 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#ifndef __com_sun_star_reflection_XIdlClass_idl__ 
#define __com_sun_star_reflection_XIdlClass_idl__ 
#ifndef __com_sun_star_uno_XInterface_idl__ 
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.idl> 
#ifndef __com_sun_star_uno_TypeClass_idl__ 
#include <com/sun/star/uno/TypeClass.idl> 
#ifndef __com_sun_star_uno_Uik_idl__ 
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Uik.idl> 
module com {  module sun {  module star {  module reflection {  
 published interface XIdlField; 
 published interface XIdlMethod; 
 published interface XIdlArray; 
/** Provides information reflecting an UNO type.
published interface XIdlClass: com::sun::star::uno::XInterface
	/** Deprecated.  Do not call.
	sequence<XIdlClass> getClasses(); 
	/** Deprecated.  Do not call.
	XIdlClass getClass( [in] string aName ); 
	/** Tests whether two reflecting objects reflect the same type.

                true, if the objects reflect the same type, false otherwise.
	boolean equals( [in] XIdlClass Type ); 
	/** Tests whether values of this reflected type are assignable from values
        of a second one (<code>xType</code>).

        @param xType
               another reflected type
                true, if values of this reflected type are assignable
                from values of <code>xType</code>.
	boolean isAssignableFrom( [in] XIdlClass xType ); 
	/** Returns the <type scope="com::sun::star::uno">TypeClass</type>
        of the reflected type.
                  type class of the reflected type.
	com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass getTypeClass(); 
	/** Returns the fully-qualified name of the reflected type.
                  the fully-qualified name of the type
	string getName(); 
	/** Deprecated.  Do not call.

	com::sun::star::uno::Uik getUik(); 
	/** If the reflected type is an interface, then the returned
        sequence of <type>XIdlClass</type> reflect the base interfaces.
        If the reflected type is not an interface or an interface that is
        not derived from another, then an empty sequence is returned.
                all base interfaces of an interface type or an empty sequence.
	sequence<XIdlClass> getSuperclasses(); 
	/** Deprecated.  Do not call.
	sequence<XIdlClass> getInterfaces(); 
	/** If the reflected type is an array or sequence, then this method
		returns a <type>XIdlClass</type> interface reflecting
        the element.
                reflection interface of the element type of an array or
                sequence type (null-reference otherwise).
	XIdlClass getComponentType(); 
	/** If the reflected type is an interface, struct or union, then you
        get a <type>XIdlField</type> interface reflecting the demanded
        field (/interface attribute) by name.
        If the reflected type is not an interface, struct or union or the
        interace, struct or union does not have a field (/interface attribute)
        with the demanded name, then a null-reference is returned.
        @param aName
               name of the demanded field reflection
                demanded field (/interface attribute) reflection (or null-reference)
	XIdlField getField( [in] string aName ); 
	/** If the reflected type is an interface, struct or union, then you
        get a sequence of <type>XIdlField</type> interfaces reflecting all fields
        (/interface attributes).  This also includes all inherited
        fields (/interface attributes) of the interface, struct of union.
        If the reflected type is not an interface, struct or union or the
        interface, struct or union does not have any field (/interface attribute),
        then an empty sequence is returned.
                all field (/interface attribute) reflections (or empty sequence)
	sequence<XIdlField> getFields(); 
	/** If the reflected type is an interface, then you get
        a <type>XIdlMethod</type> interface reflecting the demanded method by name.
        If the reflected type is not an interface or the interface does not have
        a method with the demanded name (including inherited methods),
        then a null-reference is returned.
        @param aName 
               name of demanded method reflection
                demanded method reflection (or null-reference)
	XIdlMethod getMethod( [in] string aName ); 
	/** If the reflected type is an interface, then you get
        a sequence of <type>XIdlMethod</type> interfaces reflecting all methods
        of the interface.  This also includes the inherited methods of the interface.
        If the reflected type is not an interface or the interface
        does not have any methods, then a null-reference is returned.
                all method reflections (or empty sequence)
	sequence<XIdlMethod> getMethods(); 
	/** If the reflected type is an array, then you get
        a <type>XIdlArray</type> interface to modify instances of the array type.
        If the reflected type is not an array, then a null-reference is returned.
                inteface to modify array instances (or null-reference)
	XIdlArray getArray(); 
	/** This method creates instances of the reflected type.

        Instances of type <code>any</code> can not be passed using an <code>any</code>, because
        anys cannot be nested.  So if the reflected type is an <code>any</code>, then the
        returned value is empty.

        @param obj
               pure out parameter to pass the created instance
	void createObject( [out] any obj );
}; }; }; };  