/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_xmlsecurity.hxx" #include #include "helper.hxx" #include "libxml/tree.h" #include "libxml/parser.h" #ifndef XMLSEC_NO_XSLT #include "libxslt/xslt.h" #endif #include "securityenvironment_nssimpl.hxx" #include "xmlelementwrapper_xmlsecimpl.hxx" #include "nspr.h" #include "prtypes.h" #include "pk11func.h" #include "cert.h" #include "cryptohi.h" #include "certdb.h" #include "nss.h" #include "xmlsec/strings.h" #include "xmlsec/xmltree.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::rtl ; using namespace ::cppu ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::io ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::ucb ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::document ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::xml::wrapper ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::xml::crypto ; int SAL_CALL main( int argc, char **argv ) { CERTCertDBHandle* certHandle ; PK11SlotInfo* slot ; xmlDocPtr doc ; xmlNodePtr tplNode ; xmlNodePtr tarNode ; xmlAttrPtr idAttr ; xmlChar* idValue ; xmlAttrPtr uriAttr ; xmlChar* uriValue ; OUString* uri ; Reference< XUriBinding > xUriBinding ; FILE* dstFile ; if( argc != 5 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s < CertDir > \n\n" , argv[0] ) ; return 1 ; } for( int hhh = 0 ; hhh < 10 ; hhh ++ ) { slot = NULL ; doc = NULL ; uri = NULL ; dstFile = NULL ; //Init libxml and libxslt libraries xmlInitParser(); LIBXML_TEST_VERSION xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = XML_DETECT_IDS | XML_COMPLETE_ATTRS; xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(1); #ifndef XMLSEC_NO_XSLT xmlIndentTreeOutput = 1; #endif // XMLSEC_NO_XSLT //Initialize NSPR and NSS PR_Init( PR_SYSTEM_THREAD, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 1 ) ; PK11_SetPasswordFunc( PriPK11PasswordFunc ) ; if( NSS_Init( argv[1] ) != SECSuccess ) { fprintf( stderr , "### cannot intialize NSS!\n" ) ; goto done ; } certHandle = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB() ; slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot() ; if( PK11_NeedLogin( slot ) ) { SECStatus nRet = PK11_Authenticate( slot, PR_TRUE, NULL ); if( nRet != SECSuccess ) { fprintf( stderr , "### cannot authehticate the crypto token!\n" ) ; goto done ; } } //Load XML document doc = xmlParseFile( argv[2] ) ; if( doc == NULL || xmlDocGetRootElement( doc ) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr , "### Cannot load template xml document!\n" ) ; goto done ; } //Find the signature template tplNode = xmlSecFindNode( xmlDocGetRootElement( doc ), xmlSecNodeSignature, xmlSecDSigNs ) ; if( tplNode == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr , "### Cannot find the signature template!\n" ) ; goto done ; } //Find the element with ID attribute //Here we only try to find the "document" node. tarNode = xmlSecFindNode( xmlDocGetRootElement( doc ), ( xmlChar* )"document", ( xmlChar* )"http://openoffice.org/2000/office" ) ; if( tarNode == NULL ) { tarNode = xmlSecFindNode( xmlDocGetRootElement( doc ), ( xmlChar* )"document", NULL ) ; } //Find the "id" attrbute in the element if( tarNode != NULL ) { if( ( idAttr = xmlHasProp( tarNode, ( xmlChar* )"id" ) ) != NULL ) { //NULL } else if( ( idAttr = xmlHasProp( tarNode, ( xmlChar* )"Id" ) ) != NULL ) { //NULL } else { idAttr = NULL ; } } //Add ID to DOM if( idAttr != NULL ) { idValue = xmlNodeListGetString( tarNode->doc, idAttr->children, 1 ) ; if( idValue == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr , "### the ID value is NULL!