/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_svtools.hxx" #include <svtools/syntaxhighlight.hxx> #include <unotools/charclass.hxx> #include <tools/debug.hxx> // ########################################################################## // ATTENTION: all these words needs to be in small caps // ########################################################################## static const char* strListBasicKeyWords[] = { "access", "alias", "and", "any", "append", "as", "base", "binary", "boolean", "byref", "byte", "byval", "call", "case", "cdecl", "classmodule", "close", "compare", "compatible", "const", "currency", "date", "declare", "defbool", "defcur", "defdate", "defdbl", "deferr", "defint", "deflng", "defobj", "defsng", "defstr", "defvar", "dim", "do", "double", "each", "else", "elseif", "end", "end enum", "end function", "end if", "end select", "end sub", "end type", "endif", "enum", "eqv", "erase", "error", "exit", "explicit", "for", "function", "get", "global", "gosub", "goto", "if", "imp", "implements", "in", "input", "integer", "is", "let", "lib", "like", "line", "line input", "local", "lock", "long", "loop", "lprint", "lset", "mod", "name", "new", "next", "not", "object", "on", "open", "option", "optional", "or", "output", "preserve", "print", "private", "property", "public", "random", "read", "redim", "rem", "resume", "return", "rset", "select", "set", "shared", "single", "static", "step", "stop", "string", "sub", "system", "text", "then", "to", "type", "typeof", "until", "variant", "wend", "while", "with", "write", "xor" }; static const char* strListSqlKeyWords[] = { "all", "and", "any", "as", "asc", "avg", "between", "by", "cast", "corresponding", "count", "create", "cross", "delete", "desc", "distinct", "drop", "escape", "except", "exists", "false", "from", "full", "global", "group", "having", "in", "inner", "insert", "intersect", "into", "is", "join", "left", "like", "local", "match", "max", "min", "natural", "not", "null", "on", "or", "order", "outer", "right", "select", "set", "some", "sum", "table", "temporary", "true", "union", "unique", "unknown", "update", "using", "values", "where" }; extern "C" int CDECL compare_strings( const void *arg1, const void *arg2 ) { return strcmp( (char *)arg1, *(char **)arg2 ); } class LetterTable { bool IsLetterTab[256]; public: LetterTable( void ); inline bool isLetter( sal_Unicode c ) { bool bRet = (c < 256) ? IsLetterTab[c] : isLetterUnicode( c ); return bRet; } bool isLetterUnicode( sal_Unicode c ); }; class BasicSimpleCharClass { static LetterTable aLetterTable; public: static sal_Bool isAlpha( sal_Unicode c, bool bCompatible ) { sal_Bool bRet = (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (bCompatible && aLetterTable.isLetter( c )); return bRet; } static sal_Bool isDigit( sal_Unicode c ) { sal_Bool bRet = (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); return bRet; } static sal_Bool isAlphaNumeric( sal_Unicode c, bool bCompatible ) { sal_Bool bRet = isDigit( c ) || isAlpha( c, bCompatible ); return bRet; } }; LetterTable BasicSimpleCharClass::aLetterTable; LetterTable::LetterTable( void ) { for( int i = 0 ; i < 256 ; ++i ) IsLetterTab[i] = false; IsLetterTab[0xC0] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xC1] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xC2] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xC3] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE IsLetterTab[0xC4] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xC5] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE IsLetterTab[0xC6] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LIGATURE AE IsLetterTab[0xC7] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA IsLetterTab[0xC8] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xC9] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xCA] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xCB] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xCC] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xCD] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xCE] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xCF] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xD0] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER ETH