/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_svx.hxx" #include <tools/poly.hxx> #include <vcl/metric.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <svtools/colorcfg.hxx> #include <svx/swframeexample.hxx> #include <com/sun/star/text/TextContentAnchorType.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/text/HoriOrientation.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/text/VertOrientation.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/text/RelOrientation.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/text/WrapTextMode.hpp> using namespace ::com::sun::star::text; #define FLYINFLY_BORDER 3 #define DEMOTEXT "Ij" #define C2S(cChar) UniString::CreateFromAscii(cChar) SvxSwFrameExample::SvxSwFrameExample( Window *pParent, const ResId& rResID ) : Window(pParent, rResID), nHAlign (HoriOrientation::CENTER), nHRel (RelOrientation::FRAME), nVAlign (VertOrientation::TOP), nVRel (RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA), nWrap (WrapTextMode_NONE), nAnchor (TextContentAnchorType_AT_PAGE), bTrans (sal_False), aRelPos (Point(0,0)) { InitColors_Impl(); SetMapMode(MAP_PIXEL); } SvxSwFrameExample::~SvxSwFrameExample() { } void SvxSwFrameExample::InitColors_Impl( void ) { const StyleSettings& rSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); m_aBgCol = Color( rSettings.GetWindowColor() ); // old: COL_WHITE sal_Bool bHC = rSettings.GetHighContrastMode(); m_aFrameColor = Color( COL_LIGHTGREEN ); m_aAlignColor = Color( COL_LIGHTRED ); m_aTransColor = Color( COL_TRANSPARENT ); m_aTxtCol = bHC? svtools::ColorConfig().GetColorValue(svtools::FONTCOLOR).nColor : Color( COL_GRAY ); // old: COL_GRAY m_aPrintAreaCol = bHC? m_aTxtCol : Color( COL_GRAY ); m_aBorderCol = m_aTxtCol; // old: COL_BLACK; m_aBlankCol = bHC? m_aTxtCol : Color( COL_LIGHTGRAY ); m_aBlankFrameCol = bHC? m_aTxtCol : Color( COL_GRAY ); } void SvxSwFrameExample::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { Window::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS && ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE ) ) InitColors_Impl(); } void SvxSwFrameExample::InitAllRects_Impl() { // const Size aSz(GetOutputSizePixel()); // Seite // aPage.SetSize(Size(aSz.Width() - 3, aSz.Height() - 3)); aPage.SetSize( GetOutputSizePixel() ); sal_uIntPtr nOutWPix = aPage.GetWidth(); sal_uIntPtr nOutHPix = aPage.GetHeight(); // PrintArea sal_uIntPtr nLBorder; sal_uIntPtr nRBorder; sal_uIntPtr nTBorder; sal_uIntPtr nBBorder; sal_uIntPtr nLTxtBorder; sal_uIntPtr nRTxtBorder; sal_uIntPtr nTTxtBorder; sal_uIntPtr nBTxtBorder; if (nAnchor != TextContentAnchorType_AS_CHARACTER) { nLBorder = 14; nRBorder = 10; nTBorder = 10; nBBorder = 15; nLTxtBorder = 8; nRTxtBorder = 4; nTTxtBorder = 2; nBTxtBorder = 2; } else { nLBorder = 2; nRBorder = 2; nTBorder = 2; nBBorder = 2; nLTxtBorder = 2; nRTxtBorder = 2; nTTxtBorder = 2; nBTxtBorder = 2; } aPagePrtArea = Rectangle(Point(nLBorder, nTBorder), Point((nOutWPix - 1) - nRBorder, (nOutHPix - 1) - nBBorder)); // Beispiel-Text: Vorbereiten fuer die Textausgabe // Eine Textzeile aTextLine = aPagePrtArea; aTextLine.SetSize(Size(aTextLine.GetWidth(), 2)); aTextLine.Left() += nLTxtBorder; aTextLine.Right() -= nRTxtBorder; aTextLine.Move(0, nTTxtBorder); // Rechteck um Absatz incl. Raender sal_uInt16 nLines = (sal_uInt16)((aPagePrtArea.GetHeight() / 2 - nTTxtBorder - nBTxtBorder) / (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2)); aPara = aPagePrtArea; aPara.SetSize(Size(aPara.GetWidth(), (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2) * nLines + nTTxtBorder + nBTxtBorder)); // Rechteck um Absatz ohne Raender aParaPrtArea = aPara; aParaPrtArea.Left() += nLTxtBorder; aParaPrtArea.Right() -= nRTxtBorder; aParaPrtArea.Top() += nTTxtBorder; aParaPrtArea.Bottom() -= nBTxtBorder; if (nAnchor == TextContentAnchorType_AS_CHARACTER || nAnchor == TextContentAnchorType_AT_CHARACTER) { Font aFont = OutputDevice::GetDefaultFont( DEFAULTFONT_LATIN_TEXT, Application::GetSettings().GetLanguage(), DEFAULTFONT_FLAGS_ONLYONE, this ); aFont.SetColor( m_aTxtCol ); aFont.SetFillColor( m_aBgCol ); aFont.SetWeight(WEIGHT_NORMAL); if (nAnchor == TextContentAnchorType_AS_CHARACTER) { aFont.SetSize(Size(0, aParaPrtArea.GetHeight() - 2)); SetFont(aFont); aParaPrtArea.SetSize(Size(GetTextWidth(C2S(DEMOTEXT)), GetTextHeight())); } else { aFont.SetSize(Size(0, aParaPrtArea.GetHeight() / 2)); SetFont(aFont); aAutoCharFrame.SetSize(Size(GetTextWidth('A'), GetTextHeight())); aAutoCharFrame.SetPos(Point(aParaPrtArea.Left() + (aParaPrtArea.GetWidth() - aAutoCharFrame.GetWidth()) / 2, aParaPrtArea.Top() + (aParaPrtArea.GetHeight() - aAutoCharFrame.GetHeight()) / 2)); } } // Innerer Frame fuer am Frame verankerte Rahmen aFrameAtFrame = aPara; aFrameAtFrame.Left() += 9; aFrameAtFrame.Right() -= 5; aFrameAtFrame.Bottom() += 5; aFrameAtFrame.SetPos(Point(aFrameAtFrame.Left() + 2, (aPagePrtArea.Bottom() - aFrameAtFrame.GetHeight()) / 2 + 5)); // Groesse des zu positionierenden Rahmens if (nAnchor != TextContentAnchorType_AS_CHARACTER) { sal_uIntPtr nLFBorder = nAnchor == TextContentAnchorType_AT_PAGE ? nLBorder : nLTxtBorder; sal_uIntPtr nRFBorder = nAnchor == TextContentAnchorType_AT_PAGE ? nRBorder : nRTxtBorder; switch (nHRel) { case RelOrientation::PAGE_LEFT: case RelOrientation::FRAME_LEFT: aFrmSize = Size(nLFBorder - 4, (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2) * 3); break; case RelOrientation::PAGE_RIGHT: case RelOrientation::FRAME_RIGHT: aFrmSize = Size(nRFBorder - 4, (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2) * 3); break; default: aFrmSize = Size(nLBorder - 3, (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2) * 3); break; } aFrmSize.Width() = Max(5L, aFrmSize.Width()); aFrmSize.Height() = Max(5L, aFrmSize.Height()); } else { sal_uIntPtr nFreeWidth = aPagePrtArea.GetWidth() - GetTextWidth(C2S(DEMOTEXT)); aFrmSize = Size(nFreeWidth / 2, (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2) * 3); aDrawObj.SetSize(Size(Max(5L, (long)nFreeWidth / 3L), Max(5L, aFrmSize.Height() * 3L))); aDrawObj.SetPos(Point(aParaPrtArea.Right() + 1, aParaPrtArea.Bottom() / 2)); aParaPrtArea.Right() = aDrawObj.Right(); } } void SvxSwFrameExample::CalcBoundRect_Impl(Rectangle &rRect) { switch (nAnchor) { case TextContentAnchorType_AT_PAGE: { switch (nHRel) { case RelOrientation::FRAME: case RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME: rRect.Left() = aPage.Left(); rRect.Right() = aPage.Right(); break; case RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA: case RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA: rRect.Left() = aPagePrtArea.Left(); rRect.Right() = aPagePrtArea.Right(); break; case RelOrientation::PAGE_LEFT: rRect.Left() = aPage.Left(); rRect.Right() = aPagePrtArea.Left(); break; case RelOrientation::PAGE_RIGHT: rRect.Left() = aPagePrtArea.Right(); rRect.Right() = aPage.Right(); break; } switch (nVRel) { case RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA: case RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA: rRect.Top() = aPagePrtArea.Top(); rRect.Bottom() = aPagePrtArea.Bottom(); break; case