 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
#include "ui_pch.hxx"

#include <hintids.hxx>
#ifndef _VIEW_HXX
#include <view.hxx>
#include <wrtsh.hxx>
#include <swundo.hxx>         // fuer Undo-Ids
#ifndef _GLOBALS_HRC
#include <globals.hrc>
#include <splargs.hxx>

#ifndef _MSGBOX_HXX //autogen
#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
#include <editeng/unolingu.hxx>
#include <editeng/langitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/fontitem.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/text/RubyAdjust.hpp>
#include <hhcwrp.hxx>
#include <sdrhhcwrap.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <txatritr.hxx>
#include <mdiexp.hxx>		// Progress
#include <edtwin.hxx>
#include <crsskip.hxx>
#include <index.hxx>
#include <pam.hxx>
#include <swcrsr.hxx>
#include <viscrs.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <fmtruby.hxx>
#include <breakit.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>

#ifndef _OLMENU_HRC
#include <olmenu.hrc>

#include <unomid.h>

using ::rtl::OUString;
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::text;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::linguistic2;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::i18n;

#define CHAR_PAR_BRK    ((sal_Char) 0x0D)

//     Beschreibung: Ggf. Rahmen/Objektshell abschalten

static void lcl_ActivateTextShell( SwWrtShell & rWrtSh )
    if( rWrtSh.IsSelFrmMode() || rWrtSh.IsObjSelected() )


class SwKeepConversionDirectionStateContext
		//!! hack to transport the current conversion direction state settings
		//!! into the next incarnation that iterates over the drawing objets
		//!! ( see SwHHCWrapper::~SwHHCWrapper() )
		editeng::HangulHanjaConversion::SetUseSavedConversionDirectionState( sal_True );

		editeng::HangulHanjaConversion::SetUseSavedConversionDirectionState( sal_False );


        SwView* pSwView,
        const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxMSF,
        LanguageType nSourceLanguage,
        LanguageType nTargetLanguage,
        const Font *pTargetFont,
        sal_Int32 nConvOptions,
        sal_Bool bIsInteractive,
        sal_Bool bStart, sal_Bool bOther, sal_Bool bSelection ) :
    editeng::HangulHanjaConversion( &pSwView->GetEditWin(), rxMSF,
                                SvxCreateLocale( nSourceLanguage ),
                                SvxCreateLocale( nTargetLanguage ),
                                bIsInteractive ),
    rWrtShell( pSwView->GetWrtShell() )
    pConvArgs       = 0;
    nLastPos        = 0;
    nUnitOffset     = 0;

    pView           = pSwView;
    pWin            = &pSwView->GetEditWin();
    bIsDrawObj      = sal_False;
    bIsStart        = bStart;
    bIsOtherCntnt   = bStartChk     = bOther;
    bIsConvSpecial  = sal_True;
    bIsSelection    = bSelection;
    bInfoBox        = sal_False;
    bStartDone  = bOther || bStart;
    bEndDone    = sal_False;
//    bLastRet    = sal_True;
    nPageCount  = nPageStart = 0;

    delete pConvArgs;

    rWrtShell.SetCareWin( NULL );

	// check for existence of a draw view which means that there are
	// (or previously were) draw objects present in the document.
	// I.e. we like to check those too.
    if ( IsDrawObj() /*&& bLastRet*/ && pView->GetWrtShell().HasDrawView() )
        Cursor *pSave = pView->GetWindow()->GetCursor();
			SwKeepConversionDirectionStateContext aContext;

            SdrHHCWrapper aSdrConvWrap( pView, GetSourceLanguage(),
                    GetTargetLanguage(), GetTargetFont(),
                    GetConversionOptions(), IsInteractive() );
        pView->GetWindow()->SetCursor( pSave );

    if( nPageCount )
        ::EndProgress( pView->GetDocShell() );

    // finally for chinese translation we need to change the the documents
    // default language and font to the new ones to be used.
    LanguageType nTargetLang = GetTargetLanguage();
    if (IsChinese( nTargetLang ))
        SwDoc *pDoc = pView->GetDocShell()->GetDoc();

