 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package lib;

import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Vector;

import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
import com.sun.star.uno.XInterface;

import share.DescEntry;
import lib.TestParameters;
import stats.Summarizer;

 * The class supports method based interface tests development.
 * <p>There are some points that should be fulfilled in a subclass to work
 * correctly in the multi-method framework:
 *   1. each subclass schould define a public field named oObj of type tested
 *   by the subclass, e.g. 'public XText oObj;'. That field will be initialized
 *   by the MultiMethodTest code with the instance of the interface to test.
 *   In a case of service testing the field type should be XPropertySet.
 *   2. for the test of each method of the tested interface(or a property in the
 *   case of service testing) should be method with the following signature
 *   provided: 'public void _<method name>()', e.g. 'public void _getText()'.
 *   The methods will be called by MultiMethodText code using reflection API
 *   for each method in the interface description.
 *   3. to set status for a call 'tRes.tested(String method,
 *   boolean result)' should be used. For example 'tRes.tested("getText()",
 *   true)'. Also 'tRes.assert(String assertion, boolean result)' call can
 *   be used. Note, that one can call the methods not neccesarily from the
 *   test for the tested method, but from other method tests too (in the
 *   MultiMethodTest subclass). See also TestResult and MultiMethodTest.tRes
 *   documentation.
 *   4. the before() and after() methods can be overriden to perform some
 *   actions, accordingly, before and after calling the test methods.
 *   5. besides tRes, there are some fields initialized in the MultiMethodTest,
 *   that can be used for implementing tests:
 *     - tEnv contains the environment tested
 *     - tParam contains parameters of the test
 *     - log a writer to log information about the test
 * @see TestResult
public class MultiMethodTest

     * Contains the TestEnvironment being tested, to allow for tests to access
     * it.
    protected TestEnvironment tEnv;
     * Contains the TestParameters for the tests, to allow for tests to access
     * it.
    protected TestParameters tParam;
     * Contains the Description for the test
     * it.
    protected DescEntry entry;
     * Contains a writer to log an information about the interface testing, to
     * allows for tests to access it.
    protected PrintWriter log;
     * Contains the TestResult instance for the interface test to collect
     * information about methods test.
    protected TestResult tRes;
     * Contains names of the methods have been alreadycalled
    private Vector methCalled = new Vector(10);

     * Disposes the test environment, which was corrupted by the test.
     * @param tEnv the environment to dispose
    public void disposeEnvironment(TestEnvironment tEnv)

     * Disposes the current test environment, which was corrupted by the test.
     * @see #disposeEnvironment(TestEnvironment)
    public void disposeEnvironment()
        TestCase tCase = tEnv.getTestCase();
        tCase.disposeTestEnvironment(tEnv, tParam);

     * Runs the interface test: its method tests. First, it initializes some
     * of MultiMethodTest fields, like tRes, log, tEnv, etc. Then, it queries
     * the tested interface and initializes 'oObj' field (defined in a
     * subclass). Before calling method tests, before() method calles to allow
     * initialization of s stuff before testing. Then, the method tests are
     * called. After them, after() method is called, to allow cleaning up the
     * stuff initialized in before() and test methods.
     * @param entry the interface test state
     * @param tEnv the environment to test
     * @param tParam the parameters of the test
     * @see #before
     * @see #after
    public TestResult run(DescEntry entry, TestEnvironment tEnv, TestParameters tParam)

        log = (PrintWriter) entry.Logger;

        this.tEnv = tEnv;
        this.tParam = tParam;
        // this.log = log;
        this.entry = entry;
        this.tRes = new TestResult();
        Class testedClass;

        // Some fake code for a self test.
        // For normal test we must not be a "ifc.qadevooo._SelfTest"
        if (! entry.entryName.equals("ifc.qadevooo._SelfTest"))
            String ifcName = getInterfaceName();
            // System.out.println("checking : " + ifcName);
            System.out.print("checking: [" + entry.longName + "]");
            // defining a name of the class corresponding to the tested interface
            // or service
            String testedClassName;

            testedClassName = getTestedClassName();

            if (entry.EntryType.equals("service"))
                testedClassName = "com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet";

                testedClass = Class.forName(testedClassName);
            catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfE)
                log.println("could not find a class : " + getTestedClassName());
                return null;
            System.out.println(" is iface: [" + testedClassName + "] testcode: [" + entry.entryName + "]");

            // quering the tested interface from the tested object
            XInterface tCase = tEnv.getTestObject();
            Object oObj = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(testedClass, tEnv.getTestObject());

            if (oObj == null)
                if (entry.isOptional)
                    Summarizer.summarizeDown(entry, "Not supported but optional.OK");
                    Summarizer.summarizeDown(entry, "queryInterface returned null.FAILED");
                    entry.ErrorMsg = "queryInterface returned null";
                    entry.hasErrorMsg = true;

                return null;

            //setting the field oObj
            setField("oObj", oObj);

        // to perform some stuff before all method tests
        catch (Exception e)
            return tRes;

