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Rat Report

This HTML version (yes, it is!) is generated from the RAT xml reports using Saxon9B. All the outputs required are displayed below, similar to the .txt version. This is obviously a work in progress; and a prettier, easier to read and manage version will be available soon

Table 1: A snapshot summary of this rat report.
Notes: Binaries: Archives: Standards:
Apache Licensed: Generated Documents:
Note: JavaDocs are generated and so license header is optional Note: Generated files do not require license headers
Unknown Licenses - or files without a license. Unknown Licenses - or files without a license.

Unapproved Licenses:



Files with Apache License headers will be marked AL
Binary files (which do not require AL headers) will be marked B
Compressed archives will be marked A
Notices, licenses etc will be marked N

!   N    A    B    !!!!!       

Printing headers for files without AL header...


First few lines of non-compliant file

Other Info:

Header Type:
License Family:
License Approval:

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