/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // AuthorField #include // #include // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define URL_DECODE INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS using ::rtl::OUString; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace nsSwDocInfoSubType; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: SwPageNumberFieldType --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwPageNumberFieldType::SwPageNumberFieldType() : SwFieldType( RES_PAGENUMBERFLD ), nNumberingType( SVX_NUM_ARABIC ), nNum( 0 ), nMax( USHRT_MAX ), bVirtuell( sal_False ) { } String& SwPageNumberFieldType::Expand( sal_uInt32 nFmt, short nOff, const String& rUserStr, String& rRet ) const { sal_uInt32 nTmpFmt = (SVX_NUM_PAGEDESC == nFmt) ? (sal_uInt32)nNumberingType : nFmt; long nTmp = nNum + nOff; if( 0 >= nTmp || SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE == nTmpFmt || (!bVirtuell && nTmp > nMax) ) rRet = aEmptyStr; else if( SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL == nTmpFmt ) rRet = rUserStr; else rRet = FormatNumber( (sal_uInt16)nTmp, nTmpFmt ); return rRet; } SwFieldType* SwPageNumberFieldType::Copy() const { SwPageNumberFieldType *pTmp = new SwPageNumberFieldType(); pTmp->nNum = nNum; pTmp->nMax = nMax; pTmp->nNumberingType = nNumberingType; pTmp->bVirtuell = bVirtuell; return pTmp; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Verschiedene Expandierung --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwPageNumberFieldType::ChangeExpansion( SwDoc* pDoc, sal_uInt16 nPage, sal_uInt16 nNumPages, sal_Bool bVirt, const sal_Int16* pNumFmt ) { nNum = nPage; nMax = nNumPages; if( pNumFmt ) nNumberingType = *pNumFmt; bVirtuell = sal_False; if( bVirt ) { // dann muss das Flag ueberprueft werden, denn das Layout setzt // es NIE zurueck const SfxItemPool &rPool = pDoc->GetAttrPool(); const SwFmtPageDesc *pDesc; sal_uInt32 nMaxItems = rPool.GetItemCount2( RES_PAGEDESC ); for( sal_uInt32 n = 0; n < nMaxItems; ++n ) if( 0 != (pDesc = (SwFmtPageDesc*)rPool.GetItem2( RES_PAGEDESC, n ) ) && pDesc->GetNumOffset() && pDesc->GetDefinedIn() ) { SwCntntNode* pNd = PTR_CAST( SwCntntNode, pDesc->GetDefinedIn() ); if( pNd ) { if ( SwIterator::FirstElement(*pNd) ) bVirtuell = sal_True; } else if( pDesc->GetDefinedIn()->ISA( SwFmt )) { SwAutoFmtGetDocNode aGetHt( &pDoc->GetNodes() ); bVirtuell = !pDesc->GetDefinedIn()->GetInfo( aGetHt ); break; } } } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: SwPageNumberField --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwPageNumberField::SwPageNumberField(SwPageNumberFieldType* pTyp, sal_uInt16 nSub, sal_uInt32 nFmt, short nOff) : SwField(pTyp, nFmt), nSubType(nSub), nOffset(nOff) { } String SwPageNumberField::Expand() const { String sRet; SwPageNumberFieldType* pFldType = (SwPageNumberFieldType*)GetTyp(); if( PG_NEXT == nSubType && 1 != nOffset ) { if( pFldType->Expand( GetFormat(), 1, sUserStr, sRet ).Len() ) pFldType->Expand( GetFormat(), nOffset, sUserStr, sRet ); } else if( PG_PREV == nSubType && -1 != nOffset ) { if( pFldType->Expand( GetFormat(), -1, sUserStr, sRet ).Len() ) pFldType->Expand( GetFormat(), nOffset, sUserStr, sRet ); } else pFldType->Expand( GetFormat(), nOffset, sUserStr, sRet ); return sRet; } SwField* SwPageNumberField::Copy() const { SwPageNumberField *pTmp = new SwPageNumberField((SwPageNumberFieldType*)GetTyp(), nSubType, GetFormat(), nOffset); pTmp->SetLanguage( GetLanguage() ); pTmp->SetUserString( sUserStr ); return pTmp; } String SwPageNumberField::GetPar2() const { return String::CreateFromInt32(nOffset); } void SwPageNumberField::SetPar2(const String& rStr) { nOffset = (short)rStr.ToInt32(); } sal_uInt16 SwPageNumberField::GetSubType() const { return nSubType; } sal_Bool SwPageNumberField::QueryValue( uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) const { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_FORMAT: rAny <<= (sal_Int16)GetFormat(); break; case FIELD_PROP_USHORT1: rAny <<= nOffset; break; case FIELD_PROP_SUBTYPE: { text::PageNumberType eType; eType = text::PageNumberType_CURRENT; if(nSubType == PG_PREV) eType = text::PageNumberType_PREV; else if(nSubType == PG_NEXT) eType = text::PageNumberType_NEXT; rAny.setValue(&eType, ::getCppuType((const text::PageNumberType*)0)); } break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: rAny <<= OUString(sUserStr); break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } sal_Bool SwPageNumberField::PutValue( const uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_True; sal_Int16 nSet = 0; switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_FORMAT: rAny >>= nSet; // TODO: woher kommen die defines? if(nSet <= SVX_NUM_PAGEDESC ) SetFormat(nSet); else { //exception(wrong_value) ; } break; case FIELD_PROP_USHORT1: rAny >>= nSet; nOffset = nSet; break; case FIELD_PROP_SUBTYPE: switch( SWUnoHelper::GetEnumAsInt32( rAny ) ) { case text::PageNumberType_CURRENT: nSubType = PG_RANDOM; break; case text::PageNumberType_PREV: nSubType = PG_PREV; break; case text::PageNumberType_NEXT: nSubType = PG_NEXT; break; default: bRet = sal_False; } break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: ::GetString( rAny, sUserStr ); break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return bRet; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: SwAuthorFieldType --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwAuthorFieldType::SwAuthorFieldType() : SwFieldType( RES_AUTHORFLD ) { } String SwAuthorFieldType::Expand(sal_uLong nFmt) const { String sRet; SvtUserOptions& rOpt = SW_MOD()->GetUserOptions(); if((nFmt & 0xff) == AF_NAME) sRet = rOpt.GetFullName(); else sRet = rOpt.GetID(); return sRet; } SwFieldType* SwAuthorFieldType::Copy() const { return new SwAuthorFieldType; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: SwAuthorField --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwAuthorField::SwAuthorField(SwAuthorFieldType* pTyp, sal_uInt32 nFmt) : SwField(pTyp, nFmt) { aContent = ((SwAuthorFieldType*)GetTyp())->Expand(GetFormat()); } String SwAuthorField::Expand() const { if (!IsFixed()) ((SwAuthorField*)this)->aContent = ((SwAuthorFieldType*)GetTyp())->Expand(GetFormat()); return aContent; } SwField* SwAuthorField::Copy() const { SwAuthorField *pTmp = new SwAuthorField( (SwAuthorFieldType*)GetTyp(), GetFormat()); pTmp->SetExpansion(aContent); return pTmp; } sal_Bool SwAuthorField::QueryValue( uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) const { sal_Bool bVal; switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_BOOL1: bVal = (GetFormat() & 0xff) == AF_NAME; rAny.setValue(&bVal, ::getBooleanCppuType()); break; case FIELD_PROP_BOOL2: bVal = IsFixed(); rAny.setValue(&bVal, ::getBooleanCppuType()); break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: rAny <<= rtl::OUString(GetContent()); break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } sal_Bool SwAuthorField::PutValue( const uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_BOOL1: SetFormat( *(sal_Bool*)rAny.getValue() ? AF_NAME : AF_SHORTCUT ); break; case FIELD_PROP_BOOL2: if( *(sal_Bool*)rAny.getValue() ) SetFormat( GetFormat() | AF_FIXED); else SetFormat( GetFormat() & ~AF_FIXED); break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: ::GetString( rAny, aContent ); break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: SwFileNameFieldType --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwFileNameFieldType::SwFileNameFieldType(SwDoc *pDocument) : SwFieldType( RES_FILENAMEFLD ) { pDoc = pDocument; } String SwFileNameFieldType::Expand(sal_uLong nFmt) const { String