in a Writer document.\</a…
38760 …00.xhp\" name=\"View - Fields\"\>\<emph\>View - Fields\</emph\>\</link\> in a text document. 20…
38762 …POSTIT\"\>Displays comments. Click a comment to edit the text. Use the context menu in Navigator t…
38780 …ar_idN105D2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select if your SMTP server requires a user name and passwo…
38828 …is folder is displayed when you first call the dialog for opening or saving a graphic object. 2…
38843 …R:NUMERICFIELD:OFA_TP_MISC:NF_YEARVALUE\"\>Defines a date range, within which the system recognize…
38844 …s in which two-digit dates are added to 2000. To illustrate, if you specify a date of 1/1/30 or la…
38848 …bubble help information, for example, chapter names when you scroll through a document with chapte…
38850 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Displays a help text when you rest the cursor on an icon, a menu command…
38852 …ed automatically in selected situations. Click the Help Agent window to see a Help page with infor…
38854 …p 0 help par_id3151176 31 0 ast If you have not opened the Help Agent for a particular situation…
38862 …0 help par_idN10856 0 ast When you open a file by an URL from the Windows file dialog, Windows …
38866a modification.\</ahelp\> When this option is marked, the very next time the document is closed yo…
38873 ….xhp 0 help par_id3153562 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Sets the options for a remote configuration…
38874 …hp 0 help par_id3149797 7 0 ast Using remote configuration, you can start a copy of $[officename…
38883 …hp 0 help par_id3154939 12 0 ast The password will be stored encrypted in a file called .ssop in…
38890 …b\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".\"\>If on, you can edit text immediately after clicking a text object. If off,…
38891 …aseinline\>\<caseinline select=\"MATH\"\>\</caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>In a presentation or draw…
38893 …extbereich\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:PickThrough\"\>Specifies whether to select a text frame by clicki…
38895 …aseinline\>\<caseinline select=\"MATH\"\>\</caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>In a presentation or draw…
38898 …TART_WITH_TEMPLATE\"\>Specifies whether to activate the Wizard when opening a presentation with \<…
38903 …01070500.xhp 0 help par_id3154730 18 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>If enabled, a copy is created when…
38914 …u always want a presentation to start with the current slide.\</ahelp\> Unmark\<emph\> Always with…
38916 …lways want the Presenter Screen to start together with the presentation, in a multiple-monitor set…
38924 …lp par_id3146135 40 0 ast Microsoft PowerPoint adds the bottom spacing of a paragraph to the top…
38929 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXDLG_MULTIPATH:LB_MULTIPATH\"\>Contains a list of the paths th…
38941 …\01020300.xhp 0 help par_idN10595 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"703255045\"\>Opens a file dialog to selec…
38951 …TTON_RID_SVXPAGE_COLORCONFIG_PB_SAVESCHEME\"\>Saves the current settings as a color scheme that yo…
38953 …59413 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_OPTIONS_COLORCONFIG_NAME_SCHEME\"\>Enter a name for the color s…
38958 …0769 15 0 ast To apply a color to a user interface element, ensure that the checkbox in front of…
38968 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\optionen\java.xhp 0 help par_idN1057F 0 ast Use a Java runtime e…
38969 …va applications in %PRODUCTNAME.\</ahelp\> When a Java application attempts to access your hard dr…
38971 …LIST\"\>Select the JRE that you want to use. On some systems, you must wait a minute until the lis…
38973 … hid=\"svx:PushButton:RID_SVXPAGE_OPTIONS_JAVA:PB_ADD\"\>Add a path to the root folder of a JRE on…
38987 …CPAGE_OPREDLINE:CLB_REMOVE\"\>Specifies the color to highlight deletions in a document.\</ahelp\> …
38989 …PAGE_OPREDLINE:CLB_INSERT\"\>Specifies the color to highlight insertions in a document.\</ahelp\> …
38995 …s differ according to the security level. Macros that are allowed to run on a higher security leve…
38998 …d file locations can be set on the Trusted Sources tab page. Any macro from a trusted file locatio…
39001 … Sources tab page. Only signed macros from a trusted source are allowed to run. In addition, any m…
39004 …usted Sources tab page. Signed macros from a trusted source are allowed to run. In addition, any m…
39031 …n the context menu of a page:\</caseinline\>\<caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"\>There are additional …
39041 …y, or remove entries to the list of registered databases. You must register a database within %PRO…
39045 …ext/shared/optionen/01160201.xhp\"\>Database Link\</link\> dialog to create a new entry.\</ahelp\>…
39064 …plies a thin border to the formula area in the printout.\</ahelp\> \<emph\>Title\</emph\> and \<em…
39067 …ng the current font size.\</ahelp\> It is possible that with large formulas a part of the command …
39071 …PTIONPAGE_MF_ZOOM\"\>Reduces or enlarges the size of the printed formula by a specified enlargemen…
39074 …ed if they are at the end of a line.\</ahelp\> In earlier versions of $[officename], adding such c…
39092 …s\</emph\>\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> to format a paragraph with numbers or bullets in a t…
39104 …AME will check once a day, week, or month, as soon as a working Internet connection is detected. I…
39107 …d\optionen\online_update.xhp 0 help par_id4057130 0 ast Online Update is a module that can be s…
39109 …lp par_id3031098 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>A check will be performed once a day.\</ahelp\> 20…
39111 …lp par_id7824030 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>A check will be performed once a week. This is the de…
39113 …elp par_id209051 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>A check will be performed once a month.\</ahelp\> …
39121 …e_update.xhp 0 help par_id2143925 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click to show a dialog box where you…
39130 …4B 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"703988739\"\>Select to see a warning dialog when you try to save or send…
39132 …10652 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"703988740\"\>Select to see a warning dialog when you try to print a d…
39134 …N10659 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"703988741\"\>Select to see a warning dialog when you try to sign a d…
39136 …10660 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"703988742\"\>Select to see a warning dialog when you try to export a
39142 …ed, you must hold down the Ctrl key while clicking a hyperlink to follow that link. If not enabled…
39144 … 0 help par_id8231757 0 ast You can enter a master password to enable easy access to sites that…
39145 …0.xhp 0 help hd_id3168736 0 ast Persistently save passwords protected by a master password 2…
39154 …p par_id3289590 0 ast The Stored Web Connection Information dialog shows a list of web sites an…
39157 … help par_id1981261 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
39165 …d=\"SC_MODALDIALOG_RID_SCDLG_COLORROW\"\>Allows you to copy marked cells to a sort list.\</ahelp\>…
39169 …ph\> Rows \</emph\>option to summarize the contents of the selected rows in a list.\</ahelp\> 2…
39171 …olumns \</emph\>option to summarize the contents of the selected columns in a list.\</ahelp\> 2…
39179 …MSFILTEROPT:CB_WBAS_CODE\"\>Loads and saves the Basic code from a Microsoft document as a special …
39181 …that the original Microsoft Basic code contained in the document is held in a special internal mem…
39211 …s bold attribute will also apply to adjacent cells. Cells that already have a special format will …
39214a formula and you insert a new column after column B, the reference is expanded to A1:C1. If the r…
39215 …elp par_id3150449 17 0 ast If you insert rows or columns in the middle of a reference area, the …
39219 …formatting the display on the screen.\</ahelp\> If this box is not checked, a printer independent …
39221 …>Specifies that, when you paste cells from the clipboard to a cell range that is not empty, a warn…
39235 …Specifies whether the table heading is carried over onto the new page after a page break.\</ahelp\…
39239 …\"SW_CHECKBOX_TP_OPTTABLE_PAGE_CB_BORDER\"\>Specifies that table cells have a border by default.\<…
39242 …"SW_CHECKBOX_TP_OPTTABLE_PAGE_CB_NUMFORMATTING\"\>Specifies that numbers in a text table are recog…
39253 …LD:TP_OPTTABLE_PAGE:MF_ROWMOVE\"\>Specifies the value to be used for moving a row.\</ahelp\> 20…
39255 …LD:TP_OPTTABLE_PAGE:MF_COLMOVE\"\>Specifies the value to be used for moving a column.\</ahelp\> …
39265 …p hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:TP_OPTTABLE_PAGE:RB_FIX\"\>Specifies that changes to a row or column only a…
39267 …d=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:TP_OPTTABLE_PAGE:RB_FIXPROP\"\>Specifies that changes to a row or column have a…
39269 …p hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:TP_OPTTABLE_PAGE:RB_VAR\"\>Specifies that changes to a row or column affect…
39277 …SEARCH:LB_SEARCH\"\>Displays the available search engines.\</ahelp\> Select a search engine to dis…
39284 …>This text box displays the URL and the first part of the query command for a search machine. A UR…
39286 …:ED_POSTFIX\"\>The suffix provides the command sequence, sent at the end of a search.\</ahelp\> …
39288 …GE_INET_SEARCH:ED_SEPARATOR\"\>If you type more than one word while running a search, these words …
39289 …t To determine which prefixes, separators and suffixes to use when defining a new search engine: …
39290 ….xhp 0 help par_id3159255 28 0 ast Activate the search engine and perform a search with at least…
39291 …py the URL from your browser's \<emph\>URL\</emph\> field and paste it into a blank document. 2…
39294 …Compare the URLs with the sample URLs in the fields of this dialog and make a note of the prefixes…
39296 …OX:RID_SVXPAGE_INET_SEARCH:ED_CASE\"\>Determines the case match for running a search.\</ahelp\> Th…
39299 …SVX:PUSHBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_INET_SEARCH:PB_NEW\"\>Use this button to include a new search engine.\<…
39301 …\"SVX:PUSHBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_INET_SEARCH:PB_ADD\"\>Click this button to add a new configuration to…
39310 …K\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Specifies the options to be treated as equal in a search.\</ahelp\> …
39332 …st of forbidden characters applies to those at the beginning or end of a line in a paragraph. 2…
39338a line.\</ahelp\> If a character typed here is positioned at the beginning of a line after a line …
39340a line.\</ahelp\> If a character typed here is positioned at the end of a line due to a line break…
39345 …me" data fields are used to automatically insert your name as the author of a new document. You ca…
39390 …t \<ahelp hid=\"SW_LISTBOX_TP_REDLINE_OPT_LB_CHG_COL\"\>You can also choose a color to display eac…
39392 …0 ast To indicate which lines of the text have been changed, you can define a mark that appears in…
39402 …because the print files are smaller. This makes it easier for printers with a smaller memory to pr…
39404 …ifies whether the print settings apply to direct printing or to printing to a file.\</ahelp\> 2…
39407a printer. The areas of the document in which transparency is to be visible must therefore always …
39409 …t the transparency is only printed if the transparent area covers less than a quarter of the entir…
39415 …S_NORMAL\"\>High print quality corresponds to a resolution of 300dpi. Normal print quality corresp…
39425 …NS_RB_REDUCEGRADIENTS_COLOR\"\>Specifies that gradients are only printed in a single intermediate …
39431 …"SFX2_CHECKBOX_TP_COMMONPRINTOPTIONS_CB_PAPERSIZE\"\>Mark this check box if a certain paper size i…
39433 …P_COMMONPRINTOPTIONS_CB_PAPERORIENTATION\"\>Mark this check box if you need a certain paper orient…
39435 …nt objects are contained in the document.\</ahelp\> If you print such a document, a dialog appears…
39471 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click the \<emph\>Stop\</emph\> button to stop a test session manuall…
39478 …01160201.xhp 0 help par_idN1055A 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"1346114049\"\>Opens a file dialog where yo…
39480 …01160201.xhp 0 help par_idN10561 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"1346111489\"\>Enter a name for the databas…
39487 …_SFXPAGE_SAVE_CB_LOAD_SETTINGS\"\>Loads the user-specific settings saved in a document with the do…
39494 …6 74 0 ast The following settings are \<emph\>always\</emph\> loaded with a document, whether or…
39497 …ter settings will be loaded with the document. This can cause a document to be printed on a distan…
39502 … version of a document as a backup copy whenever you save a document. Every time \<item type=\"pro…
39503 …ltinline\>\</switchinline\> - %PRODUCTNAME - Paths\</emph\>, and then enter a new path for the bac…
39505 …tem\> saves the information needed to restore all open documents in case of a crash. You can speci…
39510 …nt document is located. In contrast, absolute addressing always starts from a root directory. The …
39520 …absolute path. However, if a document is saved in HTML format, \<item type=\"productname\"\>%PRODU…
39528 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\optionen\01010200.xhp 0 help par_id8892483 0 ast When you save a
39536 …22 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>You can choose to get a warning message when you save a document in…
39537 …ecify here that %PRODUCTNAME only uses the Microsoft Office file formats as a default. 20200411…
39549 …hid=\"SVX_CHECKBOX_RID_SVXPAGE_GRID_CBX_SNAP_HELPLINES\"\>Snaps the edge of a dragged object to th…
39550 …tchinline\> icon, which is available in the \<emph\>Options\</emph\> bar in a presentation or draw…
39553 …p 0 help par_id3149670 33 0 ast \<variable id=\"seittext\"\>The cursor or a contour line of the …
39554 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\optionen\01070300.xhp 0 help par_id3148947 38 0 ast In a presenta…
39557 …p 0 help par_id3147228 34 0 ast \<variable id=\"rahmtext\"\>The cursor or a contour line of the …
39558 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\optionen\01070300.xhp 0 help par_id3148922 39 0 ast In a presenta…
39561 …5 0 ast \<variable id=\"opunktetext\"\>This only applies if the cursor or a contour line of the …
39562 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\optionen\01070300.xhp 0 help par_id3146146 40 0 ast In a presenta…
39564 …en the mouse pointer and the object contour. $[officename] Impress snaps to a snap point if the mo…
39569a square is created based on the longer side of a rectangle when the Shift key is pressed before y…
39587 …er needed are not deleted immediately, but are kept free for a certain period of time. If a new co…
39592 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\optionen\01160100.xhp 0 help par_id3149235 7 0 ast Displays a lis…
39598 …APAGE_CONNPOOLOPTIONS_NF_TIMEOUT\"\>Defines the time in seconds after which a pooled connection is…
39608 …Internet without a proxy server. Allows you to set up a connection directly on your computer to an…
39624 …the port for the corresponding proxy server.\</ahelp\> The maximum value of a port number is fixed…
39635 …e \<emph\>Scaling\</emph\> setting does not affect the font size of text in a document. 2020041…
39660 …text selection in Writer and the cell selection in Calc will be shown using a transparent color. I…
39687 …elp files. You must have installed at least one additional language pack or a multi-language versi…
39726 …ters "1.000" copied from a German Web page most possibly mean "one thousand" because the period is…
39729 …g tag, an HTML_ON field will be created with the value of the tag name. For a closing tag, an HTML…
39734 …500.xhp 0 help par_id3145606 42 0 ast To optimize the HTML export, select a browser or HTML stan…
39739 …OPT:CB_STARBASIC_WARNING\"\>If this field is marked, when exporting to HTML a warning is shown tha…
39744 …FTP. Use the \<emph\>Save As\</emph\> dialog to save the document and enter a complete FTP URL as …
39753 …ntrol:ColorPicker:ColorField\"\>In the big color field, you click to select a new color.\</ahelp\>…
39761 …e set of controls allow to choose a color in the RGB color model, where red, green, and blue are c…
39769 …\"\>Sets the Red, Green, and Blue color value in the RGB color model, using a hexadecimal format R…
39771 ….xhp 0 help par_id5566778809 0 ast These set of controls allow to choose a color in the HSB col…
39779 ….xhp 0 help par_id5566778813 0 ast These set of controls allow to choose a color in the CMYK co…
39790 …s you organize and edit your templates, as well as save the current file as a template.\</ahelp\> …
39797 …057F 0 ast Displays or hides guides that you can use to align objects on a page. 20200411 15…
39805a file to an HTML document, the description and the user-defined file properties are included as M…
39806 …st The following file properties are converted to META tags when you export a file as an HTML docu…
39821 … 0 ast Scripts, comments, and META tags that are positioned directly before a TABLE tag are insert…
39825 …nning of the first paragraph in a document are exported to the header of an HTML document. If the …
39833 …AS_FORBIDDEN\"\>Prevents the characters in the list from starting or ending a line. The characters…
39837 … hid=\"SVX_TRISTATEBOX_RID_SVXPAGE_PARA_ASIAN_CB_AS_SCRIPT_SPACE\"\>Inserts a space between Asian,…
39843 …p 0 help par_id3149150 51 0 ast You cannot use the data source browser on a database table that …
39847 …hp 0 help par_id3149514 34 0 ast To select a record in a database table, click the row header, o…
39854 …01\05340400.xhp 0 help par_id3149575 16 0 ast Several records or removing a selection 2020041…
39887 …d3146913 46 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Inserts a new record into the current table.\</ahelp\> To c…
39889 … example, "Record 7 of 9(2)" indicates that two records (2) are selected in a table containing 9 r…
39891 … ast To access the commands for formatting the table, right-click a column header, or a row header…
39901 … 3 0 ast The term \<emph\>XML filter\</emph\> is used in the following as a shortcut for the mor…
39915 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06150000.xhp 0 help par_id3154577 14 0 ast Click a filter to s…
39917 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06150000.xhp 0 help par_id3149784 16 0 ast Double-click a name…
39919 …id3149516 18 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_XML_FILTER_NEW\"\>Opens a dialog with the name of a new fil…
39921 … 0 help par_id3156192 20 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_XML_FILTER_EDIT\"\>Opens a dialog with the name…
39923 … 0 help par_id3148491 22 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_XML_FILTER_TEST\"\>Opens a dialog with the name…
39927 …help par_id3149575 26 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_XML_FILTER_SAVE\"\>Displays a \<emph\>Save as \</e…
39929 …d=\"HID_XML_FILTER_OPEN\"\>Displays an \<emph\>Open \</emph\>dialog to open a filter from an XSLT …
39937 …_id3149201 122 0 ast \<variable id=\"zelleunten\"\>In the context menu of a cell, choose \<emph\…
39940 ….xhp 0 help par_id3156553 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FORMAT_FOOTER\"\>Adds a footer to the curren…
39941 …ar_id3145136 32 0 ast If you want, you can also add borders or a background fill to a footer. …
39942 …t \<switchinline select=\"appl\"\>\<caseinline select=\"WRITER\"\>To insert a footer into the curr…
39943 …p 0 help par_id3147209 30 0 ast If you want to extend a footer into the page margins, insert a f…
39948 …8 7 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:CHECKBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_FOOTER:CB_TURNON\"\>Adds a footer to the curren…
39950 …nt.\<switchinline select=\"appl\"\>\<caseinline select=\"CALC\"\> To assign a different footer to …
39964 …=\"SVX:PUSHBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_FOOTER:BTN_EXTRAS\"\>Defines a border, a background color, or a back…
39977 …ed\01\02250000.xhp 0 help par_id3155356 4 0 ast Use the toolbar to select a table in the bibliog…
39978 …ility=\"hidden\"\>Lists the available tables in the current database. Click a name in the list to …
39984 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02250000.xhp 0 help hd_id3150868 5 0 ast Inserting a New Recor…
39985 …RID_TRAVEL_NEW\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Inserts a new record into the current table.\</ahelp\>To c…
39986 …"\>Select the type of record that you want to create. $[officename] inserts a number in the \<emph…
39987 …elp par_id3156423 32 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter a short name for the r…
39990 …help par_id3147478 10 0 ast You can search for records by matching a keyword to a field entry. …
39992 …he search, long-click the \<emph\>AutoFilter\</emph\> icon, and then select a different data field…
39997 …ar_id3155311 16 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>To display all of the records in a table, click the \<e…
39998 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02250000.xhp 0 help hd_id3147580 17 0 ast Deleting a Record …
39999 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02250000.xhp 0 help par_id3154471 18 0 ast To delete a record …
40004 …g\"\>Lets you map the column headings to data fields from a different data source. To define a dif…
40005 …t \<emph\>Column name\</emph\>. To change the available data fields, select a different data sourc…
40007 …3151019 52 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Lets you choose a different data sourc…
40008 …p par_id3153730 50 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Inserts a new record into the …
40011 …d3154812 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AREA_GRADIENT\"\>Set the properties of a gradient, or save an…
40019 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:METRICFIELD:RID_SVXPAGE_GRADIENT:MTR_ANGLE\"\>Enter a rotation angle for t…
40023 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_GRADIENT:LB_COLOR_FROM\"\>Select a color for the beginn…
40026 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_GRADIENT:LB_COLOR_TO\"\>Select a color for the endpoi…
40031 …8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:PUSHBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_GRADIENT:BTN_ADD\"\>Adds a custom gradient to t…
40033 …ties to the selected gradient. If you want, you can save the gradient under a different name.\</ah…
40035 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:IMAGEBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_GRADIENT:BTN_LOAD\"\>Load a different list of gr…
40040 …hid=\".\"\>Checks for available updates to your version of %PRODUCTNAME. If a newer version is ava…
40041 …_dialog.xhp 0 help par_id4799340 0 ast Once the download starts, you see a progress bar and thr…
40043 …ete, you can click Install to start the installation of the update. You see a confirmation dialog,…
40046 …sibility=\"hidden\"\>Downloads and saves the update files to the desktop or a folder of your choic…
40049 …p par_id9024628 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Continues a paused download.\</a…
40058 ….xhp 0 help par_id3146067 3 0 ast To break apart the nested groups within a group, you must repe…
40062 …d=\"HID_TRANS_SLANT\"\>Slants the selected object, or rounds the corners of a rectangular object.\…
40064 …230400.xhp 0 help par_id3156027 4 0 ast You can only round the corners of a rectangular object. …
40074 …1\01180000.xhp 0 help par_id3148440 3 0 ast If you are saving a new file or a copy of a read-onl…
40078 …3153577 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_TABULATOR\"\>Set the position of a tab stop in a paragraph.\</…
40081 …p hid=\"SVX:METRICBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_TABULATOR:ED_TABPOS\"\>Select a tab stop type, enter a new measu…
40093 …ON:RID_SVXPAGE_TABULATOR:BTN_TABTYPE_DECIMAL\"\>Aligns the decimal point of a number to the center…
40094 … select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline select=\"WIN\"\>The character that is used as a decimal separator de…
40096 …RID_SVXPAGE_TABULATOR:ED_TABTYPE_DECCHAR\"\>Enter a character that you want the decimal tab to use…
40108 …DIOBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_TABULATOR:BTN_FILLCHAR_OTHER\"\>Allows you to specify a character to fill th…
40116 …elp par_id3152372 11 0 ast When you click a character in the \<emph\>Special Characters \</emph\…
40118 …24 4 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXDLG_CHARMAP:LB_FONT\"\>Select a font to display the …
40120 …20 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX_LISTBOX_RID_SVXDLG_CHARMAP_LB_SUBSET\"\>Select a Unicode category for…
40138 … 0 help par_id3147008 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_TPPOSITION_CTRL\"\>Click a base point in the gr…
40142 …help hid=\"SVX_METRICFIELD_RID_SVXPAGE_POSITION_SIZE_MTR_FLD_WIDTH\"\>Enter a width for the select…
40144 …elp hid=\"SVX_METRICFIELD_RID_SVXPAGE_POSITION_SIZE_MTR_FLD_HEIGHT\"\>Enter a height for the selec…
40148 ….xhp 0 help par_id3154897 30 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_TPSIZE_CTRL\"\>Click a base point in the gr…
40161 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05230100.xhp 0 help par_id3151211 32 0 ast Resizes text in a d…
40176 …S_LINEAR\"\>Turns on color transparency. Select this option, and then enter a number in the box, w…
40178 …TR_TRANSPARENT\"\>Adjusts the transparency of the current fill color. Enter a number between 0% (o…
40180 …id=\"SVX:RADIOBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_TRANSPARENCE:RBT_TRANS_GRADIENT\"\>Applies a transparency gradien…
40188 …help hid=\"SVX:METRICFIELD:RID_SVXPAGE_TRANSPARENCE:MTR_TRGR_ANGLE\"\>Enter a rotation angle for t…
40194 … hid=\"SVX:METRICFIELD:RID_SVXPAGE_TRANSPARENCE:MTR_TRGR_END_VALUE\"\>Enter a transparency value f…
40201 …01\02100300.xhp 0 help par_id3150466 132 0 ast You do not need to specify a search text in the \…
40202 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100300.xhp 0 help par_id3156152 133 0 ast To define a replac…
40211 …e-line spacing in text\</bookmark_value\> \<bookmark_value\>one and a half line spacing in…
40214 …tinline\>\</switchinline\> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer - General, and then select a new measurement unit…
40219 …age margin. If you want the paragraph to extend into the page margin, enter a negative number. In …
40221 …age margin. If you want the paragraph to extend into the page margin, enter a negative number. In …
40223a paragraph by the amount that you enter. To create a hanging indent enter a positive value for "B…
40225 …d=\"SVX:CHECKBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_STD_PARAGRAPH:CB_AUTO\"\>Automatically indents a paragraph according …
40233 …B_LINEDIST\"\>Specify the amount of space to leave between lines of text in a paragraph.\</ahelp\>…
40241 …30100.xhp 0 help par_id3147494 40 0 ast Select this option and then enter a percentage value in …
40244 …in a paragraph, the line spacing is automatically adjusted to the largest font size. If you prefer…
40253 …GE_STD_PARAGRAPH:CB_REGISTER\"\>Aligns the baseline of each line of text to a vertical document gr…
40276 … \<variable id=\"kommentartext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\"HID_REDLINING_EDIT\"\>Enter a comment for the reco…
40277 …91 3 0 ast You can attach a comment when \<switchinline select=\"appl\"\>\<caseinline select=\"W…
40278 …en you rest your mouse pointer over a cell with a recorded change. You can also view comments that…
40287 … 0 help par_id3149031 20 0 ast Represents any single character except for a line break or paragr…
40289 …rm is at the beginning of a paragraph. Special objects such as empty fields or character-anchored …
40291 …e term appears at the end of a paragraph. Special objects such as empty fields or character-anchor…
40296 …207 0 ast The longest possible string that matches this search pattern in a paragraph is always …
40300 …ch interprets the special character that follows the "\\" as a normal character and not as a regul…
40302a line break that was inserted with the Shift+Enter key combination. To change a line break into a
40303 …9262672 0 ast \\n in the \<emph\>Search for\</emph\> text box stands for a line break that was …
40304 …66100 0 ast \\n in the \<emph\>Replace with\</emph\> text box stands for a paragraph break that…
40306 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3157809 30 0 ast Represents a tab. Y…
40308 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3153666 36 0 ast Match a word bounda…
40312 …1\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3159413 42 0 ast Finds the first character of a paragraph. 202004…
40314 …ph\> box to the term in the \<emph\>Replace with\</emph\> box when you make a replacement. 2020…
40319 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3156293 174 0 ast [a-e] 20200411 …
40320 …par_id3149167 175 0 ast Represents any of the characters that are between a and e, including bot…
40322 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3155994 176 0 ast [a-eh-x] 202004…
40323 …par_id3148676 177 0 ast Represents any of the characters that are between a-e and h-x. 202004…
40324 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3145318 178 0 ast [^a-s] 20200411…
40325 … 0 help par_id3153351 179 0 ast Represents everything that is not between a and s. 20200411 1…
40327 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3153768 181 0 ast Represents a speci…
40339 … par_id3153573 214 0 ast Defines the characters inside the parentheses as a reference. You can t…
40341 …lp par_id2367931 0 ast You can also use () to group terms, for example, "a(bc)?d" finds "ad" or…
40347 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3150010 217 0 ast Represents a decim…
40351 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3150961 219 0 ast Represents a space…
40353 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3150872 221 0 ast Represents a print…
40355 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3152576 223 0 ast Represents a nonpr…
40357 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3145730 229 0 ast Represents a lower…
40364 …2100001.xhp 0 help hd_id71413 0 ast To find three-digit numbers alone in a paragraph 2020041…
40366 …p 0 help par_id5781731 0 ast ^ means the match has to be at the start of a paragraph, 20200…
40369 …ed\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id5806756 0 ast $ means the match must end a paragraph. 20200…
40389 …\"SVX:CHECKBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH:CB_EXPAND\"\>If the last line of a justified paragraph …
40391 …SVX_CHECKBOX_RID_SVXPAGE_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH_CB_SNAP\"\>Aligns the paragraph to a text grid. To activa…
40396 …_SVXPAGE_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH_LB_TEXTDIRECTION\"\>Specify the text direction for a paragraph that uses …
40400 …d\01\moviesound.xhp 0 help par_idN1066C 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Inserts a video or sound file …
40401 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\moviesound.xhp 0 help par_idN10683 0 ast To insert a movie or…
40408 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\moviesound.xhp 0 help par_idN1069C 0 ast To play a movie or s…
40414 …lider to adjust the playback volume. For movie files, the bar also contains a list box where you c…
40436 …3149885 19 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_XML_FILTER_TEST_IMPORT_BROWSE\"\>Opens a file selection dialo…
40442 …ariable id=\"starmath\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertObjectStarMath\"\>Inserts a formula into the cur…
40449 …60 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Adds new icons to the list of icons. You see a file open dialog tha…
40454 …154926 2 0 ast \<variable id=\"scan\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:Scan\"\>Inserts a scanned image into y…
40455 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\04060000.xhp 0 help par_id3153124 5 0 ast To insert a scanned …
40475 …CHECKBOX:RID_SVXTABPAGE_GALLERYTHEME_FILES:CBX_PREVIEW\"\>Displays or hides a preview of the selec…
40477 …help par_id3153662 20 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_GALLERY_PREVIEW\"\>Displays a preview of the selec…
40490a spreadsheet, when you paste a range of cells from the clipboard, the result depends on the curre…
40520 …LE\</link\> object into the current document. The OLE object is inserted as a link or an embedded …
40525 … \<ahelp hid=\"SO3:RADIOBUTTON:MD_INSERT_OLEOBJECT:RB_NEW_OBJECT\"\>Creates a new OLE object based…
40537 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enable this checkbox to insert the OLE object as a link to the original…
40545 …01\06040100.xhp 0 help par_id3151234 4 0 ast If you type a letter combination that matches a sho…
40547 …wo uppercase letters at the beginning of a "WOrd", the second uppercase letter is automatically re…
40550 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06040100.xhp 0 help par_id5240028 0 ast The first letter in a
40555 …0100.xhp 0 help par_id3158430 18 0 ast Automatically creates a hyperlink when you type a \<link …
40557 …040100.xhp 0 help par_id3144439 20 0 ast Replaces one or two hyphens with a long dash (see the f…
40558 …040100.xhp 0 help par_id87282 0 ast Text will be replaced after you type a trailing white space…
40575 …\<caseinline select=\"WRITER\"\>Removes spaces and tabs at the beginning of a paragraph. To use th…
40579 … help par_id3154938 29 0 ast Replaces two or more consecutive spaces with a single space. 202…
40581a numbered list when you press Enter at the end of a line that starts with a number followed by a
40582 …o cancel automatic numbering when you press Enter at the end of a line that starts with a numberin…
40585a border at the base of the preceding paragraph when you type three or more specific characters, a…
40601a table when you press Enter after typing a series of hyphens (-) or tabs separated by plus signs,…
40604 …o use as a heading (without a period), and then press Enter twice. To apply a sub-heading, press T…
40610 …onverts paragraphs that start with a hyphen (-), a plus sign (+), or an asterisk (*) directly foll…
40612a single paragraph. This option only works on paragraphs that use the "Default" paragraph style. I…
40624 …_id3149525 121 0 ast \<variable id=\"zellemitte\"\>In the context menu of a cell, choose \<emph\…
40628 …01\xformsdataaddcon.xhp 0 help par_idN10542 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Add a condition in this su…
40630 …\xformsdataaddcon.xhp 0 help par_idN10565 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter a condition.\</ahelp\>…
40632 …ormsdataaddcon.xhp 0 help par_idN1056C 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Displays a preview of the resul…
40640 …side an entry in the list to view all of the changes that were recorded for a cell. \</caseinline\…
40641 …l\"\>\<caseinline select=\"CALC\"\>If one of the nested changes for a cell matches a filter criter…
40645 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02230401.xhp 0 help par_id3149416 35 0 ast The entry matches a
40647 …02230401.xhp 0 help par_id3156327 37 0 ast One or more subentries matches a filter criterion. …
40649 …01\02230401.xhp 0 help par_id3149192 39 0 ast The subentry does not match a filter criterion. …
40651 …shared\01\02230401.xhp 0 help par_id3149237 41 0 ast The subentry matches a filter criterion. …
40653 …he list, the change is highlighted in the document. To sort the list, click a column heading. \</a…
40655 …d\01\02230401.xhp 0 help par_id3153524 7 0 ast After you accept or reject a change, the entries …
40674 …p 0 help par_id3147442 28 0 ast To reverse the acceptance or rejection of a change, choose \<emp…
40691 …r_id3157976 57 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SORT_POSITION\"\>Sorts the list in a descending order acc…
40697 …\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:CompareDocuments\"\>Compares the current document with a document that you se…
40714 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05030600.xhp 0 help hd_id3151245 7 0 ast Using a Color as a Ba…
40716 …OUND_CTL_BGDCOLORSET\"\>Click the color that you want to use as a background. To remove a backgrou…
40719 …MF_COL_TRANS\"\>Set the transparency for the background color or graphic of a frame, where 100% is…
40721 …d color to.\</ahelp\> For example, when you define the background color for a table, you can choos…
40722 … 0 ast This option is only available when you edit the background of a table or a paragraph style…
40723 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05030600.xhp 0 help hd_id3153056 14 0 ast Using a Graphic as a
40731 … hid=\"SVX:CHECKBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_BACKGROUND:BTN_PREVIEW\"\>Displays or hides a preview of the selec…
40733 …GE_BACKGROUND:BTN_BROWSE\"\>Locate the graphic file that you want to use as a background, and then…
40737 …N:RID_SVXPAGE_BACKGROUND:BTN_POSITION\"\>Select this option, and then click a location in the posi…
40742 …visibility=\"hidden\"\>Click a color. Click No Fill to remove a background or highlighting color. …
40765 …aseinline select=\"WRITER\"\>Number of words (including words consisting of a single character) in…
40789 …e public identifier is used to detect the filter when you open a file without specifying a filter.…
40791 …hid=\"HID_XML_FILTER_IMPORT_TEMPLATE_BROWSE\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Opens a file selection dialo…
40802 …uage setting. If you want, you can change the language setting by selecting a different language i…
40806 …T:RID_OFAPAGE_AUTOCORR_EXCEPT:ED_ABBREV\"\>Type an abbreviation followed by a period, and then cli…
40822 ….uno:Strikeout\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Draws a line through the selected text, or if the cursor …
40826 …01\05260000.xhp 0 help par_id3150789 3 0 ast If the selected object is in a frame, you can also …
40829 …p hid=\".\"\>Displays the different graphics that you can use as bullets in a bulleted list.\</ahe…
40888 …printed. This is best if you are printing double-sided. For example, in a book, a "chapter" paragr…
40893 …p 0 help par_id24 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Applies a thin border to the f…
40896 …sibility=\"hidden\"\>Reduces or enlarges the size of the printed formula by a specified factor.\</…
40897 …sibility=\"hidden\"\>Reduces or enlarges the size of the printed formula by a specified factor.\</…
40903a range of pages, use a format like 3-6. To print single pages, use a format like 7;9;11. You can …
40904 …72 18 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Prints to a file instead of to a printer.\<…
40905 …en\"\>Check to not rely on the printer to create collated copies but create a print job for each c…
40914 …d48 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select which pages of a brochure to print.\<…
40915 …sibility=\"hidden\"\>For brochure printing, you can select a left-to-right order of pages or a rig…
40916 …lp par_id50 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Check to draw a border around each p…
40928 …id=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Specifies whether to print the page name of a document.\</ahelp\> …
40943 …d0818200904102987 0 ast For some document types, you can choose to print a brochure. 2020041…
40945 … for the current print job. Here you can specify to print to a file instead of printing on a print…
40953 … 2 0 ast \<variable id=\"makro\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:MacroDialog\"\>Opens a dialog to organize m…
40955 … the name of the selected macro. To create or to change the name of a macro, enter a name here.\</…
40958 …ries and the modules where you can open or save your macros. To save a macro with a particular doc…
40962 …stomize\</link\> dialog, where you can assign the selected macro to a menu command, a toolbar, or …
40966 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"BASCTL_PUSHBUTTON_RID_MACROCHOOSER_RID_PB_DEL\"\>Creates a new macro, or delete…
40967 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06130000.xhp 0 help par_id3154514 20 0 ast To create a new mac…
40968 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06130000.xhp 0 help par_id3148474 21 0 ast To delete a macro, …
40970 …TL_PUSHBUTTON_RID_MACROCHOOSER_RID_PB_NEWLIB\"\>Saves the recorded macro in a new library.\</ahelp…
40972 …TL_PUSHBUTTON_RID_MACROCHOOSER_RID_PB_NEWMOD\"\>Saves the recorded macro in a new module.\</ahelp\…
40982 …SCTL_PUSHBUTTON_RID_TP_MODULS_RID_PB_NEWMOD\"\>Opens the editor and creates a new module.\</ahelp\…
40984 …SCTL_PUSHBUTTON_RID_TP_MODULS_RID_PB_NEWDLG\"\>Opens the editor and creates a new dialog.\</ahelp\…
40996 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"BASCTL_PUSHBUTTON_RID_TP_LIBS_RID_PB_NEWLIB\"\>Creates a new library.\</ahelp…
40998 …57 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"BASCTL_EDIT_RID_DLG_NEWLIB_RID_ED_LIBNAME\"\>Enter a name for the new lib…
41004 …968169 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a dialog to export the selected library either as an exte…
41006 …ared\01\06130000.xhp 0 help par_idN109C2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a macro or script from…
41008 …hp 0 help par_idN109D1 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"1241731587\"\>To run a script, select a script in th…
41010 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"1241731589\"\>Creates a new script.\</ahelp\> The default script editor opens af…
41011 …par_idN10A04 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"svx:Edit:DLG_NEWLIB:ED_LIBNAME\"\>Enter a name for the script.…
41015 …06130000.xhp 0 help par_idN10A4F 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"1241731591\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
41020 …elp par_idN10B00 0 ast Select a macro or script from "user", "share", or an open document. To v…
41022 …text\shared\01\06130000.xhp 0 help par_idN10B1B 0 ast Click a script, and then click a command …
41027 … The \<emph\>Data sources\</emph\> command is only available when a text document or a spreadsheet…
41028 …\01\04180100.xhp 0 help par_id3154823 31 0 ast You can insert fields from a database into your f…
41036 … be set in the Properties dialog on the Security tab page. You can also set a password to open the…
41038 …ared\01\01100600.xhp 0 help par_id3150502B 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Type a password. A password…
41044 …ared\01\01100600.xhp 0 help par_id3150502H 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Type a password. A password…
41049 …tects the document against accidental changes. It is still possible to edit a copy of the document…
41052 …6C9 0 ast To protect the recording state with a password, click \<emph\>Protect\</emph\> and en…
41054 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"703992336\"\>Protects the change recording state with a password. If change …
41062 … Show\</emph\>, the lines containing changed text passages are indicated by a vertical line in the…
41108 … set the source color, click here, click the Color Replacer, and then click a color in the selecte…
41110a source color in the source image. To replace colors that are similar to the color that you selec…
41120 …tinline\>\</switchinline\> - Language Settings - Languages\</emph\>, and if a text formatted in Ko…
41128 …h\> box is enabled, you see a grid of characters. If the \<emph\>Replace by character\</emph\> box…
41146a mixed text selection made of Hangul and Hanja characters, all Hangul characters will be converte…
41172 …ext\shared\01\01190000.xhp 0 help par_id3153527 22 0 ast If you save a copy of a file that conta…
41174 …d\01\01190000.xhp 0 help par_id3163802 5 0 ast Set the options for saving a new version of the d…
41176 …SHBUTTON:DLG_VERSIONS:PB_SAVE\"\>Saves the current state of the document as a new version. If you …
41178 …id=\"SFX2:MULTILINEEDIT:DLG_COMMENTS:ME_VERSIONS\"\>Enter a comment here when you are saving a new…
41180 …f you have made changes to your document, $[officename] automatically saves a new version when you…
41185 …hid=\"SFX2:PUSHBUTTON:DLG_VERSIONS:PB_OPEN\"\>Opens the selected version in a read-only window.\</…
41198 ….xhp 0 help par_id0811200812071785 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click to add a new row to the Prope…
41214 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Wraps the text that you add after double-clicking a custom shape to fit …
41216 …red\01\05220000.xhp 0 help par_idN10724 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Resizes a custom shape to fit …
41247 …hared\01\06010500.xhp 0 help par_idN1056C 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a submenu where you ca…
41249a submenu. Choose a language for the selected text. \<br/\>Choose None to exclude the selected tex…
41251a submenu. Choose a language for the current paragraph. \<br/\>Choose None to exclude the current …
41253 …ens a submenu. Choose a language for all text. \<br/\>Choose None to exclude all text from spellch…
41265 …<ahelp hid=\".uno:Bold\"\>Makes the selected text bold. If the cursor is in a word, the entire wor…
41266 …\01\05110100.xhp 0 help par_id3153255 3 0 ast If the cursor is not inside a word, and no text is…
41283 …01/06140101.xhp\"\>New Menu\</link\> dialog where you can enter the name of a new menu as well as …
41285 …\06140100.xhp 0 help par_idN106BB 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"705507642\"\>Opens a submenu with additio…
41289 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06140100.xhp 0 help par_idN106C9 0 ast Opens a dialog where y…
41292 …00.xhp 0 help par_idN106CC 0 ast To specify the keyboard accelerator for a menu 20200411 15:…
41293 …t A keyboard accelerator allows you to select a menu command when you press Alt+ an underlined let…
41294 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06140100.xhp 0 help par_idN106D0 0 ast Select a menu or menu …
41296 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06140100.xhp 0 help par_idN108E8 0 ast Add a tilde (~) in fro…
41301 …lp par_id3150999 6 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_MENUCONFIG_LISTBOX\"\>Displays a list of the availabl…
41315 …\06140100.xhp 0 help par_idN107FD 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"705507646\"\>Opens a menu that contains a…
41317 …idN10804 0 ast Opens the Add Submenu dialog, where you enter the name of a submenu. 20200411…
41319 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06140100.xhp 0 help par_idN1080B 0 ast Inserts a separator li…
41321 …idN10812 0 ast Opens the \<emph\>Rename\</emph\> dialog, where you enter a new name for the sel…
41328 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06140100.xhp 0 help par_idN10AFB 0 ast To edit a menu configu…
41329 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06140100.xhp 0 help par_idN10922 0 ast You cannot load a menu…
41332 …t the individual objects in the group.\</ahelp\>\</variable\> If you are in a nested group, only t…
41339 …d3156042 4 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SFX2:EDIT:TP_DOCINFODESC:ED_TITLE\"\>Enter a title for the docume…
41341 …<ahelp hid=\"SFX2:EDIT:TP_DOCINFODESC:ED_THEMA\"\>Enter a subject for the document. You can use a
41360 …lect the shading method that you want to use. Flat shading assigns a single color to a single poly…
41362 …help hid=\"SVX:IMAGEBUTTON:RID_SVXFLOAT_3D:BTN_SHADOW_3D\"\>Adds or removes a shadow from the sele…
41372 …ter the focal length of the camera, where a small value corresponds to a "fisheye" lens, and a lar…
41378 …LISTBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_NUMBERFORMAT:LB_CATEGORY\"\>Select a category from the list, and then select a
41379 …020300.xhp 0 help par_id3145416 101 0 ast The default currency format for a cell is determined b…
41383 …st \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_NUMBERFORMAT:LB_CURRENCY\"\>Select a currency, and then s…
41387 …preserved even when the document is opened in an operating system that uses a different default la…
41399 …\<ahelp hid=\"SVX:CHECKBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_NUMBERFORMAT:BTN_THOUSAND\"\>Inserts a separator between th…
41401 …Displays the number format code for the selected format. You can also enter a custom format.\</ahe…
41407 …lp par_id3083444 27 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_NUMBERFORMAT_TBI_INFO\"\>Adds a comment to the selec…
41409 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:EDIT:RID_SVXPAGE_NUMBERFORMAT:ED_COMMENT\"\>Enter a comment for the sele…
41417 …0 help par_id3153748 4 0 ast Set the subscript or superscript options for a character. 202004…
41458 …sed words, and automatically completes a word after you type three letters that match the first th…
41460 …D_SPACE\"\>If you do not add punctuation after the word, $[officename] adds a space.\</ahelp\> The…
41462 …ID_OFAPAGE_AUTOCOMPLETE_OPTIONS:CB_AS_TIP\"\>Displays the completed word as a Help Tip.\</ahelp\> …
41464 …TOCOMPLETE_OPTIONS:CB_COLLECT\"\>Adds the frequently used words to a list. To remove a word from t…
41465 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06040600.xhp 0 help hd_id3156193 98 0 ast When closing a docum…
41471 …GE_AUTOCOMPLETE_OPTIONS:NF_MIN_WORDLEN\"\>Enter the minimum word length for a word to become eligi…
41475 … available to other documents in the current session, disable "When closing a document, remove the…
41482 … file. Choose this command to enable or disable this feature. When enabled, a check mark appears b…
41486 …p hid=\"HID_FILESAVE_DIALOG\"\>Saves the current document in a different location, or with a diffe…
41488 …\text\shared\01\01070000.xhp 0 help par_id3147654 59 0 ast To save a document as a template, use…
41492 …_id3155583 22 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FILESAVE_CREATEDIRECTORY\"\>Creates a new directory.\</ahe…
41498 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FILESAVE_FILEURL\"\>Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also e…
41501 …1\01070000.xhp 0 help par_id3145116 41 0 ast Always save your document in a \<item type=\"produc…
41505 …cts the file with a \<link href=\"text/shared/01/password_dlg.xhp\" name=\"password\"\>password\</…
41506 …e=\"productname\"\>%PRODUCTNAME\</item\> XML-based format can be saved with a password. 2020041…
41520 … open when you click the selected hotspot.\</ahelp\> If you want to jump to a named anchor within …
41522 …er the text that you want to display when the mouse rests on the hotspot in a browser.\</ahelp\>If…
41524 …e of the target frame that you want to open the URL in. You can also select a standard frame name …
41526 …8550 12 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:EDIT:RID_SVXDLG_IMAPURL:EDT_NAME\"\>Enter a name for the image.\…
41528 …ared\01\02220100.xhp 0 help par_id5057222 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter a description for the …
41536 …nter the name of a new toolbar and select the location of the new toolbar.\</ahelp\>Opens the Name…
41537 …N106011 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter the name of a new toolbar.\</ahelp…
41540 …hp 0 help par_idN1061E 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>The Toolbar button opens a submenu\</ahelp\> wi…
41542 …r_idN10624 0 ast Opens the \<emph\>Name\</emph\> dialog, where you enter a new name for the sel…
41558 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06140400.xhp 0 help par_idN10664 0 ast Displays a list of com…
41562 …xhp 0 help par_idN10678 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>The Modify button opens a submenu\</ahelp\> wi…
41564 …idN1067E 0 ast Opens the \<emph\>Rename\</emph\> dialog, where you enter a new name for the sel…
41571 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06140400.xhp 0 help par_idN106A9 0 ast Begin a Group 20200…
41572 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06140400.xhp 0 help par_idN106AC 0 ast Inserts a separator li…
41574 …lp par_idN106B2 0 ast Opens the Change Icon dialog, where you can assign a different icon to th…
41580 …red\01\06140400.xhp 0 help par_idN106D8 0 ast It is not possible to load a configuration from o…
41583 … 5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Lists the most recently opened files. To open a file in the list, cl…
41595 …orresponds to the file type of the document. For example, a Microsoft Word document must have a (*…
41596 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\01020103.xhp 0 help par_id3147571 8 0 ast Install a missing im…
41600 …6040500.xhp 0 help par_id3146936 2 0 ast To access this menu, right-click a misspelled word in y…
41606 … 9 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_LINGU_ADD_WORD\"\>Adds the highlighted word to a user-defined diction…
41610 …p hid=\"HID_LINGU_AUTOCORR\"\>To always replace the highlighted word, click a word in the list. Th…
41618 …5340200.xhp 0 help par_id3152821 7 0 ast You can also change the width of a column by dragging t…
41634 …NAME\"\>Enter the name of an installed font that you want to use, or select a font from the list.\…
41639 …148797 45 0 ast If you are creating a Style that is based on another Style, you can enter a perc…
41641 …he selected text or the text that you type. Available language modules have a check mark in front …
41648 …lp hid=\".uno:Italic\"\>Makes the selected text italic. If the cursor is in a word, the entire wor…
41649 …\01\05110200.xhp 0 help par_id3156069 3 0 ast If the cursor is not inside a word, and no text is…
41657 …t=\"appl\"\>\<caseinline select=\"CALC\"\>You can also change the height of a row by dragging the …
41680 …tion that the link refers to in the source file. If you want, you can enter a new section here.\</…
41690 …_id3150008 2 0 ast \<ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"\"\>Lets you edit a selected object in y…
41694 …567 0 ast The possible settings of the \<emph\>Data\</emph\> tab page of a control depend on th…
41696 …1\xformsdatatab.xhp 0 help par_id9239173 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a model from the list …
41698 …the name of a binding. Selecting the name of an existing binding associates the binding with the f…
41700 …\>Enter the DOM node to bind the control model to. Click the ... button for a dialog to enter the …
41708 …b.xhp 0 help par_id3341776 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Declares the item as a constraint.\</ahelp\…
41712 …1\xformsdatatab.xhp 0 help par_id4473403 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a data type which the …
41714 …1\xformsdatatab.xhp 0 help par_id4181951 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a user-defined data ty…
41716 …3 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click the button to open a dialog where you can enter the name of a
41719 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies how whitespaces are to be handled when a string of the curren…
41721 …formsdatatab.xhp 0 help par_id2318796 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies a regular expression p…
41735 …d1589098 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies the number of characters for a string.\</ahelp\> …
41737 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies the minimum number of characters for a string.\</ahelp\> …
41739 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies the maximum number of characters for a string.\</ahelp\> …
41748 …ganizing\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>styles;printing styles used in a document\</bookmark_…
41755 …re represented by folder icons. To view the template files for a category, double-click a folder. …
41756 …10100.xhp 0 help par_id3159166 0 ast To view the styles that are used in a file, double-click t…
41757a style, hold down \<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline select=\"MAC\"\>Command \</caseinli…
41762 …p 0 help par_id3151384 11 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_ORGANIZE_NEW\"\>Creates a new template categor…
41768 …D_ORGANIZE_COPY_FROM\"\>Imports an additional template. To import a template, select a template fo…
41778 …E_ADD\"\>Uses the selected template as the default template when you create a new $[officename] do…
41780 …r_id3155432 44 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_ORGANIZE_STDTEMPLATE_DEL\"\>Select a $[officename] docume…
41784 …5 33 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SFX2:PUSHBUTTON:DLG_ORGANIZE:BTN_FILES\"\>Locate a file that you want t…
41790 … 0 ast \<variable id=\"name\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:RenameObject\"\>Assigns a name to the selected…
41793 …elp par_id3152924 4 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SD_NAMEDIALOG_OBJECT\"\>Enter a name for the selecte…
41803 …_RID_SVXPAGE_AREA_RBT_FILL_OFF\"\>Does not apply a fill to the selected object. If the object cont…
41806 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05210100.xhp 0 help par_id3153147 57 0 ast To add a color to t…
41807 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05210100.xhp 0 help par_id9695730 0 ast To add a color to the…
41811 …n the list. To apply a background color to the hatching pattern, select the \<emph\>Background col…
41813 … selected object with the bitmap pattern that you click in the list. To add a bitmap to the list, …
41817 …44423 21 0 ast Set the number of steps for blending the two end colors of a gradient. 2020041…
41829 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:METRICFIELD:RID_SVXPAGE_AREA:MTR_FLD_X_SIZE\"\>Enter a width for the bitmap…
41831 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:METRICFIELD:RID_SVXPAGE_AREA:MTR_FLD_Y_SIZE\"\>Enter a height for the bitma…
41852 …AGE_AREA:CB_HATCHBCKGRD\"\>Applies a background color to the hatching pattern. Select this checkbo…
41854 …SVXPAGE_AREA:LB_HATCHBCKGRDCOLOR\"\>Click the color that you want to use as a background for the s…
41858 … id=\"oeffnentext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\"HID_EXPLORERDLG_FILE\"\>Opens or imports a file.\</ahelp\>\</va…
41868 …e files and directories in the directory that you are in.\</ahelp\> To open a file, select the fil…
41870 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3154514 110 0 ast Click a column hea…
41871 …r_id3149514 111 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FILEVIEW_MENU_DELETE\"\>To delete a file, right-click th…
41872 …r_id3147618 112 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FILEVIEW_MENU_RENAME\"\>To rename a file, right-click th…
41877 …help hid=\"HID_FILEDLG_AUTOCOMPLETEBOX\"\>Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also e…
41879a directory, enter the asterisk wildcard with the text file extension (*.txt), and then click\<emp…
41881 …save and organize multiple versions of a document by choosing \<emph\>File - Versions\</emph\>. Th…
41883 … that you want to open, or select \<emph\>All Files (*)\</emph\> to display a list of all of the f…
41897a template, the template will be stored in your user template directory. When you open a document …
41898 …e \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>File - Save As\</item\> and select a template filter to save a templat…
41899a document that was created from a "sticky template" (as defined above), \<item type=\"productname…
41902 …20000.xhp 0 help par_id3154988 44 0 ast If a document was created using a template that cannot b…
41916 …349 14 0 ast You can use the AutoCorrect feature to apply a specific character format to a word …
41917 …ne text character in front of and behind the object. Open this dialog, type a name for this AutoCo…
41921 … text in the\<emph\> Replace\</emph\> box. If you have selected text, a graphic, a frame, or an OL…
41941 … 0 ast \<variable id=\"video\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertVideo\"\>Inserts a video file into the …
41951 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS:LB_FMT\"\>Select a numbering style for …
41958 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06050500.xhp 0 help par_id3154749 66 0 ast a, b, c, ... 202…
41966 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06050500.xhp 0 help par_id3147620 102 0 ast a,... aa,... aaa,.…
41969 …77 0 ast Adds a bullet to the beginning of a line. Select this option, and then click the \<emph…
41970 …d to fit the current line height. If you want, you can define a Character Style that uses a differ…
41974 …> to locate the image file that you want to use. The image gets inserted as a link to the image fi…
41976 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06050500.xhp 0 help par_id3149167 75 0 ast Does not apply a nu…
41979 …8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:EDIT:RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS:ED_PREFIX\"\>Enter a character or the tex…
41981 …_NUM_OPTIONS:ED_SUFFIX\"\>Enter a character or the text to display behind the number in the list. …
41983a \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/05130002.xhp\" name=\"Character Style\"\>Character Style\</link\>,…
41987 …st \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:NUMERICFIELD:RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS:ED_START\"\>Enter a new starting number …
41989 …e\>\<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS:LB_BUL_COLOR\"\>Select a color for the curren…
41993 …cial Characters\"\>Special Characters\</link\> dialog, where you can select a bullet symbol.\</ahe…
41996 …P\"\>Select the graphic, or locate the graphic file that you want to use as a bullet.\</ahelp\> …
41998 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:METRICFIELD:RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS:MF_WIDTH\"\>Enter a width for the graphi…
42000 …st \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:METRICFIELD:RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS:MF_HEIGHT\"\>Enter a height for the graph…
42011 …stxt\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:Thesaurus\"\>Opens a dialog box to replace the current word with a syno…
42014 … the current word, or the related term that you selected by double-clicking a line in the Alternat…
42022 …57 16 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a language for the thesaurus.\</ahelp\> You can install la…
42028 …xhp 0 help par_id3154613 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select the source for a picture that you wan…
42032 …s keep together selected objects, so that they can be moved or formatted as a single object.\</ahe…
42034 …290000.xhp 0 help par_id3152909 8 0 ast To edit the individual objects of a group, select the gr…
42035 …\shared\01\05290000.xhp 0 help par_id3159158 9 0 ast When you are editing a group, the objects t…
42036 …Use Tab and Shift+Tab to move forwards and backwards through the objects in a group. 20200411 1…
42037 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05290000.xhp 0 help par_id3154810 11 0 ast To exit a group, ri…
42053 …list of changes according to the range of cells that you specify. To select a range of cells in yo…
42054 …\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select the range of cells that you want to use as a filter.\</ahelp\> …
42057 …DLINING_FILTER_BTN_REF\"\>Select the range of cells that you want to use as a filter.\</ahelp\> …
42060 …LG_SIMPLEREF:RB_ASSIGN\"\>Select the range of cells that you want to use as a filter, and then cli…
42069 …ertHyperlinkDlg\"\>Assigns a new hyperlink or edits the selected hyperlink.\</ahelp\>\</variable\>…
42070 …edit a named HTML anchor, or \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04040000.xhp\" name=\"Bookmark\"\>Bookm…
42074a \<link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#url\" name=\"URL\"\>URL\</link\> for the file that you…
42082 …elp hid=\"SW:EDIT:TP_CHAR_URL:ED_NAME\"\>Enter a name for the hyperlink.\</ahelp\> $[officename] i…
42085 …r the name of the frame that you want the linked file to open in, or select a predefined frame fro…
42089 …TBOX:TP_CHAR_URL:LB_VISITED\"\>Select a formatting style to use for visited links from the list. T…
42091 …TP_CHAR_URL:LB_NOT_VISITED\"\>Select a formatting style to use for unvisited links from the list. …
42102 …G_SEARCH:LB_SEARCH\"\>Enter the text that you want to search for, or select a previous search from…
42105 …STBOX:RID_SVXDLG_SEARCH:LB_REPLACE\"\>Enter the replacement text, or select a recent replacement t…
42121 … Select this checkbox, and then select a style from the Search for list. To specify a replacement …
42123 …this checkbox, and then select a style from the \<emph\>Search for \</emph\>list. To specify a rep…
42182 …INE_DEF_NUM_FLD_2\"\>Enter the number of times that you want a dot or a dash to appear in a sequen…
42190 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX_PUSHBUTTON_RID_SVXPAGE_LINE_DEF_BTN_ADD\"\>Creates a new line style using…
42192 …red\01\05200200.xhp 0 help par_id3153681 20 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"\"\>Enter a name.\</ahelp\> 2…
42194 … the current settings. To change the name of the selected line style, enter a new name when prompt…
42196 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX_IMAGEBUTTON_RID_SVXPAGE_LINE_DEF_BTN_LOAD\"\>Imports a list of line styles.…
42201 …"\>Design and create your own business cards.\</ahelp\> You can choose from a number of pre-define…
42206 …ared\01\05110300.xhp 0 help par_id3152821 3 0 ast If the cursor is not in a word, the new text t…
42210 … hid=\"HID_PASSWORD\"\>Protects the selected library with a password.\</ahelp\> You can enter a ne…
42216 …8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:EDIT:RID_SVXDLG_PASSWORD:ED_NEW_PASSWD\"\>Enter a new password for the…
42227 …r_id5841242 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>While checking for updates, you see a progress indicator. …
42232 …extensions can only be modified when %PRODUCTNAME does not run, and only by a user with appropriat…
42235 …the Download and Installation dialog. If an extension cannot be downloaded, a message is displayed…
42236a particular web site. That site may require several more user interaction to download the extensi…
42238 …are removed. Then the updated extensions are installed. If an error occurs, a message that the ins…
42247 …01.xhp 0 help par_idN105EB 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a dialog where you can start a macro.…
42254 …cted line or the line that you want to draw. You can also add arrowheads to a line, or change char…
42259 …"farbetext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_LINE:LB_COLOR\"\>Select a color for the line.\…
42261 …ect the width for the line. You can append a measurement unit. A zero line width results in a hair…
42270 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:METRICFIELD:RID_SVXPAGE_LINE:MF_SYMBOL_WIDTH\"\>Enter a width for the symbol…
42272 …st \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:METRICFIELD:RID_SVXPAGE_LINE:MF_SYMBOL_HEIGHT\"\>Enter a height for the symbo…
42274 …E:CB_SYMBOL_RATIO\"\>Maintains the proportions of the symbol when you enter a new height or width …
42276 …ou can add arrowheads to one end, or both ends of the selected line. To add a custom arrow style t…
42280 …t \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:METRICFIELD:RID_SVXPAGE_LINE:MTR_FLD_END_WIDTH\"\>Enter a width for the arrowh…
42284 …\>Automatically updates both arrowhead settings when you enter a different width, select a differe…
42287 … used at the corners of the line. In case of a small angle between lines, a mitered shape is repla…
42296 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06040400.xhp 0 help par_id3153173 27 0 ast Inserts a non break…
42322 …OPT:PB_HHO_NEW\"\>Opens the New dictionary dialog box, where you can create a new dictionary.\</ah…
42324 …<ahelp hid=\"svx:Edit:RID_SVX_MDLG_HANGULHANJA_NEWDICT:ED_DICTNAME\"\>Enter a name for the diction…
42332 …"\>Ignores positional characters at the end of Korean words when you search a dictionary.\</ahelp\…
42341 …use the default font are found. All text that has a directly coded font attribute, and all text wh…
42411 … id=\"notizbearbeitentext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertAnnotation\"\>Inserts a comment.\</ahelp\>\<…
42413 …line\>Ctrl+Alt\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\>+C key combination inserts a comment anchor at th…
42414 …ss, the command \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Insert - Comment\</item\> inserts a comment. 20200411…
42419 …id2571794 0 ast The comment box contains an icon with a down arrow. Click the icon to open a me…
42423 …red\01\04050000.xhp 0 help par_id1857051 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Choose a command to delete th…
42424 …mment in a text document was written by another author, there is a Reply command in the context me…
42428 …red\01\04050000.xhp 0 help par_id4271370 0 ast When the cursor is inside a comment, you can pre…
42430 …id5381328 0 ast You can also open the Navigator to see a list of all comments. Right-click a co…
42434 …ach a comment to a cell, a callout appears where you can enter your text. A small square in the up…
42435 …050000.xhp 0 help par_id8336741 0 ast To change the object properties of a comment, for example…
42436 …0000.xhp 0 help par_id3155390 7 0 ast To edit a shown comment, double-click the comment text. To…
42437 ….xhp 0 help par_idN107A1 0 ast To change the position or size of a comment, drag a border or co…
42438 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\04050000.xhp 0 help par_id9499496 0 ast To delete a comment, …
42439 …ared\01\04050000.xhp 0 help par_id2036805 0 ast You can also right-click a comment name in the …
42441 …d2419507 0 ast In Impress, you can choose to use the Notes view to write a page of notes for ev…
42447 …tyle. If you are creating or modifying a custom style, enter a name for the style. You cannot chan…
42449 …AGE_STYLES:CB_AUTO\"\>Updates the style when you apply direct formatting to a paragraph using this…
42450 …isibility=\"hidden\"\>Updates the style when you apply direct formatting to a paragraph using this…
42452 …eated when you press Enter. For page styles, the next style is applied when a new page is created.…
42456 …splays the category for the current style. If you are creating or modifying a new style, select 'C…
42457 …0100.xhp 0 help par_id3150771 17 0 ast You cannot change the category for a predefined style. …
42461 …\<emph\>Tools - Customize - Keyboard\</emph\> tab page where you can assign a shortcut key to the …
42465 …red\01\webhtml.xhp 0 help par_id8309274 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates a temporary copy of th…
42475 …n the \<emph\>seconds\</emph\> box. To observe the result, open the page in a browser.\</ahelp\> …
42479 …t \<ahelp hid=\"SFX2_RADIOBUTTON_TP_DOCINFORELOAD_RB_FORWARDUPDATE\"\>Loads a page that you specif…
42481 …TE\"\>Enter the number of seconds to wait before redirecting the browser to a different file.\</ah…
42491 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\01100500.xhp 0 help par_id3154935 15 0 ast File opens in a nam…
42495 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\01100500.xhp 0 help par_id3152920 19 0 ast File opens in a new…
42504 …ialog box has reduced functionality when called from the Edit-Sheet menu of a spreadsheet. 2020…
42507 …\01\06140500.xhp 0 help par_id3153662 36 0 ast A macro that is saved with a document can only be…
42510 …ink href=\"text/shared/01/06130000.xhp\"\>Macro Selector\</link\> to assign a macro to the selecte…
42525 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05350600.xhp 0 help par_id3152363 29 0 ast Assigns a predefine…
42527 …XFLOAT_3D_LB_MAT_FAVORITES\"\>Select a predefined color scheme, or select \<emph\>User-defined\</e…
42543 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\password_dlg.xhp 0 help par_id3154350 64 0 ast Assigns a passw…
42547 ….xhp 0 help par_id3150502 62 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_PASSWD_TABLE\"\>Type a password. A password…
42551 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\password_dlg.xhp 0 help par_id3146109 69 0 ast To remove a pas…
42555 …elp par_id3154840 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ObjectMenue\"\>Lets you edit a selected object in y…
42562a color. To change the line color of the selected object, right-click a color. To change the color…
42563 …elp par_id3147399 9 0 ast You can also drag a color from the \<emph\>Color Bar\</emph\> and drop…
42564 … par_id3147009 7 0 ast To detach the \<emph\>Color Bar\</emph\>, click on a gray area of the too…
42567 …red\01\03990000.xhp 0 help par_id3149748 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a submenu to show and …
42569 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\03990000.xhp 0 help par_id2789086 0 ast Opens a dialog where …
42575 …r_id3145671 120 0 ast \<variable id=\"zelleoben\"\>In the context menu of a cell, choose \<emph\…
42578 … hid=\".\"\>Select the size of your business card from a number of pre-defined size formats, or a
42580 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\01010301.xhp 0 help par_id3147543 4 0 ast Select a size format…
42588 …on what you selected in the \<emph\>Brand\</emph\> list. If you want to use a custom size format, …
42595 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100100.xhp 0 help par_id3149551 66 0 ast For example, a simi…
42599 ….xhp 0 help par_id3152594 57 0 ast Define the criteria for determining if a word is similar to t…
42603 …ARCHSIMILARITY_NF_LONGER\"\>Enter the maximum number of characters by which a word can exceed the …
42605 …XDLG_SEARCHSIMILARITY_NF_SHORTER\"\>Enter the number of characters by which a word can be shorter …
42607 …elp hid=\"SVX_CHECKBOX_RID_SVXDLG_SEARCHSIMILARITY_CB_RELAX\"\>Searches for a term that matches an…
42610 …t \<variable id=\"grafiktext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertGraphic\"\>Inserts a picture into the cur…
42614 …t \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FILEDLG_LINK_CB\"\>Inserts the selected graphic file as a link.\</ahelp\> 2…
42616 …lp par_id3153311 9 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FILEDLG_PREVIEW_CB\"\>Displays a preview of the selec…
42628 …ast \<switchinline select=\"appl\"\>\<caseinline select=\"WRITER\"\>Inserts a chart.\</caseinline\…
42631 ….xhp 0 help par_id3145669 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:AddDirect\"\>Creates a new $[officename] do…
42632 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_TBXCONTROL_FILENEW\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Creates a new $[officename] do…
