 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include <ary/cpp/c_types4cpp.hxx>

namespace ary
namespace loc
    class File;
namespace cpp
    class Gate;
    class Namespace;
    class Class;
    class Enum;

    class OperationSignature;

namespace ary
namespace cpp

/** The context of a CodeEntity, which is going to be stored in the
    repository. The information is used mainly by ->ary::cpp::CeAdmin.
class InputContext
    class Owner
        // LIFECYCLE
        virtual             ~Owner() {}

        // OPERATIONS
        /// Adds Class data to current inner scope (Namespace or Class).
        void                Add_Class(
                                const String  &     i_sLocalName,
                                Cid                 i_nId );
        /// Adds Enum data to current inner scope (Namespace or Class).
        void                Add_Enum(
                                const String  &     i_sLocalName,
                                Cid                 i_nId );
        /// Adds Typedef data to current inner scope (Namespace or Class).
        void                Add_Typedef(
                                const String  &     i_sLocalName,
                                Cid                 i_nId );
        /// Adds Operation data to current inner scope (Namespace or Class).
        void                Add_Operation(
                                const String  &     i_sLocalName,
                                Cid                 i_nId,
                                bool                i_bIsStaticMember );    /// True only for static class members.
        /// Adds Variable data to current inner scope (Namespace or Class).
        void                Add_Variable(
                                const String  &     i_sLocalName,
                                Cid                 i_nId,
                                bool                i_bIsConst,
                                bool                i_bIsStaticMember );    /// True only for static class members.
        // INQUIRY
        Ce_id               CeId() const;

        /** @attention Must only be used by ary::cpp::GatePilot!
            Will work nowhere else!
        virtual bool        HasClass(
                                const String  &     i_sLocalName ) = 0;
        virtual void        do_Add_Class(
                                const String  &     i_sLocalName,
                                Cid                 i_nId ) = 0;
        virtual void        do_Add_Enum(
                                const String  &     i_sLocalName,
                                Cid                 i_nId ) = 0;
        virtual void        do_Add_Typedef(
                                const String  &     i_sLocalName,
                                Cid                 i_nId ) = 0;
        virtual void        do_Add_Operation(
                                const String  &     i_sLocalName,
                                Cid                 i_nId,
                                bool                i_bIsStatic ) = 0;
        virtual void        do_Add_Variable(
                                const String  &     i_sLocalName,
                                Cid                 i_nId,
                                bool                i_bIsConst,
                                bool                i_bIsStatic ) = 0;
        virtual Ce_id       inq_CeId() const = 0;

	virtual				~InputContext() {}


    // INQUIRY
    loc::File &         CurFile() const;

    Namespace &         CurNamespace() const;
    Class *             CurClass() const;
    Enum *              CurEnum() const;

    Owner &             CurOwner() const;
    E_Protection        CurProtection() const;

    virtual loc::File & inq_CurFile() const = 0;

    virtual Namespace & inq_CurNamespace() const = 0;
    virtual Class *     inq_CurClass() const = 0;
    virtual Enum *      inq_CurEnum() const = 0;

    virtual Owner &     inq_CurOwner() const = 0;
    virtual E_Protection
                        inq_CurProtection() const = 0;

inline loc::File &
InputContext::CurFile() const
    { return inq_CurFile(); }

inline Namespace &
InputContext::CurNamespace() const
    { return inq_CurNamespace(); }
inline Class *
InputContext::CurClass() const
    { return inq_CurClass(); }
inline Enum *
InputContext::CurEnum() const
    { return inq_CurEnum(); }
inline InputContext::Owner &
InputContext::CurOwner() const
    { return inq_CurOwner(); }
inline E_Protection
InputContext::CurProtection() const
    { return inq_CurProtection(); }

inline void
InputContext::Owner::Add_Class( const String  &     i_sLocalName,
                                Cid                 i_nId )
    { do_Add_Class(i_sLocalName, i_nId); }
inline void
InputContext::Owner::Add_Enum( const String  &     i_sLocalName,
                               Cid                 i_nId )
    { do_Add_Enum(i_sLocalName, i_nId); }
inline void
InputContext::Owner::Add_Typedef( const String  &     i_sLocalName,
                                  Cid                 i_nId )
    { do_Add_Typedef(i_sLocalName, i_nId); }
inline void
InputContext::Owner::Add_Operation( const String  &             i_sLocalName,
                                    Cid                         i_nId,
                                    bool                        i_bIsStatic )
    { do_Add_Operation( i_sLocalName, i_nId, i_bIsStatic ); }
inline void
InputContext::Owner::Add_Variable( const String  &     i_sLocalName,
                                   Cid                 i_nId,
                                   bool                i_bIsConst,
                                   bool                i_bIsStatic )
    { do_Add_Variable( i_sLocalName, i_nId, i_bIsConst, i_bIsStatic ); }
inline Ce_id
InputContext::Owner::CeId() const
    { return inq_CeId(); }

}   // namespace cpp
}   // namespace ary