/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_framework.hxx" /*TODO - change "singleton" behaviour by using new helper ::comhelper::SingletonRef - rename method exist() to existHandlerForURL() or similar one - may its a good idea to replace struct ProtocolHandler by css::beans::NamedValue type?! */ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // my own includes //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #include #include #include #include #include //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // interface includes //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // other includes //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #include #include #include //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // namespace //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ namespace framework{ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // non exported const //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // non exported definitions //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ /** @short overloaded index operator of hash map to support pattern key search @descr All keys inside this hash map are URL pattern which points to an uno implementation name of a protocol handler service which is registered for this pattern. This operator makes it easy to find such registered handler by using a full qualified URL and compare it with all pattern keys. @param sURL the full qualified URL which should match to a registered pattern @return An iterator which points to the found item inside the hash or PatternHash::end() if no pattern match this given sURL. @modified 30.04.2002 09:52, as96863 */ PatternHash::iterator PatternHash::findPatternKey( const ::rtl::OUString& sURL ) { PatternHash::iterator pItem = this->begin(); while( pItem!=this->end() ) { WildCard aPattern(pItem->first); if (aPattern.Matches(sURL)) break; ++pItem; } return pItem; } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ /** @short initialize static member of class HandlerCache @descr We use a singleton pattern to implement this handler cache. That means it use two static member list to hold all neccessary informations and a ref count mechanism to create/destroy it on demand. @modified 30.04.2002 11:13, as96863 */ HandlerHash* HandlerCache::m_pHandler = NULL; PatternHash* HandlerCache::m_pPattern = NULL; sal_Int32 HandlerCache::m_nRefCount = 0 ; HandlerCFGAccess* HandlerCache::m_pConfig = NULL; //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ /** @short ctor of the cache of all registered protoco handler @descr It tries to open the right configuration package automaticly and fill the internal structures. After that the cache can be used for read access on this data and perform some search operations on it. @modified 30.04.2002 10:02, as96863 */ HandlerCache::HandlerCache() { /* SAFE */{ WriteGuard aGlobalLock( LockHelper::getGlobalLock() ); if (m_nRefCount==0) { m_pHandler = new HandlerHash(); m_pPattern = new PatternHash(); m_pConfig = new HandlerCFGAccess(PACKAGENAME_PROTOCOLHANDLER); m_pConfig->read(&m_pHandler,&m_pPattern); m_pConfig->setCache(this); } ++m_nRefCount; /* SAFE */} } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ /** @short dtor of the cache @descr It frees all used memory. In further implementations (may if we support write access too) it's a good place to flush changes back to the configuration - but not needed yet. @modified 30.04.2002 09:54, as96863 */ HandlerCache::~HandlerCache() { /* SAFE */{ WriteGuard aGlobalLock( LockHelper::getGlobalLock() ); if( m_nRefCount==1) { m_pConfig->setCache(NULL); m_pHandler->free(); m_pPattern->free(); delete m_pConfig; delete m_pHandler; delete m_pPattern; m_pConfig = NULL; m_pHandler= NULL; m_pPattern= NULL; } --m_nRefCount; /* SAFE */} } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ /** @short dtor of the cache @descr It frees all used memory. In further implementations (may if we support write access too) it's a good place to flush changes back to the configuration - but not needed yet. @modified 30.04.2002 09:54, as96863 */ sal_Bool HandlerCache::search( const ::rtl::OUString& sURL, ProtocolHandler* pReturn ) const { sal_Bool bFound = sal_False; /* SAFE */{ ReadGuard aReadLock( LockHelper::getGlobalLock() ); PatternHash::const_iterator pItem = m_pPattern->findPatternKey(sURL); if (pItem!=m_pPattern->end()) { *pReturn = (*m_pHandler)[pItem->second]; bFound = sal_True; } /* SAFE */} return bFound; } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ /** @short search for a registered handler by using an URL struct @descr We combine neccessary parts of this struct to a valid URL string and call our other search method ... It's a helper for outside code. @modified 30.04.2002 09:54, as96863 */ sal_Bool HandlerCache::search( const css::util::URL& aURL, ProtocolHandler* pReturn ) const { return search( aURL.Complete, pReturn ); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ sal_Bool HandlerCache::exists( const ::rtl::OUString& sURL ) const { sal_Bool bFound = sal_False; /* SAFE */{ ReadGuard aReadLock( LockHelper::getGlobalLock() ); PatternHash::const_iterator pItem = m_pPattern->findPatternKey(sURL); bFound = pItem!=m_pPattern->end(); /* SAFE */} return bFound; } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void HandlerCache::takeOver(HandlerHash* pHandler, PatternHash* pPattern) { // SAFE -> WriteGuard aWriteLock( LockHelper::getGlobalLock() ); HandlerHash* pOldHandler = m_pHandler; PatternHash* pOldPattern = m_pPattern; m_pHandler = pHandler; m_pPattern = pPattern; pOldHandler->free(); pOldPattern->free(); delete pOldHandler; delete pOldPattern; aWriteLock.unlock(); // <- SAFE } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ /** @short dtor of the config access class @descr It opens the configuration package automaticly by using base class mechanism. After that "read()" method of this class should be called to use it. @param sPackage specifies the package name of the configuration data which should be used @modified 30.04.2002 10:06, as96863 */ HandlerCFGAccess::HandlerCFGAccess( const ::rtl::OUString& sPackage ) : ConfigItem( sPackage ) { css::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > lListenPathes(1); lListenPathes[0] = SETNAME_HANDLER; EnableNotification(lListenPathes); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ /** @short use base class mechanism to fill given structures @descr User use us as a wrapper between configuration api and his internal structures. He give us some pointer to his member and we fill it. @param pHandler pointer to a list of protocol handler infos @param pPattern reverse map of handler pattern to her uno names @modified 30.04.2002 09:54, as96863 */ void HandlerCFGAccess::read( HandlerHash** ppHandler , PatternHash** ppPattern ) { // list of all uno implementation names without encoding css::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > lNames = GetNodeNames( SETNAME_HANDLER, ::utl::CONFIG_NAME_LOCAL_PATH ); sal_Int32 nSourceCount = lNames.getLength(); sal_Int32 nTargetCount = nSourceCount; // list of all full qualified path names of configuration entries css::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > lFullNames ( nTargetCount ); // expand names to full path names sal_Int32 nSource=0; sal_Int32 nTarget=0; for( nSource=0; nSource lValues = GetProperties( lFullNames ); LOG_ASSERT2( lFullNames.getLength()!=lValues.getLength(), "HandlerCFGAccess::read()", "Miss some configuration values of handler set!" ) // fill structures nSource = 0; for( nTarget=0; nTarget lTemp; lValues[nTarget] >>= lTemp; aHandler.m_lProtocols = Converter::convert_seqOUString2OUStringList(lTemp); // register his pattern into the performance search hash for (OUStringList::iterator pItem =aHandler.m_lProtocols.begin(); pItem!=aHandler.m_lProtocols.end() ; ++pItem ) { (**ppPattern)[*pItem] = lNames[nSource]; } // ï¿œnsert the handler info into the normal handler cache (**ppHandler)[lNames[nSource]] = aHandler; ++nSource; } } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void HandlerCFGAccess::Notify(const css::uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString >& /*lPropertyNames*/) { HandlerHash* pHandler = new HandlerHash; PatternHash* pPattern = new PatternHash; read(&pHandler, &pPattern); if (m_pCache) m_pCache->takeOver(pHandler, pPattern); else { delete pHandler; delete pPattern; } } void HandlerCFGAccess::Commit() { } } // namespace framework