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#ifndef __com_sun_star_awt_tab_XTabPageContainer_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_awt_tab_XTabPageContainer_idl__

#include <com/sun/star/awt/tab/XTabPageContainerListener.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/tab/XTabPage.idl>

module com {  module sun {  module star {  module awt { module tab {


/** An interface to a control that displays tab pages.

	@see UnoControlTabPageContainer
	@since OpenOffice 3.4
published interface XTabPageContainer
	/** Returns the number of tab pages.
			the number of tab pages.
	short getTabPageCount();


    /** Checks whether a tab page is activated.
            the tab page to be checked.
            <TRUE/> if tab page is activated, else <FALSE/>.
    boolean isTabPageActive([in] short tabPageIndex);


    /** Returns tab page for the given index.
            tabPageIndex - index of the tab page in the IndexContainer.
            tab page which has tabPageIndex.
    XTabPage getTabPage([in] short tabPageIndex);


    /** Returns tab page for the given ID.
            tabPageID - ID of the tab page.
            tab page which has tabPageID.
    XTabPage getTabPageByID([in] short tabPageID);


    /** Adds a listener for the <type>TabPageActivedEvent</type> posted after
        the tab page was activated.
        @param listener
            the listener to add.
    [oneway] void addTabPageContainerListener( [in] XTabPageContainerListener  listener);


    /** Removes a listener previously added with <method>addTabPageListener()</method>.
        @param listener
            the listener to remove.
    [oneway] void removeTabPageContainerListener( [in] XTabPageContainerListener listener);

    /** Specifies the ID of the current active tab page.
    [attribute] short ActiveTabPageID;


}; }; }; }; };
