Lines Matching refs:Name

5 _Validation	Column	N					Identifier		Name of column
8 _Validation KeyTable Y Identifier For foreign key, Name of table to which data must link
13 _Validation Table N Identifier Name of table
14 ActionText Action N Identifier Name of action to be described.
17 AdminExecuteSequence Action N Identifier Name of action to invoke, either in the engine or the…
20 AdminUISequence Action N Identifier Name of action to invoke, either in the engine or the hand…
23 AdvtExecuteSequence Action N Identifier Name of action to invoke, either in the engine or the …
26 AdvtUISequence Action N Identifier Name of action to invoke, either in the engine or the handl…
39 BBControl BBControl N Identifier Name of the control. This name must be unique within a billbo…
48 Billboard Billboard N Identifier Name of the billboard.
52 Binary Name N Identifier Unique key identifying the binary data.
90 Control Control N Identifier Name of the control. This name must be unique within a dialog, bu…
121 Dialog Dialog N Identifier Name of the dialog.
135 DuplicateFile DestFolder Y Identifier Name of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to …
141 Environment Name N Text The name of the environmental value.
177 Icon Name N Identifier Primary key. Name of the icon file.
192 InstallExecuteSequence Action N Identifier Name of action to invoke, either in the engine or t…
195 InstallUISequence Action N Identifier Name of action to invoke, either in the engine or the ha…
274 MoveFile DestFolder N Identifier Name of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to the f…
275 MoveFile DestName Y Filename Name to be given to the original file after it is moved or copied…
278 MoveFile SourceFolder Y Identifier Name of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to the…
279 MoveFile SourceName Y Text Name of the source file(s) to be moved or copied. Can contain the …
286 MsiAssemblyName Name N Text The name part of the name-value pairs for the assembly name.
300 ODBCAttribute Attribute N Text Name of ODBC driver attribute
313 ODBCSourceAttribute Attribute N Text Name of ODBC data source attribute
334 Property Property N Identifier Name of property, uppercase if settable by launcher or loader.
352 Reg64 Name Y Formatted The registry value name.
358 Registry Name Y Formatted The registry value name.
363 RegLocator Name Y Formatted The registry value name.
368 RemoveFile DirProperty N Identifier Name of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to th…
370 RemoveFile FileName Y WildCardFilename Name of the file to be removed.
382 RemoveRegistry Name Y Formatted The registry value name.
386 ReserveCost ReserveFolder Y Identifier Name of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to…
395 ServiceControl Name N Formatted Name of a service. /, \, comma and space are invalid
402 ServiceInstall DisplayName Y Formatted External Name of the Service
405 ServiceInstall Name N Formatted Internal Name of the Service
421 Shortcut Name N Filename The name of the shortcut to be created.
425 Shortcut WkDir Y Identifier Name of property defining location of working directory.
439 TextStyle TextStyle N Identifier Name of the style. The primary key of this table. This name i…