/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ package fvt.uno.sc.sheet; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.openoffice.test.common.Testspace; import org.openoffice.test.uno.UnoApp; import testlib.uno.SCUtil; import com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet; import com.sun.star.container.XIndexAccess; import com.sun.star.lang.XComponent; import com.sun.star.sheet.SheetLinkMode; import com.sun.star.sheet.XSheetLinkable; import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheet; import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheetDocument; import com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheets; import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime; import com.sun.star.util.XRefreshable; /** * Basic sheet operator testing * */ public class SheetBasicTest { UnoApp unoApp = new UnoApp(); XSpreadsheetDocument scDocument = null; XComponent scComponent = null; @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { unoApp.start(); // New a SC document scComponent = unoApp.newDocument("scalc"); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { unoApp.closeDocument(scComponent); unoApp.close(); } /** * test insert a sheet, rename sheet name and delete sheet */ @Test public void insertRenameDeleteSheet() throws Exception { // Insert a sheet named aa after first sheet String sheetname = "aa"; scDocument = SCUtil.getSCDocument(scComponent); XSpreadsheets spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets(); spreadsheets.insertNewByName(sheetname, (short) 1); // active the sheet second sheet aa XSpreadsheet newSpreadSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1); SCUtil.setCurrentSheet(scDocument, newSpreadSheet); // get the new speadsheet name assertEquals("actual should equals aa", sheetname, SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1)); // Change the Spreadsheet name String changedname = "SpeadsheetAfterChange"; SCUtil.setSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1, changedname); // Save and reload document SCUtil.saveFileAs(scComponent, "TestSpreadsheet", "ods"); XSpreadsheetDocument scDocumentTemp = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp, scDocument, "TestSpreadsheet.ods"); scDocument = scDocumentTemp; String sheetnameaftermove = SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1); // Verify the changed Spreadsheet name assertEquals("actual should equals SpeadsheetAfterChange", changedname, sheetnameaftermove); scDocument.getSheets().removeByName(changedname); assertFalse("actual should equals false", spreadsheets.hasByName(changedname)); SCUtil.save(scDocumentTemp); } /** * Test copy and past sheet */ @Test public void copypastesheet() throws Exception { // Insert some value into cells scDocument = SCUtil.getSCDocument(scComponent); String souceSheetName = "sourcesheet"; SCUtil.setSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 0, souceSheetName); String[][] stringValues = { { "", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mai" }, { "Profit", "12.3", "43.2", "5.1", "76", "56.8" }, { "Rival in business", "12.2", "12.6", "17.7", "20.4", "100" }, }; XSpreadsheet sourceSpreadSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByName(scDocument, souceSheetName); // input strings into sheet1 SCUtil.setTextToCellRange(sourceSpreadSheet, 0, 0, stringValues); // copy the sheet from sourcesheet to copysheet String newcopysheet = "copysheet"; XSpreadsheets spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets(); spreadsheets.copyByName(souceSheetName, newcopysheet, (short) 2); // Save and reload document SCUtil.saveFileAs(scComponent, "TestCopysheet", "xls"); XSpreadsheetDocument scDocumentTemp = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp, scDocument, "TestCopysheet.xls"); scDocument = scDocumentTemp; XSpreadsheet copysheet = SCUtil .getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 2); String[][] CopystringValues = SCUtil.getTextFromCellRange(copysheet, 0, 0, 5, 2); assertArrayEquals("Expect string value should be stringValues", stringValues, CopystringValues); } /** * Test move sheet */ @Test public void movesheet() throws Exception { // new sc document scDocument = SCUtil.getSCDocument(scComponent); XSpreadsheets spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets(); // change the first sheet name and input same value into the sheet cell String sheetname = "sourcesheet"; SCUtil.setSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 0, sheetname); String[][] stringValues = { { "", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mai" }, { "Profit", "12.3", "43.2", "5.1", "76", "56.8" }, { "Rival in business", "12.2", "12.6", "17.7", "20.4", "100" }, }; XSpreadsheet movesheet = SCUtil .getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 0); SCUtil.setTextToCellRange(movesheet, 0, 0,stringValues); // Before move, get the 2nd sheet name String secondSheetNameBeforeMove = SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex( scDocument, (short) 1); // move the first sheet spreadsheets.moveByName(sheetname, (short) 2); // Save and reload document SCUtil.saveFileAs(scComponent, "Testmovesheet", "xls"); XSpreadsheetDocument scDocumentTemp = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp, scDocument, "Testmovesheet.xls"); scDocument = scDocumentTemp; // After move, get the first sheet name, and verify it same as 2nd sheet // name before move String firstsheetnameAfterMove = SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex( scDocument, (short) 0); assertEquals("Expect result should be Sheet2", secondSheetNameBeforeMove, firstsheetnameAfterMove); // Get the target sheet name after move String