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oCursor : Variant; iRows : Integer; iColumns : Integer; dbPointer : String ); function CreateTextTable( oDoc : Variant; oCursor : Variant; sName : String; iRow : Integer; iColumn : Integer) : Variant; function getCellContent( sBookmarkName : String ) : Variant; function getDatabasePointer( sTableName : String; sCellname : String ) : String; procedure InsertBookmark( oDoc : Variant; oTextCursor : Variant; sBookmarkName : String ); function CreateBookmarkName( sTableName : String; sCellName : String; sDatabasepointer : String ) : String; procedure ChangeCellContent( oDoc : Variant; sTableName : String; sCellName : String; dValue : Double ); function GetBookmarkFromDBPointer( oDoc : Variant; sBookmarkName : String) : Variant; function GetBookmarkFromAdress( oDoc : Variant; sTableName : String; sCellAdress : String) : Variant; function JumpToBookmark( oBookmark : Variant) : Variant; function CreateUniqueTablename(oDoc : Variant) : String; private StarOffice : Variant; Document : Variant; { Private-Deklarationen } public { Public-Deklarationen } end; implementation { Insert a table texttable and insert in each cell a Bookmark with the address of the cell and database pointer } function TSampleCode.Connect() : boolean; begin if VarIsEmpty(StarOffice) then StarOffice := CreateOleObject('com.sun.star.ServiceManager'); Connect := not (VarIsEmpty(StarOffice) or VarIsNull(StarOffice)); end; procedure TSampleCode.Disconnect(); begin StarOffice := Unassigned; end; function TSampleCode.CreateDocument(bReadOnly : boolean) : boolean; var StarDesktop : Variant; LoadParams : Variant; CoreReflection : Variant; PropertyValue : Variant; begin StarDesktop := StarOffice.createInstance('com.sun.star.frame.Desktop'); if (bReadOnly) then begin LoadParams := VarArrayCreate([0, 0], varVariant); CoreReflection := StarOffice.createInstance('com.sun.star.reflection.CoreReflection'); CoreReflection .forName('com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue') .createObject(PropertyValue); PropertyValue.Name := 'ReadOnly'; PropertyValue.Value := true; LoadParams[0] := PropertyValue; end else LoadParams := VarArrayCreate([0, -1], varVariant); Document := StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( 'private:factory/swriter', '_blank', 0, LoadParams); CreateDocument := not (VarIsEmpty(Document) or VarIsNull(Document)); end; function TSampleCode.getCellContent( sBookmarkName : String ) : Variant; var oBookmark : Variant; oTextCursor : Variant; begin oBookmark := GetBookmarkFromDBPointer( Document, sBookmarkName ); oTextCursor := JumpToBookmark( oBookmark ); getCellContent := oTextCursor.Cell.Value; end; function TSampleCode.getDatabasePointer( sTableName : String; sCellname : String ) : String; var oBookmark : Variant; sBookmarkName : String; iPos : Integer; begin oBookmark := GetBookmarkFromAdress( Document, sTableName, sCellName ); sBookmarkName := oBookmark.getName(); iPos := Pos('/%', sBookmarkName); while Pos('/%', sBookmarkName) > 0 do begin iPos := Pos('/%', sBookmarkName); sBookmarkName[iPos] := '%'; end; Delete( sBookmarkName, 1, iPos+1); getDatabasePointer := sBookmarkName; end; procedure TSampleCode.InsertTable(sTableName : String; dbPointer : String); var oCursor : Variant; begin { create a cursor object on the current position in the document } oCursor := Document.Text.CreateTextCursor(); { Create for each table a unique database name } if (sTableName = '') then sTableName := createUniqueTablename(Document); InsertDatabaseTable( Document, sTableName, oCursor, 4, 2, dbPointer ); ChangeCellContent( Document, sTableName, 'B2', 1.12 ); end; procedure TSampleCode.InsertDatabaseTable( oDoc : Variant; sTableName : String; oCursor : Variant; iRows : Integer; iColumns : Integer; dbPointer : String); var oTable : Variant; sCellnames : Variant; iCellcounter : Integer; oCellCursor : Variant; oTextCursor : Variant; sCellName : String; begin oTable := CreateTextTable( oDoc, oCursor, sTableName, iRows, iColumns ); sCellnames := oTable.getCellNames(); For iCellcounter := VarArrayLowBound( sCellnames, 