/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_ucbhelper.hxx" /************************************************************************** TODO ************************************************************************** *************************************************************************/ #include <vector> #include "ucbhelper/contentidentifier.hxx" #include "ucbhelper/providerhelper.hxx" #include "myucp_datasupplier.hxx" #include "myucp_content.hxx" using namespace com::sun::star; // @@@ Adjust namespace name. namespace myucp { //========================================================================= // // struct ResultListEntry. // //========================================================================= struct ResultListEntry { rtl::OUString aId; uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier > xId; uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent; uno::Reference< sdbc::XRow > xRow; const ContentProperties& rData; ResultListEntry( const ContentProperties& rEntry ) : rData( rEntry ) {} }; //========================================================================= // // ResultList. // //========================================================================= typedef std::vector< ResultListEntry* > ResultList; //========================================================================= // // struct DataSupplier_Impl. // //========================================================================= struct DataSupplier_Impl { osl::Mutex m_aMutex; ResultList m_aResults; rtl::Reference< Content > m_xContent; uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > m_xSMgr; // @@@ The data source and an iterator for it // Entry m_aFolder; // Entry::iterator m_aIterator; sal_Int32 m_nOpenMode; sal_Bool m_bCountFinal; DataSupplier_Impl( const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxSMgr, const rtl::Reference< Content >& rContent, sal_Int32 nOpenMode ) : m_xContent( rContent ), m_xSMgr( rxSMgr ), // m_aFolder( rxSMgr, rContent->getIdentifier()->getContentIdentifier() ), m_nOpenMode( nOpenMode ), m_bCountFinal( sal_False ) {} ~DataSupplier_Impl(); }; //========================================================================= DataSupplier_Impl::~DataSupplier_Impl() { ResultList::const_iterator it = m_aResults.begin(); ResultList::const_iterator end = m_aResults.end(); while ( it != end ) { delete (*it); it++; } } //========================================================================= //========================================================================= // // DataSupplier Implementation. // //========================================================================= //========================================================================= DataSupplier::DataSupplier( const uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& rxSMgr, const rtl::Reference< Content >& rContent, sal_Int32 nOpenMode ) : m_pImpl( new DataSupplier_Impl( rxSMgr, rContent, nOpenMode ) ) { } //========================================================================= // virtual DataSupplier::~DataSupplier() { delete m_pImpl; } //========================================================================= // virtual rtl::OUString DataSupplier::queryContentIdentifierString( sal_uInt32 nIndex ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_pImpl->m_aMutex ); if ( nIndex < m_pImpl->m_aResults.size() ) { rtl::OUString aId = m_pImpl->m_aResults[ nIndex ]->aId; if ( aId.getLength() ) { // Already cached. return aId; } } if ( getResult( nIndex ) ) { rtl::OUString aId = m_pImpl->m_xContent->getIdentifier()->getContentIdentifier(); aId += m_pImpl->m_aResults[ nIndex ]->rData.aTitle; m_pImpl->m_aResults[ nIndex ]->aId = aId; return aId; } return rtl::OUString(); } //========================================================================= // virtual uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier > DataSupplier::queryContentIdentifier( sal_uInt32 nIndex ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_pImpl->m_aMutex ); if ( nIndex < m_pImpl->m_aResults.size() ) { uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier > xId = m_pImpl->m_aResults[ nIndex ]->xId; if ( xId.is() ) { // Already cached. return xId; } } rtl::OUString aId = queryContentIdentifierString( nIndex ); if ( aId.getLength() ) { uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier > xId = new ::ucbhelper::ContentIdentifier( aId ); m_pImpl->m_aResults[ nIndex ]->xId = xId; return xId; } return uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier >(); } //========================================================================= // virtual uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > DataSupplier::queryContent( sal_uInt32 nIndex ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_pImpl->m_aMutex ); if ( nIndex < m_pImpl->m_aResults.size() ) { uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent = m_pImpl->m_aResults[ nIndex ]->xContent; if ( xContent.is() ) { // Already cached. return xContent; } } uno::Reference< ucb::XContentIdentifier > xId = queryContentIdentifier( nIndex ); if ( xId.is() ) { try { uno::Reference< ucb::XContent > xContent = m_pImpl->m_xContent->getProvider()->queryContent( xId ); m_pImpl->m_aResults[ nIndex ]->xContent = xContent; return xContent; } catch ( ucb::IllegalIdentifierException& ) { } } return uno::Reference< ucb::XContent >(); } //========================================================================= // virtual sal_Bool DataSupplier::getResult( sal_uInt32 nIndex ) { osl::ClearableGuard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_pImpl->m_aMutex ); if ( m_pImpl->m_aResults.size() > nIndex ) { // Result already present. return sal_True; } // Result not (yet) present. if ( m_pImpl->m_bCountFinal ) return sal_False; // Try to obtain result... sal_uInt32 nOldCount = m_pImpl->m_aResults.size(); sal_Bool bFound = sal_False; // @@@ Obtain data and put it into result list... /* sal_uInt32 nPos = nOldCount; while ( m_pImpl->m_aFolder.next( m_pImpl->m_aIterator ) ) { m_pImpl->m_aResults.push_back( new ResultListEntry( *m_pImpl->m_aIterator ) ); if ( nPos == nIndex ) { // Result obtained. bFound = sal_True; break; } nPos++; } */ if ( !bFound ) m_pImpl->m_bCountFinal = sal_True; rtl::Reference< ::ucbhelper::ResultSet > xResultSet = getResultSet().get(); if ( xResultSet.is() ) { // Callbacks follow! aGuard.clear(); if ( nOldCount < m_pImpl->m_aResults.size() ) xResultSet->rowCountChanged( nOldCount, m_pImpl->m_aResults.size() ); if ( m_pImpl->m_bCountFinal ) xResultSet->rowCountFinal(); } return bFound; } //========================================================================= // virtual sal_uInt32 DataSupplier::totalCount() { osl::ClearableGuard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_pImpl->m_aMutex ); if ( m_pImpl->m_bCountFinal ) return m_pImpl->m_aResults.size(); sal_uInt32 nOldCount = m_pImpl->m_aResults.size(); // @@@ Obtain data and put it into result list... /* while ( m_pImpl->m_aFolder.next( m_pImpl->m_aIterator ) ) m_pImpl->m_aResults.push_back( new ResultListEntry( *m_pImpl->m_aIterator ) ); */ m_pImpl->m_bCountFinal = sal_True; rtl::Reference< ::ucbhelper::ResultSet > xResultSet = getResultSet().get(); if ( xResultSet.is() ) { // Callbacks follow! aGuard.clear(); if ( nOldCount < m_pImpl->m_aResults.size() ) xResultSet->rowCountChanged( nOldCount, m_pImpl->m_aResults.size() ); xResultSet->rowCountFinal(); } return m_pImpl->m_aResults.size(); } //========================================================================= // virtual sal_uInt32 DataSupplier::currentCount() { return m_pImpl->m_aResults.size(); } //========================================================================= // virtual sal_Bool DataSupplier::isCountFinal() { return m_pImpl->m_bCountFinal; } //========================================================================= // virtual uno::Reference< sdbc::XRow > DataSupplier::queryPropertyValues( sal_uInt32 nIndex ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_pImpl->m_aMutex ); if ( nIndex < m_pImpl->m_aResults.size() ) { uno::Reference< sdbc::XRow > xRow = m_pImpl->m_aResults[ nIndex ]->xRow; if ( xRow.is() ) { // Already cached. return xRow; } } if ( getResult( nIndex ) ) { uno::Reference< sdbc::XRow > xRow = Content::getPropertyValues( m_pImpl->m_xSMgr, getResultSet()->getProperties(), m_pImpl->m_aResults[ nIndex ]->rData, m_pImpl->m_xContent->getProvider().get(), queryContentIdentifierString( nIndex ) ); m_pImpl->m_aResults[ nIndex ]->xRow = xRow; return xRow; } return uno::Reference< sdbc::XRow >(); } //========================================================================= // virtual void DataSupplier::releasePropertyValues( sal_uInt32 nIndex ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > aGuard( m_pImpl->m_aMutex ); if ( nIndex < m_pImpl->m_aResults.size() ) m_pImpl->m_aResults[ nIndex ]->xRow = uno::Reference< sdbc::XRow >(); } //========================================================================= // virtual void DataSupplier::close() { } //========================================================================= // virtual void DataSupplier::validate() throw( ucb::ResultSetException ) { } } // namespace