aRet; const SwDocShell* pDShell = pDoc->GetDocShell(); if( pDShell && pDShell->HasName() ) { const INetURLObject& rURLObj = pDShell->GetMedium()->GetURLObject(); switch( nFmt & ~FF_FIXED ) { case FF_PATH: { if( INET_PROT_FILE == rURLObj.GetProtocol() ) { INetURLObject aTemp(rURLObj); aTemp.removeSegment(); // #101947# last slash should belong to the pathname aRet = aTemp.PathToFileName();//GetFull(); } else { aRet = URIHelper::removePassword( rURLObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), INetURLObject::WAS_ENCODED, URL_DECODE ); aRet.Erase( aRet.Search( String(rURLObj.GetLastName( URL_DECODE )) ) ); } } break; case FF_NAME: aRet = rURLObj.GetLastName( URL_DECODE ); break; case FF_NAME_NOEXT: aRet = rURLObj.GetBase(); break; default: if( INET_PROT_FILE == rURLObj.GetProtocol() ) aRet = rURLObj.GetFull(); else aRet = URIHelper::removePassword( rURLObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), INetURLObject::WAS_ENCODED, URL_DECODE ); } } return aRet; } SwFieldType* SwFileNameFieldType::Copy() const { SwFieldType *pTmp = new SwFileNameFieldType(pDoc); return pTmp; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: SwFileNameField --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwFileNameField::SwFileNameField(SwFileNameFieldType* pTyp, sal_uInt32 nFmt) : SwField(pTyp, nFmt) { aContent = ((SwFileNameFieldType*)GetTyp())->Expand(GetFormat()); } String SwFileNameField::Expand() const { if (!IsFixed()) ((SwFileNameField*)this)->aContent = ((SwFileNameFieldType*)GetTyp())->Expand(GetFormat()); return aContent; } SwField* SwFileNameField::Copy() const { SwFileNameField *pTmp = new SwFileNameField((SwFileNameFieldType*)GetTyp(), GetFormat()); pTmp->SetExpansion(aContent); return pTmp; } sal_Bool SwFileNameField::QueryValue( uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) const { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_FORMAT: { sal_Int16 nRet; switch( GetFormat() &(~FF_FIXED) ) { case FF_PATH: nRet = text::FilenameDisplayFormat::PATH; break; case FF_NAME_NOEXT: nRet = text::FilenameDisplayFormat::NAME; break; case FF_NAME: nRet = text::FilenameDisplayFormat::NAME_AND_EXT; break; default: nRet = text::FilenameDisplayFormat::FULL; } rAny <<= nRet; } break; case FIELD_PROP_BOOL2: { sal_Bool bVal = IsFixed(); rAny.setValue(&bVal, ::getBooleanCppuType()); } break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR3: rAny <<= OUString(GetContent()); break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } sal_Bool SwFileNameField::PutValue( const uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_FORMAT: { //JP 24.10.2001: int32 because in UnoField.cxx a putvalue is // called with a int32 value! But normally we need // here only a int16 sal_Int32 nType = 0; rAny >>= nType; sal_Bool bFixed = IsFixed(); switch( nType ) { case text::FilenameDisplayFormat::PATH: nType = FF_PATH; break; case text::FilenameDisplayFormat::NAME: nType = FF_NAME_NOEXT; break; case text::FilenameDisplayFormat::NAME_AND_EXT: nType = FF_NAME; break; default: nType = FF_PATHNAME; } if(bFixed) nType |= FF_FIXED; SetFormat(nType); } break; case FIELD_PROP_BOOL2: if( *(sal_Bool*)rAny.getValue() ) SetFormat( GetFormat() | FF_FIXED); else SetFormat( GetFormat() & ~FF_FIXED); break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR3: ::GetString( rAny, aContent ); break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: SwTemplNameFieldType --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwTemplNameFieldType::SwTemplNameFieldType(SwDoc *pDocument) : SwFieldType( RES_TEMPLNAMEFLD ) { pDoc = pDocument; } String SwTemplNameFieldType::Expand(sal_uLong nFmt) const { ASSERT( nFmt < FF_END, "Expand: kein guelt. Fmt!" ); String aRet; SwDocShell *pDocShell(pDoc->GetDocShell()); DBG_ASSERT(pDocShell, "no SwDocShell"); if (pDocShell) { uno::Reference xDPS( pDocShell->GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); uno::Reference xDocProps( xDPS->getDocumentProperties()); DBG_ASSERT(xDocProps.is(), "Doc has no DocumentProperties"); if( FF_UI_NAME == nFmt ) aRet = xDocProps->getTemplateName(); else if( !xDocProps->getTemplateURL().equalsAscii("") ) { if( FF_UI_RANGE == nFmt ) { // fuers besorgen vom RegionNamen !! SfxDocumentTemplates aFac; aFac.Construct(); String sTmp; aFac.GetLogicNames( xDocProps->getTemplateURL(), aRet, sTmp ); } else { INetURLObject aPathName( xDocProps->getTemplateURL() ); if( FF_NAME == nFmt ) aRet = aPathName.GetName(URL_DECODE); else if( FF_NAME_NOEXT == nFmt ) aRet = aPathName.GetBase(); else { if( FF_PATH == nFmt ) { aPathName.removeSegment(); aRet = aPathName.GetFull(); } else aRet = aPathName.GetFull(); } } } } return aRet; } SwFieldType* SwTemplNameFieldType::Copy() const { SwFieldType *pTmp = new SwTemplNameFieldType(pDoc); return pTmp; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: SwTemplNameField --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwTemplNameField::SwTemplNameField(SwTemplNameFieldType* pTyp, sal_uInt32 nFmt) : SwField(pTyp, nFmt) {} String SwTemplNameField::Expand() const { return((SwTemplNameFieldType*)GetTyp())->Expand(GetFormat()); } SwField* SwTemplNameField::Copy() const { SwTemplNameField *pTmp = new SwTemplNameField((SwTemplNameFieldType*)GetTyp(), GetFormat()); return pTmp; } sal_Bool SwTemplNameField::QueryValue( uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) const { switch ( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_FORMAT: { sal_Int16 nRet; switch( GetFormat() ) { case FF_PATH: nRet = text::FilenameDisplayFormat::PATH; break; case FF_NAME_NOEXT: nRet = text::FilenameDisplayFormat::NAME; break; case FF_NAME: nRet = text::FilenameDisplayFormat::NAME_AND_EXT; break; case FF_UI_RANGE: nRet = text::TemplateDisplayFormat::AREA; break; case FF_UI_NAME: nRet = text::TemplateDisplayFormat::TITLE; break; default: nRet = text::FilenameDisplayFormat::FULL; } rAny <<= nRet; } break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } sal_Bool SwTemplNameField::PutValue( const uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) { switch ( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_FORMAT: { //JP 24.10.2001: int32 because in UnoField.cxx a putvalue is // called with a int32 value! But normally we need // here only a int16 sal_Int32 nType = 0; rAny >>= nType; switch( nType ) { case text::FilenameDisplayFormat::PATH: SetFormat(FF_PATH); break; case text::FilenameDisplayFormat::NAME: SetFormat(FF_NAME_NOEXT); break; case text::FilenameDisplayFormat::NAME_AND_EXT: SetFormat(FF_NAME); break; case text::TemplateDisplayFormat::AREA : SetFormat(FF_UI_RANGE); break; case text::TemplateDisplayFormat::TITLE : SetFormat(FF_UI_NAME); break; default: SetFormat(FF_PATHNAME); } } break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: SwDocStatFieldType --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwDocStatFieldType::SwDocStatFieldType(SwDoc* pDocument) : SwFieldType( RES_DOCSTATFLD ), nNumberingType( SVX_NUM_ARABIC ) { pDoc = pDocument; } String SwDocStatFieldType::Expand(sal_uInt16 nSubType, sal_uInt32 nFmt) const { sal_uInt32 nVal = 0; const SwDocStat& rDStat = pDoc->GetDocStat(); switch( nSubType ) { case DS_TBL: nVal = rDStat.nTbl; break; case DS_GRF: nVal = rDStat.nGrf; break; case DS_OLE: nVal = rDStat.nOLE; break; case DS_PARA: nVal = rDStat.nPara; break; case DS_WORD: nVal = rDStat.nWord; break; case DS_CHAR: nVal = rDStat.nChar; break; case DS_PAGE: if( pDoc->GetCurrentLayout() )//swmod 080218 ((SwDocStat &)rDStat).nPage = pDoc->GetCurrentLayout()->GetPageNum(); //swmod 080218 nVal = rDStat.nPage; if( SVX_NUM_PAGEDESC == nFmt ) nFmt = (sal_uInt32)nNumberingType; break; default: ASSERT( sal_False, "SwDocStatFieldType::Expand: unbekannter SubType" ); } String sRet; if( nVal <= SHRT_MAX ) sRet = FormatNumber( (sal_uInt16)nVal, nFmt ); else sRet = String::CreateFromInt32( nVal ); return sRet; } SwFieldType* SwDocStatFieldType::Copy() const { SwDocStatFieldType *pTmp = new SwDocStatFieldType(pDoc); return pTmp; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: SwDocStatFieldType Aus historischen Gruenden steht in nFormat der SubType --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwDocStatField::SwDocStatField(SwDocStatFieldType* pTyp, sal_uInt16 nSub, sal_uInt32 nFmt) : SwField(pTyp, nFmt), nSubType(nSub) {} String SwDocStatField::Expand() const { return((SwDocStatFieldType*)GetTyp())->Expand(nSubType, GetFormat()); } SwField* SwDocStatField::Copy() const { SwDocStatField *pTmp = new SwDocStatField( (SwDocStatFieldType*)GetTyp(), nSubType, GetFormat() ); return pTmp; } sal_uInt16 SwDocStatField::GetSubType() const { return nSubType; } void SwDocStatField::SetSubType(sal_uInt16 nSub) { nSubType = nSub; } void SwDocStatField::ChangeExpansion( const SwFrm* pFrm ) { if( DS_PAGE == nSubType && SVX_NUM_PAGEDESC == GetFormat() ) ((SwDocStatFieldType*)GetTyp())->SetNumFormat( pFrm->FindPageFrm()->GetPageDesc()->GetNumType().GetNumberingType() ); } sal_Bool SwDocStatField::QueryValue( uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) const { switch ( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_USHORT2: rAny <<= (sal_Int16)GetFormat(); break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } sal_Bool SwDocStatField::PutValue( const uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; switch ( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_USHORT2: { sal_Int16 nSet = 0; rAny >>= nSet; if(nSet <= SVX_NUM_CHARS_LOWER_LETTER_N && nSet != SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL && nSet != SVX_NUM_BITMAP) { SetFormat(nSet); bRet = sal_True; } } break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return bRet; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: DokumentinfoFields --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwDocInfoFieldType::SwDocInfoFieldType(SwDoc* pDc) : SwValueFieldType( pDc, RES_DOCINFOFLD ) { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SwFieldType* SwDocInfoFieldType::Copy() const { SwDocInfoFieldType* pTyp = new SwDocInfoFieldType(GetDoc()); return pTyp; } void lcl_GetLocalDataWrapper( sal_uLong nLang, const LocaleDataWrapper **ppAppLocalData, const LocaleDataWrapper **ppLocalData ) { SvtSysLocale aLocale; *ppAppLocalData = &aLocale.GetLocaleData(); *ppLocalData = *ppAppLocalData; if( nLang != SvxLocaleToLanguage( (*ppLocalData)->getLocale() ) ) *ppLocalData = new LocaleDataWrapper( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(), SvxCreateLocale( static_cast(nLang) ) ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- String SwDocInfoFieldType::Expand( sal_uInt16 nSub, sal_uInt32 nFormat, sal_uInt16 nLang, const String& rName ) const { String aStr; const LocaleDataWrapper *pAppLocalData = 0, *pLocalData = 0; SwDocShell *pDocShell(GetDoc()->GetDocShell()); DBG_ASSERT(pDocShell, "no SwDocShell"); if (!pDocShell) { return aStr; } uno::Reference xDPS( pDocShell->GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); uno::Reference xDocProps( xDPS->getDocumentProperties()); DBG_ASSERT(xDocProps.is(), "Doc has no DocumentProperties"); sal_uInt16 nExtSub = nSub & 0xff00; nSub &= 0xff; // ExtendedSubTypes nicht beachten switch(nSub) { case DI_TITEL: aStr = xDocProps->getTitle(); break; case DI_THEMA: aStr = xDocProps->getSubject(); break; case DI_KEYS: aStr = ::comphelper::string::convertCommaSeparated( xDocProps->getKeywords()); break; case DI_COMMENT:aStr = xDocProps->getDescription(); break; case DI_DOCNO: aStr = String::CreateFromInt32( xDocProps->getEditingCycles() ); break; case DI_EDIT: if ( !nFormat ) { lcl_GetLocalDataWrapper( nLang, &pAppLocalData, &pLocalData ); sal_Int32 dur = xDocProps->getEditingDuration(); aStr = pLocalData->getTime( Time(dur/3600, (dur%3600)/60, dur%60), sal_False, sal_False); } else { sal_Int32 dur = xDocProps->getEditingDuration(); double fVal = Time(dur/3600, (dur%3600)/60, dur%60).GetTimeInDays(); aStr = ExpandValue(fVal, nFormat, nLang); } break; case DI_CUSTOM: { ::rtl::OUString sVal; try { uno::Any aAny; uno::Reference < beans::XPropertySet > xSet( xDocProps->getUserDefinedProperties(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); aAny = xSet->getPropertyValue( rName ); uno::Reference < script::XTypeConverter > xConverter( comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory() ->createInstance(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("com.sun.star.script.Converter")), uno::UNO_QUERY ); uno::Any aNew; aNew = xConverter->convertToSimpleType( aAny, uno::TypeClass_STRING ); aNew >>= sVal; } catch (uno::Exception&) {} return sVal; } default: { String aName( xDocProps->getAuthor() ); util::DateTime uDT( xDocProps->getCreationDate() ); Date aD(uDT.Day, uDT.Month, uDT.Year); Time aT(uDT.Hours, uDT.Minutes, uDT.Seconds, uDT.HundredthSeconds); DateTime aDate(aD,aT); if( nSub == DI_CREATE ) ; // das wars schon!! else if( nSub == DI_CHANGE ) { aName = xDocProps->getModifiedBy(); uDT = xDocProps->getModificationDate(); Date bD(uDT.Day, uDT.Month, uDT.Year); Time bT(uDT.Hours, uDT.Minutes, uDT.Seconds, uDT.HundredthSeconds); DateTime bDate(bD,bT); aDate = bDate; } else if( nSub == DI_PRINT ) { aName = xDocProps->getPrintedBy(); uDT = xDocProps->getPrintDate(); Date bD(uDT.Day, uDT.Month, uDT.Year); Time bT(uDT.Hours, uDT.Minutes, uDT.Seconds, uDT.HundredthSeconds); DateTime bDate(bD,bT); aDate = bDate; } else break; if (aDate.IsValid()) { switch (nExtSub & ~DI_SUB_FIXED) { case DI_SUB_AUTHOR: aStr = aName; break; case DI_SUB_TIME: if (!nFormat) { lcl_GetLocalDataWrapper( nLang, &pAppLocalData, &pLocalData ); aStr = pLocalData->getTime( aDate, sal_False, sal_False); } else { // Numberformatter anwerfen! double fVal = SwDateTimeField::GetDateTime( GetDoc(), aDate); aStr = ExpandValue(fVal, nFormat, nLang); } break; case DI_SUB_DATE: if (!nFormat) { lcl_GetLocalDataWrapper( nLang, &pAppLocalData, &pLocalData ); aStr = pLocalData->getDate( aDate ); } else { // Numberformatter anwerfen! double fVal = SwDateTimeField::GetDateTime( GetDoc(), aDate); aStr = ExpandValue(fVal, nFormat, nLang); } break; } } } break; } if( pAppLocalData != pLocalData ) delete pLocalData; return aStr; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SwDocInfoField::SwDocInfoField(SwDocInfoFieldType* pTyp, sal_uInt16 nSub, const String& rName, sal_uInt32 nFmt) : SwValueField(pTyp, nFmt), nSubType(nSub) { aName = rName; aContent = ((SwDocInfoFieldType*)GetTyp())->Expand(nSubType, nFmt, GetLanguage(), aName); } SwDocInfoField::SwDocInfoField(SwDocInfoFieldType* pTyp, sal_uInt16 nSub, const String& rName, const String& rValue, sal_uInt32 nFmt) : SwValueField(pTyp, nFmt), nSubType(nSub) { aName = rName; aContent = rValue; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- template double lcl_TimeToDouble( const T& rTime ) { const double fMilliSecondsPerDay = 86400000.0; return ((rTime.Hours*3600000)+(rTime.Minutes*60000)+(rTime.Seconds*1000)+(rTime.HundredthSeconds*10)) / fMilliSecondsPerDay; } template double lcl_DateToDouble( const D& rDate, const Date& rNullDate ) { long nDate = Date::DateToDays( rDate.Day, rDate.Month, rDate.Year ); long nNullDate = Date::DateToDays( rNullDate.GetDay(), rNullDate.GetMonth(), rNullDate.GetYear() ); return double( nDate - nNullDate ); } String SwDocInfoField::Expand() const { if ( ( nSubType & 0xFF ) == DI_CUSTOM ) { // custom