/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html> * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_desktop.hxx" #include "dp_ucb.h" #include "dp_resource.h" #include "dp_platform.hxx" #include "dp_manager.h" #include "dp_identifier.hxx" #include "rtl/ustrbuf.hxx" #include "rtl/string.hxx" #include "rtl/uri.hxx" #include "rtl/bootstrap.hxx" #include "osl/diagnose.h" #include "osl/file.hxx" #include "osl/security.hxx" #include "cppuhelper/weakref.hxx" #include "cppuhelper/exc_hlp.hxx" #include "cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx" #include "cppuhelper/interfacecontainer.hxx" #include "comphelper/servicedecl.hxx" #include "comphelper/sequence.hxx" #include "xmlscript/xml_helper.hxx" #include "svl/inettype.hxx" #include "com/sun/star/lang/DisposedException.hpp" #include "com/sun/star/lang/WrappedTargetRuntimeException.hpp" #include "com/sun/star/beans/UnknownPropertyException.hpp" #include "com/sun/star/util/XUpdatable.hpp" #include "com/sun/star/sdbc/XResultSet.hpp" #include "com/sun/star/sdbc/XRow.hpp" #include "com/sun/star/ucb/XContentAccess.hpp" #include "com/sun/star/ucb/NameClash.hpp" #include "com/sun/star/deployment/VersionException.hpp" #include "com/sun/star/deployment/InstallException.hpp" #include "com/sun/star/deployment/Prerequisites.hpp" #include "com/sun/star/task/XInteractionApprove.hpp" #include "com/sun/star/ucb/UnsupportedCommandException.hpp" #include "boost/bind.hpp" #include "tools/urlobj.hxx" #include "unotools/tempfile.hxx" #include "osl/file.hxx" #include <vector> #include <list> #include "dp_descriptioninfoset.hxx" #include "dp_commandenvironments.hxx" #include "dp_properties.hxx" using namespace ::dp_misc; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::ucb; using ::rtl::OUString; namespace dp_log { extern comphelper::service_decl::ServiceDecl const serviceDecl; } namespace dp_registry { Reference<deployment::XPackageRegistry> create( OUString const & context, OUString const & cachePath, bool readOnly, Reference<XComponentContext> const & xComponentContext ); } namespace dp_manager { struct MatchTempDir { OUString m_str; MatchTempDir( OUString const & str ) : m_str( str ) {} bool operator () ( ActivePackages::Entries::value_type const & v ) const { return v.second.temporaryName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( m_str ); } }; namespace { OUString getExtensionFolder(OUString const & parentFolder, Reference<ucb::XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv) { ::ucbhelper::Content tempFolder( parentFolder, xCmdEnv ); Reference<sdbc::XResultSet> xResultSet( tempFolder.createCursor( Sequence<OUString>( &StrTitle::get(), 1 ), ::ucbhelper::INCLUDE_FOLDERS_ONLY ) ); OUString title; while (xResultSet->next()) { title = Reference<sdbc::XRow>( xResultSet, UNO_QUERY_THROW )->getString(1 /* Title */ ) ; break; } return title; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void PackageManagerImpl::initActivationLayer( Reference<XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv ) { if (m_activePackages.getLength() == 0) { OSL_ASSERT( m_registryCache.getLength() == 0 ); // documents temp activation: m_activePackagesDB.reset( new ActivePackages ); ::ucbhelper::Content ucbContent; if (create_ucb_content( &ucbContent, m_context, xCmdEnv, false /* no throw */ )) { // scan for all entries in m_packagesDir: Reference<sdbc::XResultSet> xResultSet( ucbContent.createCursor( Sequence<OUString>( &StrTitle::get(), 1 ), ::ucbhelper::INCLUDE_FOLDERS_AND_DOCUMENTS ) ); while (xResultSet->next()) { Reference<sdbc::XRow> xRow( xResultSet, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); OUString title( xRow->getString( 1 /* Title */ ) ); // xxx todo: remove workaround for tdoc if (title.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "this_is_a_dummy_stream_just_there_" "as_a_workaround_for_a_" "temporary_limitation_of_the_" "storage_api_implementation") )) continue; if (title.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "META-INF") ) ) continue; ::ucbhelper::Content sourceContent( Reference<XContentAccess>( xResultSet, UNO_QUERY_THROW )->queryContent(), xCmdEnv ); OUString mediaType( detectMediaType( sourceContent, false /* no throw */) ); if (mediaType.getLength() >0) { ActivePackages::Data dbData; insertToActivationLayer( Sequence<css::beans::NamedValue>(),mediaType, sourceContent, title, &dbData ); insertToActivationLayerDB( title, dbData ); //TODO #i73136#: insertToActivationLayerDB needs id not // title, but the whole m_activePackages.getLength()==0 // case (i.e., document-relative deployment) currently // does not work, anyway. } } } } else { // user|share: OSL_ASSERT( m_activePackages.getLength() > 0 ); m_activePackages_expanded = expandUnoRcUrl( m_activePackages ); m_registrationData_expanded = expandUnoRcUrl(m_registrationData); if (!m_readOnly) create_folder( 0, m_activePackages_expanded, xCmdEnv, true); OUString dbName; if (m_context.equals(OUSTR("user"))) dbName = m_activePackages_expanded + OUSTR(".db"); else { //Create the extension data base in the user installation create_folder( 0, m_registrationData_expanded, xCmdEnv, true); dbName = m_registrationData_expanded + OUSTR("/extensions.db"); } //The data base can always be written because it it always in the user installation m_activePackagesDB.reset( new ActivePackages( dbName, false ) ); if (! m_readOnly && ! m_context.equals(OUSTR("bundled"))) { // clean up activation layer, scan for zombie temp dirs: ActivePackages::Entries id2temp( m_activePackagesDB->getEntries() ); ::ucbhelper::Content tempFolder( m_activePackages_expanded, xCmdEnv ); Reference<sdbc::XResultSet> xResultSet( tempFolder.createCursor( Sequence<OUString>( &StrTitle::get(), 1 ), ::ucbhelper::INCLUDE_DOCUMENTS_ONLY ) ); // get all temp directories: ::std::vector<OUString> tempEntries; ::std::vector<OUString> removedEntries; while (xResultSet->next()) { OUString title( Reference<sdbc::XRow>( xResultSet, UNO_QUERY_THROW )->getString( 1 /* Title */ ) ); const char extensionRemoved[] = "removed"; if (title.endsWithAsciiL( extensionRemoved, sizeof(extensionRemoved) - 1)) { //save the file name withouth the "removed" part sal_Int32 index = title.lastIndexOfAsciiL( extensionRemoved, sizeof(extensionRemoved) - 1); OUString remFile = title.copy(0, index); removedEntries.push_back(::rtl::Uri::encode( remFile, rtl_UriCharClassPchar, rtl_UriEncodeIgnoreEscapes, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ); } else { tempEntries.push_back( ::rtl::Uri::encode( title, rtl_UriCharClassPchar, rtl_UriEncodeIgnoreEscapes, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ); } } bool