        //!! Note: This also effects the default language of text boxes (EditEngine/EditView) !!
        pDoc->SetDefault( SvxLanguageItem( nTargetLang, RES_CHRATR_CJK_LANGUAGE ) );
        const Font *pFont = GetTargetFont();
        if (pFont)
            SvxFontItem aFontItem( pFont->GetFamily(), pFont->GetName(),
                    pFont->GetStyleName(), pFont->GetPitch(),
                    pFont->GetCharSet(), RES_CHRATR_CJK_FONT );
            pDoc->SetDefault( aFontItem );


    if( bInfoBox )
        InfoBox(&pView->GetEditWin(), String(SW_RES(STR_SPELL_OK)) ).Execute();

void SwHHCWrapper::GetNextPortion(
        ::rtl::OUString&    rNextPortion,
        LanguageType&       rLangOfPortion,
        sal_Bool bAllowChanges )
    pConvArgs->bAllowImplicitChangesForNotConvertibleText = bAllowChanges;

    rNextPortion    = pConvArgs->aConvText;
    rLangOfPortion  = pConvArgs->nConvTextLang;

    nUnitOffset  = 0;

    // build last pos from currently selected text
    SwPaM* pCrsr = rWrtShell.GetCrsr();
    nLastPos =  pCrsr->Start()->nContent.GetIndex();

void SwHHCWrapper::SelectNewUnit_impl( sal_Int32 nUnitStart, sal_Int32 nUnitEnd )
    SwPaM *pCrsr = rWrtShell.GetCrsr();
    pCrsr->GetPoint()->nContent = nLastPos;

    rWrtShell.Right( CRSR_SKIP_CHARS, /*bExpand*/ sal_False,
                  (sal_uInt16) (nUnitOffset + nUnitStart), sal_True );
    rWrtShell.Right( CRSR_SKIP_CHARS, /*bExpand*/ sal_True,
                  (sal_uInt16) (nUnitEnd - nUnitStart), sal_True );
	// end selection now. Otherwise SHIFT+HOME (extending the selection)
	// won't work when the dialog is closed without any replacement.
	// (see #116346#)

void SwHHCWrapper::HandleNewUnit(
        const sal_Int32 nUnitStart, const sal_Int32 nUnitEnd )
    DBG_ASSERT( nUnitStart >= 0 && nUnitEnd >= nUnitStart, "wrong arguments" );
    if (!(0 <= nUnitStart && nUnitStart <= nUnitEnd))

    lcl_ActivateTextShell( rWrtShell );


    // select current unit
    SelectNewUnit_impl( nUnitStart, nUnitEnd );


void SwHHCWrapper::ChangeText( const String &rNewText,
        const OUString& rOrigText,
        const uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > *pOffsets,
        SwPaM *pCrsr )
	//!! please see also TextConvWrapper::ChangeText with is a modified
	//!! copy of this code

    DBG_ASSERT( rNewText.Len() != 0, "unexpected empty string" );
    if (rNewText.Len() == 0)

    if (pOffsets && pCrsr)  // try to keep as much attributation as possible ?
        // remember cursor start position for later setting of the cursor
        const SwPosition *pStart = pCrsr->Start();
        const xub_StrLen nStartIndex = pStart->nContent.GetIndex();
        const SwNodeIndex aStartNodeIndex  = pStart->nNode;
        SwTxtNode *pStartTxtNode = aStartNodeIndex.GetNode().GetTxtNode();

        const sal_Int32  nIndices = pOffsets->getLength();
        const sal_Int32 *pIndices = pOffsets->getConstArray();
        xub_StrLen nConvTextLen = rNewText.Len();
        xub_StrLen nPos = 0;
        xub_StrLen nChgPos = STRING_NOTFOUND;
        xub_StrLen nChgLen = 0;
        xub_StrLen nConvChgPos = STRING_NOTFOUND;
        xub_StrLen nConvChgLen = 0;

		// offset to calculate the position in the text taking into
		// account that text may have been replaced with new text of
		// different length. Negative values allowed!
		long nCorrectionOffset = 0;

		DBG_ASSERT(nIndices == 0 || nIndices == nConvTextLen,
                "mismatch between string length and sequence length!" );

