/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ /** complex tests to check the UNO-API **/ package complex.unoapi; // imports import base.java_complex; import complexlib.ComplexTestCase; import helper.OfficeProvider; import helper.ParameterNotFoundException; import helper.ProcessHandler; import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory; import helper.BuildEnvTools; import helper.ComplexDescGetter; import helper.CwsDataExchangeImpl; import java.io.File; // import java.io.FileFilter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import share.DescEntry; import util.PropertyName; import util.utils; /** * This Complex Test will test the UNO-API by calling dmake in <B>$MODULE</B>/qa/unoapi<p> * This test depends on some requirments: * The <B>TestJob</B> is <b>-o complex.unoapi.CheckModuleAPI::module(<CODE>MODULE</CODE>)</b><p> where <CODE>MODULE</CODE> * could be the following:<p> * <ul> * <li><b>all</b> iterates over <CODE>SRC_ROOT</CODE> and call <CODE>dmake</CODE> in all qa/unoapi folder</li><p> * <li><b>$module</b> call dmake in $module/qa/unoapi folder</li><p> * <li><b>$module1,$module2,...</b> call dmake in $module1/qa/unoapi folder then in $module2/qa/unoapi folder and so on</li><p> * </ul><p> * * Also you have to fill the following parameter: * <ul> * <li><b>SHELL</b>: fill this parameter with a shell</li> * </ul> * */ public class CheckModuleAPI extends ComplexTestCase { private static String mSRC_ROOT = null; private static boolean mIsInitialized = false; private final static boolean mContinue = true; private static boolean mDebug = false; private static BuildEnvTools bet = null; /** * Initialize the test environment. * This method checks for all neccesarry parameter and exit if not all parameter are set. * * Further this method starts an office instance and gets the office some more time to start. This is because * some freshly installed offices don not have such a user tree. The office will create it on its first start, * but this will take some time. * Note: This funktionality is only reasonable with parameter <CODE>-noOffice true</CODE> */ public void before() { if (!mIsInitialized) { mIsInitialized = true; try { bet = new BuildEnvTools(param, log); } catch (ParameterNotFoundException ex) { this.failed(ex.toString(), false); } mSRC_ROOT = bet.getSrcRoot(); mDebug = param.getBool(PropertyName.DEBUG_IS_ACTIVE); } } /** * let API tests run. * @param module */ public void checkModule(String module) { log.println(utils.getDateTime() + ": start testing module '" + module + "'"); log.println(utils.getDateTime() + "start new Office instance..."); // TODO: is Office started with this program? final OfficeProvider officeProvider = new OfficeProvider(); log.println(utils.getDateTime() + "Receiving the ServiceManager of the Office "); final XMultiServiceFactory msf = (XMultiServiceFactory) officeProvider.getManager(param); assure("couldnot get ServiceFarcotry", msf != null, mContinue); param.put("ServiceFactory", msf); final String sep = System.getProperty("file.separator"); final String sUnoapi = getModulePath(module); final File fUnoapi = new File(sUnoapi); final String sMakeFile = sUnoapi + sep + "makefile.mk"; final File fMakeFile = new File(sMakeFile); assure("ERROR: could not find makefile: '" + sMakeFile + "'", fMakeFile.exists(), mContinue); final String[] commands = getDmakeCommands(sUnoapi); final ProcessHandler procHdl = bet.runCommandsInEnvironmentShell(commands, fUnoapi, 0); log.println("exit code of dmake: " + procHdl.getExitCode()); String test = procHdl.getOutputText(); test += procHdl.getErrorText(); // if (mDebug) { // log.println("---> Output of dmake:"); // log.println(procHdl.getOutputText()); // log.println("<--- Output of dmake:"); // log.println("---> Error output of dmake:"); // log.println(procHdl.getErrorText()); // log.println("<--- Error output of dmake:"); // } assure("module '" + module + "' failed", verifyOutput(test), mContinue); log.println(utils.getDateTime() + " module '" + module + "': kill existing office..."); // TODO: how to check if the office is not started with this process. boolean bNoOffice = param.getBool("NoOffice"); if (!bNoOffice) { try { officeProvider.closeExistingOffice(param, true); } catch (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError exception) { log.println("Office seems not to be running"); } } } private String getQaUnoApiPath(String srcRoot, String _sModul) { File aFile = new File(srcRoot); if (!aFile.exists()) { System.out.println("ERROR: srcRoot '" + srcRoot + "' does not exist."); return null; } String sModulePath = srcRoot; sModulePath += File.separator; sModulePath += _sModul; File aModulePath = new File(sModulePath); if (! aModulePath.exists()) { aModulePath = new File(sModulePath + ".lnk"); if (! aModulePath.exists()) { aModulePath = new File(sModulePath + ".link"); if (! aModulePath.exists()) { // module does not exist. return null; } } } sModulePath = aModulePath.getAbsolutePath(); sModulePath += File.separator; sModulePath += "qa"; sModulePath += File.separator; sModulePath += "unoapi"; File aModulePathQaUnoApi = new File(sModulePath); if (aModulePathQaUnoApi.exists()) { return aModulePathQaUnoApi.getAbsolutePath(); } return null; } private boolean doesQaUnoApiFolderExist(String srcRoot, String _sModul) { if (getQaUnoApiPath(srcRoot, _sModul) != null) { return true; } return false; } /* private boolean doesQaUnoApiFolderExist(File srcRoot) { final FolderFilter qaFilter = new FolderFilter("qa"); final File[] qaTree = srcRoot.listFiles(qaFilter); if (qaTree != null) { for (int j = 0; j < qaTree.length; j++) { final File qaFolder = qaTree[j]; final FolderFilter apiFilter = new FolderFilter("unoapi"); final File[] apiTree = qaFolder.listFiles(apiFilter); if (apiTree != null && apiTree.length > 0) { return true; } } } return false; } */ private String[] getAllModuleCommand() { String[] checkModules; final String[] names = getModulesFromSourceRoot(); checkModules = getCheckModuleCommand(names); return checkModules; } private String[] getCheckModuleCommand(String[] names) { String[] checkModules; checkModules = new String[names.length]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { // if a module is not added to a cws it contains a dot in its name (forms.lnk) if (names[i].indexOf(".") != -1) { checkModules[i] = "checkModule(" + names[i].substring(0, names[i].indexOf(".")) + ")"; } else { checkModules[i] = "checkModule(" + names[i] + ")"; } } return checkModules; } private String[] getDmakeCommands(String sUnoapi) { String[] cmdLines = null; final String platform = (String) param.get(PropertyName.OPERATING_SYSTEM); log.println("prepare command for platform " + platform); if (platform.equals(PropertyName.WNTMSCI)) { if (param.getBool(PropertyName.CYGWIN)) { // cygwin stuff cmdLines = new String[] { "cd `cygpath '" + sUnoapi.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\") + "'`", "dmake" }; } else { // old 4NT cmdLines = new String[] { "cdd " + sUnoapi, "dmake" }; } } else { // unix cmdLines = new String[] { "cd " + sUnoapi, "dmake" }; } return cmdLines; } private String[] getCwsModuleCommand() { String[] checkModules; final String version = (String) param.get(PropertyName.VERSION); String[] names = null; if (version.startsWith("cws_")) { try { // cws version: all added modules must be tested final String cws = version.substring(4, version.length()); final CwsDataExchangeImpl cde = new CwsDataExchangeImpl(cws, param, log); final ArrayList addedModules = cde.getModules(); final ArrayList moduleNames = new ArrayList(); Iterator iterator = addedModules.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String sModuleName = (String) iterator.next(); // String sFilename = mSRC_ROOT; // + File.separator + sModuleName; // final File sourceRoot = new File(sFilename); if (doesQaUnoApiFolderExist(mSRC_ROOT, sModuleName)) { moduleNames.add(sModuleName); } } names = (String[]) moduleNames.toArray(new String[0]); } catch (ParameterNotFoundException ex) { this.failed(ex.toString(), false); } } else { // major version: all modules must be tested names = getModulesFromSourceRoot(); } checkModules = getCheckModuleCommand(names); return checkModules; } private String[] getDefinedModuleCommand(String module) { String[] checkModules = null; // list of modules to test: (sw,sc,sd) if (module.indexOf(",") != -1) { final String[] names = module.split(","); checkModules = new String[names.length]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { final String moduleName = names[i].trim(); // File sourceRoot = new File(mSRC_ROOT + File.separator + moduleName); // if (!sourceRoot.exists()) // { // sourceRoot = new File(mSRC_ROOT + File.separator + moduleName + ".lnk"); // } if (doesQaUnoApiFolderExist(mSRC_ROOT, moduleName)) { checkModules[i] = "checkModule(" + moduleName + ")"; } } } else { // File sourceRoot = new File(mSRC_ROOT + File.separator + module); // if (!sourceRoot.exists()) // { // sourceRoot = new File(mSRC_ROOT + File.separator + module + ".lnk"); // } if (doesQaUnoApiFolderExist(mSRC_ROOT, module)) { checkModules = new String[] { "checkModule(" + module + ")" }; } } return checkModules; } private String getModulePath(String module) { // String sUnoapi = null; // final String sep = System.getProperty("file.separator"); // final File srcRoot = new File(mSRC_ROOT); // final FolderFilter qaFilter = new FolderFilter(module); // final File[] moduleTree = srcRoot.listFiles(qaFilter); // if (moduleTree != null) // { // if (mDebug) // { // log.println("moduleTree length:" + moduleTree.length); // log.println("moduleTree: " + moduleTree[0].getAbsolutePath()); // } // if (moduleTree != null) // { // sUnoapi = moduleTree[0].getAbsolutePath() + sep + "qa" + sep + "unoapi"; // } // } String sUnoapi = getQaUnoApiPath(mSRC_ROOT, module); return sUnoapi; } /** Some modules contains more the one project. This methods translates given project paramater to the * correspind module name. * * fwk -> framework * fwl -> framework * sch -> chart2 * lnn -> lingu * lng -> linguistic * sfx -> sfx2 * sm -> starmath */ private String getTranslatedNames(String module) { final HashMap aModuleHashMap = new HashMap(); aModuleHashMap.put("fwk", "framework"); aModuleHashMap.put("fwl", "framework"); aModuleHashMap.put("sch", "chart2"); aModuleHashMap.put("lnn", "lingu"); aModuleHashMap.put("lng", "linguistic"); aModuleHashMap.put("sfx", "sfx2"); aModuleHashMap.put("sm", "starmath"); // it could the that the parameter looks like "fwk,fwl". This results in double "famework,framework". // The following loop correct this to only one "framework" final Set keys = aModuleHashMap.keySet(); final Iterator iterator = keys.