sheetnameAfterMove = SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1); assertEquals("Expect result should be sourcesheet", sheetname, sheetnameAfterMove); // Check the cell value after move XSpreadsheet sheetaftermove = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1); String[][] stringValuesaftermove = SCUtil.getTextFromCellRange( sheetaftermove, 0, 0, 5, 2); assertArrayEquals("Expect result should be stringValues", stringValues, stringValuesaftermove); } /** * Test hide and show sheet */ @Test public void hideShowSheet() throws Exception { // Insert a sheet named hide sheet after first sheet String sheetname = "hide sheet"; scDocument = SCUtil.getSCDocument(scComponent); XSpreadsheets spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets(); spreadsheets.insertNewByName(sheetname, (short) 1); // active the sheet second sheet "hide sheet" XSpreadsheet secondSpreadSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1); SCUtil.setCurrentSheet(scDocument, secondSpreadSheet); // get second sheet name and verify it should be "hide sheet" assertEquals("expect active sheet name will be hide sheet", sheetname, SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1)); // hide the sheet you insert XPropertySet sheetPropertySet = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime .queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, secondSpreadSheet); boolean isvisiable = false; sheetPropertySet.setPropertyValue("IsVisible", isvisiable); // Save and reload document SCUtil.saveFileAs(scComponent, "Testhideshowsheet", "xls"); XSpreadsheetDocument scDocumentTemp = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp, scDocument, "Testhideshowsheet.xls"); scDocument = scDocumentTemp; // get the active sheet name after hide sheet, it should be Sheet2 String sheet2Name = SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 2); String activesheetname = SCUtil.getSCActiveSheetName(scDocument); assertEquals("Expect sheet name should be Sheet2", sheet2Name, activesheetname); // show sheet "hide sheet" sheetPropertySet = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1)); isvisiable = true; sheetPropertySet.setPropertyValue("IsVisible", isvisiable); // active sheet "hide sheet" secondSpreadSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1); SCUtil.setCurrentSheet(scDocument, secondSpreadSheet); // Get current active sheet name, verify it same as "hide sheet" String currentactivesheetname = SCUtil.getSCActiveSheetName(scDocument); assertEquals("Expect active sheet name is hidesheet", sheetname, currentactivesheetname); SCUtil.save(scDocument); } /** * Test sheet tab color */ @Test public void sheetColor() throws Exception { // get first sheet propertyset scDocument = SCUtil.getSCDocument(scComponent); XSpreadsheets spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets(); XSpreadsheet firstSpreadSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 0); XPropertySet sheet1PropertySet = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime .queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, firstSpreadSheet); // Set sheet tab color to 111 sheet1PropertySet.setPropertyValue("TabColor", 111); // copy the color sheet to new sheet spreadsheets.copyByName( SCUtil.getSCSheetNameByIndex(scDocument, (short) 0), "newsheet", (short) 3); // Save and reopen the document SCUtil.saveFileAs(scComponent, "Testcolorsheet", "ods"); XSpreadsheetDocument scDocumentTemp = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp, scDocument, "Testcolorsheet.ods"); scDocument = scDocumentTemp; // Get first sheet color sheet1PropertySet = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 0)); int firstSheetcolorid = (Integer) sheet1PropertySet .getPropertyValue("TabColor"); // Get the copyed sheet color XPropertySet newsheetPropertySet = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime .queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 3)); int copySheetcolorid = (Integer) newsheetPropertySet .getPropertyValue("TabColor"); // Verify first sheet color changed successfully assertEquals("Expect color should be 111", 111, firstSheetcolorid); // Verify first sheet color same as copy sheet color assertEquals("Expect color should be 111", firstSheetcolorid, copySheetcolorid); } /** * test insert sheet from other file */ @Test public void insertSheetFromfile() throws Exception { // New a document source.xls, add value to 3 sheet scDocument = SCUtil.getSCDocument(scComponent); XSpreadsheets spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets(); XSpreadsheet firstSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 0); XSpreadsheet secondSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 1); XSpreadsheet thirdSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 2); SCUtil.setFormulaToCell(firstSheet, 1, 2, "=2*2"); SCUtil.setFormulaToCell(secondSheet, 1, 2, "=2*2"); SCUtil.setFormulaToCell(thirdSheet, 1, 2, "=2*2"); // Save and close this document SCUtil.saveFileAs(scComponent, "source", "xls"); SCUtil.closeFile(scDocument); // get source document URL String SourcestoreUrl = Testspace.getUrl("output/sc/" + "source" + "." + "xls"); // New a document scComponent = unoApp.newDocument("scalc"); scDocument = SCUtil.getSCDocument(scComponent); spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets(); // Insert firstexternalsheet sheet, link with Sheet1 in source document // and the link mode is NORMAL spreadsheets.insertNewByName("firstexternalsheet", (short) 3); XSpreadsheet firstexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 3); XSheetLinkable xfirstSheetLinkable = (XSheetLinkable) UnoRuntime .queryInterface(XSheetLinkable.class, firstexternalsheet); xfirstSheetLinkable.link(SourcestoreUrl, "", "MS