/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push, 1) /* disable warnings within system headers */ #endif #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif #include #include "register.hxx" #include "msihelper.hxx" #include #include #define ELEMENTS_OF_ARRAY(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])) void DetermineWordPreselectionState(MSIHANDLE handle) { if (query_preselect_registration_for_ms_application(handle, MSWORD)) SetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("SELECT_WORD")); } void DetermineExcelPreselectionState(MSIHANDLE handle) { if (query_preselect_registration_for_ms_application(handle, MSEXCEL)) SetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("SELECT_EXCEL")); } void DeterminePowerPointPreselectionState(MSIHANDLE handle) { if (query_preselect_registration_for_ms_application(handle, MSPOWERPOINT)) SetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("SELECT_POWERPOINT")); } extern "C" UINT __stdcall InstallUiSequenceEntry(MSIHANDLE handle) { //MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("InstallUiSequenceEntry"), TEXT("Information"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); if (IsModuleSelectedForInstallation(handle, TEXT("gm_p_Wrt_Bin"))) { DetermineWordPreselectionState(handle); } else if (IsModuleInstalled(handle, TEXT("gm_p_Wrt_Bin")) && !IsModuleSelectedForDeinstallation(handle, TEXT("gm_p_Wrt_Bin")) && IsRegisteredFor(handle, MSWORD)) { SetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("SELECT_WORD")); } else { UnsetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("SELECT_WORD")); } if (IsModuleSelectedForInstallation(handle, TEXT("gm_p_Calc_Bin"))) { DetermineExcelPreselectionState(handle); } else if (IsModuleInstalled(handle, TEXT("gm_p_Calc_Bin")) && !IsModuleSelectedForDeinstallation(handle, TEXT("gm_p_Calc_Bin")) && IsRegisteredFor(handle, MSEXCEL)) { SetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("SELECT_EXCEL")); } else { UnsetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("SELECT_EXCEL")); } if (IsModuleSelectedForInstallation(handle, TEXT("gm_p_Impress_Bin"))) { DeterminePowerPointPreselectionState(handle); } else if (IsModuleInstalled(handle, TEXT("gm_p_Impress_Bin")) && !IsModuleSelectedForDeinstallation(handle, TEXT("gm_p_Impress_Bin")) && IsRegisteredFor(handle, MSPOWERPOINT)) { SetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("SELECT_POWERPOINT")); } else { UnsetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("SELECT_POWERPOINT")); } SetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("UI_SEQUENCE_EXECUTED")); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } extern "C" UINT __stdcall InstallExecSequenceEntry(MSIHANDLE handle) { //MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("InstallExecSequenceEntry"), TEXT("Information"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); // Do nothing in repair mode. // Then UI_SEQUENCE_EXECUTED is not set and Installed is set! // In silent installation UI_SEQUENCE_EXECUTED is also not set, but Installed is not set. if ((!IsSetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("UI_SEQUENCE_EXECUTED"))) && (IsMsiPropNotEmpty(handle, TEXT("Installed")))) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } int reg4 = 0; int unreg4 = 0; // we always register as html editor for Internet Explorer // if writer is installed because there's no harm if we do so if (IsModuleSelectedForInstallation(handle, TEXT("gm_p_Wrt_Bin"))) reg4 |= HTML_EDITOR; if (IsSetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("SELECT_WORD")) && !IsRegisteredFor(handle, MSWORD)) reg4 |= MSWORD; else if (!IsSetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("SELECT_WORD")) && IsRegisteredFor(handle, MSWORD)) unreg4 |= MSWORD; if (IsSetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("SELECT_EXCEL")) && !IsRegisteredFor(handle, MSEXCEL)) reg4 |= MSEXCEL; else if (!IsSetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("SELECT_EXCEL")) && IsRegisteredFor(handle, MSEXCEL)) unreg4 |= MSEXCEL; if (IsSetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("SELECT_POWERPOINT")) && !IsRegisteredFor(handle, MSPOWERPOINT)) reg4 |= MSPOWERPOINT; else if (!IsSetMsiProp(handle, TEXT("SELECT_POWERPOINT")) && IsRegisteredFor(handle, MSPOWERPOINT)) unreg4 |= MSPOWERPOINT; if (reg4) { Register4MsDoc(handle, reg4); } if (unreg4) { Unregister4MsDoc(handle, unreg4); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } extern "C" UINT __stdcall DeinstallExecSequenceEntry(MSIHANDLE handle) { //MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("DeinstallExecSequenceEntry"), TEXT("Information"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); if (IsCompleteDeinstallation(handle)) { Unregister4MsDocAll(handle); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } if (IsModuleSelectedForDeinstallation(handle, TEXT("gm_p_Wrt_Bin"))) { Unregister4MsDoc(handle, MSWORD | HTML_EDITOR); } if (IsModuleSelectedForDeinstallation(handle, TEXT("gm_p_Calc_Bin"))) { Unregister4MsDoc(handle, MSEXCEL); } if (IsModuleSelectedForDeinstallation(handle, TEXT("gm_p_Impress_Bin"))) { Unregister4MsDoc(handle, MSPOWERPOINT); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }