Lines Matching refs:SbiRuntime
48 bool SbiRuntime::isVBAEnabled() in isVBAEnabled()
76 if( SbiRuntime::isVBAEnabled() ) in isVBAEnabled()
90 SbiRuntime::pStep0 SbiRuntime::aStep0[] = { // Alle Opcodes ohne Operanden
91 &SbiRuntime::StepNOP,
92 &SbiRuntime::StepEXP,
93 &SbiRuntime::StepMUL,
94 &SbiRuntime::StepDIV,
95 &SbiRuntime::StepMOD,
96 &SbiRuntime::StepPLUS,
97 &SbiRuntime::StepMINUS,
98 &SbiRuntime::StepNEG,
99 &SbiRuntime::StepEQ,
100 &SbiRuntime::StepNE,
101 &SbiRuntime::StepLT,
102 &SbiRuntime::StepGT,
103 &SbiRuntime::StepLE,
104 &SbiRuntime::StepGE,
105 &SbiRuntime::StepIDIV,
106 &SbiRuntime::StepAND,
107 &SbiRuntime::StepOR,
108 &SbiRuntime::StepXOR,
109 &SbiRuntime::StepEQV,
110 &SbiRuntime::StepIMP,
111 &SbiRuntime::StepNOT,
112 &SbiRuntime::StepCAT,
114 &SbiRuntime::StepLIKE,
115 &SbiRuntime::StepIS,
117 &SbiRuntime::StepARGC, // neuen Argv einrichten
118 &SbiRuntime::StepARGV, // TOS ==> aktueller Argv
119 &SbiRuntime::StepINPUT, // Input ==> TOS
120 &SbiRuntime::StepLINPUT, // Line Input ==> TOS
121 &SbiRuntime::StepGET, // TOS anfassen
122 &SbiRuntime::StepSET, // Speichern Objekt TOS ==> TOS-1
123 &SbiRuntime::StepPUT, // TOS ==> TOS-1
124 &SbiRuntime::StepPUTC, // TOS ==> TOS-1, dann ReadOnly
125 &SbiRuntime::StepDIM, // DIM
126 &SbiRuntime::StepREDIM, // REDIM
127 &SbiRuntime::StepREDIMP, // REDIM PRESERVE
128 &SbiRuntime::StepERASE, // TOS loeschen
130 &SbiRuntime::StepSTOP, // Programmende
131 &SbiRuntime::StepINITFOR, // FOR-Variable initialisieren
132 &SbiRuntime::StepNEXT, // FOR-Variable inkrementieren
133 &SbiRuntime::StepCASE, // Anfang CASE
134 &SbiRuntime::StepENDCASE, // Ende CASE
135 &SbiRuntime::StepSTDERROR, // Standard-Fehlerbehandlung
136 &SbiRuntime::StepNOERROR, // keine Fehlerbehandlung
137 &SbiRuntime::StepLEAVE, // UP verlassen
139 &SbiRuntime::StepCHANNEL, // TOS = Kanalnummer
140 &SbiRuntime::StepPRINT, // print TOS
141 &SbiRuntime::StepPRINTF, // print TOS in field
142 &SbiRuntime::StepWRITE, // write TOS
143 &SbiRuntime::StepRENAME, // Rename Tos+1 to Tos
144 &SbiRuntime::StepPROMPT, // Input Prompt aus TOS definieren
145 &SbiRuntime::StepRESTART, // Set restart point
146 &SbiRuntime::StepCHANNEL0, // E/A-Kanal 0 einstellen
147 &SbiRuntime::StepEMPTY, // Leeren Ausdruck auf Stack
148 &SbiRuntime::StepERROR, // TOS = Fehlercode
149 &SbiRuntime::StepLSET, // Speichern Objekt TOS ==> TOS-1
150 &SbiRuntime::StepRSET, // Speichern Objekt TOS ==> TOS-1
151 &SbiRuntime::StepREDIMP_ERASE,// Copy array object for REDIMP
152 &SbiRuntime::StepINITFOREACH,// Init for each loop
153 &SbiRuntime::StepVBASET,// vba-like set statement
154 &SbiRuntime::StepERASE_CLEAR,// vba-like set statement
155 &SbiRuntime::StepARRAYACCESS,// access TOS as array
156 &SbiRuntime::StepBYVAL, // access TOS as array
159 SbiRuntime::pStep1 SbiRuntime::aStep1[] = { // Alle Opcodes mit einem Operanden