        // find all substrings that need to be replaced (and only those)
        while (sal_True)
			// get index in original text that matches nPos in new text
			xub_StrLen nIndex;
			if (nPos < nConvTextLen)
				nIndex = (sal_Int32) nPos < nIndices ? (xub_StrLen) pIndices[nPos] : nPos;
				nPos   = nConvTextLen;
				nIndex = static_cast< xub_StrLen >( rOrigText.getLength() );

            if (rOrigText.getStr()[nIndex] == rNewText.GetChar(nPos) ||
				nPos == nConvTextLen /* end of string also terminates non-matching char sequence */)
                // substring that needs to be replaced found?
                if (nChgPos != STRING_NOTFOUND && nConvChgPos != STRING_NOTFOUND)
                    nChgLen = nIndex - nChgPos;
                    nConvChgLen = nPos - nConvChgPos;
#ifdef DEBUG
                    String aInOrig( rOrigText.copy( nChgPos, nChgLen ) );
                    String aInNew( rNewText.Copy( nConvChgPos, nConvChgLen ) );

					// set selection to sub string to be replaced in original text
                    xub_StrLen nChgInNodeStartIndex = static_cast< xub_StrLen >( nStartIndex + nCorrectionOffset + nChgPos );
                    DBG_ASSERT( rWrtShell.GetCrsr()->HasMark(), "cursor misplaced (nothing selected)" );
                    rWrtShell.GetCrsr()->GetMark()->nContent.Assign( pStartTxtNode, nChgInNodeStartIndex );
                    rWrtShell.GetCrsr()->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pStartTxtNode, nChgInNodeStartIndex + nChgLen );
#ifdef DEBUG
					String aSelTxt1( rWrtShell.GetSelTxt() );

					// replace selected sub string with the corresponding
					// sub string from the new text while keeping as
					// much from the attributes as possible
                    ChangeText_impl( aInNew, sal_True );

					nCorrectionOffset += nConvChgLen - nChgLen;

                    nConvChgPos = STRING_NOTFOUND;
                // begin of non-matching char sequence found ?
                if (nChgPos == STRING_NOTFOUND && nConvChgPos == STRING_NOTFOUND)
                    nChgPos = nIndex;
                    nConvChgPos = nPos;
			if (nPos >= nConvTextLen)

		// set cursor to the end of all the new text
        // (as it would happen after ChangeText_impl (Delete and Insert)
		// of the whole text in the 'else' branch below)
        rWrtShell.GetCrsr()->Start()->nContent.Assign( pStartTxtNode, nStartIndex + nConvTextLen );
        ChangeText_impl( rNewText, sal_False );

void SwHHCWrapper::ChangeText_impl( const String &rNewText, sal_Bool bKeepAttributes )
    if (bKeepAttributes)
        // get item set with all relevant attributes
        sal_uInt16 aRanges[] = {
                0, 0, 0  };
        SfxItemSet aItemSet( rWrtShell.GetAttrPool(), aRanges );
        // get all attributes spanning the whole selection in order to
        // restore those for the new text
        rWrtShell.GetCurAttr( aItemSet );

#ifdef DEBUG
		String aSelTxt1( rWrtShell.GetSelTxt() );
        rWrtShell.Insert( rNewText );

        // select new inserted text (currently the Point is right after the new text)
        if (!rWrtShell.GetCrsr()->HasMark())
        SwPosition *pMark = rWrtShell.GetCrsr()->GetMark();
        pMark->nContent = pMark->nContent.GetIndex() - rNewText.Len();
#ifdef DEBUG
		String aSelTxt2( rWrtShell.GetSelTxt() );

        // since 'SetAttr' below functions like merging with the attributes
        // from the itemset with any existing ones we have to get rid of all
        // all attributes now. (Those attributes that may take effect left
        // to the position where the new text gets inserted after the old text
        // was deleted)
        // apply previously saved attributes to new text
        rWrtShell.SetAttrSet( aItemSet );
        rWrtShell.Insert( rNewText );

void SwHHCWrapper::ReplaceUnit(
         const sal_Int32 nUnitStart, const sal_Int32 nUnitEnd,
         const ::rtl::OUString& rOrigText,
         const OUString& rReplaceWith,
         const uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > &rOffsets,
         ReplacementAction eAction,
         LanguageType *pNewUnitLanguage )
    static OUString aBracketedStart( C2U( "(" ) );
    static OUString aBracketedEnd( C2U( ")" ) );

