Lines Matching refs:buf
90 OUStringBuffer buf; in fillStructWithInitializer() local
91 … buf.appendAscii( "pyuno._createUnoStructHelper: too few elements in the initializer tuple,"); in fillStructWithInitializer()
92 buf.appendAscii( "expected at least " ).append( nIndex + pCompType->nMembers ); in fillStructWithInitializer()
93 buf.appendAscii( ", got " ).append( nTupleSize ); in fillStructWithInitializer()
94 throw RuntimeException(buf.makeStringAndClear(), Reference< XInterface > ()); in fillStructWithInitializer()
129 OStringBuffer buf; in raisePySystemException() local
130 buf.append( "Error during bootstrapping uno ("); in raisePySystemException()
131 buf.append( exceptionType ); in raisePySystemException()
132 buf.append( "):" ); in raisePySystemException()
133 buf.append( OUStringToOString( message, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ) ); in raisePySystemException()
134 PyErr_SetString( PyExc_SystemError, buf.makeStringAndClear().getStr() ); in raisePySystemException()
222 OStringBuffer buf; in extractOneStringArg() local
223 buf.append( funcName ).append( ": expecting one string argument" ); in extractOneStringArg()
224 PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.getStr() ); in extractOneStringArg()
234 OStringBuffer buf; in extractOneStringArg() local
235 buf.append( funcName ).append( ": expecting one string argument" ); in extractOneStringArg()
236 PyErr_SetString( PyExc_TypeError, buf.getStr()); in extractOneStringArg()
278 OUStringBuffer buf; in createUnoStructHelper() local
279 buf.appendAscii( "pyuno._createUnoStructHelper: wrong number of "); in createUnoStructHelper()
280 buf.appendAscii( "elements in the initializer list, expected " ); in createUnoStructHelper()
281 buf.append( n ); in createUnoStructHelper()
282 buf.appendAscii( ", got " ); in createUnoStructHelper()
283 buf.append( (sal_Int32) PyTuple_Size(initializer) ); in createUnoStructHelper()
285 buf.makeStringAndClear(), Reference< XInterface > ()); in createUnoStructHelper()
292 OStringBuffer buf; in createUnoStructHelper() local
293 buf.append( "UNO struct " ); in createUnoStructHelper()
294 buf.append( OUStringToOString( typeName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ); in createUnoStructHelper()
295 buf.append( " is unknown" ); in createUnoStructHelper()
296 PyErr_SetString (PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.getStr()); in createUnoStructHelper()
351 OStringBuffer buf; in getTypeByName() local
352 buf.append( "Type " ).append(name).append( " is unknown" ); in getTypeByName()
353 PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.getStr() ); in getTypeByName()
381 OUStringBuffer buf; in getConstantByName() local
382 buf.appendAscii( "pyuno.getConstantByName: " ).append( typeName ); in getConstantByName()
383 buf.appendAscii( "is not a constant" ); in getConstantByName()
384 throw RuntimeException(buf.makeStringAndClear(), Reference< XInterface > () ); in getConstantByName()
416 OStringBuffer buf; in checkType() local
417 buf.append( "pyuno.checkType : expecting one uno.Type argument" ); in checkType()
418 PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.getStr() ); in checkType()
440 OStringBuffer buf; in checkEnum() local
441 buf.append( "pyuno.checkType : expecting one uno.Type argument" ); in checkEnum()
442 PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.getStr() ); in checkEnum()
534 OUStringBuffer buf; in systemPathToFileUrl() local
535 buf.appendAscii( "Couldn't convert " ); in systemPathToFileUrl()
536 buf.append( sysPath ); in systemPathToFileUrl()
537 buf.appendAscii( " to a file url for reason (" ); in systemPathToFileUrl()
538 buf.append( (sal_Int32) e ); in systemPathToFileUrl()
539 buf.appendAscii( ")" ); in systemPathToFileUrl()
541 makeAny( RuntimeException( buf.makeStringAndClear(), Reference< XInterface > () ))); in systemPathToFileUrl()
559 OUStringBuffer buf; in fileUrlToSystemPath() local
560 buf.appendAscii( "Couldn't convert file url " ); in fileUrlToSystemPath()
561 buf.append( sysPath ); in fileUrlToSystemPath()
562 buf.appendAscii( " to a system path for reason (" ); in fileUrlToSystemPath()
563 buf.append( (sal_Int32) e ); in fileUrlToSystemPath()
564 buf.appendAscii( ")" ); in fileUrlToSystemPath()
566 makeAny( RuntimeException( buf.makeStringAndClear(), Reference< XInterface > () ))); in fileUrlToSystemPath()
582 OUStringBuffer buf; in absolutize() local
583 buf.appendAscii( "Couldn't absolutize " ); in absolutize()
584 buf.append( ouRel ); in absolutize()
585 buf.appendAscii( " using root " ); in absolutize()
586 buf.append( ouPath ); in absolutize()
587 buf.appendAscii( " for reason (" ); in absolutize()
588 buf.append( (sal_Int32) e ); in absolutize()
589 buf.appendAscii( ")" ); in absolutize()
593 OUStringToOString(buf.makeStringAndClear(),osl_getThreadTextEncoding())); in absolutize()
624 OStringBuffer buf; in invoke() local
625 buf.append( "uno.invoke expects a tuple as 3rd argument, got " ); in invoke()
627 …buf.append( OUStringToOString( pyString2ustring( PyTuple_GetItem( args, 2 ) ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_AS… in invoke()
629 buf.append( PyBytes_AsString( PyObject_Str( PyTuple_GetItem( args, 2) ) ) ); in invoke()
631 PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.makeStringAndClear() ); in invoke()
636 OStringBuffer buf; in invoke() local
637 buf.append( "uno.invoke expected a string as 2nd argument, got " ); in invoke()
639 …buf.append( OUStringToOString( pyString2ustring( PyTuple_GetItem( args, 1 ) ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_AS… in invoke()
641 buf.append( PyBytes_AsString( PyObject_Str( PyTuple_GetItem( args, 1) ) ) ); in invoke()
643 PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.makeStringAndClear() ); in invoke()
648 OStringBuffer buf; in invoke() local
649 buf.append( "uno.invoke expects object, name, (arg1, arg2, ... )\n" ); in invoke()
650 PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.makeStringAndClear() ); in invoke()
690 OStringBuffer buf; in setCurrentContext() local
691 … buf.append( "uno.setCurrentContext expects an XComponentContext implementation, got " ); in setCurrentContext()
693 …buf.append( OUStringToOString( pyString2ustring( PyTuple_GetItem( args, 0 ) ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_AS… in setCurrentContext()
695 buf.append( PyBytes_AsString( PyObject_Str( PyTuple_GetItem( args, 0) ) ) ); in setCurrentContext()
697 PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.makeStringAndClear() ); in setCurrentContext()
702 OStringBuffer buf; in setCurrentContext() local
703 … buf.append( "uno.setCurrentContext expects exactly one argument (the current Context)\n" ); in setCurrentContext()
704 PyErr_SetString( PyExc_RuntimeError, buf.makeStringAndClear() ); in setCurrentContext()