bShared = m_context.equals(OUSTR("shared")) ? true : false; for ( ::std::size_t pos = 0; pos < tempEntries.size(); ++pos ) { OUString const & tempEntry = tempEntries[ pos ]; const MatchTempDir match( tempEntry ); if (::std::find_if( id2temp.begin(), id2temp.end(), match ) == id2temp.end()) { const OUString url( makeURL(m_activePackages_expanded, tempEntry ) ); //In case of shared extensions, new entries are regarded as //added extensions if there is no xxx.tmpremoved file. if (bShared) { if (::std::find(removedEntries.begin(), removedEntries.end(), tempEntry) == removedEntries.end()) { continue; } else { //Make sure only the same user removes the extension, who //previously unregistered it. This is avoid races if multiple instances //of OOo are running which all have write access to the shared installation. //For example, a user removes the extension, but keeps OOo //running. Parts of the extension may still be loaded and used by OOo. //Therefore the extension is only deleted the next time the extension manager is //run after restarting OOo. While OOo is still running, another user starts OOo //which would deleted the extension files. If the same user starts another //instance of OOo then the lock file will prevent this. OUString aUserName; ::osl::Security aSecurity; aSecurity.getUserName( aUserName ); ucbhelper::Content remFileContent( url + OUSTR("removed"), Reference<XCommandEnvironment>()); ::rtl::ByteSequence data = dp_misc::readFile(remFileContent); ::rtl::OString osData(reinterpret_cast<const sal_Char*>(data.getConstArray()), data.getLength()); OUString sData = ::rtl::OStringToOUString( osData, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); if (!sData.equals(aUserName)) continue; } } // temp entry not needed anymore: erase_path( url + OUSTR("_"), Reference<XCommandEnvironment>(), false /* no throw: ignore errors */ ); erase_path( url, Reference<XCommandEnvironment>(), false /* no throw: ignore errors */ ); //delete the xxx.tmpremoved file erase_path(url + OUSTR("removed"), Reference<XCommandEnvironment>(), false); } } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void PackageManagerImpl::initRegistryBackends() { if (m_registryCache.getLength() > 0) create_folder( 0, m_registryCache, Reference<XCommandEnvironment>(), false); m_xRegistry.set( ::dp_registry::create( m_context, m_registryCache, false, m_xComponentContext ) ); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Reference<deployment::XPackageManager> PackageManagerImpl::create( Reference<XComponentContext> const & xComponentContext, OUString const & context ) { PackageManagerImpl * that = new PackageManagerImpl( xComponentContext, context ); Reference<deployment::XPackageManager> xPackageManager( that ); OUString packages, logFile, stampURL; if (context.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("user") )) { that->m_activePackages = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$UNO_USER_PACKAGES_CACHE/uno_packages"); that->m_registrationData = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$UNO_USER_PACKAGES_CACHE"); that->m_registryCache = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$UNO_USER_PACKAGES_CACHE/registry"); logFile = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$UNO_USER_PACKAGES_CACHE/log.txt"); //We use the extension .sys for the file because on Windows Vista a sys //(as well as exe and dll) file //will not be written in the VirtualStore. For example if the process has no //admin right once cannot write to the %programfiles% folder. However, when //virtualization is used, the file will be written into the VirtualStore and //it appears as if one could write to %programfiles%. When we test for write //access to the office/shared folder for shared extensions then this typically //fails because a normal user typically cannot write to this folder. However, //using virtualization it appears that he/she can. Then a shared extension can //be installed but is only visible for the user (because the extension is in //the virtual store). stampURL = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$UNO_USER_PACKAGES_CACHE/stamp.sys"); } else if (context.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("shared") )) { that->m_activePackages = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$UNO_SHARED_PACKAGES_CACHE/uno_packages"); that->m_registrationData = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$SHARED_EXTENSIONS_USER"); that->m_registryCache = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$SHARED_EXTENSIONS_USER/registry"); logFile = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$SHARED_EXTENSIONS_USER/log.txt"); stampURL = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$UNO_SHARED_PACKAGES_CACHE/stamp.sys"); } else if (context.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("bundled") )) { that->m_activePackages = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$BUNDLED_EXTENSIONS"); that->m_registrationData = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$BUNDLED_EXTENSIONS_USER"); that->m_registryCache = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$BUNDLED_EXTENSIONS_USER/registry"); logFile = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$BUNDLED_EXTENSIONS_USER/log.txt"); //No stamp file. We assume that bundled is always readonly. It must not be //modified from ExtensionManager but only by the installer } else if (context.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("bundled_prereg") )) { //This is a bundled repository but the registration data //is in the brand layer: share/prereg //It is special because the registration data are copied at the first startup //into the user installation. The processed help and xcu files are not //copied. Instead the backenddb.xml for the help backend references the help //by using $BUNDLED_EXTENSION_PREREG instead $BUNDLED_EXTENSIONS_USER. The //configmgr.ini also used $BUNDLED_EXTENSIONS_PREREG to refer to the xcu file //which contain the replacement for %origin%. that->m_activePackages = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$BUNDLED_EXTENSIONS"); that->m_registrationData = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$BUNDLED_EXTENSIONS_PREREG"); that->m_registryCache = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$BUNDLED_EXTENSIONS_PREREG/registry"); logFile = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$BUNDLED_EXTENSIONS_PREREG/log.txt"); } else if (context.