IsLetterTab[0xD1] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE IsLetterTab[0xD2] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xD3] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xD4] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xD5] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE IsLetterTab[0xD6] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xD8] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE IsLetterTab[0xD9] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xDA] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xDB] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xDC] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xDD] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xDE] = true; // ?, CAPITAL LETTER THORN IsLetterTab[0xDF] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER SHARP S IsLetterTab[0xE0] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xE1] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xE2] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xE3] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE IsLetterTab[0xE4] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xE5] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE IsLetterTab[0xE6] = true; // ?, SMALL LIGATURE AE IsLetterTab[0xE7] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA IsLetterTab[0xE8] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xE9] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xEA] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xEB] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xEC] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xED] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xEE] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xEF] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xF0] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER ETH IsLetterTab[0xF1] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE IsLetterTab[0xF2] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xF3] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xF4] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xF5] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE IsLetterTab[0xF6] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xF8] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER O WITH OBLIQUE BAR IsLetterTab[0xF9] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xFA] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xFB] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xFC] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS IsLetterTab[0xFD] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE ACCENT IsLetterTab[0xFE] = true; // ?, SMALL LETTER THORN IsLetterTab[0xFF] = true; // � , SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS } bool LetterTable::isLetterUnicode( sal_Unicode c ) { static CharClass* pCharClass = NULL; if( pCharClass == NULL ) pCharClass = new CharClass( Application::GetSettings().GetLocale() ); String aStr( c ); bool bRet = pCharClass->isLetter( aStr, 0 ); return bRet; } // Hilfsfunktion: Zeichen-Flag Testen sal_Bool SimpleTokenizer_Impl::testCharFlags( sal_Unicode c, sal_uInt16 nTestFlags ) { bool bRet = false; if( c != 0 && c <= 255 ) { bRet = ( (aCharTypeTab[c] & nTestFlags) != 0 ); } else if( c > 255 ) { bRet = (( CHAR_START_IDENTIFIER | CHAR_IN_IDENTIFIER ) & nTestFlags) != 0 ? BasicSimpleCharClass::isAlpha( c, true ) : false; } return bRet; } void SimpleTokenizer_Impl::setKeyWords( const char** ppKeyWords, sal_uInt16 nCount ) { ppListKeyWords = ppKeyWords; nKeyWordCount = nCount; } // Neues Token holen sal_Bool SimpleTokenizer_Impl::getNextToken( /*out*/TokenTypes& reType, /*out*/const sal_Unicode*& rpStartPos, /*out*/const sal_Unicode*& rpEndPos ) { reType = TT_UNKNOWN; // Position merken rpStartPos = mpActualPos; // Zeichen untersuchen sal_Unicode c = peekChar(); if( c == CHAR_EOF ) return sal_False; // Zeichen lesen getChar(); //*** Alle Moeglichkeiten durchgehen *** // Space? if ( (testCharFlags( c, CHAR_SPACE ) == sal_True) ) { while( testCharFlags( peekChar(), CHAR_SPACE ) == sal_True ) getChar(); reType = TT_WHITESPACE; } // Identifier? else if ( (testCharFlags( c, CHAR_START_IDENTIFIER ) == sal_True) ) { sal_Bool bIdentifierChar; do { // Naechstes Zeichen holen c = peekChar(); bIdentifierChar = testCharFlags( c, CHAR_IN_IDENTIFIER ); if( bIdentifierChar ) getChar(); } while( bIdentifierChar ); reType = TT_IDENTIFIER; // Schluesselwort-Tabelle if (ppListKeyWords != NULL) { int nCount = mpActualPos - rpStartPos; // No keyword if string contains char > 255 bool bCanBeKeyword = true; for( int i = 0 ; i < nCount ; i++ ) { if( rpStartPos[i] > 255 ) { bCanBeKeyword = false; break; } } if( bCanBeKeyword ) { String aKWString(rpStartPos, sal::static_int_cast< xub_StrLen >(nCount) ); ByteString aByteStr( aKWString, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); aByteStr.ToLowerAscii(); if ( bsearch( aByteStr.GetBuffer(), ppListKeyWords, nKeyWordCount, sizeof( char* ), compare_strings ) ) { reType = TT_KEYWORDS; if ( aByteStr.Equals( "rem" ) ) { // Alle Zeichen bis Zeilen-Ende oder EOF entfernen sal_Unicode cPeek = peekChar(); while( cPeek != CHAR_EOF && testCharFlags( cPeek, CHAR_EOL ) == sal_False ) { c = getChar(); cPeek = peekChar(); } reType = TT_COMMENT; } } } } } // Operator? // only for BASIC '\'' should be a comment, otherwise it is a normal string and handled there else if ( ( testCharFlags( c, CHAR_OPERATOR ) == sal_True ) || ( (c == '\'') && (aLanguage==HIGHLIGHT_BASIC)) ) { // paramters for SQL view if ( (c==':') || (c=='?')) { if (c!='?') { sal_Bool bIdentifierChar; do { // Naechstes Zeichen holen c = peekChar(); bIdentifierChar = BasicSimpleCharClass::isAlpha( c, true ); if( bIdentifierChar ) getChar(); } while( bIdentifierChar ); } reType = TT_PARAMETER; } else if( c=='-' ) { sal_Unicode cPeekNext = peekChar(); if (cPeekNext=='-') { // Alle Zeichen bis Zeilen-Ende oder EOF entfernen while( cPeekNext != CHAR_EOF && testCharFlags( cPeekNext, CHAR_EOL ) == sal_False ) { getChar(); cPeekNext = peekChar(); } reType = TT_COMMENT; } } else if (c=='/') { sal_Unicode cPeekNext = peekChar(); if (cPeekNext=='/') { // Alle Zeichen bis Zeilen-Ende oder EOF entfernen while( cPeekNext != CHAR_EOF && testCharFlags( cPeekNext, CHAR_EOL ) == sal_False ) { getChar(); cPeekNext = peekChar(); } reType = TT_COMMENT; } } else { // Kommentar ? if ( c == '\'' ) { c = getChar(); // '/' entfernen // Alle Zeichen bis Zeilen-Ende oder EOF entfernen sal_Unicode cPeek = c; while( cPeek != CHAR_EOF && testCharFlags( cPeek, CHAR_EOL ) == sal_False ) { getChar(); cPeek = peekChar(); } reType = TT_COMMENT; } // Echter Operator, kann hier einfach behandelt werden, // da nicht der wirkliche Operator, wie z.B. += interessiert, // sondern nur die Tatsache, dass es sich um einen handelt. if( reType != TT_COMMENT ) { reType = TT_OPERATOR; } } } // Objekt-Trenner? Muss vor Number abgehandelt werden else if( c == '.' && ( peekChar() < '0' || peekChar() > '9' ) ) { reType = TT_OPERATOR; } // Zahl? else if( testCharFlags( c, CHAR_START_NUMBER ) == sal_True ) { reType = TT_NUMBER; // Zahlensystem, 10 = normal, wird bei Oct/Hex geaendert int nRadix = 10; // Ist es eine Hex- oder Oct-Zahl? if( c == '&' ) { // Octal? if( peekChar() == 'o' || peekChar() == 'O' ) { // o entfernen getChar(); nRadix = 8; // Octal-Basis // Alle Ziffern einlesen while( testCharFlags( peekChar(), CHAR_IN_OCT_NUMBER ) ) c = getChar(); } // Hex? else if( peekChar() == 'h' || peekChar() == 'H' ) { // x entfernen getChar(); nRadix = 16; // Hex-Basis // Alle Ziffern einlesen und puffern while( testCharFlags( peekChar(), CHAR_IN_HEX_NUMBER ) ) c = getChar(); } else { reType = TT_OPERATOR; } } // Wenn nicht Oct oder Hex als double ansehen if( reType == TT_NUMBER && nRadix == 10 ) { // Flag, ob das letzte Zeichen ein Exponent war sal_Bool bAfterExpChar = sal_False; // Alle Ziffern einlesen while( testCharFlags( peekChar(), CHAR_IN_NUMBER ) || (bAfterExpChar && peekChar() == '+' ) || (bAfterExpChar && peekChar() == '-' ) ) // Nach Exponent auch +/- OK { c = getChar(); // Zeichen lesen bAfterExpChar = ( c == 'e' || c == 'E' ); } } // reType = TT_NUMBER; } // String? else if( testCharFlags( c, CHAR_START_STRING ) == sal_True ) { // Merken, welches Zeichen den String eroeffnet hat sal_Unicode cEndString = c; if( c == '[' ) cEndString = ']'; // Alle Ziffern einlesen und puffern while( peekChar() != cEndString ) { // #58846 EOF vor getChar() abfangen, damit EOF micht verloren