160 &SbiRuntime::StepLOADNC, // Laden einer numerischen Konstanten (+ID)
161 &SbiRuntime::StepLOADSC, // Laden einer Stringkonstanten (+ID)
162 &SbiRuntime::StepLOADI, // Immediate Load (+Wert)
163 &SbiRuntime::StepARGN, // Speichern eines named Args in Argv (+StringID)
164 &SbiRuntime::StepPAD, // String auf feste Laenge bringen (+Laenge)
166 &SbiRuntime::StepJUMP, // Sprung (+Target)
167 &SbiRuntime::StepJUMPT, // TOS auswerten), bedingter Sprung (+Target)
168 &SbiRuntime::StepJUMPF, // TOS auswerten), bedingter Sprung (+Target)
169 &SbiRuntime::StepONJUMP, // TOS auswerten), Sprung in JUMP-Tabelle (+MaxVal)
170 &SbiRuntime::StepGOSUB, // UP-Aufruf (+Target)
171 &SbiRuntime::StepRETURN, // UP-Return (+0 oder Target)
172 &SbiRuntime::StepTESTFOR, // FOR-Variable testen), inkrementieren (+Endlabel)
173 &SbiRuntime::StepCASETO, // Tos+1 <= Case <= Tos), 2xremove (+Target)
174 &SbiRuntime::StepERRHDL, // Fehler-Handler (+Offset)
175 &SbiRuntime::StepRESUME, // Resume nach Fehlern (+0 or 1 or Label)
177 &SbiRuntime::StepCLOSE, // (+Kanal/0)
178 &SbiRuntime::StepPRCHAR, // (+char)
180 &SbiRuntime::StepSETCLASS, // Set + Klassennamen testen (+StringId)
181 &SbiRuntime::StepTESTCLASS, // Check TOS class (+StringId)
182 &SbiRuntime::StepLIB, // Lib fuer Declare-Call (+StringId)
183 &SbiRuntime::StepBASED, // TOS wird um BASE erhoeht, BASE davor gepusht
184 &SbiRuntime::StepARGTYP, // Letzten Parameter in Argv konvertieren (+Typ)
185 &SbiRuntime::StepVBASETCLASS,// vba-like set statement
188 SbiRuntime::pStep2 SbiRuntime::aStep2[] = {// Alle Opcodes mit zwei Operanden
189 &SbiRuntime::StepRTL, // Laden aus RTL (+StringID+Typ)
190 &SbiRuntime::StepFIND, // Laden (+StringID+Typ)
191 &SbiRuntime::StepELEM, // Laden Element (+StringID+Typ)
192 &SbiRuntime::StepPARAM, // Parameter (+Offset+Typ)
194 &SbiRuntime::StepCALL, // Declare-Call (+StringID+Typ)
195 &SbiRuntime::StepCALLC, // CDecl-Declare-Call (+StringID+Typ)
196 &SbiRuntime::StepCASEIS, // Case-Test (+Test-Opcode+False-Target)
198 &SbiRuntime::StepSTMNT, // Beginn eines Statements (+Line+Col)
200 &SbiRuntime::StepOPEN, // (+SvStreamFlags+Flags)
202 &SbiRuntime::StepLOCAL, // Lokale Variable definieren (+StringId+Typ)
203 &SbiRuntime::StepPUBLIC, // Modulglobale Variable (+StringID+Typ)
204 &SbiRuntime::StepGLOBAL, // Globale Variable definieren (+StringID+Typ)
205 &SbiRuntime::StepCREATE, // Objekt kreieren (+StringId+StringId)
206 &SbiRuntime::StepSTATIC, // Statische Variable (+StringId+StringId)
207 &SbiRuntime::StepTCREATE, // User Defined Objekte (+StringId+StringId)
208 &SbiRuntime::StepDCREATE, // Objekt-Array kreieren (+StringID+StringID)
209 &SbiRuntime::StepGLOBAL_P, // Globale Variable definieren, die beim Neustart
211 &SbiRuntime::StepFIND_G, // Sucht globale Variable mit Spezialbehandlung wegen _GLOBAL_P