    DBG_ASSERT( nUnitStart >= 0 && nUnitEnd >= nUnitStart, "wrong arguments" );
    if (!(nUnitStart >= 0 && nUnitEnd >= nUnitStart))

    lcl_ActivateTextShell( rWrtShell );

    // Das aktuelle Wort austauschen

    // select current unit
    SelectNewUnit_impl( nUnitStart, nUnitEnd );

    OUString aOrigTxt( rWrtShell.GetSelTxt() );
    OUString aNewTxt( rReplaceWith );
    DBG_ASSERT( aOrigTxt == rOrigText, "!! text mismatch !!" );
    SwFmtRuby *pRuby = 0;
    sal_Bool bRubyBelow = sal_False;
    String  aNewOrigText;
    switch (eAction)
        case eExchange :
        case eReplacementBracketed :
            (((aNewTxt = aOrigTxt) += aBracketedStart) += rReplaceWith) += aBracketedEnd;
        case eOriginalBracketed :
            (((aNewTxt = rReplaceWith) += aBracketedStart) += aOrigTxt) += aBracketedEnd;
        case eReplacementAbove  :
            pRuby = new SwFmtRuby( rReplaceWith );
        case eOriginalAbove :
            pRuby = new SwFmtRuby( aOrigTxt );
            aNewOrigText = rReplaceWith;
        case eReplacementBelow :
            pRuby = new SwFmtRuby( rReplaceWith );
            bRubyBelow = sal_True;
        case eOriginalBelow :
            pRuby = new SwFmtRuby( aOrigTxt );
            aNewOrigText = rReplaceWith;
            bRubyBelow = sal_True;
            DBG_ERROR( "unexpected case" );
    nUnitOffset += nUnitStart + aNewTxt.getLength();

    if (pRuby)
        rWrtShell.StartUndo( UNDO_SETRUBYATTR );
        if (aNewOrigText.Len())
            // according to FT we currently should not bother about keeping
            // attributes in Hangul/Hanja conversion
            ChangeText( aNewOrigText, rOrigText, NULL, NULL );

            //!! since Delete, Insert in 'ChangeText' do not set the WrtShells
            //!! bInSelect flag
            //!! back to false we do it now manually in order for the selection
            //!! to be done properly in the following call to Left.
            // We didn't fix it in Delete and Insert since it is currently
            // unclear if someone depends on this incorrect behvaiour
            // of the flag.

            rWrtShell.Left( 0, sal_True, aNewOrigText.Len(), sal_True, sal_True );

        pRuby->SetPosition( bRubyBelow );
        pRuby->SetAdjustment( RubyAdjust_CENTER );
		//!! the following seem not to be needed
        //pRuby->SetCharFmtName( const String& rNm );
        //pRuby->SetCharFmtId( sal_uInt16 nNew );
#ifdef DEBUG
        SwPaM *pPaM = rWrtShell.GetCrsr();
        delete pRuby;
        rWrtShell.EndUndo( UNDO_SETRUBYATTR );
        rWrtShell.StartUndo( UNDO_OVERWRITE );

        // according to FT we should currently not bother about keeping
        // attributes in Hangul/Hanja conversion and leave that untouched.
        // Thus we do this only for Chinese translation...
        sal_Bool bIsChineseConversion = IsChinese( GetSourceLanguage() );
        if (bIsChineseConversion)
            ChangeText( aNewTxt, rOrigText, &rOffsets, rWrtShell.GetCrsr() );
            ChangeText( aNewTxt, rOrigText, NULL, NULL );

		// change language and font if necessary
        if (bIsChineseConversion)
            rWrtShell.GetCrsr()->GetMark()->nContent -= (xub_StrLen) aNewTxt.getLength();

					"SwHHCWrapper::ReplaceUnit : unexpected target language" );

			sal_uInt16 aRanges[] = {
					0, 0, 0  };