42633 …p par_id3153528 81 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>If you want to create a document from a template, ch…
42634 …00.xhp 0 help par_id3147009 82 0 ast A template is a file that contains the design elements for
42640 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3156153 62 0 ast Creates a new text …
42643 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3154280 64 0 ast Creates a new sprea…
42646 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3154946 66 0 ast Creates a new prese…
42649 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3149167 100 0 ast Creates a new draw…
42652 …hared/explorer/database/dabawiz00.xhp\"\>Database Wizard\</link\> to create a \<link href=\"text/s…
42655 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3152460 80 0 ast Creates a new HTML …
42658 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\01010000.xhp 0 help par_idN107F5 0 ast Creates a new \<link h…
42661 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3150961 90 0 ast Creates a new \<lin…
42664 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id3150872 78 0 ast Creates a new formu…
42667 …nk\> dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document fo…
42670 …log where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document ($…
42673 …0 ast Creates a new document using an existing \<link href=\"text/shared/01/01010100.xhp\" name=\"…
42675 …help par_idN109E7 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Creates a new text document ($…
42676 …help par_idN109FE 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Creates a new spreadsheet docu…
42677 …help par_idN10A15 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Creates a new presentation doc…
42678 …help par_idN10A2C 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Creates a new drawing document…
42679 …<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Opens the Database Wizard to create a database file.\</ahe…
42680 …help par_idN10A5A 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Creates a new HTML document.\<…
42681 …help par_idN10A71 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Creates a new XForms document.…
42682 …help par_idN10A88 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Creates a new master document.…
42683 …help par_idN10A9F 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Creates a new formula document…
42684 …bels dialog where you can set the options for your labels, and then creates a new text document fo…
42685 …log where you can set the options for your business cards, and then creates a new text document ($…
42686 … \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Creates a new document using an existing template or ope…
42691 …ions\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> - $[officename] - Memory, and enter a new value in the num…
42696 …10000.xhp 0 help par_id3155504 4 0 ast If you change the content of a record in a database table…
42698 …10 0 ast The \<emph\>Undo\</emph\> list is cleared when you apply a new layout to a slide. 20…
42703 … hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:TP_LAB_PRT:BTN_PAGE\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Creates a full page of labels…
42705 …ON:TP_LAB_PRT:BTN_SINGLE\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Prints a single label or business card on a pa…
42707 …le\"\>Enter the number of labels or business cards that you want to have in a row on your page.\</…
42711 …=\"visible\" hid=\"SW:CHECKBOX:TP_LAB_PRT:CB_SYNCHRON\"\>Allows you to edit a single label or busi…
42721 …\>\<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Combines the contents of the selected table cells into a single cell.\</ahelp…
42739 …help hid=\".uno:ExportTo\"\>Saves the current document with a different name and format to a locat…
42785 …form control that is bound to any data in the model. When not enabled, such a change does not set …
42801 …ata.xhp 0 help par_idN1064D 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a dialog where you can add a new ins…
42803 …red\01\xformsdata.xhp 0 help par_idN10654 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
42809 …588 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a dialog to add a new item (element, attribute, submission, …
42811 …red\01\xformsdata.xhp 0 help par_idN10628 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a dialog to edit the s…
42827 …\<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select the element that will follow the numbering: a tab stop, a space, or noth…
42829 …d8177434 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>If you select a tab stop to follow the numbering, you can ent…
42861 … 0 ast Number format codes can consist of up to three sections separated by a semicolon (;). 20…
42862 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05020301.xhp 0 help par_id3150146 108 0 ast In a number format…
42863 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05020301.xhp 0 help par_id3158442 109 0 ast In a number format…
42864 …ign conditions to the three sections, so that the format is only applied if a condition is met. …
42867 …ent the number of digits to include in the numerator and the denominator of a fraction. Fractions …
42868a number contains more digits to the right of the decimal delimiter than there are placeholders in…
42889 …u can use a comma or a period as a thousands separator. You can also use the separator to reduce t…
42898a number format that is applied to a cell containing numbers, place a double quotation mark (") in…
42900 …01.xhp 0 help par_id3153338 82 0 ast To include text in a number format that is applied to a cel…
42902a character to define the width of a space in a number format, type an underscore ( _ ) followed b…
42904 …\01\05020301.xhp 0 help par_id3156423 28 0 ast To set the color of a section of a number format …
42915 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05020301.xhp 0 help par_id3155312 112 0 ast You can define a n…
42921 …020301.xhp 0 help par_id3147295 91 0 ast To define a number format that adds a different text to…
42927a compact form. For example, in scientific notation, 650000 is written as 6.5 x 10^5, and 0.000065…
42929 … setting of your operating system. If you want, you can apply a custom currency symbol to a cell. …
42930 … example, [$€-407] represents Euros in Germany. To view the locale code for a country, select the …
42973 … 0 help par_id3147344 126 0 ast Number of the year within an era, without a leading zero for sin…
42975 …xhp 0 help par_id3148487 128 0 ast Number of the year within an era, with a leading zero for sin…
42980 …ish locale, and you want to format a year with four digits, you enter YYYY as a formatting code. W…
43029 …\text\shared\01\05020301.xhp 0 help par_id3148397 228 0 ast To enter a date in a cell, use the G…
43031a calendar format that is independent of the locale, add a modifier in front of the date format. F…
43048 …l\"\>\<caseinline select=\"CALC\"\>If you perform a calculation that involves one or more cells us…
43071 …\>The Date&Time format displays the date and time that an entry was made to a cell with this forma…
43072 …d3143225 164 0 ast In \<item type=\"productname\"\>%PRODUCTNAME\</item\>, a date with the value …
43090 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05020301.xhp 0 help par_id3148649 102 0 ast If a time is enter…
43092 …mbers using native number characters, use a [NatNum1], [NatNum2], ... [NatNum11] modifier at the b…
43093a one to one character mapping to convert numbers to a string that matches the native number forma…
43095 …>%PRODUCTNAME\</item\> [NatNum] modifier is shown. If you want, you can use a [DBNumX] modifier in…
43096 …lp par_idN11234 0 ast Displaying dates using [NatNum] modifiers can have a different effect tha…
43141 …ast \<variable id=\"mehrfachselektion\"\>To align the individual objects in a group, \<switchinlin…
43145 …ning.xhp 0 help par_idN1056B 0 ast When you open a document that contains an unsigned macro, or…
43148 …1\securitywarning.xhp 0 help par_idN10572 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
43160 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:SaveAsTemplate\"\>Saves the current document as a template.\</ahelp\> …
43162 …3147043 5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SFX2:EDIT:DLG_DOC_TEMPLATE:ED_NAME\"\>Enter a name for the templat…
43166 …STBOX:DLG_DOC_TEMPLATE:LB_SECTION\"\>Select a category in which to save the new template.\</ahelp\…
43178 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02180000.xhp 0 help par_id3156156 27 0 ast When you open a fil…
43179 …ou are loading a file that contains DDE links, you are prompted to update the links. Decline the u…
43180 …elp par_idN10646 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"34869\"\>Double-click a link in the list to open a file di…
43181 …help par_idN1099856 0 ast When you open a file by an URL from the Windows file dialog, Windows …
43191 …es can only be updated manually.\</ahelp\> This option is not available for a linked graphic file.…
43192a DDE link by copying the contents from one file and pasting by choosing \<emph\>Edit - Paste Spec…
43203 …0 ast \<variable id=\"versendentext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:SendMail\"\>Opens a new window in your d…
43207 …teSpecial\"\>Inserts the contents of the clipboard into the current file in a format that you can …
43211 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SO3:LISTBOX:MD_PASTE_OBJECT:LB_INSERT_LIST\"\>Select a format for the clipb…
43212 …ect=\"appl\"\>\<caseinline select=\"WRITER\"\>When you paste HTML data into a text document, you c…
43216 … 0 ast \<switchinline select=\"appl\"\>\<caseinline select=\"CALC\"\>Select a format for the clipb…
43249 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02070000.xhp 0 help par_id3155084 32 0 ast If you select a mat…
43253 …p hid=\"SC:CHECKBOX:RID_SCDLG_INSCONT:BTN_LINK\"\>Inserts the cell range as a link, so that change…
43254a \<link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#dde\" name=\"DDE link\"\>DDE link\</link\> is automati…
43265 … 0 ast \<variable id=\"klang\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertSound\"\>Inserts a sound file into the …
43268 …"\>Changes the case of characters in the selection. If the cursor is within a word and no text is …
43298 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02110000.xhp 0 help par_id3150603 2 0 ast In a \<link href=\"t…
43299 … components of the master document. If you rest the mouse pointer over a name of a sub-document in…
43306 …ntents of the component selected in the Navigator list. If the selection is a file, the file is op…
43324 …d3147084 14 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_GLBLTREE_INSERT\"\>Inserts a file, an index, or a new docume…
43325 …9 57 0 ast You can also insert files into the master document by dragging a file from your deskt…
43329 …149267 37 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_GLBLTREE_INS_IDX\"\>Inserts an index or a table of contents in…
43333 …d=\"HID_GLBLTREE_INS_NEW_FILE\"\>Creates and inserts a new sub-document.\</ahelp\> When you create…
43335 …elp par_id3163712 47 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_GLBLTREE_INS_TEXT\"\>Inserts a new paragraph in the…
43337 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3149666 17 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_NAVI_TBX21\"\>Saves a copy of the contents…
43341 …an also move entries by dragging and dropping them in the list. If you move a text section onto an…
43345 …an also move entries by dragging and dropping them in the list. If you move a text section onto an…
43361a positive amount to trim the left edge of the graphic, or a negative amount to add white space to…
43363a positive amount to trim the right edge of the graphic, or a negative amount to add white space t…
43365a positive amount to trim the top of the graphic, or a negative amount to add white space above th…
43367a positive amount to trim the bottom of the graphic, or a negative amount to add white space below…
43371 …SVXPAGE_GRFCROP_MF_WIDTHZOOM\"\>Enter the width for the selected graphic as a percentage.\</ahelp\…
43373 …VXPAGE_GRFCROP_MF_HEIGHTZOOM\"\>Enter the height of the selected graphic as a percentage.\</ahelp\…
43377 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX_METRICFIELD_RID_SVXPAGE_GRFCROP_MF_WIDTH\"\>Enter a width for the select…
43379 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX_METRICFIELD_RID_SVXPAGE_GRFCROP_MF_HEIGHT\"\>Enter a height for the selec…
43385 … 2 0 ast \<variable id=\"frameeinfuegentext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Inserts a floating frame into …
43390 …lity=\"visible\"\>Groups the selected objects, so that they can be moved as a single object.\</ahe…
43391 …r you group the objects. You can nest groups, that is, you can have a group within a group. 202…
43394 …his feature is only available after you apply a surface textures to the selected object. To quickl…
43428 …BTN_TEX_CIRCLE_X\"\>Wraps the horizontal axis of the texture pattern around a sphere.\</ahelp\> …
43442 …D:BTN_TEX_CIRCLE_Y\"\>Wraps the vertical axis of the texture pattern around a sphere.\</ahelp\> …
43446 … 0 ast Filters out some of the 'noise' that can occur when you apply a texture to a 3D object. …
43453 ….xhp 0 help par_id3156027 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FORMAT_HEADER\"\>Adds a header to the curren…
43454 …ar_id3150693 33 0 ast If you want, you can also add borders or a background fill to a header. …
43455 … ast \<switchinline select=\"appl\"\>\<caseinline select=\"WRITER\"\>To add a header to the curren…
43456 …p 0 help par_id3153827 31 0 ast If you want to extend a header into the page margins, insert a f…
43461 …8 8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:CHECKBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_HEADER:CB_TURNON\"\>Adds a header to the curren…
43463 …nt.\<switchinline select=\"appl\"\>\<caseinline select=\"CALC\"\> To assign a different header to …
43477 …=\"SVX:PUSHBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_HEADER:BTN_EXTRAS\"\>Defines a border, a background color, or a back…
43488 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter a name for the menu. To specify a letter in the name as an acce…
43498 …99 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Shadowed\"\>Adds a shadow to the selected text, or if the cursor i…
43503 …cursor in a table cell, right-click, choose \<emph\>Table\</emph\>, and then click the \<emph\>Bor…
43505 …help par_id3153332 4 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_BORDER_CTL_PRESETS\"\>Select a predefined border st…
43506 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05030500.xhp 0 help par_id3148643 5 0 ast If you are in a tabl…
43521 …ph\>spacing to contents\</emph\> setting to all four borders when you enter a new distance.\</ahel…
43524 …t\shared\01\05030500.xhp 0 help par_id3146975 32 0 ast You can also apply a shadow effect to bor…
43525 …aphics or objects that are anchored to a frame in the document cannot exceed the size of the frame…
43527 …help par_id3153364 34 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_BORDER_CTL_SHADOWS\"\>Click a shadow style for the…
43531 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_BORDER:LB_SHADOWCOLOR\"\>Select a color for the shadow…
43537 …border styles of adjacent cells in a Writer table into one border style. This property is valid fo…
43538 … attribute wins. If, for example, one cell has a red border of 2 point width, and the adjacent cel…
43542 …00.xhp 0 help par_id3158442 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:NewWindow\"\>Opens a new window that disp…
43543 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\07010000.xhp 0 help par_id3147588 3 0 ast Changes made to a do…
43548 …f the \<emph\>XML Filter Settings\</emph\> dialog.\</ahelp\> You must enter a unique name. 2020…
43552 …he \<emph\>File type\</emph\> box in file dialogs.\</ahelp\> You must enter a unique name. For imp…
43554 …TER_EXTENSION\"\>Enter the file extension to use when you open a file without specifying a filter.…
43556 … par_id3146957 11 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_XML_FILTER_DESCRIPTION\"\>Enter a comment (optional).\…
43560 …05190100.xhp 0 help par_id3140354 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Assigns a title and a description to…
43562 …ared\01\05190100.xhp 0 help par_id1283608 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter a title text. This sho…
43564 …3685 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter a description text. The long description text can be entere…
43573 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\01010302.xhp 0 help par_id3147527 4 0 ast Select a design layo…
43574 …D_BUSINESS_CARD_CONTENT\"\>Select a business card category in \<emph\>AutoText - Section\</emph\> …
43576 …LISTBOX_TP_VISITING_CARDS_LB_AUTO_TEXT_GROUP\"\>Select a business card category, and then click a
43579 …elp par_id3147069 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Anchors the selected item to a character.\</ahelp\>…
43581 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05260300.xhp 0 help par_id3152924 4 0 ast To align a graphic r…
43584 …p hid=\"\"\>Contains contact information for business cards that use a layout from a 'Business Car…
43587 …n a business card, enter your name on the \<emph\>Private \</emph\>tab. Then choose a layout on th…
43605 … object. You can only modify the shape of a 3D object that was created by converting a 2D object. …
43617 …55388 7 0 ast You can change the number of segments that are used to draw a 3D rotation object. …
43625 …surface according to the shape of the object. For example, a circular shape is rendered with a sph…
43633 …\<ahelp hid=\"SVX:IMAGEBUTTON:RID_SVXFLOAT_3D:BTN_NORMALS_SPHERE\"\>Renders a smooth 3D surface.\<…
43645 …ID_SVXFLOAT_3D:BTN_DOUBLE_SIDED\"\>Closes the shape of a 3D object that was created by extruding a
43654 …lect=\"appl\"\> \<caseinline select=\"CALC\"\>To select all of the cells on a sheet, click the but…
43655 …ine select=\"CALC\"\>To select all of the sheets in a spreadsheet file, right-click the name tab o…
43666 …PRODUCTNAME.\</ahelp\>\</variable\> The current zoom factor is displayed as a percentage value on …
43667 … Linux, and Windows platforms. A document saved with a 100% zoom factor in Windows is displayed at…
43677 …t \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Displays the document at one and a half times its actua…
43683 …R\"\>Enter the zoom factor at which you want to display the document. Enter a percentage in the bo…
43691 …1993774 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>In columns view layout you see pages in a given number of colu…
43693 …layout you see two pages side by side as in an open book. The first page is a right page with an o…
43698 …901063996 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Click to select a folder to download t…
43703 …age\> on the menu bar will notify you of the update. Click the icon to open a dialog with more inf…
43706 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\online_update.xhp 0 help par_id6479384 0 ast If you need a pr…
43707 …e=\"menuitem\"\>Check for Updates\</item\> to check for the availability of a newer version of you…
43708 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\online_update.xhp 0 help par_id3722342 0 ast If a newer versi…
43718 …elp par_id3146946 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Anchors the selected item as a character in the cur…
43721 … 0 help par_id3152952 1 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:MacroRecorder\"\>Records a new macro.\</ahelp\>…
43723 …par_id3146067 4 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:StopRecording\"\>Stops recording a macro.\</ahelp\> …
43727 …290300.xhp 0 help par_id3157991 3 0 ast To select an individual object in a group, hold down \<…
43733 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>You must save a file before you can apply a digita…
43734 …lp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>You must save a file in OpenDocument format before you can app…
43737 …=\"0.1146in\"\>\<alt id=\"alt_id4557023\"\>Icon\</alt\>\</image\> indicates a valid digital signat…
43754a \<emph\>Master Document\</emph\> to organize complex projects, such as a book. \<ahelp hid=\".\"…
43758 …f you want, you can also specify the alignment options for the last line of a paragraph by choosin…
43765 …"\>Enter the text that you want to appear on the label. You can also insert a database field.\</ah…
43767 …d3153089 8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW_CHECKBOX_TP_LAB_LAB_BOX_ADDR\"\>Creates a label with your retu…
43775 …u can separate database fields with spaces. Press Enter to insert a database field on a new line. …
43777 …01.xhp 0 help par_id3149762 18 0 ast You can select a pre-defined size format for your label or
43785 …on what you selected in the \<emph\>Brand\</emph\> list. If you want to use a custom label format,…
43811 …0 ast Displays the date and time and author when the file was last saved in a $[officename] file f…
43831 …600.xhp 0 help par_id3155069 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AREA_SHADOW\"\>Add a shadow to the select…
43835 …st \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:TRISTATEBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_SHADOW:TSB_SHOW_SHADOW\"\>Adds a shadow to the select…
43841 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_SHADOW:LB_SHADOW_COLOR\"\>Select a color for the shadow…
43843 …lp hid=\"SVX:METRICFIELD:RID_SVXPAGE_SHADOW:MTR_SHADOW_TRANSPARENT\"\>Enter a percentage from 0% (…
43845 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:FillShadow\"\>Adds a shadow to the selected object. If the object alrea…
43851 …X2:COMBOBOX:DLG_NEW_STYLE_BY_EXAMPLE:LB_COL\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Enter a name for the new Sty…
43858 …edges of adjacent labels or business cards. If you are defining a custom format, enter a value her…
43860 …ge of a label or a business card and the upper edge of the label or the business card directly bel…
43862 …e width for the label or the business card. If you are defining a custom format, enter a value her…
43864 … the height for the label or business card. If you are defining a custom format, enter a value her…
43866 …t edge of the first label or business card. If you are defining a custom format, enter a value her…
43868 …he top of the first label or business card. If you are defining a custom format, enter a value her…
43873 …h the labels or business cards are ordered. If you are defining a custom format, enter a value her…
43876 …h the labels or business cards are ordered. If you are defining a custom format, enter a value her…
43883 … 26 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW_EDIT_DLG_SAVE_LABEL_ED_TYPE\"\>Enter or select a label type.\</ahelp\…
43886 …red\01\01160000.xhp 0 help par_id3151262 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Sends a copy of the current …
43888 … help par_id4546342 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Opens a new window in your d…
43889 … help par_id6845301 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Opens a new window in your d…
43891 …ared\01\01160000.xhp 0 help par_id5917844 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a new window in your d…
43893 …ared\01\01160000.xhp 0 help par_id5759453 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a new window in your d…
43895 …ared\01\01160000.xhp 0 help par_id7829218 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a new window in your d…
43897 …ared\01\01160000.xhp 0 help par_id8319650 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a new window in your d…
43899 …ared\01\01160000.xhp 0 help par_id9085055 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a new window in your d…
43901 …ared\01\01160000.xhp 0 help par_id5421918 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a new window in your d…
43908 …eMode\"\>Prevents a user from deactivating the record changes feature, or from accepting or reject…
43916 …u to define page layouts for single and multiple-page documents, as well as a numbering and paper …
43918 …40200.xhp 0 help par_id3150710 32 0 ast Select from a list of predefined paper sizes, or define
43920 …id=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_PAGE:LB_PAPER_SIZE\"\>Select a predefined paper size, or create a cus…
43922 …H\"\>Displays the width of the selected paper format. To define a custom format, enter a width her…
43924 …\"\>Displays the height of the selected paper format. To define a custom format, enter a height he…
43932 … assign different paper trays to different page styles. For example, assign a different tray to th…
43943 …=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Aligns the text on the selected Page Style to a vertical page grid.\…
43945 …D_SVXPAGE_PAGE:CB_REGISTER\"\>Aligns the text on the selected Page Style to a vertical page grid.\…
43946 …" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select the Paragraph Style that you want to use as a reference for lining…
43948 …nline select=\"WRITER\"\>Select the Paragraph Style that you want to use as a reference for lining…
43950 …<caseinline select=\"CALC\"\>Specify the alignment options for the cells on a printed page.\</case…
43965 …ns as specified. Use this layout if you want to bind the printed pages like a book. Enter the bind…
43980 ….uno:SetAnchorToCell\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Anchors the selected item to a cell.\</ahelp\> The …
43994 …_FIRSTNAME_2\"\>Enter the first name of the person, whom you want to use as a second contact.\</ah…
43996 …ATA:ED_NAME_2\"\>Enter the last name of the person, whom you want to use as a second contact.\</ah…
43998 …:ED_SHORTCUT_2\"\>Enter the initials of the person, whom you want to use as a second contact.\</ah…
44016 …the left side of the\<emph\> Templates and Documents\</emph\> dialog. Click a category to display …
44018 …ists the available templates or documents for the selected category. Select a template or document…
44041 …_DOCTEMPLATE_BTN_DOCTEMPLATE_EDIT\"\>Opens the selected document or creates a document based on th…
44047 …id3144415 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:OpenTemplate\"\>Opens a dialog where you can select a templ…
44051 …514 2 0 ast Specify the amount of space to leave between lines of text in a paragraph. 202004…
44069 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_LINEEND_DEF:LB_LINEENDS\"\>Choose a predefined arrow sty…
44071 …"SVX:PUSHBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_LINEEND_DEF:BTN_ADD\"\>To define a custom arrow style, select a drawin…
44075 …t \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:IMAGEBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_LINEEND_DEF:BTN_LOAD\"\>Imports a list of arrow styles…
44086 …utoCorrect settings are applied when you press the Spacebar after you enter a word. 20200411 15…
44124 …\shared\01\05270000.xhp 0 help par_id3148668 7 0 ast To edit the shape of a selected drawing obj…
44129 …ing\"\>Checks the document or the current selection for spelling errors. If a grammar checking ext…
44131 … for misspelled words and gives you the option of adding an unknown word to a user dictionary. Whe…
44132 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06010000.xhp 0 help par_id1022200801300654 0 ast If a grammar…
44143 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX_PUSHBUTTON_RID_SVXDLG_SPELLCHECK_BTN_OPTIONS\"\>Opens a dialog, where you ca…
44145 …=\"SVX_PUSHBUTTON_RID_SVXDLG_SPELLCHECK_BTN_ADD\"\>Adds the unknown word to a user-defined diction…
44149 …lity=\"hidden\"\>While performing a grammar check, click Ignore Rule to ignore the rule that is cu…
44171a plug-in into the current document.\</ahelp\> \</variable\> A \<link href=\"text/shared/00/000000…
44181 …ng_mark.xhp 0 help par_id0302200910351248 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a submenu to insert sp…
44183 …ormatting_mark.xhp 0 help par_id8326975 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Inserts a space that will keep…
44185 …ormatting_mark.xhp 0 help par_id8469191 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Inserts a hyphen that will kee…
44187 …serts an invisible hyphen within a word that will appear and create a line break once it becomes t…
44189 …\"\>Inserts an invisible space within a word that will insert a line break once it becomes the las…
44191 …elp hid=\".\"\>Inserts an invisible space within a word that will keep the word together at the en…
44193 …ormatting_mark.xhp 0 help par_id6690878 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Inserts a text direction mark …
44195 …formatting_mark.xhp 0 help par_id923184 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Inserts a text direction mark …
44198 …attach URLs to specific areas, called hotspots, on a graphic or a group of graphics. An image map …
44199 …three types of hotspots: rectangles, ellipses, and polygons. When you click a hotspot, the URL is …
44213 …0 help par_id3154073 16 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_IMAPDLG_SELECT\"\>Selects a hotspot in the image…
44217 …xhp 0 help par_id3150870 19 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_IMAPDLG_RECT\"\>Draws a rectangular hotspot …
44225 …xhp 0 help par_id3153190 25 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_IMAPDLG_POLY\"\>Draws a polygonal hotspot in…
44229 …FREEPOLY\"\>Draws a hotspot that is based on a freeform polygon. Click this icon and move to where…
44253 …elp hid=\"HID_IMAPDLG_MACRO\"\>Lets you assign a macro that runs when you click the selected hotsp…
44263 …er the text that you want to display when the mouse rests on the hotspot in a browser.\</ahelp\> I…
44265 …e of the target frame that you want to open the URL in. You can also select a standard frame name …
44272 …to create labels. Labels are created in a text document.\</ahelp\> You can print labels using a pr…
44273 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\01010200.xhp 0 help par_id3145314 3 0 ast You can also print a
44275 …hp 0 help par_id3154810 8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_LABEL_INSERT\"\>Creates a new document for edi…
44287 …ed\01\gallery.xhp 0 help par_id3153394 45 0 ast To zoom in or zoom out on a single object in the…
44288 …f the \<emph\>Gallery\</emph\>.\<ahelp hid=\"HID_GALLERY_THEMELIST\"\>Click a theme to view the ob…
44289 …help par_id3155355 50 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_GALLERY_WINDOW\"\>To insert a \<emph\>Gallery \</e…
44290 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\gallery.xhp 0 help hd_id3156113 4 0 ast Adding a New File to t…
44291 …allery.xhp 0 help par_id3153032 43 0 ast To add a file to the \<emph\>Gallery\</emph\>, right-cl…
44293 … 0 help par_id3150275 11 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_GALLERY_NEWTHEME\"\>Adds a new theme to the \<e…
44294 … help par_id3159167 9 0 ast To access the following commands, right-click a theme in the \<emph\…
44302 …00.xhp 0 help par_id3150902 4 0 ast The selected object is rotated around a pivot point that you…
44303 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05230300.xhp 0 help par_id3153528 17 0 ast If you set a pivot …
44321 …r_id3155356 6 0 ast When you rest the mouse pointer over a change markup in the document, a \<em…
44332 …RubyDialog\"\>Allows you to add comments above Asian characters to serve as a pronunciation guide.…
44335 ….xhp 0 help par_id3154838 15 0 ast Enter the text that you want to use as a pronunciation guide …
44339 …X_EDIT_RID_SVXDLG_RUBY_ED_RIGHT_4\"\>Enter the text that you want to use as a pronunciation guide …
44345 …0 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX_LISTBOX_RID_SVXDLG_RUBY_LB_CHAR_STYLE\"\>Select a character style for …
44347 …d Formatting window\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> where you can select a character style for …
44356 …e\text\shared\01\mediaplayer.xhp 0 help par_idN1057E 0 ast Opens a movie file or a sound file t…
44358 … help par_idN10585 0 ast Inserts the current movie file or sound file as a media object into th…
44374 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\mediaplayer.xhp 0 help par_idN105BD 0 ast Moves to a differen…
44386a range of pages, use the format 3-6. To export single pages, use the format 7;9;11. If you want, …
44393 …\ref_pdf_export.xhp 0 help par_idN10719 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Selects a lossless compression…
44395 … \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Selects a JPEG compression of images. With a high quality level, almost all pi…
44399 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Selects to resample or down-size the images to a lower number of pixe…
44403 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\ref_pdf_export.xhp 0 help hd_id2796411 0 ast PDF/A-1a 2020…
44404 …xhp 0 help par_id5016327 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Converts to the PDF/A-1a format. This is defi…
44413 …xport.xhp 0 help par_id4909817 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Choose to create a PDF form. This can b…
44421 …This is best if you are printing the pdf file double-sided. Example: In a book a chapter paragraph…
44423a PDF file, because every PDF reader software already contains these fonts. Enable this option to …
44425 …, the original %PRODUCTNAME document can be edited back without the need of a PDF editing applicat…
44429 …ort.xhp 0 help par_id1851557 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that shows …
44431 …elp par_id4490188 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that shows a bookmarks…
44433 …help par_id956755 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that shows a thumbnail…
44438 …".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that shows the page contents without zooming. If the reader so…
44440 …ort.xhp 0 help par_id3092135 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that shows …
44442 …port.xhp 0 help par_id814539 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that shows …
44444 …ort.xhp 0 help par_id2362437 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that shows …
44446 …1\ref_pdf_export.xhp 0 help par_id371715 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a given zoom factor wh…
44449 …ort.xhp 0 help par_id1694082 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that shows …
44451 …ar_id672322 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that shows one page at a tim…
44453 …ar_id8764305 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that shows pages in a conti…
44455 …318765 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that shows pages side by side in
44457 …596850 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that shows pages side by side in
44461 … par_id1321146 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that is shown in a window…
44463 … par_id9601428 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that is shown in a reader…
44465 … par_id1111789 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that is shown in a full s…
44467 …ort.xhp 0 help par_id4576555 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to generate a PDF file that is sho…
44501 …f_export.xhp 0 help par_id2107303 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click to open a dialog where you ent…
44502 …t\shared\01\ref_pdf_export.xhp 0 help par_id41123951 0 ast You can enter a password to open the…
44533 …d\01\xformsdataadd.xhp 0 help par_idN1054B 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Adds a new item or edits th…
44534 …dd.xhp 0 help par_idN10560 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>%PRODUCTNAME inserts a new item directly af…
44539 …aadd.xhp 0 help par_idN10571 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select the type of a new item. You cannot…
44541 …\01\xformsdataadd.xhp 0 help par_idN10578 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter a default value for th…
44553 …dd.xhp 0 help par_idN105CF 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Declares the item as a constraint.\</ahelp\…
44565 …"HID_BASICIDE_LIBSDLG_TREE\"\>Enter a name or the path to the library that you want to append. You…
44568 …d=\"BASCTL_CHECKBOX_RID_DLG_LIBS_RID_CB_REF\"\>Adds the selected library as a read-only file. The …
44570 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"BASCTL_CHECKBOX_RID_DLG_LIBS_RID_CB_REPL\"\>Replaces a library that has the…
44573 …help par_id3154841 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"\"\>Assign a master password to protect the access to a
44574 …st You can save some passwords for the duration of a session, or permanently to a file protected b…
44575 … password to access a file or service that is protected by a saved password. You only need to ente…
44578 …shared\01\password_main.xhp 0 help par_id0608200910545951 0 ast Contains a mix of lower case an…
44582 …8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"UUI_EDIT_DLG_UUI_PASSWORD_ED_MASTERPASSWORD\"\>Type a master password to p…
44589a legacy of the first versions of %PRODUCTNAME. You must customize a toolbar or menu to insert the…
44600 …p hid=\"SVX:CHECKBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_CAPTION:CB_LAENGE\"\>Click here to display a single-angled line i…
44616 …_id3157959 3 0 ast To stop applying a direct format, such as underlining, while you type new tex…
44621 …lp par_id3155620 2 0 ast Use this command to quickly apply font styles to a text selection. 2…
44622 … place the cursor in a word and do not make a selection, the font style is applied to the entire w…
44627 … 4 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SFX2:EDIT:TP_FRAMEPROPERTIES:ED_FRAMENAME\"\>Enter a name for the floatin…
44635 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02210101.xhp 0 help par_id3156346 13 0 ast Add or remove a scr…
44641 …INGAUTO\"\>Mark this option if the currently active floating frame can have a scrollbar when neede…
44659 …p par_id3147340 5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Sets the display properties of a grid.\</ahelp\> 2…
44661 …s or hides grid lines that you can use to align objects such as graphics on a page. 20200411 15…
44669 …UTTON_CANCEL\"\>Creates a master document from the current Writer document. A new sub-document is …
44670 …/emph\>\</link\> appears after you create a master document. To edit a sub-document, double-click …
44674 …se to separate the source document into sub-documents.\</ahelp\> By default a new document is crea…
44687 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Displays all installed Smart Tags. To configure a Smart Tag, select th…
44689 …\06040700.xhp 0 help par_id3912167 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>To configure a Smart Tag, select th…
44692 …different styles that you can apply to a hierarchical list. $[officename] supports up to nine outl…
44700 …hared\01\06130200.xhp 0 help par_idN105B7 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a submenu with links t…
44702 …hared\01\06130200.xhp 0 help par_idN105C3 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
44704 …hared\01\06130200.xhp 0 help par_idN105BA 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
44707 …hared\01\06130200.xhp 0 help par_idN105A7 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
44715 …he current dictionary that you want to edit. If you want, you can also type a new entry in this bo…
44717 …GULHANJA_EDIT:CB_REPLACEBYCHAR\"\>Converts the text on a character by character basis and not on a
44719 …_EDIT:ED_1\"\>Type a suggested replacement for the entry that is selected in the Original text box…
44727 …ODUCTVERSION. You must first call \<emph\>Tools - Customize\</emph\> to add a menu command or an i…
44749 … text horizontally or vertically. To use this command, you must first apply a different baseline t…
44779 …r_id3147321 42 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FONTWORK_TBI_SHADOW_NORMAL\"\>Adds a shadow to the text i…
44782 …ar_id3148478 44 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FONTWORK_TBI_SHADOW_SLANT\"\>Adds a slant shadow to the …
44794 …st \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXDLG_FONTWORK:CLB_SHADOW_COLOR\"\>Select a color for the text s…
44799 … help par_id3150144 4 0 ast If one of the selected objects is anchored as a character, some of t…
44803 …_id3147273 2 0 ast Lists the currently open documents. Select the name of a document in the list…
44806 …10200.xhp 0 help par_id3149119 2 0 ast Select a color to apply, save the current color list, or …
44819 …t key for the command selected in the \<emph\>Function\</emph\> list, click a shortcut in this lis…
44825a function that you want to assign a shortcut key to, click a key combination in the \<emph\>Short…
44843 …\01\xformsdataname.xhp 0 help par_idN1056C 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Adds a new namespace to the…
44885 …in the selected cell(s). A positive number rotates the text to the left and a negative number rota…
44896 …\01\05340300.xhp 0 help par_id3146120 44 0 ast Determine the text flow in a cell. 20200411 15…
44898 …r. The number of lines depends on the width of the cell.\</ahelp\> To enter a manual line break, p…
44902 … the cell fit into the current cell width. You cannot apply this command to a cell that contains l…
44912 …, and then select a color for the light from the list. If you want, you can also set the color of …
44918 …1 11 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXFLOAT_3D:LB_LIGHT_1\"\>Select a color for the curren…
44922 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXFLOAT_3D:LB_AMBIENTLIGHT\"\>Select a color for the ambien…
44925 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05350400.xhp 0 help par_id3151056 19 0 ast Displays a preview …
44929 …d3149495 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AREA_BITMAP\"\>Select a bitmap that you want to use as a fill…
44931 …ed\01\05210500.xhp 0 help par_id3147226 4 0 ast Use this editor to create a simple, two-color, 8…
44935 …VX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_BITMAP:LB_COLOR\"\>Select a foreground color, and then click in the grid to…
44937 … \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_BITMAP:LB_BACKGROUND_COLOR\"\>Select a background color for…
44939 …8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:LISTBOX:RID_SVXPAGE_BITMAP:LB_BITMAPS\"\>Select a bitmap in the list, …
44941 … 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:PUSHBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_BITMAP:BTN_ADD\"\>Adds a bitmap that you crea…
44943 …aces a bitmap that you created in the \<emph\>Pattern Editor\</emph\> with the current bitmap patt…
44947 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:IMAGEBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_BITMAP:BTN_LOAD\"\>Loads a different list of bi…
44965 … par_idN1068A 0 ast Users with administrator or root privileges will see a dialog where they ca…
44966 …ileges can install an extension as a shared extension that is available to all users. After select…
44967 …root privileges can only install an extension for own usage. This is called a user extension. 2…
44969 …ckagemanager.xhp 0 help par_id9143955 0 ast An extension is available as a file with the file e…
44970 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\packagemanager.xhp 0 help par_id7857905 0 ast You can find a
44971 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\packagemanager.xhp 0 help hd_id5016937 0 ast To install a use…
44974 …text\shared\01\packagemanager.xhp 0 help par_id5269020 0 ast On a web page, click a hyperlink t…
44976 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\packagemanager.xhp 0 help hd_id3734550 0 ast To install a sha…
44977 …\packagemanager.xhp 0 help par_id4139225 0 ast As an administrator, open a terminal or command …
44985 …d\01\packagemanager.xhp 0 help par_id4856410 0 ast An extension can show a license dialog. \<ah…
45009 …aracter to define the start of the double-lined area. If you want to choose a custom character, se…
45011 …character to define the end of the double-lined area. If you want to choose a custom character, se…
45016 …p par_id3148620 20 0 ast You might experience a slight delay when you change the default printer…
45019 …tall a default printer for your operating system. Refer to the online help for your operating syst…
45021 …ed printers on your operating system. To change the default printer, select a printer name from th…
45064 …cify the number of times to play the effect, clear this checkbox, and enter a number in the \<emph…
45076 …t. To manually assign the delay period, clear this checkbox, and then enter a value in the\<emph\>…
45089 …ending on the application, the “Open” command for the OLE object might have a different name. 2…
45097 …ange the color of a text selection, select the text that you want to change, and click the \<emph\…
45098 …t with the paint can cursor. To change the color of a single word, double-click in a word. To appl…
45103 …nt color to the selected characters. You can also click here, and then drag a selection to change …
45114 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX_LISTBOX_RID_SVXPAGE_CHAR_EFFECTS_LB_RELIEF\"\>Select a relief effect to app…
45118 …st \<ahelp hid=\"SVX_TRISTATEBOX_RID_SVXPAGE_CHAR_EFFECTS_CB_SHADOW\"\>Adds a shadow that casts be…
45124 …lines or removes overlining from the selected text. If the cursor is not in a word, the new text t…
45130 …t \<ahelp hid=\"SVX_LISTBOX_RID_SVXPAGE_CHAR_EFFECTS_LB_STRIKEOUT\"\>Select a strikethrough style …
45134 …ply underlining to a superscript text, the underlining is raised to the level of the superscript. …
45140 …st \<ahelp hid=\"SVX_LISTBOX_RID_SVXPAGE_CHAR_EFFECTS_LB_EMPHASIS\"\>Select a character to display…
45147 …p visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"SW:EDIT:DLG_SWDLG_STRINPUT:ED_INPUT\"\>Enter a name for the new Aut…
45151 …r_id3144436 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AREA_HATCH\"\>Set the properties of a hatching pattern, or…
45153 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05210400.xhp 0 help par_id3147291 4 0 ast Define or modify a h…
45157 …TCH:MTR_FLD_ANGLE\"\>Enter the rotation angle for the hatch lines, or click a position in the angl…
45159 …xhp 0 help par_id3147242 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_TPHATCH_CTRL\"\>Click a position in the grid…
45165 …e the list, click the \<emph\>Save Hatches List\</emph\> button. To display a different list, clic…
45169 …4 16 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:PUSHBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_HATCH:BTN_ADD\"\>Adds a custom hatching patt…
45171 … the selected hatching pattern. If you want, you can save the pattern under a different name.\</ah…
45173 …6 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SVX:IMAGEBUTTON:RID_SVXPAGE_HATCH:BTN_LOAD\"\>Loads a different list of ha…
45186 …xplorer\database\menufile.xhp 0 help par_idN1055D 0 ast The File menu of a database window. Onl…
45190 …ink href=\"text/shared/01/01070000.xhp\"\>file save\</link\> dialog, select a path and file name t…
45192 … hid=\".\"\>Exports the selected report or form to a text document. A dynamic report is exported a…
45194 …database\menufile.xhp 0 help par_idN105F5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a submenu.\</ahelp\> …
45196 …plication to send a new e-mail. The current database file is appended as an attachment. You can en…
45198a new e-mail. The selected report is appended as an attachment. You can enter the subject, the rec…
45200 … \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Exports the selected report to a text document. A dynamic report is exported a…
45208 …z02adabas.xhp 0 help par_idN1054C 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click to open a file selection dialo…
45214 …\tablewizard03.xhp 0 help par_idN10556 0 ast Specifies a field in the table to be used as a pri…
45215 …red\explorer\database\tablewizard03.xhp 0 help par_idN10559 0 ast Create a primary key 20200…
45216 …create a primary key. Add a primary key to every database table to uniquely identify each record. …
45217 …r\database\tablewizard03.xhp 0 help par_idN10560 0 ast Automatically add a primary key 20200…
45218 …0 help par_idN10564 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to automatically add a primary key as an ad…
45219 …ase\tablewizard03.xhp 0 help par_idN10567 0 ast Use an existing field as a primary key 20200…
45220 …st \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to use an existing field with unique values as a primary key.\</ahelp…
45224 …elp par_idN10579 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to automatically insert a value and increment …
45226 … 0 help par_idN10580 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to create a primary key from a combination…
45228 …se\tablewizard03.xhp 0 help par_idN10587 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a field and click > to…
45230 …\<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a field and click < to remove it from the list of primary key fields. Th…
45235 … visibility=\"hidden\"\>The Database Wizard creates a database file that contains information abou…
45236 …se Wizard creates a \<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabadoc.xhp\"\>database file\</lin…
45237 …type of operation and the type of database, the Database Wizard consists of a varying number of st…
45238 …\explorer\database\dabawiz00.xhp 0 help par_idN105DB 0 ast If you create a new database file, t…
45239 ….xhp 0 help par_idN105DF 0 ast If you open the Database Wizard to create a database file for an…
45253 …tools.xhp 0 help par_idN1055D 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>The Tools menu of a database window.\</a…
45261 …ools.xhp 0 help par_id3150985 23 0 ast If you select the topmost table in a hierarchy, all of th…
45262 …abase\menutools.xhp 0 help par_id3152349 24 0 ast If you select a table that is at a lower level…
45269 …id0224200911454780 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Choose a location and file na…
45272 …65 0 ast However, it is technically not possible to store macros both in a Base file and in its…
45279 …0 help par_idN10560 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies the properties of a database.\</ahelp\> …
45280 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\dabaprop.xhp 0 help par_id1322977 0 ast In a d…
45283a table by dragging and dropping the table onto the table container. If you select the \<emph\>Att…
45285a data field from the source table in the destination table, select the check box in front of the …
45312 …STAT_ET_MEMORYUSING\"\>Displays the amount of used space in the database as a percentage.\</ahelp\…
45315 …se\menubar.xhp 0 help par_idN10562 0 ast In the database window, you see a new set of menu comm…
45318 …hp 0 help par_id3150247 2 0 ast In the data source explorer, you can copy a table by dragging an…
45323 …"\>Displays the name of the selected data field. If you want, you can enter a new name.\</ahelp\> …
45325 …hp 0 help par_id3149811 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_TAB_ENT_TYPE\"\>Select a field type.\</ahelp\…
45331 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_TAB_ENT_BOOL_DEFAULT\"\>Select the default value for a Yes/No field.\</ahel…
45340 …e database file window organizes the tables, views, queries, and reports of a database in %PRODUCT…
45348 … 0 ast The Form Controls toolbar offers the tools required to create a form in a text, table, dr…
45352 …You will find the sorting and filter functions in the toolbar when you open a form in user mode. …
45356 …help par_id3149264 29 0 ast You can copy a table by dragging and dropping the table onto the tab…
45358 …r_id3144740 4 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_TAB_WIZ_TABLENAME_EDIT\"\>Specifies a name for the copy.\<…
45361 … \<ahelp hid=\"DBACCESS_RADIOBUTTON_TAB_WIZ_COPYTABLE_RB_DEFDATA\"\>Creates a 1:1 copy of the data…
45365a query is copied in a table container. This option enables you to see and edit a query as a norma…
45368 …st be exactly the same so that data can be copied. Data cannot be copied if a data field in the ta…
45370 …WIZ_COPYTABLE_RB_APPENDDATA\"\>If the data cannot be attached, you will see a list of fields in th…
45371 ….xhp 0 help par_id3158430 15 0 ast If the fields of the target table have a smaller field length…
45374 …>Automatically generates a primary key data field and fills it with values.\</ahelp\> You should a…
45376 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"DBACCESS_EDIT_TAB_WIZ_COPYTABLE_ET_KEYNAME\"\>Specifies a name for the primary…
45381 …eycode\"\>Shift-F1\</item\> and point with the mouse at an input box to see a help text for this i…
45383 …\shared\explorer\database\rep_prop.xhp 0 help par_id9895931 0 ast Select a table from the Conte…
45384 …d=\".\"\>The Add Field window is shown automatically when you have selected a table in the Content…
45388 …context the page header will be printed: on all pages, or not on pages with a report header or foo…
45389 …context the page footer will be printed: on all pages, or not on pages with a report header or foo…
45400 …specifies whether the current section and/or the next section is printed on a new page.\</ahelp\> …
45401 …Row Or Column specifies, for a multi-column design, whether the current section and/or the next se…
45402 …n\"\>Keep Together specifies to print the current object starting on top of a new page if it doesn…
45404 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\rep_prop.xhp 0 help par_id9631641 0 ast For a
45405 …d7749565 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>For a picture, you can specify to either insert the picture a…
45412 …p 0 help par_id1593676 0 ast On the \<emph\>General\</emph\> tab page of a data field, you can …
45422 …"DBACCESS_EDIT_TAB_PAG_ADABAS_SETTINGS_ET_CTRLUSERNAME\"\>Enter the name of a user that you want t…
45426 … is only available if you start the database server from $[officename] with a control user and pas…
45432 …eycode\"\>Shift-F1\</item\> and point with the mouse at an input box to see a help text for this i…
45442 …tabase\rep_pagenumbers.xhp 0 help par_id3012176 0 ast When you click OK, a data field for the p…
45447 …r_idN10553 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies the settings for importing a database in text for…
45448 …p par_idN10568 0 ast In a text format database, data is stored in an unformatted ASCII file, wh…
45450 …ant one text file, you can use any extension of the file name. If you enter a folder name, the tex…
45452 …wiz02text.xhp 0 help par_idN10576 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click to open a file selection dialo…
45462 …HID_DSADMIN_TEXT_SEPARATOR\"\>Enter or select the character that identifies a text field in the te…
45464 … or select the character that is used as a decimal separator in the text file, for example, a peri…
45466 …or select the character that is used as a thousands separator in the text file, for example a comm…
45479 …t\shared\explorer\database\dabapropcon.xhp 0 help par_id9003875 0 ast In a database window, cho…
45481 …idN1056C 0 ast For example, you can use the wizard to open a database file that is in a format …
45487 …\".\"\>The \<emph\>Query Design View \</emph\>allows you to create and edit a database query.\</ah…
45488 …me functionality as queries, but on the server side. If your database is on a server that supports…
45489 …\>Create View\</emph\> command from the \<emph\>Tables\</emph\> tab page of a database document, y…
45490 … 0 ast The Query Design window layout is stored with a created query, but cannot be stored with a
45492 …0100.xhp 0 help par_id3145673 4 0 ast To create a query, click the \<emph\>Queries\</emph\> icon…
45493a query, specify the database \<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/02010100.xhp\" name=\"fi…
45495 … 0 ast If you want to test a query, double-click the query name in the database document. The que…
45506 …ate a new query, you can click \<link href=\"text/shared/02/14020100.xhp\" name=\"Add Tables\"\>\<…
45508 …orer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3157894 141 0 ast While designing a query, you cannot mo…
45512 … in which the table is displayed by positioning the mouse cursor on a border or on a corner and dr…
45514 …par_id3154145 14 0 ast If there are data relations between a field name in one table and a field…
45515a spreadsheet for articles identified by an article number, and a spreadsheet for customers in whi…
45516a field name in a table (for example, the field name "Item-Number" from the Customer table), hold …
45517 …ast The creation of a query that is based on several related sheets is only possible if you use $[…
45518 …_id3145646 246 0 ast You cannot access tables from different databases in a query. Queries invol…
45521 …there choose the command \<emph\>Edit\</emph\>. Some databases support only a subset of the possib…
45523 …d\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3156178 146 0 ast To delete a relation between two…
45526 … Each column of the design table accepts a data field for the query. The conditions in one row are…
45528a field name in the table window. With the drag-and-drop method, use the mouse to drag a field nam…
45530 …ed\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3154479 22 0 ast To remove a field name from the …
45532 …ve the query. You see a dialog that asks you to enter a name for the query. If the database suppor…
45540 …s field.\</ahelp\> If you activate a cell with a mouse click you'll see an arrow button, which ena…
45542 …=\"HID_QRYDGN_ROW_ALIAS\"\>Specifies an alias. This alias will be listed in a query instead of the…
45548 …the selected data field is listed here.\</ahelp\> If you activate the a cell with a mouse click, a…
45552 …</emph\> property for a data field, that field will be visible in the query\</ahelp\>. If you only…
45559 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_QRYDGN_ROW_FUNCTION\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a function to run in t…
45568 …0100.xhp 0 help par_id3154486 165 0 ast Calculates the arithmetic mean of a field. 20200411 1…
45571 …nes the number of records in the table. Empty fields can either be counted (a) or not (b). 2020…
45572 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3151333 197 0 ast a) …
45573 …ast b) COUNT(column): Passing a field name as an argument counts only fields in which the field na…
45576 …010100.xhp 0 help par_id3159221 169 0 ast Determines the highest value of a field. 20200411 1…
45579 …2010100.xhp 0 help par_id3157982 171 0 ast Determines the lowest value of a field. 20200411 1…
45585 …pecified groups. In SQL, this option corresponds to the GROUP BY clause. If a criterion is added, …
45588 …id3155075 191 0 ast For example, the function call in SQL for calculating a sum is: 20200411 …
45597 … any additional columns for the query other than receiving these columns as a "Group" function. …
45599a query is run through two tables: an "Item" table with the "Item_No" field and a "Suppliers" tabl…
45600 …0 help par_id3155144 206 0 ast The following steps are required to create a query containing all…
45602 …ast Link the "Supplier_No" fields of the two tables if there is not already a relation of this typ…
45604 …explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3151009 210 0 ast Enter >3 as a criterion and disabl…
45607 …xist in the "Item" table, you can obtain the average price of the item that a supplier provides wi…
45616 …3150414 249 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_QRYDGN_ROW_FUNCTION\"\>Shows or hides a row for selection of…
45624 … 0 ast For a query involving several fields, the combination of values from all fields must be uni…
45634 … ast The operator = will not be displayed in the query fields. If you enter a value without any op…
45670 …x*), at the end of (*x) or inside the field content (*x*). You can enter as a placeholder in SQL q…
45679 …se\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3154395 88 0 ast ... the field name contains a value that lies betw…
45683 …se\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3148992 92 0 ast ... the field name contains a value that does not …
45684 …t\shared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3149995 93 0 ast IN (a; b; c...) 2020041…
45686 …t\shared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3159085 94 0 ast IN (a, b, c...) 2020041…
45687 …red\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3154809 95 0 ast contains a, b, c... 20200411…
45688 …xpressions a, b, c,... Any number of expressions can be specified, and the result of the query is …
45689 …ared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3154112 97 0 ast NOT IN (a; b; c...) 2020041…
45690 …ared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3153544 98 0 ast NOT IN (a, b, c...) 2020041…
45691 …orer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3150679 99 0 ast does not contain a, b, c... 20200411…
45692 … 0 ast ... the field name does not contain one of the specified expressions a, b, c,... 2020041…
45713 …, 7. If the field name contains an item number, for example, you can create a query that returns t…
45722 …abase\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3149134 110 0 ast To query the content of a text field, you must…
45760a query with variable parameters. Alternatively, you can use an equal sign followed by a colon (=:…
45761 … 273 0 ast If you query several parameters at the same time, you will see a list field in the di…
45763a parameter query and you save it with the variables, you can later create a query in which only t…
45765 …ut\</emph\> dialog asks you which variables you defined in the query. Enter a value for each query…
45766 …ly with queries for which the values to be invoked are read internally from a variable. 2020041…
45771a query in the query design, $[officename] automatically converts your instructions into the corre…
45774 … command directly\</emph\>\</link\> icon in the SQL view, you can formulate a query that is not pr…
45779 …t \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to filter the query by all the conditions using a logical AND.\</ahelp…
45781 …<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to filter the query by any of the conditions using a logical OR.\</ahelp\…
45794 …hared\explorer\database\11000002.xhp 0 help hd_id3147275 26 0 ast Opening a Data Source 20200…
45795 … 0 help par_id3154143 102 0 ast To open the data source view, press F4 in a text, spreadsheet or…
45796 …tabase\11000002.xhp 0 help par_id3154046 11 0 ast To view the contents of a database, click the …
45799 …ared\explorer\database\querywizard08.xhp 0 help par_idN10553 0 ast Enter a name of the query, a…
45807 …\querywizard08.xhp 0 help par_idN1056F 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Displays a summary of the query…
45811 …ase\dabapropgen.xhp 0 help par_idN1055D 0 ast Specifies some options for a database. 2020041…
45812 …t\shared\explorer\database\dabapropgen.xhp 0 help par_id4513992 0 ast In a database window, cho…
45818 …p 0 help par_idN10595 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a dialog where you can select a file or a
45824 …d=\".\"\>Enter the path to the spreadsheet document that you want to use as a database.\</ahelp\> …
45834 …elp hid=\".\"\>Enter the name of the MySQL database that you want to use as a data source.\</ahelp…
45836 …lp hid=\".\"\>Enter the name of the Oracle database that you want to use as a data source.\</ahelp…
45838 …nter the name of the Microsoft Access database file that you want to use as a data source.\</ahelp…
45842 …B 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter the location of the JDBC data source as a URL.\</ahelp\> 20…
45847 …hared\explorer\database\dabapropgen.xhp 0 help par_idN10613 0 ast Choose a database 20200411…
45848 …N10617 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a database from the list or click \<emph\>Create\</emph\…
45852 …N107BD 0 ast In %PRODUCTNAME Base, you can access data that is stored in a wide variety of data…
45857 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\main.xhp 0 help par_idN107C0 0 ast Using a Dat…
45858 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\main.xhp 0 help par_idN10838 0 ast To create a
45859 …bawiz00.xhp\"\>Database Wizard\</link\> helps you to create a database file and to register a new …
45860 …abase file contains queries, reports, and forms for the database as well as a link to the database…
45861 …n a database file, choose \<emph\>File - Open\</emph\>. In the \<emph\>File type\</emph\> list box…
45888 …e\querywizard04.xhp 0 help par_idN105FE 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Appends a new row of controls.…
45894 …ared\explorer\database\tablewizard04.xhp 0 help par_idN10553 0 ast Enter a name for the table a…
45905 …red\explorer\database\tablewizard04.xhp 0 help par_idN1056B 0 ast Create a form based on this t…
45906 …056F 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to create a form based on this table. The form is created …
45917 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\02000002.xhp 0 help par_id3150247 2 0 ast If a
45924 …00.xhp\" name=\"SQL Mode\"\>SQL Mode\</link\> and to interpret the query as a \<link href=\"text/s…
45934 …id3145316 3 0 ast This function is only available if you are working with a relational database.…
45935 …id3149235 4 0 ast When you choose \<emph\>Tools - Relationships\</emph\>, a window opens in whic…
45937 …selected tables are shown in the top area of the design view. You can close a table window through…
45940a relation among the different tables, you should enter a \<link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xh…
45941 …d3147085 8 0 ast All data fields referring to a primary key will be identified in the table wind…
45944 …ons are shown in the relations windows by a line that connects the primary and other key fields. Y…
45946 …help par_id3153093 14 0 ast If you use $[officename] as the front-end for a relational database,…
45947 …er\database\05020000.xhp 0 help par_id3155856 15 0 ast By double-clicking a connection line, you…
45951 …r_idN1055C 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>The Table Wizard helps you to create a database table.\</ah…
45956 …er\database\02010101.xhp 0 help par_id3151205 2 0 ast If you double-click a connection between t…
45960 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies two data fields that will be joined by a relation.\</ahelp\> …
45963 …s the link type of the selected link.\</ahelp\> Some databases support only a subset of the possib…
45965 …is the same.\</ahelp\> In $[officename] SQL this type of link is created by a corresponding WHERE …
45971 …p 0 help par_id3163665 12 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLG_QRY_JOINTYPE\"\>For a full join, the resul…
45984 …st \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to group the query by all the conditions using a logical AND.\</ahelp…
45986 …\<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to group the query by any of the conditions using a logical OR.\</ahelp\…
46004 …ting system. Text and dBASE databases are restricted to character sets with a fixed-size character…
46009 … data source to auto-increment a specified Integer data field.\</ahelp\> For example, a typical SQ…
46011 …hp 0 help par_id3147084 29 0 ast To auto-increment the "id" data field in a MySQL database, chan…
46018 …rce. All other characters are rejected.\</ahelp\> Each name must begin with a lower or upper case …
46020 …Catalog. This is useful when the ODBC data source is a database server. If the ODBC data source is…
46024 …\database\02000000.xhp 0 help par_id3150499 2 0 ast A "query" is a special view of a table. A qu…
46025 …records from data tables based on certain criteria. All queries created for a database are listed …
46027 …red\explorer\database\02000000.xhp 0 help par_id3149183 40 0 ast To print a query or table: 2…
46028 …plorer\database\02000000.xhp 0 help par_id3156426 41 0 ast Open a text document (or a spreadshee…
46029 …le and click the Table icon if you want to print a table, or click the Query icon if you want to p…
46031 …clude. You can also click the \<emph\>AutoFormat\</emph\> button and select a corresponding format…
46034 …button in the top left corner of the table), and then drag the selection to a text document or spr…
46036 …p 0 help par_id3149655 28 0 ast Allows you to sort and filter the data in a query table. 2020…
46038 … 18 0 ast With the \<emph\>Query Design\</emph\>, you can create and edit a query or view. 20…
46042 …h operators and commands can be used to formulate the filter conditions for a query. 20200411 1…
46044 …2 34 0 ast You can perform calculations with the data of a table and store the results as a quer…
46049 …d3150789 4 0 ast Allows you to select the user, define a new user, delete a user, and change a p…
46053 …ase\05000002.xhp 0 help par_id3149095 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates a new user.\</ahelp\> …
46062 …id3148520 2 0 ast Allows you to enter and confirm a new or changed password. If you have defined…
46064 …e of the new user.\</ahelp\> This field is only visible if you have defined a new user. 2020041…
46075a size of 100 MB, and a maximum of three users on a network. See the "License.txt" file in the Ada…
46088 …2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:DBAddRelation\"\>Allows you to define and edit a relation between two…
46091 …\"\>This is where the two related tables are listed.\</ahelp\>If you create a new relation, you ca…
46095 ….\</ahelp\> If you click a field, you can use the arrow buttons to select a field from the table. …
46097 … ast Here you can select options that take effect when there are changes to a primary key field. …
46099 …TTON_DLG_REL_PROPERTIES_RB_NO_CASC_UPD\"\>Specifies that any change made to a primary key does not…
46105 … If the corresponding primary key has been modified, use this option to set a default value to all…
46107 … par_id3153193 17 0 ast Here you can select options that take effect when a primary key field is…
46109 …OBUTTON_DLG_REL_PROPERTIES_RB_NO_CASC_DEL\"\>Specifies that the deletion of a primary key will not…
46112a primary key field with the\<emph\> Delete cascade \</emph\>option, all records from other tables…
46116 …PERTIES_RB_CASC_DEL_DEFAULT\"\>If you delete the corresponding primary key, a set value will be se…
46131 …ntainer offers various functions that apply to all database tables. To edit a special table within…
46134 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\05000001.xhp 0 help par_id3166461 9 0 ast If a
46139 …database\dabawiz02ado.xhp 0 help par_idN10565 0 ast The ADO interface is a Microsoft Windows pr…
46146 …hp 0 help par_idN1057C 0 ast To connect with a name to a catalog on a Microsoft SQL server that…
46148 …e\dabawiz02ado.xhp 0 help par_idN10582 0 ast To access an ODBC driver as a provider: 2020041…
46151 …awiz02ado.xhp 0 help par_idN1058C 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click to open a database selection d…
46152 …do.xhp 0 help par_idN10596 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>A user name can have a maximum of 18 charac…
46157 … you to access a database quickly, provided that you query the data in the selection that was defi…
46163 …\"\>Lists the available indexes that you can assign to a table.\</ahelp\> To assign an index to a
46180 …_navigator.xhp 0 help par_id9449446 0 ast Functions can be entered using a syntax as specified …
46181 …Wiki page about Base\</link\> for some more help regarding the functions in a report. 20200411 …
46182 …xplorer\database\rep_navigator.xhp 0 help hd_id311593 0 ast To calculate a sum for each client …
46185 …orer\database\rep_navigator.xhp 0 help par_id6989654 0 ast The group has a sub entry called fun…
46186 …pen the context menu (right click) on the functions entry, choose to create a new function, and se…
46190 …database\rep_navigator.xhp 0 help par_id1569261 0 ast Now you can insert a text field and bind …
46201 …ble id=\"sqltext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a dialog where you can enter an SQL command for admin…
46206 …orer\database\11080000.xhp 0 help par_id3153087 24 0 ast For example, for a "Bibliography" data …
46210 …_DIRECTSQL_LB_HISTORY\"\>Lists the previously executed SQL commands. To run a command again, click…
46217 …hared\explorer\database\30100000.xhp 0 help par_id3154515 2 0 ast Creates a new \<link href=\"te…
46224 …d3149294 8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLG_ADABAS_CONUSR\"\>Enter the name of a user that you want t…
46228 …lp par_id3148674 12 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLG_ADABAS_DOMAINPWD\"\>Enter a password.\</ahelp\> …
46231 …rer\database\30100000.xhp 0 help par_id3146985 36 0 ast The file path for a DEVSPACE, including …
46235 …atabase during a transaction, and overwrites them when the transaction is completed. The TRANSACTI…
46238 …\database\30100000.xhp 0 help par_id3150103 22 0 ast The maximum size for a DATADEVSPACE in the …
46239 …p par_id3147426 23 0 ast If the DATADEVSPACE reaches full capacity during a database operation, …
46256 …0 help par_id3150085 6 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGIDX_NEWINDEX\"\>Creates a new index.\</ahelp\>…
46266 …database\05010100.xhp 0 help par_id3154938 16 0 ast As soon as you change a detail of the curren…
46270 …elds\</emph\> area displays a list of fields in the current table. You can also select multiple fi…
46272 …158408 22 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGINDEX_INDEXDETAILS_FIELD\"\>Displays a list of the fields i…
46281 …\<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Connects to an existing ODBC data source that was set on a system level.\</ahel…
46283 …\<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Connects to an existing JDBC data source that was set on a system level.\</ahel…
46292 …eycode\"\>Shift-F1\</item\> and point with the mouse at an input box to see a help text for this i…
46293 …help par_id393078 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enable Include Date to insert a date field into the …
46294 …help par_id1271401 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a format to display th…
46295 …elp par_id8718832 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enable Include Time to insert a time field into the …
46296 …help par_id8561052 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a format to display th…
46304 …readsheet.xhp 0 help par_idN10549 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click to open a file selection dialo…
