 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_store.hxx"

#include "store/store.h"

#include <sal/types.h>
#include <rtl/memory.h>
#include <rtl/string.hxx>
#include <rtl/ref.hxx>

#include "object.hxx"
#include "lockbyte.hxx"

#include "storbase.hxx"
#include "storpage.hxx"
#include "stordir.hxx"
#include "storlckb.hxx"

using rtl::Reference;
using rtl::OString;

namespace store
/** Template helper class as type safe Reference to store_handle_type.
template<class store_handle_type>
class OStoreHandle : public rtl::Reference<store_handle_type>
	OStoreHandle (store_handle_type * pHandle)
		: rtl::Reference<store_handle_type> (pHandle)

	static store_handle_type * SAL_CALL query (void * pHandle)
		return store::query (

using namespace store;

 * storeHandle implementation.
 * store_acquireHandle.
storeError SAL_CALL store_acquireHandle (
	storeHandle Handle
	IStoreHandle *pHandle = static_cast<IStoreHandle*>(Handle);
	if (!pHandle)
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	return store_E_None;

 * store_releaseHandle.
storeError SAL_CALL store_releaseHandle (
	storeHandle Handle
	IStoreHandle *pHandle = static_cast<IStoreHandle*>(Handle);
	if (!pHandle)
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	return store_E_None;

 * storeFileHandle implementation.
 * store_createMemoryFile.
storeError SAL_CALL store_createMemoryFile (
	sal_uInt16       nPageSize,
	storeFileHandle *phFile
	if (!phFile)
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;
	*phFile = NULL;

	Reference<ILockBytes> xLockBytes;

	storeError eErrCode = MemoryLockBytes_createInstance(xLockBytes);
	if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
		return eErrCode;

	Reference<OStorePageManager> xManager (new OStorePageManager());
	if (!xManager.is())
		return store_E_OutOfMemory;

	eErrCode = xManager->initialize (
		&*xLockBytes, store_AccessCreate, nPageSize);
	if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
		return eErrCode;


	*phFile = (storeFileHandle)&(*xManager);
	return store_E_None;

 * store_openFile.
storeError SAL_CALL store_openFile (
	rtl_uString     *pFilename,
	storeAccessMode  eAccessMode,
	sal_uInt16       nPageSize,
	storeFileHandle *phFile
	if (phFile)
		*phFile = NULL;

	if (!(pFilename && phFile))
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	Reference<ILockBytes> xLockBytes;

	storeError eErrCode = FileLockBytes_createInstance (xLockBytes, pFilename, eAccessMode);
	if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
		return eErrCode;

	Reference<OStorePageManager> xManager (new OStorePageManager());
	if (!xManager.is())
		return store_E_OutOfMemory;

	eErrCode = xManager->initialize (
		&*xLockBytes, eAccessMode, nPageSize);
	if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
		return eErrCode;


	*phFile = (storeFileHandle)&(*xManager);
	return store_E_None;

 * store_closeFile.
storeError SAL_CALL store_closeFile (
	storeFileHandle Handle
	OStorePageManager *pManager =
		OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager>::query (Handle);
	if (!pManager)
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	storeError eErrCode = pManager->close();
	return eErrCode;

 * store_flushFile.
storeError SAL_CALL store_flushFile (
	storeFileHandle Handle
	OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager> xManager (
		OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager>::query (Handle));
	if (!xManager.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	return xManager->flush();

 * store_getFileRefererCount.
storeError SAL_CALL store_getFileRefererCount (
	storeFileHandle  Handle,
	sal_uInt32      *pnRefCount
	OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager> xManager (
		OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager>::query (Handle));
	if (!xManager.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	if (!pnRefCount)
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	*pnRefCount = xManager->getRefererCount();
	return store_E_None;

 * store_getFileSize.
storeError SAL_CALL store_getFileSize (
	storeFileHandle  Handle,
	sal_uInt32      *pnSize
	OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager> xManager (
		OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager>::query (Handle));
	if (!xManager.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	if (!pnSize)
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	return xManager->size (*pnSize);