properties currently need special treatment // we don't have a secure way to detect "real" custom properties in Word Import of text fields // so we treat *every* unknown property as a custom property, even the "built-in" section in Word's document summary information stream // as these properties have not been inserted when the document summary information was imported, we do it here // this approach is still a lot better than the old one to import such fields as "user fields" and simple text SwDocShell* pDocShell = GetDoc()->GetDocShell(); if( !pDocShell ) return aContent; try { uno::Reference xDPS( pDocShell->GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); uno::Reference xDocProps( xDPS->getDocumentProperties()); uno::Reference < beans::XPropertySet > xSet( xDocProps->getUserDefinedProperties(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); uno::Reference < beans::XPropertySetInfo > xSetInfo = xSet->getPropertySetInfo(); uno::Any aAny; if( xSetInfo->hasPropertyByName( aName ) ) aAny = xSet->getPropertyValue( aName ); if ( aAny.getValueType() != ::getVoidCppuType() ) { // "void" type means that the property has not been inserted until now if ( !IsFixed() ) { // if the field is "fixed" we don't update it from the property ::rtl::OUString sVal; uno::Reference < script::XTypeConverter > xConverter( comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory() ->createInstance(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("com.sun.star.script.Converter")), uno::UNO_QUERY ); util::Date aDate; util::DateTime aDateTime; util::Duration aDuration; if( aAny >>= aDate) { SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = pDocShell->GetDoc()->GetNumberFormatter(); Date* pNullDate = pFormatter->GetNullDate(); sVal = ExpandValue( lcl_DateToDouble( aDate, *pNullDate ), GetFormat(), GetLanguage()); } else if( aAny >>= aDateTime ) { double fDateTime = lcl_TimeToDouble( aDateTime ); SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = pDocShell->GetDoc()->GetNumberFormatter(); Date* pNullDate = pFormatter->GetNullDate(); fDateTime += lcl_DateToDouble( aDateTime, *pNullDate ); sVal = ExpandValue( fDateTime, GetFormat(), GetLanguage()); } else if( aAny >>= aDuration ) { String sText(aDuration.Negative ? '-' : '+'); sText += ViewShell::GetShellRes()->sDurationFormat; sText.SearchAndReplace(String::CreateFromAscii( "%1"), String::CreateFromInt32( aDuration.Years ) ); sText.SearchAndReplace(String::CreateFromAscii( "%2"), String::CreateFromInt32( aDuration.Months ) ); sText.SearchAndReplace(String::CreateFromAscii( "%3"), String::CreateFromInt32( aDuration.Days ) ); sText.SearchAndReplace(String::CreateFromAscii( "%4"), String::CreateFromInt32( aDuration.Hours ) ); sText.SearchAndReplace(String::CreateFromAscii( "%5"), String::CreateFromInt32( aDuration.Minutes) ); sText.SearchAndReplace(String::CreateFromAscii( "%6"), String::CreateFromInt32( aDuration.Seconds) ); sVal = sText; } else { uno::Any aNew = xConverter->convertToSimpleType( aAny, uno::TypeClass_STRING ); aNew >>= sVal; } ((SwDocInfoField*)this)->aContent = sVal; } } } catch (uno::Exception&) {} } else if ( !IsFixed() ) ((SwDocInfoField*)this)->aContent = ((SwDocInfoFieldType*)GetTyp())->Expand(nSubType, GetFormat(), GetLanguage(), aName); return aContent; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String SwDocInfoField::GetFieldName() const { String aStr(SwFieldType::GetTypeStr(GetTypeId())); aStr += ':'; sal_uInt16 const nSub = nSubType & 0xff; switch (nSub) { case DI_CUSTOM: aStr += aName; break; default: aStr += *ViewShell::GetShellRes() ->aDocInfoLst[ nSub - DI_SUBTYPE_BEGIN ]; break; } if (IsFixed()) { aStr += ' '; aStr += ViewShell::GetShellRes()->aFixedStr; } return aStr; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwField* SwDocInfoField::Copy() const { SwDocInfoField* pFld = new SwDocInfoField((SwDocInfoFieldType*)GetTyp(), nSubType, aName, GetFormat()); pFld->SetAutomaticLanguage(IsAutomaticLanguage()); pFld->aContent = aContent; return pFld; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ sal_uInt16 SwDocInfoField::GetSubType() const { return nSubType; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwDocInfoField::SetSubType(sal_uInt16 nSub) { nSubType = nSub; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwDocInfoField::SetLanguage(sal_uInt16 nLng) { if (!GetFormat()) SwField::SetLanguage(nLng); else SwValueField::SetLanguage(nLng); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ sal_Bool SwDocInfoField::QueryValue( uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) const { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: rAny <<= OUString(aContent); break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR4: rAny <<= OUString(aName); break; case FIELD_PROP_USHORT1: rAny <<= (sal_Int16)aContent.ToInt32(); break; case FIELD_PROP_BOOL1: { sal_Bool bVal = 0 != (nSubType & DI_SUB_FIXED); rAny.setValue(&bVal, ::getBooleanCppuType()); } break; case FIELD_PROP_FORMAT: rAny <<= (sal_Int32)GetFormat(); break; case FIELD_PROP_DOUBLE: { double fVal = GetValue(); rAny.setValue(&fVal, ::getCppuType(&fVal)); } break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR3: rAny <<= rtl::OUString(Expand()); break; case FIELD_PROP_BOOL2: { sal_uInt16 nExtSub = (nSubType & 0xff00) & ~DI_SUB_FIXED; sal_Bool bVal = (nExtSub == DI_SUB_DATE); rAny.setValue(&bVal, ::getBooleanCppuType()); } break; default: return SwField::QueryValue(rAny, nWhichId); } return sal_True; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ sal_Bool SwDocInfoField::PutValue( const uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) { sal_Int32 nValue = 0; switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: if( nSubType & DI_SUB_FIXED ) ::GetString( rAny, aContent ); break; case FIELD_PROP_USHORT1: if( nSubType & DI_SUB_FIXED ) { rAny >>= nValue; aContent = String::CreateFromInt32(nValue); } break; case FIELD_PROP_BOOL1: if(*(sal_Bool*)rAny.getValue()) nSubType |= DI_SUB_FIXED; else nSubType &= ~DI_SUB_FIXED; break; case FIELD_PROP_FORMAT: { rAny >>= nValue; if( nValue >= 0) SetFormat(nValue); } break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR3: ::GetString( rAny, aContent ); break; case FIELD_PROP_BOOL2: nSubType &= 0xf0ff; if(*(sal_Bool*)rAny.getValue()) nSubType |= DI_SUB_DATE; else nSubType |= DI_SUB_TIME; break; default: return SwField::PutValue(rAny, nWhichId); } return sal_True; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: SwHiddenTxtFieldType by JP --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwHiddenTxtFieldType::SwHiddenTxtFieldType( sal_Bool bSetHidden ) : SwFieldType( RES_HIDDENTXTFLD ), bHidden( bSetHidden ) { } SwFieldType* SwHiddenTxtFieldType::Copy() const { return new SwHiddenTxtFieldType( bHidden ); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwHiddenTxtFieldType::SetHiddenFlag( sal_Bool bSetHidden ) { if( bHidden != bSetHidden ) { bHidden = bSetHidden; UpdateFlds(); // alle HiddenText benachrichtigen } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwHiddenTxtField::SwHiddenTxtField( SwHiddenTxtFieldType* pFldType, sal_Bool bConditional, const String& rCond, const String& rStr, sal_Bool bHidden, sal_uInt16 nSub) : SwField( pFldType ), aCond(rCond), nSubType(nSub), bCanToggle(bConditional), bIsHidden(bHidden), bValid(sal_False) { if(nSubType == TYP_CONDTXTFLD) { sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; aTRUETxt = rStr.GetToken(0, '|', nPos); if(nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND) { aFALSETxt = rStr.GetToken(0, '|', nPos); if(nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND) { aContent = rStr.GetToken(0, '|', nPos); bValid = sal_True; } } } else aTRUETxt = rStr; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwHiddenTxtField::SwHiddenTxtField( SwHiddenTxtFieldType* pFldType, const String& rCond, const String& rTrue, const String& rFalse, sal_uInt16 nSub) : SwField( pFldType ), aTRUETxt(rTrue), aFALSETxt(rFalse), aCond(rCond), nSubType(nSub), bIsHidden(sal_True), bValid(sal_False) { bCanToggle = aCond.Len() > 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String SwHiddenTxtField::Expand() const { // Type: !Hidden -> immer anzeigen // Hide -> Werte die Bedingung aus if( TYP_CONDTXTFLD == nSubType ) { if( bValid ) return aContent; if( bCanToggle && !bIsHidden ) return aTRUETxt; } else if( !