        // executing methods tests
        for (int i = 0; i < entry.SubEntryCount; i++)
            DescEntry aSubEntry = entry.SubEntries[i];
                final String sEntryName = aSubEntry.entryName;
            catch (Exception e)
                log.println("Exception while checking: " + aSubEntry.entryName + " : " + e.getMessage());

        // to perform some stuff after all method tests
        catch (Exception e)

        return tRes;

     * Is called before calling method tests, but after initialization.
     * Subclasses may override to perform actions before method tests.
    protected void before()

     * Is called after calling method tests. Subclasses may override
     * to perform actions after method tests.
    protected void after()

     * @return the name of the interface or the service tested.
    protected String getTestedClassName()
        String clsName = this.getClass().getName();

        int firstDot = clsName.indexOf(".");
        int lastDot = clsName.lastIndexOf(".");

        String append = "com.sun.star.";

        if (entry.longName.indexOf("::drafts::com::") > -1)
            append = "drafts.com.sun.star.";

        return append + clsName.substring(firstDot + 1, lastDot + 1) + clsName.substring(lastDot + 2);

     * Sets a method status.
     * @param methName the method name to set status
     * @param methStatus the status to set to the method
    protected void setStatus(String methName, Status methStatus)
        tRes.tested(methName, methStatus);

     * sets the substates
    protected void setSubStates(String msg)
        for (int k = 0; k < entry.SubEntryCount; k++)
            entry.SubEntries[k].hasErrorMsg = true;
            entry.SubEntries[k].ErrorMsg = msg;
            if (entry.SubEntries[k].State.equals("UNKNOWN"))
                entry.SubEntries[k].State = msg;


     * Checks if the <code>method</code> is optional in the service.
    protected boolean isOptional(String _method)
        for (int k = 0; k < entry.SubEntryCount; k++)
            final String sName = entry.SubEntries[k].entryName;
            if (sName.equals(_method))
                final boolean bIsOptional = entry.SubEntries[k].isOptional;
                return bIsOptional;
        return false;

     * Checks if the <code>method</code> test has been already called.
    protected boolean isCalled(String method)
        return methCalled.contains(method);

     * Calling of the method indicates that the <code>method</code> test should
     * be called. The method checks this and if it is not called, calls it.
     * If the method is failed or skipped, it throws StatusException.
    protected void requiredMethod(String method)
        log.println("starting required method: " + method);
        Status mtStatus = tRes.getStatusFor(method);

        if (mtStatus != null && (!mtStatus.isPassed() || mtStatus.isFailed()))
            log.println("! Required method " + method + " failed");
            throw new StatusException(mtStatus);

     * Checks if the <code>method</code> was called, and if not, call it.
     * On contrary to requiredMethod(), he method doesn't check its status.
    protected void executeMethod(String method)
        if (!isCalled(method))
            log.println("Execute: " + method);
            log.println(method + ": " + tRes.getStatusFor(method));

     * Just calls the <code>method</code> test.
    protected void callMethod(String method)
        invokeTestMethod(getMethodFor(method), method);

     * Invokes a test method of the subclass using reflection API. Handles
     * the method results and sets its status.
     * @param meth the subclass' method to invoke
     * @param methName the name of the method
    protected void invokeTestMethod(Method meth, String methName)
        if (meth == null)
            setStatus(methName, Status.skipped(false));
            Status stat;

                meth.invoke(this, new Object[0]);
            catch (InvocationTargetException itE)
                Throwable t = itE.getTargetException();

                if (t instanceof StatusException)
                    stat = ((StatusException) t).getStatus();
                    stat = Status.exception(t);
            catch (IllegalAccessException iaE)
                stat = Status.exception(iaE);
            catch (IllegalArgumentException iaE)
                stat = Status.exception(iaE);
            catch (ClassCastException ccE)
                stat = Status.exception(ccE);

            setStatus(methName, stat);

     * Finds a testing method for the <code>method</code> of the interface.
     * @return the testing method, if found, <tt>null</tt> otherwise
    protected Method getMethodFor(String method)
        String mName = "_" + method;

        if (mName.endsWith("()"))
            mName = mName.substring(0, mName.length() - 2);

        final Class[] paramTypes = new Class[0];

            return this.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(mName, paramTypes);
        catch (NoSuchMethodException nsmE)
            return null;

     * @return the name of the interface tested
    public String getInterfaceName()
        String clName = this.getClass().getName();
        return clName.substring(clName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);

     * Initializes <code>fieldName</code> of the subclass with
     * <code>value</code>.
     * @return Status describing the result of the operation.
    protected Status setField(String fieldName, Object value)
        Field objField;

            objField = this.getClass().getField(fieldName);
        catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfE)
            return Status.exception(nsfE);

            objField.set(this, value);
            return Status.passed(true);
        catch (IllegalArgumentException iaE)
            return Status.exception(iaE);
        catch (IllegalAccessException iaE)
            return Status.exception(iaE);