RelOrientation::FRAME: case RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME: rRect.Top() = aPage.Top(); rRect.Bottom() = aPage.Bottom(); break; } } break; case TextContentAnchorType_AT_FRAME: { switch (nHRel) { case RelOrientation::FRAME: case RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME: rRect.Left() = aFrameAtFrame.Left(); rRect.Right() = aFrameAtFrame.Right(); break; case RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA: case RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA: rRect.Left() = aFrameAtFrame.Left() + FLYINFLY_BORDER; rRect.Right() = aFrameAtFrame.Right() - FLYINFLY_BORDER; break; case RelOrientation::PAGE_RIGHT: rRect.Left() = aFrameAtFrame.Left(); rRect.Right() = aFrameAtFrame.Left() + FLYINFLY_BORDER; break; case RelOrientation::PAGE_LEFT: rRect.Left() = aFrameAtFrame.Right(); rRect.Right() = aFrameAtFrame.Right() - FLYINFLY_BORDER; break; } switch (nVRel) { case RelOrientation::FRAME: case RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME: rRect.Top() = aFrameAtFrame.Top(); rRect.Bottom() = aFrameAtFrame.Bottom(); break; case RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA: case RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA: rRect.Top() = aFrameAtFrame.Top() + FLYINFLY_BORDER; rRect.Bottom() = aFrameAtFrame.Bottom() - FLYINFLY_BORDER; break; } } break; case TextContentAnchorType_AT_PARAGRAPH: case TextContentAnchorType_AT_CHARACTER: { switch (nHRel) { case RelOrientation::FRAME: rRect.Left() = aPara.Left(); rRect.Right() = aPara.Right(); break; case RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA: rRect.Left() = aParaPrtArea.Left(); rRect.Right() = aParaPrtArea.Right(); break; case RelOrientation::PAGE_LEFT: rRect.Left() = aPage.Left(); rRect.Right() = aPagePrtArea.Left(); break; case RelOrientation::PAGE_RIGHT: rRect.Left() = aPagePrtArea.Right(); rRect.Right() = aPage.Right(); break; case RelOrientation::PAGE_FRAME: rRect.Left() = aPage.Left(); rRect.Right() = aPage.Right(); break; case RelOrientation::PAGE_PRINT_AREA: rRect.Left() = aPagePrtArea.Left(); rRect.Right() = aPagePrtArea.Right(); break; case RelOrientation::FRAME_LEFT: rRect.Left() = aPara.Left(); rRect.Right() = aParaPrtArea.Left(); break; case RelOrientation::FRAME_RIGHT: rRect.Left() = aParaPrtArea.Right(); rRect.Right() = aPara.Right(); break; case RelOrientation::CHAR: rRect.Left() = aAutoCharFrame.Left(); rRect.Right() = aAutoCharFrame.Left(); break; } switch (nVRel) { case RelOrientation::FRAME: rRect.Top() = aPara.Top(); rRect.Bottom() = aPara.Bottom(); break; case RelOrientation::PRINT_AREA: rRect.Top() = aParaPrtArea.Top(); rRect.Bottom() = aParaPrtArea.Bottom(); break; case RelOrientation::CHAR: if (nVAlign != VertOrientation::NONE && nVAlign != VertOrientation::CHAR_BOTTOM) rRect.Top() = aAutoCharFrame.Top(); else rRect.Top() = aAutoCharFrame.Bottom(); rRect.Bottom() = aAutoCharFrame.Bottom(); break; // OD 12.11.2003 #i22341# case RelOrientation::TEXT_LINE: rRect.Top() = aAutoCharFrame.Top(); rRect.Bottom() = aAutoCharFrame.Top(); break; } } break; case TextContentAnchorType_AS_CHARACTER: rRect.Left() = aParaPrtArea.Left(); rRect.Right() = aParaPrtArea.Right(); switch (nVAlign) { case VertOrientation::NONE: case VertOrientation::TOP: case VertOrientation::CENTER: case VertOrientation::BOTTOM: { FontMetric aMetric(GetFontMetric()); rRect.Top() = aParaPrtArea.Bottom() - aMetric.GetDescent(); rRect.Bottom() = rRect.Top(); } break; default: case VertOrientation::LINE_TOP: case VertOrientation::LINE_CENTER: case VertOrientation::LINE_BOTTOM: