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#ifndef __com_sun_star_script_vba_VBAEventId_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_script_vba_VBAEventId_idl__


module com {  module sun {  module star { module script { module vba {


/** Constants used to identify VBA document events.

    <p>If one of these events is fired, a specific VBA macro in a specific
    document code module will be executed.</p>

    <p>Each event expects some specific arguments to be passed to
    @see XVBAEventProcessor
constants VBAEventId

    /** An identifier not corresponding to any VBA document event. */
    const long NO_EVENT                             = -1;
    // Global events (identifiers from 1 to 999)

    /** New document opened from template. No arguments. */
    const long AUTO_NEW                             = 1;
    /** Document opened (loaded). No arguments. */
    const long AUTO_OPEN                            = 2;
    /** Document about to be closed. No arguments. */
    const long AUTO_CLOSE                           = 3;
    /** Application start. No arguments. */
    const long AUTO_EXEC                            = 4;
    /** Application exit. No arguments. */
    const long AUTO_EXIT                            = 5;

    // MS Word (identifiers from 1001 to 1999)

    /** New text document opened from template. No arguments. */
    const long DOCUMENT_NEW                         = 1001;
    /** Text document opened (loaded). No arguments. */
    const long DOCUMENT_OPEN                        = 1002;
    /** Document about to be closed. No arguments. */
    const long DOCUMENT_CLOSE                       = 1003;

    // MS Excel (identifiers from 2001 to 2999)

    // document events (2001-2099)

    /** Document activated. No arguments. */
    const long WORKBOOK_ACTIVATE                    = 2001;
    /** Document deactivated. No arguments. */
    const long WORKBOOK_DEACTIVATE                  = 2002;
    /** Document opened (loaded). No arguments. */
    const long WORKBOOK_OPEN                        = 2003;
    /** Document about to be closed. Arguments: [out] boolean bCancel. */
    const long WORKBOOK_BEFORECLOSE                 = 2004;
    /** Document about to be printed. Arguments: [out] boolean bCancel. */
    const long WORKBOOK_BEFOREPRINT                 = 2005;
    /** Document about to be saved. Arguments: boolean bSaveAs, [out] boolean bCancel. */
    const long WORKBOOK_BEFORESAVE                  = 2006;
    /** Document has been saved. Arguments: boolean bSuccess. */
    const long WORKBOOK_AFTERSAVE                   = 2007;
    /** New sheet inserted. Arguments: short nSheet. */
    const long WORKBOOK_NEWSHEET                    = 2008;
    /** Document window has been activated. Arguments: XController aController. */
    const long WORKBOOK_WINDOWACTIVATE              = 2009;
    /** Document window has been deactivated. Arguments: XController aController. */
    const long WORKBOOK_WINDOWDEACTIVATE            = 2010;
    /** Document window has been resized. Arguments: XController aController. */
    const long WORKBOOK_WINDOWRESIZE                = 2011;

    // sheet events (2101-2199)

    /** Worksheet has been activated (made visible). Arguments: short nSheet. */
    const long WORKSHEET_ACTIVATE                   = 2101;
    /** Worksheet has been activated (made visible). Arguments: short nSheet. */
    const long WORKSHEET_DEACTIVATE                 = 2102;
    /** Double click in the sheet. Arguments: XRange/XSheetCellRangeContainer aRange, [out] boolean bCancel. */
    const long WORKSHEET_BEFOREDOUBLECLICK          = 2103;
    /** Right click in the sheet. Arguments: XRange/XSheetCellRangeContainer aRange, [out] boolean bCancel. */
    const long WORKSHEET_BEFORERIGHTCLICK           = 2104;
    /** Cells in sheet have been recalculated. Arguments: short nSheet. */
    const long WORKSHEET_CALCULATE                  = 2105;
    /** Cells in sheet have been changed. Arguments: XRange/XSheetCellRangeContainer aRange. */
    const long WORKSHEET_CHANGE                     = 2106;
    /** Selection in sheet has been changed. Arguments: XRange/XSheetCellRangeContainer aRange. */
    const long WORKSHEET_SELECTIONCHANGE            = 2107;
    /** Hyperlink has been clicked. Arguments: XCell aCell. */
    const long WORKSHEET_FOLLOWHYPERLINK            = 2108;


    /** Implementations are allowed to use identifiers above this value for any
        internal purpose. */
    const long USERDEFINED_START                    = 1000000;


}; }; }; }; };

