Lines Matching refs:s

170 …     installer::logger::PrintError("can not find target installation set at '%s'\n", $target_path);
179 installer::logger::PrintError("can not find target msi file at '%s'\n", $target_msi_file);
197 installer::logger::PrintError(" '%s' has no target installation set\n", $language);
202 installer::logger::PrintError(" '%s' is not a released language for version %s\n",
241 PrintInfo("%s is already present in ext_sources/. Nothing to do\n", $basename);
297 …ller::logger::PrintError("can not create patch where target version is a new major version (%s)\n",
349 …aller::logger::Info->printf("Error: The UpgradeCode properties have to differ but are both '%s'\n",
378 $installer::logger::Info->printf(" '%s' and '%s'\n",
409 "Error: The PRODUCTBUILDID properties have to increase but are '%s' and '%s'\n",
434 … $installer::logger::Info->printf(" %s != %s\n", $source_product_name, $target_product_name);
530 $installer::logger::Info->printf(" %s (%s)\n",
602 $installer::logger::Info->printf(" %s\n", join(", ", @removed_features));
702 $installer::logger::Info->printf(" %s\n", join(", ", @removed_components));
783 $installer::logger::Info->printf("Error: no feature found for component '%s'\n", $component_name);
795 $installer::logger::Info->printf(" component '%s' -> feature '%s'\n",
874 $installer::logger::Info->printf("%s %s\n", $item->[1], $item->[2]);
929 $installer::logger::Info->printf(" %s: %d != %d\n",
1136 " %s: %s != %s\n",
1262 $installer::logger::Info->printf(" %s : %s -> %s\n",
1344 "Error: the PSDK_HOME environment variable does not point to a valid directory: %s\n",
1353 $installer::logger::Info->printf(" %s\n", $schema_path);
1362 $installer::logger::Info->printf(" %s\n", $schema_filename);
1389 …"Value", sprintf("Update of %s from %s to %s", $display_product_name, $source_version, $target_ver…
1394 …"Value", sprintf("Update of %s from %s to %s", $display_product_name, $source_version, $target_ver…
1451 $installer::logger::Info->printf("created new PatchGUID %s\n", $uuid_string);
1554 my $msp_basename = sprintf("%s_%s-%s_Win_x86_patch_%s.msp",
1566 $installer::logger::Info->printf(" %s\n", $pcp_schema_filename);
1567 $installer::logger::Info->printf(" %s\n", $pcp_filename);
1598 $installer::logger::Info->printf(" %s\n", $pcp->{'filename'});
1649 … $installer::logger::Info->printf("open %s in your browser to see the log messages\n", $URL);
1654 $installer::logger::Info->printf("Error: log file not found at %s\n", $log_filename);
1694 $installer::logger::Info->printf("running command %s\n", $command);
1696 $installer::logger::Info->printf("response of msimsp is %s\n", $response);
1716 … $installer::logger::Info->printf("locating source package (%s)\n", $context->{'source-version'});
1737 … $installer::logger::Info->printf("locating target package (%s)\n", $context->{'target-version'});
1779 $installer::logger::Info->printf("patch will update product %s from %s to %s\n",
1805 $installer::logger::Info->printf("can not create patch for language '%s'\n", $language);
1809 $installer::logger::Info->printf("processing language '%s'\n", $language);
1819 $installer::logger::Info->printf("read %s table (source and target\n", $table_name);
1833 sprintf("%s_%s",
1868 $installer::logger::Info->printf("patch will update product %s from %s to %s\n",
1887 $installer::logger::Info->printf("can not create patch for language '%s'\n", $language);
1891 $installer::logger::Info->printf("processing language '%s'\n", $language);
1901 $installer::logger::Info->printf("read %s table (source and target\n", $table_name);
1925 $installer::logger::Info->printf("will apply patches that update product %s from %s to %s\n",
1953 $installer::logger::Info->printf("%s does not point to a valid file\n", $msp_filename);
1970 printf("executing command %s\n", $command);
1973 printf("response was '%s'\n", $response);
2069 printf(" current : %s\n", $filename);
2072 printf("ERROR: can not find %s\n", $filename);
2147 printf("adding data for new version %s to list of released versions.\n", $target_version);
2153 printf("adding data for existing version %s to releases.xml\n", $target_version);
2168 "%s_%s_Win_x86_install_%s.exe",
2173 … "",
2203 printf("please copy '%s' to main/instsetoo_native/data\n", $output_filename);
2221 die sprintf("ERROR: package format %s is not supported", $context->{'package-format'})