((SwHiddenTxtFieldType*)GetTyp())->GetHiddenFlag() || ( bCanToggle && bIsHidden )) return aTRUETxt; return aFALSETxt; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Aktuellen Field-Value holen und cachen --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwHiddenTxtField::Evaluate(SwDoc* pDoc) { ASSERT(pDoc, Wo ist das Dokument Seniore); if( TYP_CONDTXTFLD == nSubType ) { SwNewDBMgr* pMgr = pDoc->GetNewDBMgr(); bValid = sal_False; String sTmpName; if (bCanToggle && !bIsHidden) sTmpName = aTRUETxt; else sTmpName = aFALSETxt; // OS 21.08.97: #42943# Datenbankausdruecke muessen sich von // einfachem Text unterscheiden. also wird der einfache Text // bevorzugt in Anfuehrungszeichen gesetzt. // Sind diese vorhanden werden umschliessende entfernt. // Wenn nicht, dann wird auf die Tauglichkeit als Datenbankname // geprueft. Nur wenn zwei oder mehr Punkte vorhanden sind und kein // Anfuehrungszeichen enthalten ist, gehen wir von einer DB aus. if(sTmpName.Len() > 1 && sTmpName.GetChar(0) == '\"' && sTmpName.GetChar((sTmpName.Len() - 1))== '\"') { aContent = sTmpName.Copy(1, sTmpName.Len() - 2); bValid = sal_True; } else if(sTmpName.Search('\"') == STRING_NOTFOUND && sTmpName.GetTokenCount('.') > 2) { ::ReplacePoint(sTmpName); if(sTmpName.GetChar(0) == '[' && sTmpName.GetChar(sTmpName.Len()-1) == ']') { // Eckige Klammern entfernen sTmpName.Erase(0, 1); sTmpName.Erase(sTmpName.Len()-1, 1); } if( pMgr) { String sDBName( GetDBName( sTmpName, pDoc )); String sDataSource(sDBName.GetToken(0, DB_DELIM)); String sDataTableOrQuery(sDBName.GetToken(1, DB_DELIM)); if( pMgr->IsInMerge() && sDBName.Len() && pMgr->IsDataSourceOpen( sDataSource, sDataTableOrQuery, sal_False)) { double fNumber; sal_uInt32 nTmpFormat; pMgr->GetMergeColumnCnt(GetColumnName( sTmpName ), GetLanguage(), aContent, &fNumber, &nTmpFormat ); bValid = sal_True; } else if( sDBName.Len() && sDataSource.Len() && sDataTableOrQuery.Len() ) bValid = sal_True; } } } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String SwHiddenTxtField::GetFieldName() const { String aStr(SwFieldType::GetTypeStr(nSubType)); aStr += ' '; aStr += aCond; aStr += ' '; aStr += aTRUETxt; if (nSubType == TYP_CONDTXTFLD) { aStr.AppendAscii(" : "); aStr += aFALSETxt; } return aStr; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwField* SwHiddenTxtField::Copy() const { SwHiddenTxtField* pFld = new SwHiddenTxtField((SwHiddenTxtFieldType*)GetTyp(), aCond, aTRUETxt, aFALSETxt); pFld->bIsHidden = bIsHidden; pFld->bValid = bValid; pFld->aContent = aContent; pFld->SetFormat(GetFormat()); pFld->nSubType = nSubType; return pFld; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Bedingung setzen --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwHiddenTxtField::SetPar1(const String& rStr) { aCond = rStr; bCanToggle = aCond.Len() > 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const String& SwHiddenTxtField::GetPar1() const { return aCond; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: True/False Text --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwHiddenTxtField::SetPar2(const String& rStr) { if(nSubType == TYP_CONDTXTFLD) { sal_uInt16 nPos = rStr.Search('|'); aTRUETxt = rStr.Copy(0, nPos); if(nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND) aFALSETxt = rStr.Copy(nPos + 1); } else aTRUETxt = rStr; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String SwHiddenTxtField::GetPar2() const { String aRet(aTRUETxt); if(nSubType == TYP_CONDTXTFLD) { aRet += '|'; aRet += aFALSETxt; } return aRet; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ sal_uInt16 SwHiddenTxtField::GetSubType() const { return nSubType; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ sal_Bool SwHiddenTxtField::QueryValue( uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) const { const String* pOut = 0; switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: pOut = &aCond; break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR2: pOut = &aTRUETxt; break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR3: pOut = &aFALSETxt; break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR4 : pOut = &aContent; break; case FIELD_PROP_BOOL1: { sal_Bool bHidden = bIsHidden; rAny.setValue(&bHidden, ::getBooleanCppuType()); } break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } if( pOut ) rAny <<= OUString( *pOut ); return sal_True; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ sal_Bool SwHiddenTxtField::PutValue( const uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: { String sVal; SetPar1(::GetString( rAny, sVal )); } break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR2: ::GetString( rAny, aTRUETxt ); break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR3: ::GetString( rAny, aFALSETxt ); break; case FIELD_PROP_BOOL1: bIsHidden = *(sal_Bool*)rAny.getValue(); break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR4: ::GetString( rAny, aContent); bValid = sal_True; break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ String SwHiddenTxtField::GetColumnName(const String& rName) { sal_uInt16 nPos = rName.Search(DB_DELIM); if( STRING_NOTFOUND != nPos ) { nPos = rName.Search(DB_DELIM, nPos + 1); if( STRING_NOTFOUND != nPos ) return rName.Copy(nPos + 1); } return rName; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ String SwHiddenTxtField::GetDBName(const String& rName, SwDoc *pDoc) { sal_uInt16 nPos = rName.Search(DB_DELIM); if( STRING_NOTFOUND != nPos ) { nPos = rName.Search(DB_DELIM, nPos + 1); if( STRING_NOTFOUND != nPos ) return rName.Copy( 0, nPos ); } SwDBData aData = pDoc->GetDBData(); String sRet = aData.sDataSource; sRet += DB_DELIM; sRet += String(aData.sCommand); return sRet; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Der Feldtyp fuer Zeilenhoehe 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwHiddenParaFieldType::SwHiddenParaFieldType() : SwFieldType( RES_HIDDENPARAFLD ) { } SwFieldType* SwHiddenParaFieldType::Copy() const { SwHiddenParaFieldType* pTyp = new SwHiddenParaFieldType(); return pTyp; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Das Feld Zeilenhoehe 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwHiddenParaField::SwHiddenParaField(SwHiddenParaFieldType* pTyp, const String& rStr) : SwField(pTyp), aCond(rStr) { bIsHidden = sal_False; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String SwHiddenParaField::Expand() const { return aEmptyStr; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwField* SwHiddenParaField::Copy() const { SwHiddenParaField* pFld = new SwHiddenParaField((SwHiddenParaFieldType*)GetTyp(), aCond); pFld->bIsHidden = bIsHidden; return pFld; } sal_Bool SwHiddenParaField::QueryValue( uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) const { switch ( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: rAny <<= OUString(aCond); break; case FIELD_PROP_BOOL1: { sal_Bool bHidden = bIsHidden; rAny.setValue(&bHidden, ::getBooleanCppuType()); } break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } sal_Bool