Lines Matching refs:sax

85 	uno::Reference< xml::sax::XDocumentHandler > xWriterHandler( xWriterSource, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );  in WriteRelationsInfoSequence()
100 uno::Reference< xml::sax::XAttributeList > xRootAttrList( pRootAttrList ); in WriteRelationsInfoSequence()
112 uno::Reference< xml::sax::XAttributeList > xAttrList( pAttrList ); in WriteRelationsInfoSequence()
150 uno::Reference< xml::sax::XDocumentHandler > xWriterHandler( xWriterSource, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); in WriteContentSequence()
165 uno::Reference< xml::sax::XAttributeList > xRootAttrList( pRootAttrList ); in WriteContentSequence()
177 uno::Reference< xml::sax::XAttributeList > xAttrList( pAttrList ); in WriteContentSequence()
189 uno::Reference< xml::sax::XAttributeList > xAttrList( pAttrList ); in WriteContentSequence()
215 …uno::Reference< xml::sax::XParser > xParser( xFactory->createInstance( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASC… in ReadSequence_Impl()
218 …uno::Reference< xml::sax::XDocumentHandler > xHelper( static_cast< xml::sax::XDocumentHandler* >( … in ReadSequence_Impl()
219 xml::sax::InputSource aParserInput; in ReadSequence_Impl()
224 xParser->setDocumentHandler( uno::Reference < xml::sax::XDocumentHandler > () ); in ReadSequence_Impl()
263 throw(xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException) in startDocument()
269 throw(xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException) in endDocument()
274 …er::startElement( const ::rtl::OUString& aName, const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XAttributeList >& … in startElement()
275 throw( xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException ) in startElement()
284 throw xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: this element must be the first level element in startElement()
295 throw xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: this element must be the second level element in startElement()
307 throw xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: the ID value must present in startElement()
337 throw xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: no other elements expected! in startElement()
346 throw xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: this element must be the first level element in startElement()
360 throw xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: this element must be the second level element in startElement()
373 throw xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: the Extension value must present in startElement()
377 throw xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: the ContentType value must present in startElement()
389 throw xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: this element must be the second level element in startElement()
402 throw xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: the PartName value must present in startElement()
406 throw xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: the ContentType value must present in startElement()
415 throw xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: no other elements expected! in startElement()
418 throw xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: no other elements expected! in startElement()
423 throw( xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException ) in endElement()
429 throw xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: no other end elements expected! in endElement()
432 throw xml::sax::SAXException(); // TODO: unexpected element ended in endElement()
440 throw(xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException) in characters()
446 throw(xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException) in ignorableWhitespace()
452 throw(xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException) in processingInstruction()
457 void SAL_CALL OFOPXMLHelper::setDocumentLocator( const uno::Reference< xml::sax::XLocator >& /*xLoc… in setDocumentLocator()
458 throw(xml::sax::SAXException, uno::RuntimeException) in setDocumentLocator()