 * store_rebuildFile.
storeError SAL_CALL store_rebuildFile (
	rtl_uString *pSrcFilename,
	rtl_uString *pDstFilename
	storeError eErrCode = store_E_None;

	if (!(pSrcFilename && pDstFilename))
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	Reference<OStorePageManager> xManager (new OStorePageManager());
	if (!xManager.is())
		return store_E_OutOfMemory;

	Reference<ILockBytes> xSrcLB;
	eErrCode = FileLockBytes_createInstance (xSrcLB, pSrcFilename, store_AccessReadOnly);
	if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
		return eErrCode;

	Reference<ILockBytes> xDstLB;
	eErrCode = FileLockBytes_createInstance (xDstLB, pDstFilename, store_AccessCreate);
	if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
		return eErrCode;

	return xManager->rebuild (&*xSrcLB, &*xDstLB);

 * storeDirectoryHandle implementation.
 * store_openDirectory.
storeError SAL_CALL store_openDirectory (
	storeFileHandle       hFile,
	rtl_uString          *pPath,
	rtl_uString          *pName,
	storeAccessMode       eAccessMode,
	storeDirectoryHandle *phDirectory
	storeError eErrCode = store_E_None;
	if (phDirectory)
		*phDirectory = NULL;

	OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager> xManager (
		OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager>::query (hFile));
	if (!xManager.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	if (!(pPath && pName && phDirectory))
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	Reference<OStoreDirectory_Impl> xDirectory (new OStoreDirectory_Impl());
	if (!xDirectory.is())
		return store_E_OutOfMemory;

	OString aPath (pPath->buffer, pPath->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OString aName (pName->buffer, pName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);

	eErrCode = xDirectory->create (&*xManager, aPath.pData, aName.pData, eAccessMode);
	if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
		return eErrCode;


	*phDirectory = (storeDirectoryHandle)&(*xDirectory);
	return store_E_None;

 * store_closeDirectory.
storeError SAL_CALL store_closeDirectory (
	storeDirectoryHandle Handle
	OStoreDirectory_Impl *pDirectory =
		OStoreHandle<OStoreDirectory_Impl>::query (Handle);
	if (!pDirectory)
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	return store_E_None;

 * store_findFirst.
storeError SAL_CALL store_findFirst (
	storeDirectoryHandle  Handle,
	storeFindData        *pFindData
	OStoreHandle<OStoreDirectory_Impl> xDirectory (
		OStoreHandle<OStoreDirectory_Impl>::query (Handle));
	if (!xDirectory.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	if (!pFindData)
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	// Initialize FindData.
	rtl_zeroMemory (pFindData, sizeof (storeFindData));

	// Find first.
	pFindData->m_nReserved = (sal_uInt32)(~0);
	return xDirectory->iterate (*pFindData);

 * store_findNext.
storeError SAL_CALL store_findNext (
	storeDirectoryHandle  Handle,
	storeFindData        *pFindData
	OStoreHandle<OStoreDirectory_Impl> xDirectory (
		OStoreHandle<OStoreDirectory_Impl>::query (Handle));
	if (!xDirectory.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	if (!pFindData)
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	// Check FindData.
	if (!pFindData->m_nReserved)
		return store_E_NoMoreFiles;

	// Find next.
	pFindData->m_nReserved -= 1;
	return xDirectory->iterate (*pFindData);

 * storeStreamHandle implementation.
 * store_openStream
storeError SAL_CALL store_openStream (
	storeFileHandle    hFile,
	rtl_uString       *pPath,
	rtl_uString       *pName,
	storeAccessMode    eAccessMode,
	storeStreamHandle *phStream
	storeError eErrCode = store_E_None;
	if (phStream)
		*phStream = NULL;

	OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager> xManager (
		OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager>::query (hFile));
	if (!xManager.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	if (!(pPath && pName && phStream))
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	Reference<OStoreLockBytes> xLockBytes (new OStoreLockBytes());
	if (!xLockBytes.is())
		return store_E_OutOfMemory;