\n" ) ; goto done ; } if( xmlAddID( NULL, doc, idValue, idAttr ) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr , "### Can not add the ID value!\n" ) ; goto done ; } } //Reference handler //Find the signature reference tarNode = xmlSecFindNode( tplNode, xmlSecNodeReference, xmlSecDSigNs ) ; if( tarNode == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr , "### Cannot find the signature reference!\n" ) ; goto done ; } //Find the "URI" attrbute in the reference uriAttr = xmlHasProp( tarNode, ( xmlChar* )"URI" ) ; if( tarNode == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr , "### Cannot find URI of the reference!\n" ) ; goto done ; } //Get the "URI" attrbute value uriValue = xmlNodeListGetString( tarNode->doc, uriAttr->children, 1 ) ; if( uriValue == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr , "### the URI value is NULL!\n" ) ; goto done ; } if( strchr( ( const char* )uriValue, '/' ) != NULL && strchr( ( const char* )uriValue, '#' ) == NULL ) { fprintf( stdout , "### Find a stream URI [%s]\n", uriValue ) ; // uri = new ::rtl::OUString( ( const sal_Unicode* )uriValue ) ; uri = new ::rtl::OUString( ( const sal_Char* )uriValue, xmlStrlen( uriValue ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ; } if( uri != NULL ) { fprintf( stdout , "### Find the URI [%s]\n", OUStringToOString( *uri , RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr() ) ; Reference< XInputStream > xStream = createStreamFromFile( *uri ) ; if( !xStream.is() ) { fprintf( stderr , "### Can not get the URI stream!\n" ) ; goto done ; } xUriBinding = new OUriBinding( *uri, xStream ) ; } try { Reference< XMultiComponentFactory > xManager = NULL ; Reference< XComponentContext > xContext = NULL ; xManager = serviceManager( xContext , OUString::createFromAscii( "local" ), OUString::createFromAscii( argv[4] ) ) ; OSL_ENSURE( xManager.is() , "ServicesManager - " "Cannot get service manager" ) ; //Create signature template Reference< XInterface > element = xManager->createInstanceWithContext( OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.xml.security.bridge.xmlsec.XMLElementWrapper_XmlSecImpl" ) , xContext ) ; OSL_ENSURE( element.is() , "Signer - " "Cannot get service instance of \"wrapper.XMLElementWrapper\"" ) ; Reference< XXMLElementWrapper > xElement( element , UNO_QUERY ) ; OSL_ENSURE( xElement.is() , "Signer - " "Cannot get interface of \"XXMLElement\" from service \"xsec.XMLElement\"" ) ; Reference< XUnoTunnel > xEleTunnel( xElement , UNO_QUERY ) ; OSL_ENSURE( xEleTunnel.is() , "Signer - " "Cannot get interface of \"XUnoTunnel\" from service \"xsec.XMLElement\"" ) ; XMLElementWrapper_XmlSecImpl* pElement = ( XMLElementWrapper_XmlSecImpl* )xEleTunnel->getSomething( XMLElementWrapper_XmlSecImpl::getUnoTunnelImplementationId() ) ; OSL_ENSURE( pElement != NULL , "Signer - " "Cannot get implementation of \"xsec.XMLElement\"" ) ; //Set signature template pElement->setNativeElement( tplNode ) ; //Build XML Signature template Reference< XInterface > signtpl = xManager->createInstanceWithContext( OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.xml.crypto.XMLSignatureTemplate" ) , xContext ) ; OSL_ENSURE( signtpl.is() , "Signer - " "Cannot get service instance of \"xsec.XMLSignatureTemplate\"" ) ; Reference< XXMLSignatureTemplate > xTemplate( signtpl , UNO_QUERY ) ; OSL_ENSURE( xTemplate.is() , "Signer - " "Cannot get interface of \"XXMLSignatureTemplate\" from service \"xsec.XMLSignatureTemplate\"" ) ; //Import the signature template xTemplate->setTemplate( xElement ) ; //Import the URI/Stream binding if( xUriBinding.is() ) xTemplate->setBinding( xUriBinding ) ; //Create security environment //Build Security Environment Reference< XInterface > xsecenv = xManager->createInstanceWithContext( OUString::createFromAscii("com.sun.star.xml.security.bridge.xmlsec.SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl"), xContext ) ; OSL_ENSURE( xsecenv.is() , "Signer - " "Cannot get service instance of \"xsec.SecurityEnvironment\"" ) ; Reference< XSecurityEnvironment > xSecEnv( xsecenv , UNO_QUERY ) ; OSL_ENSURE( xSecEnv.is() , "Signer - " "Cannot get interface of \"XSecurityEnvironment\" from service \"xsec.SecurityEnvironment\"" ) ; //Setup key slot and certDb Reference< XUnoTunnel > xEnvTunnel( xsecenv , UNO_QUERY ) ; OSL_ENSURE( xElement.is() , "Signer - " "Cannot get interface of \"XUnoTunnel\" from service \"xsec.SecurityEnvironment\"" ) ; SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl* pSecEnv = ( SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl* )xEnvTunnel->getSomething( SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl::getUnoTunnelId() ) ; OSL_ENSURE( pSecEnv != NULL , "Signer - " "Cannot get implementation of \"xsec.SecurityEnvironment\"" ) ; pSecEnv->setCryptoSlot( slot ) ; pSecEnv->setCertDb( certHandle ) ; //Build XML Security Context Reference< XInterface > xmlsecctx = xManager->createInstanceWithContext( OUString::createFromAscii("com.sun.star.xml.security.bridge.xmlsec.XMLSecurityContext_NssImpl"), xContext ) ; OSL_ENSURE( xsecenv.is() , "Signer - " "Cannot get service instance of \"xsec.XMLSecurityContext\"" ) ; Reference< XXMLSecurityContext > xSecCtx( xmlsecctx , UNO_QUERY ) ; OSL_ENSURE( xSecCtx.is() , "Signer - " "Cannot get interface of \"XXMLSecurityContext\" from service \"xsec.XMLSecurityContext\"" ) ; xSecCtx->setSecurityEnvironment( xSecEnv ) ; //Generate XML signature Reference< XInterface > xmlsigner = xManager->createInstanceWithContext( OUString::createFromAscii("com.sun.star.xml.security.bridge.xmlsec.XMLSignature_NssImpl"), xContext ) ; OSL_ENSURE( xmlsigner.is() , "Signer - " "Cannot get service instance of \"xsec.XMLSignature\"" ) ; Reference< XXMLSignature > xSigner( xmlsigner , UNO_QUERY ) ; OSL_ENSURE( xSigner.is() , "Signer - " "Cannot get interface of \"XXMLSignature\" from service \"xsec.XMLSignature\"" ) ; //perform signature xTemplate = xSigner->generate( xTemplate , xSecCtx ) ; OSL_ENSURE( xTemplate.is() , "Signer - " "Cannot generate the xml signature" ) ; } catch( Exception& e ) { fprintf( stderr , "Error Message: %s\n" , OUStringToOString( e.Message , RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr() ) ; goto done ; } dstFile = fopen( argv[3], "w" ) ; if( dstFile == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr , "### Can not open file %s\n", argv[3] ) ; goto done ; } //Save result xmlDocDump( dstFile, doc ) ; done: if( uri != NULL ) delete uri ; if( dstFile != NULL ) fclose( dstFile ) ; if( doc != NULL ) xmlFreeDoc( doc ) ; if( slot != NULL ) PK11_FreeSlot( slot ) ; PK11_LogoutAll() ; NSS_Shutdown() ; /* Shutdown libxslt/libxml */ #ifndef XMLSEC_NO_XSLT xsltCleanupGlobals(); #endif /* XMLSEC_NO_XSLT */ xmlCleanupParser(); } return 0; }