Lines Matching refs:row
124 final short row = 2; in checkTextFieldBinding() local
133 bindToCell( controlModel, col, row ); in checkTextFieldBinding()
140 …verifyStringCellContent( col, row, text, "A text field does not forward its user input to the cell… in checkTextFieldBinding()
144 …verifyStringCellContent( col, row, otherText, "A text field does not forward programmatic changes … in checkTextFieldBinding()
147 setCellText( col, row, yetAnotherText ); in checkTextFieldBinding()
206 short row = (short)10; in checkStringRadioBinding() local
207 bindToCell( primaryRadio, col, row ); in checkStringRadioBinding()
208 bindToCell( secondaryRadio, col, row ); in checkStringRadioBinding()
212 …verifyStringCellContent( col, row, refValueA, "A bound radio button with a reference value does no… in checkStringRadioBinding()
214 …verifyStringCellContent( col, row, refValueB, "A bound radio button with a reference value does no… in checkStringRadioBinding()
217 setCellText( col, row, "no ref value" ); in checkStringRadioBinding()
220 setCellText( col, row, refValueA ); in checkStringRadioBinding()
223 setCellText( col, row, refValueB ); in checkStringRadioBinding()
236 short row = (short)13; in checkBooleanCheckBoxBinding() local
237 bindToCell( checkBox, col, row ); in checkBooleanCheckBoxBinding()
241 …verifyNumericCellContent( col, row, 0, "programmatically unchecking the check box is not propagate… in checkBooleanCheckBoxBinding()
245 …verifyNumericCellContent( col, row, 1, "moving the check box state to 'checked' is not propagated … in checkBooleanCheckBoxBinding()
249 … verifyVoidCell( col, row, "propagating the 'indetermined' state to the cell does not work." ); in checkBooleanCheckBoxBinding()
253 …verifyNumericCellContent( col, row, 0, "unchecking a check box via UI is not propagated to the cel… in checkBooleanCheckBoxBinding()
268 short row = (short)15; in checkStringCheckBoxBinding() local
269 bindToCell( checkBox, col, row ); in checkStringCheckBoxBinding()
273 …verifyNumericCellContent( col, row, 0, "programmatically unchecking the check box is not propagate… in checkStringCheckBoxBinding()
277 …verifyStringCellContent( col, row, refValue, "moving the check box state to 'checked' does not pro… in checkStringCheckBoxBinding()
281 …verifyVoidCell( col, row, "propagating the 'indetermined' state to the cell does not work, when ex… in checkStringCheckBoxBinding()
285 …verifyStringCellContent( col, row, "", "unchecking a check box via UI does not propagated the ref … in checkStringCheckBoxBinding()
300 short row = (short)18; in checkListBoxBinding() local
306 setCellText( sourceCol, (short)( row - 1 ), "Apples" ); in checkListBoxBinding()
307 setCellText( sourceCol, (short)( row + 0 ), "Oranges" ); in checkListBoxBinding()
308 setCellText( sourceCol, (short)( row + 1 ), "Peaches" ); in checkListBoxBinding()
315 bindToCell( listBox, col, row ); in checkListBoxBinding()
320 …verifyStringCellContent( col, row, "Apples", "programmatically selecting a list entry is not propa… in checkListBoxBinding()
323 …verifyStringCellContent( col, row, "Oranges", "UI-selecting a list entry is not propagated to the … in checkListBoxBinding()
325 setCellText( col, row, "Peaches" ); in checkListBoxBinding()
343 short row = (short)21; in checkListBoxIndexBinding() local
349 setCellText( sourceCol, (short)( row - 1 ), "Pears" ); in checkListBoxIndexBinding()
350 setCellText( sourceCol, (short)( row + 0 ), "Bananas" ); in checkListBoxIndexBinding()
351 setCellText( sourceCol, (short)( row + 1 ), "Strawberries" ); in checkListBoxIndexBinding()
358 bindToCell( listBox, col, row, "" ); in checkListBoxIndexBinding()
363 …verifyNumericCellContent( col, row, 1, "programmatically selecting a list entry is not propagated … in checkListBoxIndexBinding()
366 …verifyNumericCellContent( col, row, 2, "UI-selecting a list entry is not propagated (as index) to … in checkListBoxIndexBinding()
368 setCellValue( col, row, 3 ); in checkListBoxIndexBinding()
405 …private boolean verifyVoidCell( short col, short row, String failErrorMessage ) throws com.sun.sta… in verifyVoidCell() argument
408 m_document.getSheet( 0 ).getCellByPosition( col, row ) in verifyVoidCell()
422 …private boolean verifyNumericCellContent( short col, short row, double value, String failErrorMess… in verifyNumericCellContent() argument
425 m_document.getSheet( 0 ).getCellByPosition( col, row ) in verifyNumericCellContent()
438 …private boolean verifyStringCellContent( short col, short row, String text, String failErrorMessag… in verifyStringCellContent() argument
441 m_document.getSheet( 0 ).getCellByPosition( col, row ) in verifyStringCellContent()
454 private void setCellText( short col, short row, String text ) throws in setCellText() argument
457 m_document.getSheet( 0 ).getCellByPosition( col, row ) in setCellText()
465 … private void setCellValue( short col, short row, double value ) throws in setCellValue() argument
468 m_document.getSheet( 0 ).getCellByPosition( col, row ) in setCellValue()
476 private void setCellEmpty( short col, short row ) throws in setCellEmpty() argument
481 m_document.getSheet( 0 ).getCellByPosition( col, row ) in setCellEmpty()
491 …private void bindToCell( XPropertySet controlModel, short column, short row, String _bindingServic… in bindToCell() argument
499 address.Row = row; in bindToCell()