Lines Matching refs:ratio

5895 sw source\ui\frmdlg\frmpage.src 0 checkbox TP_FRM_STD CB_FIXEDRATIO 0 kn ~Keep ratio 20181231 …
25324 …ar_id3153379 3 0 kn Using the angle Alpha, the Sin Function returns the ratio of the length of t…
25993 …is angle. The function can also return the angle "Alpha" by comparing the ratio of the length of t…
26000 … kn \<emph\>Number:\</emph\> Any numerical expression that represents the ratio of two sides of a …
26646 …id3153379 3 0 kn Using the angle Alpha, the Tan Function calculates the ratio of the length of t…
28894 …id3150358 3 0 kn Using the angle Alpha, the Cos-Function calculates the ratio of the length of t…
34075 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\04\01010000.xhp 0 help par_id4939725 0 kn The ratio of the objec…
37546 … you drag a handle of an existing object with Shift held down, the aspect ratio of the object is r…
41026 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05200100.xhp 0 help hd_id3147620 31 0 kn Keep ratio 2018123…
42864 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\05230100.xhp 0 help hd_id3149796 25 0 kn Keep ratio 2018123…
43108 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06050500.xhp 0 help hd_id3153740 92 0 kn Keep ratio 2018123…
47726 …over b)" and "size 12(a over b)". The sizing of the bracket-to-expression ratio does not change in…
61371 …p par_id3148831 90 0 kn Constrains the size to keep the object's aspect ratio. 20181231 09:50…
66952 …646290 0 kn \<bookmark_value\>resizing;aspect ratio\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>aspect
66964 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\05060100.xhp 0 help hd_id3151313 13 0 kn Keep ratio 201812…
66965 …=\"SW:CHECKBOX:TP_FRM_STD:CB_FIXEDRATIO\"\>Maintains the height and width ratio when you change th…
70471 cui source\tabpages\tabline.src 0 checkbox RID_SVXPAGE_LINE CB_SYMBOL_RATIO 118 kn Keep ratio
70535 …ransfrm.src 0 checkbox RID_SVXPAGE_POSITION_SIZE CBX_SCALE 162 kn ~Keep ratio 20181231 09:50:…
70651 …zetabpage.src 0 checkbox RID_SVXPAGE_SWPOSSIZE CB_KEEPRATIO 95 kn ~Keep ratio 20181231 09:50:…
71052 cui source\tabpages\numpages.src 0 checkbox RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS CB_RATIO 100 kn Keep ratio