Excel 97", "", SheetLinkMode.NORMAL); // Insert secondexternalsheet sheet, link with Sheet2 in source document // and the link mode is VALUE spreadsheets.insertNewByName("secondexternalsheet", (short) 4); XSpreadsheet secondexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 4); XSheetLinkable xsecondSheetLinkable = (XSheetLinkable) UnoRuntime .queryInterface(XSheetLinkable.class, secondexternalsheet); xsecondSheetLinkable.link(SourcestoreUrl, "Sheet2", "MS Excel 97", "", SheetLinkMode.VALUE); // Insert secondexternalsheet sheet, link with Sheet2 in source document // and the link mode is NONE spreadsheets.insertNewByName("thirdexternalsheet", (short) 5); XSpreadsheet thirdexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 5); XSheetLinkable xthirdSheetLinkable = (XSheetLinkable) UnoRuntime .queryInterface(XSheetLinkable.class, thirdexternalsheet); xthirdSheetLinkable.link(SourcestoreUrl, "Sheet3", "MS Excel 97", "", SheetLinkMode.NONE); // Verify firstexternalsheet assertEquals("Expect formula should be =2*2", "=2*2", SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(firstexternalsheet, 1, 2)); assertEquals("Expect formula result should be 4", "4", SCUtil.getTextFromCell(firstexternalsheet, 1, 2)); // Verify secondexternalsheet assertEquals("Expect formula should be 4", "4", SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(secondexternalsheet, 1, 2)); assertEquals("Expect formula result should be 4", "4", SCUtil.getTextFromCell(secondexternalsheet, 1, 2)); // Verify thirdexternalsheet assertEquals("Expect formula should be blank", "", SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(thirdexternalsheet, 1, 2)); assertEquals("Expect formula result should be blank", "", SCUtil.getTextFromCell(thirdexternalsheet, 1, 2)); // save document and verify the linked sheet again SCUtil.saveFileAs(scComponent, "linked", "ods"); XSpreadsheetDocument tempscDocument = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp, scDocument, "linked.ods"); scDocument = tempscDocument; firstexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 3); secondexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 4); thirdexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 5); // Verify firstexternalsheet assertEquals("Expect formula should be =2*2", "=2*2", SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(firstexternalsheet, 1, 2)); assertEquals("Expect formula result should be 4", "4", SCUtil.getTextFromCell(firstexternalsheet, 1, 2)); // Verify secondexternalsheet assertEquals("Expect formula should be 4", "4", SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(secondexternalsheet, 1, 2)); assertEquals("Expect formula result should be 4", "4", SCUtil.getTextFromCell(secondexternalsheet, 1, 2)); // Verify thirdexternalsheet assertEquals("Expect formula should be blank", "", SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(thirdexternalsheet, 1, 2)); assertEquals("Expect formula result should be blank", "", SCUtil.getTextFromCell(thirdexternalsheet, 1, 2)); //save and close document SCUtil.save(scDocument); SCUtil.closeFile(scDocument); //Open souce document and change the value in souce document XSpreadsheetDocument sourcescDocument = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp, scDocument, "source.xls"); firstSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(sourcescDocument, (short) 0); secondSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(sourcescDocument, (short) 1); thirdSheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(sourcescDocument, (short) 2); SCUtil.setFormulaToCell(firstSheet, 1, 2, "=3*3"); SCUtil.setFormulaToCell(secondSheet, 1, 2, "=3*3"); SCUtil.setFormulaToCell(thirdSheet, 1, 2, "=3*3"); SCUtil.save(sourcescDocument); SCUtil.closeFile(sourcescDocument); //Open link document tempscDocument = SCUtil.reloadFile(unoApp, scDocument, "linked.ods"); scDocument = tempscDocument; spreadsheets = scDocument.getSheets(); firstexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 3); secondexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 4); thirdexternalsheet = SCUtil.getSCSheetByIndex(scDocument, (short) 5); //get Object SheetLinks for document XPropertySet sheetpropertyset = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime .queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, scDocument); Object sheetLinks = sheetpropertyset.getPropertyValue("SheetLinks"); XIndexAccess xsheetlinks = (XIndexAccess) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XIndexAccess.class, sheetLinks); //Refresh all links for (int i = 0; i < xsheetlinks.getCount(); i++) { Object sheetlink = xsheetlinks.getByIndex(i); XRefreshable xsheetRefreshable = (XRefreshable) UnoRuntime .queryInterface(XRefreshable.class, sheetlink); xsheetRefreshable.refresh(); } // Verify firstexternalsheet assertEquals("Expect formula should be =3*3", "=3*3", SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(firstexternalsheet, 1, 2)); assertEquals("Expect formula result should be 9", "9", SCUtil.getTextFromCell(firstexternalsheet, 1, 2)); // Verify secondexternalsheet assertEquals("Expect formula should be 9", "9", SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(secondexternalsheet, 1, 2)); assertEquals("Expect formula result should be 9", "9", SCUtil.getTextFromCell(secondexternalsheet, 1, 2)); // Verify thirdexternalsheet assertEquals("Expect formula should be blank", "", SCUtil.getFormulaFromCell(thirdexternalsheet, 1, 2)); assertEquals("Expect formula result should be blank", "", SCUtil.getTextFromCell(thirdexternalsheet, 1, 2)); //Save the document before close SCUtil.save(scDocument); } }