			SfxItemSet aSet( rWrtShell.GetAttrPool(), aRanges );
            if (pNewUnitLanguage)
				//DBG_ASSERT(!IsSimilarChinese( *pNewUnitLanguage, nOldLang ),
				//		"similar language should not be changed!");
                aSet.Put( SvxLanguageItem( *pNewUnitLanguage, RES_CHRATR_CJK_LANGUAGE ) );

            const Font *pTargetFont = GetTargetFont();
            DBG_ASSERT( pTargetFont, "target font missing?" );
            if (pTargetFont && pNewUnitLanguage)
                SvxFontItem aFontItem = (SvxFontItem&) aSet.Get( RES_CHRATR_CJK_FONT );
                aFontItem.SetFamilyName(    pTargetFont->GetName());
                aFontItem.SetFamily(        pTargetFont->GetFamily());
                aFontItem.SetStyleName(     pTargetFont->GetStyleName());
                aFontItem.SetPitch(         pTargetFont->GetPitch());
                aFontItem.SetCharSet( pTargetFont->GetCharSet() );
                aSet.Put( aFontItem );

			rWrtShell.SetAttrSet( aSet );


		rWrtShell.EndUndo( UNDO_OVERWRITE );


sal_Bool SwHHCWrapper::HasRubySupport() const
    return sal_True;

void SwHHCWrapper::Convert()
    DBG_ASSERT( pConvArgs == 0, "NULL pointer expected" );
        SwPaM *pCrsr = pView->GetWrtShell().GetCrsr();
        SwPosition* pSttPos = pCrsr->Start();
        SwPosition* pEndPos = pCrsr->End();

		if (pSttPos->nNode.GetNode().IsTxtNode() &&
			pConvArgs = new SwConversionArgs( GetSourceLanguage(),
                            pSttPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode(), pSttPos->nContent,
                            pEndPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode(), pEndPos->nContent );
		else	// we are not in the text (maybe a graphic or OLE object is selected) let's start from the top
			// get PaM that points to the start of the document
			SwNode& rNode = pView->GetDocShell()->GetDoc()->GetNodes().GetEndOfContent();
			SwPaM aPam(rNode);
			aPam.Move( fnMoveBackward, fnGoDoc ); // move to start of document

            pSttPos = aPam.GetPoint();  //! using a PaM here makes sure we will get only text nodes
			SwTxtNode *pTxtNode = pSttPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
            // just in case we check anyway...
            if (!pTxtNode || !pTxtNode->IsTxtNode())
			pConvArgs = new SwConversionArgs( GetSourceLanguage(),
                            pTxtNode, pSttPos->nContent,
                            pTxtNode, pSttPos->nContent );
        DBG_ASSERT( pConvArgs->pStartNode && pConvArgs->pStartNode->IsTxtNode(),
                "failed to get proper start text node" );
        DBG_ASSERT( pConvArgs->pEndNode && pConvArgs->pEndNode->IsTxtNode(),
                "failed to get proper end text node" );

        // chinese conversion specific settings
        DBG_ASSERT( IsChinese( GetSourceLanguage() ) == IsChinese( GetTargetLanguage() ),
                "source and target language mismatch?" );
        if (IsChinese( GetTargetLanguage() ))
            pConvArgs->nConvTargetLang = GetTargetLanguage();
            pConvArgs->pTargetFont = GetTargetFont();
            pConvArgs->bAllowImplicitChangesForNotConvertibleText = sal_True;

        // if it is not just a selection and we are about to begin
        // with the current conversion for the very first time
        // we need to find the start of the current (initial)
        // convertible unit in order for the text conversion to give
        // the correct result for that. Since it is easier to obtain
        // the start of the word we use that though.
        if (!pCrsr->HasMark())   // is not a selection?
			// since #118246 / #117803 still occurs if the cursor is placed
			// between the two chinese characters to be converted (because both
			// of them are words on their own!) using the word boundary here does
			// not work. Thus since chinese conversion is not interactive we start
			// at the begin of the paragraph to solve the problem, i.e. have the
			// TextConversion service get those charcters together in the same call.
			xub_StrLen nStartIdx = STRING_MAXLEN;
			if (editeng::HangulHanjaConversion::IsChinese( GetSourceLanguage() ) )
				nStartIdx = 0;
				OUString aText( pConvArgs->pStartNode->GetTxt() );
				long     nPos = pConvArgs->pStartIdx->GetIndex();
				Boundary aBoundary( pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->
						getWordBoundary( aText, nPos, pBreakIt->GetLocale( pConvArgs->nConvSrcLang ),
								WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, sal_True ) );