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("tmp") )) { that->m_activePackages = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$TMP_EXTENSIONS/extensions"); that->m_registrationData = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$TMP_EXTENSIONS"); that->m_registryCache = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$TMP_EXTENSIONS/registry"); stampURL = OUSTR( "vnd.sun.star.expand:$TMP_EXTENSIONS/stamp.sys"); } else if (! context.matchAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("vnd.sun.star.tdoc:/") )) { throw lang::IllegalArgumentException( OUSTR("invalid context given: ") + context, Reference<XInterface>(), static_cast<sal_Int16>(-1) ); } Reference<XCommandEnvironment> xCmdEnv; try { //There is no stampURL for the bundled folder if (stampURL.getLength() > 0) { #define CURRENT_STAMP "1" try { //The osl file API does not allow to find out if one can write //into a folder. Therefore we try to write a file. Then we delete //it, so that it does not hinder uninstallation of OOo // probe writing: ::ucbhelper::Content ucbStamp( stampURL, xCmdEnv ); ::rtl::OString stamp( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(CURRENT_STAMP) ); Reference<io::XInputStream> xData( ::xmlscript::createInputStream( ::rtl::ByteSequence( reinterpret_cast<sal_Int8 const *>(stamp.getStr()), stamp.getLength() ) ) ); ucbStamp.writeStream( xData, true /* replace existing */ ); that->m_readOnly = false; erase_path( stampURL, xCmdEnv ); } catch (RuntimeException &) { try { erase_path( stampURL, xCmdEnv ); } catch (...) { } throw; } catch (Exception &) { that->m_readOnly = true; } } if (!that->m_readOnly && logFile.getLength() > 0) { const Any any_logFile(logFile); that->m_xLogFile.set( that->m_xComponentContext->getServiceManager() ->createInstanceWithArgumentsAndContext( dp_log::serviceDecl.getSupportedServiceNames()[0], Sequence<Any>( &any_logFile, 1 ), that->m_xComponentContext ), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); xCmdEnv.set( new CmdEnvWrapperImpl( xCmdEnv, that->m_xLogFile ) ); } that->initRegistryBackends(); that->initActivationLayer( xCmdEnv ); return xPackageManager; } catch (RuntimeException &) { throw; } catch (Exception &) { Any exc( ::cppu::getCaughtException() ); ::rtl::OUStringBuffer buf; buf.appendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("[context=\"") ); buf.append( context ); buf.appendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "\"] caught unexpected exception!") ); throw lang::WrappedTargetRuntimeException( buf.makeStringAndClear(), Reference<XInterface>(), exc ); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ PackageManagerImpl::~PackageManagerImpl() { } //______________________________________________________________________________ void PackageManagerImpl::fireModified() { ::cppu::OInterfaceContainerHelper * pContainer = rBHelper.getContainer( util::XModifyListener::static_type() ); if (pContainer != 0) { pContainer->forEach<util::XModifyListener>( boost::bind(&util::XModifyListener::modified, _1, lang::EventObject(static_cast<OWeakObject *>(this))) ); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void PackageManagerImpl::disposing() { try { // // xxx todo: guarding? // ::osl::MutexGuard guard( getMutex() ); try_dispose( m_xLogFile ); m_xLogFile.clear(); try_dispose( m_xRegistry ); m_xRegistry.clear(); m_activePackagesDB.reset(0); m_xComponentContext.clear(); t_pm_helper::disposing(); } catch (RuntimeException &) { throw; } catch (Exception &) { Any exc( ::cppu::getCaughtException() ); throw lang::WrappedTargetRuntimeException( OUSTR("caught unexpected exception while disposing..."), static_cast<OWeakObject *>(this), exc ); } } // XComponent //______________________________________________________________________________ void PackageManagerImpl::dispose() throw (RuntimeException) { check(); WeakComponentImplHelperBase::dispose(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void PackageManagerImpl::addEventListener( Reference<lang::XEventListener> const & xListener ) throw (RuntimeException) { check(); WeakComponentImplHelperBase::addEventListener( xListener ); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void PackageManagerImpl::removeEventListener( Reference<lang::XEventListener> const & xListener ) throw (RuntimeException) { check(); WeakComponentImplHelperBase::removeEventListener( xListener ); } // XPackageManager //______________________________________________________________________________ OUString PackageManagerImpl::getContext() throw (RuntimeException) { check(); return m_context; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Sequence< Reference<deployment::XPackageTypeInfo> > PackageManagerImpl::getSupportedPackageTypes() throw (RuntimeException) { OSL_ASSERT( m_xRegistry.is() ); return m_xRegistry->getSupportedPackageTypes(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Reference<task::XAbortChannel> PackageManagerImpl::createAbortChannel() throw (RuntimeException) { check(); return new AbortChannel; } // XModifyBroadcaster //______________________________________________________________________________ void PackageManagerImpl::addModifyListener( Reference<util::XModifyListener> const & xListener ) throw (RuntimeException) { check(); rBHelper.addListener( ::getCppuType( &xListener ), xListener ); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void PackageManagerImpl::removeModifyListener( Reference<util::XModifyListener> const & xListener ) throw (RuntimeException) { check(); rBHelper.removeListener( ::getCppuType( &xListener ), xListener ); } //______________________________________________________________________________ OUString PackageManagerImpl::detectMediaType( ::ucbhelper::Content const & ucbContent_, bool throw_exc ) { ::ucbhelper::Content ucbContent(ucbContent_); OUString url( ucbContent.getURL() ); OUString mediaType; if (url.matchAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("vnd.sun.star.tdoc:") ) || url.matchAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("vnd.sun.star.pkg:") )) { try { ucbContent.getPropertyValue( OUSTR("MediaType") ) >>= mediaType; } catch (beans::UnknownPropertyException &) { } OSL_ENSURE( mediaType.getLength() > 0, "### no media-type?!" ); } if (mediaType.getLength() == 0) { try { Reference<deployment::XPackage> xPackage( m_xRegistry->bindPackage( url, OUString(), false, OUString(), ucbContent.getCommandEnvironment() ) ); const Reference<deployment::XPackageTypeInfo> xPackageType( xPackage->getPackageType() ); OSL_ASSERT( xPackageType.is() ); if (xPackageType.is()) mediaType = xPackageType->getMediaType(); } catch (lang::IllegalArgumentException & exc) { if (throw_exc) throw; (void) exc; OSL_ENSURE( 0, ::rtl::OUStringToOString( exc.