/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ package convwatch; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.io.FileWriter; import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime; import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory; import com.sun.star.document.XTypeDetection; import com.sun.star.container.XNameAccess; import com.sun.star.frame.XDesktop; import com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet; import com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue; import com.sun.star.frame.XComponentLoader; import com.sun.star.lang.XComponent; import com.sun.star.frame.XStorable; import com.sun.star.view.XPrintable; import com.sun.star.lang.XServiceInfo; import com.sun.star.frame.XModel; import com.sun.star.uno.AnyConverter; import helper.URLHelper; import helper.PropertyHelper; import helper.OSHelper; // import convwatch.FileHelper; // import convwatch.MSOfficePrint; // import convwatch.GraphicalTestArguments; // import convwatch.ConvWatchCancelException; // import helper.Parameter; /** * This Object is to print a given document with OpenOffice.org / StarOffice * over the normal printer driver * or over it's pdf exporter */ public class OfficePrint { // static long m_nStartTime; // // static Date m_aDateCache = null; // // /* // simple helper functions to start/stop a timer, to know how long a process need in milliseconds // */ // public static void startTimer() // { // // if (m_aDateCache == null) // // { // // m_aDateCache = new Date(); // // } // // m_nStartTime = m_aDateCache.getTime(); // m_nStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // } // public static long stopTimer() // { // // if (m_aDateCache == null) // // { // // System.out.println("Forgotten to initialise start timer."); // // return 0; // // } // // long m_nStopTime = m_aDateCache.getTime(); // if (m_nStartTime == 0) // { // System.out.println("Forgotten to initialise start timer."); // return 0; // } // long m_nStopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // return m_nStopTime - m_nStartTime; // } private static void showProperty(PropertyValue _aValue) { String sName = _aValue.Name; String sValue; try { sValue = AnyConverter.toString(_aValue.Value); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Property " + sName + ":=" + sValue); } catch (com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) { // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("showProperty: can't convert a object to string."); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Property " + sName + ":= a Object which can't convert by AnyConverter()"); } } /** * shows the FilterName and MediaType from the given XComponent */ static String getDocumentType( XComponent _aDoc ) { XModel xModel = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XModel.class, _aDoc); PropertyValue[] aArgs = xModel.getArgs(); for (int i=0;i aPropertyList = new ArrayList(); // check which properties should set and count it. // if (_aGTA.isHidden()) // { // nPropertyCount ++; // } // if (_aGTA.getImportFilterName() != null && _aGTA.getImportFilterName().length() > 0) // { // nPropertyCount ++; // } // initialize the propertyvalue // int nPropertyIndex = 0; // aProps = new PropertyValue[ nPropertyCount ]; // set all property values if (_aGTA.isHidden()) { PropertyValue Arg = new PropertyValue(); Arg.Name = "Hidden"; Arg.Value = Boolean.TRUE; aPropertyList.add(Arg); showProperty(Arg); } if (_aGTA.getImportFilterName() != null && _aGTA.getImportFilterName().length() > 0) { PropertyValue Arg = new PropertyValue(); Arg.Name = "FilterName"; Arg.Value = _aGTA.getImportFilterName(); aPropertyList.add(Arg); showProperty(Arg); } GlobalLogWriter.get().println(DateHelper.getDateTimeForHumanreadableLog() + " Load document"); // GlobalLogWriter.get().flush(); XComponentLoader aCompLoader = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XComponentLoader.class, aDesktop); // XComponent aDoc = null; _aGTA.getPerformance().startTime(PerformanceContainer.Load); aDoc = aCompLoader.loadComponentFromURL(_sInputURL, "_blank", 0, PropertyHelper.createPropertyValueArrayFormArrayList(aPropertyList) ); _aGTA.getPerformance().stopTime(PerformanceContainer.Load); if (aDoc != null) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println(DateHelper.getDateTimeForHumanreadableLog() + " Load document done."); showDocumentType(aDoc); _aGTA.setDocumentType(getDocumentType(aDoc)); } else { GlobalLogWriter.get().println(" Load document failed."); if (_aGTA.getImportFilterName() != null && _aGTA.getImportFilterName().length() > 0) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println(" Please check FilterName := '" + _aGTA.getImportFilterName() + "'"); } GlobalLogWriter.get().println(""); } } else { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop failed."); } } catch ( com.sun.star.uno.Exception e ) { // Some exception occures.FAILED GlobalLogWriter.get().println("UNO Exception caught."); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Message: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); aDoc = null; } return aDoc; } static boolean exportToPDF(XComponent _xComponent, String _sDestinationName) { XServiceInfo xServiceInfo = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XServiceInfo.class, _xComponent ); ArrayList aPropertyList = new ArrayList(); PropertyValue aFiltername = new PropertyValue(); aFiltername.Name = "FilterName"; aFiltername.Value = getFilterName_forPDF(xServiceInfo); aPropertyList.add(aFiltername); showProperty(aFiltername); boolean bWorked = true; try { XStorable store = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XStorable.class, _xComponent ); store.storeToURL(_sDestinationName, PropertyHelper.createPropertyValueArrayFormArrayList(aPropertyList)); } catch (com.sun.star.io.IOException e) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("IO Exception caught."); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Message: " + e.getMessage()); bWorked = false; } return bWorked; } static String getFilterName_forPDF(XServiceInfo xServiceInfo) { String filterName = ""; if (xServiceInfo.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextDocument")) { //writer filterName = "writer_pdf_Export"; } else if ( xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument" ) ) { //calc filterName = "calc_pdf_Export"; } else if ( xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.drawing.DrawingDocument" ) ) { //draw filterName = "draw_pdf_Export"; } else if ( xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.presentation.PresentationDocument" ) ) { //impress filterName = "impress_pdf_Export"; } else if (xServiceInfo.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.WebDocument")) { //html document filterName = "writer_web_pdf_Export"; } else if ( xServiceInfo.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.GlobalDocument") ) { //master document filterName = "writer_globaldocument_pdf_Export"; } else if ( xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.formulaFormulaProperties" ) ) { //math document filterName = "math_pdf_Export"; } return filterName; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static boolean storeAsPDF(GraphicalTestArguments _aGTA, String _sInputURL, String _sOutputURL) { boolean bBack = false; XComponent aDoc = loadFromURL(_aGTA, _sInputURL); if (aDoc == null) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Can't load document."); return bBack; } bBack = storeAsPDF(_aGTA, aDoc, _sOutputURL); createInfoFile(_sOutputURL, _aGTA, "as pdf"); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Close document."); aDoc.dispose(); return bBack; } public static boolean storeAsPDF(GraphicalTestArguments _aGTA, XComponent _aDoc, String _sOutputURL) { // try { boolean bBack = true; _aGTA.getPerformance().startTime(PerformanceContainer.StoreAsPDF); bBack = exportToPDF(_aDoc, _sOutputURL); _aGTA.getPerformance().stopTime(PerformanceContainer.StoreAsPDF); if (!bBack) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Can't store document as PDF."); bBack = false; } return bBack; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * print the document found in file (_sInputURL) to as postscript to file (_sPrintFileURL) * Due to the fact we use a printer to convert the file to postscript, the default printer * to create such postscript format must be installed, this is not tested here. * * @param _aGTA * @param _sInputURL * @param _sOutputURL * @param _sPrintFileURL * @return true, if print has been done. * Be careful, true means only print returns with no errors, to be sure print is really done * check existance of _sPrintFileURL */ public static boolean printToFileWithOOo(GraphicalTestArguments _aGTA, String _sInputURL, String _sOutputURL, String _sPrintFileURL) { // waitInSeconds(1); boolean bBack = false; XComponent aDoc = loadFromURL(_aGTA, _sInputURL); if (aDoc != null) { if ( _sInputURL.equals(_sOutputURL) ) { // don't store document // input and output are equal OR GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Warning: Inputpath and Outputpath are equal. Document will not stored again."); _aGTA.disallowStore(); } bBack = impl_printToFileWithOOo(_aGTA, aDoc, _sOutputURL, _sPrintFileURL); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Close document."); aDoc.dispose(); } else { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("loadDocumentFromURL() failed with document: " + _sInputURL); } return bBack; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void createInfoFile(String _sFile, GraphicalTestArguments _aGTA) { createInfoFile(_sFile, _aGTA, ""); } public static void createInfoFile(String _sFile, GraphicalTestArguments _aGTA, String _sSpecial) { String sFilename; if (_sFile.startsWith("file://")) { sFilename = FileHelper.getSystemPathFromFileURL(_sFile); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("CreateInfoFile: '" + sFilename + "'" ); } else { sFilename = _sFile; } String sFileDir = FileHelper.getPath(sFilename); String sBasename = FileHelper.getBasename(sFilename); String sNameNoSuffix = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sBasename); String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator"); String ls = System.getProperty("line.separator"); String sInfoFilename = sFileDir + fs + sNameNoSuffix + ".info"; File aInfoFile = new File(sInfoFilename); String sBuildID = ""; try { FileWriter out = new FileWriter(aInfoFile.toString()); out.write("# automatically created file by graphical compare" + ls); if (_aGTA != null) { if (_sSpecial != null && _sSpecial.equals("msoffice")) { out.write("# buildid from wordloadfile" + ls); sBuildID = _aGTA.getPerformance().getMSOfficeVersion(); out.write("buildid=" + sBuildID + ls); } else { out.write("# buildid is read out of the bootstrap file" + ls); sBuildID = _aGTA.getBuildID(); out.write("buildid=" + sBuildID + ls); } // if (_sSpecial != null && _sSpecial.length() > 0) // { // out.write("special=" + _sSpecial + ls); // } out.write(ls); out.write("# resolution given in DPI" + ls); out.write("resolution=" + _aGTA.getResolutionInDPI() + ls); } else { out.write("buildid=" + _sSpecial + ls); } // long nTime = stopTimer(); // if (nTime != 0) // { // out.write("# time is given in milli seconds" + ls); // out.write("time=" + nTime + ls); // } out.write(ls); out.write("# Values out of System.getProperty(...)" + ls); out.write("os.name=" + System.getProperty("os.name") + ls); out.write("os.arch=" + System.getProperty("os.arch") + ls); out.write("os.version=" + System.getProperty("os.version") + ls); if (_aGTA != null) { out.write(ls); out.write("# Performance output, values are given in milli sec." + ls); _aGTA.getPerformance().print(out); } out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("can't create Info file."); e.printStackTrace(); } String sExtension = FileHelper.getSuffix(_aGTA.getInputFile()); if (sExtension.startsWith(".")) { sExtension = sExtension.substring(1); } DB.writeToDB(_aGTA.getInputFile(), sNameNoSuffix, sExtension, sBuildID, _aGTA.getReferenceType(), _aGTA.getResolutionInDPI() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static boolean impl_printToFileWithOOo(GraphicalTestArguments _aGTA, XComponent _aDoc, String _sOutputURL, String _sPrintFileURL) { boolean bBack = false; boolean bFailed = true; // always be a pessimist, if (_aDoc == null) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("No document is given."); return bBack; } try { if (_sOutputURL != null) { if (_aGTA.isStoreAllowed()) { // store the document in an other directory XStorable aStorable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XStorable.class, _aDoc); if (aStorable != null) { PropertyValue [] szEmptyArgs = new PropertyValue [0]; GlobalLogWriter.get().println(DateHelper.getDateTimeForHumanreadableLog() + " Store document."); _aGTA.getPerformance().startTime(PerformanceContainer.Store); aStorable.storeAsURL(_sOutputURL, szEmptyArgs); _aGTA.getPerformance().stopTime(PerformanceContainer.Store); GlobalLogWriter.get().println(DateHelper.getDateTimeForHumanreadableLog() + " Store document done."); TimeHelper.waitInSeconds(2, "After store as URL to:" + _sOutputURL); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Reload stored file test."); XComponent aDoc = loadFromURL(_aGTA, _sOutputURL); if (aDoc == null) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Reload stored file test failed, can't reload file: " + _sOutputURL); } } } } } catch ( com.sun.star.uno.Exception e ) { // Some exception occures.FAILED GlobalLogWriter.get().println("UNO Exception caught."); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Message: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); bBack = false; } try { // System.out.println("Document loaded."); // Change Pagesettings to DIN A4 GlobalLogWriter.get().println(DateHelper.getDateTimeForHumanreadableLog() + " Print document."); XPrintable aPrintable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPrintable.class, _aDoc); if (aPrintable != null) { // System.out.println(" Set PaperFormat to DIN A4"); // { // PropertyValue[] aPrinterProps = aPrintable.getPrinter(); // System.out.println("PrinterProps size: " + String.valueOf(aPrinterProps.length)); // int nPropIndex = 0; // while (!"PaperFormat".equals(aPrinterProps[nPropIndex].Name)) // { // // System.out.println(aPrinterProps[nPropIndex].Name); // nPropIndex++; // } // aPrinterProps[nPropIndex].Value = com.sun.star.view.PaperFormat.A4; // aPrintable.setPrinter(aPrinterProps); // } // configure Office to allow to execute macos // TODO: We need a possiblity to set the printer name also for StarOffice/OpenOffice if (OSHelper.isWindows()) { if (_aGTA.getPrinterName() != null) { ArrayList aPropertyList = new ArrayList(); // PropertyValue [] aPrintProps = new PropertyValue[1]; PropertyValue Arg = new PropertyValue(); Arg.Name = "Name"; Arg.Value = _aGTA.getPrinterName(); aPropertyList.add(Arg); showProperty(Arg); // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Printername is not null, so set to " + _aGTA.getPrinterName()); aPrintable.setPrinter(PropertyHelper.createPropertyValueArrayFormArrayList(aPropertyList)); } } // set property values for XPrintable.print() // more can be found at "http://api.openoffice.org/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/view/PrintOptions.html" // int nProperties = 1; // default for 'FileName' property // if (_aGTA.printAllPages() == false) // { // // we don't want to print all pages, build Pages string by ourself // nProperties ++; // } // int nPropsCount = 0; // If we are a SpreadSheet (calc), we need to set PrintAllSheets property to 'true' XServiceInfo xServiceInfo = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XServiceInfo.class, _aDoc ); if ( xServiceInfo.supportsService( "com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument" ) ) { XMultiServiceFactory xMSF = _aGTA.getMultiServiceFactory(); Object aSettings = xMSF.createInstance( "com.sun.star.sheet.GlobalSheetSettings" ); if (aSettings != null) { XPropertySet xPropSet = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, aSettings ); xPropSet.setPropertyValue( "PrintAllSheets", new Boolean( true ) ); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("PrintAllSheets := true"); } } ArrayList aPrintProps = new ArrayList(); // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Property FileName:=" + _sPrintFileURL); // PropertyValue [] aPrintProps = new PropertyValue[nProperties]; PropertyValue Arg = new PropertyValue(); Arg.Name = "FileName"; Arg.Value = _sPrintFileURL; // aPrintProps[nPropsCount ++] = Arg; aPrintProps.add(Arg); showProperty(Arg); if (_aGTA.printAllPages() == false) { String sPages = ""; if (_aGTA.getMaxPages() > 0) { sPages = "1-" + String.valueOf(_aGTA.getMaxPages()); } if (_aGTA.getOnlyPages().length() != 0) { if (sPages.length() != 0) { sPages += ";"; } sPages += String.valueOf(_aGTA.getOnlyPages()); } Arg = new PropertyValue(); Arg.Name = "Pages"; Arg.Value = sPages; aPrintProps.add(Arg); showProperty(Arg); } // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Start printing."); _aGTA.getPerformance().startTime(PerformanceContainer.Print); aPrintable.print(PropertyHelper.createPropertyValueArrayFormArrayList(aPrintProps)); TimeHelper.waitInSeconds(1, "Start waiting for print ready."); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Wait until document is printed."); boolean isBusy = true; int nPrintCount = 0; while (isBusy) { PropertyValue[] aPrinterProps = aPrintable.getPrinter(); int nPropIndex = 0; while (!"IsBusy".equals(aPrinterProps[nPropIndex].Name)) { // System.out.println(aPrinterProps[nPropIndex].Name); nPropIndex++; } isBusy = (aPrinterProps[nPropIndex].Value == Boolean.TRUE) ? true : false; TimeHelper.waitInSeconds(1, "is print ready?"); nPrintCount++; if (nPrintCount > 3600) { // we will never wait >1h until print is ready! GlobalLogWriter.get().println("ERROR: Cancel print due to too long wait."); throw new com.sun.star.uno.Exception("Convwatch exception, wait too long for printing."); } } _aGTA.getPerformance().stopTime(PerformanceContainer.Print); GlobalLogWriter.get().println(DateHelper.getDateTimeForHumanreadableLog() + " Print document done."); // Create a .info file near the printed '.ps' or '.prn' file. createInfoFile(_sPrintFileURL, _aGTA); } else { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Can't get XPrintable interface."); } bFailed = false; bBack = true; } catch ( com.sun.star.uno.Exception e ) { // Some exception occures.FAILED GlobalLogWriter.get().println("UNO Exception caught."); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Message: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); bBack = false; } if (bFailed == true) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("convwatch.OfficePrint: FAILED"); } else { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("convwatch.OfficePrint: OK"); } return bBack; } /** * @param _aGTA * @param _sAbsoluteOutputPath * @param _sAbsoluteInputFile * @return true, if the reference (*.prrn file) based on given output path and given input path exist. * If OVERWRITE_REFERENCE is set, always return false. */ public static boolean isReferenceExists(GraphicalTestArguments _aGTA, String _sAbsoluteOutputPath, String _sAbsoluteInputFile) { if (! FileHelper.exists(_sAbsoluteInputFile)) { // throw new ConvWatchCancelException("Input file: " + _sAbsoluteInputFile + " does not exist."); return false; } String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator"); // String sInputFileURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(_sAbsoluteInputFile); String sInputFileBasename = FileHelper.getBasename(_sAbsoluteInputFile); // String sOutputFileURL = null; String sOutputPath; if (_sAbsoluteOutputPath != null) { sOutputPath = _sAbsoluteOutputPath; // FileHelper.makeDirectories("", sOutputPath); } else { String sInputPath = FileHelper.getPath(_sAbsoluteInputFile); sOutputPath = sInputPath; } // sOutputFileURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(sOutputPath + fs + sInputFileBasename); // sOutputFileURL = null; String sPrintFilename = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sInputFileBasename); // String sPrintFileURL; String sAbsolutePrintFilename = sOutputPath + fs + sPrintFilename + ".prn"; if (FileHelper.exists(sAbsolutePrintFilename) && _aGTA.getOverwrite() == false) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Reference already exist, don't overwrite. Set " + PropertyName.DOC_COMPARATOR_OVERWRITE_REFERENCE + "=true to force overwrite."); return true; } return false; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * create a reference file * _sAbsoluteInputPath contains the source file, if not exists, return with failure. * _sAbsoluteOutputPath contains the destination, where the file will store after load with StarOffice/OpenOffice.org * if is null, print only near the Input file path * _sPrintType ".prn" Print input file with StarOffice/OpenOffice.org and the default printer as PostScript * * @param _aGTA * @param _sAbsoluteOutputPath * @param _sAbsoluteInputFile * @return * @throws ConvWatchCancelException */ public static boolean buildReference(GraphicalTestArguments _aGTA, String _sAbsoluteOutputPath, String _sAbsoluteInputFile) throws ConvWatchCancelException { if (! FileHelper.exists(_sAbsoluteInputFile)) { throw new ConvWatchCancelException("buildReference(): Input file: " + _sAbsoluteInputFile + " does not exist."); } String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator"); String sInputFileURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(_sAbsoluteInputFile); String sInputFileBasename = FileHelper.getBasename(_sAbsoluteInputFile); String sOutputFileURL = null; String sOutputPath; if (_sAbsoluteOutputPath != null) { sOutputPath = _sAbsoluteOutputPath; FileHelper.makeDirectories("", sOutputPath); } else { String sInputPath = FileHelper.getPath(_sAbsoluteInputFile); sOutputPath = sInputPath; } // sOutputFileURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(sOutputPath + fs + sInputFileBasename); sOutputFileURL = null; String sPrintFilename = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sInputFileBasename); String sPrintFileURL; String sAbsolutePrintFilename = sOutputPath + fs + sPrintFilename + ".prn"; if (FileHelper.exists(sAbsolutePrintFilename) && _aGTA.getOverwrite() == false) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Reference already exist, don't overwrite. Set " + PropertyName.DOC_COMPARATOR_OVERWRITE_REFERENCE + "=true to force overwrite."); return true; } if (_aGTA.getReferenceType().toLowerCase().equals("msoffice")) { sPrintFileURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(sAbsolutePrintFilename); } else if (_aGTA.getReferenceType().toLowerCase().equals("pdf")) { // TODO: If we rename the stored file to *.pdf, we have to be sure that we use *.pdf also as a available reference sPrintFileURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(sAbsolutePrintFilename ); } else if (_aGTA.getReferenceType().toLowerCase().equals("ooo")) { sPrintFileURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(sAbsolutePrintFilename ); } else { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("OfficePrint.buildreference(): Unknown print type."); return false; } return printToFile(_aGTA, sInputFileURL, sOutputFileURL, sPrintFileURL); } public static boolean printToFile(GraphicalTestArguments _aGTA, String _sInputFileURL, String _sOutputFileURL, String _sPrintFileURL) throws ConvWatchCancelException { boolean bBack = false; String sPrintFileURL = null; // check if given file is a picture, then do nothing String sDocumentSuffix = FileHelper.getSuffix(_sInputFileURL); if (sDocumentSuffix.toLowerCase().endsWith(".png") || sDocumentSuffix.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gif") || sDocumentSuffix.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpg") || sDocumentSuffix.toLowerCase().endsWith(".bmp")) { return false; } // remember the current timer, to know how long a print process need. // startTimer(); if (_aGTA.getReferenceType().toLowerCase().equals("ooo")) { bBack = printToFileWithOOo(_aGTA, _sInputFileURL, _sOutputFileURL, _sPrintFileURL); } else if (_aGTA.getReferenceType().toLowerCase().equals("pdf")) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("USE PDF AS EXPORT FORMAT."); bBack = storeAsPDF(_aGTA, _sInputFileURL, _sPrintFileURL); } else if (_aGTA.getReferenceType().toLowerCase().equals("msoffice")) { if (MSOfficePrint.isMSOfficeDocumentFormat(_sInputFileURL)) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("USE MSOFFICE AS EXPORT FORMAT."); MSOfficePrint a = new MSOfficePrint(); try { a.printToFileWithMSOffice(_aGTA, FileHelper.getSystemPathFromFileURL(_sInputFileURL), FileHelper.getSystemPathFromFileURL(_sPrintFileURL)); } catch(ConvWatchCancelException e) { e.printStackTrace(); GlobalLogWriter.get().println(e.getMessage()); throw new ConvWatchCancelException("Exception caught. Problem with MSOffice printer methods."); } catch(java.io.IOException e) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println(e.getMessage()); throw new ConvWatchCancelException("IOException caught. Problem with MSOffice printer methods."); } bBack = true; } else { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("This document type is not recognized as MSOffice format, as default fallback StarOffice/OpenOffice.org instead is used."); bBack = printToFileWithOOo(_aGTA, _sInputFileURL, _sOutputFileURL, _sPrintFileURL); } } else { // System.out.println(""); throw new ConvWatchCancelException("OfficePrint.printToFile(): Unknown print type."); } return bBack; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: move this away! // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void showType(String _sInputURL, XMultiServiceFactory _xMSF) { if (_sInputURL.length() == 0) { return; } if (_xMSF == null) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("MultiServiceFactory not set."); return; } XTypeDetection aTypeDetection = null; try { Object oObj = _xMSF.createInstance("com.sun.star.document.TypeDetection"); aTypeDetection = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTypeDetection.class, oObj); } catch(com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Can't get com.sun.star.document.TypeDetection."); return; } if (aTypeDetection != null) { String sType = aTypeDetection.queryTypeByURL(_sInputURL); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Type is: " + sType); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static String