Servlet for converting documents ================================ Build preparation: ================== In the file "ConverterServlet.html", search for the following line: <form action="http://localhost:8080/conversion/servlet/ConverterServlet" method=post enctype="multipart/form-data"> Replace the existing IP address (localhost) with your intended IP address. Installation instructions: ========================== 1. If no web server is available you should install your favourite web server. The example was tested with a Tomcat 4.1 server ( 2. Download the servlet support Java archive (cos.jar) from and copy the file to the directory <OFFICE_HOME>/program/classes. If you don't use the created WAR (WAR = simple web archive file, it is similar to a normal Jar file) file, please make these classes also known to your web server. 3. You need also the Servlet API (servlet.jar). The Tomcat server comes with this Servlet API. Please copy the file "servlet.jar" to the directory <OFFICE_HOME>/program/classes. If you don't use the Tomcat server, make sure that the Servlet API is in the classpath of your web server. You can download the Servlet API from . 4. Use your GNU make ( to build the servlet class. 5. Make the servlet class known to your web server. The example creates also a WAR file which can be easy deployed in a Tomcat server. 5.1 Browse the 'Tomcat Web Application Manager' 5.2 Navigate into the section 'Upload a WAR file to install' 5.3 Browse to your generated WAR file and select it 5.4 install it Converting documents with the servlet: ====================================== 1. Browse your web server "http://<your_ip>/conversion/ConverterServlet.html" or open the file "ConverterServlet.html" in your web browser and select a file. 2. Select a type to convert the file to, and the extension for the converted file. 3. Press the button. The document will be uploaded to the server, converted and pushed back to the client. Your browser will open a dialog for saving the converted document.