<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="io_XDataOutputStream" script:language="StarBasic">

'  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
'  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
'  distributed with this work for additional information
'  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
'  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
'  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
'  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
'    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
'  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
'  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
'  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
'  specific language governing permissions and limitations
'  under the License.

' Be sure that all variables are dimensioned:
option explicit

Sub RunTest()

' com.sun.star.io.XDataOutputStream
On Error Goto ErrHndl
    Dim bOK As Boolean
    Dim DataTypes(10) As String
    Dim Data(10) As Variant
    Dim oTypeConvertor As Object
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim oInputStream As Object

    bOK = true

    oTypeConvertor = createUnoService("com.sun.star.script.Converter")

    DataTypes(0) = "byte"
    Data(0) = 65
    DataTypes(1) = "boolean"
    Data(1) = true
    DataTypes(2) = "double"
    Data(2) = 10.567
    DataTypes(3) = "long"
    Data(3) = 12345678
    DataTypes(4) = "char"
    Data(4) = oTypeConvertor.convertToSimpleType(89, com.sun.star.uno.TypeClass.CHAR)
    DataTypes(5) = "short"
    Data(5) = 233
    DataTypes(6) = "UTF"
    Data(6) = "UTF String"
    DataTypes(7) = "float"
    Data(7) = -233.15
    DataTypes(8) = "Hyper"
    Data(8) = 98765432123456

    Out.Log("Writing data first... ")

    for i = 0 to ubound(Data())
        select case DataTypes(i)
            case "boolean"
            case "byte"
            case "char"
            case "short"
            case "long"
            case "Hyper"
            case "float"
            case "double"
            case "UTF"
        end select
    next i

    Out.Log("then reading and comparering... ")

    oInputStream = getInStream()

    for i = 0 to ubound(Data())
        select case DataTypes(i)
            case "boolean"
                Dim bVar As Boolean
                bVar = oInputStream.readBoolean()
                Out.Log("Expected boolean '" + Data(i) + "', actual is '" + bVar + "'")
                bOK = bOK AND Data(i) = bVar
                Test.MethodTested("writeBoolean()", bOK)
            case "byte"
                Dim iByteVar As Integer
                iByteVar = oInputStream.readByte()
                Out.Log("Expected byte '" + int(Data(i)) + "', actual is '" + int(iByteVar) + "'")
                bOK = bOK AND Data(i) = iByteVar
                Test.MethodTested("writeByte()", bOK)
            case "char"
                Dim cCharVar As Integer
                cCharVar = oInputStream.readChar()
                Out.Log("Expected char '" + chr(Data(i)) + "', actual is '" + chr(cCharVar) + "'")
                bOK = bOK AND Data(i) = cCharVar
                Test.MethodTested("writeChar()", bOK)
            case "short"
                Dim iShortVar As Integer
                iShortVar = oInputStream.readShort()
                Out.Log("Expected short '" + int(Data(i)) + "', actual is '" + int(iShortVar) + "'")
                bOK = bOK AND Data(i) = iShortVar
                Test.MethodTested("writeShort()", bOK)
            case "long"
                Dim iLongVar As Long
                iLongVar = oInputStream.readLong()
                Out.Log("Expected long '" + Data(i) + "', actual is '" + iLongVar + "'")
                bOK = bOK AND Data(i) = iLongVar
                Test.MethodTested("writeLong()", bOK)
            case "Hyper"
                Dim iHyperVar As Variant
                iHyperVar = oInputStream.readHyper()
                Out.Log("Expected hyper '" + Data(i) + "', actual is '" + iHyperVar + "'")
                bOK = bOK AND Data(i) = iHyperVar
                Test.MethodTested("writeHyper()", bOK)
            case "float"
                Dim dFloatVar As Double
                dFloatVar = oInputStream.readFloat()
                Out.Log("Expected float '" + Data(i) + "', actual is '" + dFloatVar + "'")
                bOK = bOK AND (abs(Data(i) - dFloatVar) &lt; 0.00001)
                Test.MethodTested("writeFloat()", bOK)
            case "double"
                Dim dDoubleVar As Double
                dDoubleVar = oInputStream.readDouble()
                Out.Log("Expected double '" + Data(i) + "', actual is '" + dDoubleVar + "'")
                bOK = bOK AND Data(i) = dDoubleVar
                Test.MethodTested("writeDouble()", bOK)
            case "UTF"
                Dim cUTFVar As Variant
                cUTFVar = oInputStream.readUTF()
                Out.Log("Expected UTF '" + Data(i) + "', actual is '" + cUTFVar + "'")
                bOK = bOK AND Data(i) = cUTFVar
                Test.MethodTested("writeUTF()", bOK)
        end select
    next i

Exit Sub
    bOK = false
    resume next
End Sub