46306 …sheet.xhp 0 help par_idN10550 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to request a password from the us…
46312 …ar_id8856776 0 ast To edit or add records to a database table in $[officename], the table must …
46313 …hp 0 help par_id8034302 0 ast On Solaris and Linux platforms, try to use a JDBC driver instead …
46314 …orer\database\dabawiz02odbc.xhp 0 help par_id8560136 0 ast To connect to a Microsoft Access dat…
46320 …red\explorer\database\dabawiz02odbc.xhp 0 help par_idN10560 0 ast Choose a data source 20200…
46321 …se\dabawiz02odbc.xhp 0 help par_idN10564 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a data source to which…
46326 …you want to register the database, open the database for editing, or insert a new table.\</ahelp\>…
46328 … window. You must register a database to be able to insert the database fields in a document (Inse…
46338 …hp 0 help par_idN10566 0 ast Specifies the way you can work with data in a database. 2020041…
46339 …hared\explorer\database\dabaadvpropdat.xhp 0 help par_id7679372 0 ast In a database window, cho…
46342 …o the SQL92 naming convention in a name in a data source. All other characters are rejected. Each …
46344 …=\".\"\>Some databases use the keyword "AS" between a name and its alias, while other databases us…
46356 …idN105CF 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Replaces named parameters in a data source with a question ma…
46358 …ersion numbers to fields to track changes to records. The version number of a field is incremented…
46360 … is useful when the ODBC data source is a database server. Do not select this option if the ODBC d…
46368a new record or update an existing record in a form, and you leave a field empty which is bound to…
46372 …le JDBC connections. When enabled it specifies that no column is treated as a currency field. The …
46377 …baadvpropdat.xhp 0 help par_id66841631 0 ast When connecting to a database using a generic API …
46379 …tion is just for overruling the heuristics. If you enable the check box for a database which actua…
46390 …r_idN1055C 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>The Query Wizard helps you to design a database query.\</ah…
46394 ….xhp 0 help par_idN1053E 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Some databases require a user name and passwo…
46398 ….xhp 0 help par_idN1054C 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to prompt a user for a password to acc…
46403 …lorer\database\05040100.xhp 0 help par_id3157898 11 0 ast When you create a database table as an…
46413 …base\05040100.xhp 0 help par_id3163802 18 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Allows a user to read the dat…
46415 …base\05040100.xhp 0 help par_id3149398 19 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Allows a user to insert new d…
46417 …base\05040100.xhp 0 help par_id3158430 20 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Allows a user to change data.…
46419 …base\05040100.xhp 0 help par_id3155449 21 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Allows a user to delete data.…
46421 …base\05040100.xhp 0 help par_id3153146 22 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Allows a user to change the t…
46429a tool to create your own database reports. Unlike with the \<link href=\"text/shared/autopi/01100…
46433 …\"\>\</link\> and shows a list of available ex…
46447 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\rep_main.xhp 0 help par_id860927 0 ast If a re…
46449 …database\rep_main.xhp 0 help par_id7730033 0 ast Ensure that \<emph\>Use a Java runtime environ…
46452 …509 0 ast Open a Base file or create a new database. The database must contain at least one tab…
46462 …e that area to one line in the Report Builder view. The "-" icon changes to a "+" icon, and you ca…
46464 …d or Text Box icon in the toolbar, then drag a rectangle in the Page Header or Page Footer area, t…
46465 …atabase\rep_main.xhp 0 help par_id7479476 0 ast To connect the report to a database table 20…
46466 …main.xhp 0 help par_id3099154 0 ast First you must connect the report to a database table. 2…
46475 …s not possible to overlap the fields. If you drop a table field on the Detail area, then a label a…
46476 …ize=\"true\"\>\<alt id=\"alt_id5605334\"\>Icon\</alt\>\</image\>, then drag a rectangle in the Pag…
46485 …elp par_id9611499 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Inserts a horizontal line to t…
46486 …elp par_id6765953 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Inserts a vertical line to the…
46491 …red\explorer\database\rep_main.xhp 0 help par_id4881740 0 ast To execute a report 20200411 1…
46495 …\shared\explorer\database\rep_main.xhp 0 help hd_id8746910 0 ast To edit a report 20200411 1…
46496 …he generated report, which is a static Writer document, or if you want to edit the Report Builder …
46500 …m\" height=\"0.566cm\"\>\<alt id=\"alt_\"\>Icon\</alt\>\</image\> to create a new report. 20200…
46501 …you will be asked if the report should be saved. Click Yes, give the report a name, and click OK. …
46509 … 0 ast In the Groups box, open the Group Header list box and select to show a group header. 202…
46513 …ort Builder view, then open the Sorting and Grouping dialog. Select to show a Group Header for the…
46515 …id3394573 0 ast When you insert some new data or edit data in the table, a new report will show…
46517 …hared\explorer\database\rep_main.xhp 0 help par_id8147221 0 ast To print a report, choose \<ite…
46520 …help par_idN10556 0 ast Select fields from the provided sample tables as a starting point to cr…
46532 …sert.xhp 0 help par_idN1055D 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>The Insert menu of a database window.\</a…
46534 …tabase\menuinsert.xhp 0 help par_idN10576 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a new text document in…
46538 …tabase\menuinsert.xhp 0 help par_idN105A4 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a new query in design …
46540 …tabase\menuinsert.xhp 0 help par_idN105AB 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a new query in SQL mod…
46544 …tabase\menuinsert.xhp 0 help par_idN10669 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a new view in design m…
46546 …tabase\menuinsert.xhp 0 help par_idN105F6 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a new view in SQL mode…
46548 …ert.xhp 0 help par_idN1060F 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a dialog where you can save a new fo…
46552 …lp par_idN10600 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies the options to access a \<link href=\"text/s…
46554 …idN10627 0 ast \<item type=\"productname\"\>You can use a JDBC driver class to connect to a JDB…
46557 …xplorer\database\dabawiz02jdbc.xhp 0 help par_idN10638 0 ast You can use a JDBC driver to acces…
46568 …orer\database\dabawiz02jdbc.xhp 0 help par_idN10689 0 ast The syntax for a MySQL database is: …
46577 …database\dabawiz02jdbc.xhp 0 help par_id7953733 0 ast Before you can use a JDBC driver, you nee…
46584 …and the fields that should be kept together to form a group.\</ahelp\> If you group your report by…
46588 …ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Click to open a list from which you can select a fiel…
46594 …d3729361 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select to create a new group on each ch…
46596 …_sort.xhp 0 help par_id3405560 0 ast By default a new group is created on every changed value o…
46597 … 0 ast For fields of type Text, you can select Prefix Characters and enter a number n of characte…
46601 …<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select the level of detail by which a group is kept togeth…
46605 … help par_id9089022 0 ast With First Detail - prints the group header on a page only if the fir…
46608 …p 0 help par_id3147088 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"\"\>Specify the settings for a dBASE database.\</ah…
46611 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DSADMIN_SHOWDELETED\"\>Displays all the records in a file, including thos…
46620 …r_idN10541 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies the settings for importing a database file in Mic…
46625 …z02access.xhp 0 help par_idN1054F 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click to open a file selection dialo…
46627 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\05030000.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Copy a Table by …
46630 …and-dropping a query or table opens the \<emph\>Copy Table \</emph\>dialog, which allows you to de…
46633 …3150504 19 0 ast use the structure of the table as the basis for creating a new table. 202004…
46638 …t\shared\explorer\database\dabaadvprop.xhp 0 help par_id3998840 0 ast In a database window, cho…
46643 …se\tablewizard02.xhp 0 help par_idN10569 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a field in order to ed…
46647 …abase\tablewizard02.xhp 0 help par_idN1057F 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Add a new data field to th…
46650 …"\>Displays the name of the selected data field. If you want, you can enter a new name.\</ahelp\> …
46652 …se\tablewizard02.xhp 0 help par_idN10591 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a field type.\</ahelp\…
46662 …lp par_idN105A6 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies the default value for a Yes/No field.\</ahel…
46664a specified Integer data field.\</ahelp\> For example, the following MySQL statement used the AUTO…
46670 …nuview.xhp 0 help par_idN1055D 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>The View menu of a database window.\</a…
46672 …database\menuview.xhp 0 help par_idN10564 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a submenu.\</ahelp\> …
46682 …database\menuview.xhp 0 help par_idN10587 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a submenu.\</ahelp\> …
46688 …database\menuview.xhp 0 help par_idN1059C 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a submenu.\</ahelp\> …
46692 … \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>The preview window displays the document information of a form or report.\</ah…
46694 …r_idN105C3 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>The preview displays the document of a form or report.\</ah…
46704a specified Integer data field.\</ahelp\> For example, the following MySQL statement used the AUTO…
46712 …hp 0 help par_id3147143 2 0 ast In the data source explorer, you can copy a table by dragging an…
46715 …the available data fields that you can include in the copied table. To copy a data field, click it…
46724 …r_idN10558 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies the settings for importing a database using LDAP\…
46732 …help par_idN105CE 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DSADMIN_USESSL_LDAP\"\>Creates a secure connection to…
46743 …elp par_id3154230 2 0 ast Any $[officename] document can be expanded into a form. Simply add one…
46744 …red/02/01170000.xhp\" name=\"functions\"\>functions\</link\> needed to edit a form. More functions…
46747 …mm\"\>\<alt id=\"alt_id1871395\"\>Icon\</alt\>\</image\> allows you to save a form document so tha…
46748a non-existent database table to an object), a corresponding error message appears. This error mes…
46758 …ase\dabawiz02dbase.xhp 0 help par_idN10575 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Open a path selection dialo…
46767 …hp 0 help par_id3149095 8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_TAB_PAGE_PBUSER\"\>Adds a new user for accessi…
46777 …p par_idN1055D 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies additional options for a data source.\</ahelp…
46778 …t\shared\explorer\database\dabapropadd.xhp 0 help par_id4641865 0 ast In a database window, cho…
46788 …651 0 ast Text and dBASE databases are restricted to character sets with a fixed-size character…
46794 … is useful when the ODBC data source is a database server. Do not select this option if the ODBC d…
46800 …0 help par_idN10700 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Displays all the records in a file, including thos…
46810 …opadd.xhp 0 help par_idN1076E 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter the name of a user that you want t…
46814 … is only available if you start the database server from $[officename] with a control user and pas…
46822 …C 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter or select the character that identifies a text field in the te…
46824 … or select the character that is used as a decimal separator in the text file, for example, a peri…
46826 …or select the character that is used as a thousands separator in the text file, for example a comm…
46831 …Table Design\</emph\> window you define new tables or edit the structure of a table. 20200411 1…
46853 …_TABLEDESIGN_TABED_PRIMARYKEY\"\>If this command has a check mark, the data field in this line is
46859 … 0 help par_id3149203 30 0 ast Specifies the number of decimal places for a numerical field or d…
46873 …lorer\database\dabawiz02oracle.xhp 0 help par_idN105C1 0 ast You can use a JDBC driver to acces…
46903 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\toolbars.xhp 0 help par_idN10545 0 ast In a da…
46943 …iz01.xhp 0 help par_idN1055D 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates a new database, opens a database …
46944 …\shared\explorer\database\dabawiz01.xhp 0 help par_idN10585 0 ast Create a new database 2020…
46945 …awiz01.xhp 0 help par_idN10589 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to create a new database. \</ahe…
46948 …FD 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to open a database file from a list of recently used files o…
46950 …tabase\dabawiz01.xhp 0 help par_idN10618 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a database file to ope…
46952 … help par_idN10633 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a file selection dialog where you can select
46954 …awiz01.xhp 0 help par_idN10590 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to create a database document fo…
46970a form that you save within a \<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/dabadoc.xhp\"\>database…
46972 …ilesave.xhp 0 help par_idN10568 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click to create a new folder within th…
46981 …nuedit.xhp 0 help par_idN1055D 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>The Edit menu of a database window.\</a…
46989 …abase\menuedit.xhp 0 help par_id3147209 28 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a window where you can…
46997a view. The original query remains in your database file and an additional view is generated on th…
46998 …me functionality as queries, but on the server side. If your database is on a server that supports…
47006 …database\menuedit.xhp 0 help par_idN105E2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a submenu.\</ahelp\> …
47016 …cursor is positioned in the \<emph\>Commands\</emph\> window is marked with a thin border when the…
47017 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\02\03010000.xhp 0 help par_id3150048 14 0 ast You can also click a
47018 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\02\03010000.xhp 0 help par_id3146966 15 0 ast Double-clicking a ch…
47124 …20000.xhp 0 help par_id3148390 26 0 ast Selects a category (within the category section) or inse…
47140 …uide\limits.xhp 0 help hd_id9881893 0 ast How can I define the limits in a Sum or Integral form…
47141 …d6504409 0 ast You want to insert a summation formula like "summation of s^k from k = 0 to n" a…
47157 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\limits.xhp 0 help par_id9004486 0 ast int from{a} to{b} f(x…
47160 …ide\limits.xhp 0 help par_id3021332 0 ast If you need the formula within a line of text, the li…
47166 …uide\brackets.xhp 0 help par_id3146971 4 0 ast Los valores pertenecientes a un mesmu grupu nuna …
47168 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\brackets.xhp 0 help par_id3083280 7 0 ast {a + c} over 2 = m…
47170 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\brackets.xhp 0 help par_id3150297 5 0 ast m = {a + c} over 2…
47179 … provocar un saltu de llinia. Tolo que s'alcuentre darrera del saltu pasará a la nueva llinia. …
47183 …comment.xhp 0 help hd_id3154657 2 0 ast ¿Cómo se puen asignar comentarios a una fórmula que nun …
47184 …entama con dos carauteres de tantu por cientu \<emph\>%%\</emph\>, y continúa hasta'l siguiente fi…
47186 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\comment.xhp 0 help par_idN105D3 0 ast a^2+b^2=c^2 %% Pythag…
47190 …id3154657 2 0 ast ¿Cómo pueden alliniase carauteres en $[officename] Math aína y cenciellamente?…
47193 …\text\smath\guide\align.xhp 0 help par_id3153246 7 0 ast a+a+a+{} newline {}{}{}{}{}a+a+a+a 2…
47194 … un mou cenciellu d'asegurar que los testos y les fórmules queden alliniaos a la esquierda. Defíne…
47195 …th\guide\align.xhp 0 help par_id3153809 6 0 ast "Un exemplu más." newline a+b newline ""c-d 2…
47217 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\attributes.xhp 0 help par_id3143231 6 0 ast a + b 2020041…
47218 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\attributes.xhp 0 help par_id3153810 5 0 ast nitalic a + bold…
47219 …\guide\attributes.xhp 0 help par_id3149872 4 0 ast Na segunda fórmula, la a nun ta en cursiva. L…
47228 …\</switchinline\> - Load/Save - Microsoft Office), you see the formula with a placeholder instead …
47240 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090900.xhp 0 help par_id3153624 2 0 ast The following is a li…
47253 …ditional icons will be shown in the lower part of this window. Simply click a symbol to incorporat…
47278 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XSLASHY\"\>Use this icon to insert a slash for creating a \<emph\>qu…
47281 …id3145263 76 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_ALEPH\"\>Use this icon to insert a \<emph\>cardinal num…
47284 …st \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XSUBSETY\"\>Use this icon to insert the \<emph\>is a subset of\</emph\> s…
47287 … \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XSUBSETEQY\"\>Use this icon to insert the \<emph\>is a subset or equal to\<…
47290 …d=\"HID_SMA_XSUPSETY\"\>Use this icon to insert the set operator \<emph\>is a superset of\</emph\>…
47293 …\"HID_SMA_XSUPSETEQY\"\>Use this icon to insert the set operator \<emph\>is a super set or equal t…
47308 …_id3154352 78 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SETN\"\>Use this icon to insert a character for the \<…
47311 …_id3149641 80 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SETZ\"\>Use this icon to insert a character for the \<…
47314 …_id3149974 82 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SETQ\"\>Use this icon to insert a character for the \<…
47317 …_id3148709 84 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SETR\"\>Use this icon to insert a character for the \<…
47320 …_id3148672 86 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SETC\"\>Use this icon to insert a character for the \<…
47326 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090200.xhp 0 help par_id3147258 3 0 ast The following is a co…
47336 …hp 0 help par_id3155181 55 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XEQUIVY\"\>Inserts a character for the \<…
47339 …hp 0 help par_id3148976 57 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XORTHOY\"\>Inserts a character for an \<e…
47357 …0 help par_id3147449 61 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XPARALLELY\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>parallel \</…
47360 … 0 help par_id3154078 63 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XLESLANTY\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>less than or…
47381 …p 0 help par_id3150670 42 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XTOWARDY\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>toward\</emp…
47396a number of operators require spaces for the correct structure. This is especially true if you are…
47411 …rectly in the Commands window as "left lbrace <?> right rbrace". Now, a left and a right set brack…
47412 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091100.xhp 0 help par_id3147403 6 0 ast There are a total of …
47413 …-kets (angle brackets with a vertical line in between), are common in Physics notation: "langle a
47417a over b )" with a bracket size adjusted to a and b you must insert "left" and "right". Entering "…
47418 … Instead of a bracket you can use the "none" qualifier, which means that there is no bracket shown…
47424 … and right brackets occurs often in mathematical formulas. The following is a formula that will cr…
47426 …argument. Setting a single bracket is a bit cumbersome. Therefore, there you can display single br…
47437 …ption is preferable. In the previous example, "fixed size" always describes a bracket size depende…
47438 …em-free. In the formula hat "{a + b}" the "hat" is displayed simply over the center of "{a + b}". …
47439a + color green b)", or which size does it have in "size *4 (a + size /2 b)"? Given a base size of…
47440 …mple of a formula with many group operations: "size 12 color red font sans size -5 (a + size 8 b)"…
47442 … expressions, including their brackets and super-/subscripts. For example, "a + size *2 (b * size …
47443 …r_id3154196 40 0 ast "color ..." and "font ..." as well as "size n" (n is a decimal) replace any…
47445 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091100.xhp 0 help par_id3146934 42 0 ast "size *2 size -5 a" …
47446 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091100.xhp 0 help par_id3149297 43 0 ast "font sans ( a + fon…
47447 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091100.xhp 0 help par_id3155174 44 0 ast "size *2 ( a + size …
47448a formula, use "size +" or -,*,/. Do not use "size n". These can easily be used in any context. Th…
47449 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091100.xhp 0 help par_id3147587 51 0 ast Examples (with a bas…
47452 …h\01\03091100.xhp 0 help par_id3157986 54 0 ast Examples with size +n for a comparison. They loo…
47460 … the desired size divided by the default index size 6. (Index size 50% with a base size of 12) …
47469 …context menu\</link\> of the \<emph\>Commands\</emph\> window also contains a list of these operat…
47470 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090100.xhp 0 help par_id3146963 3 0 ast The following is a co…
47474 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3153003 6 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_PLUSX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>plus\</emph\…
47477 …xhp 0 help par_id3153717 44 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_MINUSX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>minus\</emph…
47480 …0 help par_id3150260 45 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_PLUSMINUSX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>plus/minus\<…
47483 …0 help par_id3154281 47 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_MINUSPLUSX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>minus/plus\<…
47486 ….xhp 0 help par_id3150351 8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XPLUSY\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>plus\</emph\…
47489 …xhp 0 help par_id3154196 28 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XCDOTY\"\>Inserts a dot operator with tw…
47498 …hp 0 help par_id3147136 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XMINUSY\"\>Inserts a subtraction sign wit…
47501 …xhp 0 help par_id3155125 18 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XOVERY\"\>Inserts a fraction with two pl…
47504 ….xhp 0 help par_id3149536 14 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XDIVY\"\>Inserts a division sign with t…
47507 … help par_id3147500 16 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XSYMDIVIDEY\"\>Inserts a slash '/' with two p…
47510 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3153505 26 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_NEGX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>Boolean NOT\…
47513 ….xhp 0 help par_id3147599 22 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XANDY\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>Boolean AND\…
47516 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3154076 38 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XORY\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>Boolean OR\<…
47519 …xhp 0 help par_id3156102 39 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XCIRCY\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>concatenatio…
47520 …pecial characters into a formula. For example, the command \<emph\>uoper %theta x\</emph\> produce…
47521 …y boper %theta x\</emph\> produces the small Greek letter theta preceded by a \<emph\>y\</emph\> a…
47522 …h\><?>oplus<?>\</emph\> in the \<emph\>Commands\</emph\> window, you insert a \<emph\>circled plus…
47523 …ph\><?>ominus<?>\</emph\> in the \<emph\>Commands\</emph\> window to insert a \<emph\>circled minu…
47524 …emph\><?>odot<?>\</emph\> in the \<emph\>Commands\</emph\> window to insert a \<emph\>circled dot …
47525 …h\><?>odivide<?>\</emph\> in the \<emph\>Commands\</emph\> window to insert a \<emph\>circled divi…
47526 …_XWIDESLASHY\"\>Type \<emph\>a wideslash b\</emph\> in the \<emph\>Commands\</emph\> window to pro…
47527 …WIDEBSLASHY\"\>Type \<emph\>a widebslash b\</emph\> in the \<emph\>Commands\</emph\> window to pro…
47528 …w to add indexes and powers to the characters in your formula; for example, a sub 2. 20200411 1…
47529a colon ':' as division sign, choose \<emph\>Tools - Catalog\</emph\> or click the \<emph\>Catalog…
47530a number of operators require spaces between the elements for the correct structure. This is espec…
47539 …TSIZE\"\>Use this dialog to specify the font sizes for your formula. Select a base size and all el…
47541 … \<ahelp hid=\"STARMATH:METRICFIELD:RID_FONTSIZEDIALOG:1\"\>All elements of a formula are proporti…
47546 …=\"STARMATH:METRICFIELD:RID_FONTSIZEDIALOG:4\"\>Select the size for text in a formula relative to …
47548 …ICFIELD:RID_FONTSIZEDIALOG:5\"\>Select the relative size for the indexes in a formula in proportio…
47550 …ALOG:6\"\>Select the relative size for names and other function elements in a formula in proportio…
47552 …NTSIZEDIALOG:7\"\>Select the relative size of the mathematical operators in a formula in proportio…
47554 …RICFIELD:RID_FONTSIZEDIALOG:8\"\>Select the relative size for the limits in a formula in proportio…
47556 …USHBUTTON:RID_FONTSIZEDIALOG:1\"\>Click this button to save your changes as a default for all new …
47560 … help par_id3155374 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_FUNCTIONS_CAT\"\>Choose a function in the lowe…
47561 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090400.xhp 0 help par_id3150760 3 0 ast The following is a li…
47565 …400.xhp 0 help par_id3147254 43 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_EX\"\>Inserts a natural exponential …
47568 …00.xhp 0 help par_id3152947 45 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LNX\"\>Inserts a natural (base e) log…
47574 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3159190 48 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LOGX\"\>Inserts a common (base 10) log…
47580 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3147325 49 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SINX\"\>Inserts a sine function with o…
47583 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3151027 50 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_COSX\"\>Inserts a cosine function with…
47586 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3156379 51 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_TANX\"\>Inserts a tangent function wit…
47589 … par_id3150691 52 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_COTX\"\>Inserts a cotangent symbol with a placehol…
47592 ….xhp 0 help par_id3145132 53 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SINHX\"\>Inserts a hyperbolic sine with…
47595 ….xhp 0 help par_id3147746 41 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SQRTX\"\>Inserts a square root symbol w…
47598 ….xhp 0 help par_id3148857 54 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_COSHX\"\>Inserts a hyperbolic cosine sy…
47601 ….xhp 0 help par_id3153791 55 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_TANHX\"\>Inserts a hyperbolic tangent s…
47604 ….xhp 0 help par_id3156131 56 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_COTHX\"\>Inserts a hyperbolic cotangent…
47638 …n also assign an index or an exponent to a function. For example, typing \<emph\>sin^2x\</emph\> r…
47642 …0908.xhp 0 help par_id3145790 2 0 ast Here is an example of how to create a square root with \<e…
47649 …156316 3 0 ast The factorial is not scaled (example: "fact stack{a#b}" and "fact {a over b}") bu…
47650 …ets always have a fixed size as well. This applies to all symbols that can be used as brackets. Co…
47651 …s adjusted to the argument. See "left(left(left(a right)right)right)", "left(stack{a#b#c}right)", …
47652 …tes\</link\> have fixed sizes; do not change these if they are placed above a long symbol. 2020…
47657 … 0 ast Here is an example of how to use various fonts and font sizes within a formula in \<emph\>$…
47662 …eral elements in one line.\</ahelp\> Create multi-line formulas by entering a \<emph\>NEWLINE\</em…
47666 …RID_ALIGNDIALOG:1\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Aligns the selected elements of a formula to the left.…
47669 …IOBUTTON:RID_ALIGNDIALOG:2\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Aligns the elements of a formula to the cente…
47671 …IOBUTTON:RID_ALIGNDIALOG:3\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Aligns the elements of a formula to the right…
47676 …0905.xhp 0 help par_id3150344 2 0 ast Here is an example of how to create a matrix with \<emph\>…
47683 …ue\>lambda-bar symbol\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>imaginary part of a complex number\</boo…
47689 …id3156303 5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_PARTIAL\"\>Inserts the symbol for a partial differentiat…
47695 …_id3149735 16 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_NABLA\"\>Inserts the symbol for a Nabla vector operato…
47701 …id3150478 69 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_FORALL\"\>Inserts the symbol for a universal quantifier…
47707 …150338 59 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LAMBDABAR\"\>Inserts the symbol for a lambda-bar.\</ahelp\…
47710 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_RE\"\>Inserts the symbol for the real part of a complex number.\</ah…
47713 …st \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_IM\"\>Inserts the symbol for the imaginary part of a complex number.\</ah…
47716 …help par_id3155435 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_WP\"\>This icon inserts a Weierstrass p-functi…
47719 …r_id3146122 61 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LEFTARROW\"\>This icon inserts a left arrow.\</ahelp\…
47722 …_id3155472 63 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_RIGHTARROW\"\>This icon inserts a right arrow.\</ahelp…
47728 …r_id3145735 67 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_DOWNARROW\"\>This icon inserts a down arrow.\</ahelp\…
47737 …ar_id3152676 13 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_DOTSVERT\"\>This icon inserts a vertical ellipsis (t…
47743 …ar_id3158353 15 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_DOTSDOWN\"\>This icon inserts a downward diagonal el…
47745 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091600.xhp 0 help par_id3158042 18 0 ast To insert a placehol…
47750 …p hid=\"STARMATH_COMBOBOX_RID_FONTDIALOG_1\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Select a font from the list.\…
47752 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\05010100.xhp 0 help par_id3154020 6 0 ast You can see a preview…
47762 …000.xhp 0 help par_id3149500 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SID_TOOLBOX\"\>This is a list of operators, f…
47764 …d3151244 6 0 ast The selection window is divided into two parts. Clicking a symbol at the top of…
47770 ….uno:ImportFormula\" visibility=\"visible\"\>This command opens a dialog for importing a formula.\…
47771 … Use the \<emph\>Insert\</emph\> dialog to load, edit and display a formula saved as a file in the…
47772 …ML files created by other applications as well. The MathML source must have a \<item type=\"code\"…
47778 …53919 0 ast This command handles only MathML content. If you have copied a %PRODUCTNAME Math fo…
47848 …0904.xhp 0 help par_id3154656 2 0 ast Here is an example of how to create a matrix with varying …
47860 …th\01\03091509.xhp 0 help par_id3184690 369 0 ast Exponent directly above a character 2020041…
47871 …smath\01\03091509.xhp 0 help par_id3185391 371 0 ast Index directly below a character 2020041…
47893 …SMA_BRACKETS_CAT\"\>You can choose among various bracket types to structure a \<emph\>$[officename…
47894 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090500.xhp 0 help par_id3154264 3 0 ast The following is a co…
47898 …p 0 help par_id3151102 8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LRPARENTX\"\>Inserts a placeholder within n…
47901 …0 help par_id3150356 32 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LRBRACKETX\"\>Inserts a placeholder within s…
47904 … help par_id3155175 51 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LRDBRACKETX\"\>Inserts a placeholder within d…
47907 …p 0 help par_id3147101 36 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LRBRACEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder within b…
47910 …hp 0 help par_id3155146 38 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LRLINEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder within v…
47913 …p 0 help par_id3149175 39 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LRDLINEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder within d…
47916 …p 0 help par_id3155913 34 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LRANGLEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder within a…
47919 …0 help par_id3147425 47 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LMRANGLEXY\"\>Inserts a placeholder within o…
47934 … 14 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SLRBRACEX\"\>Inserts scalable braces with a placeholder.\</ahelp…
47937 …<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SLRLINEX\"\>Inserts scalable single vertical bars with a placeholder.\</ahelp…
47940 …ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SLRDLINEX\"\>Inserts scalable double vertical bars with a placeholder.\</ahelp…
47943 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SLRANGLEX\"\>Inserts scalable angle brackets with a placeholder.\</ahelp…
47949 … help par_id3154621 55 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XOVERBRACEY\"\>Inserts a scalable horizontal …
47952 …help par_id3154023 57 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XUNDERBRACEY\"\>Inserts a scalable horizontal …
47957 …\>right\</emph\> in front of the bracket command, for example, \<emph\>left(a over b right)\</emph…
47958 …par_id3150857 43 0 ast You can also use single brackets. To do this, type a backslash \<emph\>\\…
47961 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090500.xhp 0 help par_idN113EB 0 ast a = \\{ \\( \\[ b newli…
47964 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090500.xhp 0 help par_idN113FA 0 ast a = left ( a over b rig…
47965 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090500.xhp 0 help par_idN113FF 0 ast left none phantom {a ov…
47995 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091501.xhp 0 help par_id8633686 0 ast a boper %SYM1 b 202…
47996 …36 0 ast Binary operator. A user-defined symbol follows, which is used as a binary operator. …
47999 …624 28 0 ast Unary operator. A user-defined symbol follows, which is a used as a unary operator.…
48149 … mode on or off. In text mode, formulas are displayed as the same height as a line of text.\</ahel…
48153 …determine the spacing between formula elements. The spacing is specified as a percentage in relati…
48196a over b)\</emph\> in the \<emph\>Commands\</emph\> window, the brackets will surround the whole h…
48200 …p par_id3151319 46 0 ast Defines the relative spacing for the elements in a matrix. 20200411 …
48202 …HID_SMA_MATRIXROW_DIST\"\>Determines the spacing between matrix elements in a row.\</ahelp\> 20…
48204 …HID_SMA_MATRIXCOL_DIST\"\>Determines the spacing between matrix elements in a column.\</ahelp\> …
48210 …hid=\"HID_SMA_INTERATTRIBUT_DIST\"\>Determines the minimum distance between a symbol and variable.…
48218a border to your formula. This option is particularly useful if you want to integrate the formula …
48233 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090300.xhp 0 help par_id3153576 36 0 ast The following is a l…
48240 …00.xhp 0 help par_id3147523 6 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_SUMX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>summation si…
48243 ….xhp 0 help par_id3151332 39 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_PRODX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>product sign…
48246 …hp 0 help par_id3147098 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_COPRODX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>coproduct sy…
48249 …p 0 help par_id3153518 30 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_FROMXTOY\"\>Inserts a range statement \<em…
48255 ….xhp 0 help par_id3148879 18 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_IINTX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>double integ…
48258 …lp par_id3147489 20 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_IIINTX\"\>Inserts \<emph\>a triple integral\</em…
48261 ….xhp 0 help par_id3150556 32 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_FROMX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>lower limit\…
48264 ….xhp 0 help par_id3147592 22 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LINTX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>curve integr…
48267 …xhp 0 help par_id3154770 24 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LLINTX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>double curve…
48270 …hp 0 help par_id3150175 26 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LLLINTX\"\>Inserts a \<emph\>triple curve…
48277a feature useful for incorporating special characters into a formula. An example is \<emph\>oper %…
48279a number of operators require spaces for correct structure. This is especially true when your oper…
48293 … for a character are displayed one on top of the other, left-justified to the base character. For …
48296 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091200.xhp 0 help par_id3155985 6 0 ast a^2^3 20200411 15:…
48298 …091200.xhp 0 help par_id3153724 8 0 ast Each sub-/superscript position of a base character can o…
48300 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091200.xhp 0 help par_id3151272 10 0 ast a^{2^3} 20200411 …
48303 …ubscripts in sequence, the expression can be written as follows: a_2{}^3 or a^3{}_2 20200411 15…
48305 …"sub" and "sup", except that they are left of the base character. See also "a lsub 2 lsup 3." 2…
48306 …ets remain the same. In principle, this can be achieved with \<emph\>{}_2^3 a\</emph\>. 2020041…
48308 …, you can write super- and subscripts directly above or below a character. An example is "a csub y…
48309 …ttached to most unary and binary operators. Two examples: "a div_2 b a<csub n b +_2 h" and "a towa…
48358 …\01\03091506.xhp 0 help par_id3167830 309 0 ast Accent to top right above a character 2020041…
48360 …smath\01\03091506.xhp 0 help par_id3159892 311 0 ast Horizontal bar above a character 2020041…
48364 …t\smath\01\03091506.xhp 0 help par_id3168274 313 0 ast Top open arc above a character 2020041…
48368 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091506.xhp 0 help par_id3168424 317 0 ast Circle above a char…
48372 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091506.xhp 0 help par_id3161225 323 0 ast Three dots above a
48374 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091506.xhp 0 help par_id3160633 321 0 ast Two dots above a ch…
48376 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091506.xhp 0 help par_id3160040 319 0 ast Dot above a charact…
48378 …\03091506.xhp 0 help par_id3167978 325 0 ast Accent to bottom right above a character 2020041…
48380 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091506.xhp 0 help par_id3159743 327 0 ast "Roof" above a char…
48386 …smath\01\03091506.xhp 0 help par_id3160780 335 0 ast Horizontal bar above a character 2020041…
48388 …ath\01\03091506.xhp 0 help par_id3161077 337 0 ast Horizontal bar through a character 2020041…
48392 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091506.xhp 0 help par_id3159594 329 0 ast Tilde above a chara…
48394 …smath\01\03091506.xhp 0 help par_id3160928 333 0 ast Horizontal bar below a character 2020041…
48396 …t\smath\01\03091506.xhp 0 help par_id3168572 331 0 ast Vector arrow above a character 2020041…
48406 …ARMATH_MODALDIALOG_RID_SYMDEFINEDIALOG\"\>Use this dialog to add symbols to a symbol set, to edit …
48410 …ntains the name of the current symbol set. If you want, you can also select a different symbol set…
48412 …names for the symbols in the current symbol set. Select a name from the list or type a name for a
48413 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\06010100.xhp 0 help hd_id3150215 28 0 ast Adding a New Symbol …
48414a symbol to a symbol set, select a font in the \<emph\>Font\</emph\> box, and then click a symbol …
48415 …\smath\01\06010100.xhp 0 help hd_id3151389 29 0 ast Modifying the Name of a Symbol 20200411 1…
48416 …smath\01\06010100.xhp 0 help par_id3147296 21 0 ast To change the name of a symbol, select the o…
48418 … contains the names of all existing symbol sets. You can modify a symbol set or create a new one.\…
48419 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\06010100.xhp 0 help hd_id3154554 30 0 ast Creating a New Symbol…
48420 …smath\01\06010100.xhp 0 help par_id3145594 22 0 ast To create a new symbol set, type a name for …
48422 …DIALOG_1\"\>Displays the name of the current font and enables you to select a different font.\</ah…
48424 …ected a non-symbol font in the \<emph\>Font\</emph\> list box, you can select a Unicode subset in …
48428 …he name displayed in the \<emph\>Symbol\</emph\> list box. You must specify a name under \<emph\>S…
48431 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\06010100.xhp 0 help hd_id3154640 31 0 ast Moving a Symbol to An…
48434 …lp\> There will be no security query. Deleting the last remaining symbol of a symbol set also dele…
48439 …LOGUE\"\>Opens the \<emph\>Symbols\</emph\> dialog, in which you can select a symbol to insert in …
48442 …d3153917 7 0 ast When a symbol is selected, its command name appears below the symbol list and a
48443 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\06010000.xhp 0 help par_id3149126 3 0 ast To insert a symbol, s…
48448 …This section contains an example of how you can use different attributes in a formula in \<emph\>$…
48454 …\"HID_SMA_FORMAT_CAT\"\>You can choose among various options for formatting a $[officename] Math f…
48455 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090700.xhp 0 help par_id3154263 3 0 ast The following is a co…
48456 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090700.xhp 0 help par_id3153536 17 0 ast The letter "a" refer…
48460 …_id3147531 44 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LSUPX\"\>Inserts a superscript to the left of a placeh…
48463 …_id3159195 58 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_CSUPX\"\>Inserts a superscript directly above a placeh…
48466 …_id3151262 40 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_RSUPX\"\>Inserts a superscript to the right of a place…
48469 …hp 0 help par_id3147326 62 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_BINOMXY\"\>Inserts a vertical stack (bino…
48472 …hp 0 help par_id3150587 18 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_NEWLINE\"\>Inserts a new line in your doc…
48475 …r_id3147309 42 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LSUBX\"\>Inserts a subscript to the left of a placeho…
48478 …r_id3150699 59 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_CSUBX\"\>Inserts a subscript directly under a placeho…
48481 …r_id3146913 38 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_RSUBX\"\>Inserts a subscript to the right of a placeh…
48484 ….xhp 0 help par_id3146332 64 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_STACK\"\>Inserts a vertical stack with …
48487a small gap between a placeholder and the next element.\</ahelp\> You can also type \<emph\>`\</em…
48490 …ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_ALIGNLX\"\>This icon assigns left-alignment to "a" and inserts a placeholder.\…
48493 …p hid=\"HID_SMA_ALIGNCX\"\>Assigns horizontal central alignment to "a" and inserts a placeholder.\…
48496 …<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_ALIGNRX\"\>Inserts the command for right alignment and a placeholder.\</ahelp…
48499 … par_id3146941 26 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_MATRIX\"\>This icon inserts a matrix with four pla…
48502a gap or space between placeholders.\</ahelp\> You can also type \<emph\>~\</emph\> directly in th…
48504 …9 0 ast aligning numerators and denominators, for example \<emph\>{alignl a}over{b+c}\</emph\> …
48506 …elp par_id3154360 51 0 ast aligning the elements in a matrix, for example \<emph\>matrix{alignr
48507 …h\01\03090700.xhp 0 help par_id3155946 52 0 ast beginning a new line, for example \<emph\>a+b-c …
48509 …and can only occur once. Therefore you can type \<emph\>a+b alignr c\</emph\>, but not \<emph\>a+a…
48510 …ch other, which means that typing \<emph\>{alignl{alignr a}}over{b+c}\</emph\> aligns \<emph\>a\</…
48513a line or an expression begins with text, it is aligned on the left by default. You can change thi…
48514 …e section of formula that you want to align. For example, typing \<emph\>"" a+b newline "" c+d\</e…
48515 …rrect structure. This is especially true when entering values (for example, a lsup{3}) instead of …
48597 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091507.xhp 0 help par_id3179020 222 0 ast Imaginary part of a
48610 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091507.xhp 0 help par_id3178872 220 0 ast Real part of a comp…
48623 …t boxes in the \<emph\>Fonts\</emph\> dialog display a default font for all elements. To change to…
48624 …p par_id3148831 6 0 ast If you want to mark individual text segments with a font other than that…
48635 ….xhp 0 help par_id3151315 17 0 ast These custom fonts are used if you set a different font with …
48637 …e, at the bottom of a capital A when the Times serif font is used. Using serifs is quite helpful s…
48648 …0906.xhp 0 help par_id3150342 2 0 ast Here is an example of how to create a bold font matrix in …
48655 …\<emph\>vec\</emph\> attributes always have a fixed size and do not become wider (longer) if they …
48657 …elp par_id3151180 6 0 ast For some character strings, it is possible that a line inserted with \…
48661 …xhp 0 help par_id3154656 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Automatically updates a modified formula. If…
48666 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090600.xhp 0 help par_id3155962 3 0 ast The following is a co…
48667 …9604 4 0 ast In describing the following attribute functions, the letter "a" in the icon refers …
48671 ….xhp 0 help par_id3150533 7 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_ACUTEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with an …
48674 … par_id3150018 23 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_GRAVEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a \<emph\>gra…
48677 … par_id3147167 13 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_CHECKX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a reverse cir…
48680 …xhp 0 help par_id3153619 11 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_BREVEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with an …
48683 …par_id3153573 15 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_CIRCLEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a circle over…
48686 …lp par_id3153539 29 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_VECX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a vector arro…
48689 … par_id3154570 27 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_TILDEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a tilde.\</ah…
48692 …lp par_id3159198 25 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_HATX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a circumflex …
48695 …lp par_id3149815 9 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_BARX\"\>Inserts a line ("bar") above a placeholde…
48698 …lp par_id3154900 17 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_DOTX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a dot over it…
48701 …id3147126 53 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_WIDEVECX\"\>Inserts a wide vector arrow with a placehol…
48704 …r_id3154116 55 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_WIDETILDEX\"\>Inserts a wide tilde with a placeholder…
48707 …147311 57 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_WIDEHATX\"\>Inserts a wide circumflex ("hat") with a place…
48710 ….xhp 0 help par_id3149541 19 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_DDOTX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with two…
48713 …p par_id3147492 33 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_OVERLINEX\"\>Inserts a line over a placeholder.\<…
48716 …par_id3153269 59 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_UNDERLINEX\"\>Inserts a line below a placeholder.\<…
48719 …id3153304 35 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_OVERSTRIKEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with a line (or ov…
48722 …d3154718 21 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_DDDOTX\"\>Inserts three dots over a placeholder.\</ahelp…
48725 … hid=\"HID_SMA_PHANTOMX\"\>Inserts a placeholder for a transparent character. This character takes…
48728 ….xhp 0 help par_id3150101 39 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_BOLDX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with bol…
48731 ….xhp 0 help par_id3147355 37 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_ITALX\"\>Inserts a placeholder with ita…
48734a command for modifying the font size with two placeholders. The first placeholder refers to the f…
48737 …xhp 0 help par_id3154371 43 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_FONTXY\"\>Inserts a command for changing…
48738 …cter sequence. The input \<emph\>color green size 20 a\</emph\> results in a green letter "a" with…
48741 … fixed sizes. Their width or length cannot be adjusted when positioned over a long symbol. 2020…
48742a placeholder. This method is useful when the base size of the formula is subject to change. The c…
48831 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\00\00000004.xhp 0 help par_id1096530 0 ast Double-click a chart,…
48832 …hart\00\00000004.xhp 0 help par_id733359 0 ast \<variable id=\"slp\"\>In a chart of Line type o…
48868 …\"text/schart/01/wiz_chart_type.xhp\"\>Chart Wizard\</link\> you can choose a chart type. 2020…
48872 …r. In the created chart, you can click and drag any sector to move it along a radial from the pie'…
48873 …ape with a hole inside, where the next data column can be shown. In the created chart, you can cli…
48874 … the created chart, you can click and drag an outer sector to move it along a radial from the donu…
48890 …\schart\01\04050100.xhp 0 help par_id8398998 0 ast If you insert a trend line to a chart type t…
48892 …ext\schart\01\04050100.xhp 0 help par_id4349192 0 ast To insert a trend line for a single data …
48893 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\04050100.xhp 0 help par_id9337443 0 ast To delete a single tr…
48900 …ext\schart\01\04050100.xhp 0 help par_id1328470 0 ast For a category chart (for example a line …
48911 …e array function \<emph\>LINEST\</emph\> provides additional statistics for a regression analysis.…
48913 …garithm regression\</emph\> follows the equation \<item type=\"literal\"\>y=a*ln(x)+b\</item\>. …
48914 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\04050100.xhp 0 help par_id2134159 0 ast a = SLOPE(Data_Y;LN(D…
48918 …00.xhp 0 help par_id4679097 0 ast For exponential trend lines a transformation to a linear mod…
48919 …ral\"\>y=b*exp(a*x)\</item\> or \<item type=\"literal\"\>y=b*m^x\</item\>, which is transformed to…
48920 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\04050100.xhp 0 help par_id4416638 0 ast a = SLOPE(LN(Data_Y);…
48926 …es m, b and r² the array function LOGEST provides additional statistics for a regression analysis.…
48928a transformation to a linear model takes place. The power regression follows the equation \<item t…
48929 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\04050100.xhp 0 help par_id8517105 0 ast a = SLOPE(LN(Data_Y);…
48937 … 0 ast You should transform your data accordingly; it is best to work on a copy of the original…
48940 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\04050100.xhp 0 help par_id33875 0 ast Create a table with the…
48948 …\"text/schart/01/wiz_chart_type.xhp\"\>Chart Wizard\</link\> you can choose a chart type. 2020…
48950 …e y values of each data series are connected by a line. The area between each two lines is filled …
48965 …art\01\04060000.xhp 0 help par_id3150365 12 0 ast Define the settings for a bar chart in this ar…
48973 …hart\01\04060000.xhp 0 help par_id9800103 0 ast If two axes are shown in a bar chart, and some …
48974 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\04060000.xhp 0 help par_id2144535 0 ast As a result, bars att…
48976 …nut charts. \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>The default direction in which the pieces of a pie chart are ordere…
48978 …the circle or click any position on the circle to set the starting angle of a pie or donut chart. …
48980 …me document using the default values: Always counterclockwise direction and a starting value of 90…
48984 …id0305200910524650 0 ast Sometimes values are missing in a data series that is shown in a chart…
48986 …\04060000.xhp 0 help par_id0305200910524811 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>For a missing value, no da…
48988 …1\04060000.xhp 0 help par_id030520091052489 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>For a missing value, the y…
48990 …\04060000.xhp 0 help par_id0305200910524938 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>For a missing value, the i…
48996 …\"text/schart/01/wiz_chart_type.xhp\"\>Chart Wizard\</link\> you can choose a chart type. 2020…
48998 …A Column and Line chart is a combination of a \<link href=\"text/schart/01/type_column_bar.xhp\"\>…
49001 …olumn data series are drawn stacked above each other, so that the height of a column visualizes th…
49002 …schart\01\type_column_line.xhp 0 help par_id1842097 0 ast You can insert a second y-axis with \…
49003 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\type_column_line.xhp 0 help hd_id8297677 0 ast To specify a d…
49009 …_line.xhp 0 help par_id7616809 0 ast In the Data Series list box you see a list of all data ser…
49014 …selected entry in the list up or down. This way you can convert a Column data series to a List dat…
49021 …line.xhp 0 help par_id5091708 0 ast The range for a data role, like Y-Values, must not include
49023 …chart\01\type_column_line.xhp 0 help par_id2767113 0 ast Enter or select a cell range that will…
49039 …\"text/schart/01/wiz_chart_type.xhp\"\>Chart Wizard\</link\> you can choose a chart type. 2020…
49041 …axis shows categories. The y values of each data series can be connected by a line. 20200411 15…
49043 … - this subtype plots points and connects points of the same data series by a line. 20200411 15…
49045 … 0 ast 3D lines - this subtype connects points of the same data series by a 3D line. 20200411…
49047 …the points instead of straight lines. Click \<emph\>Properties\</emph\> for a \<link href=\"text/s…
49052 …le id=\"sytextlegende\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:ToggleLegend\"\>To show or hide a legend, click \<emph…
49056 …help hid=\"SCH_CHECKBOX_DLG_LEGEND_CBX_SHOW\"\>Specifies whether to display a legend for the chart…
49070 …1106200812112530 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the text direction for a paragraph that uses …
49101 …par_id3359225 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Major interval can be set to show a certain number of da…
49102 …par_id4459225 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Minor interval can be set to show a certain number of da…
49106 … help par_id3125863 2 0 ast The\<emph\> Title \</emph\>menu command opens a submenu for editing …
49120 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\05040000.xhp 0 help par_id3150441 2 0 ast This opens a submenu…
49125 …elp hid=\".uno:DiagramAxisA\"\>Opens a dialog where you can edit the properties of the secondary X…
49127 …elp hid=\".uno:DiagramAxisB\"\>Opens a dialog where you can edit the properties of the secondary Y…
49132 … par_id3152577 2 0 ast This dialog allows you to change the properties of a selected data point.…
49133 …made only affect this one data point. For example, if you edit the color of a bar, only the color …
49137 …context menu of a chart you can choose a chart type. \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Open…
49141 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\three_d_view.xhp 0 help par_id8081911 0 ast For a 3D chart yo…
49143 … 0 ast Enter the values for rotation of the chart on the three axes and for a perspective view. …
49144 …t\01\three_d_view.xhp 0 help par_id9999694 0 ast Set all angles to 0 for a front view of the ch…
49146 …lp par_id2216559 0 ast An x value of 90, with y and z set to 0, provides a view from top down t…
49148 …ew.xhp 0 help par_id9852900 0 ast When shading is enabled and you rotate a chart, the lights ar…
49150 …eck box to view the chart in central perspective as through a camera lens instead of using a paral…
49151 … with the spin button. 100% gives a perspective view where a far edge in the chart looks approxima…
49157 …erspective box to view the chart as through a camera lens. Use the spin button to set the percenta…
49159 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\three_d_view.xhp 0 help par_id1186254 0 ast Select a scheme f…
49160 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\three_d_view.xhp 0 help par_id7432477 0 ast By selecting a sc…
49161 … 0 ast If you mark or unmark a combination of check boxes that is not given by the Realistic or Si…
49162 …ing\</emph\> to use the Gouraud method for rendering the surface, otherwise a flat method is used.…
49163 …hart\01\three_d_view.xhp 0 help par_id5624561 0 ast The flat method sets a single color and bri…
49164 ….xhp 0 help par_id5901058 0 ast The Gouraud method applies gradients for a smoother, more reali…
49167 …help par_id8531449 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a scheme from the list…
49173 ….xhp 0 help par_id6531266 0 ast Click any of the eight buttons to switch a directed light sourc…
49174 …seven "normal", uniform light sources. The light source number one projects a specular light with …
49175 …p par_id2761314 0 ast For the selected light source, you can then choose a color and intensity …
49177 …f the small preview switches the internal illumination model between a sphere and a cube. 20200…
49178 …se the Ambient light list box to define the ambient light which shines with a uniform intensity fr…
49181 …sibility=\"hidden\"\>Click to switch between an illumination model of a sphere or a cube.\</ahelp\…
49184 …help par_id2186346 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a color for the select…
49185 …help par_id1331217 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a color using the colo…
49186 … help par_id393993 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a color for the ambien…
49187 …help par_id5871761 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a color using the colo…
49190 …"titel\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertMenuTitles\"\>Opens a dialog to enter or modify the titles in a
49209 … \<ahelp hid=\"SCH_CHECKBOX_DLG_AXIS_CB_X_PRIMARY\"\>Displays the X axis as a line with subdivisio…
49211 … \<ahelp hid=\"SCH:CHECKBOX:DLG_AXIS:CB_Y_PRIMARY\"\>Displays the Y axis as a line with subdivisio…
49213 … \<ahelp hid=\"SCH:CHECKBOX:DLG_AXIS:CB_Z_PRIMARY\"\>Displays the Z axis as a line with subdivisio…
49215 …xhp 0 help par_id3166428 37 0 ast Use this area to assign a second axis to your chart. If a data…
49217 …5 45 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SCH:CHECKBOX:DLG_AXIS:CB_X_SECONDARY\"\>Displays a secondary X axis in …
49219 …8 39 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SCH:CHECKBOX:DLG_AXIS:CB_Y_SECONDARY\"\>Displays a secondary Y axis in …
49224 …lp par_id3401287 0 ast An error bar is an indicator line that spans over a range from y - Negat…
49233 …4 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SCH:METRICFIELD:TP_STAT:MTR_FLD_PERCENT\"\>Displays a percentage. The disp…
49235 …art\01\04050000.xhp 0 help par_id7109286 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a function to calculat…
49241 …par_id6679586 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Click Cell Range and then specify a cell range from whic…
49242 … help par_id3872188 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Click a button to shrink the…
49244 …schart\01\04050000.xhp 0 help par_id6633503 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>For a chart with its own d…
49247 …t the positive error values. Use the Shrink button to select the range from a sheet.\</ahelp\> …
49248 …t the negative error values. Use the Shrink button to select the range from a sheet.\</ahelp\> …
49262 … 0 ast \<variable id=\"achsen\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:DiagramAxisAll\"\>Opens a dialog, where you ca…
49277 …\"\>Select where to cross the other axis: at start, at end, at a specified value, or at a category…
49291 …the axis marks. It is possible to activate both fields. This will result in a marking line running…
49301 …\"text/schart/01/wiz_chart_type.xhp\"\>Chart Wizard\</link\> you can choose a chart type. 2020…
49303 …lays data values as points connected by some lines, in a grid net that resembles a spider net or a
49304 …t\01\type_net.xhp 0 help par_id3512375 0 ast For each row of chart data, a radial is shown on w…
49308 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\05050000.xhp 0 help par_id3155764 2 0 ast Opens a submenu, whe…
49318 … hid=\".uno:Legend\"\>Defines the border, area and character attributes for a legend.\</ahelp\>\</…
49324 …Wizard you can \<link href=\"text/schart/01/choose_chart_type.xhp\"\>choose a chart type\</link\>.…
49325 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\wiz_chart_type.xhp 0 help hd_id3919186 0 ast To choose a char…
49326 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\wiz_chart_type.xhp 0 help par_id3453169 0 ast Choose a basic …
49329 …7006 0 ast Press \<item type=\"keycode\"\>Shift+F1\</item\> and point to a control to see an ex…
49333 … 0 ast Click \<emph\>Cancel\</emph\> to close the wizard without creating a chart. 20200411 1…
49335 …help par_id3184301 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a basic chart type.\</…
49336 …help par_id2129276 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a sub type of the basi…
49337 …elp par_id9719229 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enables a 3D look for the data…
49339 …help par_id4041871 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a shape from the list.…
49344 … help par_id7617114 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Opens a dialog to set the cu…
49351 … Table \</emph\>dialog is not available if you insert a chart that is based on a Calc sheet or on
49352 … 0 ast \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/06990000.xhp\"\>To update a chart manually when a Writer ta…
49355a chart that is based on default data, or when you copy a chart into your document, you can open t…
49357 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\03010000.xhp 0 help par_id4149906 0 ast Insert or select a ch…
49360 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\03010000.xhp 0 help par_id9799798 0 ast Click a cell in the d…
49365 …p par_id3150297 20 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Inserts a new row below the cu…
49366 …p par_id3145384 23 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Inserts a new data series afte…
49367 …elp par_id3152297 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Inserts a new text column afte…
49375 …200.xhp 0 help par_id3145750 2 0 ast Use this to change the properties of a selected data series…
49391 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\05020201.xhp 0 help par_id3150342 53 0 ast If you define a ver…
49397 …ay overlap other cells.\</ahelp\> This can be especially useful if there is a lack of space. This …
49399 … \<ahelp hid=\"SCH:CHECKBOX:TP_AXIS_LABEL:CB_AXIS_LABEL_TEXTBREAK\"\>Allows a text break.\</ahelp\…
49402 …elp par_id3159230 11 0 ast The options on this tab are only available for a 2D chart, under \<em…
49413 …1106200812235271 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the text direction for a paragraph that uses …
49418 …art\01\04030000.xhp 0 help par_id0810200912120416 0 ast If an element of a data series is selec…
49422 …hart\01\04030000.xhp 0 help par_id9794610 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a dialog to select the…
49426 …hart\01\04030000.xhp 0 help par_id5476241 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a dialog to select the…
49436 …1106200812280719 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specify the text direction for a paragraph that uses …
49439 …gle for the data labels. A positive number rotates the text to the left and a negative number rota…
49440 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\choose_chart_type.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Choosing a Chart Type …
49441 …hart_type\"\>\<link href=\"text/schart/01/choose_chart_type.xhp\"\>Choosing a Chart Type\</link\>\…
49442 …\"text/schart/01/wiz_chart_type.xhp\"\>Chart Wizard\</link\> you can choose a chart type. 2020…
49467 …\"text/schart/01/wiz_chart_type.xhp\"\>Chart Wizard\</link\> you can choose a chart type. 2020…
49469 …schart\01\type_column_bar.xhp 0 help par_id2244026 0 ast This type shows a bar chart or bar gra…
49470 …id1281167 0 ast Normal - this subtype shows all data values belonging to a category next to eac…
49473 …\schart\01\type_column_bar.xhp 0 help par_id2224494 0 ast You can enable a \<link href=\"text/s…
49476 …schart\01\type_column_bar.xhp 0 help par_id6596881 0 ast This type shows a bar chart or bar gra…
49490 …lp par_id8466139 0 ast This dialog is only available for charts based on a Calc or Writer table…
49491 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\wiz_data_range.xhp 0 help hd_id1877193 0 ast To specify a dat…
49494 …$3:$B$14". Note that a data range may consist of more than one region in a spreadsheet, e.g. "$She…
49495 …k \<emph\>Select data range\</emph\> to minimize the dialog, then drag over a cell area to select …
49496a data range of multiple cell areas that are not next to each other, enter the first range, then m…
49508 …a table remains unchanged. You can only choose the commands after inserting a chart in $[officenam…
49521 …\"text/schart/01/wiz_chart_type.xhp\"\>Chart Wizard\</link\> you can choose a chart type. 2020…
49524 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\type_stock.xhp 0 help par_id2131412 0 ast For a Stock chart t…
49572 …hp 0 help par_id3004547 0 ast The open, low, high, and closing values of a row build together o…
49577 …ype 1 shows the distance between bottom price (low) and top price (high) by a vertical line. 20…
49580 …t. Type 2 draws the vertical line between the bottom and top price and adds a rectangle in front, …
49582 …e, low, high\</emph\>, and \<emph\>close\</emph\> column chart Type 3 draws a chart like Type 1, w…
49584 …low, high\</emph\>, and \<emph\>close\</emph\>, Type 4 combines a chart of Type 2 with a column ch…
49585 …91717 0 ast Because measurement for transaction volume might be "units", a second y axis is int…
49588 …1\type_stock.xhp 0 help par_id5298318 0 ast To change the data series of a chart having its own…
49590 …text\schart\01\type_stock.xhp 0 help par_id95828 0 ast For a new stock chart first use a column…
49591a stock chart and you want to change the variant, then first change the chart type to a column cha…
49592 …e_stock.xhp 0 help par_id3496200 0 ast Do not write the name of a data series in a row. Write t…
49595 …art\01\type_stock.xhp 0 help par_id3394573 0 ast You can choose or alter a data range on the se…
49596 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\type_stock.xhp 0 help par_id7594225 0 ast To specify a data r…
49598 …$3:$B$14". Note that a data range may consist of more than one region in a spreadsheet, e.g. "$She…
49600 …ta range\</emph\> again to add a data range. In the input field of the minimized dialog, click aft…
49602 …6524 0 ast Your stock chart data are "in columns", if the information in a row belongs to the s…
49606 …ock chart has at least one data series containing the prices. It might have a second data series f…
49608 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\type_stock.xhp 0 help par_id2927335 0 ast To remove a data se…
49609a data series, select one of the existing data series and click \<emph\>Add\</emph\>. You get an e…
49612 … role name of the components and the current values. When you have selected a role, you can change…
49626 …\"text/schart/01/wiz_chart_type.xhp\"\>Chart Wizard\</link\> you can choose a chart type. 20200…
49629 …ubble.xhp 0 help par_id0526200906040162 0 ast The data series dialog for a bubble chart has an …
49633 …\"text/schart/01/wiz_chart_type.xhp\"\>Chart Wizard\</link\> you can choose a chart type. 2020…
49635 … data series consisting of a name, a list of x‑values, and a list of y‑values. Each value pair (x|…
49638 …chart\01\type_xy.xhp 0 help par_id1221655 0 ast generate a parameter curve, for example a spira…
49639 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\type_xy.xhp 0 help par_id3397320 0 ast draw the graph of a fu…
49643 …, or by choosing \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Format - Chart Type \</item\>for a chart in edit mode. …
49661 …esolution\</emph\> determines how many line segments are calculated to draw a piece of polynomial …
49662 …st \<emph\>B-Spline\</emph\> uses the data points as control points to form a B-spline curve. Thos…
49684 …elp par_id686361 0 ast This dialog is only available for charts based on a Calc or Writer table…
49686 …eries.xhp 0 help par_id7159337 0 ast In the Data Series list box you see a list of all data ser…
49697a data range of multiple cell areas that are not next to each other, enter the first range, then m…
49698 …ries.xhp 0 help par_id5971556 0 ast The range for a data role, like Y-Values, must not include
49700 …schart\01\wiz_data_series.xhp 0 help par_id9222693 0 ast Enter or select a cell range that will…
49702 …en\"\>Shows a list of all data series in the chart. Click an entry to view and edit that data seri…
49705 …rce range address of the categories (the texts you can see on the x-axis of a category chart). For…
49706 …0 help par_id1091647 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Adds a new entry below the …
49713 …e axes into sections by assigning gridlines to them. This allows you to get a better overview of t…
49725 …art\01\04070000.xhp 0 help par_id3156449 14 0 ast Use this area to assign a minor grid for each …
49735 … help par_id6437269 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter a title for your chart…
49736 … help par_id9469893 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter a subtitle for your ch…
49737 …0 help par_id130008 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter a label for the x-axis…
49738 … help par_id5821710 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter a label for the y-axis…
49739 … help par_id2871791 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter a label for the z-axis…
49740 …lp par_id7333597 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Displays a legend in your chart…
49748 …\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter a label for the secondary x-axis. This option is only available fo…
49749 …\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter a label for the secondary y-axis. This option is only available fo…
49753 …er text for a title, subtitle, or any axis, the necessary space will be reserved to display the te…
49754 …p 0 help par_id156865 0 ast It is not possible to link the title text to a cell. You must enter…
49780 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\smooth_line_properties.xhp 0 help par_id9421979 0 ast In a ch…
49784 …r_id3464461 0 ast Optionally set the resolution. A higher value leads to a smoother line. 20…
49786 … help par_id3424481 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Apply a cubic spline model.\…
49787 … help par_id1068758 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Apply a B-spline model.\</ah…
49803 …for the titles of the slides. Hidden headings are indicated by a black line in front of a slide ti…
49815a gluepoint. A gluepoint is a point where you can attach a \<link href=\"text/simpress/02/10100000…
49817 … help par_id3150393 5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:GlueInsertPoint\"\>Inserts a gluepoint where you …
49837 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:GluePercent\"\>Maintains the relative position of a selected gluepoint w…
49867 …hp 0 help par_id3145251 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:AnimationMode\"\>Plays a preview of an animat…
49876 …s appear after you click an object, and then click it again.\</ahelp\> Drag a handle to rotate the…
49883a smaller object while holding down the \<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline select=\"MAC\"…
49886a filled closed shape that is based on a Bézier curve. Click where you want the curve to start, dr…
49890 …o:Polygon\"\>Draws a closed shape consisting of straight line segments. Click where you want to st…
49894a closed shape consisting of straight line segments that are constrained by angles of 45 degrees. …