				// valid result found?
				if (aBoundary.startPos < aText.getLength() &&
					aBoundary.startPos != aBoundary.endPos)
					nStartIdx = static_cast< xub_StrLen >(aBoundary.startPos );

			if (STRING_MAXLEN != nStartIdx)
                *pConvArgs->pStartIdx = nStartIdx;

    if ( bIsOtherCntnt )
        ConvStart_impl( pConvArgs, SVX_SPELL_OTHER );
        bStartChk = sal_False;
        ConvStart_impl( pConvArgs,  SVX_SPELL_BODY_END );


    ConvEnd_impl( pConvArgs );

sal_Bool SwHHCWrapper::ConvNext_impl( )
    //! modified version of SvxSpellWrapper::SpellNext

    // Keine Richtungsaenderung, also ist der gewuenschte Bereich ( bStartChk )
    // vollstaendig abgearbeitet.
    if( bStartChk )
        bStartDone = sal_True;
        bEndDone = sal_True;

    if( bIsOtherCntnt && bStartDone && bEndDone ) // Dokument komplett geprueft?
        bInfoBox = sal_True;
        return sal_False;

    //ResMgr* pMgr = DIALOG_MGR();
    sal_Bool bGoOn = sal_False;

    if ( bIsOtherCntnt )
        bStartChk = sal_False;
        ConvStart_impl( pConvArgs, SVX_SPELL_BODY );
        bGoOn = sal_True;
    else if ( bStartDone && bEndDone )
        // Bodybereich erledigt, Frage nach Sonderbereich
        if( bIsConvSpecial && HasOtherCnt_impl() )
            ConvStart_impl( pConvArgs, SVX_SPELL_OTHER );
            bIsOtherCntnt = bGoOn = sal_True;
            bInfoBox = sal_True;
        // Ein BODY_Bereich erledigt, Frage nach dem anderen BODY_Bereich

        sal_uInt16 nResId = RID_SVXQB_CONTINUE;
        QueryBox aBox( pWin, ResId( nResId, pMgr ) );
        if ( aBox.Execute() != RET_YES )
            // Verzicht auf den anderen Bereich, ggf. Frage nach Sonderbereich
            bStartDone = bEndDone = sal_True;
            return SpellNext();
            bStartChk = !bStartDone;
            ConvStart_impl( pConvArgs, bStartChk ? SVX_SPELL_BODY_START : SVX_SPELL_BODY_END );
            bGoOn = sal_True;
    return bGoOn;

sal_Bool SwHHCWrapper::FindConvText_impl()
    //! modified version of SvxSpellWrapper::FindSpellError


    sal_Bool bFound = sal_False;

    sal_Bool bConv = sal_True;

    while ( bConv )
        bFound = ConvContinue_impl( pConvArgs );
        if (bFound)
            bConv = sal_False;
            ConvEnd_impl( pConvArgs );
            bConv = ConvNext_impl();
    return bFound;

sal_Bool SwHHCWrapper::HasOtherCnt_impl()
    return bIsSelection ? sal_False : rWrtShell.HasOtherCnt();

void SwHHCWrapper::ConvStart_impl( SwConversionArgs /* [out] */ *pConversionArgs, SvxSpellArea eArea )
    SetDrawObj( SVX_SPELL_OTHER == eArea );
    pView->SpellStart( eArea, bStartDone, bEndDone, /* [out] */ pConversionArgs );

void SwHHCWrapper::ConvEnd_impl( SwConversionArgs *pConversionArgs )
    pView->SpellEnd( pConversionArgs );

sal_Bool SwHHCWrapper::ConvContinue_impl( SwConversionArgs *pConversionArgs )
    sal_Bool bProgress = !bIsDrawObj && !bIsSelection;
//    bLastRet = aConvText.getLength() == 0;
    pConversionArgs->aConvText = OUString();
    pConversionArgs->nConvTextLang = LANGUAGE_NONE;
    uno::Any  aRet = bProgress ?
        pView->GetWrtShell().SpellContinue( &nPageCount, &nPageStart, pConversionArgs ) :
        pView->GetWrtShell().SpellContinue( &nPageCount, NULL, pConversionArgs );
    //aRet >>= aConvText;
    return pConversionArgs->aConvText.getLength() != 0;