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr() ); } } return mediaType; } //______________________________________________________________________________ OUString PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayer( Sequence<beans::NamedValue> const & properties, OUString const & mediaType, ::ucbhelper::Content const & sourceContent_, OUString const & title, ActivePackages::Data * dbData ) { ::ucbhelper::Content sourceContent(sourceContent_); Reference<XCommandEnvironment> xCmdEnv( sourceContent.getCommandEnvironment() ); String baseDir(m_activePackages_expanded); ::utl::TempFile aTemp(&baseDir, sal_False); OUString tempEntry = aTemp.GetURL(); tempEntry = tempEntry.copy(tempEntry.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); OUString destFolder = makeURL( m_activePackages, tempEntry); destFolder += OUSTR("_"); // prepare activation folder: ::ucbhelper::Content destFolderContent; create_folder( &destFolderContent, destFolder, xCmdEnv ); // copy content into activation temp dir: if (mediaType.matchIgnoreAsciiCaseAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "application/vnd.sun.star.package-bundle") ) || // xxx todo: more sophisticated parsing mediaType.matchIgnoreAsciiCaseAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "application/vnd.sun.star.legacy-package-bundle") )) { // inflate content: ::rtl::OUStringBuffer buf; if (!sourceContent.isFolder()) { buf.appendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("vnd.sun.star.zip://") ); buf.append( ::rtl::Uri::encode( sourceContent.getURL(), rtl_UriCharClassRegName, rtl_UriEncodeIgnoreEscapes, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ); } else { //Folder. No need to unzip, just copy buf.append(sourceContent.getURL()); } buf.append( static_cast<sal_Unicode>('/') ); sourceContent = ::ucbhelper::Content( buf.makeStringAndClear(), xCmdEnv ); } if (! destFolderContent.transferContent( sourceContent, ::ucbhelper::InsertOperation_COPY, title, NameClash::OVERWRITE )) throw RuntimeException( OUSTR("UCB transferContent() failed!"), 0 ); // write to DB: //bundled extensions should only be added by the synchronizeAddedExtensions //functions. Moreover, there is no "temporary folder" for bundled extensions. OSL_ASSERT(!m_context.equals(OUSTR("bundled"))); OUString sFolderUrl = makeURLAppendSysPathSegment(destFolderContent.getURL(), title); DescriptionInfoset info = dp_misc::getDescriptionInfoset(sFolderUrl); dbData->temporaryName = tempEntry; dbData->fileName = title; dbData->mediaType = mediaType; dbData->version = info.getVersion(); //No write the properties file next to the extension ExtensionProperties props(sFolderUrl, properties, xCmdEnv); props.write(); return destFolder; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void PackageManagerImpl::insertToActivationLayerDB( OUString const & id, ActivePackages::Data const & dbData ) { //access to the database must be guarded. See removePackage const ::osl::MutexGuard guard( getMutex() ); m_activePackagesDB->put( id, dbData ); } //______________________________________________________________________________ /* The function returns true if there is an extension with the same id already installed which needs to be uninstalled, before the new extension can be installed. */ bool PackageManagerImpl::isInstalled( Reference<deployment::XPackage> const & package) { OUString id(dp_misc::getIdentifier(package)); OUString fn(package->getName()); bool bInstalled = false; if (m_activePackagesDB->has( id, fn )) { bInstalled = true; } return bInstalled; } // XPackageManager //______________________________________________________________________________ Reference<deployment::XPackage> PackageManagerImpl::importExtension( Reference<deployment::XPackage> const & extension, Reference<task::XAbortChannel> const & xAbortChannel, Reference<XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv_ ) throw (deployment::DeploymentException, CommandFailedException, CommandAbortedException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException) { return addPackage(extension->getURL(), Sequence<beans::NamedValue>(), OUString(), xAbortChannel, xCmdEnv_); } /* The function adds an extension but does not register it!!! It may not do any user interaction. This is done in XExtensionManager::addExtension */ Reference<deployment::XPackage> PackageManagerImpl::addPackage( OUString const & url, css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::NamedValue> const & properties, OUString const & mediaType_, Reference<task::XAbortChannel> const & xAbortChannel, Reference<XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv_ ) throw (deployment::DeploymentException, CommandFailedException, CommandAbortedException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException) { check(); if (m_readOnly) { OUString message; if (m_context == OUSTR("shared")) message = OUSTR("You need write permissions to install a shared extension!"); else message = OUSTR("You need write permissions to install this extension!"); throw deployment::DeploymentException( message, static_cast<OWeakObject *>(this), Any() ); } Reference<XCommandEnvironment> xCmdEnv; if (m_xLogFile.is()) xCmdEnv.set( new CmdEnvWrapperImpl( xCmdEnv_, m_xLogFile ) ); else xCmdEnv.set( xCmdEnv_ ); try { ::ucbhelper::Content sourceContent; create_ucb_content( &sourceContent, url, xCmdEnv ); // throws exc const OUString title(sourceContent.getPropertyValue( StrTitle::get() ).get<OUString>() ); const OUString title_enc( ::rtl::Uri::encode( title, rtl_UriCharClassPchar, rtl_UriEncodeIgnoreEscapes, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ); OUString destFolder; OUString mediaType(mediaType_); if (mediaType.getLength() == 0) mediaType = detectMediaType( sourceContent ); Reference<deployment::XPackage> xPackage; // copy file: progressUpdate( getResourceString(RID_STR_COPYING_PACKAGE) + title, xCmdEnv ); if (m_activePackages.getLength() == 0) { ::ucbhelper::Content docFolderContent; create_folder( &docFolderContent, m_context, xCmdEnv ); // copy into document, first: if (! docFolderContent.transferContent( sourceContent, ::ucbhelper::InsertOperation_COPY, OUString(), NameClash::ASK /* xxx todo: ASK not needed? */)) throw RuntimeException( OUSTR("UCB transferContent() failed!"), 0 ); // set media-type: ::ucbhelper::Content docContent( makeURL( m_context, title_enc ), xCmdEnv ); //TODO #i73136#: using title instead of id can lead to // clashes, but the whole m_activePackages.getLength()==0 // case (i.e., document-relative deployment) currently does // not work, anyway. docContent.setPropertyValue( OUSTR("MediaType"), Any(mediaType) ); // xxx todo: obsolete in the future try { docFolderContent.executeCommand( OUSTR("flush"), Any() ); } catch (UnsupportedCommandException &) { } } ActivePackages::Data dbData; destFolder = insertToActivationLayer( properties, mediaType, sourceContent, title, &dbData ); // bind activation package: //Because every shared/user extension will be unpacked in a folder, //which was created with a unique name we will always have two different //XPackage objects, even if the second extension is the same. //Therefore bindPackage does not need a guard here. xPackage = m_xRegistry->bindPackage( makeURL( destFolder, title_enc ), mediaType, false, OUString(), xCmdEnv ); OSL_ASSERT( xPackage.is() ); if (xPackage.is()) { bool install = false; try { OUString const id = dp_misc::getIdentifier( xPackage ); ::osl::MutexGuard g(m_addMutex); if (isInstalled(xPackage)) { //Do not guard the complete function with the getMutex removePackage(id, xPackage->getName(), xAbortChannel, xCmdEnv); } install = true; insertToActivationLayerDB(id, dbData); } catch (...) { deletePackageFromCache( xPackage, destFolder ); throw; } if (!install) { deletePackageFromCache( xPackage, destFolder ); } //ToDo: We should notify only if the extension is registered fireModified(); } return xPackage; } catch (RuntimeException &) { throw; } catch (CommandFailedException & exc) { logIntern( Any(exc) ); throw; } catch (CommandAbortedException & exc) { logIntern( Any(exc) ); throw; } catch (deployment::DeploymentException & exc) { logIntern( Any(exc) ); throw; } catch (Exception &) { Any exc( ::cppu::getCaughtException() ); logIntern( exc ); throw deployment::DeploymentException( getResourceString(RID_STR_ERROR_WHILE_ADDING) + url, static_cast<OWeakObject *>(this), exc ); } } void PackageManagerImpl::deletePackageFromCache( Reference<deployment::XPackage> const & xPackage, OUString const & destFolder) { try_dispose( xPackage ); //we remove the package from the uno cache //no service from the package may be loaded at this time!!! erase_path( destFolder, Reference<XCommandEnvironment>(), false /* no throw: ignore errors */ ); //rm last character '_' OUString url = destFolder.copy(0, destFolder.getLength() - 1); erase_path( url, Reference<XCommandEnvironment>(), false /* no throw: ignore errors */ ); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void PackageManagerImpl::removePackage( OUString const & id, ::rtl::OUString const & fileName, Reference<task::XAbortChannel> const & /*xAbortChannel*/, Reference<XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv_ ) throw (deployment::DeploymentException, CommandFailedException, CommandAbortedException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException) { check(); Reference<XCommandEnvironment> xCmdEnv; if (m_xLogFile.is()) xCmdEnv.set( new CmdEnvWrapperImpl( xCmdEnv_, m_xLogFile ) ); else xCmdEnv.set( xCmdEnv_ ); try { Reference<deployment::XPackage> xPackage; { const ::osl::MutexGuard guard(getMutex()); //Check if this extension exist and throw an IllegalArgumentException //if it does not //If the files of the extension are already removed, or there is a //different extension at the same place, for example after updating the //extension, then the returned object is that which uses the database data. xPackage = getDeployedPackage_(id, fileName, xCmdEnv ); //Because the extension is only removed the next time the extension //manager runs after restarting OOo, we need to indicate that a //shared extension was "deleted". When a user starts OOo, then it //will check if something changed in the shared repository. Based on //the flag file it will then recognize, that the extension was //deleted and can then update the extnesion database of the shared //extensions in the user installation. if ( xPackage.is() && !m_readOnly && !xPackage->isRemoved() && m_context.equals(OUSTR("shared"))) { ActivePackages::Data val; m_activePackagesDB->get( & val, id, fileName); OSL_ASSERT(val.temporaryName.getLength()); OUString url(makeURL(m_activePackages_expanded, val.temporaryName + OUSTR("removed"))); ::ucbhelper::Content contentRemoved(url, xCmdEnv ); OUString aUserName; ::osl::Security aSecurity; aSecurity.getUserName( aUserName ); ::rtl::OString stamp = ::rtl::OUStringToOString(aUserName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); Reference<css::io::XInputStream> xData( ::xmlscript::createInputStream( ::rtl::ByteSequence( reinterpret_cast<sal_Int8 const *>(stamp.getStr()), stamp.getLength() ) ) ); contentRemoved.writeStream( xData, true /* replace existing */ ); } m_activePackagesDB->erase( id, fileName ); // to be removed upon next start //remove any cached data hold by the backend m_xRegistry->packageRemoved(xPackage->getURL(), xPackage->getPackageType()->getMediaType()); } try_dispose( xPackage ); fireModified(); } catch (RuntimeException &) { throw; } catch (lang::IllegalArgumentException &) { throw; } catch (CommandFailedException & exc) { logIntern( Any(exc) ); throw; } catch (CommandAbortedException & exc) { logIntern( Any(exc) ); throw; } catch (deployment::DeploymentException & exc) { logIntern( Any(exc) ); throw; } catch (Exception &) { Any exc( ::cppu::getCaughtException() ); logIntern( exc ); throw deployment::DeploymentException( getResourceString(RID_STR_ERROR_WHILE_REMOVING) + id, static_cast<OWeakObject *>(this), exc ); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ OUString PackageManagerImpl::getDeployPath( ActivePackages::Data const & data ) { ::rtl::OUStringBuffer buf; buf.append( data.temporaryName ); //The bundled extensions are not contained in an additional folder //with a unique name. data.temporaryName contains already the //UTF8 encoded folder name. See PackageManagerImpl::synchronize if (!m_context.equals(OUSTR("bundled")) && !m_context.equals(OUSTR("bundled_prereg"))) { buf.appendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("_/") ); buf.append( ::rtl::Uri::encode( data.fileName, rtl_UriCharClassPchar, rtl_UriEncodeIgnoreEscapes, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ); } return makeURL( m_activePackages, buf.makeStringAndClear() ); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Reference<deployment::XPackage> PackageManagerImpl::getDeployedPackage_( OUString const & id, OUString const & fileName, Reference<XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv ) { ActivePackages::Data val; if (m_activePackagesDB->get( &val, id, fileName )) { return getDeployedPackage_( id, val, xCmdEnv, false ); } throw lang::IllegalArgumentException( getResourceString(RID_STR_NO_SUCH_PACKAGE) + id, static_cast<OWeakObject *>(this), static_cast<sal_Int16>(-1) ); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Reference<deployment::XPackage> PackageManagerImpl::getDeployedPackage_( OUString const & id, ActivePackages::Data const & data, Reference<XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv, bool ignoreAlienPlatforms ) { if (ignoreAlienPlatforms) { String type, subType; INetContentTypeParameterList params; if (INetContentTypes::parse( data.mediaType, type, subType, ¶ms )) { INetContentTypeParameter const * param = params.find( ByteString("platform") ); if (param != 0 && !platform_fits( param->m_sValue )) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException( getResourceString(RID_STR_NO_SUCH_PACKAGE) + id, static_cast<OWeakObject *>(this), static_cast<sal_Int16>(-1) ); } } Reference<deployment::XPackage> xExtension; try { //Ignore extensions where XPackage::checkPrerequisites failed. //They must not be usable for this user. if (data.failedPrerequisites.equals(OUSTR("0"))) { xExtension = m_xRegistry->bindPackage( getDeployPath( data ), data.mediaType, false, OUString(), xCmdEnv ); } } catch (deployment::InvalidRemovedParameterException& e) { xExtension = e.Extension; } return xExtension; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Sequence< Reference<deployment::XPackage> > PackageManagerImpl::getDeployedPackages_( Reference<XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv ) { ::std::vector< Reference<deployment::XPackage> > packages; ActivePackages::Entries id2temp( m_activePackagesDB->getEntries() ); ActivePackages::Entries::const_iterator iPos( id2temp.begin() ); ActivePackages::Entries::const_iterator const iEnd( id2temp.end() ); for ( ; iPos != iEnd; ++iPos ) { if (! iPos->second.failedPrerequisites.equals(OUSTR("0"))) continue; try { packages.push_back( getDeployedPackage_( iPos->first, iPos->second, xCmdEnv, true /* xxx todo: think of GUI: ignore other platforms than the current one */ ) ); } catch (lang::IllegalArgumentException & exc) { // ignore (void) exc; // avoid warnings OSL_ENSURE( 0, ::rtl::OUStringToOString( exc.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr() ); } catch (deployment::DeploymentException& exc) { // ignore (void) exc; // avoid warnings OSL_ENSURE( 0, ::rtl::OUStringToOString( exc.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr() ); } } return comphelper::containerToSequence(packages); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Reference<deployment::XPackage> PackageManagerImpl::getDeployedPackage( OUString const & id, ::rtl::OUString const & fileName, Reference<XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv_ ) throw (deployment::DeploymentException, CommandFailedException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException) { check(); Reference<XCommandEnvironment> xCmdEnv; if (m_xLogFile.is()) xCmdEnv.set( new CmdEnvWrapperImpl( xCmdEnv_, m_xLogFile ) ); else xCmdEnv.set( xCmdEnv_ ); try { const ::osl::MutexGuard guard( getMutex() ); return getDeployedPackage_( id, fileName, xCmdEnv ); } catch (RuntimeException &) { throw; } catch (CommandFailedException & exc) { logIntern( Any(exc) ); throw; } catch (lang::IllegalArgumentException & exc) { logIntern( Any(exc) ); throw; } catch (deployment::DeploymentException & exc) { logIntern( Any(exc) ); throw; } catch (Exception &) { Any exc( ::cppu::getCaughtException() ); logIntern( exc ); throw deployment::DeploymentException( // ought never occur... OUSTR("error while accessing deployed package: ") + id, static_cast<OWeakObject *>(this), exc ); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Sequence< Reference<deployment::XPackage> > PackageManagerImpl::getDeployedPackages( Reference<task::XAbortChannel> const &, Reference<XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv_ ) throw (deployment::DeploymentException, CommandFailedException, CommandAbortedException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException) { check(); Reference<XCommandEnvironment> xCmdEnv; if (m_xLogFile.is()) xCmdEnv.set( new CmdEnvWrapperImpl( xCmdEnv_, m_xLogFile ) ); else xCmdEnv.set( xCmdEnv_ ); try { const ::osl::MutexGuard guard( getMutex() ); return getDeployedPackages_( xCmdEnv ); } catch (RuntimeException &) { throw; } catch (CommandFailedException & exc) { logIntern( Any(exc) ); throw; } catch (CommandAbortedException & exc) { logIntern( Any(exc) ); throw; } catch (deployment::DeploymentException & exc) { logIntern( Any(exc) ); throw; } catch (Exception &) { Any exc( ::cppu::getCaughtException() ); logIntern( exc ); throw deployment::DeploymentException( // ought never occur... OUSTR("error while getting all deployed packages: ") + m_context, static_cast<OWeakObject *>(this), exc ); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ //ToDo: the function must not call registerPackage, do this in //XExtensionManager.reinstallDeployedExtensions void PackageManagerImpl::reinstallDeployedPackages( Reference<task::XAbortChannel> const & /*xAbortChannel*/, Reference<XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv_ ) throw (deployment::DeploymentException, CommandFailedException, CommandAbortedException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException) { check(); if (office_is_running()) throw RuntimeException( OUSTR("You must close any running Office process before " "reinstalling packages!"), static_cast<OWeakObject *>(this) ); Reference<XCommandEnvironment> xCmdEnv; if (m_xLogFile.is()) xCmdEnv.set( new CmdEnvWrapperImpl( xCmdEnv_, m_xLogFile ) ); else xCmdEnv.set( xCmdEnv_ ); try { ProgressLevel progress( xCmdEnv, OUSTR("Reinstalling all deployed packages...") ); try_dispose( m_xRegistry ); m_xRegistry.clear(); if (m_registryCache.getLength() > 0) erase_path( m_registryCache, xCmdEnv ); initRegistryBackends(); Reference<util::XUpdatable> xUpdatable( m_xRegistry, UNO_QUERY ); if (xUpdatable.is()) xUpdatable->update(); //registering is done by the ExtensionManager service. } catch (RuntimeException &) { throw; } catch (CommandFailedException & exc) { logIntern( Any(exc) ); throw; } catch (CommandAbortedException & exc) { logIntern( Any(exc) ); throw; } catch (deployment::DeploymentException & exc) { logIntern( Any(exc) ); throw; } catch (Exception &) { Any exc( ::cppu::getCaughtException() ); logIntern( exc ); throw deployment::DeploymentException( OUSTR("Error while reinstalling all previously deployed " "packages of context ") + m_context, static_cast<OWeakObject *>(this), exc ); } } ::sal_Bool SAL_CALL PackageManagerImpl::isReadOnly( ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException) { return m_readOnly; } bool PackageManagerImpl::synchronizeRemovedExtensions( Reference<task::XAbortChannel> const & xAbortChannel, Reference<css::ucb::XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv) { //find all which are in the extension data base but which //are removed already. OSL_ASSERT(!m_context.equals(OUSTR("user"))); bool bModified = false; ActivePackages::Entries id2temp( m_activePackagesDB->getEntries() ); typedef ActivePackages::Entries::const_iterator ITActive; bool bShared = m_context.equals(OUSTR("shared")); for (ITActive i = id2temp.begin(); i != id2temp.end(); i++) { try { //Get the URL to the extensions folder, first make the url for the //shared repository including the temporary name OUString url = makeURL(m_activePackages, i->second.temporaryName); if (bShared) url = makeURLAppendSysPathSegment( url + OUSTR("_"), i->second.fileName); bool bRemoved = false; //Check if the URL to the extension is still the same ::ucbhelper::Content contentExtension; if (!create_ucb_content( &contentExtension, url, Reference<XCommandEnvironment>(), false)) { bRemoved = true; } //The folder is in the extension database, but it can still be deleted. //look for the xxx.tmpremoved file //There can also be the case that a different extension was installed //in a "temp" folder with name that is already used. if (!bRemoved && bShared) { ::ucbhelper::Content contentRemoved; if (create_ucb_content( &contentRemoved, m_activePackages_expanded + OUSTR("/") + i->second.temporaryName + OUSTR("removed"), Reference<XCommandEnvironment>(), false)) { bRemoved = true; } } if (!bRemoved) { //There may be another extensions at the same place dp_misc::DescriptionInfoset infoset = dp_misc::getDescriptionInfoset(url); OSL_ENSURE(infoset.hasDescription(), "Extension Manager: bundled and shared extensions " "must have an identifer and a version"); if (infoset.hasDescription() && infoset.getIdentifier() && (! i->first.equals(*(infoset.getIdentifier())) || ! i->second.version.equals(infoset.getVersion()))) { bRemoved = true; } } if (bRemoved) { Reference<deployment::XPackage> xPackage = m_xRegistry->bindPackage( url, i->second.mediaType, true, i->first, xCmdEnv ); OSL_ASSERT(xPackage.is()); //Even if the files are removed, we must get the object. xPackage->revokePackage(xAbortChannel, xCmdEnv); removePackage(xPackage->getIdentifier().Value, xPackage->getName(), xAbortChannel, xCmdEnv); bModified |= true; } } catch( uno::Exception & ) { OSL_ASSERT(0); } } return bModified; } bool PackageManagerImpl::synchronizeAddedExtensions( Reference<task::XAbortChannel> const & xAbortChannel, Reference<css::ucb::XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv) { bool bModified = false; OSL_ASSERT(!m_context.equals(OUSTR("user"))); ActivePackages::Entries id2temp( m_activePackagesDB->getEntries() ); //check if the folder exist at all. The shared extension folder //may not exist for a normal user. if (!create_ucb_content( NULL, m_activePackages_expanded, Reference<css::ucb::XCommandEnvironment>(), false)) return bModified; ::ucbhelper::Content tempFolder( m_activePackages_expanded, xCmdEnv ); Reference<sdbc::XResultSet> xResultSet( tempFolder.createCursor( Sequence<OUString>( &StrTitle::get(), 1 ), ::ucbhelper::INCLUDE_FOLDERS_ONLY ) ); while (xResultSet->next()) { try { OUString title( Reference<sdbc::XRow>( xResultSet, UNO_QUERY_THROW )->getString( 1 /* Title */ ) ); //The temporary folders of user and shared have an '_' at then end. //But the name in ActivePackages.temporaryName is saved without. OUString title2 = title; bool bShared = m_context.equals(OUSTR("shared")); if (bShared) { OSL_ASSERT(title2[title2.getLength() -1] == '_'); title2 = title2.copy(0, title2.getLength() -1); } OUString titleEncoded = ::rtl::Uri::encode( title2, rtl_UriCharClassPchar, rtl_UriEncodeIgnoreEscapes, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); //It it sufficient to check for the folder name, because when the administor //installed the extension it was already checked if there is one with the //same identifier. const MatchTempDir match(titleEncoded); if (::std::find_if( id2temp.begin(), id2temp.end(), match ) == id2temp.end()) { // The folder was not found in the data base, so it must be // an added extension OUString url(m_activePackages_expanded + OUSTR("/") + titleEncoded); OUString sExtFolder; if (bShared) //that is, shared { //Check if the extension was not "deleted" already which is indicated //by a xxx.tmpremoved file ::ucbhelper::Content contentRemoved; if (create_ucb_content(&contentRemoved, url + OUSTR("removed"), Reference<XCommandEnvironment>(), false)) continue; sExtFolder = getExtensionFolder( m_activePackages_expanded + OUString(OUSTR("/")) + titleEncoded + OUSTR("_"), xCmdEnv); url = makeURLAppendSysPathSegment(m_activePackages_expanded, title); url = makeURLAppendSysPathSegment(url, sExtFolder); } Reference<deployment::XPackage> xPackage = m_xRegistry->bindPackage( url, OUString(), false, OUString(), xCmdEnv ); if (xPackage.is()) { //Prepare the database entry ActivePackages::Data dbData; dbData.temporaryName = titleEncoded; if (bShared) dbData.fileName = sExtFolder; else dbData.fileName = title; dbData.mediaType = xPackage->getPackageType()->getMediaType(); dbData.version = xPackage->getVersion(); OSL_ENSURE(dbData.version.getLength() > 0, "Extension Manager: bundled and shared extensions must have " "an identifier and a version"); OUString id = dp_misc::getIdentifier( xPackage ); //We provide a special command environment that will prevent //showing a license if simple-licens/@accept-by = "admin" //It will also prevent showing the license for bundled extensions //which is not supported. OSL_ASSERT(!m_context.equals(OUSTR("user"))); // shall the license be suppressed? DescriptionInfoset info = dp_misc::getDescriptionInfoset(url); ::boost::optional<dp_misc::SimpleLicenseAttributes> attr = info.getSimpleLicenseAttributes(); ExtensionProperties props(url,xCmdEnv); bool bNoLicense = false; if (attr && attr->suppressIfRequired && props.isSuppressedLicense()) bNoLicense = true; Reference<ucb::XCommandEnvironment> licCmdEnv( new LicenseCommandEnv(xCmdEnv->getInteractionHandler(), bNoLicense, m_context)); sal_Int32 