49898 …o:Freeline\"\>Draws a freeform line where you drag in the slide. When you release, $[officename] c…
49908a line composed of a series of straight line segments, that are constrained by angles of 45 degree…
49926 …help par_idN1071F 0 ast If you want, you can add an arrow after you draw a line by choosing For…
49928 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\02\10120000.xhp 0 help par_id3145114 6 0 ast Draws a straight l…
49932 …xhp 0 help par_id3153034 9 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:LineArrowEnd\"\>Draws a straight line that e…
49936 …ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:LineArrowCircle\"\>Draws a straight line that starts with an arrow and ends…
49940 …ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:LineArrowSquare\"\>Draws a straight line that starts with an arrow and ends…
49944 …p 0 help par_id3152929 18 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Line_Diagonal\"\>Draws a straight line that i…
49948 … 0 help par_id3143236 21 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:LineArrowStart\"\>Draws a straight line that s…
49952 …403 24 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:LineCircleArrow\"\>Draws a straight line that starts with a circ…
49956 …800 27 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:LineSquareArrow\"\>Draws a straight line that starts with a squa…
49960a line that displays the dimension length bounded by guides.\</ahelp\> Dimension lines automatica…
49961 … 0 ast If you want the dimension line to be the same length as the side of a nearby object, hold …
49962 …press\02\10120000.xhp 0 help par_id3148986 53 0 ast In %PRODUCTNAME Draw, a dimension line is al…
49966 ….xhp 0 help par_id3156350 33 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:LineArrows\"\>Draws a straight line with a…
49974a filled rectangle where you drag in the current document. Click where you want to place a corner …
49978a filled square where you drag in the current document. Click where you want to place a corner of…
49982a rounded rectangle with a fill where you drag in the current document. Click where you want to pl…
49986a rounded square with a fill where you drag in the current document. Click where you want to place…
49990 …nt document. Click where you want to place a corner of the rectangle, and drag to the size you wan…
49994 …ent document. Click where you want to place a corner of the square, and drag to the size you want.…
49998 …ocument. Click where you want to place a corner of the rounded rectangle, and drag to the size you…
50002 …document. Click where you want to place a corner of the rounded square, and drag to the size you w…
50007 …145117 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Specifies the properties of a 3D object or converts a 2D objec…
50012 … while you move or draw them.\</ahelp\> If this icon is not activated, only a contour is shown whi…
50018 …llapse\"\>Hides the subheadings of a selected heading. Hidden subheadings are indicated by a black…
50023 …no:HideSlide\"\>Hides the selected slide so that it is not displayed during a slide show.\</ahelp\…
50024 …010000.xhp 0 help par_id3155434 4 0 ast The number of a hidden slide is crossed out. To show a h…
50034 …0050000.xhp 0 help par_id3156019 5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Text\"\>Draws a text box where you c…
50038 … help par_id3150538 8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:TextFitToSizeTool\"\>Draws a text box where you c…
50042a line that ends in a rectangular callout from where you drag in the current document. The text di…
50046a text frame with vertical text direction where you click or drag in the current document. The tex…
50065 …ast Draws a filled oval where you drag in the current document. Click where you want to draw the o…
50069 …0000.xhp 0 help par_id3148725 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Circle\"\>Draws a filled circle where …
50073a filled shape that is defined by the arc of an oval and two radius lines in the current document.…
50077 …ie\"\>Draws a filled shape that is defined by the arc of a circle and two radius lines in the curr…
50081a filled shape that is defined by the arc of an oval and a diameter line in the current document. …
50085 … ast Draws a filled shape that is defined by the arc of a circle and a diameter line in the curren…
50089 …ick where you want to draw the oval, and drag to the size you want. To draw a circle, hold down Sh…
50097 …second radius line and click. You do not need to click on the oval. To draw a circle pie, hold dow…
50101 …hape that is defined by the arc of a circle and two radius lines in the current document. To draw
50105a diameter line in the current document. To draw an ellipse segment, drag an ellipse to the size y…
50109a circle and a diameter line in the current document. To draw a circle segment, drag a circle to t…
50113 …lick. You do not need to click on the oval. To draw an arc that is based on a circle, hold down Sh…
50117 ….uno:CircleArc\"\>Draws an arc that is based on a circle in the current document. To draw an arc, …
50123 …llumination, and reflection.\</ahelp\> Each inserted object initially forms a 3D scene. You can pr…
50126 … To rotate a 3D object around any of its three axes, click to select the object, and then click ag…
50128 …145593 7 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Cube\"\>Draws a filled cube where you drag in the slide. To dr…
50132 …03 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Sphere\"\>Draws a filled sphere where you drag in the slide. To d…
50136 …t \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Cylinder\"\>Draws a cylinder that is based on a circle where you drag in the …
50140 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Cone\"\>Draws a cone that is based on a circle where you drag in the sl…
50144 …aws a pyramid with a square base where you drag in the slide. To draw a pyramid with a rectangular…
50148 …\<ahelp hid=\".uno:Torus\"\>Draws a ring-shaped object that is based on a circle where you drag in…
50152 …ahelp hid=\".uno:Shell3D\"\>Draws a bowl-shaped object that is based on a circle where you drag in…
50156 …lp hid=\".uno:HalfSphere\"\>Draws one half of a sphere where you drag in the slide. To draw a one …
50160 …10030000.xhp 0 help bm_id3150199 0 ast \<bookmark_value\>flipping around a flip line\</bookmark…
50167 …D object(s) around a pivot point. Drag a corner handle of the object in the direction you want to …
50168 …vot point to the center of the object. You can also drag the pivot point to a new location on the …
50169 …id3153914 10 0 ast If you select a group that includes a 3D object, only the 3D object is rotate…
50173 …irror\"\>Flips the selected object(s) around a flip line, that you can drag to anywhere on the sli…
50177 …Into3DLathe\"\>Converts the selected 2D object(s) to a 3D object, by rotating the object(s) around…
50178 …s\02\10030000.xhp 0 help par_id3150332 36 0 ast Drag the symmetry line to a new location to chan…
50182a handle of the selected object to distort it.\</ahelp\> If the selected object is not a polygon o…
50186a handle of the selected object to distort it.\</ahelp\> If the selected object is not a polygon o…
50190 ….\</ahelp\> If the selected object is not a polygon or Bézier curve, you are prompted to change th…
50194 …ctiveTransparence\"\>Applies a transparency gradient to the selected object.\</ahelp\> The transpa…
50200 … fill of the selected object. This command is only available if you applied a gradient to the sele…
50214 …22 9 0 ast You can also select the \<emph\>Zoom In \</emph\>tool and drag a rectangular frame ar…
50256 …OutlineExpand\"\>Displays the hidden subheadings of a selected heading. To hide the subheadings of…
50276 …t slide. A connector is a line that joins objects, and remains attached when the objects are moved…
50282a connector and move your mouse pointer over a filled object, or the edge of an unfilled object, g…
50283a connector line, click a gluepoint on an object, drag to a gluepoint on another object, and then …
50285 …hid=\".uno:Connector\"\>Draws a connector with one or more 90-degree angle bends. Click a gluepoin…
50289 …rt\"\>Draws a connector with one or more 90-degree angle bends and an arrow at the starting point.…
50293 …owEnd\"\>Draws a connector with one or more 90-degree angle bends and an arrow at the endpoint. Cl…
50297 …orArrows\"\>Draws a connector with one or more 90-degree angle bends and arrows at both ends. Clic…
50301 …rt\"\>Draws a connector with one or more 90-degree angle bends and a circle at the starting point.…
50305 …leEnd\"\>Draws a connector with one or more 90-degree angle bends and a circle at the endpoint. Cl…
50309 …Circles\"\>Draws a connector with one or more 90-degree angle bends and circles at both ends. Clic…
50313a connector that bends near a gluepoint. Click a gluepoint on an object, drag to a gluepoint on an…
50317a connector that starts with an arrow and bends near a gluepoint. Click a gluepoint on an object, …
50321a connector that ends with an arrow and bends near a gluepoint. Click a gluepoint on an object, dr…
50325a connector that bends near a gluepoint and has arrows at both ends. Click a gluepoint on an objec…
50329a connector that starts with a circle and bends near a gluepoint. Click a gluepoint on an object, …
50333a connector that ends with a circle and bends near a gluepoint. Click a gluepoint on an object, dr…
50337a connector that bends near a gluepoint and has circles at both ends. Click a gluepoint on an obje…
50341 …\<ahelp hid=\".uno:ConnectorLine\"\>Draws a straight line connector. Click a gluepoint on an objec…
50345 …LineArrowStart\"\>Draws a straight line connector with an arrow at the starting point. Click a glu…
50349 …ectorLineArrowEnd\"\>Draws a straight line connector with an arrow at the endpoint. Click a gluepo…
50353 …:ConnectorLineArrows\"\>Draws a straight line connector with arrows at both ends. Click a gluepoin…
50357 …LineCircleStar\"\>Draws a straight line connector with a circle at the starting point. Click a glu…
50361 …ctorLineCircleEnd\"\>Draws a straight line connector with a circle at the endpoint. Click a gluepo…
50365 …onnectorLineCircles\"\>Draws a straight line connector with circles at both ends. Click a gluepoin…
50369 …\<ahelp hid=\".uno:ConnectorCurve\"\>Draws a curved line connector. Click a gluepoint on an object…
50373 …CurveArrowStart\"\>Draws a curved line connector with an arrow at the starting point. Click a glue…
50377 …ectorCurveArrowEnd\"\>Draws a curved line connector with an arrow at the endpoint. Click a gluepoi…
50381 …:ConnectorCurveArrows\"\>Draws a curved line connector with arrows at both ends. Click a gluepoint…
50385 …urveCircleStart\"\>Draws a curved line connector with a circle at the starting point. Click a glue…
50389 …ctorCurveCircleEnd\"\>Draws a curved line connector with a circle at the endpoint. Click a gluepoi…
50393 …onnectorCurveCircles\"\>Draws a curved line connector with circles at both ends. Click a gluepoint…
50425 … change the character formatting of a heading, open the \<emph\>Styles and Formatting\</emph\> win…
50435 …00.xhp 0 help par_id3150266 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ActionMode\"\>Runs a preview of the inter…
50448 …r_id3154491 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:RehearseTimings\"\>Starts a slide show with a timer in th…
50455 …Shows or hides snap lines so can you align objects on your slide. To remove a snap line, drag it o…
50464 …\>Insert or modify the properties of a glue point. A glue point is a custom connection point where…
50474 …ss\00\00000413.xhp 0 help par_id3153415 46 0 ast Open the context menu of a selected object and …
50476 …ss\00\00000413.xhp 0 help par_id3149018 27 0 ast Open the context menu of a selected object and …
50478 …ss\00\00000413.xhp 0 help par_id3154702 26 0 ast Open the context menu of a selected object and …
50480 …ss\00\00000413.xhp 0 help par_id3155111 28 0 ast Open the context menu of a selected object and …
50482 …ss\00\00000413.xhp 0 help par_id3152992 29 0 ast Open the context menu of a selected object and …
50484 …ss\00\00000413.xhp 0 help par_id3149409 34 0 ast Open the context menu of a selected object and …
50486 …ss\00\00000413.xhp 0 help par_id3148608 36 0 ast Open the context menu of a selected object and …
50488 …ss\00\00000413.xhp 0 help par_id3159231 42 0 ast Open the context menu of a selected object and …
50490 …ss\00\00000413.xhp 0 help par_id3145117 30 0 ast Open the context menu of a selected object and …
50495 …ss\00\00000413.xhp 0 help par_id3150482 31 0 ast Open the context menu of a selected object and …
50500 …ss\00\00000413.xhp 0 help par_id3150339 32 0 ast Open the context menu of a selected object and …
50507 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\00\00000413.xhp 0 help par_id3151022 48 0 ast Select a combined…
50511 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\00\00000413.xhp 0 help par_id3148430 50 0 ast Select a line tha…
50573 … ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Opens a dialog to save the selected bitmap picture a…
50597 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\00\00000404.xhp 0 help par_id3154372 28 0 ast Open a context me…
50598 …000404.xhp 0 help par_id3145388 10 0 ast \<variable id=\"efglbe\"\>Select a snap point or line, …
50617 …press\00\00000405.xhp 0 help par_id3148489 2 0 ast In the context menu of a dimension line, choo…
50623 …\simpress\00\00000405.xhp 0 help par_id3152874 11 0 ast In a Draw document, right-click a layer …
50632 …mpress\04\presenter.xhp 0 help par_id0921201912165656 0 ast When running a slide show using the…
50670 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3145791 2 0 ast The following is a
50709 …ce\text\simpress\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3149757 45 0 ast Type a number of a slide and pres…
50742 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3148996 121 0 ast Enter a group, s…
50765 …nline\>Ctrl\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> and drag an object to create a copy of the object. …
50773 … help par_id3155908 107 0 ast Select adjacent items or a text passage. Click at the start of a s…
50783 …press\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3145119 133 0 ast Activate a placeholder object in a new pres…
50786 …e are no text objects on the slide, or if you reached the last text object, a new slide is inserte…
50800 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\orgchart.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Creating a Flowchart 20…
50802 …<link href=\"text/simpress/guide/orgchart.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Flowchart\"\>Creating a Flowchar…
50803 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\orgchart.xhp 0 help hd_id3159153 39 0 ast To create a flo…
50804 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\orgchart.xhp 0 help par_id3152482 40 0 ast Select a tool …
50805 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\orgchart.xhp 0 help par_id3150715 41 0 ast Drag a shape i…
50807 …Connectors \</emph\>toolbar on the \<emph\>Drawing\</emph\> bar, and select a connector line. 2…
50808 …chart.xhp 0 help par_id3149945 44 0 ast Move the pointer over the edge of a shape so that the co…
50809 …ress\guide\orgchart.xhp 0 help par_id3146871 45 0 ast Click a connection site, drag to a connect…
50815 …he \<emph\>Text\</emph\> icon on the \<emph\>Drawing\</emph\> bar, and drag a text object over the…
50816 …t\simpress\guide\orgchart.xhp 0 help hd_id3153730 52 0 ast To add a color fill to a shape: 20…
50818 …help par_id3145348 54 0 ast Select \<emph\>Color\</emph\>, and then click a color in the list. …
50828 … and use in your document. If you want, you can add or delete elements from a list, or even create…
50829 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\palette_files.xhp 0 help hd_id3155961 74 0 ast To load a
50833 …0 help par_id3154762 77 0 ast To save a color list, click the \<emph\>Save Color List\</emph\> b…
50835 …s the colors in the Web and the HTML lists are optimized for displays using a resolution of 256 co…
50836 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\palette_files.xhp 0 help hd_id3150435 78 0 ast To load a
50840 …lp par_id3150740 82 0 ast To save a gradients list, click the \<emph\>Save Gradients List\</emph…
50841 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\palette_files.xhp 0 help hd_id3153036 83 0 ast To load a
50845 …help par_id3149881 87 0 ast To save a hatches list, click the \<emph\>Save Hatches List\</emph\>…
50850 …raw, not in $[officename] Impress. Layers allow you to assemble elements on a page that are relate…
50853 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\layers.xhp 0 help par_id398876 0 ast The areas on a laye…
50862a layer to protect its contents, or hide a layer and its contents from view or from printing. When…
50866 … 0 ast You can import any text file, including text in HTML documents, into a slide. 20200411 1…
50867 …de\html_import.xhp 0 help hd_id3155443 11 0 ast To insert text from a file into a slide: 2020…
50871 …915 6 0 ast If the text file contains more text than can be inserted into a single slide, you ca…
50876 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\html_export.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Saving a Presentation i…
50878 …f=\"text/simpress/guide/html_export.xhp\" name=\"Saving a Presentation in HTML Format\"\>Saving a
50882 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\html_export.xhp 0 help par_id3143228 8 0 ast Enter a \<em…
50886 …ce\text\simpress\guide\masterpage.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Applying a Slide Design to a Slide Maste…
50888 …ress/guide/masterpage.xhp\" name=\"Applying a Slide Design to a Slide Master\"\>Applying a Slide D…
50889 …impress\guide\masterpage.xhp 0 help par_id3154017 14 0 ast Every slide in a presentation has exa…
50890 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\masterpage.xhp 0 help hd_id3149018 25 0 ast To apply a ne…
50893 …p 0 help par_id3145384 21 0 ast Under \<emph\>Categories\</emph\>, select a slide design categor…
50894 …hp 0 help par_id3153915 26 0 ast Under \<emph\>Templates\</emph\>, select a template with the de…
50904 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\table_insert.xhp 0 help par_id9209875 0 ast Insert a nat…
50905a new table as an OLE object or insert an existing file as an OLE object - you can specify the lin…
50918 … \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>If currently no cell is selected, a new row will be inse…
50923 … \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>If currently no cell is selected, a new column will be i…
50926 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\table_insert.xhp 0 help hd_id8594317 0 ast Inserting a n…
50928 …rt - Table\</item\> or use the Table icon on the Standard toolbar to insert a table. 20200411 1…
50931 …der to open the table's context menu. Use the table's context menu to enter a name and description…
50932 …p par_id0916200803551725 0 ast Select some cells and right-click to open a context menu, where …
50933 …sert.xhp 0 help par_id091620080355171 0 ast To select a rectangular area of cells, point to a c…
50935 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\table_insert.xhp 0 help hd_id3151075 2 0 ast Inserting a
50936 …_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3150715 7 0 ast You can add a blank $[officename] Calc spreadsheet to a
50940 …e spreadsheet, and then drag a corner handle. To resize the cells of the spreadsheet, click the sp…
50941 …s\guide\table_insert.xhp 0 help hd_id3150215 11 0 ast Inserting a spreadsheet from a file 202…
50947 …ast Enable the \<emph\>Link to file\</emph\> checkbox to insert the file as a live link. 202004…
50948 … the sheet that is displayed, double-click the spreadsheet, and then select a different sheet. …
50951 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\individual.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Creating a Custom Slide …
50953 …href=\"text/simpress/guide/individual.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Custom Slide Show\"\>Creating a Cust…
50955 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\individual.xhp 0 help hd_id3150715 72 0 ast To create a c…
50957 …al.xhp 0 help par_id3153966 62 0 ast Click \<emph\>New\</emph\> and enter a name for your slide …
50958 …e show, and click the \<emph\>>>\</emph\> button. Hold down Shift to select a range of slides, or …
50960 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\individual.xhp 0 help hd_id3151387 74 0 ast To start a cu…
50965 …ess\guide\individual.xhp 0 help hd_id3145169 78 0 ast Options for Running a Slide Show 202004…
50966 …impress\guide\individual.xhp 0 help hd_id3150335 65 0 ast To always start a slide show from the …
50969 … help par_id3155372 68 0 ast Do not select this option if you want to run a custom slide show. …
50970 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\individual.xhp 0 help hd_id3153922 69 0 ast To hide a sli…
50975 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\individual.xhp 0 help hd_id3147570 80 0 ast To show a hid…
50978 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\footer.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Adding a Header or a Footer …
50980 …text/simpress/guide/footer.xhp\" name=\"Adding a Header or a Footer to All Slides\"\>Adding a Head…
50981 …lide is based on a slide master. The text, pictures, tables, fields or other objects that you plac…
50983 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\footer.xhp 0 help par_id8403576 0 ast To edit a slide ma…
50984 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\footer.xhp 0 help par_id5641651 0 ast To edit a notes ma…
50985 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\footer.xhp 0 help par_id1583300 0 ast To edit a handout …
50989 …redefined Header Area is available only for notes and handouts. If you want a header on all slides…
50990 …s\guide\footer.xhp 0 help par_id1829889 0 ast Objects that you insert on a slide master are vis…
50992 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\footer.xhp 0 help par_id1876583 0 ast You see a dialog w…
51001 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\footer.xhp 0 help par_id3155064 16 0 ast You can add a te…
51004 …footer.xhp 0 help par_id3149947 10 0 ast Drag in the slide master to draw a text object, and the…
51006 …476 17 0 ast You can also add fields, such as the date or page number, to a header or footer by …
51012 …f the graphic. In $[officename] Draw and Impress, you can convert a bitmap image into a vector gra…
51017 …me=\"Convert to Polygon\"\>\<emph\>Convert to Polygon\</emph\>\</link\> for a description of the c…
51022 …\simpress\guide\main.xhp 0 help hd_id3150207 2 0 ast Viewing and Printing a Presentation 2020…
51033 …_id3150206 81 0 ast Locate where you want to save the animated GIF, enter a name, and then click…
51037 …your presentation more interesting. $[officename] Impress provides you with a simple animation edi…
51038 ….xhp 0 help par_id3154657 57 0 ast If you create a bitmap animation (animated GIF), you can assi…
51042 …"\>\<alt id=\"alt_id3148489\"\>Note Icon\</alt\>\</image\> to add a single object or a group of ob…
51043 …0.423cm\"\>\<alt id=\"alt_id3149355\"\>Tip Icon\</alt\>\</image\> to create a separate animation f…
51045 …9 0 ast Use the animation timeline to specify the duration for displaying a frame and the number…
51046 …impress\guide\animated_gif_create.xhp 0 help par_id3154644 62 0 ast Enter a frame number in the …
51059 …de\3d_create.xhp 0 help par_id3150051 51 0 ast 3D object with shading and a light source 2020…
51060 …ate.xhp 0 help par_id3149873 52 0 ast 3D rotation object with shading and a light source 2020…
51062 …ting these 3D scenes to Microsoft Office formats, a snapshot of the current view will be exported …
51063a 2D mode or in a 3D mode. At any time, you can switch the view between the two modes. You use the…
51064 …\guide\3d_create.xhp 0 help hd_id3149048 34 0 ast To convert an object to a curved shape: 202…
51065 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\3d_create.xhp 0 help par_id3147295 35 0 ast Select a 2D o…
51067 …and drag the handles of the object. You can also drag the control points of a handle to modify the…
51068 …press\guide\3d_create.xhp 0 help hd_id3153738 56 0 ast To convert a 2D object to a polygon: 2…
51069 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\3d_create.xhp 0 help par_id3145241 57 0 ast Select a 2D o…
51072 …press\guide\3d_create.xhp 0 help hd_id3153919 60 0 ast To convert a 2D object to a 3D object: …
51073 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\3d_create.xhp 0 help par_id3147172 62 0 ast Select a 2D o…
51076 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\3d_create.xhp 0 help par_idN108C5 0 ast To convert a tex…
51077 …press\guide\3d_create.xhp 0 help hd_id3145410 65 0 ast To convert a 2D object to a 3D rotation o…
51079 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\3d_create.xhp 0 help par_id3147506 67 0 ast Select a 2D o…
51082 …9336 43 0 ast You can rotate the 2D object before converting it to create a more complex shape. …
51091a toolbar to draw Bézier curves. Bézier curves are defined by a start point and an end point, whic…
51092 …ed by circles, anchor points are represented by squares. The start point is a little bit larger th…
51094 … line curvature on either side, and two control lines that move together as a straight line. 20…
51100 …ype=\"keycode\"\>Shift\</item\> while you drag to restrict the direction to a 45 degree grid. 2…
51105 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\line_draw.xhp 0 help par_id5377056 0 ast To create a clo…
51107 ….xhp 0 help par_id3149451 43 0 ast Click and drag in any direction to add a smooth anchor point.…
51111 …p 0 help par_id5792107 0 ast Draw the freeform line as you would do with a pencil. 20200411 …
51122 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\printing.xhp 0 help hd_id4555192 0 ast Choosing a print …
51139 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\printing.xhp 0 help hd_id3151389 11 0 ast Printing a rang…
51148 …ge.xhp 0 help par_id3150049 67 0 ast You can apply a special effect that plays when you display
51149 …nimated_slidechange.xhp 0 help hd_id3153811 68 0 ast To apply a transition effect to a slide …
51152 …press\guide\animated_slidechange.xhp 0 help par_id3154554 52 0 ast Select a slide transition fro…
51158 …press\guide\animated_slidechange.xhp 0 help par_id3154102 79 0 ast Select a slide transition fro…
51159 …ge.xhp 0 help par_id3153785 53 0 ast To preview the transition effect for a slide, click the sma…
51160 …ess\guide\animated_slidechange.xhp 0 help hd_id3149341 83 0 ast To remove a transition effect …
51169 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\animated_objects.xhp 0 help par_id3146964 33 0 ast On a s…
51171 … 0 ast In the \<emph\>Custom Animation\</emph\> dialog, click a tab page to choose from a categor…
51173 …s\guide\animated_objects.xhp 0 help hd_id2476577 0 ast To apply and edit a motion path effect: …
51174 …s.xhp 0 help par_id4217047 0 ast An object can be animated to move along a motion path. You can…
51175 …not canceled, the created path is removed from the document and inserted as a motion path effect. …
51177 … visible, the motion paths of all effects of the current slide are drawn as a transparent overlay …
51178 …d path will support handles, it can be moved and resized like a shape. A double click on a path st…
51180 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\animated_objects.xhp 0 help par_id3148774 77 0 ast On a s…
51183 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\show.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Showing a Slide Show 202004…
51185 …\"\>\<link href=\"text/simpress/guide/show.xhp\" name=\"Showing a Slide Show\"\>Showing a Slide Sh…
51186 …w.xhp 0 help par_id9636829 0 ast Different ways exist to start a slide show. Once a slide show …
51187 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\show.xhp 0 help par_id7076937 0 ast By default, a slide …
51188 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\show.xhp 0 help hd_id9954527 0 ast Running a Slide Show …
51193 …href=\"text/simpress/04/01020000.xhp\"\>control a slide show\</link\>. You can also right-click to…
51195 …5829645 0 ast For an automatic change to the next slide, you must assign a slide transition to …
51197 …slide\</emph\> area, click \<emph\>Automatically after\</emph\>, and select a time duration. 20…
51199 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\show.xhp 0 help par_id6081728 0 ast You can assign a dif…
51202 …id1336405 0 ast In the Type area, click \<emph\>Auto\</emph\> and select a pause time between s…
51203 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\show.xhp 0 help par_id4959257 0 ast When you create a ne…
51204 …\text\simpress\guide\show.xhp 0 help hd_id1906491 0 ast Running a slide show from a file 202…
51205 …uide\show.xhp 0 help par_id4799340 0 ast You can start %PRODUCTNAME from a command prompt, foll…
51211a control point to a data point. You can change the shape of a curve by converting a data point to…
51214a curved line, select the line, and then click the \<emph\>Points\</emph\> icon on the Drawing bar…
51215 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help hd_id3145587 55 0 ast To adjust a cu…
51216 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3151241 51 0 ast Select a curv…
51218 …\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3153810 12 0 ast Drag a data point to resize the line. If a co…
51219 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3149872 13 0 ast Drag a contro…
51220 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help hd_id3150431 57 0 ast To split a cur…
51221 …ress\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3150395 58 0 ast You can only split a curved line that has…
51222 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3151392 59 0 ast Select a curv…
51223 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3149941 60 0 ast Select a data…
51224 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help hd_id3150655 61 0 ast To create a cl…
51225 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3150743 62 0 ast Select a curv…
51227 …press\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help hd_id3145162 15 0 ast To convert a data point on a curved line:…
51228 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3150336 64 0 ast Select a curv…
51230 …\line_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3145241 65 0 ast To convert the data point to a smooth point, click …
51231 …\line_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3145299 66 0 ast To convert the data point to a symmetrical point, c…
51232 …\line_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3145348 67 0 ast To convert the data point to a corner point, click …
51233 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help hd_id3150471 68 0 ast To add a data …
51234 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3155373 69 0 ast Select a curv…
51236 …3083280 71 0 ast Click the line where you want to add the point, and drag a short distance. 2…
51237 …mpress\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3154643 72 0 ast If a data point does not have a control…
51238 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help hd_id3151186 73 0 ast To delete a da…
51239 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\line_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3153624 74 0 ast Select a curv…
51246 …edit and resize as you would any drawing object. Once you convert text into a drawing object, you …
51247 …ss\guide\text2curve.xhp 0 help hd_id3153965 22 0 ast To convert text into a drawing object: 2…
51251 …t If your text contains more than one character, the converted text becomes a grouped object. Doub…
51258 …ts\</emph\> use placeholders for slide titles, text, and objects. To select a placeholder, press \…
51259 …keycode\"\>Ctrl+Enter\</item\> after you reach the last placeholder in a slide, a new slide is ins…
51260 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help hd_id3157871 8 0 ast During a Slide S…
51261 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help par_id3150650 7 0 ast To start a slid…
51268 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help hd_id3153003 12 0 ast Go to a specifi…
51273 …dd, and press \<item type=\"keycode\"\>Spacebar\</item\> again. To deselect a slide, navigate to t…
51274 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help hd_id3145248 23 0 ast Copying a slide…
51278 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help hd_id3155367 26 0 ast Moving a slide:…
51286 …hp 0 help par_id3153963 16 0 ast Prepare the slides, start the show using a special icon, tell y…
51287 …simpress\guide\rehearse_timings.xhp 0 help hd_id3146317 2 0 ast To record a show with rehearse t…
51288 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\rehearse_timings.xhp 0 help par_id3149874 4 0 ast Open a
51289 …>Icon\</alt\>\</image\> in the Slide View bar. You see the first slide, and a timer in the bottom …
51299 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\layer_move.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Moving Objects to a Diff…
51301 …impress/guide/layer_move.xhp\" name=\"Moving Objects to a Different Layer\"\>Moving Objects to a D…
51310 … To create a copy of a selected slide, hold down Ctrl while you drag. The mouse pointer changes to…
51311 …elp par_id3153072 45 0 ast Choose \<emph\>View - Outline\</emph\>, select a slide, and then drag…
51313 …de\arrange_slides.xhp 0 help par_id3153079 23 0 ast To temporarily remove a slide from your pres…
51314 …ce\text\simpress\guide\print_tofit.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Printing a Slide to Fit a Paper Size …
51316 …impress/guide/print_tofit.xhp\" name=\"Printing a Slide to Fit a Paper Size\"\>Printing a Slide to…
51317 …r_id3154704 3 0 ast You can reduce the size of a slide when you print, so that the slide can fit…
51321 …p par_id3153811 7 0 ast In the \<emph\>Paper format\</emph\> area, select a \<emph\>Format\</emp…
51326a few standard style files that you can load and use in your document. If you want, you can add o…
51327 …simpress\guide\line_arrow_styles.xhp 0 help hd_id3154485 50 0 ast To load a line styles file: …
51331 …elp par_id3151240 53 0 ast To save a line styles file, click the \<emph\>Save Line Styles\</emph…
51336 …row styles file, click the \<emph\>Save Arrow Styles\</emph\> button, enter a filename, and then c…
51344 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\layer_new.xhp 0 help par_id3155068 12 0 ast Type a name f…
51347 …e\layer_new.xhp 0 help par_id3154658 16 0 ast To change the properties of a layer, click the nam…
51348 …xhp 0 help par_id3153814 17 0 ast You cannot change the name of or delete a predefined \<item ty…
51353 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\page_copy.xhp 0 help hd_id3153418 8 0 ast To insert a sli…
51354 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\page_copy.xhp 0 help par_id3149018 3 0 ast Open a present…
51372 …uide\change_scale.xhp 0 help par_id7954954 0 ast If you are using a mouse with a scroll wheel, …
51378 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\layer_tipps.xhp 0 help hd_id3154018 18 0 ast Selecting a
51379 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\layer_tipps.xhp 0 help par_id3154484 15 0 ast To select a
51380 …tipps.xhp 0 help par_idN10767 0 ast To edit the properties of a layer, double-click a layer tab…
51382 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\layer_tipps.xhp 0 help par_id3154702 22 0 ast Select a la…
51386 …simpress\guide\layer_tipps.xhp 0 help par_id3156396 16 0 ast You can make a layer visible or inv…
51388 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\layer_tipps.xhp 0 help par_id3157871 27 0 ast Select a hi…
51392 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\layer_tipps.xhp 0 help par_id3150864 17 0 ast Select a la…
51395 …\layer_tipps.xhp 0 help par_id3149883 32 0 ast You cannot edit objects on a locked layer. 202…
51397 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\layer_tipps.xhp 0 help par_id3145354 34 0 ast Select a lo…
51403 …lide or all of the slides in your document. For a background fill, you can use hatching, a gradien…
51404 …ph\>View - Master - Slide Master\</emph\>. To change the background fill of a single slide, choose…
51405 …Picture for Slide in the context menu of a slide in Normal view to select a bitmap file. This file…
51406 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\background.xhp 0 help hd_id3150534 49 0 ast To use a colo…
51409 …help par_id3153040 52 0 ast Select \<emph\>Color\</emph\>, and then click a color in the list. …
51410 …p par_id3150866 53 0 ast Select \<emph\>Gradient\</emph\>, and then click a gradient style in th…
51411 …p par_id3150338 54 0 ast Select \<emph\>Hatching\</emph\>, and then click a hatching style in th…
51414 … 57 0 ast You can display an entire image as a slide background, or you can tile the image to pr…
51417 …ess\guide\background.xhp 0 help par_id3150757 60 0 ast If you want to use a custom image for the…
51423 …mpress\guide\background.xhp 0 help par_idN10820 0 ast To save a new slide master as a template …
51427 …ast Choose \<emph\>File - Templates - Save\</emph\> to save the document as a template. 2020041…
51428 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\guide\background.xhp 0 help par_idN10847 0 ast Enter a name fo…
51429 … help par_idN1084A 0 ast Now you can use the Presentation Wizard to open a new presentation bas…
51433a line called a \<link href=\"text/simpress/02/10100000.xhp\"\>connector\</link\>. When you draw a
51440 …ide the shape. If the shape is unfilled, you can click the border to insert a glue point. Once ins…
51441 …directions which will be permitted for a connector at this gluepoint. You can choose one or more d…
51443 … next to it are no longer grayed out. With these icons you can decide where a gluepoint will be pl…
51483 …\<ahelp hid=\"sdext:Minimizer:Wizard:Step4:CBOLE\"\>Replace OLE object with a static graphic.\</ah…
51485 …hid=\"sdext:Minimizer:Wizard:Step4:RBAllOLE\"\>Replace all OLE objects with a static graphic.\</ah…
51511 …503r 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"sdext:Minimizer:Wizard:Step5:RBNewDoc\"\>Create a copy of the current …
51520 …elp hid=\"sdext:Minimizer:Wizard:Step1:LBSettings\"\>This list box contains a list of all availabl…
51531 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\13180000.xhp 0 help par_id3147435 2 0 ast Creates a shape fr…
51535 …fy the number of slides you can print on a page, open the \<emph\>Layouts\</emph\> task pane and d…
51544 …ast To change the background of all of the pages in the active file, select a background, click \<…
51548 …<ahelp hid=\".uno:ConvertIntoBitmap\"\>Converts the selected object to a bitmap (a grid of pixels …
51554 … 0 help par_id3150791 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertColumns\"\>Inserts a new column to the le…
51555 …04040000m.xhp 0 help par_id0916200811234668 0 ast In the context menu of a cell, choose \<emph\…
51568 …help par_id5049287 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enable this option to assign a gradually increasing…
51570 …help par_id1145359 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enable this option to assign a gradually decreasing…
51574 …nseffect.xhp 0 help par_idN10712 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"878824971\"\>Select a sound from the Galle…
51577 …ar_idN10726 0 ast \<emph\>Other sound\</emph\> - displays a file open dialog to select a sound …
51581 …nseffect.xhp 0 help par_idN10737 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"878824973\"\>Select a color to be shown af…
51582 …par_idN10752 0 ast \<emph\>Dim with color\</emph\> - after the animation a dim color fills the …
51611 …ariable id=\"indipraesent\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:CustomShowDialog\"\>Defines a custom slide show us…
51614 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\06100000.xhp 0 help par_id3149408 5 0 ast To create a custom…
51617 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\06100000.xhp 0 help hd_id3148604 6 0 ast To run a custom sli…
51624 …6 15 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD_PUSHBUTTON_DLG_CUSTOMSHOW_BTN_COPY\"\>Creates a copy of the selected…
51626 … that \<emph\>Use Custom Slide Show\</emph\> is selected if you want to run a custom presentation.…
51629 …3146975 2 0 ast \<variable id=\"tabelletext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Inserts a new table into the c…
51634 …elp par_id4941557 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Inserts a new slide master int…
51635 …help par_id9961851 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a slide master and cli…
51636 …help par_id4526200 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a slide master and cli…
51649 …id=\".uno:InsertDateFieldFix\"\>Inserts the current date into your slide as a fixed field. The dat…
51656 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ConvertInto3D\"\>Converts the selected object to a three-dimensional (3…
51657 …ble id=\"anmerkung\"\>The selected object is first converted to a contour, and then to a 3D object…
51658 …elect two or more objects and convert them to 3D, the result is a 3D group that acts as a single o…
51659 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\13050300.xhp 0 help par_id3151242 5 0 ast Converting a group…
51660 …ss\01\13050300.xhp 0 help par_id3146965 9 0 ast Press F3 to quickly enter a group and Ctrl+F3 to…
51661 … objects. $[officename] treats bitmaps as rectangles and vector graphics as a group of polygons wh…
51663 …13050300.xhp 0 help par_id3153960 7 0 ast If you want, you can also apply a \<link href=\"text/s…
51667 … the default text formatting of the active slide. If you want, you can drag a text frame in your s…
51671 …simpress\01\04110200.xhp 0 help par_id3155333 7 0 ast Inserts the text as a link. Links are upda…
51674 …75 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Intersect\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Creates a shape from the overl…
51678 …dertext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:ConnectorAttributes\"\>Sets the properties of a connector.\</ahelp\>…
51682 …simpress\01\05170000.xhp 0 help par_id3148605 4 0 ast Defines the skew of a connector line. The …
51684 …<ahelp hid=\"SVX:METRICFIELD:RID_SVXPAGE_CONNECTION:MTR_FLD_LINE_1\"\>Enter a skew value for Line …
51686 …<ahelp hid=\"SVX:METRICFIELD:RID_SVXPAGE_CONNECTION:MTR_FLD_LINE_2\"\>Enter a skew value for Line …
51688 …<ahelp hid=\"SVX:METRICFIELD:RID_SVXPAGE_CONNECTION:MTR_FLD_LINE_3\"\>Enter a skew value for Line …
51705 …04110100.xhp 0 help hd_id3154016 3 0 ast To insert specific elements from a file: 20200411 15…
51707 …110100.xhp 0 help par_id3155962 5 0 ast If you want to insert the file as a link, select \<emph\…
51711 …hid=\"SD:CHECKBOX:DLG_INSERT_PAGES_OBJS:CBX_LINK\"\>Inserts a file or some file elements as a link…
51726 … ast \<variable id=\"ebenetext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertLayer\"\>Inserts a new layer in the doc…
51727 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\04020000.xhp 0 help par_id3150205 13 0 ast To select a layer…
51729 …d3149404 4 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:EDIT:DLG_INSERT_LAYER:EDT_NAME\"\>Enter a name for the new lay…
51763 …<ahelp hid=\"878838284\"\>Specifies whether to let the animation start when a specified shape is c…
51777 ….\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Opens the Master Pages tab page, where you apply a master page (backgro…
51781 …idden\"\>Left-click to apply the master page to all slides. Right-click for a submenu.\</ahelp\> …
51785 …id=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Opens the Layouts tab page, where you apply a slide design to the …
51786 …hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Click to apply a slide design to all selected slides. Right-click…
51787 …stom Animation tab page, where you apply effects to the selected objects on a slide.\</ahelp\> …
51789 …\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Opens the Table Design. Double-click a preview to insert a new table.…
51801 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\02160000.xhp 0 help par_id3159236 4 0 ast Sets the type of a
51809 …12 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD_LISTBOX_DLG_FIELD_MODIFY_LB_FORMAT\"\>Select a display format for t…
51813 …id=\".uno:InsertDateFieldVar\"\>Inserts the current date into your slide as a variable field. The …
51822 …ects\"\>Defines how the selected object behaves when you click on it during a slide show.\</ahelp\…
51824 …pecifies the action that will run when you click the selected object during a slide show.\</ahelp\…
51836 …ess\01\06070000.xhp 0 help par_id3148585 50 0 ast Jumps to a slide or a named object in a slide.…
51844 …ahelp hid=\"HID_CTL_ACTION_DLG_2\"\>Opens and displays a file during a slide show. If you select a
51848 …3150566 57 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:EDIT:TP_ANIMATION:EDT_DOCUMENT\"\>Enter a path to the file you…
51852 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\06070000.xhp 0 help par_id3155816 60 0 ast Plays a sound fil…
51856 …_id3155986 62 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:EDIT:TP_ANIMATION:EDT_SOUND\"\>Enter a path to the sound fi…
51863 …xt\simpress\01\06070000.xhp 0 help par_id3155357 79 0 ast Starts a program during a slide show. …
51866 …d3148918 81 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD_EDIT_TP_ANIMATION_EDT_PROGRAM\"\>Enter a path to the program …
51870 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\06070000.xhp 0 help par_id3153681 83 0 ast Runs a macro duri…
51873 …_id3148625 85 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD_EDIT_TP_ANIMATION_EDT_MACRO\"\>Enter a path to the macro yo…
51890 …56382 85 0 ast If you want to modify the line style or the arrow style of a dimension line, choo…
51918 …UNIT\"\>Shows or hides the dimension measurement units. You can also select a measurement unit you…
51924 …id=\".uno:InsertTimeFieldVar\"\>Inserts the current time into your slide as a variable field. The …
51927 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:DuplicatePage\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Inserts a copy of the current …
51930 …ar_id3150717 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ConvertInto3DLatheFast\"\>Creates a three-dimensional sh…
51937 …1.xhp 0 help par_id3150299 20 0 ast Select a paper format supported by your printer. You can als…
51939 …ormat \</emph\>box. If you selected the \<emph\>User \</emph\>format, enter a value for the width …
51941 …ormat \</emph\>box. If you selected the \<emph\>User \</emph\>format, enter a value for the height…
51948 …39 0 ast If your document uses more than one paper format, you can select a different tray for e…
51950 …xhp 0 help par_id3153037 4 0 ast Specify the distance between the edge of a printed page and the…
51966a page number to every slide, choose View - Master\<switchinline select=\"appl\"\>\<caseinline sel…
51970 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\animationeffect.xhp 0 help par_idN1055D 0 ast Adds a new an…
51979 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\animationeffect.xhp 0 help par_idN1058A 0 ast Select a moti…
51986 … \<variable id=\"animtext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:AnimationObjects\"\>Creates a custom animation on …
51989 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\06050000.xhp 0 help par_id3146316 4 0 ast Shows a preview of…
52014 …GEBUTTON_FLT_WIN_ANIMATION_BTN_GET_ONE_OBJECT\"\>Adds selected object(s) as a single image.\</ahel…
52018 …_OBJECTS\"\>Adds an image for each selected object.\</ahelp\> If you select a grouped object, an i…
52019 …are finished editing the animation, click \<emph\>Create\</emph\> to insert a new animation into y…
52035 …FLT_WIN_ANIMATION_RBT_GROUP\"\>Assembles images into a single object so that they can be moved as
52037 …p hid=\"SD_RADIOBUTTON_FLT_WIN_ANIMATION_RBT_BITMAP\"\>Combines images into a single image.\</ahel…
52053 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:LISTBOX:DLG_START_PRESENTATION:LB_CUSTOMSHOW\"\>Runs a custom slide show in…
52063 … repeated. If you enter zero, the show restarts immediately without showing a pause slide.\</ahelp…
52070 …X:DLG_START_PRESENTATION:CBX_MOUSEPOINTER\"\>Shows the mouse pointer during a slide show.\</ahelp\…
52072 …"SD:CHECKBOX:DLG_START_PRESENTATION:CBX_PEN\"\>Changes the mouse pointer to a pen which you can us…
52079 …ANGE_PAGE\"\>Advances to the next slide when you click on the background of a slide.\</ahelp\> …
52085 …ess\01\06080000.xhp 0 help par_id5168919 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a monitor to use for f…
52086 …\01\06080000.xhp 0 help par_id4846339 0 ast If the system allows to span a window over all avai…
52091 …cted object to a polygon, or a group of polygons.\</ahelp\> If the conversion creates a group of p…
52092 …\13050700.xhp 0 help par_id3155601 3 0 ast Once you convert a line or a text object to a contour…
52097 …ide titles with the keyboard, ensure that the cursor is at the beginning of a title and press \<it…
52098 …esponds to slide titles, and the lower levels correspond to the headings on a slides. 20200411 …
52106 …simpress\01\04990000.xhp 0 help par_id3145799 3 0 ast If you want to edit a field in your slide,…
52110 …xhp 0 help par_id3150767 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertRows\"\>Inserts a new row above the ac…
52111 …\04030000m.xhp 0 help par_id091620081118197 0 ast In the context menu of a cell, choose \<emph\…
52115 …nline select=\"IMPRESS\"\>Inserts a slide after the currently selected slide.\</caseinline\>\<defa…
52121 …ss\01\05100000.xhp 0 help par_id3150398 2 0 ast Lists available styles in a \<link href=\"text/s…
52123a style, the changes are automatically applied to all of the elements formatted with this style in…
52137 …ared/01/05140100.xhp\" name=\"Creates a new style\"\>Creates a new style\</link\> using the format…
52148 …xt\simpress\01\01180002.xhp 0 help par_id3155962 2 0 ast Defines a background for a single page …
52157 …impress\01\05120100.xhp 0 help par_id3154016 4 0 ast Select a design category, and then a templa…
52163 …id=\"SFX2_MOREBUTTON_DLG_NEW_FILE_BT_MORE\"\>Shows or hides a preview and the properties of a sele…
52165 …10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SFX2_CHECKBOX_DLG_NEW_FILE_BTN_PREVIEW\"\>Turns on a preview of the templ…
52167 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\05120100.xhp 0 help par_id3154485 12 0 ast Displays a previe…
52185 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"sd:CheckBox:RID_SD_DLG_MASTER_LAYOUT:CB_HEADER\"\>Adds a header placeholder t…
52187 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"sd:CheckBox:RID_SD_DLG_MASTER_LAYOUT:CB_DATE\"\>Adds a date/time placeholde…
52189 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"sd:CheckBox:RID_SD_DLG_MASTER_LAYOUT:CB_FOOTER\"\>Adds a footer placeholder t…
52191 …t \<ahelp hid=\"sd:CheckBox:RID_SD_DLG_MASTER_LAYOUT:CB_PAGE_NUMBER\"\>Adds a slide number placeho…
52195 … par_id3156385 3 0 ast This command is only available if the cursor is in a table. 20200411 1…
52206 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ChangeBezier\"\>Converts the selected object to a Bézier curve.\</ahel…
52231 …_AUTOMATIC\"\>Displays the date and time that the slide was created. Select a date format from the…
52245 …ahelp hid=\".uno:SummaryPage\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Creates a new slide that contains a bullete…
52251 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\05140000.xhp 0 help par_id3155738 4 0 ast Enter a name for t…
52252 …5140000.xhp 0 help par_id3149126 18 0 ast You can only change the name of a layer you created. …
52262 …ayer\"\>Renames the active layer.\</ahelp\> You can only change the name of a layer you created. …
52266a file into the active slide. You can insert $[officename] Draw or Impress files, or text from an …
52271 …id=\".uno:InsertTimeFieldFix\"\>Inserts the current time into your slide as a fixed field. The tim…
52274 …t \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ChangePolygon\"\>Converts the selected object to a polygon (a closed object b…
52276 …he following options are required to convert a bitmap image to a polygon. The converted image is a…
52280 … displayed in the converted image. $[officename] generates a polygon for each occurrence of a colo…
52284 …CKBOX:DLG_VECTORIZE:CB_FILLHOLES\"\>Fills the color gaps caused by applying a point reduction.\</a…
52298 …000.xhp 0 help par_id3155066 4 0 ast You can specify settings for running a slide show in \<link…
52299 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\03130000.xhp 0 help par_idN106CF 0 ast Specify whether a sl…
52300 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\03130000.xhp 0 help par_id3155960 3 0 ast To start a slide s…
52302 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\03130000.xhp 0 help par_id3150343 7 0 ast Right-click a slid…
52324 …\<caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\"\>The icon in the Presentation toolbar opens a submenu. Select the …
52330 …eycode\"\>Ctrl+Shift+F5\</item\> to open the Navigator when you are editing a presentation. 202…
52332 …NAVIGATOR_TBI_PEN\"\>Switches the mouse pointer to a pen that you can use to write on slides durin…
52352 …e active slide.\</ahelp\> You can only insert slides and named objects from a saved file. You can …
52360 …\simpress\01\02110000.xhp 0 help par_id3150713 29 0 ast Inserts slides as a hyperlink (\<link hr…
52362 …\simpress\01\02110000.xhp 0 help par_id3153747 33 0 ast Inserts slides as a \<link href=\"text/s…
52364 …\text\simpress\01\02110000.xhp 0 help par_id3149920 31 0 ast Inserts a copy of a slide or named …
52366 …e to display a list of all shapes or only the named shapes. Use drag-and-drop in the list to reord…
52368 … \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SD_NAVIGATOR_TLB\"\>Lists available slides. Double-click a slide to make it the…
52370 …ID_SD_NAVIGATOR_LB\"\>Lists available $[officename] files.\</ahelp\> Select a file to display the …
52374 …xhp 0 help par_id3154319 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ExpandPage\"\>Creates a new slide from every…
52375 …use the \<emph\>Expand Slide \</emph\>command if your slide layout contains a title object and an …
52395 …impress\01\02150000.xhp 0 help par_id3146971 11 0 ast $[officename] draws a series of intermedia…
52401 …elp\>For example, if the selected objects are filled with different colors, a color transition bet…
52403 …9 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:CHECKBOX:DLG_MORPH:CBX_ORIENTATION\"\>Applies a smooth transition be…
52411 …0 help par_idN1079C 0 ast More animations may be present, which run when a shape is shown. If a…
52415 …lp par_idN107AD 0 ast Column three shows a mouse icon if the animation is started by a mouse cl…
52452 … ast \<variable id=\"fangtext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:CapturePoint\"\>Inserts a snap point or snap l…
52453 …help par_id3145388 19 0 ast You can drag a snap line from the rulers and drop them on the page. …
52454 …\01\04030000.xhp 0 help par_id3153815 3 0 ast Draw or move an object near a snap point or snap l…
52457 …impress\01\04030000.xhp 0 help par_id3150533 6 0 ast Sets the position of a selected snap point …
52458 …030000.xhp 0 help par_id3153040 24 0 ast You can also drag a snap point or snap line to a new po…
52466 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:IMAGERADIOBUTTON:DLG_SNAPLINE:RB_POINT\"\>Inserts a snap point.\</ahelp\…
52468 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:IMAGERADIOBUTTON:DLG_SNAPLINE:RB_VERTICAL\"\>Inserts a vertical snap line.\…
52470 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:IMAGERADIOBUTTON:DLG_SNAPLINE:RB_HORIZONTAL\"\>Inserts a horizontal snap line…
52473 …ast \<variable id=\"neu\"\>\<ahelp hid=\"\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Creates a custom slide show.\<…
52474 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\06100100.xhp 0 help par_id3155379 3 0 ast Select a slide and…
52475 …the bottom of the \<emph\>Selected slides\</emph\> list. You need to select a slide in the \<emph\…
52476 …FINE_CUSTOMSHOW_BTN_REMOVE\"\>Removes a slide from the \<emph\>Selected slides \</emph\>list. You …
52478 …e\"\>Displays the name of the custom slide show. If you want, you can enter a new name.\</ahelp\> …
52485 …\"\>Displays the \<emph\>Slide Design\</emph\> dialog, where you can select a layout scheme for th…
52487 …93 4 0 ast Displays the slide designs you can apply to your slide. Select a design and click \<e…
52497 …".uno:Dia\"\>Defines the special effect that plays when you display a slide during a slide show.\<…
52512 …idN10744 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to advance to the next slide on a mouse click.\</ahelp…
52514 …10751 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select to advance to the next slide after a number of seconds. E…
52518 …_idN1076B 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Shows the current slide transition as a preview.\</ahelp\> …
52525 …1\05250000.xhp 0 help par_id3149259 2 0 ast Changes the stacking order of a selected object. …
52530 …press\01\02130000.xhp 0 help par_id3150208 8 0 ast In the context menu of a slide or page you fi…
52540 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3147435 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Dismantle\"\>Splits a \<link href=\"text/s…
52551 …uplizieren\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:CopyObjects\"\>Makes one or more copies of a selected object. \</…
52558 …120000.xhp 0 help par_id3150860 6 0 ast Sets the position and rotation of a duplicate object wit…
52564 …ject. Positive values rotate the duplicate object in a clockwise direction and negative values in
52566 …t\simpress\01\02120000.xhp 0 help par_id3156065 14 0 ast Sets the size of a duplicate object. …
52572 …ou make more than one copy, these colors define the start and end points of a color gradient. 2…
52574 …55987 22 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:LISTBOX:DLG_COPY:LB_START_COLOR\"\>Choose a color for the select…
52576 …3147167 24 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SD:LISTBOX:DLG_COPY:LB_END_COLOR\"\>Choose a color for the duplic…
52579 …reates a line or Bézier curve by connecting two or more lines, Bézier curves, or other objects wit…
52582 …ected objects into a single shape.\</ahelp\>Unlike \<link href=\"text/shared/01/05290000.xhp\" nam…
52592 … help par_id1977294 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Opens a submenu with command…
52595 …3257545 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Opens a file dialog to select a picture.…
52613 helpcontent2 source\text\simpress\01\13170000.xhp 0 help par_id3153726 3 0 ast You cannot apply a
52631 …WIN_SUMME\"\>Inserts the sum of a cell range into the current cell, or inserts sum values into sel…
52634 …name] automatically suggests a cell range, provided that the spreadsheet contains data. If the cel…
52656 …000.xhp\" name=\"Function Wizard\"\>Function Wizard\</link\> icon to insert a predefined function …
52659 …st \<variable id=\"thementext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:ChooseDesign\"\>Applies a formatting style to …
52709 …00.xhp 0 help par_id3151245 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_INSWIN_FUNC\"\>Adds a formula to the curre…
52716 …elected cells, or the name of the area. You can also select a range of cells, and then type a name…
52719 …c\02\06010000.xhp 0 help par_id3152596 6 0 ast To jump to a particular cell, or to select a cell…
52732 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3149260 5 0 ast You can also enter a percentage sign (%) after a number in a
52786 …scalc\00\00000402.xhp 0 help par_id3155306 18 0 ast Open context menu for a sheet tab 2020041…
52788 …scalc\00\00000402.xhp 0 help par_id3148645 19 0 ast Open context menu for a sheet tab 2020041…
52799 … "optional" can be left out only when no parameter follows. For example, in a function with four p…
52940 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3155067 3 0 ast To fill a selected ce…
52941 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3153967 84 0 ast To create a matrix i…
52942 …help par_id3166426 4 0 ast To select multiple cells in different areas of a sheet, hold down \<s…
52943a spreadsheet, hold down \<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline select=\"MAC\"\>Command\</cas…
52944 …calc\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3166432 129 0 ast To insert a manual line break in a cell, cli…
52945 …e cell you want to delete. To delete the contents of selected cells without a dialog, press the Ba…
52966 …irection of the arrow pressed. If used to select rows and columns together, a rectangular cell ran…
52978 …the previous sheet to the current selection of sheets. If all the sheets in a spreadsheet are sele…
52980 …dds the next sheet to the current selection of sheets. If all the sheets in a spreadsheet are sele…
52983 …4847 98 0 ast Selects the data range that contains the cursor. A range is a contiguous cell rang…
52991 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\04\01020000.xhp 0 help hd_id3155825 99 0 ast Enter (in a selected …
52992 …0000.xhp 0 help par_id3153935 100 0 ast Moves the cursor down one cell in a selected range. To s…
53003 …help par_id3153108 179 0 ast If the cursor is in an input box in a dialog that has a \<emph\>Min…
53007 …ast Moves the cursor to the \<emph\>Input line\</emph\> where you can enter a formula for the curr…
53037 …Opens the \<emph\>Styles and Formatting\</emph\> window where you can apply a formatting style to …
53039 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3145209 49 0 ast Creates a document t…
53120 …You can define your own functions using the Basic-IDE. This method requires a basic knowledge of p…
53125a \<item type=\"literal\"\>VOL(a; b; c)\</item\> function that calculates the volume of a rectangu…
53127 …ed in the default module and is now available. If you apply the function in a Calc document that i…
53128 …uide\userdefined_function.xhp 0 help hd_id3147340 18 0 ast Copying a Function To a Document 2…
53130 …p par_id3154022 20 0 ast If you want to copy the user-defined function to a Calc document: 20…
53138 …calc\guide\userdefined_function.xhp 0 help hd_id3153305 12 0 ast Applying a User-defined Functio…
53139 … 13 0 ast Once you have defined the function \<item type=\"literal\"\>VOL(a; b; c)\</item\> in t…
53140 …p par_id3148606 14 0 ast Open a Calc document and enter numbers for the function parameters \<it…
53147 …parated values (CSV) files are text files that contain the cell contents of a single sheet. Commas…
53148 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\csv_formula.xhp 0 help hd_id3150715 15 0 ast To Import a CSV…
53150 …he format "Text CSV". Select the file and click \<emph\>Open\</emph\>. When a file has the .csv ex…
53154 …formula.xhp 0 help par_id3150342 4 0 ast Click the sheet to be written as a csv file. 2020041…
53161 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\csv_formula.xhp 0 help par_id3157978 13 0 ast Enter a name a…
53172 … 0 help par_id3150439 3 0 ast If, for example, you want to write H20 with a subscript 2, select …
53182 …p 0 help par_idN106D7 0 ast AutoFill automatically generates a data series based on a defined p…
53183 …c\guide\calc_series.xhp 0 help par_id3154319 7 0 ast On a sheet, click in a cell, and type a num…
53187 …_idN106EE 0 ast To quickly create a list of consecutive days, enter \<item type=\"literal\"\>Mo…
53191 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\calc_series.xhp 0 help par_idN10713 0 ast Using a Defined S…
53195 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\calc_series.xhp 0 help par_idN10731 0 ast If you select a \…
53196 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\calc_series.xhp 0 help par_idN1073C 0 ast If you select a \…
53197 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\calc_series.xhp 0 help par_idN10747 0 ast If you select a \…
53202 …t_createtable.xhp 0 help par_id3156023 8 0 ast Position the cursor within a range of cells conta…
53205a button to the \<emph\>Page Fields\</emph\> area to create a button and a listbox on top of the g…
53206 …button is dropped in the \<emph\>Data Fields\</emph\> area it will be given a caption that also sh…
53208 …</item\> dialog to select the calculations to be used for the data. To make a multiple selection, …
53209 …0 ast The order of the buttons can be changed at any time by moving them to a different position i…
53210 …calc\guide\datapilot_createtable.xhp 0 help par_id3153714 14 0 ast Remove a button by dragging i…
53212 …g by pressing OK. A \<emph\>Filter\</emph\> button will now be inserted, or a page button for ever…
53216 …\scalc\guide\print_details.xhp 0 help par_id3153728 2 0 ast When printing a sheet you can select…
53235 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\calc_date.xhp 0 help par_id3150750 13 0 ast In a spreadsheet…
53237 …sult should show the difference between two dates as a number of days, you must format cell A3 as
53238 …p par_id3155335 53 0 ast Place the cursor in cell A3, right-click to open a context menu and cho…
53239 …l", which causes the result of a calculation containing date entries to be displayed as a date. To…
53246 …\<defaultinline\>Ctrl\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\>+Enter keys inserts a manual line break. T…
53254 …ula_copy.xhp 0 help par_id3156424 11 0 ast There are various ways to copy a formula. One suggest…
53259 …xhp 0 help par_id3149961 34 0 ast If you want to copy a formula into multiple cells, there is a
53261 …ll, and continue holding down the mouse button until the pointer changes to a cross-hair symbol. …
53268 …nd advanced filters allow you to work on certain filtered rows (records) of a data range. In the s…
53269 …ion is to quickly restrict the display to records with identical entries in a data field. 20200…
53270 … can use the standard filter to connect the conditions with either a logical AND or a logical OR o…
53271 …p par_id3150010 5 0 ast The \<emph\>Advanced filter\</emph\> allows up to a total of eight filte…
53272 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\filters.xhp 0 help par_id9384746 0 ast To remove a filter, …
53273 …help par_idN10663 0 ast When you select multiple rows from an area where a filter was applied, …
53274 …ide Rows\</emph\> command. Manually hidden rows are deleted when you delete a selection that conta…
53278 … can format numbers as text in $[officename] Calc. Open the context menu of a cell or range of cel…
53280a number directly as text, enter an apostrophe (') first. For example, for years in column heading…
53285 …mulas in several ways: using the icons, or by typing on the keyboard, or by a mixture of both meth…
53291 … 0 ast You can also press the + or - key on the numerical keyboard to start a formula. NumLock mus…
53294 …c\guide\formula_enter.xhp 0 help par_id3155764 6 0 ast If you are editing a formula with referen…
53295 …"tip\"\>If you would like to view the calculation of individual elements of a formula, select the …
53303a formula to refer to the cell range \<item type=\"literal\"\>B3\</item\> to \<item type=\"literal…
53305a name to be automatically recognized by Calc, the name must start with a letter and be composed o…
53309 …/image\> in the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Formatting\</item\> bar to format a number, the cell is …
53310 …e=\"productname\"\>%PRODUCTNAME\</item\> Calc document is loaded by a user who uses a different de…
53311 …\<item type=\"productname\"\>%PRODUCTNAME\</item\> Calc you can define that a number that you have…
53313 … and you are using a german locale setting, the currency format will be "1.234,00 €". A point is u…
53320 …calc\guide\cell_enter.xhp 0 help hd_id5621509 0 ast To Enter Values Into a Range of Cells Manua…
53321 …ar_id8200018 0 ast There are two features that assist you when you enter a block of data manual…
53323 …t\scalc\guide\cell_enter.xhp 0 help par_id7908871 0 ast In the row below a heading row, you can…
53330 …\scalc\guide\cell_enter.xhp 0 help hd_id8950163 0 ast To Enter Values to a Range of Cells Autom…
53338 …3145271 57 0 ast In the formula, an entire 24-hour day has a value of 1 and one hour has a value…
53353 …elp par_id3153192 0 ast You can use filters to remove unwanted data from a pivot table. 2020…
53355 … par_id315044199 0 ast You can also click the arrow on a button in the pivot table to show a po…
53356 … window displays a list of field members associated with that field. A check box is placed to the …
53357 …ot_filtertable.xhp 0 help par_id0720201001344449 0 ast Enable or disable a checkbox to show or …
53359 …ide\datapilot_filtertable.xhp 0 help par_id0720201001344431 0 ast Select a field member in the …
53360 …ide\datapilot_filtertable.xhp 0 help par_id0720201001344484 0 ast Select a field member in the …
53361 …ou to sort the field members in ascending order, descending order, or using a custom sort list. …
53363 …d contains one or more hidden field members, the arrow is blue and displays a tiny square at its l…
53368 …_view.xhp 0 help par_id3153192 2 0 ast To hide column and line headers in a table: 20200411 1…
53375 …er in a row beneath the headers. Horizontally arranged data in a row will always be logically conn…
53376 …ide\specialfilter.xhp 0 help par_id3153142 20 0 ast Once you have created a filter matrix, selec…
53379 …lter.xhp 0 help par_id3147427 23 0 ast Load a spreadsheet with a large number of records. We are…
53423 …m type=\"literal\"\>January\</item\> in the \<emph\>Month\</emph\> cells OR a value of under 16000…
53428 …atapilot_deletetable.xhp 0 help par_id3154014 32 0 ast In order to delete a pivot table, click a…
53432 … Calc)\</emph\> import filter, you can insert tables from HTML documents in a Calc spreadsheet. …
53433 …4 0 ast You can use the same method to insert ranges defined by name from a Calc or Microsoft Ex…
53438 …t. Press Enter when finished. Click the \<emph\>...\</emph\> button to open a file selection dialo…
53457a spreadsheet. In %PRODUCTNAME Base, a dBASE database is a folder that contains files with the .db…
53458 …scalc\guide\dbase_files.xhp 0 help par_idN10759 0 ast To Import a dBASE File Into a Spreadsheet…
53464 …\guide\dbase_files.xhp 0 help par_idN10777 0 ast The dBASE file opens as a new Calc spreadsheet…
53465 …preadsheet as a dBASE file, do not alter or delete the first row in the imported file. This row co…
53466 …scalc\guide\dbase_files.xhp 0 help par_idN1077A 0 ast To Import a dBASE File Into a Database Ta…
53467 …0 help par_idN1076C 0 ast A %PRODUCTNAME Base database table is actually a link to an existing …
53469 …<emph\>File name\</emph\> box of the \<emph\>Save As\</emph\> dialog, enter a name for the databas…
53476 …t\scalc\guide\dbase_files.xhp 0 help par_idN107F1 0 ast To Save a Spreadsheet as a dBASE File …
53479 …hp 0 help par_idN107F9 0 ast In the \<emph\>File name\</emph\> box, type a name for the dBASE f…
53485 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\borders.xhp 0 help par_id2320017 0 ast You can apply a vari…
53486 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\borders.xhp 0 help par_id8055665 0 ast Select the cell or a
53497 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\borders.xhp 0 help par_id3509933 0 ast Cells in a column …
53498 …=\"1.2602in\" height=\"1.5937in\"\>\<alt id=\"alt_id1680959\"\>borders with a column selected\</al…
53499 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\borders.xhp 0 help par_id8073366 0 ast Cells in a row 20…
53500 …=\"1.2602in\" height=\"1.5937in\"\>\<alt id=\"alt_id9623096\"\>borders with a row selected\</alt\>…
53501 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\borders.xhp 0 help par_id466322 0 ast Cells in a block of 2…
53502 …=\"1.2602in\" height=\"1.5937in\"\>\<alt id=\"alt_id8139591\"\>borders with a block selected\</alt…
53510 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\borders.xhp 0 help par_id622577 0 ast Select a block of abo…
53518 …guide\borders.xhp 0 help par_id8004699 0 ast Repeatedly click an edge or a corner to switch thr…
53524 … cells. The line is shown as a dotted line when you choose the 0.05 pt line style. Double lines ar…
53532 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\borders.xhp 0 help par_id4230780 0 ast Select a single cell…
53533 …ers.xhp 0 help par_id1712393 0 ast Click the lower edge to set a very thin line as a lower bord…
53534 …width=\"1.2602in\" height=\"1.1252in\"\>\<alt id=\"alt_id9467452\"\>setting a thin lower border\</…
53535 … 0 help par_id5759453 0 ast Choose a thicker line style and click the lower edge. This sets a t…
53536 …1.2602in\" height=\"1.1252in\"\>\<alt id=\"alt_id7431562\"\>setting a thick line as a border\</alt…
53537 …he left to set all four borders. Then repeatedly click the lower edge until a white line is shown.…
53544 …0 ast For each cell, you can define entries to be valid. Invalid entries to a cell will be rejecte…
53545 …y rule is activated when a new value is entered. If an invalid value has already been inserted int…
53548 … help par_id3155959 6 0 ast Select the cells for which you want to define a new validity rule. …
53552 …ws date information both in the local date format as well as in the form of a \<link href=\"text/s…
53553 …alc\guide\validity.xhp 0 help par_id9224829 0 ast Select "List" to enter a list of valid entrie…
53559 … help par_id3150033 19 0 ast Select "Warning" or "Information" to display a dialog in which the …
53560 …t "Macro", then by using the \<emph\>Browse\</emph\> button you can specify a macro to be run in t…
53562 …\validity.xhp 0 help par_id3148586 21 0 ast After changing the action for a cell on the \<emph\>…
53569 …ntered directly as in a text document. But cells can also contain text or numbers as the result of…
53571 …cify in the Find & Replace dialog either to find the parts of a formula or the results of a calcul…
53577 …be formatted in different ways. For example, a number can be formatted as a currency, to be displa…
53583 …g.xhp 0 help par_id2394482 0 ast If you closed the dialog, you can press a key combination (\<s…
53585 …n your entry. Now you can for example set all found cells to bold, or apply a Cell Style to all at…
53593 …\scalc\guide\print_title_row.xhp 0 help par_id3154014 2 0 ast If you have a sheet that is so lar…
53601 …_title_row.xhp 0 help par_id3155443 14 0 ast If you also want column A as a column to repeat, cl…
