Lines Matching refs:templates
170 Text [ en-US ] = "Word templates" ;
175 Text [ en-US ] = "Excel templates" ;
180 Text [ en-US ] = "PowerPoint templates" ;
377 Text [ en-US ] = "Text templates" ;
382 Text [ en-US ] = "Spreadsheet templates" ;
387 Text [ en-US ] = "Drawing/presentation templates" ;
501 …Text [ en-US ] = "All %PRODUCTNAME text templates contained in the following directory will be imp…
507 …Text [ en-US ] = "All %PRODUCTNAME table templates contained in the following directory will be im…
513 …Text [ en-US ] = "All %PRODUCTNAME drawing and presentation templates contained in the following d…
542 Text [ en-US ] = "All Word templates contained in the following directory will be imported:" ;
548 Text [ en-US ] = "All Excel templates contained in the following directory will be imported:" ;
554 …Text [ en-US ] = "All PowerPoint templates contained in the following directory will be imported:"…