 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_comphelper.hxx"
#include <comphelper/proxyaggregation.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/reflection/XProxyFactory.hpp>

namespace comphelper

	using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
	using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
	using namespace ::com::sun::star::reflection;

	//= OProxyAggregation
	OProxyAggregation::OProxyAggregation( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& _rxORB )
		:m_xORB( _rxORB )

	void OProxyAggregation::baseAggregateProxyFor( const Reference< XInterface >& _rxComponent, oslInterlockedCount& _rRefCount,
			::cppu::OWeakObject& _rDelegator )
		// first a factory for the proxy
		Reference< XProxyFactory > xFactory(
			m_xORB->createInstance( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.reflection.ProxyFactory" ) ) ),
		OSL_ENSURE( xFactory.is(), "OProxyAggregation::baseAggregateProxyFor: could not create a proxy factory!" );

		// then the proxy itself
		if ( xFactory.is() )
			{ // i36686 OJ: achieve the desctruction of the tempoary -> otherwise it leads to _rRefCount -= 2
				m_xProxyAggregate = xFactory->createProxy( _rxComponent );
            if ( m_xProxyAggregate.is() )
                m_xProxyAggregate->queryAggregation( ::getCppuType( &m_xProxyTypeAccess ) ) >>= m_xProxyTypeAccess;

			// aggregate the proxy
			osl_incrementInterlockedCount( &_rRefCount );
			if ( m_xProxyAggregate.is() )
				// At this point in time, the proxy has a ref count of exactly two - in m_xControlContextProxy,
                // and in m_xProxyTypeAccess.
				// Remember to _not_ reset these members unless the delegator of the proxy has been reset, too!
				m_xProxyAggregate->setDelegator( _rDelegator );
			osl_decrementInterlockedCount( &_rRefCount );

	Any SAL_CALL OProxyAggregation::queryAggregation( const Type& _rType ) throw (RuntimeException)
		return m_xProxyAggregate.is() ? m_xProxyAggregate->queryAggregation( _rType ) : Any();

	Sequence< Type > SAL_CALL OProxyAggregation::getTypes(  ) throw (RuntimeException)
		Sequence< Type > aTypes;
		if ( m_xProxyAggregate.is() )
			if ( m_xProxyTypeAccess.is() )
				aTypes = m_xProxyTypeAccess->getTypes();
		return aTypes;

		if ( m_xProxyAggregate.is() )
			m_xProxyAggregate->setDelegator( NULL );
			// this should remove the _two_only_ "real" references (means not delegated to
			// ourself) to this proxy, and thus delete it

	//= OComponentProxyAggregationHelper
	OComponentProxyAggregationHelper::OComponentProxyAggregationHelper( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& _rxORB,
		::cppu::OBroadcastHelper& _rBHelper )
		:OProxyAggregation( _rxORB )
		,m_rBHelper( _rBHelper )
		OSL_ENSURE( _rxORB.is(), "OComponentProxyAggregationHelper::OComponentProxyAggregationHelper: invalid arguments!" );

	void OComponentProxyAggregationHelper::componentAggregateProxyFor(
		const Reference< XComponent >& _rxComponent, oslInterlockedCount& _rRefCount,
		::cppu::OWeakObject& _rDelegator )
		OSL_ENSURE( _rxComponent.is(), "OComponentProxyAggregationHelper::componentAggregateProxyFor: invalid inner component!" );
		m_xInner = _rxComponent;

		// aggregate a proxy for the object
		baseAggregateProxyFor( m_xInner.get(), _rRefCount, _rDelegator );

		// add as event listener to the inner context, because we want to be notified of disposals
		osl_incrementInterlockedCount( &_rRefCount );
			if ( m_xInner.is() )
				m_xInner->addEventListener( this );
		osl_decrementInterlockedCount( &_rRefCount );

	Any SAL_CALL OComponentProxyAggregationHelper::queryInterface( const Type& _rType ) throw (RuntimeException)
		Any aReturn( BASE::queryInterface( _rType ) );
		if ( !aReturn.hasValue() )
			aReturn = OProxyAggregation::queryAggregation( _rType );
		return aReturn;

	IMPLEMENT_FORWARD_XTYPEPROVIDER2( OComponentProxyAggregationHelper, BASE, OProxyAggregation )

	OComponentProxyAggregationHelper::~OComponentProxyAggregationHelper( )
		OSL_ENSURE( m_rBHelper.bDisposed, "OComponentProxyAggregationHelper::~OComponentProxyAggregationHelper: you should dispose your derived class in the dtor, if necessary!" );
			// if this asserts, add the following to your derived class dtor:
			// if ( !m_rBHelper.bDisposed )
			// {
			//   acquire();	// to prevent duplicate dtor calls
			//   dispose();
			// }

	void SAL_CALL OComponentProxyAggregationHelper::disposing( const EventObject& _rSource ) throw (RuntimeException)
		if ( _rSource.Source == m_xInner )
		{	// it's our inner context which is dying -> dispose ourself
			if ( !m_rBHelper.bDisposed && !m_rBHelper.bInDispose )
			{	// (if necessary only, of course)

	void SAL_CALL OComponentProxyAggregationHelper::dispose() throw( RuntimeException )
		::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_rBHelper.rMutex );

		// dispose our inner context
		// before we do this, remove ourself as listener - else in disposing( EventObject ), we
		// would dispose ourself a second time
		Reference< XComponent > xComp( m_xInner, UNO_QUERY );
		if ( xComp.is() )
			xComp->removeEventListener( this );

	//= OComponentProxyAggregation
	OComponentProxyAggregation::OComponentProxyAggregation( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& _rxORB,
			const Reference< XComponent >& _rxComponent )
		:OComponentProxyAggregation_CBase( m_aMutex )
		,OComponentProxyAggregationHelper( _rxORB, rBHelper )
		OSL_ENSURE( _rxComponent.is(), "OComponentProxyAggregation::OComponentProxyAggregation: accessible is no XComponent!" );
        if ( _rxComponent.is() )
		    componentAggregateProxyFor( _rxComponent, m_refCount, *this );

		implEnsureDisposeInDtor( );

	IMPLEMENT_FORWARD_XINTERFACE2( OComponentProxyAggregation, OComponentProxyAggregation_CBase, OComponentProxyAggregationHelper )


	Sequence< Type > SAL_CALL OComponentProxyAggregation::getTypes(  ) throw (RuntimeException)
		Sequence< Type > aTypes( OComponentProxyAggregationHelper::getTypes() );

		// append XComponent, coming from OComponentProxyAggregation_CBase
		sal_Int32 nLen = aTypes.getLength();
		aTypes.realloc( nLen + 1 );
		aTypes[ nLen ] = ::getCppuType( static_cast< Reference< XComponent >* >( NULL ) );

		return aTypes;

	void OComponentProxyAggregation::implEnsureDisposeInDtor( )
		if ( !rBHelper.bDisposed )
			acquire();	// to prevent duplicate dtor calls

	void SAL_CALL OComponentProxyAggregation::disposing( const EventObject& _rSource ) throw (RuntimeException)
		// simly disambiguate - this is necessary for MSVC to distinguish
		// "disposing( EventObject )" from "disposing()"
		OComponentProxyAggregationHelper::disposing( _rSource );

	void SAL_CALL OComponentProxyAggregation::disposing()  throw (RuntimeException)
		// call the dispose-functionality of the base, which will dispose our aggregated component

	void SAL_CALL OComponentProxyAggregation::dispose() throw( RuntimeException )
		// simply disambiguate

}	// namespace comphelper