53611 …me\"\>%PRODUCTNAME\</item\> Calc you can protect sheets and the document as a whole. You can choos…
53612 …0 ast Protection can be provided by means of a password, but it does not have to be. If you have a…
53614a sheet to another file format, a user may be able to surpass the protection features. There is on…
53619 …ph\>Protected\</emph\> to prevent changes to the contents and the format of a cell. 20200411 1…
53626 …\scalc\guide\cell_protect.xhp 0 help par_idN106CF 0 ast (Optional) Enter a password. 2020041…
53627 …t cells from accidental changes, set the sheet protection, but do not enter a password. 2020041…
53639 …_fix.xhp 0 help par_id3147345 8 0 ast If you want to print a certain row on all pages of a docum…
53646 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\year2000.xhp 0 help par_id3151116 17 0 ast The year in a dat…
53647 …] - General\</emph\> you can define the century that is used when you enter a year with only two d…
53648 …e\year2000.xhp 0 help par_id3150010 20 0 ast This means that if you enter a date of 1/1/30 or hi…
53655 …c\guide\auto_off.xhp 0 help par_id3154730 5 0 ast When making an entry in a cell, $[officename] …
53688 …n select a named range in which the pivot table is to be created, from the \<emph\>Results to\</em…
53695 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\cellreferences_url.xhp 0 help par_id3152993 39 0 ast In a $[…
53700 …es_url.xhp 0 help par_id3157979 44 0 ast The contents will be inserted as a link in the $[office…
53707 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\datapilot_grouping.xhp 0 help par_idN10667 0 ast Select a c…
53709 …par_idN1066E 0 ast Depending on the format of the selected cells, either a new group field is a…
53710 …ping.xhp 0 help par_id3328653 0 ast The pivot table must be organized in a way that grouping ca…
53711 …t\scalc\guide\datapilot_grouping.xhp 0 help par_idN10682 0 ast To remove a grouping, click insi…
53715a comment to each cell by choosing \<link href=\"text/shared/01/04050000.xhp\" name=\"Insert - Com…
53718 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\note_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3149958 35 0 ast To edit a perm…
53722 …lc\guide\note_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3150715 39 0 ast To display a help tip for a selected cell…
53727 …lc\guide\format_table.xhp 0 help hd_id3153912 13 0 ast Formatting Text in a Spreadsheet 2020…
53730 …guide\format_table.xhp 0 help hd_id3149899 16 0 ast Formatting Numbers in a Spreadsheet 20200…
53734 …scalc\guide\format_table.xhp 0 help par_id3154733 20 0 ast You can assign a format to any group …
53736 …ground\</item\> is only visible in print or in the page preview. To display a background image on …
53742 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\multitables.xhp 0 help hd_id3148576 10 0 ast Inserting a She…
53743 … 0 ast Choose \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Insert - Sheet\</item\> to insert a new sheet or an exis…
53744 …id05092009140203598 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Opens a dialog box where you…
53745 …3523 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Opens a window where you can assign a color…
53751 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\multitables.xhp 0 help hd_id3155600 12 0 ast Undoing a Selec…
53752 …de\multitables.xhp 0 help par_id3146969 13 0 ast To undo the selection of a sheet, click its she…
53754 …multitables.xhp 0 help par_id3155333 16 0 ast You can refer to a range of sheets in a formula by…
53766 …ght\</emph\> and \<emph\>Optimal row height\</emph\>. Choosing either opens a dialog. 20200411 …
53773 …alc/guide/database_define.xhp\" name=\"Defining Database Ranges\"\>Defining a Database Range\</lin…
53774a range of cells in a spreadsheet to use as a database. Each row in this database range correspond…
53775 …ase_define.xhp 0 help par_id3145801 82 0 ast You can only edit and access a database range in th…
53776 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\database_define.xhp 0 help par_idN10648 0 ast To define a d…
53777 …r_id3155064 41 0 ast Select the range of cells that you want to define as a database range. 2…
53779 …xhp 0 help par_id3153715 72 0 ast In the \<emph\>Name\</emph\> box, enter a name for the databas…
53786 …ast You can select adjacent cells, then merge them into a single cell. Conversely, you can take a
53787 …llmerge.xhp 0 help par_id0509200913480176 0 ast When you copy cells into a target range contain…
53797 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\mark_cells.xhp 0 help hd_id3145272 2 0 ast Select a rectangu…
53799 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\mark_cells.xhp 0 help hd_id3151119 4 0 ast Mark a single cel…
53802 …rk_cells.xhp 0 help par_id3149959 5 0 ast Pressing the mouse button, drag a range across two cel…
53814 … 0 ast A mouse click marks a rectangular range from the current cell to the cell you clicked. Al…
53816 …lp par_id3154368 17 0 ast A mouse click in a cell adds it to the already marked cells. A mouse c…
53821 …st Sort lists allow you to type one piece of information in a cell, then drag it to fill in a cons…
53822 …e on the lower right corner of the cell border. Then drag the selected cell a few cells to the rig…
53824 … also create your own lists of text strings tailored to your needs, such as a list of your company…
53829 …mbiguous conversion is possible. If no conversion is possible, Calc returns a #VALUE! error. 20…
53842 …de\numbers_text.xhp 0 help par_id0908200901265467 0 ast If a date is given, it must be a valid …
53843 …265420 0 ast If only a time string is given, it may have an hours value of more than 24, while …
53844 …, so SUM(A1:A2) differs from A1+A2 if at least one of the two cells contain a convertible string. …
53853 …le_minusvalue.xhp 0 help par_id3153878 33 0 ast You can format cells with a number format that h…
53855 …0 help par_id3146969 35 0 ast On the \<emph\>Numbers\</emph\> tab, select a number format and ma…
53856 …ist after clicking the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Add\</item\> icon, this is a valid entry. 2020…
53857 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\cellreferences.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Referencing a Cell in A…
53860 …de\cellreferences.xhp 0 help par_id9663075 0 ast In a sheet cell you can show a reference to a
53861 … In the same way, a reference can also be made to a cell from another document provided that this …
53862 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\cellreferences.xhp 0 help hd_id7122409 0 ast To Reference a
53863 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\cellreferences.xhp 0 help par_id2078005 0 ast Open a new, e…
53866 …ottom of the spreadsheet. Set the cursor in cell A1 there and enter text or a number. 20200411 …
53868 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\cellreferences.xhp 0 help hd_id9209570 0 ast To Reference a
53870a new spreadsheet document. Set the cursor in the cell where you want to insert the external data …
53873a cell of another document contains the name of the other document in single inverted commas, then…
53875a range of cells, $[officename] automatically inserts the corresponding references in the adjacent…
53876 …t it is written as a \<link href=\"text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#url\" name=\"URL\"\>URL\</link\>. T…
53881a planning tool for "what if" questions. In your spreadsheet, you enter a formula to calculate a r…
53884 …fixed costs of $10,000 per year. How much profit will you make in a year if you sell a particular …
53917a text file format that you can use to exchange data from a database or a spreadsheet between appl…
53918 …de\csv_files.xhp 0 help par_idN10886 0 ast If the field or cell contains a comma, the field or …
53919 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\csv_files.xhp 0 help par_idN10890 0 ast To Open a Text CSV …
53922 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\csv_files.xhp 0 help par_idN108A2 0 ast If the file has a *…
53928 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\csv_files.xhp 0 help par_id8444166 0 ast Right-click a colu…
53931 …e\text\scalc\guide\csv_files.xhp 0 help par_idN108FA 0 ast To Save a Sheet as a Text CSV File …
53932 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\csv_files.xhp 0 help par_idN106FC 0 ast When you export a s…
53933 …p 0 help par_idN10901 0 ast Open the Calc sheet that you want to save as a Text CSV file. 20…
53936 …915 0 ast In the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>File name\</item\> box, enter a name for the file. …
53955 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\printranges.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Using Print Ranges on a Sp…
53957 …>\<link href=\"text/scalc/guide/printranges.xhp\"\>Defining Print Ranges on a Sheet\</link\> \</va…
53958 …ges.xhp 0 help par_idN108F5 0 ast You can define which range of cells on a spreadsheet to print…
53959 …ge are not printed or exported. Sheets without a defined print range are not printed and not expor…
53960 …that do not contain a defined print range are printed. The same behavior occurs when you export th…
53961 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\printranges.xhp 0 help par_idN108FE 0 ast To Define a Print…
53964 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\printranges.xhp 0 help par_idN10910 0 ast To Add Cells to a
53967 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\printranges.xhp 0 help par_idN10922 0 ast To Clear a Print …
53970 …page break regions are outlined by a blue border and contain a centered page number in gray. Nonpr…
53971 …efine a new page break region, drag the border to a new location. When you define a new page break…
53974 …e click the percentage value on the \<emph\>Status\</emph\> bar, and select a new zoom factor. …
53976 …p 0 help par_idN10944 0 ast To change the size of a print range, drag a border of the range to
53977 …ntranges.xhp 0 help par_id3151075 12 0 ast To delete a manual page break that is contained in a
53978 …scalc\guide\printranges.xhp 0 help par_idN10948 0 ast To clear a print range, drag a border of …
53984 …\scalc\guide\print_exact.xhp 0 help par_id3153771 2 0 ast If a sheet is too large for a single p…
53994 …d as A1. You can address a range of adjacent cells by first entering the coordinates of the upper …
53995 …p par_id3154730 5 0 ast By addressing an area in this way, you are making a relative reference t…
53998 …elative to absolute and vice versa by pressing Shift +F4. If you start with a relative address suc…
53999 …fficename] Calc shows the references to a formula. If, for example you click the formula =SUM(A1:C…
54001a relative reference? Assume you want to calculate in cell E1 the sum of the cells in range A1:B2.…
54002a new column A, the formula =SUM(A1:B2) will be automatically updated to =SUM(B1:C2). Row numbers …
54003 …e used when a calculation refers to one specific cell in your sheet. If a formula that refers to e…
54009a different position in the same row you can alter the order of the columns. If you drag a button …
54010a button to the \<emph\>Page Fields\</emph\> area to create a button and a listbox on top of the p…
54011a button from the table, just drag it out of the pivot table. Release the mouse button when the m…
54012 …dittable.xhp 0 help par_id3156442 40 0 ast To edit the pivot table, click a cell inside the pivo…
54022 …r_id3147345 8 0 ast From the \<emph\>Source data area\</emph\> box select a source cell range to…
54023 …the \<emph\>Source data area\</emph\>. A blinking text cursor appears. Type a reference for the fi…
54026 …157983 12 0 ast Specify where you want to display the result by selecting a target range from th…
54028 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\consolidate.xhp 0 help par_id3153813 14 0 ast Select a funct…
54034 …o the identical position of the cell in the range, but instead according to a matching row label o…
54036 …l does not match any that exist in the target range, it will be appended as a new row or column. …
54037 …nd target range will be saved when you save the document. If you later open a document in which co…
54042 … can be added to an existing formula in a cell. For example, together with the CURRENT function, y…
54043 …xhp 0 help par_id3151385 15 0 ast If you would like to apply a formula to all cells in a selecte…
54047 …calc\guide\cellstyle_by_formula.xhp 0 help par_id3153770 19 0 ast ".*" is a regular expression t…
54049 …rch for\</emph\> field. The line must begin with an equal sign, since it is a formula. It is assum…
54056 …xhp 0 help par_id3154013 2 0 ast In $[officename] Calc, there is a way to "rotate" a spreadsheet…
54066 …hp\" name=\"Using AutoFormat for Tables\"\>Applying Automatic Formatting to a Selected Cell Range\…
54067 … 12 0 ast You can use the AutoFormat feature to quickly apply a format to a sheet or a selected …
54068 …guide\autoformat.xhp 0 help par_idN10702 0 ast To Apply an AutoFormat to a Sheet or Selected Ce…
54076 …t\scalc\guide\autoformat.xhp 0 help par_id3148868 26 0 ast You can define a new AutoFormat that …
54077 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\autoformat.xhp 0 help par_id3152985 23 0 ast Format a sheet.…
54081 …mph\>Name\</emph\> box of the \<emph\>Add AutoFormat\</emph\> dialog, enter a name for the format.…
54087 …cument or in a different document. The cells can be inserted as a copy, link, or hyperlink. The ra…
54093 …ode\</emph\> icon in Navigator, choose whether you want the reference to be a hyperlink, link, or …
54095 ….xhp 0 help par_id3149565 24 0 ast This method can also be used to insert a range from another s…
54102 …\text\scalc\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help par_id3154319 11 0 ast In a text box that has a button to …
54113 …\scalc\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help hd_id3147343 8 0 ast Selecting a Drawing Object or a Graphic …
54122 …int_landscape.xhp 0 help par_id3149257 2 0 ast In order to print a sheet you have a number of in…
54132 …ne\>\<defaultinline\>Ctrl\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> while clicking a sheet name you can c…
54139 … \<link href=\"text/scalc/guide/printranges.xhp\"\>Defining Print Ranges on a Sheet\</link\> 20…
54143 …ditions per cell, which must be met in order for the selected cells to have a particular format. …
54144 …led. Choose \<emph\>Tools - Cell Contents - AutoCalculate\</emph\> (you see a check mark next to t…
54147 …0 help par_id3154490 27 0 ast Select the cells to which you want to apply a conditional style. …
54152 … to give certain values in your tables particular emphasis. For example, in a table of turnovers, …
54153 …onditional.xhp 0 help par_id3155337 40 0 ast First of all, write a table in which a few differen…
54154 … 0 ast In one of the cells enter the formula =RAND(), and you will obtain a random number betwee…
54155 …_conditional.xhp 0 help par_id3149258 42 0 ast Copy the formula to create a row of random number…
54158 …e_conditional.xhp 0 help par_id3154659 45 0 ast The next step is to apply a cell style to all va…
54159 …lc\guide\cellstyle_conditional.xhp 0 help par_id3150883 46 0 ast Click in a blank cell and selec…
54160 …Format Cells\</emph\> dialog on the \<emph\>Background\</emph\> tab, select a background color. Cl…
54162 … define a second style, click again in a blank cell and proceed as described above. Assign a diffe…
54164 …e are calculating the average of the random values. The result is placed in a cell: 20200411 15…
54165 …cellstyle_conditional.xhp 0 help par_id3144768 52 0 ast Set the cursor in a blank cell, for exam…
54185 …c saves all the sheets of a Calc document together as an HTML document. At the beginning of the HT…
54189 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\html_doc.xhp 0 help par_id3154729 7 0 ast Enter a \<emph\>Fi…
54200 …tapilot.xhp 0 help par_id3145069 9 0 ast A table that has been created as a \<link href=\"text/s…
54204 …et1" to "Sheet3", in each new spreadsheet. You can switch between sheets in a spreadsheet using th…
54214 …ide\cell_unprotect.xhp 0 help par_id3145171 17 0 ast If you have assigned a password, enter it i…
54219 …lp par_id3147427 7 0 ast The \<emph\>AutoFilter\</emph\> function inserts a combo box on one or …
54223 … row numbers. The column that has been used for the filter is identified by a different color for …
54224 …16589 0 ast When you apply an additional AutoFilter on another column of a filtered data range,…
54225 …menuitem\"\>Standard Filter\</item\> dialog appears, allowing you to set up a standard filter. Cho…
54227 … To assign different AutoFilters to different sheets, you must first define a database range on ea…
54228a sum of an entire column will also total the values in the filtered cells. Apply the \<link href=…
54236 …t Parentheses can also be used. The result of the formula =(1+2)*3 produces a different result tha…
54237 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\formulas.xhp 0 help par_id3156285 23 0 ast Here are a few ex…
54247 …ates the effective interest for 5% annual nominal interest with 12 payments a year. 20200411 15…
54258 …e\cellcopy.xhp 0 help par_id3148577 2 0 ast Assume you have hidden a few rows in a cell range. N…
54259 …ast $[officename] behavior depends on how the cells were made invisible, by a filter or manually. …
54263 …e\cellcopy.xhp 0 help par_id3150044 7 0 ast Copy, delete, move, or format a selection of current…
54266 …\cellcopy.xhp 0 help par_id3152990 13 0 ast Copy, delete, move, or format a selection of current…
54271 …de\design.xhp 0 help par_id3145786 13 0 ast $[officename] Calc comes with a predefined set of fo…
54272 …t be modified. However, you can modify their styles after you apply them to a spreadsheet. 2020…
54273a sheet with a theme, you have to apply at least one custom cell style to the cells on the sheet. …
54274a custom cell style to a cell, you can open the Styles and Formatting window and, in its lower lis…
54275 …\text\scalc\guide\design.xhp 0 help par_id3153963 19 0 ast To apply a theme to a spreadsheet: …
54285 …agdrop.xhp 0 help par_id2760093 0 ast When you drag-and-drop a selection of cells on a Calc she…
54290 …he number of horizontal or vertical cells in the moved area, if you move to a different sheet. …
54292 …switchinline\>+Shift keys while you release the mouse button to insert a copy or a link, respectiv…
54308 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\integer_leading_zero.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Entering a Number…
54310 …/scalc/guide/integer_leading_zero.xhp\" name=\"Entering a Number with Leading Zeros\"\>Entering a
54311 …id3153194 55 0 ast There are various ways to enter integers starting with a zero: 20200411 15…
54313a cell with a number format such as \<item type=\"input\"\>\\0000\</item\>. This format can be ass…
54314 …ng_zero.xhp 0 help par_id3153158 58 0 ast If you want to apply a numerical format to a column of…
54327 … 0 help par_id3150868 3 0 ast Select the cells to which you want to apply a new, user-defined fo…
54353a set of cell values that can be used within your calculations. You assign a name to every scenari…
54355 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\scenario.xhp 0 help par_id3154704 16 0 ast To create a scena…
54358 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\scenario.xhp 0 help par_id3166426 19 0 ast Enter a name for …
54364 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\scenario.xhp 0 help par_id1243629 0 ast Double-click a scen…
54365 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\scenario.xhp 0 help par_id9044770 0 ast To delete a scenari…
54366 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\scenario.xhp 0 help par_id3674123 0 ast To edit a scenario,…
54367 …rio.xhp 0 help par_id3424481 0 ast To hide the border of a set of cells that are part of a scen…
54377 …3145171 2 0 ast With the help of Goal Seek you can calculate a value that, as part of a formula,…
54379 …xhp 0 help par_id3150871 4 0 ast To calculate annual interest (I), create a table with the value…
54381 …m type=\"literal\"\>C\</item\> would have to be modified in order to attain a particular return \<…
54399 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\format_value.xhp 0 help par_id3148576 5 0 ast Enter a number…
54402a selection of predefined number formats. In the bottom right in the dialog you will see a preview…
54416 …ground.xhp 0 help par_id9520249 0 ast You can define a background color or use a graphic as a b…
54417 …alc\guide\background.xhp 0 help hd_id3144760 16 0 ast Applying a Background Color to a $[officen…
54424 …- To Background\</emph\> command to place this in the background. To select a graphic that has bee…
54432 …ph\>Rename Sheet\</emph\> command. A dialog box appears where you can enter a new name. 2020041…
54433 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\rename_table.xhp 0 help par_id3149260 15 0 ast Enter a new n…
54445a sheet name has to be enclosed in single quotes ' if the name contains other characters than alph…
54449 … The name of a sheet is independent of the name of the spreadsheet. You enter the spreadsheet name…
54453 …\calculate.xhp 0 help par_id3146120 0 ast The following is an example of a calculation in $[off…
54454 …t\scalc\guide\calculate.xhp 0 help par_id3153951 0 ast Click in a cell, and type a number 20…
54460 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\calculate.xhp 0 help par_id3154253 0 ast Type in a formula,…
54463 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\calculate.xhp 0 help par_id3155378 0 ast When you edit a fo…
54467 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\database_sort.xhp 0 help par_id3145751 45 0 ast Click in a d…
54468 …guide\database_sort.xhp 0 help par_id121020081121549 0 ast If you select a range of cells, only…
54473 …iki/Documentation/How_Tos/Defining_a_Data_Range\"\>Wiki page about defining a data range\</link\> …
54477 …p par_id3153144 14 0 ast The following is an example of how you can enter a matrix formula, with…
54490 …raction_enter.xhp 0 help par_id3153968 40 0 ast You can enter a fractional number in a cell and …
54491 …c\guide\fraction_enter.xhp 0 help par_id3155133 42 0 ast Enter "0 1/5" in a cell (without the qu…
54492 …0 1/2" AutoCorrect causes the three characters 1, / and 2 to be replaced by a single character. Th…
54498 …ers, numeric characters, and some special characters. Names must start with a letter or an underli…
54501 …lue_with_name.xhp 0 help par_id4891506 0 ast period (.) - allowed within a name, but not as fir…
54502 …r_id2816553 0 ast blank ( ) - allowed within a name, but not as first or last character, and no…
54503 … same as cell references. For example, the name A1 is invalid because A1 is a cell reference to th…
54504 … par_id32898987 0 ast Names must not start with the letter R followed by a number. See the ADDR…
54507 …le, you can name the range A1:B2 \<emph\>Start\</emph\>. You can then write a formula such as "=SU…
54508 …ame.xhp 0 help par_id953398 0 ast For example, it is much easier to read a formula for sales ta…
54510 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\value_with_name.xhp 0 help par_id3153954 3 0 ast Select a ce…
54513 … 5 0 ast If you type the name in a formula, after the first few characters entered you will see …
54520 …hat you specify to filter the data. An AutoFilter filters data according to a specific value or st…
54521 …\guide\database_filter.xhp 0 help par_idN10682 0 ast To Apply a Standard Filter to a Cell Range…
54522 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\database_filter.xhp 0 help par_id3150398 50 0 ast Click in a
54527 …tabase_filter.xhp 0 help par_id3153728 53 0 ast To Apply an AutoFilter to a Cell Range 202004…
54528 …\guide\database_filter.xhp 0 help par_id3144764 54 0 ast Click in a cell range or a database ran…
54535 …alc\guide\database_filter.xhp 0 help par_idN106E8 0 ast To Remove a Filter From a Cell Range …
54536 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\database_filter.xhp 0 help par_idN1075C 0 ast Click in a fi…
54538 …iki/Documentation/How_Tos/Defining_a_Data_Range\"\>Wiki page about defining a data range\</link\> …
54544 …s.xhp 0 help par_id4238715 0 ast For the following examples, A1 contains a number, B1 is empty,…
54562 …oft Excel behaves different and always returns a number as the result of a reference to an empty c…
54564 …_cells.xhp 0 help par_id8069704 0 ast B1: =A1 => displays 0, but is just a reference to an empt…
54591 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\05\02140000.xhp 0 help par_id3155854 8 0 ast Character in a formul…
54594 … help par_id3153160 11 0 ast Function argument is not valid, for example, a negative number for …
54601 … 0 ast Function parameter is not valid, for example, text instead of a number, or a domain referen…
54619 …r in the formula exceeds 64 KB in size. \<emph\>Interpreter:\</emph\> a result of a string operati…
54622 … 0 ast Sort operation attempted on too much numerical data (max. 100000) or a calculation stack ov…
54628 …0000.xhp 0 help par_id3149507 56 0 ast Unknown code, for example, a document with a newer functi…
54635 …formula yields a value that does not correspond to the definition; or a cell that is referenced in…
54647 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\05\02140000.xhp 0 help par_id3150272 74 0 ast Function missed a ta…
54652 …mph\> a column or row description name could not be resolved. \<emph\>Interpreter:\</emph\> in a f…
54660 … no longer used, but could come from old documents if the result is a formula from a domain. 20…
54663 … \<emph\>Interpreter: \</emph\>References, such as when a cell references a cell, are t…
54676 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\02170000.xhp 0 help par_id3145801 7 0 ast You cannot delete a s…
54686 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060111.xhp 0 help par_id3146120 5 0 ast You will also find a
54693 … 0 help par_id3150297 15 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Determines whether a year is a leap year.\</ah…
54696 …st \<emph\>Date\</emph\> specifies whether a given date falls within a leap year. The Date paramet…
54700 …by 68, and then calculate the ISLEAPYEAR function from this small number as a serial date number. …
54719 … help par_id3146781 36 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DAI_FUNC_ROT13\"\>Encrypts a character string by …
54723 …>DAYSINYEAR function\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>number of days; in a specific year\</book…
54728 …ate\</emph\> is any date in the respective year. The Date parameter must be a valid date according…
54730 …3811 49 0 ast =DAYSINYEAR(A1) returns 366 days if A1 contains 1968-02-29, a valid date for the y…
54731 …TH function\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>number of days;in a specific month of a year\</boo…
54736 …ate in the respective month of the desired year. The Date parameter must be a valid date according…
54738 …5742 56 0 ast =DAYSINMONTH(A1) returns 29 days if A1 contains 1968-02-17, a valid date for Febru…
54747 …WEEKSINYEAR function\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>number of weeks;in a specific year\</book…
54749 …e date entered occurs.\</ahelp\> The number of weeks is defined as follows: a week that spans two …
54752 …ate\</emph\> is any date in the respective year. The Date parameter must be a valid date according…
54754 …_id3147614 70 0 ast WEEKSINYEAR(A1) returns 53 if A1 contains 1970-02-17, a valid date for the y…
54760 …text\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:RenameTable\"\>This command opens a dialog where you can assign a diffe…
54762 …xhp 0 help par_id3155131 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SC_APPEND_NAME\"\>Enter a new name for the she…
54763 …emph\>dialog through the context menu by positioning the mouse pointer over a sheet tab at the bot…
54768 … help par_id393993 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a solver engine. The l…
54770 …ity=\"hidden\"\>If the current entry in the Settings listbox allows to edit a value, you can click…
54775 …ion offers different values, the Edit button is enabled. Click Edit to open a dialog where you can…
54780 …_id3149747 97 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_STUNDE\"\>Returns the hour for a given time value.\</…
54783 …r.xhp 0 help par_id3147547 100 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\>, as a time value, is a decimal, for…
54790 …ity=\"visible\"\>Specifies the options for transferring sheets or ranges of a certain sheet.\</ahe…
54792 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\02140500.xhp 0 help hd_id3155131 4 0 ast Filling a Sheet 202…
54802 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\05030400.xhp 0 help par_id3155131 3 0 ast To show a column or r…
54809 …e a sheet by selecting the sheet tab and then choosing \<emph\>Format - Sheet - Hide\</emph\>. Hid…
54816 …3150793 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:FillUp\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Fills a selected range of at…
54817 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\02140300.xhp 0 help par_id3150447 3 0 ast If a selected range h…
54826 …week. A week that lies partly in one year and partly in another is assigned a number in the year i…
54838 …0100.xhp 0 help par_idN105D1 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"26275\"\>Inserts a sheet from a different spre…
54874 …ic information about the current working environment. The function receives a single text argument…
54893 …INFO(D5)\</item\> with cell \<item type=\"literal\"\>D5\</item\> containing a text string \<item t…
54896a part (in other words the result as far as that evaluation has got). Its main use is together wi…
54908 …8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_FORMEL\"\>Displays the formula of a formula cell as a text string…
54911 … help par_id3014313 0 ast \<emph\>Reference\</emph\> is a reference to a cell containing a form…
54912 …\04060104.xhp 0 help par_id8857081 0 ast An invalid reference or a reference to a cell with no …
54918 …ests if the argument is a reference.\</ahelp\> Returns TRUE if the argument is a reference, return…
54921 …<emph\>Value\</emph\> is the value to be tested, to determine whether it is a reference. 202004…
54923 …m type=\"input\"\>=ISREF(C5)\</item\> returns the result TRUE because C5 is a valid reference. …
54924 …\"input\"\>=ISREF("abcdef")\</item\> returns always FALSE because a text can never be a reference.…
54926 …SREF(INDIRECT("A6"))\</item\> returns TRUE, because INDIRECT is a function that returns a referenc…
54927 …2"))\</item\> returns FALSE, because ADDRESS is a function that returns a text, although it looks …
54948 …3149138 62 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ISTFORMEL\"\>Returns TRUE if a cell is a formula cell.\<…
54951 …ence\</emph\> indicates the reference to a cell in which a test will be performed to determine if …
54956 …VEN\"\>Tests for even numbers. Returns 1 if the number divided by 2 returns a whole number.\</ahel…
54969 …</emph\> is any value or expression where a test is performed to determine whether it is a text or…
54975 … if the reference to a cell is blank.\</ahelp\> This function is used to determine if the content …
54980 …34 83 0 ast \<item type=\"input\"\>=ISBLANK(D2)\</item\> returns FALSE as a result. 20200411 …
54983 … 0 help par_id3148926 86 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ISTLOG\"\>Tests for a logical value (TRUE …
54987 …p 0 help par_id3146946 89 0 ast Returns TRUE if \<emph\>Value\</emph\> is a logical value (TRUE …
54989 …type=\"input\"\>=ISLOGICAL(99)\</item\> returns FALSE, because 99 is a number, not a logical value…
54990 …tem\> returns TRUE whatever the contents of cell D4, because ISNA() returns a logical value. 20…
54993 …lp par_id3149105 94 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ISTNV\"\>Returns TRUE if a cell contains the #N…
54999 …54852 99 0 ast \<item type=\"input\"\>=ISNA(D3)\</item\> returns FALSE as a result. 20200411 …
55006 …\01\04060104.xhp 0 help par_id3150417 105 0 ast \<emph\>Value\</emph\> is a value, number, Boole…
55012 … hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_ISODD\"\>Returns TRUE (1) if the number does not return a whole number when di…
55020 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ISTZAHL\"\>Returns TRUE if the value refers to a number.\</ahelp\> …
55023 …h\>Value\</emph\> is any expression to be tested to determine whether it is a number or text. 2…
55033 …01 123 0 ast \<emph\>Value\</emph\> is the parameter to be converted into a number. N() returns …
55040 …ue\>NA function\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>#N/A error;assigning to a cell\</bookmark_valu…
55052 …\01\04060104.xhp 0 help par_id3150830 140 0 ast \<emph\>Value\</emph\> is a specific value for w…
55054 …d3153357 142 0 ast \<item type=\"input\"\>=TYPE(C2)\</item\> returns 2 as a result. 20200411 …
55055 …d3148980 143 0 ast \<item type=\"input\"\>=TYPE(D9)\</item\> returns 1 as a result. 20200411 …
55058 …HID_FUNC_ZELLE\"\>Returns information on address, formatting or contents of a cell.\</ahelp\> 2…
55091 …01\04060104.xhp 0 help par_id3155176 191 0 ast l = label. Text, result of a formula as text 2…
55092 …104.xhp 0 help par_id3147280 192 0 ast v = value. Value, result of a formula as a number 2020…
55106 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060104.xhp 0 help par_id3150220 206 0 ast Returns a character…
55112 …rmats, the number of decimal places after the decimal separator is given as a number. Example: the…
55129 …s the position of the cell to be examined. If \<emph\>Reference\</emph\> is a range, the cell move…
55132 …3361 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:FillRight\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Fills a selected range of at…
55133 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\02140200.xhp 0 help par_id3154684 3 0 ast If a range of only on…
55140a cell address (reference) as text, according to the specified row and column numbers.\</ahelp\> Y…
55144 …alue 0, then the R1C1 notation is used. If the argument is not given or has a value other than 0, …
55146 … opening documents from ODF 1.0/1.1 format, the ADDRESS functions that show a sheet name as the fo…
55147 … par_id1027200802301650 0 ast When storing a document in ODF 1.0/1.1 format, if ADDRESS functio…
55148 …2 0 ast Do not save a spreadsheet in the old ODF 1.0/1.1 format if the ADDRESS function's new f…
55163 …input\"\>-6\</item\>, you can refer indirectly to the referenced cell using a function in B2 by en…
55166 …ber of individual ranges that belong to a multiple range.\</ahelp\> A range can consist of contigu…
55167 …\01\04060109.xhp 0 help par_id061020090307073 0 ast The function expects a single argument. If …
55170 …9.xhp 0 help par_id3153118 23 0 ast Reference represents the reference to a cell or cell range. …
55172 … \<item type=\"input\"\>=AREAS((A1:B3;F2;G1))\</item\> returns 3, as it is a reference to three c…
55176a DDE-based link.\</ahelp\> If the contents of the linked range or section changes, the returned v…
55179 …par_id3154842 32 0 ast \<emph\>Server\</emph\> is the name of a server application. …
55193a motto in the cell containing this formula. First, you must enter a line in the motto.sxw documen…
55196 …c/05/02140000.xhp\" name=\"error value\"\>error value\</link\> occurring in a different cell.\</ah…
55205 …X\"\>INDEX returns a sub range, specified by row and column number, or an optional range index. De…
55208 … 0 ast \<emph\>Reference\</emph\> is a reference, entered either directly or by specif…
55209 …ional) represents the row index of the reference range, for which to return a value. In case of ze…
55210 …al) represents the column index of the reference range, for which to return a value. In case of ze…
55211 …ge\</emph\> (optional) represents the index of the subrange if referring to a multiple range. 2…
55215 … 0 ast \<item type=\"input\"\>=INDEX(A1:B6;1)\</item\> returns a reference to the fir…
55216 …0 ast \<item type=\"input\"\>=INDEX(A1:B6;0;1)\</item\> returns a reference to the fir…
55217 …\>. The multiple range may consist of several rectangular ranges, each with a row 4 and column 1. …
55219 …t \<item type=\"input\"\>=INDEX((multi);0;0;2)\</item\> returns a reference to the sec…
55222 …mph\>reference\</emph\> specified by a text string.\</ahelp\> This function can also be used to re…
55225 …ar_id3154317 66 0 ast \<emph\>Ref\</emph\> represents a reference to a cell or an ar…
55229 …>=INDIRECT(A1)\</item\> equals 100 if A1 contains C108 as a reference and cell C108 contains a val…
55233a cell reference.\</ahelp\> If the reference is a cell the column number of the cell is returned; …
55236 …56310 74 0 ast \<emph\>Reference\</emph\> is the reference to a cell or cell area wh…
55242 …. Because single-column areas have only one column number, it does not make a difference whether o…
55250 …rray\</emph\> is the reference to a cell range whose total number of columns is to be found. The a…
55252 … \<item type=\"input\"\>=COLUMNS(B5)\</item\> returns 1 because a cell only contains o…
55257a specific value is contained in the first column of an array. The function then returns the value…
55263 … Sorted columns can be searched much faster and the function always returns a value, even if the s…
55265 …4060109.xhp 0 help par_id3154129 96 0 ast You want to enter the number of a dish on the menu in …
55268a number in A1 B1 will show the corresponding text contained in the second column of reference D1:…
55271 …lp hid=\"HID_FUNC_TABELLE\"\>Returns the sheet number of a reference or a string representing a sh…
55274 … \<emph\>Reference\</emph\> is optional and is the reference to a cell, an area, or a sheet name…
55279 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_TABELLEN\"\>Determines the number of sheets in a reference.\</ahelp\>…
55282 …3060 226 0 ast \<emph\>Reference\</emph\> is the reference to a sheet or an area. Th…
55287 … an array that matches a specified value.\</ahelp\> The function returns the position of the value…
55291 …</emph\> is the reference searched. A lookup array can be a single row or column, or part of a sin…
55296 …lue is reached, the number of the row in which it was found is returned. If a higher value is foun…
55299 …HID_FUNC_VERSCHIEBUNG\"\>Returns the value of a cell offset by a certain number of rows and column…
55312 … ast \<item type=\"input\"\>=OFFSET(B2:C3;1;1)\</item\> returns a reference to B2:C3 m…
55313 …st \<item type=\"input\"\>=OFFSET(B2:C3;-1;-1)\</item\> returns a reference to B2:C3 m…
55314 … \<item type=\"input\"\>=OFFSET(B2:C3;0;0;3;4)\</item\> returns a reference to B2:C3 r…
55315 … \<item type=\"input\"\>=OFFSET(B2:C3;1;0;3;4)\</item\> returns a reference to B2:C3 m…
55316 …determines the total of the area that starts in cell C3 and has a height of 5 rows and a width of …
55319 … contents of a cell either from a one-row or one-column range.\</ahelp\> Optionally, the assigned …
55323 …ion\</emph\> is the value to be searched for; entered either directly or as a reference. 202004…
55330a style to the cell containing the formula.\</ahelp\> After a set amount of time, another style ca…
55333 …par_id3150596 137 0 ast \<emph\>Style\</emph\> is the name of a cell style assigned …
55334 …n seconds. If this parameter is missing the style will not be changed after a certain amount of ti…
55335 … \<emph\>Style2\</emph\> is the optional name of a cell style assigned to the cell after a
55339 … par_id8056886 0 ast Since STYLE() has a numeric return value of zero, this return value gets a…
55344 …0 143 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_WAHL\"\>Uses an index to return a value from a list of up to …
55347 ….xhp 0 help par_id3144755 146 0 ast \<emph\>Index\</emph\> is a reference or number …
55348 … \<emph\>Value1...Value30\</emph\> is the list of values entered as a reference to a cell or as in…
55353a value and reference to the cells below the selected area.\</ahelp\> This function verifies if th…
55359a cell reference.\</ahelp\> If the reference is a cell, it returns the row number of the cell. If …
55362 … 0 help par_id3156336 161 0 ast \<emph\>Reference\</emph\> is a cell, an area, or th…
55363 …alc\01\04060109.xhp 0 help par_id3151109 204 0 ast If you do not indicate a reference, the row n…
55373 … 167 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ZEILEN\"\>Returns the number of rows in a reference or array.\…
55378 …ast \<item type=\"input\"\>=Rows(B5)\</item\> returns 1 because a cell only contains o…
55383 …lp par_idN117F1 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_HYPERLINK\"\>When you click a cell that contains t…
55385 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060109.xhp 0 help par_idN11803 0 ast To open a hyperlinked c…
55388 …ink target. The optional \<emph\>CellText\</emph\> parameter is the text or a number that is displ…
55400 …859 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>The GETPIVOTDATA function returns a result value from a pivot tabl…
55405 …ssumed if exactly two parameters are given, of which the first parameter is a cell or cell range r…
55407 …p 0 help par_id9302346 0 ast \<emph\>TargetField\</emph\> is a string that selects …
55408 …\<emph\>pivot table\</emph\> is a reference to a cell or cell range that is positioned within a pi…
55409 …turned. Otherwise, each pair adds a constraint that the result must satisfy. \<emph\>Field n\</emp…
55410a single result value that fulfills all of the constraints, or a subtotal result that summarizes a…
55412a page field is given, the field's selected value is implicitly used. If a constraint for a page f…
55416 …p 0 help par_id5616626 0 ast \<emph\>Constraints\</emph\> is a space-separated list…
55418 …60109.xhp 0 help par_id8231757 0 ast Each of the other entries specifies a constraint in the fo…
55423 …lp\> The day is returned as an integer between 1 and 31. You can also enter a negative date/time v…
55426 …y.xhp 0 help par_id3149443 110 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\>, as a time value, is a decimal, for…
55467 …help par_id3150142 21 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\> is a binary number. The number can have a ma…
55475 …help par_id3155255 28 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\> is a binary number. The number can have a ma…
55484 …help par_id3153567 13 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\> is a binary number. The number can have a ma…
55500 …148768 59 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\> is a decimal number. If Number is negative, the function…
55509 …152820 75 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\> is a decimal number. If Number is negative, the function…
55518 …\01\04060115.xhp 0 help par_id3155991 67 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\> is a decimal number. If N…
55551 …lp par_id3152810 83 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\> is a hexadecimal number. The number can have a
55560 …lp par_id3159176 91 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\> is a hexadecimal number. The number can have a
55568 …lp par_id3152795 98 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\> is a hexadecimal number. The number can have a
55575 …e formulas.\</ahelp\>\</variable\> Before you start the Wizard, select a cell or a range of cells …
55581 …ts all the categories to which the different functions are assigned. Select a category to view the…
55583 … under the selected category. Double-click to select a function.\</ahelp\> A single-click displays…
55585 … multiple cells. Each cell in the array contains the formula, not as a copy but as a common formul…
55586 …used to enter and confirm formulas in the sheet. The formula is inserted as a matrix formula indic…
55589 … 0 ast When you double-click a function, the argument input field(s) appear on the right side of…
55594 …ou to access a subordinate level of the \<emph\>Function Wizard\</emph\> in order to nest another …
55596 …on. Enter arguments either directly into the argument fields or by clicking a cell in the table.\<…
55603 …scalc\01\04060000.xhp 0 help par_id3146966 56 0 ast To select a single function from a complex f…
55605 …s button can also be used to assign functions to the formula. If you select a function and click t…
55606 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060000.xhp 0 help par_id3159262 57 0 ast Double-click a funct…
55614 …ction Wizard\</emph\> while the cell cursor is positioned in a cell that already contains a functi…
55616 …_FAP_STRUCT\"\>Displays a hierarchical representation of the current function.\</ahelp\> You can h…
55627 …_SCPAGE_TABLE:BTN_GRID\"\>Prints out the borders of the individual cells as a grid.\</ahelp\> For …
55629 …the comments defined in your spreadsheet.\</ahelp\> They will be printed on a separate page, along…
55639 …id=\"SC:CHECKBOX:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:BTN_NULLVALS\"\>Specifies that cells with a zero value are print…
55641 …0500.xhp 0 help par_id3166423 22 0 ast Defines the order in which data in a sheet is numbered an…
55647 …E:BTN_PAGENO\"\>Select this option if you want the first page to start with a number other than 1.…
55650 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\05070500.xhp 0 help par_id3149408 30 0 ast Defines a page scale…
55652 …1 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"sc:ListBox:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:LB_SCALEMODE\"\>Select a scaling mode from th…
55654 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\05070500.xhp 0 help par_id3159171 32 0 ast Specifies a scaling …
55656 …"SC_METRICFIELD_RID_SCPAGE_TABLE_ED_SCALEALL\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter a scaling factor. Fact…
55661 …p 0 help par_idN109C3 0 ast If you clear both boxes, this will result in a scaling factor of 10…
55676 …y.xhp 0 help par_id3149046 140 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\>, as a date value, is a decimal for …
55680 …d. The standard count starts with Sunday as day number 1. June 14, 2000 was a Wednesday and theref…
55681 …he Type parameter is 2, therefore Monday is day number 1. July 24, 1996 was a Wednesday and theref…
55682 …he Type parameter is 1, therefore Sunday is day number 1. July 24, 1996 was a Wednesday and theref…
55684 …ekday.xhp 0 help par_id3150588 171 0 ast To obtain a function indicating whether a day in A1 is
55709 …</ahelp\> For some types you can select additional information for a base field and a base item. …
55719 …01\12090105.xhp 0 help par_idN1074C 0 ast If a base item name is specified, the reference value…
55728 …2090105.xhp 0 help par_idN10780 0 ast Results are always summed, even if a different summary fu…
55753 …ulates the amount of depreciation for a settlement period as degressive amortization.\</ahelp\> Un…
55764 …lp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_AMORLINC\"\>Calculates the amount of depreciation for a settlement period as…
55776 …st \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_ACCRINT\"\>Calculates the accrued interest of a security in the case…
55790 …t \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_ACCRINTM\"\>Calculates the accrued interest of a security in the case…
55802 …_RECEIVED\"\>Calculates the amount received that is paid for a fixed-interest security at a given …
55815 …=\"HID_FUNC_BW\"\>Returns the present value of an investment resulting from a series of regular pa…
55816 … amount of money needed to be invested at a fixed rate today, to receive a specific amount, an ann…
55824 …onal) denotes due date for payments. Type = 1 means due at the beginning of a period and Type = 0 …
55833 …ining depreciation reduces the depreciation amount from period to period by a fixed sum. 202004…
55843 … To have an overview of depreciation rates per period, it is best to define a depreciation table. …
55894 …86 0 ast Now view the depreciation for a 10 year period, or at a salvage value of 1 currency uni…
55897 …lp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_DISC\"\>Calculates the allowance (discount) of a security as a percentage.\<…
55909 …3 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_DURATION\"\>Calculates the duration of a fixed interest secur…
55922 …\<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_EFFEKTIV\"\>Returns the net annual interest rate for a nominal interest rat…
55923 … 0 ast Nominal interest refers to the amount of interest due at the end of a calculation period. …
55939 …par_id3158426 421 0 ast What is the effective annual rate of interest for a 5.25% nominal rate a…
55943 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_GDA\"\>Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period usi…
55944 …help par_id3152361 101 0 ast Use this form of depreciation if you require a higher initial depre…
55951 …actor\</emph\> (optional) is the factor by which depreciation decreases. If a value is not entered…
55957 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_GDA2\"\>Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period usi…
55958 …_id3156213 115 0 ast This form of depreciation is used if you want to get a higher depreciation …
55967 …tem with an initial cost of 25,000 currency units is to be depreciated over a three year period. T…
55978 …000\</item\>, the formula \<item type=\"input\"\>=IRR(A1:A4)\</item\> gives a result of 11,33%. …
55989 …par_id3149558 323 0 ast For a credit amount of 120,000 currency units with a two-year term and m…
55995 …estlegentext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:DefineName\"\>Opens a dialog where you can specify a name for a
55997a list of defined names for the ranges. Click a name from this box to highlight the corresponding …
55999a reference. All area names already defined in the spreadsheet are listed in the text field below.…
56002 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04070100.xhp 0 help par_id3146986 12 0 ast To insert a new area…
56008 …help hid=\"SC:CHECKBOX:RID_SCDLG_NAMES:BTN_PRINTAREA\"\>Defines the area as a print range.\</ahelp…
56012 …help hid=\"SC:CHECKBOX:RID_SCDLG_NAMES:BTN_COLHEADER\"\>Defines the area as a repeating column.\</…
56014 …help hid=\"SC:CHECKBOX:RID_SCDLG_NAMES:BTN_ROWHEADER\"\>Defines the area as a repeating row.\</ahe…
56021 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ACHSENABSCHNITT\"\>Calculates the point at which a line will intersect …
56050 …id3156061 32 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_B\"\>Returns the probability of a sample with binomial…
56058 …he probability with ten throws of the dice, that a six will come up exactly twice? The probability…
56059 …41 0 ast \<item type=\"input\"\>=B(10;1/6;2)\</item\> returns a probability of 29%. …
56062 …so called determination coefficient) is a measure for the accuracy of an adjustment and can be use…
56075 …1.xhp 0 help par_id3149710 57 0 ast \<emph\>Alpha\</emph\> is a parameter to the dis…
56076 …81.xhp 0 help par_id3156306 58 0 ast \<emph\>Beta\</emph\> is a parameter to the dis…
56088 …1.xhp 0 help par_id3156107 69 0 ast \<emph\>Alpha\</emph\> is a parameter to the dis…
56089 …81.xhp 0 help par_id3153619 70 0 ast \<emph\>Beta\</emph\> is a parameter to the dis…
56101 …304 80 0 ast \<emph\>X\</emph\> is the number of successes in a set of trials. 20…
56104 …83 0 ast \<emph\>C\</emph\> = 0 calculates the probability of a single event and \<e…
56106 …\"input\"\>12\</item\> are entered in A1) the probabilities for 12 flips of a coin that \<emph\>He…
56123 …Since the expected value for a given number on the die for n throws is n times 1/6, thus 1020/6 = …
56130 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_CHITEST\"\>Returns the probability of a deviance from a random distr…
56131 …T, in which case the Chi square of the random sample must then be passed as a parameter instead of…
56160 …the indicated Chi square that a hypothesis is confirmed.\</ahelp\> CHIDIST compares the Chi square…
56168 …he experiment has 5 degrees of freedom, then the hypothesis is assured with a probability of error…
56184 …0181.xhp 0 help par_id3147332 121 0 ast \<emph\>C\</emph\> is a logical value that d…
56190 … on other entries in the same column.\</ahelp\> The column is scanned up to a maximum of 2000 cell…
56192 … To accept the completion, press \<item type=\"keycode\"\>Enter\</item\> or a cursor key. 20200…
56195 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\06130000.xhp 0 help par_idN10679 0 ast To see a list of all av…
56196 … 0 ast When typing formulas using characters that match previous entries, a Help tip will appear…
56197 …t AutoInput is case-sensitive. If, for example, you have written "Total" in a cell, you cannot ent…
56203 …ix\"\>An array is a linked range of cells on a spreadsheet containing values. \</variable\> A squa…
56219 …4060107.xhp 0 help par_id3153583 277 0 ast The smallest possible array is a 1 x 2 or 2 x 1 array…
56221 … help par_id3155355 276 0 ast A formula in which the individual values in a cell range are evalu…
56223a formula to each individual cell or value. Instead you just need to use a single array formula. S…
56225a normal formula, that is, either as zero or as an empty string. For example, if cells A1 and A2 a…
56228 …lc\01\04060107.xhp 0 help par_id3149798 283 0 ast Array formulas are also a space saving option …
56230a "normal" formula in which the reference range, such as parameters, indicate an array formula. Th…
56235 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060107.xhp 0 help par_id3154342 5 0 ast The cells in a result…
56237 …braces '{' and '}'. Elements can be each a number (including negatives), a logical constant (TRUE,…
56238 …(separating elements in one row) is the ';' semicolon. The row separator is a '|' pipe symbol. The…
56243 …_id6757103 0 ast To enter this array constant, you select three cells in a row, then you type t…
56249 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060107.xhp 0 help par_id300912 0 ast Entered as a matrix for…
56254 …arate parts of an array. For example, you can change the font color. Select a cell range and then …
56259 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060107.xhp 0 help par_id3146787 324 0 ast Select a range of c…
56264 …p par_id3147096 331 0 ast Below the selection, to the right, you will see a small icon with whic…
56266 …<defaultinline\>Ctrl \</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\>key, you can create a copy of the array fo…
56268 …E() function. The condition argument in the formula is an area reference or a matrix result. 20…
56310 …NHEITSMATRIX\"\>Returns the unitary square array of a certain size.\</ahelp\> The unitary array is…
56314 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060107.xhp 0 help par_idN10C9B 0 ast You can find a general …
56316 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060107.xhp 0 help par_id3150949 18 0 ast Select a square rang…
56319 …\scalc\01\04060107.xhp 0 help par_id3156143 21 0 ast You now see a unit array with a range of A1…
56323 …ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_HAEUFIGKEIT\"\>Indicates the frequency distribution in a one-column-array.\</…
56328 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060107.xhp 0 help par_idN10D71 0 ast You can find a general …
56368 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060107.xhp 0 help par_id3150312 29 0 ast Select a single colu…
56372 … of an array.\</ahelp\> This function returns a value in the current cell; it is not necessary to …
56375 …60107.xhp 0 help par_id3150290 35 0 ast \<emph\>Array\</emph\> represents a square array in whic…
56376 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060107.xhp 0 help par_idN11035 0 ast You can find a general …
56383 …60107.xhp 0 help par_id3157849 43 0 ast \<emph\>Array\</emph\> represents a square array that is…
56386 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060107.xhp 0 help par_id3149638 45 0 ast Select a square rang…
56396 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060107.xhp 0 help par_id3146826 54 0 ast Select a square rang…
56408 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_RGP\"\>Returns a table of statistics for a straight line that best…
56411 …152853 68 0 ast \<emph\>data_Y\</emph\> is a single row or column range specifying the y coordin…
56412a corresponding single row or column range specifying the x coordinates. If \<emph\>data_X\</emph\…
56413a straight line \<item type=\"literal\"\>y = a + bx\</item\> that best fits the data, using linear…
56414 … the straight line found is forced to pass through the origin (the constant a is zero; y = bx). If…
56416 …scalc\01\04060107.xhp 0 help par_id0811200804502261 0 ast LINEST returns a table (array) of sta…
56420 …n array and is handled in the same way as the other array functions. Select a range for the answer…
56543 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060107.xhp 0 help par_idN11BBC 0 ast SUMPRODUCT returns a si…
56571 …_id3166091 197 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_TREND\"\>Returns values along a linear trend.\</ahel…
56581 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060107.xhp 0 help par_id3166245 205 0 ast Select a spreadshee…
56594 …n array and is handled in the same way as the other array functions. Select a range where you want…
56612 …s from the header row of the selected range.\</ahelp\> Each column receives a separated name and c…
56614 …n the first column of the selected sheet range.\</ahelp\> Each row receives a separated name and c…
56616 …in the last row of the selected sheet range.\</ahelp\> Each column receives a separated name and c…
56618 …in the last column of the selected sheet range.\</ahelp\> Each row receives a separated name and c…
56628 …ECKBOX:RID_SCDLG_DBNAMES:BTN_STRIPDATA\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Only saves a reference to the dat…
56635 …t \<variable id=\"bereichtext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:DefineDBName\"\>Defines a database range based…
56636 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\12010000.xhp 0 help par_id3149456 5 0 ast You can only select a
56638 …0770 4 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SC:COMBOBOX:RID_SCDLG_DBNAMES:ED_NAME\"\>Enter a name for the databas…
56648 …lp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_NETWORKDAYS\"\>Returns the number of workdays between a \<emph\>start date a…
56651 … is the date from when the calculation is carried out. If the start date is a workday, the day is …
56652 …s the date up until when the calculation is carried out. If the end date is a workday, the day is …
56653 …</emph\> is an optional list of holidays. These are non-working days. Enter a cell range in which …
56660 …p hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_YEARFRAC\"\> The result is a number between 0 and 1, representing the fractio…
56664 ….xhp 0 help par_id3149954 201 0 ast \<emph\>Basis\</emph\> is chosen from a list of options and …
56685 … options available for inserting cells into a sheet. The cell quantity and position is defined by …
56698 …\scalc\01\06030000.xhp 0 help par_id3150447 3 0 ast Once you have defined a trace, you can point…
56701 … total values in a labeled range. You can also use other functions to perform the calculation. $[o…
56702 …3896 3 0 ast For example, you can generate a sales summary for a certain postal code based on da…
56708 … an HTML, Calc, or Excel file into the current sheet as a link. The data must be located within a
56721 …th.xhp 0 help par_id3149485 80 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\>, as a time value, is a decimal for …
56728 …tributetext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:FormatCellDialog\"\>Allows you to specify a variety of formattin…
56733 …elp hid=\".uno:Ungroup\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Ungroups the selection. In a nested group, the la…
56736 …c\01\12080400.xhp 0 help par_id3125864 6 0 ast Removes selected rows from a group. 20200411 1…
56738 …1\12080400.xhp 0 help par_id3154685 8 0 ast Removes selected columns from a group. 20200411 1…
56742 …par_id3150400 3 0 ast After you import an Excel spreadsheet that contains a pivot table, click i…
56746 …AI_FUNC_WEEKNUM\"\>The result indicates the number of the calendar week for a date.\</ahelp\> 2…
56751 …ast \<emph\>ReturnType\</emph\> is 1 for week beginning on a Sunday, 2 for week beginning on a Mon…
56772 …te\"\>Combines data from one or more independent cell ranges and calculates a new range using the …
56778 …ranges \</emph\>box. Select a cell range in a sheet, and then click \<emph\>Add\</emph\>. You can …
56788 … the minute for an internal time value.\</ahelp\> The minute is returned as a number between 0 and…
56791 …te.xhp 0 help par_id3154611 70 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\>, as a time value, is a decimal numb…
56800 … \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_KGROESSTE\"\>Returns the Rank_c-th largest value in a data set.\</ahelp\> …
56809 …\<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_KKLEINSTE\"\>Returns the Rank_c-th smallest value in a data set.\</ahelp\> …
56818 …p hid=\"HID_FUNC_KONFIDENZ\"\>Returns the (1-alpha) confidence interval for a normal distribution.…
56834 …\>=CORREL(A1:A50;B1:B50)\</item\> calculates the correlation coefficient as a measure of the linea…
56846 …lue for which the cumulative binomial distribution is less than or equal to a criterion value.\</a…
56856 …id3153108 59 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_KURT\"\>Returns the kurtosis of a data set (at least 4…
56859 …1,Number2,...Number30\</emph\> are numeric arguments or ranges representing a random sample of dis…
56887 …6070000.xhp 0 help par_id3145173 3 0 ast All cells are recalculated after a sheet cell has been …
56891 …function calculates a date specified by year, month, day and displays it in the cell's formatting.…
56895 …itchinline\> - $[officename] - General \</item\>you can set from which year a two-digit number ent…
56919 …t $[officename] searches the Add-in folder defined in the configuration for a suitable \<switchinl…
56923 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060112.xhp 0 help par_id3148837 7 0 ast At a minimum, the adm…
56924 … par_id3148604 8 0 ast Parameters are passed using references. Therefore, a change of these valu…
56928 … Add-In function attached to $[officename] Calc is 16: one return value and a maximum of 15 functi…
56941 …lc\01\04060112.xhp 0 help par_id3153955 25 0 ast PTR_DOUBLE =0 pointer to a double 20200411 1…
56942 …lc\01\04060112.xhp 0 help par_id3159262 26 0 ast PTR_STRING =1 pointer to a zero-terminated stri…
56943 …1\04060112.xhp 0 help par_id3148747 27 0 ast PTR_DOUBLE_ARR =2 pointer to a double array 2020…
56944 …1\04060112.xhp 0 help par_id3147406 28 0 ast PTR_STRING_ARR =3 pointer to a string array 2020…
56945 …\01\04060112.xhp 0 help par_id3151392 29 0 ast PTR_CELL_ARR =4 pointer to a cell array 202004…
56948 …alc\01\04060112.xhp 0 help par_id3153019 32 0 ast Following you will find a description of those…
56954 …hout the management functions of the reference parameter. Each function has a unique number betwee…
56959 …\scalc\01\04060112.xhp 0 help par_id3149893 43 0 ast Output: Reference to a variable, which is s…
56970 …AddIn function. This number must be greater than 0, because there is always a result value; the ma…
56977 …61 0 ast Provides a brief description of the Add-In function and its parameters. As an option, t…
56993 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060112.xhp 0 help par_id3149540 79 0 ast As a parameter, a ce…
57029 …mber, where the value 0 is defined as "no error." If the element comes from a formula cell the err…
57037 …0 ast A cell area, which contains values of data type Text and is passed as a string array. A stri…
57073 …mber, where the value 0 is defined as "no error." If the element comes from a formula cell the err…
57076 …ng zero byte. If the length including closing zero byte equals an odd value a second zero byte is …
57120 …mber, where the value 0 is defined as "no error." If the element comes from a formula cell the err…
57127 …ng zero byte. If the length including closing zero byte equals an odd value a second zero byte is …
57159 …UNC_FISHER\"\>Returns the Fisher transformation for x and creates a function close to a normal dis…
57167 …eturns the inverse of the Fisher transformation for x and creates a function close to a normal dis…
57217 …155931 66 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_GAMMAVERT\"\>Returns the values of a Gamma distribution.\…
57239 …6 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_GEOMITTEL\"\>Returns the geometric mean of a sample.\</ahelp\> …
57242 …Number2,...Number30\</emph\> are numeric arguments or ranges that represent a random sample. 20…
57247 …716 95 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_GESTUTZTMITTEL\"\>Returns the mean of a data set without the…
57256 …GTEST\"\>Calculates the probability of observing a z-statistic greater than the one computed based…
57259 …7 0 ast \<emph\>Data\</emph\> is the given sample, drawn from a normally distributed…
57265 …14 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_HARMITTEL\"\>Returns the harmonic mean of a data set.\</ahelp\> …
57284 …variable id=\"szenariotext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:ScenarioManager\"\>Defines a scenario for the sel…
57287 … name for the scenario. Use a clear and unique name so you can easily identify the scenario.\</ahe…
57293 …our table with a border. The color for the border is specified in the field to the right of this o…
57312 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\06990000.xhp 0 help par_id3145674 2 0 ast Opens a submenu with …
57317 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\12080200.xhp 0 help par_id3155922 3 0 ast To hide a selected gr…
57373 …153709 3 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_MAX\"\>Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments.\<…
57374 …eturn 0 if no value (numeric or text) and no error was encountered. Passing a literal string argum…
57383 …363 140 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_MAXA\"\>Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments. I…
57393 …e median of a set of numbers. In a set containing an uneven number of values, the median will be t…
57396 …ber30\</emph\> are values or ranges, which represent a sample. Each number can also be replaced by…
57402 …43222 20 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_MIN\"\>Returns the minimum value in a list of arguments.\<…
57403 …eturn 0 if no value (numeric or text) and no error was encountered. Passing a literal string argum…
57411 …249 149 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_MINA\"\>Returns the minimum value in a list of arguments. H…
57421 …iations of data points from their mean.\</ahelp\> Displays the diffusion in a data set. 2020041…
57424 …umber30\</emph\> are values or ranges that represent a sample. Each number can also be replaced by…
57437 …"HID_FUNC_MITTELWERTA\"\>Returns the average of the arguments. The value of a text is 0.\</ahelp\>…
57445 …ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_MITTELWERTB\"\>Average the values of cells in a range that meet a criteria.\<…
57448 …t the Criterion C. If reference A is given, averages the values of cells of a range that is constr…
57458 … result of each selection; a cell of reference range A is evaluated only if the same position in e…
57463 …on value in a data set.\</ahelp\> If there are several values with the same frequency, it returns …
57488 …V(0.9;63;5)\</item\> returns 69.41. If the average egg weighs 63 grams with a standard deviation o…
57512 …p hid=\"HID_FUNC_PHI\"\>Returns the values of the distribution function for a standard normal dist…
57532 …ile returns the scale value for a data series which goes from the smallest (Alpha=0) to the larges…
57541 …\<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_QUANTILSRANG\"\>Returns the percentage rank of a value in a sample.\</ahelp…
57550 …6958 131 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_QUARTILE\"\>Returns the quartile of a data set.\</ahelp\> …
57568 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\06020000.xhp 0 help par_id3148577 9 0 ast Select a drawing obje…
57574 …ahelp\> The value is updated when you recalculate the document or each time a cell value is modifi…
57577 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\func_now.xhp 0 help par_id4598529 0 ast NOW is a function with…
57579 …returns the difference between the date in A1 and now. Format the result as a number. 20200411 …
57583 …T\"\>TIMEVALUE returns the internal time number from a text enclosed by quotes and which may show
57584 …value.xhp 0 help par_id3150794 162 0 ast The internal number indicated as a decimal is the resul…
57585 ….xhp 0 help par_id011920090347118 0 ast If the text string also includes a year, month, or day,…
57588 …alue.xhp 0 help par_id3152556 165 0 ast \<emph\>Text\</emph\> is a valid time expressio…
57594 …0 help par_id3145119 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:DataDataPilotRun\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
57596 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\12090100.xhp 0 help par_id3150543 6 0 ast Select a data source …
57601 …90100.xhp 0 help par_id3145271 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Uses a table or query in a database t…
57611a pivot table, drag and drop data field buttons onto the \<emph\>Page Fields, Row Fields, Column F…
57612 …090102.xhp 0 help par_id3147229 20 0 ast $[officename] automatically adds a caption to buttons t…
57613 …r_id3145749 21 0 ast To change the function that is used by a data field, double-click a button …
57636 …\scalc\01\12090102.xhp 0 help par_idN1089B 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Adds a Filter button to piv…
57639 …to show or hide details for the item. Clear this check box and double-click a cell in the table to…
57640 …calc\01\12090102.xhp 0 help par_idN108DC 0 ast To examine details inside a pivot table 20200…
57642 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\12090102.xhp 0 help par_idN108E6 0 ast Select a range of cells…
57643 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\12090102.xhp 0 help par_idN108EE 0 ast Double-click a field in…
57644 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\12090102.xhp 0 help par_idN108F1 0 ast If you double-click a f…
57672 …3558 240 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ARABISCH\"\>Calculates the value of a Roman number. The va…
57675 …3 243 0 ast \<emph\>Text\</emph\> is the text that represents a Roman number. 202…
57681 …on converts full-width to half-width ASCII and katakana characters. Returns a text string.\</ahelp…
57682 …res/JIS_and_ASC_functions\"\>JIS and ASC Spreadsheet Functions\</link\> for a conversion table. …
57689 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060110.xhp 0 help par_id354014 0 ast Converts a number to Th…
57694 … 0 ast \<item type=\"input\"\>=BAHTTEXT(12.65)\</item\> returns a string in Thai chara…
57697 … 214 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_BASIS\"\>Converts a positive integer to a specified base into
57712 …"HID_FUNC_ZEICHEN\"\>Converts a number into a character according to the current code table.\</ahe…
57715 …xhp 0 help par_id3155906 205 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\> is a number between 1 and…
57718 …hp 0 help par_id0907200910283297 0 ast ="abc" & CHAR(10) & "def" inserts a newline character in…
57727 …52770 4 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_CODE\"\>Returns a numeric code for the first character in a
57744 …with characters from a \<link href=\"text/shared/00/00000005.xhp#zahlensystem\" name=\"number syst…
57745 …\scalc\01\04060110.xhp 0 help par_id3157994 227 0 ast If the radix is 16, a leading x or X or 0x…
57748 …\<emph\>Text\</emph\> is the text to be converted. To differentiate between a hexadecimal number, …
57756 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_DM\"\>Converts a number to an amount in the currency format, round…
57760 … \<emph\>Value\</emph\> is a number, a reference to a cell containing a number, or a form…
57776 …EN\"\>Looks for a string of text within another string.\</ahelp\> You can also define where to beg…
57786 … par_id3155833 35 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_FEST\"\>Returns a number as text with a specified…
57791 …al) determines whether the thousands separator is used. If the parameter is a number not equal to …
57793 …item type=\"input\"\>=FIXED(1234567.89;3)\</item\> returns 1,234,567.890 as a text string. 202…
57794 …item type=\"input\"\>=FIXED(1234567.89;3;1)\</item\> returns 1234567.890 as a text string. 2020…
57797 …on converts half-width to full-width ASCII and katakana characters. Returns a text string.\</ahelp…
57798 …res/JIS_and_ASC_functions\"\>JIS and ASC Spreadsheet Functions\</link\> for a conversion table. …
57805 …<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_LINKS\"\>Returns the first character or characters of a text.\</ahelp\> 2…
57814 …d3150147 105 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_LAENGE\"\>Returns the length of a string including spa…
57823 …8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_KLEIN\"\>Converts all uppercase letters in a text string to lower…
57831 …p par_id3154938 149 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_TEIL\"\>Returns a text string of a text. The pa…
57841 …ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_GROSS2\"\>Capitalizes the first letter in all words of a text string.\</ahelp…
57849a text string with a different text string.\</ahelp\> This function can be used to replace both ch…
57850 …t be enclosed in quotation marks if you do not want it to be interpreted as a number and automatic…
57853 …149797 27 0 ast \<emph\>Text\</emph\> refers to text of which a part will be replace…
57861 …elp par_id3153748 194 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_WIEDERHOLEN\"\>Repeats a character string by …
57866 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060110.xhp 0 help par_id3149922 212 0 ast The result can be a
57871 …<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_RECHTS\"\>Returns the last character or characters of a text.\</ahelp\> 2…
57880 …ar_id3151256 249 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ROEMISCH\"\>Converts a number into a Roman numeral…
57883 … \<emph\>Number\</emph\> is the number that is to be converted into a Roman numeral. 20…
57894 … position of a text segment within a character string.\</ahelp\> You can set the start of the sear…
57904 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_WECHSELN\"\>Substitutes new text for old text in a string.\</ahelp\> …
