/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sd.hxx" #include "cache/SlsPageCacheManager.hxx" #include "SlsBitmapCache.hxx" #include "view/SlideSorterView.hxx" #include "model/SlideSorterModel.hxx" #include #include #include namespace { /** Collection of data that is stored for all active preview caches. */ class CacheDescriptor { public: ::sd::slidesorter::cache::PageCacheManager::DocumentKey mpDocument; Size maPreviewSize; CacheDescriptor( ::sd::slidesorter::cache::PageCacheManager::DocumentKey pDocument, const Size& rPreviewSize) :mpDocument(pDocument),maPreviewSize(rPreviewSize) {} /// Test for equality with respect to all members. class Equal {public: bool operator() ( const CacheDescriptor& rDescriptor1, const CacheDescriptor& rDescriptor2) const { return rDescriptor1.mpDocument==rDescriptor2.mpDocument && rDescriptor1.maPreviewSize==rDescriptor2.maPreviewSize; } }; /// Hash function that takes all members into account. class Hash {public: size_t operator() (const CacheDescriptor& rDescriptor) const { return (size_t)rDescriptor.mpDocument.get() + rDescriptor.maPreviewSize.Width(); } }; }; /** Collection of data that is stored for the inactive, recently used caches. */ class RecentlyUsedCacheDescriptor { public: ::sd::slidesorter::cache::PageCacheManager::DocumentKey mpDocument; Size maPreviewSize; ::boost::shared_ptr< ::sd::slidesorter::cache::PageCacheManager::Cache> mpCache; RecentlyUsedCacheDescriptor( ::sd::slidesorter::cache::PageCacheManager::DocumentKey pDocument, const Size& rPreviewSize, const ::boost::shared_ptr< ::sd::slidesorter::cache::PageCacheManager::Cache>& rpCache) :mpDocument(pDocument),maPreviewSize(rPreviewSize),mpCache(rpCache) {} }; /** The list of recently used caches is organized as queue. When elements are added the list is shortened to the maximally allowed number of elements by removing the least recently used elements. */ typedef ::std::deque RecentlyUsedQueue; /** Compare the caches by preview size. Those that match the given size come first, then, regardless of the given size, the largest ones before the smaller ones. */ class BestFittingCacheComparer { public: BestFittingCacheComparer (const Size& rPreferredSize) : maPreferredSize(rPreferredSize) {} bool operator()(const ::sd::slidesorter::cache::PageCacheManager::BestFittingPageCaches::value_type& rElement1, const ::sd::slidesorter::cache::PageCacheManager::BestFittingPageCaches::value_type& rElement2) { if (rElement1.first == maPreferredSize) return true; else if (rElement2.first == maPreferredSize) return false; else return (rElement1.first.Width()*rElement1.first.Height() > rElement2.first.Width()*rElement2.first.Height()); } private: Size maPreferredSize; }; } // end of anonymous namespace namespace sd { namespace slidesorter { namespace cache { /** Container for the active caches. */ class PageCacheManager::PageCacheContainer : public ::std::hash_map, CacheDescriptor::Hash, CacheDescriptor::Equal> { public: PageCacheContainer (void) {} /** Compare entries in the cache container with respect to the cache address only. */ class CompareWithCache { public: CompareWithCache(const ::boost::shared_ptr& rpCache) : mpCache(rpCache) {} bool operator () (const PageCacheContainer::value_type& rValue) { return rValue.second == mpCache; } private: ::boost::shared_ptr mpCache; }; }; /** The recently used caches are stored in one queue for each document. */ class PageCacheManager::RecentlyUsedPageCaches : public ::std::map { public: RecentlyUsedPageCaches (void) {}; }; class PageCacheManager::Deleter { public: void operator() (PageCacheManager* pObject) { delete pObject; } }; //===== PageCacheManager ==================================================== ::boost::weak_ptr PageCacheManager::mpInstance; ::boost::shared_ptr PageCacheManager::Instance (void) { ::boost::shared_ptr pInstance; ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard (::osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex()); pInstance = mpInstance.lock(); if (pInstance.get() == NULL) { pInstance = ::boost::shared_ptr( new PageCacheManager(), PageCacheManager::Deleter()); mpInstance = pInstance; } return pInstance; } PageCacheManager::PageCacheManager (void) : mpPageCaches(new PageCacheContainer()), mpRecentlyUsedPageCaches(new RecentlyUsedPageCaches()), mnMaximalRecentlyCacheCount(2) { } PageCacheManager::~PageCacheManager (void) { } ::boost::shared_ptr PageCacheManager::GetCache ( DocumentKey pDocument, const Size& rPreviewSize) { ::boost::shared_ptr pResult; // Look for the cache in the list of active caches. CacheDescriptor aKey (pDocument, rPreviewSize); PageCacheContainer::iterator iCache (mpPageCaches->find(aKey)); if (iCache != mpPageCaches->end()) pResult = iCache->second; // Look for the cache in the list of recently used caches. if (pResult.get() == NULL) pResult = GetRecentlyUsedCache(pDocument, rPreviewSize); // Create the cache when no suitable one does exist. if (pResult.get() == NULL) pResult.reset(new Cache()); // The cache may be newly created and thus empty or is old and may // contain previews that are not up-to-date. Recycle previews from // other caches to fill in the holes. Recycle(pResult, pDocument,rPreviewSize); // Put the new (or old) cache into the container. if (pResult.get() != NULL) mpPageCaches->insert(PageCacheContainer::value_type(aKey, pResult)); return pResult; } void PageCacheManager::Recycle ( const ::boost::shared_ptr& rpCache, DocumentKey pDocument, const Size& rPreviewSize) { BestFittingPageCaches aCaches; // Add bitmap caches from active caches. PageCacheContainer::iterator iActiveCache; for (iActiveCache=mpPageCaches->begin(); iActiveCache!=mpPageCaches->end(); ++iActiveCache) { if (iActiveCache->first.mpDocument == pDocument) aCaches.push_back(BestFittingPageCaches::value_type( iActiveCache->first.maPreviewSize, iActiveCache->second)); } // Add bitmap caches from recently used caches. RecentlyUsedPageCaches::iterator iQueue (mpRecentlyUsedPageCaches->find(pDocument)); if (iQueue != mpRecentlyUsedPageCaches->end()) { RecentlyUsedQueue::const_iterator iRecentCache; for (iRecentCache=iQueue->second.begin();iRecentCache!=iQueue->second.end();++iRecentCache) aCaches.push_back(BestFittingPageCaches::value_type( iRecentCache->maPreviewSize, iRecentCache->mpCache)); } ::std::sort(aCaches.begin(), aCaches.end(), BestFittingCacheComparer(rPreviewSize)); BestFittingPageCaches::const_iterator iBestCache; for (iBestCache=aCaches.begin(); iBestCache!=aCaches.end(); ++iBestCache) { rpCache->Recycle(*iBestCache->second); } } void PageCacheManager::ReleaseCache (const ::boost::shared_ptr& rpCache) { PageCacheContainer::iterator iCache (::std::find_if( mpPageCaches->begin(), mpPageCaches->end(), PageCacheContainer::CompareWithCache(rpCache))); if (iCache != mpPageCaches->end()) { OSL_ASSERT(iCache->second == rpCache); PutRecentlyUsedCache(iCache->first.mpDocument,iCache->first.maPreviewSize,rpCache); mpPageCaches->erase(iCache); } } ::boost::shared_ptr PageCacheManager::ChangeSize ( const ::boost::shared_ptr& rpCache, const Size& rOldPreviewSize, const Size& rNewPreviewSize) { (void)rOldPreviewSize; ::boost::shared_ptr pResult; if (rpCache.get() != NULL) { // Look up the given cache in the list of active caches. PageCacheContainer::iterator iCacheToChange (::std::find_if( mpPageCaches->begin(), mpPageCaches->end(), PageCacheContainer::CompareWithCache(rpCache))); if (iCacheToChange != mpPageCaches->end()) { OSL_ASSERT(iCacheToChange->second == rpCache); // Now, we can change the preview size of the existing one by // removing the cache from the list and re-insert it with the // updated size. const ::sd::slidesorter::cache::PageCacheManager::DocumentKey aKey ( iCacheToChange->first.mpDocument); mpPageCaches->erase(iCacheToChange); mpPageCaches->insert(PageCacheContainer::value_type( CacheDescriptor(aKey,rNewPreviewSize), rpCache)); pResult = rpCache; } else { OSL_ASSERT(iCacheToChange != mpPageCaches->end()); } } return pResult; } bool PageCacheManager::InvalidatePreviewBitmap ( DocumentKey pDocument, const SdrPage* pKey) { bool bHasChanged (false); if (pDocument!