rRect.Top() = aParaPrtArea.Top(); rRect.Bottom() = aDrawObj.Bottom(); break; case VertOrientation::CHAR_TOP: case VertOrientation::CHAR_CENTER: case VertOrientation::CHAR_BOTTOM: rRect.Top() = aParaPrtArea.Top(); rRect.Bottom() = aParaPrtArea.Bottom(); break; } break; default: break; } } Rectangle SvxSwFrameExample::DrawInnerFrame_Impl(const Rectangle &rRect, const Color &rFillColor, const Color &rBorderColor) { DrawRect_Impl(rRect, rFillColor, rBorderColor); // Bereich, zu dem relativ positioniert wird, bestimmen Rectangle aRect(rRect); // aPagePrtArea = Default CalcBoundRect_Impl(aRect); if (nAnchor == TextContentAnchorType_AT_FRAME && &rRect == &aPagePrtArea) { // Testabsatz zeichnen Rectangle aTxt(aTextLine); sal_Int32 nStep = aTxt.GetHeight() + 2; sal_uInt16 nLines = (sal_uInt16)(aParaPrtArea.GetHeight() / (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2)); for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nLines; i++) { if (i == nLines - 1) aTxt.SetSize(Size(aTxt.GetWidth() / 2, aTxt.GetHeight())); DrawRect_Impl(aTxt, m_aTxtCol, m_aTransColor); aTxt.Move(0, nStep); } } return aRect; } void SvxSwFrameExample::Paint(const Rectangle&) { InitAllRects_Impl(); // Schatten zeichnen // Rectangle aShadow(aPage); // aShadow += Point(3, 3); // DrawRect_Impl(aShadow, Color(COL_GRAY), aTransColor); // Seite zeichnen DrawRect_Impl( aPage, m_aBgCol, m_aBorderCol ); // PrintArea zeichnen Rectangle aRect = DrawInnerFrame_Impl( aPagePrtArea, m_aTransColor, m_aPrintAreaCol ); if (nAnchor == TextContentAnchorType_AT_FRAME) aRect = DrawInnerFrame_Impl( aFrameAtFrame, m_aBgCol, m_aBorderCol ); long lXPos = 0; long lYPos = 0; // Horizontale Ausrichtung // if (nAnchor != TextContentAnchorType_AS_CHARACTER) { switch (nHAlign) { case HoriOrientation::RIGHT: { lXPos = aRect.Right() - aFrmSize.Width() + 1; break; } case HoriOrientation::CENTER: { lXPos = aRect.Left() + (aRect.GetWidth() - aFrmSize.Width()) / 2; break; } case HoriOrientation::NONE: { lXPos = aRect.Left() + aRelPos.X(); break; } default: // HoriOrientation::LEFT lXPos = aRect.Left(); break; } } else lXPos = aRect.Right() + 2; // Vertikale Ausrichtung // if (nAnchor != TextContentAnchorType_AS_CHARACTER) { switch (nVAlign) { case VertOrientation::BOTTOM: case VertOrientation::LINE_BOTTOM: { // OD 12.11.2003 #i22341# if ( nVRel != RelOrientation::TEXT_LINE ) { lYPos = aRect.Bottom() - aFrmSize.Height() + 1; } else { lYPos = aRect.Top(); } break; } case VertOrientation::CENTER: case VertOrientation::LINE_CENTER: { lYPos = aRect.Top() + (aRect.GetHeight() - aFrmSize.Height()) / 2; break; } case VertOrientation::NONE: { // OD 12.11.2003 #i22341# if ( nVRel != RelOrientation::CHAR && nVRel != RelOrientation::TEXT_LINE ) lYPos = aRect.Top() + aRelPos.Y(); else lYPos = aRect.Top() - aRelPos.Y(); break; } default: // OD 12.11.2003 #i22341# if ( nVRel != RelOrientation::TEXT_LINE ) { lYPos = aRect.Top(); } else { lYPos = aRect.Bottom() - aFrmSize.Height() + 1; } break; } } else { switch(nVAlign) { case VertOrientation::CENTER: case VertOrientation::CHAR_CENTER: case VertOrientation::LINE_CENTER: lYPos = aRect.Top() + (aRect.GetHeight() - aFrmSize.Height()) / 2; break; case VertOrientation::TOP: case VertOrientation::CHAR_BOTTOM: case VertOrientation::LINE_BOTTOM: lYPos = aRect.Bottom() - aFrmSize.Height() + 1; break; /* case VertOrientation::NONE: case VertOrientation::BOTTOM: case VertOrientation::CHAR_TOP: case VertOrientation::LINE_TOP:*/ default: lYPos = aRect.Top() - aRelPos.Y(); break; } } Rectangle aFrmRect(Point(lXPos, lYPos), aFrmSize); Rectangle *pOuterFrame = &aPage; if (nAnchor == TextContentAnchorType_AT_FRAME) pOuterFrame = &aFrameAtFrame; if (aFrmRect.Left() < pOuterFrame->Left()) aFrmRect.Move(pOuterFrame->Left() - aFrmRect.Left(), 0); if (aFrmRect.Right() > pOuterFrame->Right()) aFrmRect.Move(pOuterFrame->Right() - aFrmRect.Right(), 0); if (aFrmRect.Top() < pOuterFrame->Top()) aFrmRect.Move(0, pOuterFrame->Top() - aFrmRect.Top()); if (aFrmRect.Bottom() > pOuterFrame->Bottom()) aFrmRect.Move(0, pOuterFrame->Bottom() - aFrmRect.Bottom()); // Testabsatz zeichnen const long nTxtLineHeight = aTextLine.GetHeight(); Rectangle aTxt(aTextLine); sal_Int32 nStep; sal_uInt16 nLines; if (nAnchor == TextContentAnchorType_AT_FRAME) { aTxt.Left() = aFrameAtFrame.Left() + FLYINFLY_BORDER; aTxt.Right() = aFrameAtFrame.Right() - FLYINFLY_BORDER; aTxt.Top() = aFrameAtFrame.Top() + FLYINFLY_BORDER; aTxt.Bottom() = aTxt.Top() + aTextLine.GetHeight() - 1; nStep = aTxt.GetHeight() + 2; nLines = (sal_uInt16)(((aFrameAtFrame.GetHeight() - 2 * FLYINFLY_BORDER) * 2 / 3) / (aTxt.GetHeight() + 2)); } else { nStep = aTxt.GetHeight() + 2; nLines = (sal_uInt16)(aParaPrtArea.GetHeight() / (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2)); } if (nAnchor != TextContentAnchorType_AS_CHARACTER) { // Text simulieren // const long nOldR = aTxt.Right(); const long nOldL = aTxt.Left(); // OD 12.11.2003 #i22341# const bool bIgnoreWrap = nAnchor == TextContentAnchorType_AT_CHARACTER && ( nHRel == RelOrientation::CHAR || nVRel == RelOrientation::CHAR || nVRel == RelOrientation::TEXT_LINE ); for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nLines; ++i) { if (i == (nLines - 1)) aTxt.SetSize(Size(aTxt.GetWidth() / 2, aTxt.GetHeight())); if (aTxt.IsOver(aFrmRect) && nAnchor != TextContentAnchorType_AS_CHARACTER && !bIgnoreWrap) { switch(nWrap) { case WrapTextMode_NONE: aTxt.Top() = aFrmRect.Bottom() + nTxtLineHeight; aTxt.Bottom() = aTxt.Top() + nTxtLineHeight - 1; break; case WrapTextMode_LEFT: aTxt.Right() = aFrmRect.Left(); break; case WrapTextMode_RIGHT: aTxt.Left() = aFrmRect.Right(); break; } } if (pOuterFrame->IsInside(aTxt)) DrawRect_Impl( aTxt, m_aTxtCol, m_aTransColor ); aTxt.Move(0, nStep); aTxt.Right() = nOldR; aTxt.Left() = nOldL; } aTxt.Move(0, -nStep); if (nAnchor != TextContentAnchorType_AT_FRAME && aTxt.Bottom() > aParaPrtArea.Bottom()) { // Text wurde durch Rahmen verdraengt, daher Para-Hoehe anpassen sal_uIntPtr nDiff = aTxt.Bottom() - aParaPrtArea.Bottom(); aParaPrtArea.Bottom() += nDiff; aPara.Bottom() += nDiff; CalcBoundRect_Impl(aRect); aParaPrtArea.Bottom() -= nDiff; aPara.Bottom() -= nDiff; } if (nAnchor == TextContentAnchorType_AT_CHARACTER && bIgnoreWrap) DrawText(aAutoCharFrame, 'A'); } else { DrawText(aParaPrtArea, C2S(DEMOTEXT)); DrawRect_Impl(aDrawObj, m_aBlankCol, m_aBlankFrameCol ); } // Rechteck zeichnen, zu dem der Rahmen ausgerichtet wird: DrawRect_Impl(aRect, m_aTransColor, m_aAlignColor); // Frame anzeigen sal_Bool bDontFill = (nAnchor == TextContentAnchorType_AT_CHARACTER && aFrmRect.IsOver(aAutoCharFrame)) ? sal_True : bTrans; DrawRect_Impl( aFrmRect, bDontFill? m_aTransColor : m_aBgCol, m_aFrameColor ); } void SvxSwFrameExample::SetRelPos(const Point& rP) { aRelPos = rP; if (aRelPos.X() > 0) aRelPos.X() = 5; if (aRelPos.X() < 0) aRelPos.X() = -5; if (aRelPos.Y() > 0) aRelPos.Y() = 5; if (aRelPos.Y() < 0) aRelPos.Y() = -5; } void SvxSwFrameExample::DrawRect_Impl(const Rectangle &rRect, const Color &rFillColor, const Color &rLineColor) { SetFillColor(rFillColor); SetLineColor(rLineColor); Window::DrawRect(rRect); }