57908 … \<emph\>SearchText \</emph\>is the text segment that is to be replaced (a number of times). …
57916 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_T\"\>This function returns the target text, or a blank text string if…
57919 … If \<emph\>Value\</emph\> is a text string or refers to a text string, T returns that text string…
57925 …3147213 159 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_TEXT\"\>Converts a number into text according to a give…
57935 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_GLAETTEN\"\>Removes spaces from a string, leaving only a single sp…
57943 … help par_id0907200904022538 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Converts a code number into a Unicode cha…
57950 …help hid=\".\"\>Returns the numeric code for the first Unicode character in a text string.\</ahelp…
57965 …par_id3152551 186 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_WERT\"\>Converts a text string into a number.\</a…
57968 …89 0 ast \<emph\>Text\</emph\> is the text to be converted to a number. 20200411 …
57973 …ltigkeit\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:Validation\"\>Defines what data is valid for a selected cell or cel…
57974 …lp par_idN105D1 0 ast You can also insert a list box from the Controls toolbar and link the lis…
57978 …st \<variable id=\"bereichwaehlen\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:SelectDB\"\>Selects a database range that …
57980 …id=\"HID_SC_SELENTRY_LIST\"\>Lists the available database ranges. To select a database range, clic…
57983 …01\format_graphic.xhp 0 help par_idN10558 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a submenu to edit the …
57991 …s to ensure that your data prints properly. You can insert a horizontal page break above, or a ver…
57998 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\05100000.xhp 0 help hd_id3150012 36 0 ast How to apply a cell s…
58013 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\05100000.xhp 0 help hd_id3148870 13 0 ast How to apply a new st…
58016 …1\05100000.xhp 0 help par_id3148609 15 0 ast Click a cell to format it, or drag your mouse over
58019 …"HID_TEMPLDLG_NEWBYEXAMPLE\"\>Creates a new style based on the formatting of a selected object.\</…
58028 …t menu\"\>context menu\</link\> you can choose commands to create a new style, delete a user-defin…
58034 …seconds.\</ahelp\> This function can be used to convert a time based on these three elements to a
58048 … \<ahelp hid=\"SC:CHECKBOX:RID_SCPAGE_SUBT_OPTIONS:BTN_PAGEBREAK\"\>Inserts a new page after each …
58050 …SUBT_OPTIONS:BTN_CASE\"\>Recalculates subtotals when you change the case of a data label.\</ahelp\…
58057 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SC:LISTBOX:RID_SCPAGE_SUBT_OPTIONS:LB_USERDEF\"\>Uses a custom sorting order…
58065 …\12050100.xhp 0 help par_id3148797 3 0 ast To insert subtotal values into a table: 20200411 1…
58089 …select databases that are registered in %PRODUCTNAME.\</ahelp\> To register a data source, choose …
58100 … 0 help par_id3150791 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertColumns\"\>Inserts a new column to the le…
58104 … the options to be used to insert a new sheet.\</ahelp\> You can create a new sheet, or insert an …
58108 …st \<ahelp hid=\"SC:RADIOBUTTON:RID_SCDLG_INSERT_TABLE:RB_BEFORE\"\>Inserts a new sheet directly b…
58110 …st \<ahelp hid=\"SC:RADIOBUTTON:RID_SCDLG_INSERT_TABLE:RB_BEHIND\"\>Inserts a new sheet directly a…
58112 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04050000.xhp 0 help par_id3154012 26 0 ast Specifies whether a
58114 …elp hid=\"SC_RADIOBUTTON_RID_SCDLG_INSERT_TABLE_RB_NEW\"\>Creates a new sheet. Enter a sheet name …
58120 … \<ahelp hid=\"SC_RADIOBUTTON_RID_SCDLG_INSERT_TABLE_RB_FROMFILE\"\>Inserts a sheet from an existi…
58122 … hid=\"SC:PUSHBUTTON:RID_SCDLG_INSERT_TABLE:BTN_BROWSE\"\>Opens a dialog for selecting a file.\</a…
58124 …p hid=\"SC:MULTILISTBOX:RID_SCDLG_INSERT_TABLE:LB_TABLES\"\>If you selected a file by using the \<…
58126 …OX_RID_SCDLG_INSERT_TABLE_CB_LINK\"\>Select to insert the sheet as a link instead as a copy. The l…
58137 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SCPAGE_HFED_FL\"\>Defines or formats a header or footer for a Page Styl…
58145 …calc\01\02120100.xhp 0 help par_idN10815 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a predefined header or…
58147 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3150717 10 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SC_HF_TEXT\"\>Opens a dialog to assign for…
58151a file name placeholder in the selected area.\</ahelp\> Click to insert the title. Long-click to s…
58155 …hp 0 help par_id3148842 14 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SC_HF_TABLE\"\>Inserts a placeholder in the s…
58159 …\"\>Inserts a placeholder in the selected header/footer area, which is replaced by page numbering.…
58163 …hp 0 help par_id3153812 18 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SC_HF_PAGES\"\>Inserts a placeholder in the s…
58167 …xhp 0 help par_id3153960 20 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SC_HF_DATE\"\>Inserts a placeholder in the s…
58171 …xhp 0 help par_id3145638 22 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SC_HF_TIME\"\>Inserts a placeholder in the s…
58216 …ar_id3147363 27 0 ast The cells for the 1st and 2nd quarters each contain a sum formula for the …
58222 …xhp 0 help par_id3149281 20 0 ast The internal date number is returned as a number. The number i…
58223 …xhp 0 help par_id0119200903491982 0 ast If the text string also includes a time value, DATEVALU…
58226 …value.xhp 0 help par_id3154819 23 0 ast \<emph\>Text\</emph\> is a valid date expressio…
58231 …\</emph\> dialog in which you then specify sheet protection with or without a password. 2020041…
58233 …p par_id3154490 8 0 ast Unprotected cells or cell ranges can be set up on a protected sheet by u…
58237 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3149566 9 0 ast To later change an unprotected area to a protected area, sele…
58239 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\06060100.xhp 0 help par_id3150301 19 0 ast If a sheet is protec…
58243 …p par_id3152990 7 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:Protect\"\>Allows you to enter a password to protect …
58249 …ph\>Stop\</emph\> option is not selected. When you assign a validity rule, existing values in a ce…
58263 …al number 36688. The result is 2000-06-11. Format the serial date number as a date, for example in…
58266 …>Define the error message that is displayed when invalid data is entered in a cell.\</ahelp\> 2…
58267 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\12120300.xhp 0 help par_id3154138 25 0 ast You can also start a
58269 …enter in the \<emph\>Contents\</emph\> area when invalid data is entered in a cell.\</ahelp\> If e…
58273a cell.\</ahelp\> The "Stop" action rejects the invalid entry and displays a dialog that you have …
58275 …e you can select the macro that is executed when invalid data is entered in a cell. The macro is e…
58277 … the error message that you want to display when invalid data is entered in a cell.\</ahelp\> 2…
58279 …>Enter the message that you want to display when invalid data is entered in a cell.\</ahelp\> 2…
58285 …d3153976 3 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_RANG\"\>Returns the rank of a number in a sample.\</ahel…
58297 …153485 13 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_SCHIEFE\"\>Returns the skewness of a distribution.\</ahel…
58312 …or the X value of 50 if the X and Y values in both references are linked by a linear trend. 202…
58313 …alue\> \<bookmark_value\>standard deviations in statistics;based on a sample\</bookmark_va…
58315 …t \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_STABW\"\>Estimates the standard deviation based on a sample.\</ahelp\> …
58318 … Number2, ... Number30\</emph\> are numerical values or ranges representing a sample based on an e…
58323 …_FUNC_STABWA\"\>Calculates the standard deviation of an estimation based on a sample.\</ahelp\> …
58326 …emph\>Value1, Value2, ...Value30\</emph\> are values or ranges representing a sample derived from …
58329 …alue\> \<bookmark_value\>standard deviations in statistics;based on a population\</bookmar…
58334 …,Number 2,...Number 30\</emph\> are numerical values or ranges representing a sample based on an e…
58336 … 0 ast \<item type=\"input\"\>=STDEVP(A1:A50)\</item\> returns a standard deviation o…
58342 …\<emph\>Value1,value2,...value30\</emph\> are values or ranges representing a sample derived from …
58347 …3 47 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_STANDARDISIERUNG\"\>Converts a random variable to a normalized…
58354 …NDARDIZE(11;10;1)\</item\> returns 1. The value 11 in a normal distribution with a mean of 10 and
58365 …ard normal cumulative distribution function. The distribution has a mean of zero and a standard de…
58392 …=\"HID_FUNC_SUMQUADABW\"\>Returns the sum of squares of deviations based on a sample mean.\</ahelp…
58395 …ber1, Number2, ...Number30\</emph\> numerical values or ranges representing a sample. 20200411…
58409 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_TTEST\"\>Returns the probability associated with a Student's t-Test.\</…
58430 …9 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_VARIANZ\"\>Estimates the variance based on a sample.\</ahelp\> …
58433 …, Number2, ...Number30\</emph\> are numerical values or ranges representing a sample based on an e…
58438 …d3155122 203 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_VARIANZA\"\>Estimates a variance based on a sample. Th…
58441 …<emph\>Value1, Value2,...Value30\</emph\> are values or ranges representing a sample derived from …
58446 …lp par_id3159199 137 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_VARIANZEN\"\>Calculates a variance based on th…
58462 …<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_VARIATIONEN\"\>Returns the number of permutations for a given number of obje…
58468 …T(6;3)\</item\> returns 120. There are 120 different possibilities, to pick a sequence of 3 playin…
58471 …ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_VARIATIONEN2\"\>Returns the number of permutations for a given number of obje…
58477 …p 0 help par_id3153949 160 0 ast How often can 2 objects be selected from a total of 11 objects?…
58479 …ONA(6;3)\</item\> returns 216. There are 216 different possibilities to put a sequence of 3 playin…
58482 …elp hid=\"HID_FUNC_WAHRSCHBEREICH\"\>Returns the probability that values in a range are between tw…
58490 …ty with which a value within the range of A1:A50 is also within the limits between 50 and 60. Ever…
58494 …0185.xhp 0 help par_id0305200911372767 0 ast The Weibull distribution is a continuous probabili…
58510 …_FUNC_ODDFPRICE\"\>Calculates the price per 100 currency units par value of a security, if the fir…
58523 … 88 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_ODDFYIELD\"\>Calculates the yield of a security if the firs…
58536 …_FUNC_ODDLPRICE\"\>Calculates the price per 100 currency units par value of a security, if the las…
58548 …elp par_id3148567 116 0 ast The price per 100 currency units per value of a security, which has …
58552 …119 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_ODDLYIELD\"\>Calculates the yield of a security if the last…
58568 …"HID_FUNC_VDB\"\>Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified or partial period using a va…
58577 … 232 0 ast \<emph\>Type \</emph\>is an optional parameter. Type = 1 means a switch to linear dep…
58580 …3927 234 0 ast What is the declining-balance double-rate depreciation for a period if the initia…
58584 … internal rate of return for a list of payments which take place on different dates.\</ahelp\> The…
58588 …821 197 0 ast \<emph\>Values\</emph\> and \<emph\>Dates\</emph\> refer to a series of payments a…
58589 …8.xhp 0 help par_id3149708 198 0 ast \<emph\>Guess\</emph\> (optional) is a guess that can be in…
58615 …value (net present value)for a list of payments which take place on different dates.\</ahelp\> The…
58620 …395 218 0 ast \<emph\>Values\</emph\> and \<emph\>Dates\</emph\> refer to a series of payments a…
58622 …culation of the net present value for the above-mentioned five payments for a notional internal ra…
58630 …posit of cash or the current cash value of an allowance in kind. As a deposit value a positive val…
58633 …\04060118.xhp 0 help par_id3154212 245 0 ast For four periods (years) and a cash value of 7,500 …
58645 … due date of the periodic payment, either at the beginning or at the end of a period. 20200411 …
58649 …xhp 0 help par_id3150706 260 0 ast What is the constant interest rate for a payment period of 3 …
58653 …nnual interest rate that results when a security (or other item) is purchased at an investment val…
58665 … of the first interest date after the settlement date. Format the result as a date.\</ahelp\> 2…
58698 …YBS\"\>Returns the number of days from the first day of interest payment on a security until the s…
58709 …ate of the interest date prior to the settlement date. Format the result as a date.\</ahelp\> 2…
58731 …lates the periodic amortizement for an investment with regular payments and a constant interest ra…
58745 … the future value of an investment based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest ra…
58752 …optional) defines whether the payment is due at the beginning or the end of a period. 20200411 …
58755 …4% and the payment period is two years, with a periodic payment of 750 currency units. The investm…
58759 …_FVSCHEDULE\"\>Calculates the accumulated value of the starting capital for a series of periodical…
58763 …562 56 0 ast \<emph\>Schedule\</emph\> is a series of interest rates, for example, as a range H3…
58769 …umber of periods for an investment based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest ra…
58774 …153134 296 0 ast \<emph\>PV\</emph\> is the present value (cash value) in a sequence of payments…
58779 … payment periods does a payment period cover with a periodic interest rate of 6%, a periodic payme…
58788 … ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Try to solve the equation for a maximum value of the…
58789 … ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Try to solve the equation for a minimum value of the…
58790 …help hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Try to solve the equation to approach a given value of the t…
58791 …141026 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter the value or a cell reference.\</ah…
58793 … help par_id9183935 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter a cell reference.\</ah…
58795 …par_id9607226 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter a value or a cell reference.…
58796 …store the dialog. You can click or select cells in the sheet. You can enter a cell reference manua…
58801 …an choose whether the value in the target cell should be a maximum, a minimum, or approaching a gi…
58802 …p 0 help par_id7869502 0 ast The initial variable values are inserted in a rectangular cell ran…
58803a series of limiting conditions that set constraints for some cells. For example, you can set the …
58807 …50793 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:FillLeft\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Fills a selected range of at…
58808 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\02140400.xhp 0 help par_id3156280 3 0 ast If a selected range h…
58809 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\02180000.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Move or Copy a Sheet 20200411…
58811 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\02180000.xhp 0 help hd_id3153360 1 0 ast Move or Copy a Sheet …
58812 …ntext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:Move\"\>Moves or copies a sheet to a new location in the document or t…
58815 …ed to.\</ahelp\> Select \<emph\>new document\</emph\> if you want to create a new location for the…
58827 …\"\>Automatically refreshes all the traces in the sheet whenever you modify a formula.\</ahelp\> …
58834 … 0 help par_id3150542 5 0 ast If a sheet has been hidden, the Show Sheet dialog opens, which all…
58840 …t \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_EOMONTH\"\>Returns the date of the last day of a month which falls m\…
58843 …_eomonth.xhp 0 help par_id3146787 235 0 ast \<emph\>StartDate\</emph\> is a date (the starting p…
58847 …H(DATE(2001;9;14);6)\</item\> returns the serial number 37346. Formatted as a date, this is 2002-0…
58868 …ct a named \<link href=\"text/scalc/01/12010000.xhp\" name=\"cell range\"\> cell range\</link\> wh…
58870 …> Enter the cell range where you want to display the sorted list, or select a named range from the…
58874 …ORT_USER\"\> Select the custom sort order that you want to apply. To define a custom sort order, c…
58879 …st \<ahelp hid=\"SC_LISTBOX_RID_SCPAGE_SORT_OPTIONS_LB_ALGORITHM\"\> Select a sorting option for t…
58890 …ator\"\>Activates and deactivates the Navigator.\</ahelp\> The Navigator is a \<link href=\"text/s…
58895 …xhp 0 help par_id3149958 7 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SC_NAVIPI_ROW\"\>Enter a row number. Press En…
58917 … hid=\"HID_SC_NAVIPI_SCEN\"\>Displays all available scenarios. Double-click a name to apply that s…
58920 …plays scenarios, you can access the following commands when you right-click a scenario entry: 2…
58926a submenu for selecting the drag mode. You decide which action is performed when dragging and drop…
58930 …elp hid=\"HID_SC_DROPMODE_URL\"\>Inserts a hyperlink when you drag-and-drop an object from the Nav…
58931 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\02110000.xhp 0 help par_id3880733 0 ast If you insert a hyperl…
58933 …ahelp hid=\"HID_SC_DROPMODE_LINK\"\>Creates a link when you drag-and-drop an object from the Navig…
58935 …elp hid=\"HID_SC_DROPMODE_COPY\"\>Generates a copy when you drag-and-drop an object from the Navig…
58943 …"beschtext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:DefineLabelRange\"\>Opens a dialog in which you can define a labe…
58944a label range can be used like names in formulas - $[officename] recognizes these names in the sam…
58945 …cename] first searches the label ranges of the current sheet and, following a failed search, the r…
58947 …splays the cell reference of each label range.\</ahelp\> In order to remove a label range from the…
58962 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\func_today.xhp 0 help par_id3154741 33 0 ast TODAY is a functi…
58969 … standards. For example, the WEEKNUM function calculates the week number of a given date based on …
58970 …lly handles a date/time value as a numerical value. If you assign the numbering format "Number" to…
58972 …0102.xhp 0 help par_id9988402 0 ast Dates are calculated as offsets from a starting day zero. Y…
59024 …par_id3147496 38 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_JAHR\"\>Returns the year as a number according to …
59035 …"\>This function shows the relationship between the current cell containing a formula and the cell…
59036 … the cells contained in the formula of the current cell is highlighted with a blue frame. 20200…
59037 … This function is based on a principle of layers. For example, if the precedent cell to a formula …
59040 …p 0 help par_id3831598 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:PrintPreview\"\>Displays a preview of the print…
59051 …OW_OPT:ED_VALUE\"\>Sets additional spacing between the largest character in a row and the cell bou…
59088 …scalc\01\12090000.xhp 0 help par_id3153562 2 0 ast A pivot table provides a summary of large amo…
59094 …Delete\"\>Specifies the contents to be deleted from the active cell or from a selected cell range.…
59118 …ing made to cells in the sheets or to sheets in a document. As an option, you can define a passwor…
59125 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\02140600.xhp 0 help par_id3146976 41 0 ast Before filling a ser…
59126 …lc\01\02140600.xhp 0 help par_id3145748 3 0 ast To automatically continue a series using the ass…
59130 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"SC:RADIOBUTTON:RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES:BTN_BOTTOM\"\>Creates a downward series in t…
59132 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"SC:RADIOBUTTON:RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES:BTN_RIGHT\"\>Creates a series running from …
59136 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SC:RADIOBUTTON:RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES:BTN_LEFT\"\>Creates a series running from …
59140 …\<ahelp hid=\"SC:RADIOBUTTON:RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES:BTN_ARITHMETIC\"\>Creates a linear number series…
59142 … \<ahelp hid=\"SC:RADIOBUTTON:RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES:BTN_GEOMETRIC\"\>Creates a growth series using …
59144 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SC:RADIOBUTTON:RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES:BTN_DATE\"\>Creates a date series using th…
59146 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"SC:RADIOBUTTON:RID_SCDLG_FILLSERIES:BTN_AUTOFILL\"\>Forms a series directly in t…
59147 ….xhp 0 help par_id3155811 24 0 ast AutoFill tries to complete a value series by using a defined …
59151 …_DAY\"\>Use the \<emph\>Date\</emph\> series type and this option to create a series using seven d…
59153 …WEEK\"\>Use the \<emph\>Date\</emph\> series type and this option to create a series of five day s…
59155 …_MONTH\"\>Use the \<emph\>Date\</emph\> series type and this option to form a series from the name…
59157 …YEAR\"\>Use the \<emph\>Date\</emph\> series type and this option to create a series of years.\</a…
59163 …p par_id3154739 40 0 ast The term "increment" denotes the amount by which a given value increase…
59166 …53969 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:FillDown\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Fills a selected range of at…
59167 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\02140100.xhp 0 help par_id3145787 3 0 ast If a selected range h…
59171 …7 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertRows\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Inserts a new row above the ac…
59180 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMABS\"\>The result is the absolute value of a complex number.\</ah…
59183 …974 48 0 ast \<variable id=\"complex\"\>\<emph\>ComplexNumber\</emph\> is a complex number that …
59188 … hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMAGINARY\"\>The result is the imaginary coefficient of a complex number.\</ah…
59195 …st \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMPOWER\"\>The result is the integer power of a complex number.\</ah…
59203 …=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMARGUMENT\"\>The result is the argument (the phi angle) of a complex number.\</ah…
59210 … 74 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMCOS\"\>The result is the cosine of a complex number.\</ah…
59217 …\<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMCOSH\"\>The result is the hyberbolic cosine of a complex number.\</ah…
59224 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMCOT\"\>The result is the cotangent of a complex number.\</ah…
59231 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMCSC\"\>The result is the cosecant of a complex number.\</ah…
59238 …ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMCSCH\"\>The result is the hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number.\</ah…
59253 …sult is the power of e and the complex number.\</ahelp\> The constant e has a value of approximate…
59260 …_AAI_FUNC_IMCONJUGATE\"\>The result is the conjugated complex complement to a complex number.\</ah…
59267 … result is the natural logarithm (to the base e) of a complex number.\</ahelp\> The constant e has…
59274 …_AAI_FUNC_IMLOG10\"\>The result is the common logarithm (to the base 10) of a complex number.\</ah…
59281 … \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMLOG2\"\>The result is the binary logarithm of a complex number.\</ah…
59295 … \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMREAL\"\>The result is the real coefficient of a complex number.\</ah…
59302 …90 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMSEC\"\>The result is the secant of a complex number.\</ah…
59309 …\<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMSECH\"\>The result is the hyperbolic secant of a complex number.\</ah…
59316 …1 137 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMSIN\"\>The result is the sine of a complex number.\</ah…
59323 …t \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMSINH\"\>The result is the hyperbolic sine of a complex number.\</ah…
59344 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMSQRT\"\>The result is the square root of a complex number.\</ah…
59351 …0 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_IMTAN\"\>The result is the tangent of a complex number.\</ah…
59358 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_COMPLEX\"\>The result is a complex number which is returned from a
59363 …xhp 0 help par_id3155849 163 0 ast \<emph\>Suffix\</emph\> is a list of options, "i"…
59371 … \<emph\>Number\</emph\> is the octal number. The number can have a maximum of 10 places…
59380 … \<emph\>Number\</emph\> is the octal number. The number can have a maximum of 10 places…
59388 … \<emph\>Number\</emph\> is the octal number. The number can have a maximum of 10 places…
59394a value from one unit of measure to the corresponding value in another unit of measure.\</ahelp\> …
59421 …hp 0 help par_id3143277 203 0 ast Each unit of measure can be preceded by a prefix character fro…
59424 …scalc\01\04060116.xhp 0 help par_id3149931 206 0 ast d, c, m, u, n, p, f, a, z, y 20200411 15…
59447 …st \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_FACTDOUBLE\"\>Returns the double factorial of a number.\</ahelp\> …
59463 …>\</variable\> The optimal column width depends on the longest entry within a column. You can choo…
59465 …COL_OPT:ED_VALUE\"\>Defines additional spacing between the longest entry in a column and the verti…
59470 … depending on certain conditions.\</ahelp\>\</variable\> If a style was already assigned to a cell…
59471 …late must be enabled. Choose Tools - Cell Contents - AutoCalculate (you see a check mark next to t…
59476a cell value or a formula.\</ahelp\> If you select a formula as a reference, the \<emph\>Cell Valu…
59478 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SC:LISTBOX:RID_SCDLG_CONDFORMAT:LB_COND3_2\"\>Choose a condition for the fo…
59482 …ven't already defined a style to be used, you can click New Style to open the Organizer tab page o…
59484a reference, value or formula.\</ahelp\> Enter a reference, value or formula in the parameter fie…
59486 …l style Null value (You must have already defined a cell style with this name before assigning it …
59497 …alSeekDialog\"\>Opens a dialog where you can solve an equation with a variable.\</ahelp\>\</variab…
59503 …RID_SCDLG_SOLVER:ED_TARGETVAL\"\>Specifies the value you want to achieve as a new result.\</ahelp\…
59509 …"\>Draws tracer arrows to all precedent cells which cause an error value in a selected cell.\</ahe…
59513 …0 help par_id3149656 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertRowBreak\"\>Inserts a row break (horizonta…
59514 …100.xhp 0 help par_id3156422 3 0 ast The manual row break is indicated by a dark blue horizontal…
59518 …ren\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:DataAreaRefresh\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Updates a data range that was …
59530 …04060105.xhp 0 help par_id3150538 67 0 ast When a function expects a single value, but you enter…
59534 …ns to be checked. All conditions can be either TRUE or FALSE. If a range is entered as a parameter…
59559 …hp 0 help par_id3148740 49 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_WENN\"\>Specifies a logical test to be p…
59570 …_id3153570 13 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_NICHT\"\>Complements (inverts) a logical value.\</ahe…
59580 …04060105.xhp 0 help par_id3153546 63 0 ast When a function expects a single value, but you enter…
59584 …ns to be checked. All conditions can be either TRUE or FALSE. If a range is entered as a parameter…
59606 …4546 34 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ABS\"\>Returns the absolute value of a number.\</ahelp\> …
59609 … the number whose absolute value is to be calculated. The absolute value of a number is its value …
59624 …<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ARCCOS\"\>Returns the inverse trigonometric cosine of a number.\</ahelp\> …
59634 …\<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ARCOSHYP\"\>Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number.\</ahelp\> …
59663 … \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ARCSIN\"\>Returns the inverse trigonometric sine of a number.\</ahelp\> …
59674 …t \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ARSINHYP\"\>Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number.\</ahelp\> …
59683 …ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ARCTAN\"\>Returns the inverse trigonometric tangent of a number.\</ahelp\> …
59698 …igonometric tangent, that is, the angle (in radians) between the x-axis and a line from point Numb…
59705 …<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ARTANHYP\"\>Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number.\</ahelp\> …
59724 …0 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_COSHYP\"\>Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number.\</ahelp\> …
59743 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_COTHYP\"\>Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of a given number (angle)…
59759 … hid=\"HID_FUNC_EXP\"\>Returns e raised to the power of a number.\</ahelp\> The constant e has a v…
59767 …09 209 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_FAKULTAET\"\>Returns the factorial of a number.\</ahelp\> …
59772 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060106.xhp 0 help par_id8429517 0 ast The factorial of a neg…
59778 … 0 help par_id3158441 219 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_GANZZAHL\"\>Rounds a number down to the n…
59788 …28 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_GERADE\"\>Rounds a positive number up to the next even integer a…
59805 …lt 8, because 8 is the largest number that can divide 16, 24 and 32 without a remainder. 202004…
59809 …elp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_GCD\"\> The result is the greatest common divisor of a list of numbers.\</a…
59812 …04060106.xhp 0 help par_id3145150 681 0 ast \<emph\>Number(s)\</emph\> is a list of up to 30 num…
59850 …help hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_LCM\"\> The result is the lowest common multiple of a list of numbers.\</a…
59853 …04060106.xhp 0 help par_id3147377 688 0 ast \<emph\>Number(s)\</emph\> is a list of up to 30 num…
59863 … ways to choose these items. For example if there are 3 items A, B and C in a set, you can choose …
59869 …help hid=\"HID_FUNC_KOMBINATIONEN2\"\>Returns the number of combinations of a subset of items incl…
59874 …etition of items is allowed. For example if there are 3 items A, B and C in a set, you can choose …
59880 … help par_id3157866 292 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_KUERZEN\"\>Truncates a number by removing d…
59891 …eturns the natural logarithm based on the constant e of a number.\</ahelp\> The constant e has a v…
59900 …d3109841 312 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_LOG\"\>Returns the logarithm of a number to the specif…
59910 …23 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_LOG10\"\>Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number.\</ahelp\> …
59918 … help par_id3153422 558 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_OBERGRENZE\"\>Rounds a number up to the nea…
59941 …04060106.xhp 0 help par_id3155673 639 0 ast \<emph\>Number(s)\</emph\> is a list of up to 30 num…
59946 …p 0 help par_id3159495 351 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_POTENZ\"\>Returns a number raised to ano…
59957 …0 help par_id3152688 643 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Sums the first terms of a power series.\</ahel…
59964 …60106.xhp 0 help par_id3144370 649 0 ast \<emph\>Coefficients\</emph\> is a series of coefficien…
59994 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_QUOTIENT\"\>Returns the integer part of a division operation.\…
60011 …elp par_id3158150 399 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_RUNDEN\"\>Rounds a number to a certain number…
60024 …146020 25 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ABRUNDEN\"\>Rounds a number down, toward zero, to a certa…
60036 …3297 141 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_AUFRUNDEN\"\>Rounds a number up, away from zero, to a cert…
60059 …419 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_SINHYP\"\>Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number.\</ahelp\> …
60067 …3163625 429 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_SUMME\"\>Adds all the numbers in a range of cells.\</ah…
60075a table. Column A contains the date value of the invoice, column B the amounts. You want to find a
60080 …r_id3151884 625 0 ast The formula is based on the fact that the result of a comparison is 1 if t…
60083 …\"\>Adds the cells specified by a given criteria.\</ahelp\> This function is used to browse a rang…
60096 …6K 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_SUMMEWNRNG\"\>Sum the values of cells in a range that meet mult…
60100 …04060106.xhp 0 help par_id3152062K 0 ast A \<emph\>Criterion\</emph\> is a single cell Referenc…
60117 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_TANHYP\"\>Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number.\</ahelp\> …
60125 …t \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_TEILERGEBNIS\"\>Calculates subtotals.\</ahelp\> If a range already contai…
60128 …\04060106.xhp 0 help par_id3165731 497 0 ast \<emph\>Function\</emph\> is a number that stands f…
60155 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060106.xhp 0 help par_id3143638 562 0 ast You have a table in…
60165 …al. If Triangulation_precision is given and >=3, the intermediate result of a triangular conversio…
60171 …lp hid=\".\"\>Converts a value from one unit of measurement to another unit of measurement. The co…
60180 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_UNGERADE\"\>Rounds a positive number up to the nearest odd integer …
60191 …help par_id3157432 513 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_UNTERGRENZE\"\>Rounds a number down to the n…
60204 …164115 524 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_VORZEICHEN\"\>Returns the sign of a number. Returns 1 if…
60213 …help par_id3164288 659 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_MROUND\"\>Returns a number rounded to th…
60223 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_WURZEL\"\>Returns the positive square root of a number.\</ahelp\> …
60233 …t \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_SQRTPI\"\>Returns the square root of (PI times a number).\</ahelp\> …
60242 …ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_RANDBETWEEN\"\>Returns an integer random number in a specified range.\</a…
60246 …\scalc\01\04060106.xhp 0 help par_id2855616 0 ast This function produces a new random number ea…
60252 …elp par_id3164829 543 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ZUFALLSZAHL\"\>Returns a random number betwee…
60255 …\scalc\01\04060106.xhp 0 help par_id5092318 0 ast This function produces a new random number ea…
60258 …help par_id9569078 0 ast \<item type=\"input\"\>=RAND()\</item\> returns a random number betwee…
60261 …NWENN\"\>Returns the number of cells that meet with certain criteria within a cell range.\</ahelp\…
60265a number, an expression or a character string. These criteria determine which cells are counted. Y…
60267a cell range containing the numbers \<item type=\"input\"\>2000\</item\> to \<item type=\"input\"\…
60280a number, an expression or a character string. These criteria determine which cells are counted. Y…
60282 …ast A1:A10 is a cell range containing the numbers \<item type=\"input\"\>2000\</item\> to \<item t…
60292 …LG_SPEC_FILTER:BTN_HEADER\"\>Includes the column labels in the first row of a cell range.\</ahelp\…
60294 …where you want to display the filter results.\</ahelp\> You can also select a named range from the…
60296 …GEXP\"\>Allows you to use wildcards in the filter definition.\</ahelp\> For a list of the regular …
60301 …have defined the source range under \<emph\>Data - Define range\</emph\> as a database range.\</ah…
60307 …I_FUNC_WORKDAY\"\> The result is a date number that can be formatted as a date. You then see the d…
60310 … is the date from when the calculation is carried out. If the start date is a workday, the day is …
60311 …ph\> is the number of workdays. Positive value for a result after the start date, negative value f…
60312 …93 192 0 ast \<emph\>Holidays\</emph\> is a list of optional holidays. These are non-working day…
60315 … =WORKDAY(C3;D3;F3:J3) returns 2001-12-28. Format the serial date number as a date, for example in…
60318 …d=\".uno:Group\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Defines the selected cell range as a group of rows or col…
60319 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\12080300.xhp 0 help par_id3145069 3 0 ast When you group a cell…
60327 …par_id3151246 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Combines the selected cells into a single cell or split…
60328 …riginal cell range. Merged cells cannot be merged a second time with other cells. The range must f…
60329 …0 help par_id3149665 3 0 ast If the cells to be merged have any contents, a security dialog is s…
60333 … 0 ast The \<emph\>Row\</emph\> or \<emph\>Column\</emph\> box must contain a reference to the fir…
60334 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\12060000.xhp 0 help par_id3154011 16 0 ast If you export a spre…
60339 …_TABOP:ED_ROWCELL\"\>Enter the input cell reference that you want to use as a variable for the row…
60341 …_TABOP:ED_COLCELL\"\>Enter the input cell reference that you want to use as a variable for the col…
60349 …the field for which the dialog was opened, the items are sorted by name. If a data field was selec…
60351 …the field for which the dialog was opened, the items are sorted by name. If a data field was selec…
60361 … par_idN1059E 0 ast Displays the top or bottom nn items when you sort by a specified field. …
60437 …calc\01\04060199.xhp 0 help par_id3149024 61 0 ast These operators return a cell range of zero, …
60452 … help par_id2511978 0 ast Takes two references and returns a reference list, which is a concate…
60453 …Reference concatenation using a tilde character was implemented lately. When a formula with the ti…
60475 …ws and columns together so that you can collapse and expand the groups with a single click. 202…
60484 …APZ\"\>Returns for a given period the payment on the principal for an investment that is based on …
60492 … the due date. F = 1 for payment at the beginning of a period and F = 0 for payment at the end of
60495 …terest rate of 8.75% over a period of 3 years? The cash value is 5,000 currency units and is alway…
60499 …PITAL\"\>Returns the cumulative interest paid for an investment period with a constant interest ra…
60503 …\> is the payment period with the total number of periods. NPER can also be a non-integer value. …
60513 …id=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_CUMPRINC\"\> Calculates the cumulative redemption of a loan in a period.\</ahelp…
60521 …p 0 help par_id3150570 191 0 ast \<emph\>Type\</emph\> is the maturity of a payment at the end o…
60523 … help par_id3148774 193 0 ast The following mortgage loan is taken out on a house: 20200411 1…
60531 … interest payments, that is, the total interest, for an investment based on a constant interest ra…
60535 …\> is the payment period with the total number of periods. NPER can also be a non-integer value. …
60541 …hat are the interest payments at a yearly interest rate of 5.5 %, a payment period of monthly paym…
60545 …ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_CUMIPMT\"\>Calculates the accumulated interest for a period.\</ahelp\> …
60553 …p 0 help par_id3150962 174 0 ast \<emph\>Type\</emph\> is the maturity of a payment at the end o…
60555 … help par_id3156324 176 0 ast The following mortgage loan is taken out on a house: 20200411 1…
60563 …C_PRICE\"\>Calculates the market value of a fixed interest security with a par value of 100 curren…
60577 …NC_PRICEDISC\"\>Calculates the price per 100 currency units of par value of a non-interest- bearin…
60582 …ar_id3156014 28 0 ast \<emph\>Discount\</emph\> is the discount of a security as a percentage. …
60589 …UNC_PRICEMAT\"\>Calculates the price per 100 currency units of par value of a security, that pays …
60606 …c\01\04060119.xhp 0 help par_id3148801 284 0 ast \<emph\>Rate\</emph\> is a constant. The intere…
60607 …posit of cash or the current cash value of an allowance in kind. As a deposit value a positive val…
60610 …st At an interest rate of 4.75%, a cash value of 25,000 currency units and a future value of 1,000…
60624 …id=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_MDURATION\"\>Calculates the modified Macauley duration of a fixed interest secur…
60637 …BW\"\>Returns the present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows and a di…
60640 …lp par_id3150630 305 0 ast \<emph\>Rate\</emph\> is the discount rate for a period. 20200411 …
60643 …net present value of periodic payments of 10, 20 and 30 currency units with a discount rate of 8.7…
60663 …p 0 help par_id3145777 236 0 ast What is the nominal rate of interest for a 5.3543% effective ra…
60667 …<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_DOLLARFR\"\>Converts a quotation that has been given as a decimal number…
60670 …0119.xhp 0 help par_id3149558 212 0 ast \<emph\>DecimalDollar\</emph\> is a decimal number. 2…
60671 …\04060119.xhp 0 help par_id3153672 213 0 ast \<emph\>Fraction\</emph\> is a whole number that is…
60677 …ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_DOLLARDE\"\>Converts a quotation that has been given as a decimal fractio…
60680 …elp par_id3154111 203 0 ast \<emph\>FractionalDollar\</emph\> is a number given as a decimal fra…
60681 …\04060119.xhp 0 help par_id3153695 204 0 ast \<emph\>Fraction\</emph\> is a whole number that is…
60687 …p hid=\"HID_FUNC_QIKV\"\>Calculates the modified internal rate of return of a series of investment…
60694a cell content of A1 = \<item type=\"input\"\>-5\</item\>, A2 = \<item type=\"input\"\>10\</item\>…
60697 …643 130 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_YIELD\"\>Calculates the yield of a security.\</ahelp\> …
60711 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_YIELDDISC\"\>Calculates the annual yield of a non-interest-bearing…
60723 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_YIELDMAT\"\>Calculates the annual yield of a security, the intere…
60741 …156360 336 0 ast \<emph\>PV\</emph\> is the present value (cash value) in a sequence of payments…
60746 …0119.xhp 0 help par_id3154222 340 0 ast What are the periodic payments at a yearly interest rate…
60750 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_TBILLEQ\"\>Calculates the annual return on a treasury bill ().\</…
60758 …p par_id3153520 67 0 ast The return on the treasury bill corresponding to a security is worked o…
60762 …70 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_TBILLPRICE\"\>Calculates the price of a treasury bill per 10…
60774 …81 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_TBILLYIELD\"\>Calculates the yield of a treasury bill.\</ahe…
60790 …abase category may be confused with a database integrated in $[officename]. However, there is no c…
60877 …r 0 to specify the whole data range. \<variable id=\"quotes\"\>To reference a column by means of t…
60883 …lp hid=\"HID_FUNC_DBANZAHL\"\>DCOUNT counts the number of rows (records) in a database that match …
60886 …elp par_id3153273 187 0 ast For the DatabaseField parameter you can enter a cell to specify the …
60893 … hid=\"HID_FUNC_DBANZAHL2\"\>DCOUNTA counts the number of rows (records) in a database that match …
60897a subsequent letter. Edit the formula in B16 to read \<item type=\"input\"\>=DCOUNTA(A1:E10;"Name"…
60900 …=\"HID_FUNC_DBAUSZUG\"\>DGET returns the contents of the referenced cell in a database which match…
60904 …t In the above example (scroll up, please), we want to determine what grade a child is in, whose n…
60912 …<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_DBMAX\"\>DMAX returns the maximum content of a cell (field) in a database (a…
60918 …\"input\"\>1, 2, 3,\</item\> and so on, one after the other. After entering a grade number, the we…
60921 …<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_DBMIN\"\>DMIN returns the minimum content of a cell (field) in a database th…
60939 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_DBPRODUKT\"\>DPRODUCT multiplies all cells of a data range where the…
60944 …value\> \<bookmark_value\>standard deviations in databases;based on a sample\</bookmark_va…
60946a population based on a sample, using the numbers in a database column that match the given condit…
60955 …DBSTDABWN\"\>DSTDEVP calculates the standard deviation of a population based on all cells of a dat…
60964 …st \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_DBSUMME\"\>DSUM returns the total of all cells in a database field in al…
60973a database field in all records that match the specified search criteria.\</ahelp\> The records fr…
60979 …"input\"\>7, 8, 9,\</item\> and so on, one after the other. You will see as a result the variance …
60982 …HID_FUNC_DBVARIANZEN\"\>DVARP calculates the variance of all cell values in a database field in al…
61002 …Date2\</emph\> is an earlier date than \<emph\>Date1\</emph\> the result is a negative number. …
61008 …formattext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Use this command to apply an AutoFormat to a selected sheet area …
61010 …hid=\"SC:LISTBOX:RID_SCDLG_AUTOFORMAT:LB_FORMAT\"\>Choose a predefined AutoFormat to apply to a se…
61012 …RID_SCDLG_AUTOFORMAT:BTN_ADD\"\>Allows you to add the current formatting of a range of at least 4 …
61013 … 0 help par_id3153708 29 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SC_AUTOFMT_NAME\"\>Enter a name and click \<emp…
61031 … help par_id3153064 27 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SC_RENAME_AUTOFMT\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
61054 …ariable id=\"nameneinfuegentext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertName\"\>Inserts a defined named cell r…
61055 …200.xhp 0 help par_id3149412 7 0 ast You can only insert a cell area after having defined a name…
61059 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SC:PUSHBUTTON:RID_SCDLG_NAMES_PASTE:BTN_ADD\"\>Inserts a list of all named ar…
61063 …de in the Detective. The mouse pointer changes to a special symbol, and you can click any cell to …
61071 …2\</emph\> is earlier than \<emph\>Date1\</emph\>, the function will return a negative number. …
61083a sheet, press the up or down arrow keys to move to a sheet in the list. To add a sheet to the sel…
61086 …text\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:PageFormatDialog\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
61095 …50880 214 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AAI_FUNC_EDATE\"\>The result is a date which is a number of m\…
61098 …nc_edate.xhp 0 help par_id3146860 217 0 ast \<emph\>StartDate\</emph\> is a date. 20200411 15…
61107 …0 help par_id3152576 3 0 ast The \<emph\>Function List\</emph\> window is a resizable \<link hre…
61110 …the available functions.\</ahelp\> When you select a function, the area below the list box display…
61117 …elp par_id3150447 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertColumnBreak\"\>Inserts a column break (vertic…
61118 ….xhp 0 help par_id3145171 3 0 ast The manual column break is indicated by a dark blue vertical l…
61127 …textmenue\" name=\"context menu\"\>context menu\</link\> when positioned in a cell and choose \<em…
61137 …ne sheet only to call the command. The current sheet is always selected. If a sheet other than the…
61139 …ST\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Displays a list of all hidden sheets in your spreadsheet document.\</…
61159 …a of all cells that are used together with the active cell in a formula is highlighted by a blue f…
61170a new "drill-down" sheet with more information about the current pivot table cell. You can also do…
61176 …ar_id3150440 4 0 ast You can define a default filter for the data by filtering, for example, fie…
61178 …=\"SC:LISTBOX:RID_SCDLG_PIVOTFILTER:LB_OP2\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Select a logical operator for…
61218 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\text2columns.xhp 0 help par_id8523819 0 ast You can select a f…
61220 …s.xhp 0 help par_id7110812 0 ast In the example, you select the comma as a delimiter character.…
61224 …elp par_id3154124 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:DeleteColumnbreak\"\>Removes a manual column break …
61225 …sition the cursor in the cell to the right of the column break indicated by a vertical line and ch…
61230 …elp par_id3151041 3 0 ast Position the cursor in a cell directly below the row break indicated b…
61237 …0 6 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SC:LISTBOX:TP_VALIDATION_VALUES:LB_ALLOW\"\>Click a validation option fo…
61252a cell range. The cell range can be specified explicitly, or as a named database range, or as a na…
61254 ….xhp 0 help par_idN106B0 0 ast Allow only values or strings specified in a list. Strings and va…
61260 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"sc:CheckBox:TP_VALIDATION_VALUES:CB_SHOWLIST\"\>Shows a list of all valid st…
61277 …ariable id=\"druckbereichetext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:EditPrintArea\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
61280 … \<ahelp hid=\"SC:EDIT:RID_SCDLG_AREAS:ED_PRINTAREA\"\>Allows you to modify a defined print range.…
61281a print range definition for the current spreadsheet. Select \<emph\>-entire sheet-\</emph\> to se…
61282 …hp 0 help par_id3145272 6 0 ast In the right-hand text box, you can enter a print range by refer…
61284 …er defined-\</emph\>. You can also select \<emph\>-none-\</emph\> to remove a defined repeating ro…
61287 …er defined-\</emph\>. You can also select \<emph\>-none-\</emph\> to remove a defined repeating co…
61295 …nd.xhp 0 help par_id3155904 90 0 ast \<emph\>Number\</emph\>, as a time value, is a decimal, for…
61301 …with \<emph\>Tools - Protect Document - Document\</emph\>. Optionally enter a password and click O…
61302 …ssword is assigned, protection is immediately removed. If you were assigned a password, the \<emph…
61305 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\06060200.xhp 0 help par_id3155412 5 0 ast You can create a pass…
61306 …h\> dialog appears. Consider carefully when choosing a password; if you forget it after you close
61312 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3153877 2 0 ast The following is a li…
61383 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3149450 80 0 ast Creates a copy of th…
61384 …\>Ctrl\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\>+Enter with keyboard focus (F6) on a drawing object icon …
61385 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3150756 105 0 ast Inserts a drawing o…
61391 …\sdraw\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3150258 111 0 ast Enters text mode if a text object is selec…
61393 … text mode if a text object is selected. If there are no text objects or if you have cycled throug…
61415 ….xhp 0 help par_id3154511 8 0 ast If you want, you can mix a custom color and add it to a color …
61416 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\color_define.xhp 0 help hd_id3155600 9 0 ast To define a cus…
61419 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\color_define.xhp 0 help par_id3166425 14 0 ast Click a color…
61422 …ast The RGB color model mixes red, green and blue light to create colors on a computer screen. In …
61423 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\color_define.xhp 0 help par_id3145386 17 0 ast Enter a numer…
61424a color using a color spectrum. Click the \<emph\>Edit\</emph\> button to open the \<link href=\"t…
61427 …ast If you want to add your custom color to the standard color table, enter a name in the \<emph\>…
61437 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\cross_fading.xhp 0 help par_id3156450 44 0 ast Enter a value…
61441 ….xhp 0 help par_id3154766 25 0 ast You can edit the individual objects of a group by selecting t…
61447 …ar_id3153415 5 0 ast The following example creates a stack of coins by making multiple copies of…
61448 … help par_id3149129 6 0 ast Use the \<emph\>Ellipse\</emph\> tool to draw a solid yellow ellipse…
61451 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\duplicate_object.xhp 0 help par_id3151192 11 0 ast Enter a n…
61452 …\sdraw\guide\duplicate_object.xhp 0 help par_id3151387 39 0 ast To define a color transition for…
61468 …nsparency\</emph\> option to replace the transparent areas of an image with a color. 20200411 1…
61469 … 0 ast Similarly, you can use the \<emph\>Color Replacer\</emph\> to make a color on your image …
61471 … 29 0 ast Ensure that the image you are using is a bitmap (for example, BMP, GIF, JPG, or PNG) o…
61484 …p 0 help par_id3145251 30 0 ast 3D objects that each form a 3D scene can be combined into a sing…
61486 … 0 help par_id3154702 31 0 ast Insert a 3D object from the \<emph\>3D Objects\</emph\> toolbar (…
61487 …jects3d.xhp 0 help par_id3155335 32 0 ast Insert a second slightly larger 3D object (for example…
61502 …\sdraw\guide\combine_etc.xhp 0 help par_id3146978 33 0 ast Unlike groups, a combined object take…
61510 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\combine_etc.xhp 0 help hd_id3156402 90 0 ast To construct a
61531 …t You can rotate an object around its default pivot point (center point) or a pivot point that you…
61534 …0 help par_id3149021 69 0 ast Move the pointer to a corner handle so that the pointer changes to…
61538 …hange the pivot point, drag the small circle in the center of the object to a new location. 202…
61543 …elp par_id3145750 46 0 ast There are several types of text you can add to a drawing or presentat…
61544 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\text_enter.xhp 0 help par_idN10824 0 ast Text in a text box…
61547 …\guide\text_enter.xhp 0 help par_idN10830 0 ast Text that is copied from a Writer document 2…
61548 …uide\text_enter.xhp 0 help par_idN10834 0 ast Text that is inserted from a text document or HTM…
61549 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\text_enter.xhp 0 help hd_id3150202 48 0 ast Adding a Text Bo…
61551 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\text_enter.xhp 0 help par_id3149052 50 0 ast Drag a text box…
61555 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\text_enter.xhp 0 help par_id3146877 56 0 ast Create a text b…
61559 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\text_enter.xhp 0 help hd_id3155955 58 0 ast Text Tied to a G…
61563 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\text_enter.xhp 0 help par_idN108FD 0 ast Select a callout a…
61575 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\text_enter.xhp 0 help par_idN10952 0 ast Select a text file…
61583 …e\join_objects.xhp 0 help par_id3149257 11 0 ast To create a closed object, right-click a line a…
61589 …u want to insert. Select the \<emph\>Link\</emph\> check box to insert only a link to the picture.…
61590 …aw\guide\graphic_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3155764 4 0 ast After you insert a linked picture, do n…
61596 …\sdraw\guide\keyboard.xhp 0 help hd_id3125863 12 0 ast To Create and Edit a Drawing Object 20…
61598 …e=\"keycode\"\>Right\</item\> arrow key until you reach the toolbar icon of a drawing tool. 202…
61599 …06CD 0 ast If there is an arrow next to the icon, the drawing tool opens a sub toolbar. Press t…
61603 …You can use the arrow keys to position the object where you want. To choose a command from the con…
61610 …of two different colors, or shades of the same color, that you can apply to a drawing object. 2…
61611 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\gradient.xhp 0 help hd_id3147436 61 0 ast To apply a gradien…
61612 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\gradient.xhp 0 help par_id3146974 5 0 ast Select a drawing o…
61614 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\gradient.xhp 0 help par_id3153415 7 0 ast Select a gradient …
61616 … your own gradients and modify existing gradients, as well as save and load a list of gradient fil…
61617 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\gradient.xhp 0 help hd_id3145384 62 0 ast To create a custom…
61619 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\gradient.xhp 0 help par_id3150046 12 0 ast Select a gradient…
61620 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\gradient.xhp 0 help par_id3145116 13 0 ast Type a name for t…
61625 …_id3157905 41 0 ast You can adjust the properties of a gradient as well as the transparency of a
61626 …guide\gradient.xhp 0 help hd_id3150653 63 0 ast To adjust the gradient of a drawing object: 2…
61627 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\gradient.xhp 0 help par_id3154844 42 0 ast Select a drawing …
61635 …xt\sdraw\guide\draw_sector.xhp 0 help hd_id3151075 32 0 ast To draw a sector of a circle or an e…
61636 …68\"\>Icon\</alt\>\</image\>. The mouse pointer changes to a cross hair with a small icon of a sec…
61638 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\draw_sector.xhp 0 help par_id3148868 35 0 ast To create a ci…
61643 …p par_id3148581 41 0 ast To draw a segment of a circle or ellipse, follow the steps for creating…
61644 …choose one of the arc icons and follow the same steps for creating a sector based on a circle. …
61649 …sively stacked on the preceding object. To re-arrange the stacking order of a selected object, pro…
61659 …enu and choose \<emph\>Behind Object\</emph\>. The mouse pointer changes to a hand. 20200411 15…
61677a group so that they act as a single object. You can move and transform all objects in a group as
61679 …r_id3154490 65 0 ast Assigned - group lasts until it is ungrouped through a menu command. 202…
61680 …2 66 0 ast Groups can also be grouped in other groups. Actions applied to a group do not affect …
61684 …ast For example, you can group all of the objects in a company logo to move and resize the logo as…
61686 …\sdraw\guide\groups.xhp 0 help hd_id3150205 55 0 ast Selecting Objects in a Group 20200411 15…
61688a group by entering the group. Double-click a group to enter it and click on the object to select…
61690 helpcontent2 source\text\sdraw\guide\groups.xhp 0 help par_id3150213 58 0 ast To exit a group, do…
61693 …000.xhp 0 help par_id3152988 2 0 ast \<variable id=\"seitetext\"\>Inserts a blank page after the…
61702 …leModeVariable\" visibility=\"visible\"\>If this mode is active, changes to a line and/or column a…
61713a submenu.\</ahelp\>Click to open the \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04090000.xhp\"\>Fields\</link…
61718 …xhp 0 help par_id3145241 2 0 ast Click the arrow next to the icon to open a toolbar with various…
61736 …e in the document. A right-click shows all bookmarks in the document. Click a bookmark to position…
61737a document with the mouse, the page number is displayed when you release the mouse button. When yo…
61739 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\02\08010000.xhp 0 help par_id3149806 4 0 ast To go to a specific…
61740 …tinline\>Ctrl\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\>+F5, you switch to entering a page number. When yo…
61743 …o:TableModeFix\" visibility=\"visible\"\>If this mode is active, changes to a line and/or column a…
61749 …_id3156375 3 0 ast When the cursor is in a named section, the section name appears. When the cur…
61750a field to be inserted in your document at the current cursor position. When the cursor is positio…
61753 …2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:MoveUpSubItems\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Moves a paragraph with subpo…
61759 …rtTopicField\"\>Inserts the subject specified in the document properties as a field .\</ahelp\> Th…
61760 …0 help par_id3156380 3 0 ast If you would like to insert a different document property as a fiel…
61763 … 0 help par_id3149052 2 0 ast Displays the position of the cell cursor in a table. 20200411 1…
61776 …help hid=\".uno:InsertPageNumberField\"\>Inserts the current page number as a field at the cursor …
61777a different format or modify the page number, insert a field with \<emph\>Insert - Fields - Other\…
61781 …N_FORMULA_CALC\"\>Opens a submenu, from which you can insert a formula into the cell of a table.\<…
61782 …49096 3 0 ast The formula appears in the input line. To specify a range of cells in a table, sel…
61810 …p 0 help par_id3145621 30 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_MN_CALC_ROUND\"\>Rounds a number to the specif…
61814 …0 help par_id3155953 34 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_MN_CALC_PHD\"\>Calculates a percentage\</ahelp\>…
61822 …3149768 42 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_MN_CALC_POW\"\>Calculates the power of a number.\</ahelp\> …
61828 …9 47 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_MN_CALC_LISTSEP\"\>Separates the elements in a list.\</ahelp\> 2…
61829 …t\swriter\02\14020000.xhp 0 help par_id3155817 170 0 ast Example of using a list: 20200411 15…
61841 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_MN_CALC_LEQ\"\>Tests for values less than or equal to a specified value.\</a…
61845 … \<ahelp hid=\"HID_MN_CALC_GEQ\"\>Tests for values greater than or equal to a specified value\</ah…
61849 …5411 67 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_MN_CALC_LES\"\>Tests for values less than a specified value\</ah…
61853 …0 71 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_MN_CALC_GRE\"\>Tests for values greater than a specified value\</ah…
61875 …_MN_CALC_MEAN\"\>Calculates the arithmetic mean of the values in an area or a list.\</ahelp\> 2…
61879 …\<ahelp hid=\"HID_MN_CALC_MIN\"\>Calculates the minimum value in an area or a list.\</ahelp\> 2…
61883 …\<ahelp hid=\"HID_MN_CALC_MAX\"\>Calculates the maximum value in an area or a list.\</ahelp\> 2…
61948 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:MoveDownSubItems\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Moves a paragraph with all i…
61965 …".uno:InsertTimeField\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Inserts the current time as a field.\</ahelp\> The…
61966 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\02\18030200.xhp 0 help par_id3151177 3 0 ast To assign a differe…
61974 …horField\"\>Inserts the name of the person who created the document here as a field.\</ahelp\> The…
61982 …ar_id3148775 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertNeutralParagraph\"\>Inserts a paragraph without nu…
61996 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:ZoomPlus\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Zooms in to get a close-up view of the…
62010 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\02\18010000.xhp 0 help par_idN10863 0 ast Inserts a note at the…
62016 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\02\18010000.xhp 0 help par_idN1077E 0 ast Inserts a field at th…
62018 …writer\02\18010000.xhp 0 help par_idN107ED 0 ast The Controls icon opens a toolbar with the too…
62025 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\02\18010000.xhp 0 help par_idN10814 0 ast Inserts an index or a
62029 …sertTitleField\"\>Inserts the title specified in the document properties as a field.\</ahelp\> Thi…
62030 …0 help par_id3148768 3 0 ast If you would like to insert a different document property as a fiel…
62033 …2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertDateField\"\>Inserts the current date as a field.\</ahelp\> The…
62034 …ike to define a different date format, or have the date updated automatically, select \<emph\>Inse…
62056 …mber of pages displayed on screen. Click the arrow next to the icon to open a grid to select the n…
62091 …47401 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Zooms out to see more of the document at a reduced size.\</ahel…
62096 …r_id3148772 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertPageCountField\"\>Inserts as a field the total numb…
62097 … par_id3149294 3 0 ast If you wish to have the page number formatted with a different numbering …
62100 …ahelp visibility=\"visible\" hid=\"HID_EDIT_FORMULA\"\>Allows you to create a formula by typing it…
62105a dialog where settings for the printout of your document can be made.\</ahelp\> The pages are pro…
62138 …B_STANDARD\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Specifies that the system will not use a fixed number of rows…
62150 …154570 4 0 ast The direct cursor allows you to click in any blank area of a page to place text, …
62151 …r approximately in the middle between the left and the right margin of a page or a table cell, the…
62330 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\00\00000405.xhp 0 help par_idN10715 0 ast Right-click a paragra…
62354 …autoformattab\"\>Choose \<emph\>Table - AutoFormat\</emph\> (with cursor in a table) \</variable\>…
62390 …xhp 0 help par_id3148823 78 0 ast \<variable id=\"zelle\"\>Right-click in a table, choose \<emph…
62399 …ar_id3149617 85 0 ast \<variable id=\"schtzenze\"\>In the context menu of a cell, choose \<emph\…
62400 …iter\00\00000405.xhp 0 help par_id3150786 86 0 ast In the context menu of a cell, choose \<emph\…
62402 …lp par_id3148716 87 0 ast \<variable id=\"zeile\"\>In the context menu of a cell, choose \<emph\…
62403 …p par_id3155345 88 0 ast \<variable id=\"hoehez\"\>In the context menu of a cell, choose \<emph\…
62417 … par_id3149383 102 0 ast \<variable id=\"spalte\"\>In the context menu of a cell, choose \<emph\…
62418 …par_id3149406 103 0 ast \<variable id=\"breites\"\>In the context menu of a cell, choose \<emph\…
62453 …ss database field into a text document, then start printing the document. Answer "Yes" to the ques…
62570 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3152932 300 0 ast Inserting a new p…
62572 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3153798 293 0 ast Inserting a new paragraph directly before or after a sectio…
62600 …swriter\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3153331 151 0 ast Selecting lines in a downward direction …
62608 …0000.xhp 0 help par_id3154544 156 0 ast Go and select to the beginning of a line 20200411 15:…
62639 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id9959715 0 ast In a list: delete an…
62666 …\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3155395 266 0 ast At the start of a heading: Inserts a tab stop. D…
62678 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3153281 224 0 ast Inserts a tab sto…
62695 … the end of the current sentence is deleted. If the cursor is at the end of a cell, and no whole c…
62702 …t\swriter\04\01020000.xhp 0 help par_id3149024 306 0 ast Cursor is inside a text frame and no te…
62704 …00.xhp 0 help hd_id3149054 308 0 ast F2 or Enter or any key that produces a character on screen …
62705 …09 0 ast If a text frame is selected: positions the cursor to the end of the text in the text fr…
62739 …d3155182 50 0 ast You can use wildcards when you find and replace text in a document. For exampl…
62746 …arch_regexp.xhp 0 help par_id3149641 44 0 ast The wildcard for a single character is a period (.…
62748 …card combination to search for zero or more occurrences of any character is a period and asterisk …
62749 …ard for the end of a paragraph is a dollar sign ($). The wildcard character combination for the st…
62750 …e\search_regexp.xhp 0 help par_id0509200916345545 0 ast The wildcard for a tab character is \\t…
62751 …search using a regular expression will work only within one paragraph. To search using a regular e…
62756 …re named blocks of text, including graphics or objects, that you can use in a number of ways: 2…
62760 …ns.xhp 0 help par_id3149612 38 0 ast To insert sections of text that uses a different column lay…
62761 …t A section contains at least one paragraph. When you select a text and create a section, a paragr…
62762 …t sections from a text document, or an entire text document as a section into another text documen…
62763 …ections.xhp 0 help par_id3153367 39 0 ast To insert a new paragraph immediately before or after
62765 …ns into an existing section. For example, you can insert a section containing two columns into a s…
62766 …mple on the number of columns, has priority over the page layout defined in a page style. 20200…
62776 …t\swriter\guide\auto_numbering.xhp 0 help hd_id3152897 21 0 ast To Create a Numbered or Bulleted…
62777 …or I. to start a numbered list. Type * or - to start a bulleted list. You can also type a right pa…
62778 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\auto_numbering.xhp 0 help par_id3147794 23 0 ast Enter a s…
62780 …iter\guide\auto_numbering.xhp 0 help par_id3147287 25 0 ast You can start a numbered list with a…
62795 …r_id3155907 2 0 ast You can drag-and-drop an object from the gallery into a text document, sprea…
62796 …r_id3155923 6 0 ast To replace a gallery object that you inserted in a document, hold down Shift…
62810 …emph\>Left page\</emph\> and \<emph\>Right page\</emph\>, or you can create a custom page style. …
62811 … layout if you want to add a header to a page style that has different inner and outer page margin…
62812 …u can use page styles to define different headers for even and odd pages in a document. 2020041…
62813 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\header_pagestyles.xhp 0 help par_id3150929 29 0 ast Open a
62830 … 0 help par_id3153409 2 0 ast An input field is a variable that you can click in a document to o…
62835 …nter.xhp 0 help par_id3150708 4 0 ast To quickly open all input fields in a document for editing…
62849 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\even_odd_sdw.xhp 0 help par_id3155588 19 0 ast To add a he…
62850a footer to one of the page styles, choose \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Insert - Footer\</item\>, and…
62851 …dd_sdw.xhp 0 help par_id3147254 12 0 ast If you do not want to have a header or a footer on the …
62860a $[officename] Writer document in HTML format, so that you can view it in a web browser. If you w…
62861 …n you save a text document in HTML format, any graphics in the document are saved in JPEG format. …
62862 …les, for example, "Heading 1", to the paragraphs where you want to generate a new HTML page. 20…
62864 …s\</item\> box, select the paragraph style that you want to use to generate a new HTML page. 20…
62865 …text\swriter\guide\send2html.xhp 0 help par_id3153407 9 0 ast Enter a path and a name for the HT…
62869 …\text_nav_keyb.xhp 0 help par_id3155179 13 0 ast You can navigate through a document and make se…
62885 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\text_nav_keyb.xhp 0 help par_id3156237 36 0 ast In a table…
62892 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\text_nav_keyb.xhp 0 help par_id3154850 45 0 ast In a table…
62904 …re several ways to create a table in a text document. You can insert a table from a toolbar, throu…
62905 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\table_insert.xhp 0 help hd_id3155908 33 0 ast To Insert a
62910 …iter\guide\table_insert.xhp 0 help hd_id3153135 35 0 ast To Insert a Table With a Menu Command …
62915 …iter\guide\table_insert.xhp 0 help hd_id3149572 43 0 ast To Insert a Table From a Calc Spreadshe…
62938 …uide\table_insert.xhp 0 help hd_id3151093 38 0 ast Drag-and-Drop a Cell Range From a Calc Spread…
62946 … 46 0 ast You can use anchors to position an object, graphic, or frame in a document. An anchore…
62950 …hor_object.xhp 0 help par_id3151181 50 0 ast Anchors the selected item as a character in the cur…
62953 …hor_object.xhp 0 help par_id3151235 52 0 ast Anchors the selected item to a character. 202004…
62964 …mber, and whether to count blank lines or lines in frames. You can also add a separator between li…
62983 …uide\numbering_lines.xhp 0 help par_id3146864 2 0 ast You can also create a paragraph style that…
62985 …\swriter\guide\numbering_lines.xhp 0 help par_id3150703 26 0 ast Click in a paragraph. 202004…
62989 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\numbering_lines.xhp 0 help par_id3153779 30 0 ast Enter a
62997 … formatting information for new text documents. If you want, you can create a new template and use…
62998 …t\swriter\guide\template_default.xhp 0 help hd_id6414990 0 ast To Create a Default Template …
62999 …\swriter\guide\template_default.xhp 0 help par_id3149838 102 0 ast Create a document and the con…
63001 …lp par_id3149283 106 0 ast In the \<emph\>New Template\</emph\> box, type a name for the new tem…
63009 …ter\guide\template_default.xhp 0 help par_id3149582 111 0 ast Right-click a text file in any of …
63014 … 0 ast You can use predefined functions in a formula, and then insert the result of the calculat…
63019 …d3149481 32 0 ast Press \<emph\>Enter\</emph\>. The result is inserted as a field into the docum…
63040 …ump to specific text passages and objects in a single document. A cross-reference consists of a ta…
63043 …\guide\references.xhp 0 help par_id3149846 39 0 ast Before you can insert a cross-reference, you…
63044 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\references.xhp 0 help hd_id3156105 52 0 ast To Insert a Ta…
63045 …xhp 0 help par_id3153408 40 0 ast Select the text that you want to use as a target for the cross…
63048 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\references.xhp 0 help par_id3149614 43 0 ast Type a name f…
63051 …er\guide\references.xhp 0 help hd_id3153370 53 0 ast To Create a Cross-Reference to a Target …
63052 …id7032074 0 ast Position the cursor in the text where you want to insert a cross-reference. …
63060 …cs, drawing objects, OLE objects, and tables, so long as they have a caption. To add a caption to …
63069 … 0 help par_id3153594 51 0 ast To manually update the cross-references in a document, press F9. …
63076 … text, drag the text to a different location in the document and release. While you drag, the mous…
63077 …ine\>\</switchinline\> while you drag. The mouse pointer changes to include a plus sign (+).\<br/\…