geht if( peekChar() == CHAR_EOF ) { // ERROR: unterminated string literal reType = TT_ERROR; break; } c = getChar(); if( testCharFlags( c, CHAR_EOL ) == sal_True ) { // ERROR: unterminated string literal reType = TT_ERROR; break; } } // Zeichen lesen if( reType != TT_ERROR ) { getChar(); if( cEndString == ']' ) reType = TT_IDENTIFIER; else reType = TT_STRING; } } // Zeilenende? else if( testCharFlags( c, CHAR_EOL ) == sal_True ) { // Falls ein weiteres anderes EOL-Char folgt, weg damit sal_Unicode cNext = peekChar(); if( cNext != c && testCharFlags( cNext, CHAR_EOL ) == sal_True ) getChar(); // Positions-Daten auf Zeilen-Beginn setzen nCol = 0; nLine++; reType = TT_EOL; } // Alles andere bleibt TT_UNKNOWN // End-Position eintragen rpEndPos = mpActualPos; return sal_True; } String SimpleTokenizer_Impl::getTokStr ( /*out*/const sal_Unicode* pStartPos, /*out*/const sal_Unicode* pEndPos ) { return String( pStartPos, (sal_uInt16)( pEndPos - pStartPos ) ); } #ifdef DBG_UTIL // TEST: Token ausgeben String SimpleTokenizer_Impl::getFullTokenStr( /*out*/TokenTypes eType, /*out*/const sal_Unicode* pStartPos, /*out*/const sal_Unicode* pEndPos ) { String aOut; switch( eType ) { case TT_UNKNOWN: aOut = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TT_UNKNOWN:") ); break; case TT_IDENTIFIER: aOut = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TT_IDENTIFIER:") ); break; case TT_WHITESPACE: aOut = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TT_WHITESPACE:") ); break; case TT_NUMBER: aOut = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TT_NUMBER:") ); break; case TT_STRING: aOut = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TT_STRING:") ); break; case TT_EOL: aOut = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TT_EOL:") ); break; case TT_COMMENT: aOut = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TT_COMMENT:") ); break; case TT_ERROR: aOut = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TT_ERROR:") ); break; case TT_OPERATOR: aOut = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TT_OPERATOR:") ); break; case TT_KEYWORDS: aOut = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TT_KEYWORD:") ); break; case TT_PARAMETER: aOut = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TT_PARAMETER:") ); break; } if( eType != TT_EOL ) { aOut += String( pStartPos, (sal_uInt16)( pEndPos - pStartPos ) ); } aOut += String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("\n") ); return aOut; } #endif SimpleTokenizer_Impl::SimpleTokenizer_Impl( HighlighterLanguage aLang ): aLanguage(aLang) { memset( aCharTypeTab, 0, sizeof( aCharTypeTab ) ); // Zeichen-Tabelle fuellen sal_uInt16 i; // Zulaessige Zeichen fuer Identifier sal_uInt16 nHelpMask = (sal_uInt16)( CHAR_START_IDENTIFIER | CHAR_IN_IDENTIFIER ); for( i = 'a' ; i <= 'z' ; i++ ) aCharTypeTab[i] |= nHelpMask; for( i = 'A' ; i <= 'Z' ; i++ ) aCharTypeTab[i] |= nHelpMask; // '_' extra eintragen aCharTypeTab[(int)'_'] |= nHelpMask; // AB 23.6.97: '$' ist auch erlaubt aCharTypeTab[(int)'$'] |= nHelpMask; // Ziffern (Identifier und Number ist moeglich) nHelpMask = (sal_uInt16)( CHAR_IN_IDENTIFIER | CHAR_START_NUMBER | CHAR_IN_NUMBER | CHAR_IN_HEX_NUMBER ); for( i = '0' ; i <= '9' ; i++ ) aCharTypeTab[i] |= nHelpMask; // e und E sowie . von Hand ergaenzen aCharTypeTab[(int)'e'] |= CHAR_IN_NUMBER; aCharTypeTab[(int)'E'] |= CHAR_IN_NUMBER; aCharTypeTab[(int)'.'] |= (sal_uInt16)( CHAR_IN_NUMBER | CHAR_START_NUMBER ); aCharTypeTab[(int)'&'] |= CHAR_START_NUMBER; // Hex-Ziffern for( i = 'a' ; i <= 'f' ; i++ ) aCharTypeTab[i] |= CHAR_IN_HEX_NUMBER; for( i = 'A' ; i <= 'F' ; i++ ) aCharTypeTab[i] |= CHAR_IN_HEX_NUMBER; // Oct-Ziffern for( i = '0' ; i <= '7' ; i++ ) aCharTypeTab[i] |= CHAR_IN_OCT_NUMBER; // String-Beginn/End-Zeichen aCharTypeTab[(int)'\''] |= CHAR_START_STRING; aCharTypeTab[(int)'\"'] |= CHAR_START_STRING; aCharTypeTab[(int)'['] |= CHAR_START_STRING; aCharTypeTab[(int)'`'] |= CHAR_START_STRING; // Operator-Zeichen aCharTypeTab[(int)'!'