=NULL) { // Iterate over all caches that are currently in use and invalidate // the previews in those that belong to the document. PageCacheContainer::iterator iCache; for (iCache=mpPageCaches->begin(); iCache!=mpPageCaches->end(); ++iCache) if (iCache->first.mpDocument == pDocument) bHasChanged |= iCache->second->InvalidateBitmap(pKey); // Invalidate the previews in the recently used caches belonging to // the given document. RecentlyUsedPageCaches::iterator iQueue (mpRecentlyUsedPageCaches->find(pDocument)); if (iQueue != mpRecentlyUsedPageCaches->end()) { RecentlyUsedQueue::const_iterator iCache2; for (iCache2=iQueue->second.begin(); iCache2!=iQueue->second.end(); ++iCache2) bHasChanged |= iCache2->mpCache->InvalidateBitmap(pKey); } } return bHasChanged; } void PageCacheManager::InvalidateAllPreviewBitmaps (DocumentKey pDocument) { if (pDocument == NULL) return; // Iterate over all caches that are currently in use and invalidate the // previews in those that belong to the document. PageCacheContainer::iterator iCache; for (iCache=mpPageCaches->begin(); iCache!=mpPageCaches->end(); ++iCache) if (iCache->first.mpDocument == pDocument) iCache->second->InvalidateCache(); // Invalidate the previews in the recently used caches belonging to the // given document. RecentlyUsedPageCaches::iterator iQueue (mpRecentlyUsedPageCaches->find(pDocument)); if (iQueue != mpRecentlyUsedPageCaches->end()) { RecentlyUsedQueue::const_iterator iCache2; for (iCache2=iQueue->second.begin(); iCache2!=iQueue->second.end(); ++iCache2) iCache2->mpCache->InvalidateCache(); } } void PageCacheManager::InvalidateAllCaches (void) { // Iterate over all caches that are currently in use and invalidate // them. PageCacheContainer::iterator iCache; for (iCache=mpPageCaches->begin(); iCache!=mpPageCaches->end(); ++iCache) iCache->second->InvalidateCache(); // Remove all recently used caches, there is not much sense in storing // invalidated and unused caches. mpRecentlyUsedPageCaches->clear(); } void PageCacheManager::ReleasePreviewBitmap (const SdrPage* pPage) { PageCacheContainer::iterator iCache; for (iCache=mpPageCaches->begin(); iCache!=mpPageCaches->end(); ++iCache) iCache->second->ReleaseBitmap(pPage); } ::boost::shared_ptr PageCacheManager::GetRecentlyUsedCache ( DocumentKey pDocument, const Size& rPreviewSize) { ::boost::shared_ptr pCache; // Look for the cache in the list of recently used caches. RecentlyUsedPageCaches::iterator iQueue (mpRecentlyUsedPageCaches->find(pDocument)); if (iQueue != mpRecentlyUsedPageCaches->end()) { RecentlyUsedQueue::iterator iCache; for (iCache=iQueue->second.begin(); iCache!= iQueue->second.end(); ++iCache) if (iCache->maPreviewSize == rPreviewSize) { pCache = iCache->mpCache; iQueue->second.erase(iCache); break; } } return pCache; } void PageCacheManager::PutRecentlyUsedCache( DocumentKey pDocument, const Size& rPreviewSize, const ::boost::shared_ptr& rpCache) { // Look up the list of recently used caches for the given document. RecentlyUsedPageCaches::iterator iQueue (mpRecentlyUsedPageCaches->find(pDocument)); if (iQueue == mpRecentlyUsedPageCaches->end()) iQueue = mpRecentlyUsedPageCaches->insert( RecentlyUsedPageCaches::value_type(pDocument, RecentlyUsedQueue()) ).first; if (iQueue != mpRecentlyUsedPageCaches->end()) { iQueue->second.push_front(RecentlyUsedCacheDescriptor(pDocument,rPreviewSize,rpCache)); // Shorten the list of recently used caches to the allowed maximal length. while (iQueue->second.size() > mnMaximalRecentlyCacheCount) iQueue->second.pop_back(); } } } } } // end of namespace ::sd::slidesorter::cache