63081 …You can use fields and sections to hide or display text in your document if a condition is met. …
63082 …lp par_id3153409 19 0 ast Before you can hide text, you must first create a variable to use in t…
63083 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\hidden_text.xhp 0 help hd_id5174108 0 ast To Create a Var…
63087 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\hidden_text.xhp 0 help par_id3149620 23 0 ast Type a name …
63088 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\hidden_text.xhp 0 help par_id3149869 24 0 ast Enter a valu…
63095 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\hidden_text.xhp 0 help par_id3154404 30 0 ast Enter a stat…
63098 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\hidden_text.xhp 0 help hd_id3154256 33 0 ast To Hide a Par…
63102 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\hidden_text.xhp 0 help par_id3155947 36 0 ast Enter a stat…
63105 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\hidden_text.xhp 0 help hd_id3148675 38 0 ast To Hide a Sec…
63118 …t\swriter\guide\jump2statusbar.xhp 0 help par_id3155178 31 0 ast To go to a specific bookmark in…
63123a table, the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Behavior of rows/columns\</item\> options determine how the…
63126 …ct the adjacent cell, and not the entire table. For example, when you widen a cell, the adjacent c…
63127 …, and wide cells shrink more than narrow cells. For example, when you widen a cell, the adjacent c…
63128 …iable\</emph\> - changes affect the table size. For example, when you widen a cell, the width of t…
63134 …ave as an AutoText entry. A graphic can only be stored if it is anchored as a character and is pre…
63137 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\autotext.xhp 0 help par_id3147779 59 0 ast Type a name tha…
63145 …swriter\guide\autotext.xhp 0 help par_id3155090 43 0 ast To quickly enter a %PRODUCTNAME Math fo…
63146 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\autotext.xhp 0 help hd_id3155115 45 0 ast To Print a List …
63149 …<emph\>Run\</emph\>. A list of the current AutoText entries is generated in a separate text docume…
63152 …51355 50 0 ast You can store AutoText entries in different directories on a network. 20200411…
63153 …read-only" AutoText entries for your company on a central server, and user-defined AutoText entrie…
63163 …nt, click from where you want to copy the updated style. For example, click a paragraph to which y…
63166 …e Styles and Formatting window. Any attributes that were applied as part of a style will not be ad…
63171 …e\stylist_fromselect.xhp 0 help par_id3149829 35 0 ast To Create a New Style From a Manually For…
63174 …lick in the document where you want to copy the style from, for example, in a paragraph that you a…
63176 …t\swriter\guide\stylist_fromselect.xhp 0 help par_id3156260 43 0 ast Type a name in the \<item t…
63178 …riter\guide\stylist_fromselect.xhp 0 help hd_id3153373 20 0 ast To Create a New Style by Drag-An…
63184 …You can also drag-and-drop a frame into the Styles and Formatting window to create a new frame sty…
63189 …hp 0 help par_id1069368 0 ast You can apply a variety of different cell borders to selected cel…
63190 …uide\borders.xhp 0 help par_id6527298 0 ast Select the cell or a block of cells in a Writer tab…
63199 …help par_id1076998 0 ast One cell selected in a table of more that one cell size, or cursor ins…
63203 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\borders.xhp 0 help par_id3549607 0 ast Cells in a column …
63205 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\borders.xhp 0 help par_id1636402 0 ast Cells in a row sel…
63215 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\borders.xhp 0 help par_id5528427 0 ast Select a block of …
63223 …guide\borders.xhp 0 help par_id7093111 0 ast Repeatedly click an edge or a corner to switch thr…
63229 … cells. The line is shown as a dotted line when you choose the 0.05 pt line style. Double lines ar…
63237 …ext\swriter\guide\borders.xhp 0 help par_id5118564 0 ast Select a single cell in a Writer table…
63238 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\borders.xhp 0 help par_id244758 0 ast Select a thick line…
63239 …ers.xhp 0 help par_id7741325 0 ast To set a lower border, click the lower edge repeatedly until…
63241 …\borders.xhp 0 help par_id2210760 0 ast All cells in a Writer table have at least a left and a
63246 …Tags provide additional information and functionality to specified words in a Writer document. The…
63249 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\smarttags.xhp 0 help par_id2508621 0 ast To install a Sma…
63251 …d7814264 0 ast Click a Smart Tag *.oxt file link on a web page and open the link with the defau…
63253 …hp 0 help par_id1917477 0 ast Any text in a Writer document can be marked with a Smart Tag, by …
63254 … 0 ast When you point to a Smart Tag, a tip help informs you to Ctrl-click to open the Smart Ta…
63258 …uide\smarttags.xhp 0 help par_id1216467 0 ast Text that is recognized as a Smart Tag is not che…
63268 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\print_brochure.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Printing a Brochure …
63270 …brochure\"\>\<link href=\"text/swriter/guide/print_brochure.xhp\"\>Printing a Brochure\</link\>\</…
63271a Writer document as a brochure or a booklet. That is, Writer prints two pages on each side of the…
63272 …rochure.xhp 0 help par_idN106DE 0 ast When you create a document that you want to print as a br…
63273 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\print_brochure.xhp 0 help par_idN1061A 0 ast To Print a B…
63280 …nt_brochure.xhp 0 help par_idN10740 0 ast For a printer that automatically prints on both sides…
63288 …eplace dialog without any active text selection. If you want to search only a part of your documen…
63294 …g.xhp 0 help par_id1371807 0 ast If you closed the dialog, you can press a key combination (Ctr…
63296 …to your entry. Now you can for example set all found text to bold, or apply a character style to a…
63306 … par_id8413953 0 ast You want to find all text in your document to which a certain Paragraph St…
63309 …\>.\<br/\>The \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Search for\</item\> text box now is a list box, where you …
63312 … par_id8087405 0 ast You want to find all text in your document to which a certain direct chara…
63313 …direct character attributes, it does not find attributes applied as part of a style. 20200411 1…
63338 …_id3153167 101 0 ast If you want, you can use a condition to hide specific text in your document…
63345 …77 61 0 ast The following table is a list of the user variables that you can access when definin…
63379 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\arrange_chapters.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Rearranging a Docum…
63381 …>\<link href=\"text/swriter/guide/arrange_chapters.xhp\" name=\"Rearranging a Document by Using th…
63382a document text by using the Navigator. You can also promote and demote heading levels. To use thi…
63383 …ters.xhp 0 help par_id3145652 62 0 ast To quickly move the text cursor to a heading in the docum…
63385 …t\swriter\guide\arrange_chapters.xhp 0 help hd_id3151184 70 0 ast To Move a Heading Up or Down i…
63390 …iter\guide\arrange_chapters.xhp 0 help par_id3155114 63 0 ast Drag a heading to a new location i…
63391 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\arrange_chapters.xhp 0 help par_id3155139 75 0 ast Click a
63393 …apters.xhp 0 help hd_id3155402 76 0 ast To Promote or Demote the Level of a Heading 20200411 …
63397 …64cm\"\>\<alt id=\"alt_id3151310\"\>Icon\</alt\>\</image\>, and then select a number from the list…
63398 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\insert_graphic_scan.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Inserting a Scan…
63400 …ext/swriter/guide/insert_graphic_scan.xhp\" name=\"Inserting a Scanned Image\"\>Inserting a Scanne…
63401 …iter\guide\insert_graphic_scan.xhp 0 help par_id3149692 2 0 ast To insert a scanned image, the s…
63409 …228 3 0 ast You can create a conditional text field that displays the word "pages" instead of "p…
63411 …em type=\"menuitem\"\>Insert - Fields - Page Count\</item\>, and then enter a space. 20200411 1…
63424 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\auto_off.xhp 0 help hd_id3147251 12 0 ast To Remove a Word…
63433 ….xhp 0 help hd_id3155076 8 0 ast To Stop Capitalizing the First Letter of a Sentence 20200411…
63437 …t\swriter\guide\auto_off.xhp 0 help hd_id3155401 17 0 ast To Stop Drawing a Line When You Type T…
63438 …o_off.xhp 0 help par_id3155415 22 0 ast $[officename] automatically draws a line when you type t…
63445 … par_id3149814 9 0 ast You can manually check the spelling and grammar of a text selection or th…
63446a text, the appropriate dictionaries must be installed. For many languages three different diction…
63450 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\spellcheck_dialog.xhp 0 help par_id3156104 45 0 ast When a
63452 …riter\guide\spellcheck_dialog.xhp 0 help par_id3145099 47 0 ast To accept a correction, click th…
63454 …check_dialog.xhp 0 help par_id3155886 40 0 ast To add the unknown word to a user-defined diction…
63458 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\fields_date.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Inserting a Fixed or Var…
63460 …text/swriter/guide/fields_date.xhp\" name=\"Inserting a Fixed or Variable Date Field\"\>Inserting
63461 … 2 0 ast You can insert the current date as a field that updates each time you open the document…
63464 …\guide\fields_date.xhp 0 help par_id3155602 6 0 ast To insert the date as a field that updates e…
63465 …\guide\fields_date.xhp 0 help par_id3154241 4 0 ast To insert the date as a field that does not …
63469 …\</switchinline\> - %PRODUCTNAME Writer - General\</item\>, and then select a new measurement unit…
63470 …e indents for the current paragraph, or for all selected paragraphs, or for a Paragraph Style. …
63473 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\indenting.xhp 0 help par_id1631824 0 ast Right-click a pa…
63474 …ge margins. If you want the paragraph to extend into the page margin, enter a negative number. …
63476 … par_id4186223 0 ast For a hanging indent, enter a positive value for \<item type=\"menuitem\"\…
63478 …\header_with_chapter.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Inserting a Chapter Name and Number in a Header or a
63480 ….xhp\" name=\"Inserting a Chapter Name and Number in a Header or a Footer\"\>Inserting a Chapter N…
63481 …elp par_id3153414 22 0 ast Before you can insert chapter information into a header or footer, yo…
63482 …iter\guide\header_with_chapter.xhp 0 help hd_id3154244 23 0 ast To Create a Paragraph Style for …
63486 …with_chapter.xhp 0 help par_id3150219 27 0 ast Type "Chapter" followed by a space in the \<item …
63487 …swriter\guide\header_with_chapter.xhp 0 help par_id3150245 28 0 ast Enter a space in the \<item …
63489 …help hd_id3150505 30 0 ast To Insert the Chapter Name and Number in a Header or a Footer 2020…
63502 …riter\guide\navigator.xhp 0 help par_id3155878 5 0 ast To quickly jump to a location in your doc…
63504 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\template_create.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Creating a Document …
63506 …=\"text/swriter/guide/template_create.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Document Template\"\>Creating a Docu…
63507 …er\guide\template_create.xhp 0 help par_id3149492 63 0 ast You can create a template to use as t…
63508 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\template_create.xhp 0 help par_id3155915 64 0 ast Create a
63510 …66 0 ast In the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>New Template\</item\> box, type a name for the new tem…
63511 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\template_create.xhp 0 help par_id3156098 70 0 ast Select a
63513 …swriter\guide\template_create.xhp 0 help par_id3153404 67 0 ast To create a document based on th…
63526 …lay.xhp 0 help par_id5659962 0 ast If you have a text that was hidden by defining a condition w…
63528 …riable that you used to define the condition for hiding the text, and enter a different value for …
63532 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\insert_line.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Inserting a Horizontal L…
63534 …ref=\"text/swriter/guide/insert_line.xhp\" name=\"Inserting a Horizontal Line\"\>Inserting a Horiz…
63541 …osition of the cursor. This paragraph has the style "Horizontal Line", with a line as the lower bo…
63549 …low of the "Plain" rule type. This inserts a new paragraph at the position of the cursor. A pictur…
63554 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\indices_literature.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Creating a Biblio…
63556 …\"text/swriter/guide/indices_literature.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Bibliography\"\>Creating a Bibliog…
63557 …re.xhp 0 help par_id3155864 60 0 ast A bibliography is a list of works that you reference in a d…
63559 … par_id3153414 62 0 ast $[officename] stores bibliographic information in a bibliography databas…
63563 …t\swriter\guide\indices_literature.xhp 0 help par_id3147123 65 0 ast Type a name for the bibliog…
63569 …t\swriter\guide\indices_literature.xhp 0 help par_id3153738 70 0 ast Type a name for the bibliog…
63584 …t.xhp 0 help par_idN1060E 0 ast You can select a table in a text document with a keyboard or wi…
63585 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\table_select.xhp 0 help par_idN10614 0 ast To select a ta…
63586 … ast To select a table with the mouse, move the mouse pointer to a position just above and left of…
63587 …able_select.xhp 0 help par_idN10637 0 ast To select a row or column with the mouse, point to a
63598 …sections in other documents into the current document. If you insert a section as a link, the cont…
63599 …t\swriter\guide\section_insert.xhp 0 help hd_id3155863 27 0 ast To Insert a New Section 20200…
63600 …ck in your document where you want to insert a new section, or select the text that you want to co…
63601 …_id3156103 28 0 ast If you select a text that occurs within a paragraph, the text is automatical…
63603 … 29 0 ast In the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>New Section\</item\> box, type a name for the section…
63605 …er\guide\section_insert.xhp 0 help hd_id3149635 30 0 ast To Insert a Section as a Link 202004…
63606 …de\section_insert.xhp 0 help par_id3149648 31 0 ast Before you can insert a section as link, you…
63607 …en you open a document that contains linked sections, $[officename] prompts you to update the cont…
63608 …an also insert linked sections in HTML documents. When you view the page in a web browser, the con…
63611 … 34 0 ast In the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>New Section\</item\> box, type a name for the section…
63620 …id3155908 25 0 ast The direct cursor allows you to enter text anywhere on a page. 20200411 15…
63623 …\swriter\guide\text_direct_cursor.xhp 0 help par_idN106C5 0 ast Click in a free space in the te…
63631 …3155918 31 0 ast By default, $[officename] moves words that do not fit on a line to the next lin…
63633 …4 22 0 ast Automatic hyphenation inserts hyphens where they are needed in a paragraph. This opti…
63634 …yphen.xhp 0 help hd_id3149832 51 0 ast To Automatically Hyphenate Text in a Paragraph 2020041…
63635 …riter\guide\using_hyphen.xhp 0 help par_id3148850 32 0 ast Right-click in a paragraph, and choos…
63640 … 0 ast If you want to automatically hyphenate more than one paragraph, use a paragraph style. …
63649 … 0 ast You can insert a hyphen where you want on a line, or let $[officename] search for the word…
63651 …er\guide\using_hyphen.xhp 0 help par_id3153363 24 0 ast To quickly insert a hyphen, click in the…
63652a manual hyphen in a word, the word is only hyphenated at the manual hyphen. No additional automat…
63653 …ing_hyphen.xhp 0 help hd_id3154847 60 0 ast To Manually Hyphenate Text in a Selection 2020041…
63662 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\ruler.xhp 0 help par_id3155175 3 0 ast The margins of a pa…
63665 …rag the bottom left or the bottom right triangle on the horizontal ruler to a new location. 20…
63666 …st To change the first line indent of a selected paragraph, drag the top left triangle on the hori…
63673 … ast Any section of a \<item type=\"productname\"\>%PRODUCTNAME\</item\> Writer text document can …
63674 …ar_id4545426 0 ast This protection is not intended to be a secure protection. It is just a swit…
63676 …tion already exists: \<emph\>Format - Sections\</emph\>.) Enter and confirm a password of at least…
63679 …ter\guide\protection.xhp 0 help hd_id3146081 35 0 ast Protecting Cells in a \<item type=\"produc…
63680 …ar_id3154480 36 0 ast You can protect the contents of individual cells of a \<item type=\"produc…
63681 …par_id363170 0 ast This protection is not intended to be a secure protection. It is just a swit…
63683 …er\guide\protection.xhp 0 help par_id3145643 38 0 ast Place the cursor in a cell or select cells…
63689 …d3153966 44 0 ast Tables of contents and indexes created automatically in a \<item type=\"produc…
63690 …par_id814539 0 ast This protection is not intended to be a secure protection. It is just a swit…
63704 …\swriter\guide\indices_userdef.xhp 0 help hd_id3155915 47 0 ast To Create a User-Defined Index …
63705 …ices_userdef.xhp 0 help par_id3155867 48 0 ast Select a word or words that you want to add to a
63708 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\indices_userdef.xhp 0 help par_id3155886 51 0 ast Type a n…
63711 …\swriter\guide\indices_userdef.xhp 0 help hd_id3150231 54 0 ast To Insert a User-Defined Index …
63717 …rdef.xhp 0 help par_id3150720 20 0 ast If you want to use a different paragraph style as a table…
63718 …xt\swriter\guide\text_centervert.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Using a Frame to Center Text on a Page …
63720 …/guide/text_centervert.xhp\" name=\"Using a Frame to Center Text on a Page\"\>Using a Frame to Cen…
63729 …t\swriter\guide\indices_form.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Formatting an Index or a Table of Contents …
63731 …ide/indices_form.xhp\" name=\"Formatting an Index or a Table of Contents\"\>Formatting an Index or…
63733 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\indices_form.xhp 0 help hd_id3155888 44 0 ast To Apply a D…
63740 …_form.xhp 0 help hd_id3146878 40 0 ast To Assign Hyperlinks to Entries in a Table of Contents …
63741 ….xhp 0 help par_id3146890 50 0 ast You can assign a cross-reference as a hyperlink to entries in…
63751 …ter\guide\insert_tab_innumbering.xhp 0 help par_id3155909 5 0 ast To move a numbered or bulleted…
63752 …ter\guide\insert_tab_innumbering.xhp 0 help par_id3155859 7 0 ast To move a numbered or bulleted…
63753 …r\guide\insert_tab_innumbering.xhp 0 help par_id3153403 8 0 ast To insert a tab between the numb…
63754 …r\guide\insert_graphic_fromchart.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Inserting a Calc Chart into a Text Docume…
63756 …t_graphic_fromchart.xhp\" name=\"Inserting a Calc Chart into a Text Document\"\>Inserting a Calc C…
63757 …t_graphic_fromchart.xhp 0 help par_id3155890 16 0 ast You can insert a copy of a chart that is n…
63763 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\form_letters_main.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Creating a Form Le…
63765 …f=\"text/swriter/guide/form_letters_main.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Form Letter\"\>Creating a Form Le…
63766 …\form_letters_main.xhp 0 help par_id3150502 1 0 ast To create a form letter, you need a text doc…
63769 …\swriter\guide\form_letters_main.xhp 0 help par_idN10664 0 ast To create a form letter 20200…
63772 …orm_letters_main.xhp 0 help par_idN10676 0 ast Select \<emph\>Start from a template\</emph\>, a…
63777 …tters_main.xhp 0 help par_idN106C5 0 ast Next follows the \<emph\>Create a salutation\</emph\> …
63782 …y animate text that is contained in a drawing object, such as rectangles, lines, or text objects. …
63790 …ent lets you manage large documents, such as a book with many chapters. The master document can be…
63791 …swriter\guide\globaldoc_howtos.xhp 0 help hd_id3153127 29 0 ast To Create a Master Document 2…
63795 …r_id3149873 28 0 ast If you are creating a new master document, the first entry in the Navigator…
63797 …oc_howtos.xhp 0 help par_id3156240 34 0 ast To insert an existing file as a subdocument, choose …
63798 …hp 0 help par_id3145405 35 0 ast To create a new subdocument, choose \<emph\>New Document\</emph…
63801 …t\swriter\guide\globaldoc_howtos.xhp 0 help hd_id3154242 37 0 ast To Edit a Master Document 2…
63802 …0 0 ast Use the Navigator for rearranging and editing the subdocuments in a master document. …
63803 …\swriter\guide\globaldoc_howtos.xhp 0 help par_id3155879 38 0 ast To open a subdocument for edit…
63804 …writer\guide\globaldoc_howtos.xhp 0 help par_id3155931 39 0 ast To remove a subdocument from the…
63805 …er\guide\globaldoc_howtos.xhp 0 help par_id3148677 8 0 ast To add text to a master document, rig…
63806 …order the subdocuments in a master document, drag a subdocument to a new location in the Navigator…
63807 …obaldoc_howtos.xhp 0 help par_id3153022 40 0 ast To add an index, such as a table of contents, r…
63809 …\globaldoc_howtos.xhp 0 help par_id3153632 21 0 ast To update an index in a master document, sel…
63810 …hp 0 help par_idN10C40 0 ast When you insert an object like a frame or a picture into a master …
63811 …ldoc_howtos.xhp 0 help hd_id3153656 41 0 ast To Start Each Subdocument on a New Page 20200411…
63812 …hp 0 help par_id3152760 42 0 ast Ensure that each subdocument starts with a heading that uses th…
63819 …de\globaldoc_howtos.xhp 0 help hd_id3145228 48 0 ast To Export a Master Document as a \<item typ…
63821 …p par_id3148580 50 0 ast In the \<emph\>File format\</emph\> list, select a text document file f…
63822 …>Format - Sections\</item\> to unprotect and remove sections, if you prefer a plain text document …
63833 …y, the thesaurus uses the language of the selected word in the document, if a thesaurus library fo…
63834a different language, click the Language button, and select one of the installed thesaurus languag…
63835 …par_id3196263 19 0 ast If a thesaurus library is installed for the language of a word, the conte…
63837 …\swriter\guide\delete_from_dict.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Removing Words From a User-Defined Diction…
63839 …/delete_from_dict.xhp\" name=\"Removing Words From a User-Defined Dictionary\"\>Removing Words Fro…
63846 …ast You can select adjacent cells, then merge them into a single cell. Conversely, you can take a
63857 …p 0 help par_id3149695 1 0 ast There are several ways to insert a graphic object in a text docum…
63863 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\hyphen_prevent.xhp 0 help par_id3153658 41 0 ast Select a
63864 …47125 43 0 ast If the list is empty, click \<emph\>New\</emph\> to create a dictionary. 20200…
63867 …guide\hyphen_prevent.xhp 0 help par_id3147036 29 0 ast To quickly exclude a word from hyphenatio…
63868 …characters that %PRODUCTNAME treats as a hyphen. If you do not want such words to be hyphenated, y…
63877 … 0 ast You can easily insert the page number of the next page in a footer by using a field. 2…
63883 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\footer_nextpage.xhp 0 help par_id3150517 9 0 ast Click a n…
63889 …id8230842 0 ast You can easily insert a page number field in the footer of your document. You c…
63890 …\swriter\guide\footer_pagenumber.xhp 0 help hd_id7867366 0 ast To Insert a Page Number 20200…
63894 …uide\footer_pagenumber.xhp 0 help hd_id2988677 0 ast To Additionally Add a Page Count 202004…
63895 …d, type \<item type=\"literal\"\>Page\</item\> and enter a space; click after the field, enter a s…
63900 …ter\guide\pagenumbers.xhp 0 help par_id1617175 0 ast In Writer, a page number is a field that y…
63902 …02 0 ast Choose \<emph\>Insert - Fields - Page Number\</emph\> to insert a page number at the c…
63904 … you add or remove text. So it is best to insert the page number field into a header or footer tha…
63905 …m type=\"menuitem\"\>Insert - Footer - (name of page style)\</item\> to add a header or footer to …
63906 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\pagenumbers.xhp 0 help hd_id2551652 0 ast To Start With a
63907 …41 0 ast Now you want some more control on page numbers. You are writing a text document that s…
63915 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\pagenumbers.xhp 0 help par_id9139378 0 ast Select a numbe…
63918 …e first page style has a footer with a page number field formatted for roman numbers. The followin…
63919 …mbers.xhp 0 help par_id18616 0 ast Both page styles must be separated by a page break. In Write…
63920 …\<emph\>automatic page break\</emph\> appears at the end of a page when the page style has a diffe…
63922 …<emph\>manually inserted page break\</emph\> can be applied without or with a change of page style…
63923 …st press \<item type=\"keycode\"\>Ctrl+Enter\</item\>, you apply a page break without a change of …
63924 …>Insert - Manual break\</emph\>, you can insert a page break without or with a change of style or …
63925 …is best: to use a manually inserted page break between page styles, or to use an automatic change.…
63926 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\pagenumbers.xhp 0 help hd_id9364909 0 ast To Apply a Diff…
63932 …pagenumbers.xhp 0 help par_id399182 0 ast You can now for example insert a footer for the "Defa…
63933 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\pagenumbers.xhp 0 help hd_id5298318 0 ast To Apply a Manu…
63934 …588732 0 ast Click at the start of the first paragraph on the page where a different page style…
63936 … the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Style\</item\> list box, select a page style. You may set a new pag…
63941 …the pages in a document. For example, to change the page background of one or more pages in a docu…
63946 …help par_idN1083F 0 ast On the \<emph\>Organizer\</emph\> tab page, type a name for the page st…
63948 …ground.xhp 0 help par_idN10855 0 ast To only apply the new page style to a single page, select …
63951 …10867 0 ast In the list box at the top, select whether you want a solid color or a graphic. The…
63953 … 0 help par_idN1087A 0 ast To Change the Page Background of All Pages in a Document 20200411…
63954 …dN1087E 0 ast Before you begin, ensure that you have created a page style that uses a page back…
63959 …dN108A9 0 ast Before you begin, ensure that you have created a page style that uses a page back…
63963 …N108D1 0 ast In the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Style\</item\> box, select a page style that uses…
63964 …idN108DB 0 ast To change the background of the current page only, select a page style where the…
63965 … 0 ast To change the background of the current and subsequent pages, select a page style where the…
63968 …ter\guide\table_sizing.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Resizing Rows and Columns in a Text Table 20200…
63970 …ble_sizing.xhp\" name=\"Resizing Rows and Columns in a Text Table\"\>Resizing Rows and Columns in
63975 …\guide\table_sizing.xhp 0 help hd_id3149574 0 ast To Change the Width of a Column 20200411 1…
63977 …er the column dividing line until the pointer becomes a separator icon, and then drag the line to
63978 … dividing line on the ruler until the pointer becomes a separator icon, and then drag the line to
63979 …aultinline\>Ctrl\</defaultinline\>\</switchinline\> and then click and drag a line to scale all ce…
63980 …er\guide\table_sizing.xhp 0 help par_id3145411 0 ast Place the cursor in a cell in the column, …
63983 …\guide\table_sizing.xhp 0 help hd_id3149993 0 ast To Change the Width of a Cell 20200411 15:…
63985 …\guide\table_sizing.xhp 0 help hd_id3153014 0 ast Changing the Height of a Row 20200411 15:0…
63986 …ing.xhp 0 help par_id3153035 0 ast To change the height of a row, place the cursor in a cell in…
63987 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\table_sizing.xhp 0 help hd_id8478041 0 ast Resizing a Who…
63988 …_sizing.xhp 0 help par_id3358867 0 ast To change the width and height of a table, do one of the…
63990 … Choose \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Table - Table Properties\</item\> to open a dialog and set the p…
63991 … ast To wrap text to the sides of a table, and to arrange two tables next to another, you must ins…
64000 …t\swriter\guide\section_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3153120 18 0 ast To convert a section into normal …
64001 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\section_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3149631 19 0 ast To make a s…
64002 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\section_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3149609 20 0 ast To hide a s…
64009 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\border_page.xhp 0 help hd_id3150503 2 0 ast To Set a Prede…
64012 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\border_page.xhp 0 help par_id3154046 5 0 ast Select a line…
64015 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\border_page.xhp 0 help hd_id3145068 8 0 ast To Set a Custo…
64017 …h\>User-defined\</emph\> area select the edge(s) that you want to appear in a common layout. Click…
64018 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\border_page.xhp 0 help par_id3159149 11 0 ast Select a lin…
64025 …help par_id3147410 66 0 ast You can only rotate text that is contained in a drawing object. 2…
64031 …</emph\>, click the \<emph\>Rotation\</emph\> tab, and then enter a rotation angle or a new positi…
64041 …mbered_lists.xhp 0 help par_id3154416 9 0 ast To change the formatting of a bulleted list, choos…
64042 …em\>, and then select a special character. You can also click the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Graphi…
64043 …ide\table_delete.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Deleting Tables or the Contents of a Table 20200411 15…
64045 …lete.xhp\" name=\"Deleting Tables or the Contents of a Table\"\>Deleting Tables or the Contents of…
64046 …writer\guide\table_delete.xhp 0 help par_id3155918 2 0 ast You can delete a table from your docu…
64047 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\table_delete.xhp 0 help par_id3155863 5 0 ast To delete a
64048 …e\table_delete.xhp 0 help par_id3153415 6 0 ast To delete the contents of a table, click in the …
64049 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\print_preview.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Previewing a Page Befo…
64051 …text/swriter/guide/print_preview.xhp\" name=\"Previewing a Page Before Printing\"\>Previewing a Pa…
64060 …\using_numbered_lists2.xhp 0 help hd_id4188970 0 ast To Add Numbering to a List 20200411 15:…
64063 …help par_id3149573 29 0 ast To change the formatting and the hierarchy of a numbered list, click…
64065 …er\guide\using_numbered_lists2.xhp 0 help hd_id3154233 30 0 ast To Format a Numbered List 202…
64066 …ered_lists2.xhp 0 help par_id3154246 16 0 ast To change the formatting of a numbered list, click…
64067 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\field_convert.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Converting a Field int…
64069 …=\"text/swriter/guide/field_convert.xhp\" name=\"Converting a Field into Text\"\>Converting a Fiel…
64070 …can change a field to regular text, so that it is no longer updated. After you change a field to t…
64084 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\number_sequence.xhp 0 help par_id3154250 42 0 ast Type a n…
64090 …sts.xhp 0 help par_id3149692 33 0 ast You can combine numbered lists into a single consecutively…
64094 …iter\guide\join_numbered_lists.xhp 0 help hd_id3155870 37 0 ast To Create a Numbered List From N…
64095 …_numbered_lists.xhp 0 help par_id3153417 38 0 ast Hold down Ctrl and drag a selection in the fir…
64096 …ts.xhp 0 help par_id3149644 39 0 ast Continue to hold down Ctrl, and drag a selection in each nu…
64101 …ast $[officename] can automatically format dates that you have entered into a table, according to …
64103 … 0 ast Right-click in a table cell and choose \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Number recognition\</ite…
64106 …writer\guide\numbering_paras.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Modifying Numbering in a Numbered List 202…
64108 …de/numbering_paras.xhp\" name=\"Modifying Numbering in a Numbered List\"\>Modifying Numbering in a
64109 …92 2 0 ast You can remove the numbering from a paragraph in a numbered list or change the number…
64110 …e \<emph\>Tools - Outline Numbering\</emph\> menu command to assign a numbering to a paragraph sty…
64111 …g_paras.xhp 0 help hd_id3145107 8 0 ast To Remove the Number From a Paragraph in a Numbered List…
64115 …e \<emph\>Formatting\</emph\> Bar. If you save the document in HTML format, a separate numbered li…
64116 …umbering_paras.xhp 0 help hd_id3154856 18 0 ast To Change the Number That a Numbered List Starts…
64126 …index in each individual document\</link\>, copy and paste the indexes into a single document, and…
64127a name for the index. In a separate document, choose \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Insert - Section\</…
64128 …t\swriter\guide\indices_multidoc.xhp 0 help par_id3150230 46 0 ast Create a \<link href=\"text/s…
64132a document that contains specific formatting styles, graphics, tables, objects, and other informat…
64134 …guide\templates_styles.xhp 0 help par_id3149974 3 0 ast $[officename] has a number of \<link hre…
64137 …t\swriter\guide\templates_styles.xhp 0 help par_id3153377 7 0 ast To copy a style, drag it to an…
64142 …old down the \<item type=\"keycode\"\>Ctrl\</item\> key and double-click on a gray area in the win…
64143 …ze_navigator.xhp 0 help par_id3156096 28 0 ast To resize the window, drag a corner or an edge of…
64150 …p 0 help par_id3155859 4 0 ast The current wrapping style is indicated by a bullet. 20200411 …
64156 …e\wrap.xhp 0 help hd_id3154247 17 0 ast To Change the Wrapping Contour of a Graphic 20200411 …
64159 …swriter\guide\wrap.xhp 0 help par_id3150231 7 0 ast Use the tools to draw a new contour, and the…
64165 …ent lets you manage large documents, such as a book with many chapters. The master document can be…
64167 …\swriter\guide\globaldoc.xhp 0 help par_id3150096 13 0 ast When you print a master document, the…
64168 …\swriter\guide\globaldoc.xhp 0 help par_id3153400 12 0 ast You can create a table of contents an…
64172 … you add a document to a master document or create a new subdocument, a link is created in the mas…
64174 …xt and links to the subdocuments sub1.odt and sub2.odt. In each subdocument a new paragraph style …
64182a menu. In an open menu, press the underlined character to run a command. For example, press \<swi…
64183 …de\keyboard.xhp 0 help par_id3155186 4 0 ast To open a context menu, press Shift+F10. To close a
64212a page, including the page orientation, background, margins, headers, footers, and text columns. T…
64215 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\pagestyles.xhp 0 help hd_id3156109 11 0 ast To Define a Ne…
64219 …0 help par_id3149614 14 0 ast On the \<emph\>Organizer\</emph\> tab, type a name in the \<emph\>…
64221 …tyles.xhp 0 help par_id3156252 16 0 ast To apply the custom page style to a single page, select …
64222 …\>Next Style\</emph\> box. To stop using the style, insert a manual page break and assign it a dif…
64224 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\pagestyles.xhp 0 help hd_id3154851 21 0 ast To Apply a Pag…
64227 …t\swriter\guide\pagestyles.xhp 0 help par_id3148685 24 0 ast Double-click a name in the list. …
64228 …writer\guide\pagestyles.xhp 0 help hd_id3148701 18 0 ast To Apply a Page Style to a New Page …
64229 …les.xhp 0 help par_id3147122 4 0 ast Click in the document where you want a new page to start. …
64234 …de\table_repeat_multiple_headers.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Repeating a Table Header on a New Page …
64236 …peat_multiple_headers.xhp\" name=\"Repeating a Table Header on a New Page\"\>Repeating a Table Hea…
64237 …e_repeat_multiple_headers.xhp 0 help par_id3149636 7 0 ast You can repeat a table heading on eac…
64245 …605 23 0 ast You can modify the heading hierarchy or assign a level in the hierarchy to a custom…
64246 …_numbering.xhp 0 help hd_id3155626 35 0 ast To Add Automatic Numbering to a Heading Style 202…
64250 …xhp 0 help par_idN107CE 0 ast To Remove Automatic Outline Numbering From a Heading Paragraph …
64253 …e\chapter_numbering.xhp 0 help hd_id3155552 26 0 ast To Use a Custom Paragraph Style as a Headin…
64264a concordance file, select \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Concordance file\</item\> in the \<item type=…
64268 …<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04120250.xhp\" name=\"Creating a concordance file\"\>Creating a conco…
64275 …xcept.xhp 0 help par_id3147786 19 0 ast Type the abbreviation followed by a period in the \<emph…
64282 …s, use one of the predefined heading paragraph styles. You must also assign a numbering option to …
64283 …rs.xhp 0 help par_id3154249 17 0 ast Select the item that you want to add a caption to. 20200…
64285a caption title from the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Category\</item\> box, and select a numbering s…
64290 …ers.xhp 0 help par_id3147226 43 0 ast $[officename] can automatically add a caption when you ins…
64293 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\indices_toc.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Creating a Table of Cont…
64295 …href=\"text/swriter/guide/indices_toc.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Table of Contents\"\>Creating a Tabl…
64296a table of contents is to apply the predefined heading paragraph styles, such as "Heading 1", to t…
64297 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\indices_toc.xhp 0 help hd_id5876949 0 ast To Insert a Tab…
64303 …_toc.xhp 0 help par_id3146896 20 0 ast If you want to use a different paragraph style as a table…
64304 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\indices_toc.xhp 0 help hd_id3153148 21 0 ast To Update a T…
64314 …33998 0 ast In general, every string of characters between two spaces is a word. Tabs, line bre…
64316 …uide\words_count.xhp 0 help par_id111620090113399 0 ast The words can be a mix of letters, numb…
64322 …e breaks can occur when you copy text from another source and paste it into a text document. 20…
64325 …ge for the line length, double-click the option in the list, and then enter a new percentage. 2…
64333 … use in the current session. When you later type the first three letters of a collected word, $[of…
64335 …er\guide\word_completion.xhp 0 help par_idN1078D 0 ast To Accept/Reject a Word Completion 2…
64354 …0 ast A text frame is a container for text and graphics that you can place anywhere on a page. You…
64355 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\text_frame.xhp 0 help hd_id3156104 64 0 ast To Insert a Te…
64358 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\text_frame.xhp 0 help hd_id3145115 66 0 ast To Edit a Text…
64359 …uide\text_frame.xhp 0 help par_id3149578 16 0 ast To edit the contents of a text frame, click in…
64360 …ame.xhp 0 help par_id3156239 14 0 ast To edit a frame, select the frame, right-click, and then c…
64361 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\text_frame.xhp 0 help par_id3156261 63 0 ast To resize a t…
64363 …ame.xhp 0 help par_id3154262 99 0 ast Any Writer text frame can be set to a mode which allows vi…
64369 …iter\guide\text_frame.xhp 0 help par_id3153025 71 0 ast Click the edge of a frame that you want …
64375 …arget frames are in the same section. For example, you cannot link a header frame to a footer fram…
64376 …xt_frame.xhp 0 help par_id3145559 79 0 ast The source frame does not have a next link. 202004…
64378 …uide\text_frame.xhp 0 help par_id3151083 90 0 ast When you select a linked frame, a line is disp…
64379 …53144 0 ast The AutoSize feature is available only for the last frame in a chain of linked fram…
64383 …ting to the text in a header or footer. You can also adjust the spacing of the text relative to th…
64386 …ter\guide\header_with_line.xhp 0 help par_id3147128 23 0 ast To add a border or a shadow to the …
64387a separator line between the header or the footer and the content of the page, click the bottom ed…
64388 …er and the line, clear the \<emph\>Synchronize\</emph\> box, and then enter a value in the\<emph\>…
64401 …ly check spelling while you type and underline possible misspelt words with a red wavy line. 20…
64404 …ck.xhp 0 help par_id3155569 33 0 ast Right-click a word with a red wavy underline, and then choo…
64405 …iter\guide\auto_spellcheck.xhp 0 help par_id3147759 6 0 ast If you choose a word from the \<item…
64409 …r_id3147282 36 0 ast Click the Language control on the Status bar to open a menu. 20200411 15…
64411 …k href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010401.xhp\" name=\"Creating a new dictionary.\"\>Creating a new d…
64415 …e for example the page orientation, are defined by page styles. By default, a new text document us…
64416 …r_id8324533 0 ast It is important to know that changes that you apply to a page property will o…
64424 …t $[officename] uses page styles to specify the orientation of the pages in a document. Page style…
64426 …racter styles or paragraph styles, the page styles don't know a hierarchy. You can create a new pa…
64427 …ge orientation for all pages that share the same page style, you first need a page style, then app…
64430 …\swriter\guide\pageorientation.xhp 0 help par_idN10749 0 ast Right-click a page style and choos…
64431 …help par_idN10751 0 ast On the \<emph\>Organizer\</emph\> tab page, type a name for the page st…
64432 … select the page style that you want to apply to the next page that follows a page with the new st…
64436a proper page style with the name "My Landscape". To apply the new style, double-click the "My Lan…
64438 … in %PRODUCTNAME. Which pages of your text document get affected by editing a page style? 20200…
64441 …flows to the next page, which is sometimes called a "soft page break". Alternatively, you can inse…
64442 …t\swriter\guide\pageorientation.xhp 0 help par_id2118594 0 ast To insert a manual page break at…
64443 …e\pageorientation.xhp 0 help hd_id166020 0 ast Manually Defined Range of a Page style 202004…
64444 …ion.xhp 0 help par_id6386913 0 ast The “Default” page style does not set a different "next styl…
64445 …rt a "page break with style" directly at the cursor position. Alternatively, you can apply the "pa…
64447 … ast To insert a "page break with style" at the cursor position, choose \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>…
64448 …tivate \<emph\>Enable\</emph\> and \<emph\>With Page Style\</emph\>. Select a page style name from…
64449 …tivate \<emph\>Enable\</emph\> and \<emph\>With Page Style\</emph\>. Select a page style name from…
64450 …tivate \<emph\>Enable\</emph\> and \<emph\>With Page Style\</emph\>. Select a page style name from…
64451 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\change_header.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Creating a Page Style …
64453 …swriter/guide/change_header.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Page Style Based on the Current Page\"\>Creati…
64454 …ge_header.xhp 0 help par_id3153584 22 0 ast You can design a page layout and then create a page …
64455 … ast For example, you can create a page style that displays a particular header, and another page …
64456 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\change_header.xhp 0 help par_id3150503 26 0 ast Open a new…
64458 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\change_header.xhp 0 help par_id3153153 31 0 ast Type a nam…
64464 … 0 help par_id3147810 29 0 ast Repeat steps 2-6 to create a second custom page style with a diff…
64468 …de\hyperlinks.xhp 0 help par_id3155858 20 0 ast You can insert a cross-reference as a hyperlink …
64473 …gator list, click the plus sign next to the item that you want to insert as a hyperlink. 202004…
64479 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\registertrue.xhp 0 help par_idN1065E 0 ast To Set a Docum…
64498 …at text with small capitals, or capitalize the first letter of each word in a selection. 202004…
64499 …\swriter\guide\text_capital.xhp 0 help par_idN10728 0 ast When you apply a formatting to your t…
64504 …first letter of each word. "Small capitals" capitalizes all letters, but in a reduced font size. …
64513 …Fields are used for data that changes in a document, such as the current date or the total number …
64515 …t\swriter\guide\fields.xhp 0 help par_id3150509 6 0 ast Fields consist of a field name and the f…
64516 …p 0 help par_id3150536 195 0 ast To display or hide field highlighting in a document, choose \<e…
64517 …e \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Field shadings\</item\> option, and then select a different color in t…
64519 …riter\guide\fields.xhp 0 help par_id3153180 181 0 ast Most field types in a document, including …
64524 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\fields.xhp 0 help par_id3147812 186 0 ast Opens a dialog t…
64528 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\fields.xhp 0 help par_id3147290 190 0 ast Runs a macro. …
64530 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\fields.xhp 0 help par_id3145637 192 0 ast Opens a dialog t…
64531 …e, database, and user-defined fields display a help tip when you rest the mouse pointer over the f…
64533 …e\fields.xhp 0 help par_id3155963 12 0 ast To update all of the fields in a document, press F9, …
64534 …\guide\fields.xhp 0 help par_id3155984 13 0 ast To update a field that was inserted from a datab…
64538 …ink\>, such as page numbers and chapter headings, in headers and footers in a text document. 20…
64540 …writer\guide\header_footer.xhp 0 help par_id3155896 39 0 ast To add a header to a page, choose \…
64541 …writer\guide\header_footer.xhp 0 help par_id3147119 43 0 ast To add a footer to a page, choose \…
64545 …L and instead are exported with special tags, so that they can be viewed in a browser. Headers and…
64547 …culate_intext2.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Displaying the Result of a Table Calculation in a Different…
64549 …me=\"Displaying the Result of a Table Calculation in a Different Table\"\>Displaying the Result of…
64550 …help par_id3154250 6 0 ast You can perform a calculation on cells in one table and display the r…
64551 …uide\calculate_intext2.xhp 0 help par_id3150508 26 0 ast Open a text document, insert a table wi…
64555 …0 ast Click in a cell in the larger table that contains a number, press the plus sign (+), and the…
64557 …he table to behave as normal text. Insert the table into a frame, and then anchor the frame as a c…
64561 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\textdoc_inframe.xhp 0 help hd_id1812799 0 ast To Insert a
64565 …utomatically update when you change the source document, insert the file as a link. 20200411 15…
64566 …ame.xhp 0 help hd_id3156105 33 0 ast To Insert an Entire Text Document as a Link 20200411 15:…
64569 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\textdoc_inframe.xhp 0 help par_id3153127 36 0 ast Type a n…
64586 …that display text when a condition that you define is met. For example, you can define the conditi…
64587 …6 0 ast Setting up conditional text in this example is a two-part process. First you create a va…
64588 …swriter\guide\conditional_text.xhp 0 help hd_id3153175 61 0 ast To Define a Conditional Variable…
64589 … 0 help par_id3153185 62 0 ast The first part of the example is to define a variable for the con…
64592 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\conditional_text.xhp 0 help par_id3147784 10 0 ast Type a
64594 …item type=\"menuitem\"\>Insert\</item\>.\<br/\>The Format list now displays a "General" format. …
64595 …swriter\guide\conditional_text.xhp 0 help hd_id3145645 63 0 ast To Define a Condition and the Co…
64596 …t of the example is to define the condition that must be met, and to insert a placeholder for disp…
64601 …ate that the variable that you defined in the first part of this example is a text string. 2020…
64602 …almost no limit to the length of the text that you can enter. You can paste a paragraph into this …
64613 …mphasize.xhp 0 help par_id3155922 66 0 ast Here are a few examples of how to emphasize text in a
64614 …ext_emphasize.xhp 0 help par_id3147412 67 0 ast Select the text and apply a different font style…
64615 …ter\guide\text_emphasize.xhp 0 help par_id3149840 68 0 ast Right-click in a paragraph, choose \<…
64619 …pboard.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Calculating and Pasting the Result of a Formula in a Text Document …
64621 …ulating and Pasting the Result of a Formula in a Text Document\"\> Calculating and Pasting the Res…
64622 …clipboard.xhp 0 help par_id3156366 36 0 ast If your text already contains a formula, for example…
64629 …d3154258 14 0 ast Footnotes reference more information about a topic at the bottom of a page and…
64630 …t\swriter\guide\footnote_usage.xhp 0 help hd_id3155881 24 0 ast To Insert a Footnote or Endnote …
64639 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\footnote_usage.xhp 0 help hd_id3155543 28 0 ast To Edit a
64640 … 0 help par_id3150167 6 0 ast The mouse pointer changes to a hand when you rest it over a footno…
64641 …uide\footnote_usage.xhp 0 help par_id3155563 29 0 ast To edit the text of a footnote or endnote,…
64642 …\footnote_usage.xhp 0 help par_id3145029 40 0 ast To change the format of a footnote, click in t…
64644 …sage.xhp 0 help par_id3145081 4 0 ast To edit the numbering properties of a footnote or endnote …
64647 …\swriter\guide\footnote_usage.xhp 0 help par_id3147232 41 0 ast To remove a footnote, delete the…
64655 …he space character is suppressed if the next character is a delimiter, such as a full stop or a ne…
64659 …emph\>Min. word length\</emph\> box to set the minimum number of characters a word must have to be…
64661 …st.xhp 0 help par_idN10B4C 0 ast Disable the option \<emph\>When closing a document, remove the…
64664 …word list to exist longer than the current %PRODUCTNAME session, save it as a document, as describ…
64667 …ust.xhp 0 help par_idN10BA1 0 ast Use the word list to always start with a defined set of techn…
64671 …elected words into the clipboard. Paste the clipboard into a new document and save it to get a ref…
64672 …atically collect the words, so that the word completion feature starts with a defined set of words…
64675 …iter\guide\table_cells.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Adding or Deleting a Row or Column to a Table Using…
64677 …xhp\" name=\"Adding or Deleting a Row or Column to a Table Using the Keyboard\"\>Adding or Deletin…
64679 …le_cells.xhp 0 help par_id3155906 28 0 ast To insert a new row in a table, place the cursor in a
64680 …\table_cells.xhp 0 help par_id3147412 25 0 ast To insert a new column, place the cursor in a tab…
64681 …de\table_cells.xhp 0 help par_id3156096 29 0 ast To split a table cell instead of adding a colum…
64682 …ide\table_cells.xhp 0 help par_id3153408 26 0 ast To delete a row, place the cursor in a table c…
64683 …de\table_cells.xhp 0 help par_id3149626 30 0 ast To delete a column, place the cursor in a table…
64684 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\table_cells.xhp 0 help par_id3149612 31 0 ast To merge a t…
64688 …want to increase the spacing between footnote or endnote texts, you can add a top and bottom borde…
64689 …riter\guide\footnote_with_line.xhp 0 help par_id3155603 41 0 ast Click in a footnote or endnote.…
64694 …50931 52 0 ast In the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Line\</item\> area, click a line in the \<item t…
64697 …\swriter\guide\footnote_with_line.xhp 0 help par_id3150709 47 0 ast Enter a value in the \<item …
64705a caption to a picture or to an object, the object and the caption text are placed together in a n…
64707 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\captions.xhp 0 help hd_id3155541 23 0 ast To define a capt…
64708 …ns.xhp 0 help par_id3155567 24 0 ast Select the item that you want to add a caption to. 20200…
64712 …e that matches the name of the caption category. For example, if you insert a "Table" caption, the…
64713 …ons.xhp 0 help par_id3145671 45 0 ast $[officename] can automatically add a caption when you ins…
64716 …le.xhp\" name=\"Calculating Cell Totals in Tables\"\>Calculating the Sum of a Series of Table Cell…
64717 …hoose \<emph\>Insert - Table\</emph\>, and insert a table with one column and more than one row in…
64718 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\calculate_intable.xhp 0 help par_id3154203 5 0 ast Type a
64720 …m up, drag to the final cell, and then release.\<br/\>$[officename] inserts a formula for calculat…
64722 …er\guide\calculate_intable.xhp 0 help par_id3150533 10 0 ast If you enter a different number any…
64723 …r_id3155533 11 0 ast Similarly, you can also quickly calculate the sum of a row of numbers. 2…
64724 …riter\guide\insert_graphic_dialog.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Inserting a Graphic From a File 20200…
64726 …guide/insert_graphic_dialog.xhp\" name=\"Inserting a Graphic From a File\"\>Inserting a Graphic Fr…
64731 …iter\guide\insert_beforetable.xhp 0 help tit 0 ast Inserting Text Before a Table at the Top of …
64733 …rt_beforetable.xhp\" name=\"Inserting Text Before a Table at the Top of Page\"\>Inserting Text Bef…
64734 …p par_id3155923 55 0 ast If you want to insert text before a table that is at the top of a page,…
64735 …de\insert_beforetable.xhp 0 help par_idN10612 0 ast To insert text after a table at the end of …
64739 …ground.xhp 0 help par_id7355265 0 ast You can define a background color or use a graphic as a b…
64740 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\background.xhp 0 help hd_id3147653 3 0 ast To Apply a Back…
64744 …swriter\guide\background.xhp 0 help hd_id3153541 7 0 ast To Apply a Background To a Paragraph …
64747 …On the \<emph\>Background\</emph\> tab page, select the background color or a background graphic. …
64749 …uide\background.xhp 0 help hd_id3149294 11 0 ast To Apply a Background To All or Part of a Table…
64752 …On the \<emph\>Background\</emph\> tab page, select the background color or a background graphic. …
64754 …ground.xhp 0 help hd_id3151041 31 0 ast You may also use an icon to apply a background to table …
64755 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\background.xhp 0 help par_id3150767 32 0 ast To apply a ba…
64756 …kground.xhp 0 help par_id3147084 33 0 ast To apply a background color to a text paragraph within…
64764 … 0 ast You can perform calculations that span across more than one table in a text document. 20…
64765 …itable.xhp 0 help par_id3147795 13 0 ast Open a text document, insert two tables, and type numbe…
64769 …47254 18 0 ast Click in a cell containing a number, press the plus sign (+), and then click in a
64774 …p 0 help par_id3149818 26 0 ast You can apply numbering to a paragraph manually or with a paragr…
64778 …de\using_numbering.xhp 0 help par_idN10711 0 ast When you press Enter in a numbered or bulleted…
64779 ….xhp 0 help par_idN1072B 0 ast To change the hierarchical level of a bullet in a list, click in…
64780 …nly, select a character or word in the paragraph, choose \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Format - Bullet…
64781 … type=\"menuitem\"\>Format - Bullets and Numbering\</item\>, and then click a new format. 2020…
64782 … type=\"menuitem\"\>Format - Bullets and Numbering\</item\>, and then click a format. 20200411 …
64783 …me=\"Numbering Object Bar\"\>Bullets and Numbering\</link\> toolbar to edit a numbered or bulleted…
64784 …\using_numbering.xhp 0 help hd_id3153123 34 0 ast To Apply Numbering With a Paragraph Style 2…
64785 … Paragraph Styles give you greater control over numbering that you apply in a document. When you c…
64795 …xhp 0 help par_id3149949 2 0 ast You can insert a calculation directly into a text document or i…
64796 … where you want to insert the calculation, and then press F2. If you are in a table cell, type an …
64798 …icon on the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Formula Bar\</item\>, and then choose a function for your fo…
64799 …ter\guide\calculate.xhp 0 help par_id8316904 0 ast To reference cells in a Writer text table, e…
64805 …wn \<item type=\"keycode\"\>Ctrl\</item\> and click and hold the object for a moment. 20200411 …
64810 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\page_break.xhp 0 help hd_id3149833 2 0 ast To Insert a Man…
64813 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\page_break.xhp 0 help hd_id3153135 6 0 ast To Delete a Man…
64816 …page_break.xhp 0 help hd_id3149624 10 0 ast To Delete a Manual Page Break That Occurs Before a T…
64825 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\indices_enter.xhp 0 help par_id3156380 7 0 ast Click in a
64829 …ide\indices_enter.xhp 0 help par_id3155889 10 0 ast To add the entries to a custom index, click …
64831 …e\indices_enter.xhp 0 help par_id3147132 5 0 ast The best way to generate a table of contents is…
64832 …guide\indices_enter.xhp 0 help hd_id3150230 13 0 ast To Use a Custom Paragraph Style as a Table …
64841 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\border_object.xhp 0 help hd_id3145673 2 0 ast To Set a Pre…
64842 …help par_id3155388 3 0 ast Select the object for which you want to define a border. 20200411 …
64845 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\border_object.xhp 0 help hd_id3152474 7 0 ast To Set a Cus…
64848 …h\>User-defined\</emph\> area select the edge(s) that you want to appear in a common layout. Click…
64849 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\border_object.xhp 0 help par_id3152933 12 0 ast Select a l…
64855 …\swriter\01\05130004.xhp 0 help par_id3149501 2 0 ast Here you can create a Numbering Style. The…
64856 …\swriter\01\05130004.xhp 0 help par_id3151390 3 0 ast When a Numbering Style is created, a name …
64860 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04090007.xhp 0 help par_id3153669 3 0 ast When you save a doc…
64861 …me of the special field are included in the opening HTML tag. The format of a field tag that is re…
64878 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04090007.xhp 0 help par_id3147501 25 0 ast The contents of a
64892 …es the properties of sections defined in your document.\</ahelp\> To insert a section, select text…
64895 … that you want to edit, or click a name in the \<emph\>Section \</emph\>list.\</ahelp\> If the cur…
64896a section is indicated by the lock symbol in front of the section name in the list. An open lock i…
64904 …elp par_id3155892 46 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_CONTDLG_GRAPHWND\"\>Displays a preview of the conto…
64918 …t \<ahelp hid=\"HID_CONTDLG_RECT\"\>Draws a rectangular contour where you drag in the object previ…
64922 …aws an oval contour where you drag in the object preview.\</ahelp\> To draw a circle, hold down sh…
64926 …DLG_POLY\"\>Draws a closed contour consisting of straight line segments. Click where you want to s…
64938 …lp par_id3150103 28 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_CONTDLG_POLYINSERT\"\>Inserts a handle that you can …
64942 …lp par_id3154624 31 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_CONTDLG_POLYDELETE\"\>Removes a point from the conto…
64946 …966 34 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_CONTDLG_AUTOCONTOUR\"\>Automatically draws a contour around the o…
64958 …the parts of the bitmap that are the same color. Click here, and then click a color in the bitmap.…
64962 …olerance for the Color Replacer as a percentage. To increase the color range that the Color Replac…
64965 …2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:BrowseView\"\>Displays the document as seen in a Web browser.\</ahelp…
64968 …ble id=\"horizontaltext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertGraphicRuler\"\>Inserts a horizontal line at t…
64971 …click \<emph\>OK\</emph\>. The "Plain" type inserts an empty paragraph with a line as lower border…
64996 …ERADIOBUTTON:TP_TOX_ENTRY:RB_SORTDOWN3\"\>Sorts the bibliography entries in a descending alphanume…
65003 …ROMCAPTIONS\"\>Creates index entries from object captions.\</ahelp\> To add a caption to an object…
65025 …01\mm_cusaddlis.xhp 0 help par_idN10564 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Inserts a new text field.\</ah…
65032 …s are referenced fields within the same document or within sub-documents of a master document.\</a…
65033 …02.xhp 0 help par_id3159197 19 0 ast The advantage of entering a cross-reference as a field is t…
65035 …id=\".\"\>Lists the available field types. To add a field to your document, click a field type, cl…
65039 …p 0 help par_id3147422 6 0 ast Set target for a referenced field. Under \<emph\>Name\</emph\>, e…
65040 …ve to \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04040000.xhp\" name=\"insert a bookmark\"\>insert a bookmark\<…
65042a reference to another position in the document. The corresponding text position has to be defined…
65044 …ave to \<link href=\"text/shared/01/05020400.xhp\" name=\"insert a hyperlink\"\>insert a hyperlink…
65046 …riter\01\04090002.xhp 0 help par_id9988402 0 ast The Selection box shows a list of all headings…
65048 …riter\01\04090002.xhp 0 help par_id5841242 0 ast The Selection box shows a list of all numbered…
65050a bookmark in the document with \<emph\>Insert - Bookmark\</emph\>, the bookmarks entry on the \<e…
65053 …1011049 0 ast If your documents contains a footnote, you can select the Footnotes entry. A refe…
65055 …ptions applied. For example, insert a picture, right-click the picture, choose Caption. Now the ob…
65056 …2 18 0 ast References are fields. To remove a reference, delete the field. If you set a longer t…
65058 …type selected in the \<emph\>Type \</emph\>list. To insert a field, click the field, select a form…
65059 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04090002.xhp 0 help par_id7729728 0 ast To quickly insert a
65082 …. This option is only available when the reference target is an object with a caption. 20200411…
65084 …. This option is only available when the reference target is an object with a caption. 20200411…
65086 …. This option is only available when the reference target is an object with a caption. 20200411…
65088 …t For example, when you are in a chapter 1, subchapter 2, subpart 5, this may be numbered as 1.2.5…
65090 …at you want to create.\</ahelp\> To set a target, click "Set Reference" in the \<emph\>Type\</emph…
65091 … In a master document, targets that are in different sub-documents are not displayed in the\<emph\…
65092 …hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter the contents that you want to add to a user-defined fields.…
65093 …ar_id3159216 15 0 ast If you select text in the document, and then insert a reference, the selec…
65098 …\mailmerge07.xhp 0 help par_idN10556 0 ast The Mail Merge Wizard creates a single merged docume…
65100 …".\"\>Minimizes the wizard so that you can edit the mail merge document for a single recipient.\</…
65102 …hat you want to search for in the merged document, for example, the name of a recipient.\</ahelp\>…
65115 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DROPCAPS\"\>Formats the first letter of a paragraph with a large capita…
65120 …_CB_WORD\"\>Displays the first letter of the first word in the paragraph as a drop cap, and the re…
65134 …\<ahelp hid=\".uno:SendAbstractToStarImpre\"\>Opens the current document as a $[officename] Impres…
65148 …plays the text that is selected in the document. If you want, you can enter a different word for t…
65150 …st \<ahelp hid=\"HID_INSERT_IDX_MRK_PRIM_KEY\"\>Makes the current selection a subentry of the word…
65152 …ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_INSERT_IDX_MRK_SEC_KEY\"\>Makes the current selection a sub-subentry of the …
65154 …ponding entry. For example, if a Japanese Kanji word has more than one pronunciation, enter the co…
65156 …ndex.\</ahelp\> $[officename] displays the page number of the main entry in a different format tha…
65163 …\04120100.xhp 0 help par_id3147496 18 0 ast To include all occurrences of a text passage in an i…
65171 … \<emph\>Create New User-defined Index\</emph\> dialog where you can create a custom index.\</ahel…
65173 …d3153507 31 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:EDIT:DLG_NEW_USER_IDX:ED_NAME\"\>Enter a name for the new use…
65180 …"\>Type a name for the new section.\</ahelp\> By default, $[officename] automatically assigns the …
65185 …51310 27 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:CHECKBOX:MD_EDIT_REGION:CB_DDE\"\>Creates a \<emph\>DDE \</emph\…
65186 …iter\01\04020100.xhp 0 help par_id3143280 34 0 ast The general syntax for a DDE command is: "<Se…
65187a section named "Section1" from a $[officename] text document abc.sxw as a DDE link, use the comma…
65191 …BUTTON:MD_EDIT_REGION:PB_FILE\"\>Locate the file that you want to insert as a link, and then click…
65193 …GION:LB_SUBREG\"\>Select the section in the file that you want to insert as a link.\</ahelp\> 2…
65194 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04020100.xhp 0 help par_id3151373 25 0 ast When you open a do…
65199 …T_SECTION_CB_PASSWD\"\>Protects the selected section with a password. The password must have a min…
65201 …47 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW_PUSHBUTTON_TP_INSERT_SECTION_PB_PASSWD\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
65204 …ted.\</ahelp\> The components of a hidden sections appear gray in the Navigator. When you rest you…
65205 … 0 help par_id3155074 50 0 ast You cannot hide a section if it is the only content on a page, or…
65207a \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04090200.xhp\" name=\"logical expression\"\>logical expression\</l…
65208 …ld variable "x" and set its value to 1. Then specify a condition based on this variable for hiding…
65217 …p 0 help par_idN10553 0 ast Specify the document that you want to use as a base for the mail me…
65220 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\mailmerge01.xhp 0 help par_idN1055D 0 ast Create a new docum…
65221 …\01\mailmerge01.xhp 0 help par_idN10561 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates a new Writer document …
65226 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\mailmerge01.xhp 0 help par_idN10572 0 ast Start from a templ…
65230 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\mailmerge01.xhp 0 help par_idN10584 0 ast Start from a recen…
65231 … ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Use an existing mail merge document as the base for a new mail merge docum…
65242 …ING:ED_KEY3\"\>Enter the number of the table column that you want to use as a basis for sorting.\<…
65247 …ON:DLG_SORTING:RB_UP3\"\>Sorts in ascending order, (for example, 1, 2, 3 or a, b, c).\</ahelp\> …
65256 …separated by nonprinting paragraph marks. You can also specify that tabs or a character act as sep…
65258 …:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_SORTING:RB_TAB\"\>If the selected paragraphs correspond to a list separated by ta…
65260 …SW:EDIT:DLG_SORTING:ED_TABCH\"\>Enter the character that you want to use as a separator in the sel…
65262 …</emph\> dialog, where you can select the character that you want to use as a separator.\</ahelp\>…
65266 …CASE\"\>Distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters when you sort a table. For Asian lan…
65270 … 0 ast \<variable id=\"eintraege\"\>Specify the format for the entries in a user-defined index. …
65274a paragraph from line numbering, click in the paragraph, choose \<emph\>Format - Paragraph\</emph\…
65291 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\06180000.xhp 0 help par_id3150765 20 0 ast You can enter a se…
65293 …:EDIT:TP_LINENUMBERING:ED_DIVISOR\"\>Enter the text that you want to use as a separator.\</ahelp\>…
65307 …ves a header from the page style that you select in the submenu. The header is added to all of the…
65310 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04220000.xhp 0 help par_id3153921 4 0 ast To remove a header,…
65312 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04220000.xhp 0 help par_id3156410 6 0 ast To format a header,…
65316 …d3154766 4 0 ast In long documents, updating the page formatting can take a while. 20200411 1…
65319 …able id=\"beschrifttext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLG_CAPTION\"\>Adds a numbered caption to a selected …
65323a name to create a new category. The category text appears before the caption number in the captio…
65339 …help par_id8186895 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Select a database and table.\…
65342 …\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Generate each file name from data contained in a database.\</ahelp\> …
65357 …138 14 0 ast Determines whether to send your form letters to a printer or save them to a file. …
65373 …_FILENAME\"\>Creates the file name based on the text you enter, followed by a serial number.\</ahe…
65380 … return addresses for the envelope. You can also insert address fields from a database, for exampl…
65382 …elivery address.\</ahelp\> You can also click in this box, and select a database, a table, and fie…
65384 …sibility=\"visible\" hid=\"SW:MULTILINEEDIT:TP_ENV_ENV:EDT_SEND\"\>Includes a return address on th…
65403 …X:TP_SECTION_FTNENDNOTES:CB_FTN_NUM_FMT\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Specifies a custom numbering for…
65418 …X:TP_SECTION_FTNENDNOTES:CB_END_NUM_FMT\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Specifies a custom numbering for…
65429 …id=\"HID_OLE_CHECKLB\"\>Select the object types that you want to include in a table of objects.\</…
65438 …OX_DLG_NEW_FILE_LB_REGION\"\>Lists the available template categories. Click a category to view its…
65456 …\".uno:ViewBounds\"\>Shows or hides the boundaries of the printable area of a page. The boundary l…
65489 …aragraph" to assign a \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04090200.xhp\" name=\"condition\"\>condition\<…
65490 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\03140000.xhp 0 help par_id3083451 5 0 ast When you hide a par…
65496 …1\04120219.xhp 0 help par_id3147176 5 0 ast To create an index entry from a paragraph style, cli…
65503a text section at the cursor position in the document. You can also select a block of text and the…
65504 …You can insert an entire document in a section, or a named section from another. You can also inse…
65505 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04020000.xhp 0 help par_id3149684 5 0 ast To edit a section, …
65511 … hid=\".\"\>Inserts hyphens in words that are too long to fit at the end of a line.\</ahelp\> $[of…
65512 …Flow\"\>Text Flow\</link\> tab. You can also apply automatic hyphenation to a paragraph style. In …
65513 …ter\01\06030000.xhp 0 help par_id3151389 5 0 ast When $[officename] finds a word that requires h…
65521 …t\swriter\01\06030000.xhp 0 help par_id3152950 17 0 ast To manually enter a hyphen directly in t…
65522 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\06030000.xhp 0 help par_id3147523 32 0 ast To insert a non-br…
65543 …ter\01\04020200.xhp 0 help par_id3155182 2 0 ast Indents the section with a left and right margi…
65551 …L_NAVI\"\>If you click this icon, a toolbar will appear which enables you to choose among the exis…
65560 … $[officename] according to your specific preferences for navigating within a document. To do this…
65561 …100.xhp 0 help bm_id3155338 0 ast \<bookmark_value\>searching; repeating a search\</bookmark_va…
65563 …rch\</emph\> icon on the \<emph\>Navigation\</emph\> toolbar you can repeat a search you started w…
65586 …ins the cursor.\</ahelp\> This option is only available if the cursor is in a table. 20200411 1…
65600 …/mm_newaddblo.xhp\"\>New Address Block\</link\> dialog where you can define a new address block la…
65620 …\<variable id=\"feldbefehltext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertField\"\>Inserts a field at the current…
65627 … par_id3156385 3 0 ast This command is only available if the cursor is in a table. 20200411 1…
65631 …160000.xhp 0 help par_id3155896 30 0 ast To insert an index entry, select a word in the document…
65635 … must delete the index entry from the document, and then insert it again in a different index type…
65639 …STBOX:DLG_MULTMRK:LB_TOX\"\>To create a multilevel index, type the name of the first level index e…
65641 …_MULTMRK:LB_TOX\"\>Type the name of the second level index entry, or select a name from the list. …
65643 …\<ahelp hid=\"SW:LISTBOX:DLG_MULTMRK:LB_TOX\"\>Changes the outline level of a table of contents en…
65675 …1\mm_newaddblo.xhp 0 help par_idN10589 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Displays a preview of the first…
65687 …d3149802 18 0 ast The simplest way to define a condition is to type the logical expression direc…
65693 … 0 ast When you define a condition, use the same \<link href=\"text/swriter/02/14020000.xhp\"\>el…
65694 …638 25 0 ast You can use the following types of variables when you define a condition: 202004…
65696 …\01\04090200.xhp 0 help par_id3156273 26 0 ast Custom variables, that are a created with the "Se…
65701 …\01\04090200.xhp 0 help par_id3150122 31 0 ast The following examples use a variable called "x":…
65707 …4090200.xhp 0 help par_id3146345 37 0 ast The condition is true if "x" is a multiple of pi. 2…
65715 …operator must be represented by two equal signs (==) in a condition. For example, if you define a
65751 …elp par_id3150147 128 0 ast For example, to hide a paragraph, text, or a section from a user wit…
65753 …check the contents of a database field from a condition, or use database fields in logical express…
65767 …rrent entry in the COMPANY field is not "Sun". (Exclamation sign represents a logical NOT.) 202…
65771a database field in a condition, use the form Databasename.Tablename.Fieldname. If one of the nam…
65773 …iter\01\04090200.xhp 0 help par_id3150051 56 0 ast You may want to create a condition that hides…
65780 …ext field, although they can be applied to any fields that can be linked to a condition. The synta…
65788 …200.xhp 0 help hd_id3155814 67 0 ast To display conditional text based on a user-defined Variabl…
65800 …d_id3155573 74 0 ast To display conditional text based on the contents of a database field: 2…
65801 …le inserts a space between the "First Name" and "Last Name" fields in a document, and the second p…
65808 ….xhp 0 help par_id3153615 80 0 ast In the \<emph\>Then \</emph\>box, type a space and leave the …