212 &SbiRuntime::StepDCREATE_REDIMP, // Objekt-Array redimensionieren (+StringID+StringID)
213 &SbiRuntime::StepFIND_CM, // Search inside a class module (CM) to enable global search in time
214 &SbiRuntime::StepPUBLIC_P, // Search inside a class module (CM) to enable global search in time
215 …&SbiRuntime::StepFIND_STATIC, // Search inside a class module (CM) to enable global search in t…
298 SbiRuntime* p = pRun->pNext; in ~SbiInstance()
419 for( SbiRuntime* p = pRun; p; p = p->pNext ) in Stop()
454 SbiRuntime::translateErrorToVba( n, aErrorMsg ); in ErrorVB()
468 SbiRuntime::translateErrorToVba( n, aErrorMsg ); in setErrorVB()
516 SbiRuntime* p = pRun; in GetCaller()
527 SbiRuntime* p = pRun; in GetLocals()
542 SbiRuntime::SbiRuntime( SbModule* pm, SbMethod* pe, sal_uInt32 nStart ) in SbiRuntime() function in SbiRuntime
582 SbiRuntime::~SbiRuntime() in ~SbiRuntime()
598 void SbiRuntime::SetVBAEnabled(bool bEnabled ) in SetVBAEnabled()
607 void SbiRuntime::SetParameters( SbxArray* pParams ) in SetParameters()
705 sal_Bool SbiRuntime::Step() in Step()
808 SbiRuntime* pRtErrHdl = NULL; in Step()
809 SbiRuntime* pRt = this; in Step()
871 void SbiRuntime::Error( SbError n, bool bVBATranslationAlreadyDone ) in Error()
891 void SbiRuntime::Error( SbError _errCode, const String& _details ) in Error()
909 void SbiRuntime::FatalError( SbError n ) in FatalError()
915 void SbiRuntime::FatalError( SbError _errCode, const String& _details ) in FatalError()
921 sal_Int32 SbiRuntime::translateErrorToVba( SbError nError, String& rMsg ) in translateErrorToVba()
953 SbMethod* SbiRuntime::GetCaller() in GetCaller()
958 SbxArray* SbiRuntime::GetLocals() in GetLocals()
963 SbxArray* SbiRuntime::GetParams() in GetParams()
977 void SbiRuntime::PushVar( SbxVariable* pVar ) in PushVar()
983 SbxVariableRef SbiRuntime::PopVar() in PopVar()
1003 sal_Bool SbiRuntime::ClearExprStack() in ClearExprStack()
1017 SbxVariable* SbiRuntime::GetTOS( short n ) in GetTOS()
1032 void SbiRuntime::TOSMakeTemp() in TOSMakeTemp()
1045 void SbiRuntime::PushGosub( const sal_uInt8* pc ) in PushGosub()
1056 void SbiRuntime::PopGosub() in PopGosub()
1072 void SbiRuntime::ClearGosubStack() in ClearGosubStack()
1082 void SbiRuntime::PushArgv() in PushArgv()
1093 void SbiRuntime::PopArgv() in PopArgv()
1107 void SbiRuntime::ClearArgvStack() in ClearArgvStack()
1116 void SbiRuntime::PushFor() in PushFor()
1131 void SbiRuntime::PushForEach() in PushForEach()
1222 void SbiRuntime::PopFor() in PopFor()
1235 void SbiRuntime::ClearForStack() in ClearForStack()
1241 SbiForStack* SbiRuntime::FindForStackItemForCollection( class BasicCollection* pCollection ) in FindForStackItemForCollection()
1267 void SbiRuntime::DllCall in DllCall()
1300 sal_uInt16 SbiRuntime::GetImageFlag( sal_uInt16 n ) const in GetImageFlag()
1305 sal_uInt16 SbiRuntime::GetBase() in GetBase()