/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef INCLUDED_WW8_DOCUMENT_HXX #define INCLUDED_WW8_DOCUMENT_HXX #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UNO_XCOMPONENTCONTEX_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_WW8_RESOURCE_MODEL_HXX #include #endif #include #include namespace writerfilter { namespace doctok { using namespace ::com::sun::star; /** A stream containing a WW8 document. The content of the stream is a sequence of unsigned bytes. The stream consists of substreams that are identified by string identifiers. */ class WRITERFILTER_DLLPUBLIC WW8Stream { public: /** Pointer to a WW8Stream. */ typedef boost::shared_ptr Pointer_t; /** Type for the content of the stream */ typedef SubSequence Sequence; virtual ~WW8Stream(); /** Returns pointer to a substream. @param rSid identifier of substream to return @return the substream */ virtual Pointer_t getSubStream(const ::rtl::OUString & rSid) = 0; /** Return a continious part of the stream. @param nOffset offset in the stream where the part starts @param nCount length of the part (number of bytes) @return sequence of unsigned bytes */ virtual Sequence get(sal_uInt32 nOffset, sal_uInt32 nCount) const = 0; // Returns the names of substreams contained in the stream virtual string getSubStreamNames() const = 0; virtual uno::Sequence getSubStreamUNames() const = 0; /** Dumps content of stream to output. @param o the target output */ virtual void dump(OutputWithDepth & o) const = 0; //virtual bool put(sal_uInt32 nOffset, const Sequence & rSeq) = 0; }; /** A property. */ class WRITERFILTER_DLLPUBLIC WW8Property { public: /** Ponter to a property. */ typedef boost::shared_ptr Pointer_t; virtual ~WW8Property(); virtual sal_uInt32 getId() const = 0; virtual sal_uInt32 getParam() const = 0; virtual WW8Stream::Sequence getParams() const = 0; virtual string toString() const = 0; /** Dumps this object to an output. */ virtual void dump(OutputWithDepth & o) const = 0; }; /** An iterator for traversal of a set of properties. Sample code for use of iterator: \code Return_t function(WW8PropertySet::tPointer pSet) { do_something; WW8PropertySetIterator::tPointer pIt = pSet->begin(); WW8PropertySetIterator::tPointer pItEnd = pSet->end(); while ((*pIt) != (*pItEnd)) { do_something(); ++(*pIt); } do_something; } \endcode */ class WRITERFILTER_DLLPUBLIC WW8PropertySetIterator { public: typedef boost::shared_ptr Pointer_t; virtual ~WW8PropertySetIterator(); /** Advance iterator to the next property. */ virtual WW8PropertySetIterator & operator++() = 0; /** Returns a pointer to the property the iterator references. */ virtual WW8Property::Pointer_t get() const = 0; /** Checks if the iterator is equal to another one. */ virtual bool equal(const WW8PropertySetIterator & rIt) const = 0; /** Returns string representation of iterator. */ virtual string toString() const = 0; }; /** Checks if two property set iterators are not equal. */ bool operator != (const WW8PropertySetIterator & rA, const WW8PropertySetIterator & rB); /** A set of properties. */ class WRITERFILTER_DLLPUBLIC WW8PropertySet { public: typedef boost::shared_ptr Pointer_t; virtual ~WW8PropertySet(); /** Returns iterator to the start of the set. */ virtual WW8PropertySetIterator::Pointer_t begin() = 0; /** Returns iterator to the end of the set. */ virtual WW8PropertySetIterator::Pointer_t end() = 0; /** Dumps property set to output stream. @param o output stream to dump property set to */ virtual void dump(OutputWithDepth & o) const = 0; /** Iterate through property set and for each element dump a dot output stream. @param o output stream to dump dots to */ virtual void dots(ostream & o) = 0; virtual bool isPap() const = 0; virtual sal_uInt32 get_istd() const = 0; /** Insert another property set into this property set. @param pSet the set to insert */ virtual void insert(const WW8PropertySet::Pointer_t pSet) = 0; }; enum PropertyType { /** Auxiliary type for character positions defined