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)'%'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; // aCharTypeTab[(int)'&'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; Removed because of #i14140 aCharTypeTab[(int)'('] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)')'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)'*'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)'+'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)','] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)'-'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)'/'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)':'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)'<'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)'='] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)'>'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)'?'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)'^'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)'|'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)'~'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)'{'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)'}'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; // aCharTypeTab[(int)'['] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; Removed because of #i17826 aCharTypeTab[(int)']'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; aCharTypeTab[(int)';'] |= CHAR_OPERATOR; // Space aCharTypeTab[(int)' ' ] |= CHAR_SPACE; aCharTypeTab[(int)'\t'] |= CHAR_SPACE; // Zeilen-Ende-Zeichen aCharTypeTab[(int)'\r'] |= CHAR_EOL; aCharTypeTab[(int)'\n'] |= CHAR_EOL; ppListKeyWords = NULL; } SimpleTokenizer_Impl::~SimpleTokenizer_Impl( void ) { } SimpleTokenizer_Impl* getSimpleTokenizer( void ) { static SimpleTokenizer_Impl* pSimpleTokenizer = NULL; if( !pSimpleTokenizer ) pSimpleTokenizer = new SimpleTokenizer_Impl(); return pSimpleTokenizer; } // Heraussuchen der jeweils naechsten Funktion aus einem JavaScript-Modul sal_uInt16 SimpleTokenizer_Impl::parseLine( sal_uInt32 nParseLine, const String* aSource ) { // Position auf den Anfang des Source-Strings setzen mpStringBegin = mpActualPos = aSource->GetBuffer(); // Zeile und Spalte initialisieren nLine = nParseLine; nCol = 0L; // Variablen fuer die Out-Parameter TokenTypes eType; const sal_Unicode* pStartPos; const sal_Unicode* pEndPos; // Schleife ueber alle Tokens sal_uInt16 nTokenCount = 0; while( getNextToken( eType, pStartPos, pEndPos ) ) nTokenCount++; return nTokenCount; } void SimpleTokenizer_Impl::getHighlightPortions( sal_uInt32 nParseLine, const String& rLine, /*out*/HighlightPortions& portions ) { // Position auf den Anfang des Source-Strings setzen mpStringBegin = mpActualPos = rLine.GetBuffer(); // Zeile und Spalte initialisieren nLine = nParseLine; nCol = 0L; // Variablen fuer die Out-Parameter TokenTypes eType; const sal_Unicode* pStartPos; const sal_Unicode* pEndPos; // Schleife ueber alle Tokens while( getNextToken( eType, pStartPos, pEndPos ) ) { HighlightPortion portion; portion.nBegin = (sal_uInt16)(pStartPos - mpStringBegin); portion.nEnd = (sal_uInt16)(pEndPos - mpStringBegin); portion.tokenType = eType; portions.push_back(portion); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementierung des SyntaxHighlighter SyntaxHighlighter::SyntaxHighlighter() { m_pSimpleTokenizer = 0; m_pKeyWords = NULL; m_nKeyWordCount = 0; } SyntaxHighlighter::~SyntaxHighlighter() { delete m_pSimpleTokenizer; delete m_pKeyWords; } void SyntaxHighlighter::initialize( HighlighterLanguage eLanguage_ ) { eLanguage = eLanguage_; delete m_pSimpleTokenizer; m_pSimpleTokenizer = new SimpleTokenizer_Impl(eLanguage); switch (eLanguage) { case HIGHLIGHT_BASIC: m_pSimpleTokenizer->setKeyWords( strListBasicKeyWords, sizeof( strListBasicKeyWords ) / sizeof( char* )); break; case HIGHLIGHT_SQL: m_pSimpleTokenizer->setKeyWords( strListSqlKeyWords, sizeof( strListSqlKeyWords ) / sizeof( char* )); break; default: m_pSimpleTokenizer->setKeyWords( NULL, 0 ); } } const Range SyntaxHighlighter::notifyChange( sal_uInt32 nLine, sal_Int32 nLineCountDifference, const String* pChangedLines, sal_uInt32 nArrayLength) { (void)nLineCountDifference; for( sal_uInt32 i=0 ; i < nArrayLength ; i++ ) m_pSimpleTokenizer->parseLine(nLine+i, &pChangedLines[i]); return Range( nLine, nLine + nArrayLength-1 ); } void SyntaxHighlighter::getHighlightPortions( sal_uInt32 nLine, const String& rLine, /*out*/HighlightPortions& portions ) { m_pSimpleTokenizer->getHighlightPortions( nLine, rLine, portions ); }