failedPrereq = xPackage->checkPrerequisites( xAbortChannel, licCmdEnv, false); //Remember that this failed. For example, the user //could have declined the license. Then the next time the //extension folder is investigated we do not want to //try to install the extension again. dbData.failedPrerequisites = OUString::valueOf(failedPrereq); insertToActivationLayerDB(id, dbData); bModified |= true; } } } catch (uno::Exception &) { OSL_ASSERT(0); } } return bModified; } sal_Bool PackageManagerImpl::synchronize( Reference<task::XAbortChannel> const & xAbortChannel, Reference<css::ucb::XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv) throw (css::deployment::DeploymentException, css::ucb::CommandFailedException, css::ucb::CommandAbortedException, css::uno::RuntimeException) { check(); bool bModified = false; if (m_context.equals(OUSTR("user"))) return bModified; bModified |= synchronizeRemovedExtensions(xAbortChannel, xCmdEnv); bModified |= synchronizeAddedExtensions(xAbortChannel, xCmdEnv); return bModified; } Sequence< Reference<deployment::XPackage> > PackageManagerImpl::getExtensionsWithUnacceptedLicenses( Reference<ucb::XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv) throw (deployment::DeploymentException, RuntimeException) { ::std::vector<Reference<deployment::XPackage> > vec; try { const ::osl::MutexGuard guard( getMutex() ); // clean up activation layer, scan for zombie temp dirs: ActivePackages::Entries id2temp( m_activePackagesDB->getEntries() ); ActivePackages::Entries::const_iterator i = id2temp.begin(); bool bShared = m_context.equals(OUSTR("shared")); for (; i != id2temp.end(); i++ ) { //Get the database entry ActivePackages::Data const & dbData = i->second; sal_Int32 failedPrereq = dbData.failedPrerequisites.toInt32(); //If the installation failed for other reason then the license then we //ignore it. if (failedPrereq ^= deployment::Prerequisites::LICENSE) continue; //Prepare the URL to the extension OUString url = makeURL(m_activePackages, i->second.temporaryName); if (bShared) url = makeURLAppendSysPathSegment( url + OUSTR("_"), i->second.fileName); Reference<deployment::XPackage> p = m_xRegistry->bindPackage( url, OUString(), false, OUString(), xCmdEnv ); if (p.is()) vec.push_back(p); } return ::comphelper::containerToSequence(vec); } catch (deployment::DeploymentException &) { throw; } catch (RuntimeException&) { throw; } catch (...) { Any exc = ::cppu::getCaughtException(); deployment::DeploymentException de( OUSTR("PackageManagerImpl::getExtensionsWithUnacceptedLicenses"), static_cast<OWeakObject*>(this), exc); exc <<= de; ::cppu::throwException(exc); } return ::comphelper::containerToSequence(vec); } sal_Int32 PackageManagerImpl::checkPrerequisites( css::uno::Reference<css::deployment::XPackage> const & extension, css::uno::Reference<css::task::XAbortChannel> const & xAbortChannel, css::uno::Reference<css::ucb::XCommandEnvironment> const & xCmdEnv ) throw (css::deployment::DeploymentException, css::ucb::CommandFailedException, css::ucb::CommandAbortedException, css::lang::IllegalArgumentException, css::uno::RuntimeException) { try { if (!extension.is()) return 0; if (!m_context.equals(extension->getRepositoryName())) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException( OUSTR("PackageManagerImpl::checkPrerequisites: extension is not" " from this repository."), 0, 0); ActivePackages::Data dbData; OUString id = dp_misc::getIdentifier(extension); if (m_activePackagesDB->get( &dbData, id, OUString())) { //If the license was already displayed, then do not show it again Reference<ucb::XCommandEnvironment> _xCmdEnv = xCmdEnv; sal_Int32 prereq = dbData.failedPrerequisites.toInt32(); if ( !(prereq & deployment::Prerequisites::LICENSE)) _xCmdEnv = new NoLicenseCommandEnv(xCmdEnv->getInteractionHandler()); sal_Int32 failedPrereq = extension->checkPrerequisites( xAbortChannel, _xCmdEnv, false); dbData.failedPrerequisites = OUString::valueOf(failedPrereq); insertToActivationLayerDB(id, dbData); } else { throw lang::IllegalArgumentException( OUSTR("PackageManagerImpl::checkPrerequisites: unknown extension"), 0, 0); } return 0; } catch (deployment::DeploymentException& ) { throw; } catch (ucb::CommandFailedException & ) { throw; } catch (ucb::CommandAbortedException & ) { throw; } catch (lang::IllegalArgumentException &) { throw; } catch (uno::RuntimeException &) { throw; } catch (...) { uno::Any excOccurred = ::cppu::getCaughtException(); deployment::DeploymentException exc( OUSTR("PackageManagerImpl::checkPrerequisites: exception "), static_cast<OWeakObject*>(this), excOccurred); throw exc; } } //############################################################################## //______________________________________________________________________________ PackageManagerImpl::CmdEnvWrapperImpl::~CmdEnvWrapperImpl() { } //______________________________________________________________________________ PackageManagerImpl::CmdEnvWrapperImpl::CmdEnvWrapperImpl( Reference<XCommandEnvironment> const & xUserCmdEnv, Reference<XProgressHandler> const & xLogFile ) : m_xLogFile( xLogFile ) { if (xUserCmdEnv.is()) { m_xUserProgress.set( xUserCmdEnv->getProgressHandler() ); m_xUserInteractionHandler.set( xUserCmdEnv->getInteractionHandler() ); } } // XCommandEnvironment //______________________________________________________________________________ Reference<task::XInteractionHandler> PackageManagerImpl::CmdEnvWrapperImpl::getInteractionHandler() throw (RuntimeException) { return m_xUserInteractionHandler; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Reference<XProgressHandler> PackageManagerImpl::CmdEnvWrapperImpl::getProgressHandler() throw (RuntimeException) { return this; } // XProgressHandler //______________________________________________________________________________ void PackageManagerImpl::CmdEnvWrapperImpl::push( Any const & Status ) throw (RuntimeException) { if (m_xLogFile.is()) m_xLogFile->push( Status ); if (m_xUserProgress.is()) m_xUserProgress->push( Status ); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void PackageManagerImpl::CmdEnvWrapperImpl::update( Any const & Status ) throw (RuntimeException) { if (m_xLogFile.is()) m_xLogFile->update( Status ); if (m_xUserProgress.is()) m_xUserProgress->update( Status ); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void PackageManagerImpl::CmdEnvWrapperImpl::pop() throw (RuntimeException) { if (m_xLogFile.is()) m_xLogFile->pop(); if (m_xUserProgress.is()) m_xUserProgress->pop(); } } // namespace dp_manager