in piece table */ PROP_DOC, /** properties are section properies */ PROP_SEC, /** properties are paragraph properties */ PROP_PAP, /** properties are character properties */ PROP_CHP, /** a footnote reference */ PROP_FOOTNOTE, /** an endnote reference */ PROP_ENDNOTE, /** an annotaion reference */ PROP_ANNOTATION, /** the start of a bookmark */ PROP_BOOKMARKSTART, /** the end of a bookmark */ PROP_BOOKMARKEND, /** a field character (start, separator or end) */ PROP_FLD, /** a shape character */ PROP_SHP, /** a break character */ PROP_BRK }; /** An iterator for traversal of the character positions of a Word document. The use of the iterator is analogous to WW8PropertySetIterator. */ class WRITERFILTER_DLLPUBLIC WW8DocumentIterator { public: typedef boost::shared_ptr Pointer_t; virtual ~WW8DocumentIterator(); /** Advance iterator to next character position of the document. */ virtual WW8DocumentIterator & operator++() = 0; /** Recedes iterator to previous character postion of the document. */ virtual WW8DocumentIterator & operator--() = 0; /** Returns properties set at the character position the iterator points to. @return pointer to set of properties */ virtual writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t getProperties() const = 0; virtual writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t getSubDocument() const = 0; /** Returns text run at the character position the iterator points to. */ virtual WW8Stream::Sequence getText() = 0; /** Return pointer to the shape at character position the iterator is pointing to. */ virtual writerfilter::Reference::Pointer_t getShape() const = 0; /** Checks if the characters of the entity the iterator points to are complex. Complex characters in a Word document are byte size characters. Non-complex characters are word size characters. @retval true The characters are complex. @retval false The characters are non-complex. */ virtual bool isComplex() const = 0; /** Returns the property type of the entity the iterator points to. */ virtual PropertyType getPropertyType() const = 0; /** Checks is the iterator is equal to another one. @param rIt iterator to check against @retval true the iterators are equal @retval false else */ virtual bool equal(const WW8DocumentIterator & rIt) const = 0; /** Returns string representation of the iterator. */ virtual string toString() const = 0; /** Dumps the iterator to an output stream. @param o the output stream to dump the iterator to */ virtual void dump(ostream & o) const = 0; }; /** Checks if two document iterators are equal. @param rA first iterator @param rB second iterator @retval true the document iterators are equal @retval false else */ bool operator == (const WW8DocumentIterator & rA, const WW8DocumentIterator & rB); class WRITERFILTER_DLLPUBLIC SubDocumentId { public: enum eType { FOOTNOTES, HEADERS, FOOTERS }; private: eType mnType; sal_uInt8 mnIndex; public: SubDocumentId(eType nType, sal_uInt8 nIndex) : mnType(nType), mnIndex(nIndex) { } eType getType() const { return mnType; } sal_uInt8 getIndex() const { return mnIndex; } }; /** A Word 8 document. */ class WRITERFILTER_DLLPUBLIC WW8Document : public writerfilter::Reference { public: typedef boost::shared_ptr Pointer_t; virtual ~WW8Document(); /** Get a subdocument. A subdocument can be - a header - a footer - a footnode @param nId identifier of the subdocumen */ virtual Pointer_t getSubDocument(SubDocumentId nId) = 0; /** Returns iterator to beginning of document. */ virtual WW8DocumentIterator::Pointer_t begin() = 0; /** Returns iterator to end of document. */ virtual WW8DocumentIterator::Pointer_t end() = 0; }; class WRITERFILTER_DLLPUBLIC WW8DocumentFactory { public: static WW8Stream::Pointer_t createStream(uno::Reference rContext, uno::Reference rStream); static WW8Document * createDocument(WW8Stream::Pointer_t rpStream); }; void sprmidsToXML(::std::iostream & out); void doctokidsToXML(::std::iostream & out); }} #endif // INCLUDED_WW8_DOCUMENT_HXX