: eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; #************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** use strict; use Class::Struct; use Getopt::Long; use File::Temp; use File::Path; my @files; my @file_names; my $module_name = ''; my @current; my @buffer; my $last_file; my $last_path; my $last_localize_file; my $first_run = "1"; my $sdf_filename; my $merge_dir; my $state = "none"; $SIG{INT} = 'inthandler'; $SIG{QUIT} = 'quithandler'; struct ( sdf_obj => { module => '$', file => '$', dir => '$', FILEHANDLE => '$', line => '$', endoffile => '$' } ); parse_options(); my $lock_file = $merge_dir."/lock.mk"; acquire_lock(); read_sdf_file_names(); init(); my $reference; my $path ; my $localize_file; while( hasLines() ) { @current = (); foreach ( @files ) { push @current , $_; } $reference = getNextIdentifier( ); @current = (); foreach ( @files ) { if( $_->module eq $reference->module && $_->dir eq $reference->dir ) { push @current , $_ ; } } write_lines(); } if( $#current+1 ne 0 ) { ( $path , $localize_file ) = make_paths(); add_to_buffer(); write_buffer( $path , $localize_file ); } release_lock(); exit( 0 ); ########################################################################################## sub acquire_lock { if( -e $lock_file ){ $state = "blocked"; print "WARNING: Lock file '$lock_file' 'found, waiting ....\n"; my $cnt = 0; sleep 10 , while( -e $lock_file && $cnt++ < 180 ); exit( 0 ); }else { $state = "locked"; print "Writing lock file '$lock_file'\n"; open FILE, ">$lock_file" or die "Can't create lock file '$lock_file'"; print FILE "L10N_LOCK=YES" ; close ( FILE ); } } sub release_lock { print "Deleting lock file '$lock_file'\n"; unlink $lock_file, if( -e $lock_file ); $state = "none"; } sub inthandler { release_lock() , if( $state eq "locked" ); exit( -1 ); } sub quithandler { release_lock() , if( $state eq "locked" ); exit( 0 ); } sub init { foreach my $file ( @file_names ) { my $obj = new sdf_obj; open my $FILEHANDLE , "<$file" or die "Can't open file '$file'"; $obj->FILEHANDLE ( $FILEHANDLE ) ; getNextSdfObj( $obj ); push @files, $obj ; print "Open file '$file'\n"; } } # get the next module/file sub getNextIdentifier { my @sorted = sort { return $a->module.$a->dir cmp $b->module.$b->dir; } @current ; return shift @sorted; } # update the obj with the next line sub getNextSdfObj { my $obj = shift; my $line = readline ( $obj->FILEHANDLE ); if ( $line eq undef ) { $obj->endoffile( "true" ); } else { $line =~ /^(([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t*)/o ; if( defined $1 && defined $2 && defined $3 ) { $obj->line ( $1 ); $obj->module( $2 ); $obj->file ( $3 ); $obj->dir ( getDir( $3 ) ); } else { $obj->line ( "" ); $obj->module( "" ); $obj->file ( "" ); $obj->dir ( "" ); } } return $obj; } sub getNextSdfObjModule { my $obj = shift; while( !$obj->endoffile ) { my $line = readline ( $obj->FILEHANDLE ); if ( $line eq undef ) { $obj->endoffile( "true" ); } else { $line =~ /^(([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*).*)/o ; if( defined $1 && defined $2 && defined $3 ) { $obj->line ( $1 ); $obj->module( $2 ); $obj->file ( $3 ); $obj->dir ( getDir( $3 ) ); } else { $obj->line ( "" ); $obj->module( "" ); $obj->file ( "" ); $obj->dir ( "" ); } return $obj , if( $obj->module eq $module_name ) } } #return $obj; } sub getDir { my $path = shift ; $path =~ s/\//\\/g; my @tmp_path = split /\\/ , $path; pop @tmp_path; $path = join '\\' , @tmp_path; return $path; } sub hasLines { my $hasLines = ""; my @tmpfiles; foreach ( @files ) { push @tmpfiles , $_, if( !$_->endoffile ); } @files = @tmpfiles; return $#files+1; } sub make_paths { my $localizeFile = $merge_dir."\\".$current[ 0 ]->module."\\".$current[ 0 ]->file; my $path = getDir( $localizeFile ); $path =~ s/\\/\//g; $localizeFile = $path."/localize.sdf"; return ( $path , $localizeFile ); } sub write_lines { if( $first_run ){ add_to_buffer(); my( $path , $localize_file ) = make_paths(); $last_path = $path; $last_localize_file = $localize_file; mkpath $path; write_buffer( $path , $localize_file ); $first_run = ''; } else { return , if ( $#current+1 eq 0 ); my( $path , $localize_file ) = make_paths(); if( $path eq $last_path ) { add_to_buffer(); } else { mkpath $path; write_buffer( $last_path , $last_localize_file ); add_to_buffer(); $last_path = $path; $last_localize_file = $localize_file; } } } sub add_to_buffer { my $plainline; my $afile; my $amodule; foreach my $elem ( @current ) { do { $amodule=$elem->module; $afile=$elem->file; $plainline=$elem->line; push @buffer, $plainline; getNextSdfObj( $elem ); } while ( !$elem->endoffile && $amodule eq $elem->module && $afile eq $elem->file ); } } sub write_buffer { my $path = shift; my $localize_file = shift; my $cnt = $#buffer+1; print "Write to $path $cnt lines\n"; open FILE , ">>$localize_file" or die "Can't open file '$localize_file'\n"; foreach ( @buffer ) { print FILE $_."\n"; } @buffer = (); } sub parse_options { my $success = GetOptions( 'sdf_files=s' => \$sdf_filename , 'merge_dir=s' => \$merge_dir ); #, 'module=s' => \$module_name ); if( ! ( $sdf_filename && $merge_dir && $success ) ) { usage(); exit( -1 ); } } sub usage { print "Usage: fast_merge -sdf_files <file containing sdf file names> -merge_dir <directory>\n" ; } sub read_sdf_file_names { open FILE , "<$sdf_filename" or die "Can't open file '$sdf_filename'\n"; while ( <FILE> ) { push @file_names , split " " , $_ ; } close ( FILE ); }