getInternalFilterName(String _sFilterName, XMultiServiceFactory _xMSF) { if (_sFilterName.length() == 0) { // System.out.println("No FilterName set."); return null; } if (_xMSF == null) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("MultiServiceFactory not set."); return null; } // XFilterFactory aFilterFactory = null; Object aObj = null; try { aObj = _xMSF.createInstance("com.sun.star.document.FilterFactory"); } catch(com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Can't get com.sun.star.document.FilterFactory."); return null; } if (aObj != null) { XNameAccess aNameAccess = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNameAccess.class, aObj); if (aNameAccess != null) { // if (_sFilterName.toLowerCase().equals("help")) // { // System.out.println("Show all possible ElementNames from current version." ); // String[] aElementNames = aNameAccess.getElementNames(); // for (int i = 0; i 0) { for (int j=0;j 0) // { // nPropertyCount ++; // } // initialize PropertyArray // PropertyValue [] aStoreProps = new PropertyValue[ nPropertyCount ]; // int nPropertyIndex = 0; ArrayList aPropertyList = new ArrayList(); String sExtension = ""; if (sFilterName != null && sFilterName.length() > 0) { String sInternalFilterName = getInternalFilterName(sFilterName, xMSF); String sServiceName = getServiceNameFromFilterName(sFilterName, xMSF); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Filter detection:"); // check if service name from file filter is the same as from the loaded document boolean bServiceFailed = false; if (sServiceName == null || sInternalFilterName == null) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Given FilterName '" + sFilterName + "' seems to be unknown."); bServiceFailed = true; } if (! xServiceInfo.supportsService(sServiceName)) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Service from FilterName '" + sServiceName + "' is not supported by loaded document."); bServiceFailed = true; } if (bServiceFailed == true) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Please check '" + PropertyName.DOC_CONVERTER_EXPORT_FILTER_NAME + "' in the property file."); return; } if (sInternalFilterName != null && sInternalFilterName.length() > 0) { // get the FileExtension, by the filter name, if we don't get a file extension // we assume the is also no right filter name. sExtension = getFileExtension(sInternalFilterName, xMSF); if (sExtension == null) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Can't found an extension for filtername, take it from the source."); } } PropertyValue Arg = new PropertyValue(); Arg.Name = "FilterName"; Arg.Value = sFilterName; // aStoreProps[nPropertyIndex ++] = Arg; aPropertyList.add(Arg); showProperty(Arg); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("FilterName is set to: " + sFilterName); } String sOutputURL = ""; try { // create the new filename with the extension, which is ok to the file format String sInputFileBasename = FileHelper.getBasename(_sInputFile); // System.out.println("InputFileBasename " + sInputFileBasename); String sInputFileNameNoSuffix = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sInputFileBasename); // System.out.println("InputFilename no suffix " + sInputFileNameNoSuffix); String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator"); String sOutputFile = _sOutputPath; if (! sOutputFile.endsWith(fs)) { sOutputFile += fs; } if (sExtension != null && sExtension.length() > 0) { sOutputFile += sInputFileNameNoSuffix + "." + sExtension; } else { sOutputFile += sInputFileBasename; } if (FileHelper.exists(sOutputFile) && _aGTA.getOverwrite() == false) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("File already exist, don't overwrite. Set " + PropertyName.DOC_COMPARATOR_OVERWRITE_REFERENCE + "=true to force overwrite."); return; } sOutputURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(sOutputFile); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Store document as '" + sOutputURL + "'"); xStorable.storeAsURL(sOutputURL, PropertyHelper.createPropertyValueArrayFormArrayList(aPropertyList)); GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Document stored."); } catch (com.sun.star.io.IOException e) { GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Can't store document '" + sOutputURL + "'. Message is :'" + e.getMessage() + "'"); } // TODO: Do we need to wait? TimeHelper.waitInSeconds(1, "unknown in OfficePrint.convertDocument()"); } }