SwHiddenParaField::PutValue( const uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) { switch ( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: ::GetString( rAny, aCond ); break; case FIELD_PROP_BOOL1: bIsHidden = *(sal_Bool*)rAny.getValue(); break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Bedingung setzen --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwHiddenParaField::SetPar1(const String& rStr) { aCond = rStr; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const String& SwHiddenParaField::GetPar1() const { return aCond; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: PostIt --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwPostItFieldType::SwPostItFieldType(SwDoc *pDoc) : SwFieldType( RES_POSTITFLD ) , mpDoc(pDoc) {} /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwFieldType* SwPostItFieldType::Copy() const { return new SwPostItFieldType(mpDoc); } SwPostItField::SwPostItField( SwPostItFieldType* pT, const String& rCommentContent, const String& rAuthor, const String& rAuthorInitials, const String& rName, const DateTime& rDateTime ) : SwField( pT ) , msCommentContent( rCommentContent ) , msAuthor( rAuthor ) , msAuthorInitials( rAuthorInitials ) , msName( rName ) , maDateTime( rDateTime ) , mpText( NULL ) , m_pTextObject( NULL ) { } SwPostItField::~SwPostItField() { if ( m_pTextObject != NULL ) { m_pTextObject->DisposeEditSource(); m_pTextObject->release(); } delete mpText; } String SwPostItField::Expand() const { return aEmptyStr; } String SwPostItField::GetDescription() const { return SW_RES(STR_NOTE); } SwField* SwPostItField::Copy() const { SwPostItField* pRet = new SwPostItField( (SwPostItFieldType*)GetTyp(), msCommentContent, msAuthor, msAuthorInitials, msName, maDateTime); if ( mpText != NULL ) { pRet->SetTextObject( new OutlinerParaObject(*mpText) ); } // Note: member not copied. return pRet; } void SwPostItField::SetPar1(const String& rStr) { msAuthor = rStr; } const String& SwPostItField::GetPar1() const { return msAuthor; } void SwPostItField::SetPar2(const String& rStr) { msCommentContent = rStr; } String SwPostItField::GetPar2() const { return msCommentContent; } void SwPostItField::SetName(const String& rName) { msName = rName; } const String& SwPostItField::GetName() const { return msName; } const OutlinerParaObject* SwPostItField::GetTextObject() const { return mpText; } void SwPostItField::SetTextObject( OutlinerParaObject* pText ) { delete mpText; mpText = pText; } sal_uInt32 SwPostItField::GetNumberOfParagraphs() const { return (mpText) ? mpText->Count() : 1; } sal_Bool SwPostItField::QueryValue( uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) const { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: rAny <<= OUString(msAuthor); break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR2: { rAny <<= OUString(msCommentContent); break; } case FIELD_PROP_PAR3: rAny <<= OUString(msAuthorInitials); break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR4: rAny <<= OUString(msName); break; case FIELD_PROP_TEXT: { if ( !m_pTextObject ) { SwPostItFieldType* pGetType = (SwPostItFieldType*)GetTyp(); SwDoc* pDoc = pGetType->GetDoc(); SwTextAPIEditSource* pObj = new SwTextAPIEditSource( pDoc ); const_cast (this)->m_pTextObject = new SwTextAPIObject( pObj ); m_pTextObject->acquire(); } if ( mpText ) m_pTextObject->SetText( *mpText ); else m_pTextObject->SetString( msCommentContent ); uno::Reference < text::XText > xText( m_pTextObject ); rAny <<= xText; break; } case FIELD_PROP_DATE: { util::Date aSetDate; aSetDate.Day = maDateTime.GetDay(); aSetDate.Month = maDateTime.GetMonth(); aSetDate.Year = maDateTime.GetYear(); rAny.setValue(&aSetDate, ::getCppuType((util::Date*)0)); } break; case FIELD_PROP_DATE_TIME: { util::DateTime DateTimeValue; DateTimeValue.HundredthSeconds = maDateTime.Get100Sec(); DateTimeValue.Seconds = maDateTime.GetSec(); DateTimeValue.Minutes = maDateTime.GetMin(); DateTimeValue.Hours = maDateTime.GetHour(); DateTimeValue.Day = maDateTime.GetDay(); DateTimeValue.Month = maDateTime.GetMonth(); DateTimeValue.Year = maDateTime.GetYear(); rAny <<= DateTimeValue; } break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } sal_Bool SwPostItField::PutValue( const uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: ::GetString( rAny, msAuthor ); break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR2: ::GetString( rAny, msCommentContent ); //#i100374# new string via api, delete complex text object so SwPostItNote picks up the new string if (mpText) { delete mpText; mpText = 0; } break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR3: ::GetString( rAny, msAuthorInitials ); break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR4: ::GetString( rAny, msName ); break; case FIELD_PROP_TEXT: DBG_ERROR("Not implemented!"); // ::GetString( rAny, msCommentContent ); break; case FIELD_PROP_DATE: if( rAny.getValueType() == ::getCppuType((util::Date*)0) ) { util::Date aSetDate = *(util::Date*)rAny.getValue(); maDateTime = Date(aSetDate.Day, aSetDate.Month, aSetDate.Year); } break; case FIELD_PROP_DATE_TIME: { util::DateTime aDateTimeValue; if(!(rAny >>= aDateTimeValue)) return sal_False; maDateTime.Set100Sec(aDateTimeValue.HundredthSeconds); maDateTime.SetSec(aDateTimeValue.Seconds); maDateTime.SetMin(aDateTimeValue.Minutes); maDateTime.SetHour(aDateTimeValue.Hours); maDateTime.SetDay(aDateTimeValue.Day); maDateTime.SetMonth(aDateTimeValue.Month); maDateTime.SetYear(aDateTimeValue.Year); } break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: DokumentinfoFields --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwExtUserFieldType::SwExtUserFieldType() : SwFieldType( RES_EXTUSERFLD ) { } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwFieldType* SwExtUserFieldType::Copy() const { SwExtUserFieldType* pTyp = new SwExtUserFieldType; return pTyp; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String SwExtUserFieldType::Expand(sal_uInt16 nSub, sal_uInt32 ) const { String aRet; sal_uInt16 nRet = USHRT_MAX; switch(nSub) { case EU_FIRSTNAME: nRet = USER_OPT_FIRSTNAME; break; case EU_NAME: nRet = USER_OPT_LASTNAME; break; case EU_SHORTCUT: nRet = USER_OPT_ID; break; case EU_COMPANY: nRet = USER_OPT_COMPANY; break; case EU_STREET: nRet = USER_OPT_STREET; break; case EU_TITLE: nRet = USER_OPT_TITLE; break; case EU_POSITION: nRet = USER_OPT_POSITION; break; case EU_PHONE_PRIVATE: nRet = USER_OPT_TELEPHONEHOME; break; case EU_PHONE_COMPANY: nRet = USER_OPT_TELEPHONEWORK; break; case EU_FAX: nRet = USER_OPT_FAX; break; case EU_EMAIL: nRet = USER_OPT_EMAIL; break; case EU_COUNTRY: nRet = USER_OPT_COUNTRY; break; case EU_ZIP: nRet = USER_OPT_ZIP; break; case EU_CITY: nRet = USER_OPT_CITY; break; case EU_STATE: nRet = USER_OPT_STATE; break; case EU_FATHERSNAME: nRet = USER_OPT_FATHERSNAME; break; case EU_APARTMENT: nRet = USER_OPT_APARTMENT; break; default: ASSERT( !this, "Field unknown"); } if( USHRT_MAX != nRet ) { SvtUserOptions& rUserOpt = SW_MOD()->GetUserOptions(); aRet = rUserOpt.GetToken( nRet ); } return aRet; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwExtUserField::SwExtUserField(SwExtUserFieldType* pTyp, sal_uInt16 nSubTyp, sal_uInt32 nFmt) : SwField(pTyp, nFmt), nType(nSubTyp) { aContent = ((SwExtUserFieldType*)GetTyp())->Expand(nType, GetFormat()); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String SwExtUserField::Expand() const { if (!IsFixed()) ((SwExtUserField*)this)->aContent = ((SwExtUserFieldType*)GetTyp())->Expand(nType, GetFormat()); return aContent; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwField* SwExtUserField::Copy() const { SwExtUserField* pFld = new SwExtUserField((SwExtUserFieldType*)GetTyp(), nType, GetFormat()); pFld->SetExpansion(aContent); return pFld; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ sal_uInt16 SwExtUserField::GetSubType() const { return nType; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwExtUserField::SetSubType(sal_uInt16 nSub) { nType = nSub; } sal_Bool SwExtUserField::QueryValue( uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) const { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: rAny <<= OUString(aContent); break; case FIELD_PROP_USHORT1: { sal_Int16 nTmp = nType; rAny <<= nTmp; } break; case FIELD_PROP_BOOL1: { sal_Bool bTmp = IsFixed(); rAny.setValue(&bTmp, ::getBooleanCppuType()); } break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } sal_Bool SwExtUserField::PutValue( const uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: ::GetString( rAny, aContent ); break; case FIELD_PROP_USHORT1: { sal_Int16 nTmp = 0; rAny >>= nTmp; nType = nTmp; } break; case FIELD_PROP_BOOL1: if( *(sal_Bool*)rAny.getValue() ) SetFormat(GetFormat() | AF_FIXED); else SetFormat(GetFormat() & ~AF_FIXED); break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Relatives Seitennummern - Feld --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwRefPageSetFieldType::SwRefPageSetFieldType() : SwFieldType( RES_REFPAGESETFLD ) { } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwFieldType* SwRefPageSetFieldType::Copy() const { return new SwRefPageSetFieldType; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // ueberlagert, weil es nichts zum Updaten gibt! void SwRefPageSetFieldType::Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem * ) { } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Relative Seitennummerierung --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwRefPageSetField::SwRefPageSetField( SwRefPageSetFieldType* pTyp, short nOff, sal_Bool bFlag ) : SwField( pTyp ), nOffset( nOff ), bOn( bFlag ) { } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String SwRefPageSetField::Expand() const { return aEmptyStr; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwField* SwRefPageSetField::Copy() const { return new SwRefPageSetField( (SwRefPageSetFieldType*)GetTyp(), nOffset, bOn ); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String SwRefPageSetField::GetPar2() const { return String::CreateFromInt32( GetOffset() ); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwRefPageSetField::SetPar2(const String& rStr) { SetOffset( (short) rStr.ToInt32() ); } sal_Bool SwRefPageSetField::QueryValue( uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) const { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_BOOL1: rAny.setValue(&bOn, ::getBooleanCppuType()); break; case FIELD_PROP_USHORT1: rAny <<= (sal_Int16)nOffset; break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } sal_Bool SwRefPageSetField::PutValue( const uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_BOOL1: bOn = *(sal_Bool*)rAny.getValue(); break; case FIELD_PROP_USHORT1: rAny >>=nOffset; break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: relatives Seitennummern - Abfrage Feld --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwRefPageGetFieldType::SwRefPageGetFieldType( SwDoc* pDc ) : SwFieldType( RES_REFPAGEGETFLD ), pDoc( pDc ), nNumberingType( SVX_NUM_ARABIC ) { } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwFieldType* SwRefPageGetFieldType::Copy() const { SwRefPageGetFieldType* pNew = new SwRefPageGetFieldType( pDoc ); pNew->nNumberingType = nNumberingType; return pNew; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwRefPageGetFieldType::Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem* pNew ) { // Update auf alle GetReferenz-Felder if( !pNew && !pOld && GetDepends() ) { // sammel erstmal alle SetPageRefFelder ein. _SetGetExpFlds aTmpLst( 10, 5 ); if( MakeSetList( aTmpLst ) ) { SwIterator aIter( *this ); for ( SwFmtFld* pFmtFld = aIter.First(); pFmtFld; pFmtFld = aIter.Next() ) // nur die GetRef-Felder Updaten if( pFmtFld->GetTxtFld() ) UpdateField( pFmtFld->GetTxtFld(), aTmpLst ); } } // weiter an die Text-Felder, diese "Expandieren" den Text NotifyClients( pOld, pNew ); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ sal_uInt16 SwRefPageGetFieldType::MakeSetList( _SetGetExpFlds& rTmpLst ) { SwIterator aIter(*pDoc->GetSysFldType( RES_REFPAGESETFLD)); for ( SwFmtFld* pFmtFld = aIter.First(); pFmtFld; pFmtFld = aIter.Next() ) { // nur die GetRef-Felder Updaten const SwTxtFld* pTFld = pFmtFld->GetTxtFld(); if( pTFld ) { const SwTxtNode& rTxtNd = pTFld->GetTxtNode(); // immer den ersten !! (in Tab-Headline, Kopf-/Fuss ) Point aPt; const SwCntntFrm* pFrm = rTxtNd.getLayoutFrm( rTxtNd.GetDoc()->GetCurrentLayout(), &aPt, 0, sal_False ); _SetGetExpFld* pNew; if( !pFrm || pFrm->IsInDocBody() || // --> FME 2004-07-27 #i31868# // Check if pFrm is not yet connected to the layout. !pFrm->FindPageFrm() ) // <-- { // einen sdbcx::Index fuers bestimmen vom TextNode anlegen SwNodeIndex aIdx( rTxtNd ); pNew = new _SetGetExpFld( aIdx, pTFld ); } else { // einen sdbcx::Index fuers bestimmen vom TextNode anlegen SwPosition aPos( pDoc->GetNodes().GetEndOfPostIts() ); #ifdef DBG_UTIL ASSERT( GetBodyTxtNode( *pDoc, aPos, *pFrm ), "wo steht das Feld" ); #else GetBodyTxtNode( *pDoc, aPos, *pFrm ); #endif pNew = new _SetGetExpFld( aPos.nNode, pTFld, &aPos.nContent ); } if( !rTmpLst.Insert( pNew )) delete pNew; } } return rTmpLst.Count(); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwRefPageGetFieldType::UpdateField( SwTxtFld* pTxtFld, _SetGetExpFlds& rSetList ) { SwRefPageGetField* pGetFld = (SwRefPageGetField*)pTxtFld->GetFmtFld().GetField(); pGetFld->SetText( aEmptyStr ); // dann suche mal das richtige RefPageSet-Field SwTxtNode* pTxtNode = (SwTxtNode*)&pTxtFld->GetTxtNode(); if( pTxtNode->StartOfSectionIndex() > pDoc->GetNodes().GetEndOfExtras().GetIndex() ) { SwNodeIndex aIdx( *pTxtNode ); _SetGetExpFld aEndFld( aIdx, pTxtFld ); sal_uInt16 nLast; rSetList.Seek_Entry( &aEndFld, &nLast ); if( nLast-- ) { const SwTxtFld* pRefTxtFld = rSetList[ nLast ]->GetTxtFld(); const SwRefPageSetField* pSetFld = (SwRefPageSetField*)pRefTxtFld->GetFmtFld().GetField(); if( pSetFld->IsOn() ) { // dann bestimme mal den entsp. Offset Point aPt; const SwCntntFrm* pFrm = pTxtNode->getLayoutFrm( pTxtNode->GetDoc()->GetCurrentLayout(), &aPt, 0, sal_False ); const SwCntntFrm* pRefFrm = pRefTxtFld->GetTxtNode().getLayoutFrm( pRefTxtFld->GetTxtNode().GetDoc()->GetCurrentLayout(), &aPt, 0, sal_False ); const SwPageFrm* pPgFrm = 0; sal_uInt16 nDiff = ( pFrm && pRefFrm ) ? (pPgFrm = pFrm->FindPageFrm())->GetPhyPageNum() - pRefFrm->FindPageFrm()->GetPhyPageNum() + 1 : 1; sal_uInt32 nTmpFmt = SVX_NUM_PAGEDESC == pGetFld->GetFormat() ? ( !pPgFrm ? (sal_uInt32)SVX_NUM_ARABIC : pPgFrm->GetPageDesc()->GetNumType().GetNumberingType() ) : pGetFld->GetFormat(); short nPageNum = static_cast(Max(0, pSetFld->GetOffset() + (short)nDiff)); pGetFld->SetText( FormatNumber( nPageNum, nTmpFmt ) ); } } } // dann die Formatierung anstossen ((SwFmtFld&)pTxtFld->GetFmtFld()).ModifyNotification( 0, 0 ); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Relative Seitennummerierung Abfragen --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwRefPageGetField::SwRefPageGetField( SwRefPageGetFieldType* pTyp, sal_uInt32 nFmt ) : SwField( pTyp, nFmt ) { } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String SwRefPageGetField::Expand() const { return sTxt; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwField* SwRefPageGetField::Copy() const { SwRefPageGetField* pCpy = new SwRefPageGetField( (SwRefPageGetFieldType*)GetTyp(), GetFormat() ); pCpy->SetText( sTxt ); return pCpy; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwRefPageGetField::ChangeExpansion( const SwFrm* pFrm, const SwTxtFld* pFld ) { // nur Felder in Footer, Header, FootNote, Flys SwTxtNode* pTxtNode = (SwTxtNode*)&pFld->GetTxtNode(); SwRefPageGetFieldType* pGetType = (SwRefPageGetFieldType*)GetTyp(); SwDoc* pDoc = pGetType->GetDoc(); if( pFld->GetTxtNode().StartOfSectionIndex() > pDoc->GetNodes().GetEndOfExtras().GetIndex() ) return; sTxt.Erase(); ASSERT( !pFrm->IsInDocBody(), "Flag ist nicht richtig, Frame steht im DocBody" ); // sammel erstmal alle SetPageRefFelder ein. _SetGetExpFlds aTmpLst( 10, 5 ); if( !pGetType->MakeSetList( aTmpLst ) ) return ; // einen sdbcx::Index fuers bestimmen vom TextNode anlegen SwPosition aPos( SwNodeIndex( pDoc->GetNodes() ) ); pTxtNode = (SwTxtNode*) GetBodyTxtNode( *pDoc, aPos, *pFrm ); // Wenn kein Layout vorhanden, kommt es in Kopf und Fusszeilen dazu // das ChangeExpansion uebers Layout-Formatieren aufgerufen wird // aber kein TxtNode vorhanden ist // if(!pTxtNode) return; _SetGetExpFld aEndFld( aPos.nNode, pFld, &aPos.nContent ); sal_uInt16 nLast; aTmpLst.Seek_Entry( &aEndFld, &nLast ); if( !nLast-- ) return ; // es gibt kein entsprechendes Set - Feld vor mir const SwTxtFld* pRefTxtFld = aTmpLst[ nLast ]->GetTxtFld(); const SwRefPageSetField* pSetFld = (SwRefPageSetField*)pRefTxtFld->GetFmtFld().GetField(); Point aPt; const SwCntntFrm* pRefFrm = pRefTxtFld ? pRefTxtFld->GetTxtNode().getLayoutFrm( pFrm->getRootFrm(), &aPt, 0, sal_False ) : 0; if( pSetFld->IsOn() && pRefFrm ) { // dann bestimme mal den entsp. Offset const SwPageFrm* pPgFrm = pFrm->FindPageFrm(); sal_uInt16 nDiff = pPgFrm->GetPhyPageNum() - pRefFrm->FindPageFrm()->GetPhyPageNum() + 1; SwRefPageGetField* pGetFld = (SwRefPageGetField*)pFld->GetFmtFld().GetField(); sal_uInt32 nTmpFmt = SVX_NUM_PAGEDESC == pGetFld->GetFormat() ? pPgFrm->GetPageDesc()->GetNumType().GetNumberingType() : pGetFld->GetFormat(); short nPageNum = static_cast(Max(0, pSetFld->GetOffset() + (short)nDiff )); pGetFld->SetText( FormatNumber( nPageNum, nTmpFmt ) ); } } sal_Bool SwRefPageGetField::QueryValue( uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) const { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_USHORT1: rAny <<= (sal_Int16)GetFormat(); break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: rAny <<= OUString(sTxt); break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } sal_Bool SwRefPageGetField::PutValue( const uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_USHORT1: { sal_Int16 nSet = 0; rAny >>= nSet; if(nSet <= SVX_NUM_PAGEDESC ) SetFormat(nSet); else { //exception(wrong_value) ; } } break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: { OUString sTmp; rAny >>= sTmp; sTxt = sTmp; } break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Feld zum Anspringen und Editieren --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwJumpEditFieldType::SwJumpEditFieldType( SwDoc* pD ) : SwFieldType( RES_JUMPEDITFLD ), pDoc( pD ), aDep( this, 0 ) { } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwFieldType* SwJumpEditFieldType::Copy() const { return new SwJumpEditFieldType( pDoc ); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwCharFmt* SwJumpEditFieldType::GetCharFmt() { SwCharFmt* pFmt = pDoc->GetCharFmtFromPool( RES_POOLCHR_JUMPEDIT ); // noch nicht registriert ? if( !aDep.GetRegisteredIn() ) pFmt->Add( &aDep ); // anmelden return pFmt; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwJumpEditField::SwJumpEditField( SwJumpEditFieldType* pTyp, sal_uInt32 nForm, const String& rTxt, const String& rHelp ) : SwField( pTyp, nForm ), sTxt( rTxt ), sHelp( rHelp ) { } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String SwJumpEditField::Expand() const { String sTmp( '<' ); sTmp += sTxt; return sTmp += '>'; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwField* SwJumpEditField::Copy() const { return new SwJumpEditField( (SwJumpEditFieldType*)GetTyp(), GetFormat(), sTxt, sHelp ); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Platzhalter-Text const String& SwJumpEditField::GetPar1() const { return sTxt; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwJumpEditField::SetPar1(const String& rStr) { sTxt = rStr; } // HinweisText /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ String SwJumpEditField::GetPar2() const { return sHelp; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwJumpEditField::SetPar2(const String& rStr) { sHelp = rStr; } sal_Bool SwJumpEditField::QueryValue( uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) const { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_USHORT1: { sal_Int16 nRet; switch( GetFormat() ) { case JE_FMT_TABLE: nRet = text::PlaceholderType::TABLE; break; case JE_FMT_FRAME: nRet = text::PlaceholderType::TEXTFRAME; break; case JE_FMT_GRAPHIC:nRet = text::PlaceholderType::GRAPHIC; break; case JE_FMT_OLE: nRet = text::PlaceholderType::OBJECT; break; // case JE_FMT_TEXT: default: nRet = text::PlaceholderType::TEXT; break; } rAny <<= nRet; } break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR1 : rAny <<= OUString(sHelp); break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR2 : rAny <<= OUString(sTxt); break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } sal_Bool SwJumpEditField::PutValue( const uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_USHORT1: { //JP 24.10.2001: int32 because in UnoField.cxx a putvalue is // called with a int32 value! But normally we need // here only a int16 sal_Int32 nSet = 0; rAny >>= nSet; switch( nSet ) { case text::PlaceholderType::TEXT : SetFormat(JE_FMT_TEXT); break; case text::PlaceholderType::TABLE : SetFormat(JE_FMT_TABLE); break; case text::PlaceholderType::TEXTFRAME: SetFormat(JE_FMT_FRAME); break; case text::PlaceholderType::GRAPHIC : SetFormat(JE_FMT_GRAPHIC); break; case text::PlaceholderType::OBJECT : SetFormat(JE_FMT_OLE); break; } } break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR1 : ::GetString( rAny, sHelp ); break; case FIELD_PROP_PAR2 : ::GetString( rAny, sTxt); break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Combined Character Fieldtype / Field --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwCombinedCharFieldType::SwCombinedCharFieldType() : SwFieldType( RES_COMBINED_CHARS ) { } SwFieldType* SwCombinedCharFieldType::Copy() const { return new SwCombinedCharFieldType; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwCombinedCharField::SwCombinedCharField( SwCombinedCharFieldType* pFTyp, const String& rChars ) : SwField( pFTyp, 0 ), sCharacters( rChars.Copy( 0, MAX_COMBINED_CHARACTERS )) { } String SwCombinedCharField::Expand() const { return sCharacters; } SwField* SwCombinedCharField::Copy() const { return new SwCombinedCharField( (SwCombinedCharFieldType*)GetTyp(), sCharacters ); } const String& SwCombinedCharField::GetPar1() const { return sCharacters; } void SwCombinedCharField::SetPar1(const String& rStr) { sCharacters = rStr.Copy( 0, MAX_COMBINED_CHARACTERS ); } sal_Bool SwCombinedCharField::QueryValue( uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) const { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: rAny <<= rtl::OUString( sCharacters ); break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; } sal_Bool SwCombinedCharField::PutValue( const uno::Any& rAny, sal_uInt16 nWhichId ) { switch( nWhichId ) { case FIELD_PROP_PAR1: ::GetString( rAny, sCharacters ).Erase( MAX_COMBINED_CHARACTERS ); break; default: DBG_ERROR("illegal property"); } return sal_True; }