65809 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04090200.xhp 0 help par_id3153562 84 0 ast You can now use a
65823 …\01\05110100.xhp 0 help par_id3154646 7 0 ast You can also right-click in a cell, and then choos…
65826 …st \<variable id=\"scripttext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertScript\"\>Inserts a script at the curren…
65827a small green rectangle. If you do not see the rectangle, choose \<emph\>\<switchinline select=\"s…
65835 …id3149810 14 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:EDIT:DLG_JAVAEDIT:ED_URL\"\>Adds a link to a script file. Cl…
65845 …swriter\01\05130002.xhp 0 help par_id3154650 2 0 ast Here, you can create a font style. 20200…
65852 …=\"AutoFormat for Tables\"\>AutoFormat for Tables\</link\> dialog, click in a table cell, and then…
65857 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\mm_finent.xhp 0 help par_idN1053D 0 ast Searches for a recor…
65876 … help par_idN10591 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Saves the merged document as a single file.\</ahelp…
65878 … help par_idN10598 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Saves the merged document as a separate file for ea…
65880 …\01\mailmerge08.xhp 0 help par_idN1059F 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Selects a range of records sta…
65919 …le id=\"literaturvz\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertAuthoritiesEntry\"\>Inserts a bibliography referen…
65922 …d3154096 16 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AUTH_MARK_DLG_FROM_COMP_RB\"\>Inserts a reference from the b…
65924 …id3153536 18 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AUTH_MARK_DLG_FROM_DOC_RB\"\>Inserts a reference from the b…
65925 … 19 0 ast When you save a document that contains bibliography entries, the corresponding records…
65931 …OK\"\>Inserts the bibliographic reference into the document. If you created a new record, you must…
65935 …/link\> dialog, where you can create a new bibliography record. This record is only stored in the …
65945 …p par_id3147510 6 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:EDIT:TP_FRM_ADD:ED_NAME\"\>Enter a name for the selecte…
65946 …60900.xhp 0 help par_id3154565 7 0 ast Assign an object, graphic or frame a meaningful name, so …
65948 …<ahelp hid=\"SW:EDIT:TP_FRM_ADD:ED_ALT_NAME\"\>Enter the text to display in a web browser when the…
65950 …frame) that comes before the current item in a linked sequence. To add or change the previous link…
65952 …mes after the current item in a linked sequence. To add or change the next link, select a name fro…
65965 …:TP_FRM_ADD:CB_EDIT_IN_READONLY\"\>Allows you to edit the contents of a frame in a document that i…
65969 …OX_TP_FRM_ADD_LB_TEXTFLOW\"\>Specifies the preferred text flow direction in a frame. To use the de…
65974 …ter\01\05040800.xhp 0 help par_id3151171 17 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Adds a text grid to the cur…
65976 …ahelp hid=\"SW_RADIOBUTTON_TP_TEXTGRID_PAGE_RB_CHARSGRID\"\>Adds or removes a text grid for lines …
65979 …_PAGE_NF_LINESPERPAGE\"\>Enter the maximum number of lines that you want on a page.\</ahelp\> 2…
65981 …_NF_CHARSPERLINE\"\>Enter the maximum number of characters that you want on a line.\</ahelp\> 2…
65993 …b\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:ConvertTableText\"\>Converts the selected text into a table, or the select…
65996a tab, marks the column boundaries in the selected text. Each paragraph in the selection is conver…
65998 …elp hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_CONV_TEXT_TABLE:CB_TAB\"\>Converts the text to a table using tabs as …
66000 …lp hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_CONV_TEXT_TABLE:CB_SEMI\"\>Converts the text to a table using semi-col…
66002 …lp hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_CONV_TEXT_TABLE:CB_PARA\"\>Converts the text to a table using paragrap…
66004 …ONV_TEXT_TABLE:RB_OTHER\"\>Converts the text to a table using the character that you type in the b…
66006 …:DLG_CONV_TEXT_TABLE:ED_OTHER\"\>Type the character that you want to use as a column marker.\</ahe…
66010 …d=\".\"\>Opens the \<emph\>AutoFormat\</emph\> dialog, where you can select a predefined layout fo…
66013 …:DLG_CONV_TEXT_TABLE:CB_HEADER\"\>Formats the first row of the new table as a heading.\</ahelp\> …
66017 … help par_id4136478 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Repeats the first n rows as a header.\</ahelp\> …
66021 … 31 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:CHECKBOX:DLG_CONV_TEXT_TABLE:CB_BORDER\"\>Adds a border to the table …
66024 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04120000.xhp 0 help par_idN105AC 0 ast Opens a menu to inser…
66030 …help par_idN1058C 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Inserts a row into the table.\…
66031 …help par_idN105A7 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Inserts a column into the tabl…
66033 …:DLG_INS_ROW_COL\"\>Inserts a row or column into the table.\</ahelp\> This command is only availab…
66044 …d=\"HID_COLUMN\"\>Specifies the number of columns and the column layout for a page style, frame, o…
66046a layout to a page style, all pages that use the style are updated. Similarly, when you apply a co…
66075 …lect the formatting style for the column separator line. If you do not want a separator line, choo…
66077 …ETRICFIELD_TP_COLUMN_ED_HEIGHT\"\>Enter the length of the separator line as a percentage of the he…
66092 …CHECKBOX:TP_FORMAT_TABLE:CB_REL_WIDTH\"\>Displays the width of the table as a percentage of the pa…
66116 …90100.xhp 0 help par_id3145782 35 0 ast To insert a paragraph before a table at the beginning of…
66120 …3154765 3 0 ast This option is only available if the table contains a row with a fixed height. …
66157 …par_idN1055A 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter the address record number of a recipient to preview…
66168 …BL\"\>Maintains the current width of the table when you change the width of a column.\</ahelp\> Th…
66187 … 0 ast Specify the placement of address data fields in an address block of a \<link href=\"text/s…
66189 …\01\mm_cusaddfie.xhp 0 help par_idN1056D 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a field and drag the f…
66197 …1\mm_cusaddfie.xhp 0 help par_idN10589 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Displays a preview of the first…
66202 … 2 0 ast \<variable id=\"datei\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertDoc\"\>Inserts a text file at the cur…
66203a file, insert a section into your document, and then insert a link to the text file in the sectio…
66207 …r position.\</ahelp\> You can also access this command by right-clicking in a table cell. 20200…
66212 … 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_SPLIT_TABLE:RB_BOX_PARA\"\>Inserts a blank header row in …
66217 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\05190000.xhp 0 help par_id3145411 13 0 ast When you split a t…
66221 …hidden\"\>Lists the available field types. To add a field to your document, click a field type, cl…
66225a mail merge field if the \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04090200.xhp\" name=\"Condition\"\>\<emph\…
66226 … several records into a document. Simply insert the \<emph\>Any Record\</emph\> field in front of …
66228 …se selection \</emph\>box. The "Database Name" field is a global field, that is, if you insert a d…
66230 …p par_id3145779 16 0 ast Inserts the name of a database field as a placeholder, so that you can …
66233 …insert the contents of consecutive records between the mail merge fields in a document. 2020041…
66237 …o.\</ahelp\> You can include fields from more than one database or query in a document. 2020041…
66238 …1084 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>For fields linked to a condition, enter the…
66239 …01\04090006.xhp 0 help par_id3147739 19 0 ast If you want, you can assign a condition that must …
66241 …n in the data source view. For example, if you select the last 5 records in a database containing …
66242 …xhp 0 help par_id3153305 22 0 ast If you refer to fields in a different database (or in a differ…
66248 … par_idN10772 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"878711313\"\>Opens a file open dialog where you can select a
66253 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04090006.xhp 0 help par_idN107FF 0 ast Printing a form lette…
66254 … \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>When you print a document that contains database fields, a dialog asks you if …
66264 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\03090000.xhp 0 help par_id3154098 5 0 ast When you print a do…
66273 …\01\05150200.xhp 0 help par_id3154505 4 0 ast A paragraph is formatted as a heading when the fol…
66274 …riter\01\05150200.xhp 0 help par_id3145241 19 0 ast paragraph begins with a capital letter 20…
66275 …01\05150200.xhp 0 help par_id3148386 20 0 ast paragraph does not end with a punctuation mark …
66278 …9 0 ast To create a bulleted list, type a hyphen (-), star (*), or plus sign (+), followed by a
66279 …63 18 0 ast To create a numbered list, type a number followed by a period (.), followed by a spa…
66282 …qual signs (===) on line and then press Enter, the paragraph is replaced by a horizontal line as w…
66283 …ter\01\05150200.xhp 0 help par_id3153530 12 0 ast Three hyphens (-) yield a single line (0.05 pt…
66284 …\01\05150200.xhp 0 help par_id3154477 13 0 ast Three underscore (_) yield a single line (1 pt th…
66285 …01\05150200.xhp 0 help par_id3150982 14 0 ast Three equal signs (=) yield a double line (1.10 pt…
66294 …r_id3153532 8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:EDIT:TP_TOX_SELECT:ED_TITLE\"\>Enter a title for the select…
66296 … lost when the index is refreshed. If you want the cursor to scroll through a protected area, choo…
66316 …3448 5 0 ast For example, if you insert a section that uses a two-column layout into a page styl…
66317 …par_id3155625 6 0 ast You can also nest sections, that is, you can insert a section into another…
66321 …/switchinline\>+Shift+T. To remove the protection from all of the tables in a document, click anyw…
66322 …xhp 0 help par_id3150765 4 0 ast You can also remove cell protection from a table in the \<link …
66328 …CKBOX_TP_TOX_SELECT_CB_COLLECTSAME\"\>Replaces identical index entries with a single entry that li…
66330 …lso on the directly following page or pages, with a single entry that lists the first page number …
66332 …SH\"\>Replaces identical index entries that occur on consecutive pages with a single entry and the…
66339 …nserts index keys as separate index entries.\</ahelp\> A key is inserted as a top level index entr…
66342 …OX_SELECT_CB_FROMFILE\"\>Automatically marks index entries using a concordance file - a list of wo…
66344 …lp hid=\"SW_MENUBUTTON_TP_TOX_SELECT_MB_AUTOMARK\"\>Select, create, or edit a concordance file.\</…
66353 … 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLG_CREATE_AUTH_ENTRY\"\>Change the content of a bibliography entry.\…
66355 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04120229.xhp 0 help par_id3145419 4 0 ast Enter a short name …
66357 …e short name for the bibliography entry. You can only enter a name here if you are creating a new …
66365 …0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:MergeTable\"\>Combines two consecutive tables into a single table. The ta…
66370 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\03100000.xhp 0 help par_id3145410 5 0 ast When you delete a p…
66374 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04990000.xhp 0 help par_id3145827 2 0 ast Inserts a field at …
66378 …TABPAGE:RID_SFX_TP_MACROASSIGN\"\>Specifies the macro to run when you click a graphic, frame, or a…
66380 …=\"SFX2:TABPAGE:RID_SFX_TP_MACROASSIGN\"\>Lists the events that can trigger a macro.\</ahelp\> Onl…
66381 … The following table lists the object types and the events that can trigger a macro: 20200411 1…
66445 … 0 help par_id3156058 84 0 ast Frames allow you to link certain events to a function that then d…
66457 …p par_id3149352 3 0 ast This option is only available if the cursor is in a table. 20200411 1…
66473 …iter\01\05060300.xhp 0 help par_id3149164 10 0 ast Inserts the graphic as a link. 20200411 15…
66482 …d=\"umbruch\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertBreak\"\>Inserts a manual line break, column break or a pa…
66486 …he text found to the right of the cursor to the next line, without creating a new paragraph.\</ahe…
66487 …\swriter\01\04010000.xhp 0 help par_id3149685 8 0 ast You can also insert a line break by pressi…
66489a manual column break (in a multiple column layout), and moves the text found to the right of the …
66491 …s a manual page break, and moves the text found to the right of the cursor to the beginning of the…
66492a page break by pressing \<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline select=\"MAC\"\>Command \</ca…
66496 … follows the manual page break. This option is only available if you assign a different page style…
66502 …his command is only available if you have selected a table in your document, or if the cursor is i…
66507 … ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter the recipients of e-mail copies, separated by a semicolon (;).\</ahe…
66509 …<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Enter the recipients of e-mail blind copies, separated by a semicolon (;).\</ahe…
66521 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\06080100.xhp 0 help par_id3151171 17 0 ast a, b, c 2020041…
66531 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\06080100.xhp 0 help par_id3154194 59 0 ast a,... aa,... aaa,.…
66555 …p 0 help par_id3150695 36 0 ast To ensure a uniform appearance for the footnotes in your documen…
66562 …otnote anchors and text. You can use the predefined footnote styles, or use a different style. …
66576 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04130100.xhp 0 help par_id3148771 4 0 ast To move a selected …
66577 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04130100.xhp 0 help par_id3150762 5 0 ast To resize a selecte…
66585 …/mm_newaddlis.xhp\"\>New Address List\</link\> dialog, where you can create a new address list.\</…
66607a bookmark at the cursor position. You can then use the Navigator to quickly jump to the marked lo…
66608 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04040000.xhp 0 help par_id3153677 3 0 ast To jump to a specif…
66611 …lower list contains all of the bookmarks in the current document. To delete a bookmark, select it …
66612 … 0 help par_id3149483 13 0 ast You cannot use the following characters in a bookmark name: / \\ …
66614 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:PUSHBUTTON:DLG_INSERT_BOOKMARK:BT_DELETE\"\>To delete a bookmark, select the…
66623 …ahelp hid=\"SW:EDIT:DLG_RENAME_GLOS:ED_NS\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Assigns a shortcut to the sele…
66628 …3097323 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>In block selection mode, you can select a rectangular block of…
66648 …st \<variable id=\"tabelletext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertTable\"\>Inserts a table into the docum…
66649 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04150000.xhp 0 help par_id3153922 3 0 ast To insert a table f…
66650 …writer\01\04150000.xhp 0 help par_id3151181 49 0 ast To convert text into a table, select the te…
66651 …iter\01\04150000.xhp 0 help par_idN10642 0 ast To insert a table into a table, click in a cell …
66652 …50 0 ast $[officename] can automatically format numbers that you enter in a table cell, for exam…
66654 …id3154099 5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:EDIT:DLG_INSERT_TABLE:ED_NAME\"\>Enter a name for the table.\…
66664 …43 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:CHECKBOX:DLG_INSERT_TABLE:CB_HEADER\"\>Includes a heading row in the t…
66672 …970 46 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:CHECKBOX:DLG_INSERT_TABLE:CB_BORDER\"\>Adds a border to the table …
66674 …ORMAT\"\>Opens the \<emph\>AutoFormat\</emph\> dialog, where you can select a predefined layout fo…
66676 …icon to open the \<emph\>Insert Table\</emph\> dialog, where you can insert a table in the current…
66694 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\06060100.xhp 0 help par_id3154104 18 0 ast a, b, c, ... 20…
66704 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\06060100.xhp 0 help par_id3143284 38 0 ast a,... aa,... aaa,.…
66715 …t you want to display after the chapter number.\</ahelp\> For example, type a period (.) to displa…
66722 …" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Choose Edit Paragraph Style in the context menu of a paragraph to edit th…
66723 …t or to the right side of the workspace. To undock the window, double-click a free space on its to…
66724 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\05140000.xhp 0 help hd_id3147167 37 0 ast How to apply a styl…
66725 …_id3151264 38 0 ast Select the text. To apply a Character Style to one word, click the word. To …
66735 …rs.\</ahelp\> Use character styles to apply font styles to selected text in a paragraph. 202004…
66747 …ect or text that you select in the document. Click this icon, and then drag a selection in the doc…
66750 …riter\01\05140000.xhp 0 help par_idN109BB 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a submenu with more co…
66752 …\01\05140000.xhp 0 help par_id3149552 19 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates a new style based on t…
66761 …ts a text field that you can open and edit by clicking it in the document.\</ahelp\> You can use i…
66762 …p 0 help par_id3154470 7 0 ast To change the content of an Input Field in a document, click the …
66769 …\01\format_object.xhp 0 help par_idN10558 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Opens a submenu to edit the …
66777 …D\"\>Specifies the size and the position of the selected object or frame on a page.\</ahelp\> 2…
66782 …X:TP_FRM_STD:CB_REL_WIDTH\"\>Calculates the width of the selected object as a percentage of the wi…
66786 …TP_FRM_STD:CB_REL_HEIGHT\"\>Calculates the height of the selected object as a percentage of the he…
66793 …tically adjusts the width or height of a frame to match the contents of the frame. If you want, yo…
66794 …ast The \<emph\>Automatic\</emph\> option is only available when you select a frame. 20200411 1…
66802 …d=\"SW_RADIOBUTTON_TP_FRM_STD_RB_ANCHOR_AT_CHAR\"\>Anchors the selection to a character.\</ahelp\>…
66819 …60100.xhp 0 help par_id3150463 59 0 ast If you anchor an object to a frame with a fixed height, …
66826a document that was created in a version of %PRODUCTNAME older than %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION. …
66827 …gnment reference point. If you anchor the object as a character, the reference rectangle changes t…
66832 …3.xhp\"\>mail merge\</link\> documents. When you click \<emph\>OK\</emph\>, a dialog prompts you f…
66836 …"\>Click the buttons to navigate through the records or enter a record number to display a record.…
66838 …er\01\mm_newaddlis.xhp 0 help par_idN1057B 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Adds a new blank record to …
66847 … 0 ast \<variable id=\"eintraege\"\>Specify the format for the entries in a Table of Objects. \<…
66852 …id3151180 2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLG_CREATE_AUTOMARK\"\>Create or edit a list of words to inc…
66853 … Find All button on the Find & Replace dialog to highlight all places where a word appears, then o…
66862 …rent index entries. The "Search term" or the "Alternative entry" appears as a subentry under the 1…
66864 …250.xhp 0 help par_id3143282 7 0 ast "Word only" searches for the term as a single word. 2020…
66866 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04120250.xhp 0 help hd_id3153629 25 0 ast To create a concord…
66867 …par_id3153644 9 0 ast Use the following format guidelines when you create a concordance file: …
66868 …hp 0 help par_id3152770 10 0 ast Each entry in the concordance file is on a separate line. 20…
66881 …ves a footer from the page style that you select in the submenu. The footer is added to all of the…
66884 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04230000.xhp 0 help par_id3150566 4 0 ast To remove a footer,…
66886 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04230000.xhp 0 help par_id3151187 6 0 ast To format a footer,…
66914 …r\01\mailmerge05.xhp 0 help par_idN1057D 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a magnification for th…
66921 …elp par_id3153818 8 0 ast For example, if you inserting address fields in a form letter from an …
66923 …0400.xhp 0 help par_id3154651 4 0 ast You can only change one database at a time in this dialog.…
66929 …help par_idN106DF 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"1419596301\"\>Opens a file open dialog to select a databa…
66932 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04180400.xhp 0 help hd_id3154506 12 0 ast To exchange a datab…
66942 …60200.xhp 0 help par_id3151249 56 0 ast To wrap text around a table, place the table in a frame,…
66945 …lp hid=\"SW:IMAGERADIOBUTTON:TP_FRM_WRAP:RB_NO_WRAP\"\>Places the object on a separate line in the…
66971 …riable id=\"ersterabsatztext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:WrapAnchorOnly\"\>Starts a new paragraph below …
66990 …2 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:SendOutlineToClipboard\"\>Sends the outline of a document to the clip…
66995 …ter\01\mm_matfie.xhp 0 help par_idN10552 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a field name in your d…
66997 …r\01\mm_matfie.xhp 0 help par_idN10559 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Displays a preview of the value…
67001 …mple, you can define a field that executes a macro when you click the field in the document, or a
67002 …hidden\"\>Lists the available field types. To add a field to your document, click a field type, cl…
67006 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04090003.xhp 0 help par_id3149881 6 0 ast Inserts text if a c…
67008 …1\04090003.xhp 0 help par_id3147564 48 0 ast Inserts a text field that displays one item from a
67010 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04090003.xhp 0 help par_id3149287 8 0 ast Inserts a text fiel…
67012 … par_id3147515 10 0 ast Inserts a text field that runs a macro when you click the field in the d…
67014 …lp par_id3153527 12 0 ast Inserts a placeholder field in the document, for example, for graphics…
67016 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04090003.xhp 0 help par_id3147524 14 0 ast Inserts a text fie…
67018 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04090003.xhp 0 help par_id3153677 16 0 ast Hides a paragraph …
67020 …ar_id3159199 42 0 ast Combines up to 6 characters, so that they behave as a single character. Th…
67021 …ant to apply to the selected field, or click "Additional formats" to define a custom format.\</ahe…
67024 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:EDIT:TP_FLD_DB:ED_DBCONDITION\"\>For fields linked to a \<link href=\"text/s…
67028 …p par_id3147583 24 0 ast If the table or the field name does not exist in a database, nothing is…
67031 … display in the field. If you are inserting a placeholder field, type the text that you want to di…
67039 ….xhp 0 help par_id3149173 35 0 ast Type the text that you want to hide if a condition is met. …
67041 …1 43 0 ast Enter the characters that you want to combine. You can combine a maximum of 6 charact…
67043 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04090003.xhp 0 help par_id3151370 44 0 ast Enter a value for …
67048 …id3150688 51 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW_EDIT_TP_FLD_FUNC_ED_LISTITEM\"\>Enter a new item.\</ahelp\> …
67060 …id3147733 63 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW_EDIT_TP_FLD_FUNC_ED_LISTNAME\"\>Enter a unique name for the …
67074 …elds let you add dynamic content to your document. For example, you can use a variable to reset th…
67076 …hidden\"\>Lists the available field types. To add a field to your document, click a field type, cl…
67080 …90005.xhp 0 help par_id3150996 7 0 ast Defines a variable and its value. You can change the valu…
67084 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04090005.xhp 0 help par_id3149684 11 0 ast Inserts a \<link h…
67086 …er\01\04090005.xhp 0 help par_id3151322 13 0 ast Inserts a fixed number, or the result of a form…
67088 …iter\01\04090005.xhp 0 help par_id3154829 15 0 ast Inserts a new value for a variable or a User …
67089a variable in an Input field is only valid from where the field is inserted and onwards. To change…
67090 …>\</link\> appears, where you can enter the new value or additional text as a remark. 20200411 …
67094a reference point in the document, after which the page count restarts. Select "on" to enable the …
67098 … 0 ast Inserts a custom global variable. You can use the User Field to define a variable for a c…
67099 …ant to apply to the selected field, or click "Additional formats" to define a custom format.\</ahe…
67100 …n the \<emph\>Format \</emph\>list, or click "Additional formats" to define a custom format. 20…
67102 …hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Enter the contents that you want to add to a user-defined field.\…
67103 …he \<emph\>Format\</emph\> list, define if the value is inserted as text or a number.\</ahelp\> …
67105 …ds for the field type selected in the \<emph\>Type \</emph\>list. To insert a field, click the fie…
67106 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04090005.xhp 0 help par_id3326822 0 ast To quickly insert a
67107 …xt/shared/00/00000002.xhp#tags\" name=\"tag\"\>tag\</link\> (<Value>) or to a closing HTML (</Valu…
67112 …ides the field contents in the document.\</ahelp\> The field is inserted as a thin gray mark in th…
67118 …IT_TP_FLD_VAR_ED_VARSEPARATOR\"\>Type the character that you want to use as a separator between th…
67122 …emove fields that are not used in the current document.\</ahelp\> To remove a field that is used i…
67136 … the main entries in the alphabetical index. To convert an index entry into a main entry, click in…
67145 … can edit the styles of the current document, and then save the document as a template. To save th…
67157 …n also specify the page style to apply to the first page that follows after a page break. 20200…
67183 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\05130000.xhp 0 help par_id3149845 60 0 ast Displays a list of…
67187 …0 ast Displays the styles in the selected category in a hierarchical list. To view the styles in a
67193 …etion\"\>word completion\</link\> only occurs after you type a word for the second time in a docum…
67203 …p\> To edit an item in the Navigator, right-click the item, and then choose a command from the con…
67204 …o the right edge of the workspace. To undock the Navigator, double-click in a free area of the Nav…
67205 …ck the plus sign (+) next to a category in the Navigator to view the items in the category. To vie…
67206 …xhp 0 help par_id3149106 64 0 ast To jump to the next or previous item in a document, click the …
67207a document appears gray in the Navigator, and displays the text "hidden" when you rest the mouse p…
67209a master document is open.\</ahelp\>Switches between \<link href=\"text/shared/01/02110000.xhp\" n…
67227a document, press Shift+\<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline select=\"MAC\"\>Command \</cas…
67238a reminder at the current cursor position. You can define up to five reminders. To jump to a remin…
67254 … and drop options for inserting items from the Navigator into a document, for example, as a hyperl…
67258 … 0 help par_id3150954 38 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_NAVI_DRAG_HYP\"\>Creates a hyperlink when you d…
67260a link where you drag and drop in the current document. Text is inserted as protected sections. Th…
67262 …0 help par_id3155589 43 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_NAVI_DRAG_COPY\"\>Inserts a copy of the selected…
67264 …igator window.\</ahelp\> You can also access this command by right-clicking a heading in the Navig…
67286 …TBOX\"\>Lists the names of all open text documents. To view the contents of a document in the Navi…
67290 …u can also select the style of numbering to use, and reset the numbering in a numbered list.\</ahe…
67321 …le id=\"rahm\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertFrame\"\>Inserts a frame that you can use to create a lay…
67322 …0 ast To edit a frame, click the border to select it, and then choose \<emph\>Format - Frame/Objec…
67323 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04130000.xhp 0 help par_id3152952 38 0 ast To delete a frame,…
67325 …\>Frame\</emph\> dialog, the frame is represented by a green rectangle, and the reference area by
67328 …riable id=\"syrahmentext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertFrameInteract\"\>Draws a frame where you drag…
67331a web browser. You can choose to create a separate page when a heading style that you specify is e…
67336 … indicate a new HTML page.\</ahelp\> To use this option, apply one of the heading paragraph styles…
67347 … ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:TP_TABLE_TEXTFLOW:RB_BREAKPAGE\"\>Inserts a page break before or…
67349 …DIOBUTTON:TP_TABLE_TEXTFLOW:RB_BREAKCOLUMN\"\>Inserts a column break before or after the table on
67351 …<ahelp hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:TP_TABLE_TEXTFLOW:RB_PAGEBREAKBEFORE\"\>Inserts a page or column break…
67353 …\<ahelp hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:TP_TABLE_TEXTFLOW:RB_PAGEBREAKAFTER\"\>Inserts a page or column break…
67361 …\"SW:CHECKBOX:TP_TABLE_TEXTFLOW:CB_SPLIT\"\>Allows a page break or column break between the rows o…
67363 …PLIT_ROW\"\>Allows a page break or column break inside a row of the table.\</ahelp\> This option i…
67367 …\"SW:CHECKBOX:TP_TABLE_TEXTFLOW:CB_HEADLINE\"\>Repeats the table heading on a new page when the ta…
67371 …>Select the direction for the text in the cells.\</ahelp\> You can also use a combination of the f…
67380 …p 0 help par_id1471907 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".uno:PrintPreview\"\>Displays a preview of the print…
67393 …AGRAPH:BTN_HYPHEN\"\>Automatically inserts hyphens where they are needed in a paragraph.\</ahelp\>…
67395 …ter the minimum number of characters to leave at the end of the line before a hyphen is inserted.\…
67415 …t Specify the text flow options for paragraphs that appear before and after a page break. 20200…
67417 …EEPTOGETHER\"\>Shifts the entire paragraph to the next page or column after a break is inserted.\<…
67419 …ER\"\>Keeps the current paragraph and the following paragraph together when a break or column brea…
67421 …pecifies the minimum number of lines in a paragraph before a page break. Select this check box, an…
67423 …s the minimum number of lines in a paragraph in the first page after the break. Select this check …
67427 … widths to match the contents of the cells.\</ahelp\> Changing the width of a column does not affe…
67435 …ty boxes on this line. You can also click in an empty box or on a code, and then click a code butt…
67437 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04120221.xhp 0 help par_id3147512 8 0 ast To delete a code fr…
67438 … par_id3149806 9 0 ast To replace a code from the \<emph\>Structure \</emph\>line, click the cod…
67439 … par_id3154480 10 0 ast To add a code to the \<emph\>Structure \</emph\>line, click in an empty …
67441 …RY:PB_ENTRYNO\"\>Inserts the chapter number. To assign chapter numbering to a heading style, choos…
67445a tab stop. To add leader dots to the tab stop, select a character in the \<emph\>Fill character b…
67449a hyperlink for the part of the entry that you enclose by the opening (LS) and the closing (LE) hy…
67455 …2 24 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:PUSHBUTTON:TP_TOX_ENTRY:PB_EDITSTYLE\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
67467 …\<link href=\"text/swriter/01/mailmerge04.xhp\"\>Mail Merge Wizard - Create a Salutation\</link\> …
67469 …1\mailmerge04.xhp 0 help par_idN10556 0 ast This document should contain a salutation 202004…
67470 …ter\01\mailmerge04.xhp 0 help par_idN1055A 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Adds a salutation.\</ahelp\…
67472 …ter\01\mailmerge04.xhp 0 help par_idN10561 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Adds a personalized salutat…
67474 …r_idN10568 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select the personalized greeting for a female recipient.\</…
67478 …r_idN10584 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select the personalized greeting for a male recipient.\</ah…
67486 …d=\".\"\>Select the default salutation that is used when you do not specify a personalized salutat…
67488 …01\mailmerge04.xhp 0 help par_idN105B5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Displays a preview of the salut…
67497 …MARGIN\"\>Enter the minimum length for combining single-lined paragraphs as a percentage of the pa…
67501 …swriter\01\02150000.xhp 0 help par_id3149035 13 0 ast To edit the text of a footnote or endnote,…
67508 …ter\01\02150000.xhp 0 help par_id3149849 19 0 ast To change the format of a footnote or endnote …
67512 …iter\01\02150000.xhp 0 help par_id3156098 21 0 ast Converts an endnote to a footnote. 2020041…
67514 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\02150000.xhp 0 help par_id3155079 22 0 ast Converts a footnot…
67528 …mph\>Tools - Outline Numbering\</emph\> menu command to assign numbering to a paragraph style. Do …
67536 …elp par_id3155892 62 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_NUM_OUTL_NUM_SAVEAS\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
67538 …help hid=\"SW:LISTBOX:DLG_NUM_NAMES:LB_FORM\"\>Click a numbering style in the list, and then enter…
67543 …\01\mailmerge02.xhp 0 help par_idN1055A 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates a printable mail merge…
67549a footnote or an endnote in the document. The anchor for the note is inserted at the current curso…
67551 …endnotetext\"\>Footnotes are inserted at the end of a page, and endnotes are inserted at the end o…
67557 …this option to define a character or symbol for the current footnote.\</ahelp\> This can be either…
67559 …NUMBER_CHAR\"\>Inserts a \<link href=\"text/shared/01/04100000.xhp\" name=\"special character \"\>…
67561 …er\01\04030000.xhp 0 help par_id3151256 20 0 ast Select whether to insert a footnote or an endno…
67563 …G_INS_FOOTNOTE:RB_TYPE_FTN\"\>Inserts a footnote anchor at the current cursor position in the docu…
67575 …OKTYPE\"\>Lists the available field types. To add a field to your document, click a field type, cl…
67583 …. You can insert the date as a fixed field - \<item type=\"literal\"\>Date (fixed)\</item\> - that…
67591 …rts document statistics, such as page and word counts, as a field. To view the statistics of a doc…
67595 …. You can insert the time as a fixed field - \<item type=\"literal\"\>Time (fixed)\</item\> - that…
67598 …ds for the field type selected in the \<emph\>Type \</emph\>list. To insert a field, click the fie…
67599 …t\swriter\01\04090001.xhp 0 help par_id3155537 53 0 ast To quickly insert a field from the list,…
67609 …/emph\> value of 1, the field will display a number that is 1 more than the current page number, b…
67611 …:TP_FLD_DOK:ED_DOKVALUE\"\>Enter the offset value that you want to apply to a page number field, f…
67614 …ant to apply to the selected field, or click "Additional formats" to define a custom format.\</ahe…
67615 …>\<emph\>Number Format\</emph\>\</link\> dialog opens, where you can define a custom format. \</va…
67616 …r_id3154867 50 0 ast If you choose "Chapter number without separator" for a chapter field, the s…
67629 …IELD:TP_FLD_DOK:ED_DOKDATEOFF\"\>Enter the offset that you want to apply to a date or time field.\…
67631 …IELD:TP_FLD_DOK:ED_DOKDATEOFF\"\>Enter the contents that you want to add to a user-defined field.\…
67634 …p hid=\".uno:InsertMultiIndex\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Inserts an index or a table of contents at…
67655 …0 ast \<variable id=\"objekttext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:FrameDialog\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
67677 …hy Entry\"\>Define Bibliography Entry\</link\> dialog, where you can create a new entry. 202004…
67688 … the context. Once defined, you cannot change the conditional properties of a conditional style. …
67689 …s correspond to the titles of dialog fields): If a paragraph formatted with a conditional style is…
67690 …100.xhp 0 help par_id3149883 12 0 ast Open a blank text document and write a short business lett…
67691 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\05130100.xhp 0 help par_id3148768 21 0 ast Define a new Parag…
67692 …emph\>Conditional style\</emph\> field to define the new Paragraph Style as a conditional style. …
67697 …00.xhp 0 help par_id3154473 13 0 ast The "Text body" Style was created as a conditional style. T…
67700 …=\"SW:CHECKBOX:TP_CONDCOLL:CB_CONDITION\"\>Check this box to define a new style as a conditional s…
67704 …689 17 0 ast Here you can see the list of all Paragraph Styles applied to a context. 20200411…
67706 …ONDCOLL:LB_STYLE\"\>A list of all Paragraph Styles which can be assigned to a context is contained…
67728 …hp 0 help par_id3150970 7 0 ast To ensure a uniform appearance for the endnotes in your document…
67734 …endnote anchors and text. You can use the predefined endnote styles, or use a different style. …
67741 …e/chapter_numbering.xhp\" name=\"outline level\"\>outline level\</link\> to a paragraph style, and…
67743 … add chapter numbers to caption labels, the caption numbering is reset when a chapter heading is e…
67755 ….uno:SendOutlineToStarImpres\"\>Sends the outline of the active document to a new presentation doc…
67765 … 0 ast The Mail Merge wizard opens to this page if you start the wizard in a text document that a…
67768 … List\</link\> dialog, where you can choose a data source for the addresses, add new addresses, or…
67769 …805413 0 ast When you edit some records in a Calc spreadsheet data source that is currently in …
67781 …1/mailmerge04.xhp\" name=\"Mail Merge Wizard - Create a salutation\"\>Mail Merge Wizard - Create a
67784 …uno:CreateAbstract\"\>Copies the headings and a number of subsequent paragraphs in the active docu…
67788 …graphs up to the maximum defined are included until the next paragraph with a Heading Style is rea…
67791 …information about the properties of a document, such as the date a document was created. To view t…
67793 …hidden\"\>Lists the available field types. To add a field to your document, click a field type, cl…
67799 … 0 help par_id3155860 9 0 ast Inserts the amount of time spent on editing a document. 2020041…
67816 …ds for the field type selected in the \<emph\>Type \</emph\>list. To insert a field, click the fie…
67818 …ant to apply to the selected field, or click "Additional formats" to define a custom format.\</ahe…
67821 …n you create a new document from a template that contains such a field. For example, a date field …
67836 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04070200.xhp 0 help par_id3149481 8 0 ast Opens a dialog wher…
67838 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04070200.xhp 0 help par_id3149828 12 0 ast Opens a dialog whe…
67850 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04070200.xhp 0 help par_id3155918 22 0 ast Opens a dialog whe…
67852 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04070200.xhp 0 help par_id3150112 26 0 ast Opens a dialog whe…
67854 … 35 0 ast Select the envelope size format that you want to use, or create a custom size. 2020…
67866 …ter\01\05090201.xhp 0 help par_id3153920 4 0 ast To resize a column, place the cursor in a table…
67868 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\05090201.xhp 0 help par_id3150759 11 0 ast To resize a row, p…
67871 …ter\01\05090201.xhp 0 help par_id3147512 9 0 ast To insert a column, place the cursor in a table…
67872 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\05090201.xhp 0 help par_id3152940 13 0 ast To delete a column…
67873 …ter\01\05090201.xhp 0 help par_id3154105 14 0 ast To insert a row, place the cursor in a table c…
67874 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\05090201.xhp 0 help par_id3153531 15 0 ast To delete a row, p…
67875 …201.xhp 0 help par_id3150983 10 0 ast To change the behavior of tables in a text document, choos…
67889 …set under \<emph\>Tools - AutoCorrect\</emph\>\<emph\> Options\</emph\>. In a dialog, you are aske…
67895 …_CHG\"\>Opens a dialog where you can accept or reject AutoCorrect changes. You can also view the c…
67901 …\01\mm_cusgrelin.xhp 0 help par_idN10555 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a field and drag the f…
67903 …d field from the list of salutation elements to the other list. You can add a field more than once…
67909 …\01\mm_cusgrelin.xhp 0 help par_idN10571 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a value from the list …
67911 …1\mm_cusgrelin.xhp 0 help par_idN10578 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Displays a preview of the first…
67916 …<ahelp hid=\".uno:FieldDialog\"\>Opens a dialog where you can edit the properties of a field. Clic…
67917 …er\01\02140000.xhp 0 help par_id3151168 4 0 ast You can also double-click a field in your docume…
67919 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\02140000.xhp 0 help par_id3149106 59 0 ast If you select a \<…
67920 …er\01\02140000.xhp 0 help par_id3149036 60 0 ast If you click in front of a "sender" type field,…
67927 …ields, you can also click "Additional formats" in the list, and then choose a different format.\</…
67929 … example, for "Next Page," "Page Numbers" or "Previous Page". You can enter a new offset value whi…
67934 …0 help par_id3149834 15 0 ast Displays the name of a field variable. If you want, you can enter
67936 …isplays the current value of the field variable. If you want, you can enter a new value. 202004…
67938 … that must be met for the field to be activated. If you want, you can enter a new \<link href=\"te…
67948 …000.xhp 0 help par_id3153126 37 0 ast Displays the text that is linked to a condition. 202004…
67950 …ter\01\02140000.xhp 0 help par_id3154624 62 0 ast Displays the formula of a formula field. 20…
67952 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\02140000.xhp 0 help par_id3150671 64 0 ast Select a registere…
67956 …of the same type in the document.\</ahelp\> This button is only active when a document contains mo…
67960 …of the same type in the document.\</ahelp\> This button is only active when a document contains mo…
67969 …\01\02120000.xhp 0 help hd_id3152766 6 0 ast Display remainder of name as a suggestion while typ…
67970 …ARY:CB_INSERT_TIP\"\>Displays a suggestion for completing a word as a Help Tip after you type the …
67975 …>Displays the shortcut for the selected AutoText entry. If you are creating a new AutoText entry, …
67977 …57 8 0 ast Lists the AutoText categories. To view the AutoText entries in a category, double-cli…
67981 …p par_id3148788 75 0 ast If you insert an unformatted AutoText entry into a paragraph, the entry…
67983 …o display additional AutoText commands, for example, to create a new AutoText entry from a text se…
67985a new AutoText entry from the selection that you made in the current document. The entry is added …
67987a new AutoText entry only from the text in the selection that you made in the current document. Gr…
67995 … hid=\"HID_MD_GLOS_EDIT\"\>Opens the selected AutoText entry for editing in a separate document. M…
67997a macro to the selected AutoText entry.\</ahelp\>Opens the \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/05060700.…
68000 …p 0 help par_id3148937 78 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_MD_GLOS_IMPORT\"\>Opens a dialog where you can…
68006 …ge the name of the category, type a new name, and then click \<emph\>Rename\</emph\>. To create a
68010 …54933 42 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:PUSHBUTTON:DLG_BIB_BASE:PB_NEW\"\>Creates a new AutoText categor…
68017 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\02120000.xhp 0 help par_id3156064 61 0 ast To add a new path …
68025 …t \<ahelp hid=\"SW:CHECKBOX:DLG_GLOSSARY:CB_SHOW_EXAMPLE\"\>Turns on or off a preview of the selec…
68027 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\02120000.xhp 0 help par_id3154922 70 0 ast Shows a preview of…
68031 …\05100300.xhp 0 help par_id3154641 3 0 ast When the cursor is in a read-only cell, a note appear…
68041 …iter\01\05040600.xhp 0 help par_id3149807 8 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Sets a maximum height for t…
68050 …:TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE:ED_LINEWIDTH\"\>Enter the length of the separator line as a percentage of the pa…
68052 …E\"\>Select the formatting style for the separator line. If you do not want a separator line, choo…
68061 …p 0 help par_id3154473 5 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"HID_ENVELOP_PRINT\"\>Creates a new document and ins…
68064 …ter\01\04070000.xhp 0 help hd_id8208563 0 ast To delete an envelope from a document 20200411…
68074 …er\01\mm_emabod.xhp 0 help par_idN10554 0 ast This e-mail should contain a salutation 202004…
68075 …riter\01\mm_emabod.xhp 0 help par_idN10558 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Adds a salutation to the e-…
68077 …riter\01\mm_emabod.xhp 0 help par_idN1055F 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Adds a personalized salutat…
68079 …r_idN10566 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select the personalized greeting for a female recipient.\</…
68081 …\"text/swriter/01/mm_cusgrelin.xhp\"\>Custom Salutation\</link\> dialog for a female recipient.\</…
68083 …r_idN10582 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select the personalized greeting for a male recipient.\</ah…
68085 …\"text/swriter/01/mm_cusgrelin.xhp\"\>Custom Salutation\</link\> dialog for a male recipient.\</ah…
68091 …_idN105AC 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select the default greeting to use if a personalized salutat…
68105 …ter\01\05150101.xhp 0 help hd_id3151388 3 0 ast Applying an AutoFormat to a Table 20200411 15…
68106 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\05150101.xhp 0 help par_id3145828 4 0 ast Click in a table ce…
68112 …85 11 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:PUSHBUTTON:DLG_AUTOFMT_TABLE:BTN_ADD\"\>Adds a new table style to t…
68113 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\05150101.xhp 0 help par_id3154646 12 0 ast Format a table in …
68116 …=\"Add AutoFormat\"\>\<emph\>Add AutoFormat\</emph\>\</link\> dialog, enter a name, and then click…
68146 … par_id3147217 20 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:EDIT:TP_FRM_URL:ED_NAME\"\>Enter a name for the hyperli…
68152 …id3149176 14 0 ast \<ahelp hid=\"SW:CHECKBOX:TP_FRM_URL:CB_SERVER\"\>Uses a server-side image ma…
68158 …g RID_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.DATE_FUNCDESC_DiffWeeks 3 0 ast Primer día del periodu 20200…
68160 …0 string RID_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.DATE_FUNCDESC_DiffWeeks 5 0 ast Día caberu del periodu …
68165 … RID_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.DATE_FUNCDESC_DiffMonths 3 0 ast Primer día del periodu 20200…
68167 … string RID_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.DATE_FUNCDESC_DiffMonths 5 0 ast Día caberu del periodu. …
68170 …FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.DATE_FUNCDESC_DiffYears 1 0 ast Calcula'l númberu d'años d'un periodu espe…
68172 …g RID_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.DATE_FUNCDESC_DiffYears 3 0 ast Primer día del periodu 20200…
68174 …0 string RID_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.DATE_FUNCDESC_DiffYears 5 0 ast Día caberu del periodu …
68176 …DiffYears 7 0 ast Triba de cálculu: 0 ye l'intervalu de tiempu; 1 son los años del repertoriu. …
68177 ….DATE_FUNCDESC_IsLeapYear 1 0 ast Retorna 1 (TRUE) si la data ye un día d'un añu bisiestu, sinón…
68179 …ATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.DATE_FUNCDESC_IsLeapYear 3 0 ast Cualquier día del añu deseáu 20200…
68182 …_DATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.DATE_FUNCDESC_DaysInMonth 3 0 ast Cualquier día del mes deseáu 20…
68183 …SCRIPTIONS.DATE_FUNCDESC_DaysInYear 1 0 ast Retorna'l númberu de díes del añu nos que concuaya l…
68185 …ATE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.DATE_FUNCDESC_DaysInYear 3 0 ast Cualquier día del añu deseáu 20200…
68186 …TIONS.DATE_FUNCDESC_WeeksInYear 1 0 ast Retorna'l númberu de selmanes del añu nes que concuaya l…
68188 …TE_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.DATE_FUNCDESC_WeeksInYear 3 0 ast Cualquier día del añu deseáu 20200…
68200 …orkday 1 0 ast Devuelve'l númberu de serie de la data anterior o postrera a un númberu determiná…
68204 …LYSIS_Workday 5 0 ast Númberu de díes llaborales anteriores y posteriores a la data d'entamu …
68207 … 0 ast Calcula la diferencia entre la data d'entamu y final como fracción d'años. 20200411 15:0…
68214 …de serie de la data anterior o posterior, n'un númberu determináu de meses, a la data d'entamu. …
68218 …CRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Edate 5 0 ast Cantidá de meses anterioreso posteriores a la data d'entamu. …
68219 …ONS.ANALYSIS_Weeknum 1 0 ast Devuelve un númberu qu'amuesa la selmana del añu que correspuende c…
68223 …DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Weeknum 5 0 ast Un númberu del 1 al 3 qu'indica'l día col qu'entama una se…
68224 …lve'l númberu de serie de la data que representa'l caberu día del mes anterior o posterior a un nú…
68228 …IPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Eomonth 5 0 ast Cantidá de meses anterioreso posteriores a la data d'entamu. …
68249 …ALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Seriessum 5 0 ast Potencia d'entamu a la que tien qu'eleva…
68280 …IS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Besseli 3 0 ast El valor col que s'evalúa la función. 20200…
68285 …IS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Besselj 3 0 ast El valor col que s'evalúa la función. 20200…
68290 …IS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Besselk 3 0 ast El valor col que s'evalúa la función. 20200…
68295 …IS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Bessely 3 0 ast El valor col que s'evalúa la función. 20200…
68367 …0 string RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Gestep 3 0 ast Valor a comprobar col valor …
68379 …SCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Impower 1 0 ast Resultáu d'un númberu complexu eleváu a una potencia. 202…
68418 …UNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Imsin 1 0 ast Devuelve'l senu perteneciente a un númberu complexu.…
68463 …PTIONS.ANALYSIS_Convert 1 0 ast Convierte un númberu d'un sistema métricu a otru 20200411 15:…
68484 …ng RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Amordegrc 15 0 ast Base añal a usar 20200411 1…
68499 …ing RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Amorlinc 15 0 ast Base añal a usar 20200411 1…
68548 …YSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Duration 1 0 ast Devuelve la duración añal Macaulay d'un val…
68561 …FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Effect 1 0 ast Devuelve l'interés efectivu añal. 20200411 15:0…
68579 …ON_DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Cumipmt 1 0 ast Devuelve los intereses acumulaos a pagar ente dos perio…
68644 …FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Nominal 1 0 ast Devuelve l'interés nominal añal. 20200411 15:0…
68674 …S_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Yielddisc 1 0 ast Devuelve'l rendimientu añal d'un valor con de…
68685 … RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Yieldmat 1 0 ast Rendimientu añal d'un valor que pa…
68698 …ONS.ANALYSIS_Tbilleq 1 0 ast Data de lliquidación de la lletra de tesorería. 20200411 15:09:53
68712 …NALYSIS_Tbillyield 1 0 ast Devuelve'l rendimientu d'una lletra de tesorería. 20200411 15:09:53
68852 …DESCRIPTIONS.ANALYSIS_Couppcd 1 0 ast Devuelve la data del cupón anterior a la data de lliquidac…
69019 …st La comunidá d'OpenOffice da'l so reconocimientu a tolos miembros que collaboraron, especialment…
69020 cui source\dialogs\about.src 0 modaldialog RID_DEFAULTABOUT 200 ast Tocante a %FULLPRODUCTNAME …
69029 … pageitem RID_SVXDLG_SEARCHFORMAT.1 RID_SVXPAGE_STD_PARAGRAPH 0 ast Sangría y espaciáu 202004…
69052 cui source\dialogs\zoom.src 0 radiobutton RID_SVXDLG_ZOOM BTN_PAGE_WIDTH 105 ast Axustar a a~ncho…
69116 …SVX_MDLG_HANGULHANJA CB_REPLACE_BY_CHARACTER 55 ast ~Trocar caráuteres ún a ún 20200411 15:09…
69140 cui source\dialogs\tbxform.src 0 fixedtext RID_SVX_DLG_INPUTRECORDNO 1 70 ast dir a rexistru 2…
69225 cui source\dialogs\SpellDialog.src 0 string RID_SVXDLG_SPELLCHECK ST_SPELLING 55 ast Ortografía: …
69226 …rc 0 string RID_SVXDLG_SPELLCHECK ST_SPELLING_AND_GRAMMAR 55 ast Ortografía y Gramática: $LANGUA…
69235 ….src 0 fixedtext RID_SVXPAGE_HYPERLINK_INTERNET FT_PASSWD 39 ast ~Contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
69281 … 0 radiobutton RID_SVXPAGE_HYPERLINK_NEWDOCUMENT RB_EDITNOW 85 ast Editar a~gora 20200411 15:…
69303 …g RID_SVXSTR_HYPERDLG_HLINETTP_HELP 325 ast Crea un hiperenllaz a una páxina web, a un sirvidor…
69305 …_SVXSTR_HYPERDLG_HLMAILTP_HELP 325 ast Crea un hiperenllaz a unes señes de corréu-e o a un grup…
69307 …D_SVXSTR_HYPERDLG_HLDOCTP_HELP 325 ast Crea un hiperenllaz a un documentu qu'existe o a un dest…
69343 cui source\dialogs\svuidlg.src 0 radiobutton MD_PASTE_OBJECT RB_PASTE_LINK 63 ast Enllaz a 202…
69379 cui source\dialogs\svuidlg.src 0 checkbox MD_INSERT_OLEOBJECT CB_FILELINK 138 ast ~Enllaz a fiche…
69419 …dline RID_DLG_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN_MODIFY FL_FILE_ENCRYPTION 165 ast Contraseña de cifráu del ficher…
69420 …LG_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN_MODIFY FT_PASSWD_TO_OPEN 159 ast ~Escribi la contraseña p'abrir 20200411 …
69421 …WORD_TO_OPEN_MODIFY FT_REENTER_PASSWD_TO_OPEN 159 ast Confirma la contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
69422 …edtext RID_DLG_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN_MODIFY FT_PASSWD_NOTE 159 ast Note: After a password has been se…
69423 … RID_DLG_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN_MODIFY FL_FILE_SHARING_OPTIONS 165 ast Contraseña pa compartir el fich…
69425 …_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN_MODIFY FT_PASSWD_TO_MODIFY 159 ast Inxertar la contraseña pa permitir la edici…
69426 …RD_TO_OPEN_MODIFY FT_REENTER_PASSWD_TO_MODIFY 159 ast Confirma la contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
69427 …N_MODIFY STR_PASSWD_MUST_BE_CONFIRMED 159 ast Hai de confirmar la contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
69430 …ONE_PASSWORD_MISMATCH 159 ast La contraseña de confirmación nun ye neto que la otra. P'afitar la…
69432 …_INVALID_STATE_FOR_OK_BUTTON 159 ast Inxerta una contraseña p'abrir o modificar, o conseña la op…
69434 …ORD_TO_OPEN_MODIFY HID_DLG_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN_MODIFY 171 ast Afitar contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
69454 …rch.src 0 checkbox RID_SVXDLG_SEARCHFORM CB_SOUNDSLIKECJK 84 ast Ortografía asemeyao (Xaponés) …
69468 …SVXERR_SEARCH_NORECORD 300 ast Nun s'atoparon rexistros correspondientes a los datos. 202004…
69597 … 273 ast P'amestar un comandu a un menú, esbilla la categoría y depués el comandu. Arriendes pued…
69613 cui source\customize\cfg.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_YESTOALL 200 ast Sí a too 20200411 15:09:53
69643 cui source\customize\acccfg.src 0 #define FIXEDTEXT_TEXT_GROUP 0 ast ~Categoría 20200411 15:0…
69656 …r.src 0 #define FIXEDTEXT_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION 0 ast Seleiciona la llibrería que contién la macro…
69659 cui source\customize\selector.src 0 string STR_SELECTOR_CATEGORIES 0 ast ~Categoría 20200411 …
69664 … 0 ast P'amestar un comandu a una barra de ferramientes, esbilla la categoría y dempués el coman…
69666 … 0 fixedtext RID_DLG_SCRIPTSELECTOR TXT_SELECTOR_CATEGORIES 83 ast Llibrería 20200411 15:09:53
69675 …hbutton RID_SVXDLG_WEBCONNECTION_INFO PB_CHANGE 0 ast Camudar la contraseña... 20200411 15:09…
69752 …ET_SECURITY CB_SEC_MASTERPASSWORD 0 ast Protexíes per aciu d'una contraseña maestra (encamiéntas…
69753 …texies por una contraseña maestra. Tendrás d'introducila una vegada por sesión, si %PRODUCTNAME ne…
69754 …pushbutton RID_SVXPAGE_INET_SECURITY PB_SEC_MASTERPASSWORD 0 ast Contraseña maestra... 202004…
69758 …s atroxaes y restableceráse la contraseña maestra.\n\n¿Quies desaniciar la llista de contraseñes y…
69787 cui source\options\optlingu.src 0 string RID_SVXDLG_EDIT_MODULES ST_SPELL 0 ast Ortografía 202…
69796 cui source\options\optlingu.src 0 fixedline RID_SFXPAGE_LINGU FL_LINGUISTIC 248 ast Ayuda a la es…
69810 …src 0 string RID_SFXPAGE_LINGU STR_SPELL_AUTO 182 ast Revisar la ortografía al escribir 20200…
69824 …pdt.src 0 radiobutton RID_SVXPAGE_ONLINEUPDATE RB_EVERYDAY 160 ast Ca~da día 20200411 15:09:53
69846 …ast Convidámoste a xunite al nuesu Programa de Meyora %PRODUCTNAME p'ayudar a optimizar la calidá …
69888 cui source\options\optgdlg.src 0 fixedtext OFA_TP_MISC FT_INTERPRET 0 ast Interpretar como años e…
69906 cui source\options\optgdlg.src 0 fixedtext OFA_TP_VIEW FT_POINTLIMIT_LABEL 20 ast a partir de …
69960 cui source\options\opthtml.src 0 checkbox CB_LOCAL_GRF 155 ast ~Copiar les imáxenes llocales a I…
69970 …ECURITY_OPTIONS CB_RECOMMENDPWD 0 ast Recomiendar proteición con contraseña al guardar 202004…
69987 …y la llocalidá úsense pa xenerar la clave de rexistru. Nun vas poder volver a camudar los datos d'…
69990 ….src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_READONLY_CONFIG_TIP 0 ast Esta opción ta protexía pol alministrador …
70021 …kdialog.src 0 string DLG_DOCUMENTLINK STR_EDIT_LINK 0 ast Editar l'enllaz a la base de datos …
70022 …nkdialog.src 0 string DLG_DOCUMENTLINK STR_NEW_LINK 0 ast Crear un enllaz a la base de datos …
70061 …0 fixedtext RID_SVXDLG_JAVA_CLASSPATH FT_PATH 172 ast Carpetes y paquetes a~signaos 20200411 …
70071 …iobutton RID_OFA_TP_INTERNATIONAL RB_TXTDIR_LEFT2RIGHT 0 ast De ~manzorga a mandrecha 2020041…
70072 …obutton RID_OFA_TP_INTERNATIONAL RB_TXTDIR_RIGHT2LEFT 0 ast De ~mandrecha a manzorga 20200411…
70074 …checkbox RID_OFA_TP_INTERNATIONAL CB_SHTVW_RIGHT2LEFT 0 ast De mandrecha ~a manzorga 20200411…
70145 …os personales, les opciones predeterminaes pa grabar documentos y les rutes a los ficheros importa…
70146 …st Equí puedes especificar les configuraciones que se refieren a la llingua y el sofitu a la escri…
70150 …XTS 6 0 ast Equí puedes definir munches de les configuraciones qu'afeuten a toles fueyes de cálc…
70151 …figuraciones qu'afeuten a toles presentaciones nueves. Ente otres coses, qué conteníu amosar nes d…
70155 …ELPTEXTS 11 0 ast Equí puedes definir la configuración xeneral pal accesu a fontes de datos este…
70251 cui source\options\optspell.src 0 tabpage RID_SFXPAGE_SPELL HID_OPTIONS_SPELL 221 ast Ortografía
70271 cui source\options\optpath.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_KEY_GALLERY_DIR 260 ast Galería 20200411 1…
70281 cui source\options\optpath.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_KEY_LINGUISTIC_DIR 260 ast Ayuda a la escritu…
70296 …ltr.src 0 string RID_OFAPAGE_MSFILTEROPT2 ST_CHG_MATH 248 ast De MathType a %PRODUCTNAME Math o …
70297 cui source\options\optfltr.src 0 string RID_OFAPAGE_MSFILTEROPT2 ST_CHG_WRITER 248 ast De Word a
70298 cui source\options\optfltr.src 0 string RID_OFAPAGE_MSFILTEROPT2 ST_CHG_CALC 248 ast D'Excel a %P…
70299 …rc 0 string RID_OFAPAGE_MSFILTEROPT2 ST_CHG_IMPRESS 248 ast De PowerPoint a %PRODUCTNAME Impress…
70324 …eckbox RID_SFXPAGE_SAVE BTN_RELATIVE_INET 248 ast Guardar URLs rellatives a Internet 20200411…
70359 … tristatebox RID_SVXPAGE_POSITION_SIZE TSB_AUTOGROW_WIDTH 113 ast Axustar a~nchor al testu 20…
70412 …sure.src 0 tristatebox RID_SVXPAGE_MEASURE TSB_PARALLEL 110 ast Pa~ralela a llinia auxiliar 2…
70441 …e.src 0 menuitem RID_SVXPAGE_LINE.MB_SYMBOL_BITMAP MN_GALLERY 0 ast Galerí­a 20200411 15:09:53
70497 cui source\tabpages\backgrnd.src 0 fixedtext RID_SVXPAGE_BACKGROUND FT_TBL_DESC 24 ast P~a 202…
70520 cui source\tabpages\paragrph.src 0 fixedline RID_SVXPAGE_STD_PARAGRAPH FL_INDENT 173 ast Sangrí­a
70550 …ph.src 0 fixedline RID_SVXPAGE_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH FL_VERTALIGN 173 ast Testu a testu 20200411 15…
70584 …AN CB_AS_FORBIDDEN 242 ast Considerar llista de caráuteres non aceutables a entamu y fin de llin…
70587 …0 tabpage RID_SVXPAGE_PARA_ASIAN HID_SVXPAGE_PARA_ASIAN 260 ast Tipografí­a asiática 20200411…
70619 …tristatebox RID_SVXPAGE_TEXTATTR TSB_WORDWRAP_TEXT 127 ast ~Axustar testu a la forma 20200411…
70621 cui source\tabpages\textattr.src 0 fixedline RID_SVXPAGE_TEXTATTR FL_DISTANCE 114 ast Espaciáu a
70671 cui source\tabpages\align.src 0 fixedtext RID_SVXPAGE_ALIGNMENT FT_INDENT 40 ast Sa~ngrí­a 202…
70687 …0 string RID_SVXPAGE_ALIGNMENT STR_BOTTOMLOCK 170 ast Espansión del testu a partir del berbesu i…
70688 …rc 0 string RID_SVXPAGE_ALIGNMENT STR_TOPLOCK 170 ast Espansión del testu a partir del berbesu s…
70742 …mfmt.src 0 fixedtext RID_SVXPAGE_NUMBERFORMAT FT_CATEGORY 70 ast ~Categorí­a 20200411 15:09:53
70769 cui source\tabpages\frmdirlbox.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_FRAMEDIR_LTR 0 ast D'esquierda a drecha …
70770 cui source\tabpages\frmdirlbox.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_FRAMEDIR_RTL 0 ast De drecha a esquierda …
70772 cui source\tabpages\frmdirlbox.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_PAGEDIR_LTR_HORI 0 ast D'esquierda a drec…
70773 cui source\tabpages\frmdirlbox.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_PAGEDIR_RTL_HORI 0 ast De drecha a esquie…
70774 cui source\tabpages\frmdirlbox.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_PAGEDIR_RTL_VERT 0 ast De drecha a esquie…
70775 cui source\tabpages\frmdirlbox.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_PAGEDIR_LTR_VERT 0 ast D'esquierda a drec…
70787 cui source\tabpages\numpages.src 0 stringlist RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS.LB_FMT 3 0 ast a, b, c, ...…
70791 cui source\tabpages\numpages.src 0 stringlist RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS.LB_FMT 7 0 ast a, .., aa, .…
70823 …es.src 0 menuitem RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS.MB_BITMAP MN_GALLERY 0 ast Galería 20200411 15:09:53
70840 …P_EMPTY_ENTRY 69 ast Nun esisten imáxenes nel tema 'Viñetes' de la Galerí­a. 20200411 15:09:53
70843 …ages.src 0 fixedtext RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_POSITION FT_BORDERDIST 105 ast Sangrí­a 20200411 15:09:53
70856 …es.src 0 fixedtext RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_POSITION FT_ALIGNED_AT 105 ast Alliniáu a 20200411 15:09:53
70882 cui source\tabpages\page.src 0 stringlist RID_SVXPAGE_PAGE.LB_NUMBER_FORMAT 2 0 ast a, b, c, ... …
71112 …_SVXSTR_SHADOW_STYLE_BOTTOMRIGHT 260 ast Proyeutar solombra haza abaxo y a la drecha 2020041…
71113 …ID_SVXSTR_SHADOW_STYLE_TOPRIGHT 260 ast Proyeutar solombra haza arriba y a la drecha 2020041…
71114 …D_SVXSTR_SHADOW_STYLE_BOTTOMLEFT 260 ast Proyeutar solombra haza abaxo y a la esquierda 2020…
71115 …RID_SVXSTR_SHADOW_STYLE_TOPLEFT 260 ast Proyeutar solombra haza arriba y a la esquierda 2020…
71272 …lg.src 0 checkbox RID_SVXPAGE_CHAR_POSITION CB_FIT_TO_LINE 86 ast Axustar a la llinia 2020041…
71324 …ARGIN 174 ast Amestar los párrafos d'una sola llinia si'l llargor ye mayor a 20200411 15:09:53
71339 …c 0 fixedline RID_OFAPAGE_AUTOCORR_EXCEPT FL_ABBREV 252 ast Abreviatures (a les que nun siguen m…
71442 sysui desktop\share\documents.ulf 0 LngText text-template 0 ast Plantía de documentu de testu de…
71446 sysui desktop\share\documents.ulf 0 LngText presentation-template 0 ast Plantía de presentación …
71448 sysui desktop\share\documents.ulf 0 LngText drawing-template 0 ast Plantía de dibuxu de %PRODUCT…
71450 sysui desktop\share\documents.ulf 0 LngText spreadsheet-template 0 ast Plantía de fueya de cálcu…
71452 sysui desktop\share\documents.ulf 0 LngText oasis-text-template 0 ast Plantía pa testu d'Open Of…
71456 sysui desktop\share\documents.ulf 0 LngText oasis-presentation-template 0 ast Plantía de present…
71458 sysui desktop\share\documents.ulf 0 LngText oasis-drawing-template 0 ast Plantía de dibuxu OpenD…
71460 sysui desktop\share\documents.ulf 0 LngText oasis-spreadsheet-template 0 ast Plantía de fueya de…
71462 sysui desktop\share\documents.ulf 0 LngText oasis-web-template 0 ast Plantía de documentu HTML …
71465 sysui desktop\share\documents.ulf 0 LngText ms-excel-template-12 0 ast Plantía de fueya de cálcu…
71467 sysui desktop\share\documents.ulf 0 LngText ms-powerpoint-template-12 0 ast Plantía de presentac…
71469 sysui desktop\share\documents.ulf 0 LngText ms-word-template-12 0 ast Plantía de documentu de Mi…
71471 …ngText openxmlformats-officedocument-presentationml-template 0 ast Plantía de presentación de M…
71473 …LngText openxmlformats-officedocument-spreadsheetml-template 0 ast Plantía de fueya de cálculu …
71475 …Text openxmlformats-officedocument-wordprocessingml-template 0 ast Plantía de documentu de Micr…
71480 …rmdlgs.src 0 fixedtext RID_FORMULATAB_FUNCTION FT_CATEGORY 84 ast ~Categoría 20200411 15:09:53
71853 … Escueyi la opción 'Amestar datos' de la primera páxina pa incorporar datos a una tabla. 202004…
71909 …ast Crear una vista especificando les tables y nomes de campu que-y prestaría tener visibles. 2…
71927 …e datos.\n\nPues siguir usando'l documentu comu enantes, sicasí, afalámoste a migrar les macros. L…
71931 …erybox QUERY_BRW_SAVEMODIFIED 0 ast Cambióse l'informe actual.\n¿Prestaría-y guardar los cambeo…
71944 …ox QUERY_BRW_DELETE_QUERY_CONFIRM 0 ast Yá esiste esa consulta. ¿Prestaría-y desaniciala? 20…
71945 … querybox QUERY_CONNECTION_LOST 0 ast Perdióse la conexón a la base de datos. ¿Prestaría-y reco…
71947 …ser\sbabrw.src 0 string STR_OPENTABLES_WARNINGS_DETAILS 0 ast La conexón a la base de datos unv…
71948 dbaccess source\ui\browser\sbabrw.src 0 string STR_CONNECTING_DATASOURCE 0 ast Coneutando a "$na…
71951 dbaccess source\ui\browser\sbabrw.src 0 string STR_NO_TABLE_FORMAT_INSIDE 0 ast Nun ye a atopase…
71965 …c 0 string STR_ERROR_OCCURED_WHILE_COPYING 0 ast Hebo un fallu. ¿Prestaría-y seguir copiando? …
71970 …src 0 string STR_REMEMBERPASSWORD_PERSISTENT 0 ast ~Remembrar la contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
71973 …ALID_DATA_ACCESS_DESCRIPTOR 0 ast Nun s'atopó dengún descriptor d'accesu a datos, o dengún desc…
71980 …RROR_NO_QUERY 0 ast Pa copiar una consulta, la conexón tien de ser quien a proporcionar consult…
72019 …eres pal campu actual. Por esto tien que corresponder al formatu de caxella a introducir más abaxo…
72025 …uí pues ver cómo van presentase los datos col formatu actual (usa'l botón d'a mandrecha pa camudar…
72027 …omáticu.\n\nNesti casu nun vas poder escribir datos directamente, sinón que a cada rexistru nuevu …
72030 …string STR_TBL_COLUMN_IS_KEYCOLUMN 40 ast La columna "$column$" pertenez a la clave primaria. E…
72047 …n\table.src 0 string STR_AUTOINCREMENT_VALUE 40 ast Espresión incrementu a~utomáticu 2020041…
72048 …l campu d'incrementu automáticu.\n\nEsta espresión importaráse direutamente a la base datos dende …
72049 …40 ast Nun se pudo sacar información relativa a la triba de la base datos.\nEl mou diseñu de tabla…
72057 ….src 0 stringlist DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL.LB_JOINTYPE 2 0 ast Xunir a manzorga 20200411…
72058 ….src 0 stringlist DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL.LB_JOINTYPE 3 0 ast Xunir a mandrecha 2020041…
72105 dbaccess source\ui\querydesign\query.src 0 string STR_QRY_ILLEGAL_JOIN 0 ast Nun se foi a execut…
72158 …DBWIZARD_MYSQL_INTRO FT_MYSQLCONNECTIONMODE 209 ast ¿Cómo quies coneutate a la base de datos MyS…
72165 …ARD_AUTHENTIFICATION_CB_GENERALPASSWORDREQUIRED 93 ast Necesí~tase contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
72168 …setup.src 0 fixedtext PAGE_DBWIZARD_FINAL FT_FINALHELPTEXT 0 ast ¿Prestaría-y usar l'asistente p…
72171 …GS 0 ast Dempués d'atroxar el ficheru de la base de datos, ¿qué-y prestaría facer? 20200411 1…
72179 …_DBWIZARD_MYSQL_NATIVE FT_SETUP_WIZARD_HEADER 0 ast Configurar la conexón a una base de datos de…
72180 …T_SETUP_WIZARD_HELP 0 ast Por favor introduz la información requería pa coneutar a una base de d…
72183 … 0 string PAGE_DBWIZARD_TEXT STR_TEXT_HEADERTEXT 0 ast Afitar una conexón a ficheros de testu …
72207 …ZARD_SPREADSHEET_CB_SPREADSHEETPASSWORDREQUIRED 93 ast Necesítase co~ntraseña 20200411 15:09:53
72211 …E_USERADMIN PB_CHANGEPWD HID_TAB_PAGE_PBCHGPWD 70 ast Camudar la C~ontraseña... 20200411 15:09…
72217 dbaccess source\ui\dlg\UserAdmin.src 0 fixedtext DLG_PASSWORD FT_OLDPASSWORD 0 ast Contr~aseña an…
72218 dbaccess source\ui\dlg\UserAdmin.src 0 fixedtext DLG_PASSWORD FT_PASSWORD 0 ast ~Contraseña 20…
72219 ….src 0 fixedtext DLG_PASSWORD FT_PASSWORD_REPEAT 0 ast ~Confirmar contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
72220 ….src 0 modaldialog DLG_PASSWORD HID_DLG_PASSWORD 0 ast Camudar la Contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
72221 …NTICAL 0 ast Les contraseñes nun coinciden. Meta otra vuelta la contraseña. 20200411 15:09:53
72237 …DLG_PARAMETERS STR_COULD_NOT_CONVERT_PARAM 0 ast La entrada nun fue quien a convertir n'un valor…
72251 … 0 radiobutton RID_MYSQL_NATIVE_SETTINGS RB_MYSQL_NAMED_PIPE 0 ast Tuber~ía con nome 20200411…
72267 …RED HID_DSADMIN_CHECK_REQUIRED_FIELDS 0 ast Verificación de datos ingresáu a la forma pa campos q…
72294 …ase de datos nueva, abrir un ficheru existente de base de datos, o coneutar a una base de datos gu…
72295 …in.src 0 fixedtext PAGE_GENERAL FT_DATASOURCEHEADER 0 ast ¿Qué te prestaría facer? 20200411 1…
72299 …DATABASE HID_PAGE_DBWIZARD_GENERAL_RB_GETEXISTINGDATABASE 206 ast Coneutar a una base de datos e~…
72306 …E_GENERAL STR_COULDNOTLOAD_ODBCLIB 0 ast Nun se foi a cargar la biblioteca del programa #lib#, a
72307 …e fonte de datos.\nPuedes camudar los datos, pero de xuro nun vas ser quien a coneutar cola base d…
72321 dbaccess source\ui\dlg\dbadmin.src 0 fixedtext PAGE_ADABAS FT_CTRLPASSWORD 0 ast C~ontraseña de c…
72328 …heckbox PAGE_MYSQL_NATIVE CB_PASSWORD_REQUIRED 105 ast Necesítase contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
72339 … STR_ERR_USE_CONNECT_TO 0 ast Pa coneutase a una base de datos esistente, por favor escueyi 'Co…
72389 …RROR_SYSTEMTABLES 0 ast Nun se ye quien a amosar denguna información porque nun esiste'l drechu…
72407 dbaccess source\ui\dlg\dlgsave.src 0 string DLG_SAVE_AS STR_TITLE_RENAME 50 ast Renomar a 2020…
72410 …ring STR_ENTER_CONNECTION_PASSWORD 0 ast Necesítase una contraseña pa coneutase a la fonte de d…
72411 …_FOR_DIRECTORY_CREATION 0 ast La carpeta\n\n$path$\n\nnun existe. ¿Tendría de crease? 202004…
72413 …n2.src 0 fixedline DLG_DOMAINPASSWORD FT_PASSWORD 0 ast Meti la ~contraseña pal usuariu 'DOMAIN'…
72423 … checkbox PAGE_CONNECTION CB_PASSWORD_REQUIRED 105 ast Necesítase contraseña 20200411 15:09:53
72437 dbaccess source\ui\dlg\directsql.src 0 fixedtext DLG_DIRECTSQL FT_SQL 0 ast Comandu a executar …
72444 …tsql.src 0 string STR_DIRECTSQL_CONNECTIONLOST 0 ast Perdióse la conexón a la base de datos. Es…
72466 dbaccess source\ui\dlg\AutoControls.src 0 string STR_DBASE_PATH_OR_FILE 0 ast Camín a los ficher…
72467 dbaccess source\ui\dlg\AutoControls.src 0 string STR_FLAT_PATH_OR_FILE 0 ast Camín a los fichero…
72482 …n DLG_REL_PROPERTIES RB_NO_CASC_UPD HID_DLG_REL_NO_CASC_UPD 72 ast Denguna a~ición 20200411 15…
72499 …,AUTOPAGE_X) FT_AUTOEXTENSIONHEADER 0 ast Especifica la triba de ficheros a los que quies accede…
72543 …, compruebe la configuración actual, por exemplu, nome d'usuariu y contraseña. 20200411 15:09:53
72559 …tring RID_STR_NEED_CONFIG_WRITE_ACCESS 0 ast Nun tien accesu d'escritura a los datos de configu…
72560 …ng RID_STR_COULDNOTCONNECT_UNSPECIFIED 0 ast Nun pudo afitase la conexón a la fonte de datos es…
72561 …tring RID_STR_COULDNOTCONNECT_NODRIVER 0 ast Nun pudo afitase la conexón a la fonte de datos es…
72562 …OULDNOTLOAD_MANAGER 0 ast Nun pudo afitase la conexón a la fonte de datos esterna. Nun fue a ca…
72584 … 0 ast Nun pue enxertase una filera nueva si nun se mueve enantes ResultSet a la filera d'inserció…
72604 …urce\strings.src 0 string RID_NO_SUCH_DATA_SOURCE 0 ast Fallu al acceder a la fonte de datos '$…
72606 …FORE_AFTER 0 ast Nun puede desaniciase la filera anterior a la primera, nin la postrera a la úl…
72619 …D_STR_NO_BOOKMARK_BEFORE_OR_AFTER 0 ast La filera anterior a la primera y la postrera a la últi…
72629 …shbutton DLG_ADABAS_NEWDB PB_SYSPWD HID_DLG_ADABAS_SYSPWD 50 ast C~ontraseña... 20200411 15:09…
72630 …shbutton DLG_ADABAS_NEWDB PB_CONPWD HID_DLG_ADABAS_CONPWD 50 ast ~Contraseña... 20200411 15:09…
72631 …on DLG_ADABAS_NEWDB PB_DOMAINPWD HID_DLG_ADABAS_DOMAINPWD 50 ast Cont~raseña... 20200411 15:09…
72663 …st La base de datos actual precisa convertise. Por favor, conseña l'usuariu y contraseña de contro…
72664 …_ILLEGAL 0 ast Nun se permiten espacios na contraseña. Por favor, introduz una nueva contraseña
72671 … seya necesario.\n\nSi los formularios o los informes contienen referencies a estes macros y scrip…
72674 …AVE_DBDOC_AS FT_EXPLANATION 0 ast Pa permiti-y regresar al estáu anterior a la migración, el doc…
72675 …igration.src 0 fixedtext TP_SAVE_DBDOC_AS FT_SAVE_AS_LABEL 60 ast Guardar a: 20200411 15:09:53
72693 …0 string STR_MOVED_LIBRARY 0 ast movióse la biblioteca $type$ de '$old$' a '$new$' 20200411 …
72708 …igration\macromigration.src 0 string STR_NOT_READONLY 0 ast Nun s'aplica a los documentos de na…
72709 …_NAMES 0 ast Nun pue asignar el mesmu nome a una tabla y una consulta. Use un nome que nun tea …
72712 …ITHOUT_QUERIES_OR_TABLES 0 ast La conexón proporcionada nun correspuende a una consulta y/o tab…
72716 …ueyi la carpeta dende la que quies importar les fontes y llueu calca n'OK p'añader les fontes. …
72767 …_STR_NOTRENAMABLE 175 ast Nun se pue camudar el nome de la fonte %s debío a insuficientes permis…
72831 …x. Si "(TMP)" apaez na llinia de comandos va tresmitise'l códigu PostScript a un ficheru; sinón va…
72843 …PDFDRV_BTN_SELECT 160 ast Un controlador específ~icu p'adautar el formatu a otra impresora 20…
72906 …'imprentadores va executase asina: el códigu PostScript creáu va tresmitise a la llinia de comando…
72907 …x. Si "(TMP)" apaez na llinia de comandos va tresmitise'l códigu PostScript a un ficheru; si non v…
72917 …rc 0 fixedtext RID_RTS_PWDIALOG RID_RTS_PWDIALOG_PASS_TXT 60 ast ~Contraseña 20200411 15:09:53