1) to VarArrayHighBound(sCellnames, 1) do begin sCellName := sCellnames[iCellcounter]; oCellCursor := oTable.getCellByName(sCellName); oCellCursor.Value := iCellcounter; oTextCursor := oCellCursor.getEnd(); InsertBookmark( oDoc, oTextCursor, createBookmarkName(sTableName, sCellName, dbPointer)); end; end; { ' Change the content of a cell } procedure TSampleCode.ChangeCellContent( oDoc : Variant; sTableName : String; sCellName : String; dValue : Double ); var oBookmark : Variant; oTextCursor : Variant; sBookmarkName : String; begin oBookmark := GetBookmarkFromAdress( oDoc, sTableName, sCellName ); oTextCursor := JumpToBookmark( oBookmark ); oTextCursor.Cell.Value := dValue; { create a new bookmark for the new number } sBookmarkName := oBookmark.getName(); oBookmark.dispose(); InsertBookmark( oDoc, oTextCursor, sBookmarkName ); end; { ' Jump to Bookmark and return for this position the cursor } function TSampleCode.JumpToBookmark( oBookmark : Variant) : Variant; begin JumpToBookmark := oBookmark.Anchor.Text.createTextCursorByRange( oBookmark.Anchor ); end; { ' Create a Texttable on a Textdocument } function TSampleCode.CreateTextTable( oDoc : Variant; oCursor : Variant; sName : String; iRow : Integer; iColumn : Integer) : Variant; var ret : Variant; begin ret := oDoc.createInstance( 'com.sun.star.text.TextTable' ); ret.setName( sName ); ret.initialize( iRow, iColumn ); oDoc.Text.InsertTextContent( oCursor, ret, False ); CreateTextTable := ret; end; { 'create a unique name for the Texttables } function TSampleCode.CreateUniqueTablename(oDoc : Variant) : String; var iHighestNumber : Integer; sTableNames : Variant; iTableCounter : Integer; sTableName : String; iTableNumber : Integer; i : Integer; begin sTableNames := oDoc.getTextTables.getElementNames(); iHighestNumber := 0; For iTableCounter := VarArrayLowBound(sTableNames, 1) to VarArrayHighBound(sTableNames, 1) do begin sTableName := sTableNames[iTableCounter]; i := Pos( '$$', sTableName ); iTableNumber := strtoint( Copy(sTableName, i + 2, Length( sTableName ) - i - 1 ) ); If iTableNumber > iHighestNumber then iHighestNumber := iTableNumber; end; createUniqueTablename := 'DBTable$$' + inttostr(iHighestNumber + 1); end; {' Insert a Bookmark on the cursor } procedure TSampleCode.InsertBookmark( oDoc : Variant; oTextCursor : Variant; sBookmarkName : String); var oBookmarkInst : Variant; begin oBookmarkInst := oDoc.createInstance('com.sun.star.text.Bookmark'); oBookmarkInst.Name := sBookmarkName; oTextCursor.gotoStart( true ); oTextCursor.text.InsertTextContent( oTextCursor, oBookmarkInst, true ); end; function TSampleCode.CreateBookmarkName( sTableName : String; sCellName : String; sDatabasepointer : String ) : String; begin createBookmarkName := '//' + sTableName + '/%' + sCellName + '/%' + sDatabasePointer + ':' + sCellName; end; { ' Returns the Bookmark the Tablename and Cellname } function TSampleCode.GetBookmarkFromAdress( oDoc : Variant; sTableName : String; sCellAdress : String) : Variant; var sTableAddress : String; iTableNameLength : Integer; sBookNames : Variant; iBookCounter : Integer; begin sTableAddress := '//' + sTableName + '/%' + sCellAdress; iTableNameLength := Length( sTableAddress ); sBookNames := oDoc.Bookmarks.getElementNames; for iBookCounter := VarArrayLowBound(sBookNames, 1) to VarArrayHighBound(sBookNames, 1) do begin If sTableAddress = Copy( sBookNames[iBookCounter], 1, iTableNameLength) then begin GetBookmarkFromAdress := oDoc.Bookmarks.getByName(sBookNames[iBookCounter]); exit; end; end; end; { ' Returns the Bookmark the Tablename and Cellname } function TSampleCode.GetBookmarkFromDBPointer( oDoc : Variant; sBookmarkName : String) : Variant; var sBookNames : Variant; iBookCounter : Integer; begin sBookNames := oDoc.Bookmarks.getElementNames; for iBookCounter := VarArrayLowBound(sBookNames, 1) to VarArrayHighBound(sBookNames, 1) do begin If Pos(sBookmarkName, sBookNames[iBookCounter]) = (1 + Length(sBookNames[iBookCounter]) - Length(sBookmarkName)) then begin GetBookmarkFromDBPointer := oDoc.Bookmarks.getByName(sBookNames[iBookCounter]); exit; end; end; end; end.