#!/bin/ksh #************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** #set -x umask 0 integer TOTAL_PASS=0 integer TOTAL_FAIL=0 integer TOTAL_RUN=0 integer MAX_RETRIES=5 typeset RUNNAME=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` typeset PRINTDATE=`date` typeset PDB_INFILE_DIR typeset PDB_OUTFILE_DIR typeset XML_OUTFILE_DIR typeset REPORT typeset RESDIR typeset LOGFILE typeset COMPLOG typeset TEST_COMMENTS typeset BGCOLOR typeset ODD_BGCOLOR='#BBBBBB' typeset EVEN_BGCOLOR='#DCDCDC' typeset PASS_COLOR='#00ff00' typeset FAIL_COLOR='#ff4040' typeset ENVFILE="" # The following variables should be set in the env file typeset MASTERLIST="" typeset TESTCASEDIR="" typeset RESULTSBASE="" typeset XMERGE_JAR="" typeset APORTIS_JAR="" typeset WORDSMITH_JAR="" typeset MINICALC_JAR="" typeset PERL5LIB="" typeset POSE_EXE="" typeset POSE_PRC="" typeset TEST_DRIVER_PL="" typeset COMPARATOR_PL="" typeset COMPLIST="" typeset XML_INFILE_DIR="" typeset PDB_BASELINE_DIR="" typeset XML_BASELINE_DIR="" typeset EM_SCRIPT_HOME="" typeset QAWRAPPER_SCRIPT_HOME="" typeset EM_ROM_FILE="" typeset EM_SESSION_FILE="" typeset QA_LIB_HOME="" typeset QA_COMPARATOR_HOME="" typeset CLASSES_DIR="" ################################################################################ Usage() { echo "Usage: run-convtest -env <ENVFILE> [-name RUNNAME]" exit 1 } ################################################################################ StartReportFile() { typeset line=`date` ReportLine "<HTML>" ReportLine "<HEAD>" ReportLine "<TITLE>XMerge Converters Test Results - ${RUNNAME}</TITLE>" ReportLine "</HEAD>" ReportLine "<BODY BGCOLOR=#ffffff>" ReportLine "<H1 align=center>XMerge Converters Test Results - ${RUNNAME}</H1>" ReportLine "<P>" ReportLine "Test run on: ${PRINTDATE}" ReportLine "<P>" ReportLine "<CENTER>" ReportLine "<TABLE WIDTH='100%' BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2>" ReportLine "<TR BGCOLOR='#9999CC'>" ReportLine "<TH>Test Name</TH>" ReportLine "<TH>Test File</TH>" ReportLine "<TH>.ext</TH>" ReportLine "<TH>Result</TH>" ReportLine "<TH>Comments</TH>" ReportLine "</TR>" } ################################################################################ EndReportFile() { # remove full path from LOGFILE (link will be to current dir) typeset loglink=${LOGFILE##*/} ReportLine "<P>" ReportLine "<CENTER>" ReportLine "<TABLE BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2>" ReportLine "<TR>" ReportLine "<TH>Total Tests PASSED</TH>" ReportLine "<TH>${TOTAL_PASS}</TH>" ReportLine "</TR>" ReportLine "<TR>" ReportLine "<TH>Total Tests FAILED</TH>" ReportLine "<TH>${TOTAL_FAIL}</TH>" ReportLine "</TR>" ReportLine "<TR>" ReportLine "<TH>Total Tests Run</TH>" ReportLine "<TH>${TOTAL_RUN}</TH>" ReportLine "</TR>" ReportLine "</TABLE>" ReportLine "</CENTER>" ReportLine "<P>" ReportLine "<A HREF=${loglink}>Full logfile for test run</A>" ReportLine "<P>" ReportLine "<CENTER>" ReportLine "</BODY>" ReportLine "</HTML>" } ################################################################################ ReportLine() { echo $1 >> $REPORT } ################################################################################ LogLine() { echo $1 >> $LOGFILE } ################################################################################ ReportTestComments() { if [[ $TEST_COMMENTS == "" ]] ; then TEST_COMMENTS=" " fi ReportLine "<TD>${TEST_COMMENTS}</TD>" } ################################################################################ GetParams() { integer argc=$# integer i=0 if [[ $argc -lt 1 ]] ; then Usage fi while (($i < $argc)) ; do arg=$1 shift i=i+1 if [[ $arg == '-name' ]] ; then if (( $i < $argc )) ; then RUNNAME=$1 echo "RUNNAME=[$RUNNAME]" shift i=i+1 else Usage fi elif [[ $arg == '-env' ]] ; then if (( $i < $argc )) ; then ENVFILE=$1 shift i=i+1 else Usage fi else Usage fi done if [[ $ENVFILE == "" ]] ; then Usage fi } ################################################################################ ReadEnvFile() { . $ENVFILE echo "" echo "The following values have been set from $ENVFILE:" echo "MASTERLIST=$MASTERLIST" echo "TESTCASEDIR=$TESTCASEDIR" echo "XMERGE_JAR=$XMERGE_JAR" echo "APORTIS_JAR=$APORTIS_JAR" echo "WORDSMITH_JAR=$WORDSMITH_JAR" echo "MINICALC_JAR=$MINICALC_JAR" echo "RESULTSBASE=$RESULTSBASE" echo "PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB" echo "POSE_EXE=$POSE_EXE" echo "POSE_PRC=$POSE_PRC" echo "TEST_DRIVER_PL=$TEST_DRIVER_PL" echo "COMPARATOR_PL=$COMPARATOR_PL" echo "XML_INFILE_DIR=$XML_INFILE_DIR" echo "PDB_BASELINE_DIR=$PDB_BASELINE_DIR" echo "XML_BASELINE_DIR=$XML_BASELINE_DIR" echo "EM_SCRIPT_HOME=$EM_SCRIPT_HOME" echo "QAWRAPPER_SCRIPT_HOME=$QAWRAPPER_SCRIPT_HOME" echo "EM_ROM_FILE=$EM_ROM_FILE" echo "EM_SESSION_FILE=$EM_SESSION_FILE" echo "QA_LIB_HOME=$QA_LIB_HOME" echo "QA_COMPARATOR_HOME=$QA_COMPARATOR_HOME" echo "CLASSES_DIR=$CLASSES_DIR" echo "COMPLIST=$COMPLIST" } ################################################################################ POSESetup() { export PERL5LIB export EM_SCRIPT_HOME export QAWRAPPER_SCRIPT_HOME export EM_ROM_FILE export EM_SESSION_FILE export QA_LIB_HOME export QA_COMPARATOR_HOME export CLASSES_DIR } ################################################################################ TestSetup() { POSESetup export ZENDEBUG=1 COMPLIST="${COMPLIST}/tempcomp.${RUNNAME}.list" # create the directories for the results of this test run RESDIR="${RESULTSBASE}/${RUNNAME}" \rm -Rf $RESDIR mkdir $RESDIR # Define the directories for the test input files, # test output files, working directories and baseline files PDB_INFILE_DIR="${RESDIR}/pdb-orig" mkdir "${PDB_INFILE_DIR}" PDB_OUTFILE_DIR="${RESDIR}/pdb-new" mkdir "${PDB_OUTFILE_DIR}" XML_OUTFILE_DIR="${RESDIR}/xml-new" mkdir "${XML_OUTFILE_DIR}" LOGFILE="${RESDIR}/logfile" COMPLOG="${RESDIR}/complog" REPORT="${RESDIR}/report.html" StartReportFile echo "Results in: $RESDIR" echo "Report file: $REPORT" } ################################################################################ TestCleanup() { EndReportFile } ################################################################################ TestCaseSetup() { # where to pick up converter classes export CLASSPATH="" export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$XMERGE_JAR export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$APORTIS_JAR export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$WORDSMITH_JAR export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$MINICALC_JAR } ################################################################################ TestCaseCleanup() { # empty function a=42 } ################################################################################ RunTestCase() { testcase=$1 LogLine "" LogLine "test_driver output:" # run test_driver in foreground $TEST_DRIVER_PL\ -pose-prc=${POSE_PRC}\ -pose-exe=${POSE_EXE}\ -xml-orig=${XML_INFILE_DIR}\ -pdb-orig=${PDB_INFILE_DIR}\ -pdb-new=${PDB_OUTFILE_DIR}\ -xml-new=${XML_OUTFILE_DIR}\ -test=$testcase -merge >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 # cleanup in case zombie POSE processes are hanging around pkill pose pkill -9 pose } ################################################################################ ComparisonSetup() { typeset file=$1 export CLASSPATH="$CLASSES_DIR/xerces.jar" # create temporary comparator list file for this test case echo $file > $COMPLIST } ################################################################################ ComparisonCleanup() { # remove temporary comparator list file used for this test case \rm -f $COMPLIST } ################################################################################ RunComparison() { typeset type=$1 LogLine "" LogLine "Comparator