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final String key = (String) iterator.next(); final String value = (String) aModuleHashMap.get(key); module = module.replaceAll(key, value); final int count = module.split(value).length; if (count > 2) { for (int i = 2; i < count; i++) { module.replaceFirst("," + value, ""); } } } return module; } private boolean verifyOutput(String output) { log.println("verify output..."); boolean ok = false; final String[] outs = output.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < outs.length; i++) { final String line = outs[i]; if (line.matches("[0-9]+? of [0-9]+? tests failed")) { log.println("mached line: " + line); if (line.matches("0 of [0-9]+? tests failed")) { ok = true; log.println("Module passed OK"); } else { log.println("Module passed FAILED"); } } } if (!ok) { log.println("ERROR: could not find '0 of [0-9]+? tests failed' in output"); } return ok; } private String[] getModulesFromSourceRoot() { log.println("**** run module tests over all modules ****"); log.println("search for qa/unoapi foldres in all modules based in "); log.println("'" + mSRC_ROOT + "'"); final ArrayList moduleNames = new ArrayList(); final File sourceRoot = new File(mSRC_ROOT); final File[] sourceTree = sourceRoot.listFiles(); // assure("Could not find any files in SOURCE_ROOT=" + mSRC_ROOT, sourceTree != null, false); for (int i = 0; i < sourceTree.length; i++) { final File moduleName = sourceTree[i]; String sModuleName = moduleName.getName(); // (String)moduleNames.get(i); if (doesQaUnoApiFolderExist(mSRC_ROOT, sModuleName)) { // addIfQaUnoApiFolderExist(moduleName, moduleNames); moduleNames.add(sModuleName); } } final String[] names = (String[]) moduleNames.toArray(new String[0]); return names; } /** * This function generates a list of modules to test and call <CODE>checkModule</CODE> for every module. * <p> * * @param module names to test. This could be * <ul> * <li>a comma separated list of modules like 'sw,sc,sd'</li> * <li>'all' to test all modules </li> * <li>'auto' to check only modules which are added to the ChildWorkSpace</li> * </ul> */ public void module(String module) { String[] checkModules; final ComplexDescGetter desc = new ComplexDescGetter(); DescEntry entry = null; module = module.trim(); /* all: check all modules which contains a qa/unoapi folder auto: check all modules which contains a qa/unoapi folder except the module is not added */ if (module.equals("all")) { checkModules = getAllModuleCommand(); } else if (module.equals("auto")) { checkModules = getCwsModuleCommand(); } else { module = getTranslatedNames(module); checkModules = getDefinedModuleCommand(module); } if (checkModules != null && checkModules.length > 0) { entry = desc.createTestDesc("complex.unoapi.CheckModuleAPI", "complex.unoapi.CheckModuleAPI", checkModules, log); final java_complex complex = new java_complex(); log.println("********** start test *************"); final boolean result = complex.executeTest(param, new DescEntry[] { entry }); log.println("********** end test *************"); assure("CheckModuleAPI.module(" + module + ") PASSED.FAILED", result); } else { log.println("No modules containing qa/unoapi folder found => OK"); state = true; } setUnoApiCwsStatus(state); } private void setUnoApiCwsStatus(boolean status) { if (!param.getBool(PropertyName.NO_CWS_ATTACH)) { final String version = (String) param.get(PropertyName.VERSION); if (version.startsWith("cws_")) { try { // cws version: all added modules must be tested final String cws = version.substring(4, version.length()); final CwsDataExchangeImpl cde = new CwsDataExchangeImpl(cws, param, log); cde.setUnoApiCwsStatus(status); } catch (ParameterNotFoundException ex) { log.println("ERROR: could not wirte status to EIS database: " + ex.toString()); } } } } public String[] getTestMethodNames() { return new String[] { "module(all)" }; } // class _FolderFilter implements FileFilter // { // // private String mFolderName; // // public FolderFilter(String folderName) // { // mFolderName = folderName; // } // // public boolean accept_(File pathname) // { // // boolean found = false; // if (pathname.isDirectory()) // { // if (pathname.getName().equals(mFolderName)) // { // found = true; // } // else if (pathname.getName().equals(mFolderName + ".lnk")) // { // found = true; // } // } // return found; // } // } }