	OString aPath (pPath->buffer, pPath->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OString aName (pName->buffer, pName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);

	eErrCode = xLockBytes->create (&*xManager, aPath.pData, aName.pData, eAccessMode);
	if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
		return eErrCode;


	*phStream = (storeStreamHandle)&(*xLockBytes);
	return store_E_None;

 * store_closeStream.
storeError SAL_CALL store_closeStream (
	storeStreamHandle Handle
	OStoreLockBytes *pLockBytes =
		OStoreHandle<OStoreLockBytes>::query (Handle);
	if (!pLockBytes)
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	return store_E_None;

 * store_readStream.
storeError SAL_CALL store_readStream (
	storeStreamHandle  Handle,
	sal_uInt32         nOffset,
	void              *pBuffer,
	sal_uInt32         nBytes,
	sal_uInt32        *pnDone
	OStoreHandle<OStoreLockBytes> xLockBytes (
		OStoreHandle<OStoreLockBytes>::query (Handle));
	if (!xLockBytes.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	if (!(pBuffer && pnDone))
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	return xLockBytes->readAt (nOffset, pBuffer, nBytes, *pnDone);

 * store_writeStream.
storeError SAL_CALL store_writeStream (
	storeStreamHandle  Handle,
	sal_uInt32         nOffset,
	const void        *pBuffer,
	sal_uInt32         nBytes,
	sal_uInt32        *pnDone
	OStoreHandle<OStoreLockBytes> xLockBytes (
		OStoreHandle<OStoreLockBytes>::query (Handle));
	if (!xLockBytes.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	if (!(pBuffer && pnDone))
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	return xLockBytes->writeAt (nOffset, pBuffer, nBytes, *pnDone);

 * store_flushStream.
storeError SAL_CALL store_flushStream (
	storeStreamHandle Handle
	OStoreHandle<OStoreLockBytes> xLockBytes (
		OStoreHandle<OStoreLockBytes>::query (Handle));
	if (!xLockBytes.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	return xLockBytes->flush();

 * store_getStreamSize.
storeError SAL_CALL store_getStreamSize (
	storeStreamHandle  Handle,
	sal_uInt32        *pnSize
	OStoreHandle<OStoreLockBytes> xLockBytes (
		OStoreHandle<OStoreLockBytes>::query (Handle));
	if (!xLockBytes.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	if (!pnSize)
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	return xLockBytes->stat (*pnSize);

 * store_setStreamSize.
storeError SAL_CALL store_setStreamSize (
	storeStreamHandle Handle,
	sal_uInt32        nSize
	OStoreHandle<OStoreLockBytes> xLockBytes (
		OStoreHandle<OStoreLockBytes>::query (Handle));
	if (!xLockBytes.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	return xLockBytes->setSize (nSize);

 * Common storeDirectoryHandle and storeStreamHandle operations.
 * store_attrib.
storeError SAL_CALL store_attrib (
	storeFileHandle Handle,
	rtl_uString    *pPath,
	rtl_uString    *pName,
	sal_uInt32      nMask1,
	sal_uInt32      nMask2,
	sal_uInt32     *pnAttrib
	storeError eErrCode = store_E_None;
	if (pnAttrib)
		*pnAttrib = 0;

	OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager> xManager (
		OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager>::query (Handle));
	if (!xManager.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	if (!(pPath && pName))
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	// Setup page key.
	OString aPath (pPath->buffer, pPath->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OString aName (pName->buffer, pName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OStorePageKey aKey;

	eErrCode = OStorePageManager::namei (aPath.pData, aName.pData, aKey);
	if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
		return eErrCode;

	// Obtain or modify page attributes.
	sal_uInt32 nAttrib = 0;
	eErrCode = xManager->attrib (aKey, nMask1, nMask2, nAttrib);
	if (pnAttrib)
		*pnAttrib = nAttrib;
	return eErrCode;

 * store_link.
storeError SAL_CALL store_link (
	storeFileHandle Handle,
	rtl_uString *pSrcPath, rtl_uString *pSrcName,
	rtl_uString *pDstPath, rtl_uString *pDstName
	storeError eErrCode = store_E_None;

	OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager> xManager (
		OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager>::query (Handle));
	if (!xManager.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	if (!(pSrcPath && pSrcName))
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;
	if (!(pDstPath && pDstName))
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	// Setup 'Source' page key.
	OString aSrcPath (
		pSrcPath->buffer, pSrcPath->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OString aSrcName (
		pSrcName->buffer, pSrcName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OStorePageKey aSrcKey;

	eErrCode = OStorePageManager::namei (
		aSrcPath.pData, aSrcName.pData, aSrcKey);
	if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
		return eErrCode;

	// Setup 'Destination' page key.
	OString aDstPath (
		pDstPath->buffer, pDstPath->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OString aDstName (
		pDstName->buffer, pDstName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OStorePageKey aDstKey;

	eErrCode = OStorePageManager::namei (
		aDstPath.pData, aDstName.pData, aDstKey);
	if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
		return eErrCode;

	// Link 'Source' hard to 'Destination'.
	return xManager->link (aSrcKey, aDstKey);

 * store_symlink.
storeError SAL_CALL store_symlink (
	storeFileHandle Handle,
	rtl_uString *pSrcPath, rtl_uString *pSrcName,
	rtl_uString *pDstPath, rtl_uString *pDstName
	storeError eErrCode = store_E_None;

	OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager> xManager (
		OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager>::query (Handle));
	if (!xManager.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	if (!(pSrcPath && pSrcName))
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	if (!(pDstPath && pDstName))
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	// Setup 'Destination' page key.
	OString aDstPath (
		pDstPath->buffer, pDstPath->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OString aDstName (
		pDstName->buffer, pDstName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OStorePageKey aDstKey;

	eErrCode = OStorePageManager::namei (
		aDstPath.pData, aDstName.pData, aDstKey);
	if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
		return eErrCode;

	// Insert 'Source' as symlink to 'Destination'.
	OString aSrcPath (
		pSrcPath->buffer, pSrcPath->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OString aSrcName (
		pSrcName->buffer, pSrcName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);

	return xManager->symlink (aSrcPath.pData, aSrcName.pData, aDstKey);

 * store_rename.
storeError SAL_CALL store_rename (
	storeFileHandle Handle,
	rtl_uString *pSrcPath, rtl_uString *pSrcName,
	rtl_uString *pDstPath, rtl_uString *pDstName
	storeError eErrCode = store_E_None;

	OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager> xManager (
		OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager>::query (Handle));
	if (!xManager.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	if (!(pSrcPath && pSrcName))
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	if (!(pDstPath && pDstName))
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	// Setup 'Source' page key.
	OString aSrcPath (
		pSrcPath->buffer, pSrcPath->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OString aSrcName (
		pSrcName->buffer, pSrcName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OStorePageKey aSrcKey;

	eErrCode = OStorePageManager::namei (
		aSrcPath.pData, aSrcName.pData, aSrcKey);
	if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
		return eErrCode;

	// Rename 'Source' into 'Destination'.
	OString aDstPath (
		pDstPath->buffer, pDstPath->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OString aDstName (
		pDstName->buffer, pDstName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);

	return xManager->rename (aSrcKey, aDstPath.pData, aDstName.pData);

 * store_remove.
storeError SAL_CALL store_remove (
	storeFileHandle Handle,
	rtl_uString    *pPath,
	rtl_uString    *pName
	storeError eErrCode = store_E_None;

	OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager> xManager (
		OStoreHandle<OStorePageManager>::query (Handle));
	if (!xManager.is())
		return store_E_InvalidHandle;

	if (!(pPath && pName))
		return store_E_InvalidParameter;

	// Setup page key.
	OString aPath (pPath->buffer, pPath->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OString aName (pName->buffer, pName->length, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
	OStorePageKey aKey;

	eErrCode = OStorePageManager::namei (aPath.pData, aName.pData, aKey);
	if (eErrCode != store_E_None)
		return eErrCode;

	// Remove.
	return xManager->remove (aKey);