output:" $COMPARATOR_PL\ -xml-orig=${XML_BASELINE_DIR}\ -pdb-orig=${PDB_BASELINE_DIR}\ -pdb-new=${PDB_INFILE_DIR}\ -xml-new=${XML_OUTFILE_DIR}\ -list=$COMPLIST -log=$COMPLOG -type=$type >> $LOGFILE 2>&1 # -list=$COMPLIST -log=$COMPLOG -type=$type | tee -a $LOGFILE 2>&1 pass=`grep TRUE $COMPLOG | wc -l` LogLine "" LogLine "COMPLIST file:" cat $COMPLIST >> $LOGFILE LogLine "" LogLine "Comparator logfile:" cat $COMPLOG >> $LOGFILE if [ $pass -eq 0 ] then TEST_COMMENTS="${TEST_COMMENTS}$type comparison ERROR<BR>" echo "$type comparison ERROR" return 0 fi echo "$type comparison OK" return 1 } ################################################################################ CheckOutput() { typeset xmlfile="${XML_OUTFILE_DIR}/$1" typeset pdbfile="${PDB_INFILE_DIR}/$2" if [ ! -f $pdbfile ] ; then TEST_COMMENTS="${TEST_COMMENTS}[$pdbfile] does not exist<BR>" LogLine "ERROR: $pdbfile does not exist" echo "ERROR: $pdbfile does not exist" return 0 fi if [ ! -f $xmlfile ] ; then TEST_COMMENTS="${TEST_COMMENTS}[$xmlfile] does not exist<BR>" LogLine "ERROR: $xmlfile does not exist" echo "ERROR: $xmlfile does not exist" return 0 fi return 1 } ################################################################################ RunTest() { typeset testcasename typeset testcase typeset testfile typeset pdbfile typeset xmlfile typeset ext integer try integer finished_with_test integer test_pass TestSetup BGCOLOR=$ODD_BGCOLOR while read line ; do # get chars up to 1st space testcasename=${line%% *} testcase="${TESTCASEDIR}/$testcasename" # get 2nd word testfile=${line#* } testfile=${testfile%% *} # get last word ext=${line##* } LogLine "############################################" LogLine "Starting the following testcase" LogLine "testcase = $testcase" LogLine "testfile = $testfile" LogLine "ext = $ext" ReportLine "<TR BGCOLOR='${BGCOLOR}'>" ReportLine "<TD valign=top>$testcasename</TD>" ReportLine "<TD valign=top>$testfile</TD>" ReportLine "<TD valign=top>$ext</TD>" echo "" echo "testcase = $testcase" echo "testfile = $testfile" echo "ext = $ext" try=1 finished_with_test=0 TEST_COMMENTS="" while (($finished_with_test == 0)) ; do TestCaseSetup RunTestCase $testcase TestCaseCleanup xmlfile="${testfile}.${ext}" if [[ $ext == "sxc" ]] ; then pdbfile="${testfile}-Sheet1.pdb" else pdbfile="${testfile}.pdb" fi CheckOutput $xmlfile $pdbfile res=$? if [[ $res -eq 1 ]] ; then ComparisonSetup $pdbfile RunComparison pdb res=$? # ignore result until pdb comparator is fixed... res=1 ComparisonCleanup fi if [[ $res -eq 1 ]] ; then ComparisonSetup $xmlfile RunComparison xml res=$? ComparisonCleanup fi if [[ $res -eq 1 ]] ; then TOTAL_PASS=TOTAL_PASS+1 ReportLine "<TD valign=top BGCOLOR='${PASS_COLOR}'>PASS</TD>" ReportTestComments ReportLine "</TR>" LogLine "Test PASSED (on try $try)" echo "Test PASSED (on try $try)" finished_with_test=1 else TEST_COMMENTS="${TEST_COMMENTS}error on try ${try}<BR>" LogLine "TEST FAILED (on try $try)" echo "TEST FAILED (on try $try)" if [[ $try -eq $MAX_RETRIES ]] ; then TOTAL_FAIL=TOTAL_FAIL+1 ReportLine "<TD valign=top BGCOLOR='${FAIL_COLOR}'>FAIL</TD>" ReportTestComments ReportLine "</TR>" finished_with_test=1 fi fi try=try+1 done TOTAL_RUN=TOTAL_RUN+1 # toggle BGCOLOR for next report line if [[ $BGCOLOR == $ODD_BGCOLOR ]] ; then BGCOLOR=$EVEN_BGCOLOR else BGCOLOR=$ODD_BGCOLOR fi done < $MASTERLIST ReportLine "</TABLE>" ReportLine "</CENTER>" TestCleanup echo "Total Tests PASSED: "${TOTAL_PASS} echo "Total Tests FAILED: "${TOTAL_FAIL} echo "Total Tests RUN: "${TOTAL_RUN} echo "Results in: $RESDIR" echo "Report file: $REPORT" } ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # main ################################################################################ ################################################################################ GetParams $@ ReadEnvFile RunTest exit 0